1945 mercury dime value

The public hated his coins and wanted replacements by 1892. The mercury dime with a good grade will start around at $1.45-$1.50. Below are the 1945 dime value grades you should consider when getting your coin evaluated. How closely have you looked at the dimes in your pocket. Its also worth mentioning that three mints produced the 1945 dime, with Philadelphia mint accounting for 62% of the total production of 240, 665 000 pieces. Youd notice if you happened upon one of these expensive coins; the brilliant orange, green and blue coloration would be a dead giveaway in your coin drawer. Faint suggestions of separation are found in both her hair and wing. The delicate mint luster is unbroken and still covers the entire surface. The value of circulated and mint state coins without the full band designation is equivalent to the dimes from . Buy 1929-S Mercury Dime BU Details (Cleaned) online at APMEX.com. A coin blank is called a planchet. Mercury (Winged Liberty head) dimes appeared in 1916, and the US Mint kept minting them until 1945, with a pause in 1932 and 1933.Many collectors consider these coins the most beautiful and collectible in the US Mint history. Key dates and values of Mercury Head Winged Liberty dimes. Mercury Dimes minted in Philadelphia did not have a mint mark while coins minted in San Francisco will have an S mint mark and coins minted in Denver will have a D mint mark. The value of a 1945 dime is set at a minimum of $1.75 and fluctuates based on the price of the silver it contains. Mercury dimes are one of the most popular collectibles, in part because theyre everywhere. And for Mercury Dimes, in particular, the clarity of the reverse has an extra grade called FB (by PCGS) or FSB (by NGC). Learn more>. FB is Full Bands and FSB is Full Split Bands. Quickly discover the melt value of your U.S. silver coins, based on the current spot price of silver or by entering any price you like. The weight of American coins is legally standardized too. There are five primary mint dates that are the most sought after by dealers and collectors. 80 Liberty Cap 2 Draped Bust 29. Charles Barber was the Chief Mint Engraver from 1879 to 1917. Skip to Main Content Toggle navigation. There are three identifying marks that you need to be aware of when it comes to the identification of the origin of your silver coin. * Values are for coins in a grade of Extremely Fine-40. Not only was it of the highest grade, but it displayed a beautiful spectrum of iridescent colors. Ive collected rare coins, baseball cards, and many other rare collectible toys since I was a kid. 1945 saw 40,245,000 Mercury Dimes coined at the Denver Mint. An MS 62 FSB was $1,000 in 2011, but an MS 65 was only $61 in 2019. As mentioned earlier, the 1945 Dime marked the year when World War II ended, which also finalized its production in the Mercury coin series. Read More. Mercury dimes are very popular ten-cent pieces produced by the United States Mint from 1916 to 1945. Now then, in the 1880s, there was a lot of interest in redesigning the Seated Liberty Dime, but rumor had it that Barber wanted to do the redesigning himself, so he set up a chain of events that eventually facilitated this. It has a face value of .1 and a weight of 2.5g. 9h 45m. Most of their value is based on the coin's silver melt value for lower-grade circulated coins. Further, because the NGC US Coin Price Guide prices are only updated from time-to-time, they do not reflect short term pricing trends, which are quite common and are often quite dramatic, given the volatile nature of the collectible coin marketplace. So far, the best grade discovered was an MS 68 FB, and it sold for around $13,000. The heads side is called the obverse and the tails side is called the reverse. According to experts, there is a clear estimation of the 1945 Mercury Dime. $35.00. Ordinarily, a 1945-D Mercury Dime is only worth its melt value, which is about $1.73 in December 2022. Bottom line: As with others, this 1945 Mercury Dime is considered rare because of its full band. If your coin has suffered from the cruel tooth of time, you can expect to sell it at the minimum value, but you can always hope that you will make more based on other traits that make your coin. Any movement between strikes can cause doubling or tripling errors. The coin's obverse design features a young Liberty, facing left, wearing a winged Phrygian cap. However, if you find an option that is in the mint state, you can get $35 on average. How Much is a Gunne Sax Dress Worth? The coin shown in the photos is the exact coin you'll receive. Find the most valuable Mercury dimes worth money as well as key dates with our mercury dime value guide. ), The 1982 Penny Value Chart (Most Valuable Penny Sold for $18,800), Most Valuable Antique and Vintage Vases: Identifying, Valuing and Buying (2023 Updated), A Detailed Outlook on the 2000 Sacagawea Dollar Value, Antique Floor Lamp: Identification, Valuation, And Buying Guide (2023 Updated). . The mintmarks can be found on the reverse of the coin, and usually at the bottom at the rim. (Rare One Sold for $1,000+)Continue, The 1890 silver dollar has a value that ranges from $24 to $2,300 The quality and rarity, Read More 1890 Morgan Silver Dollar Value Chart (Uncirculated 1890 Cc Morgan Dollars Have Gone For As Much As $58,750)Continue, The $20 bill has been around since the early 1800s, with its design changing several times over, Read More 5 Most Valuable $20 Bills (Rare One Sold For $411,250)Continue, Your email address will not be published. Continue reading this article to learn more about the 1945 dime, its types, states, and everything else that will help you evaluate it. These . By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Q: What is meant by the term "Micro S 1945-S dime?" A: The "S" mintmark on some of the 1945-S dimes is significantly smaller than that appearing on normal 1945 dimes struck by the San Francisco Mint. These are For the obverse, Weinman drew Liberty wearing a cap with . Mercury dimes are also known as Winged Liberty Head dimes. The US Mint struck the Winged Liberty Head or "Mercury" Dime design from 1916 until 1945. However, if you find an option that is in the mint state, you can get $35 on average. Mercury was the God of commerce, communication . Meanwhile, NGC has certified a similar number of 1945 Mercury dimes, but fewer than 30 have earned the FB designation. Copyright 2007-2023 Daniel A. HarrisAll Rights Reserved. Half-Dimes and Dimes. So the punchers hand might shift, causing the second or third mint mark to pop onto a slightly different position. If you're here looking for a Mercury Dime with a W mint mark, there is no Mercury dime with a W mint mark. In books, she often had a Phrygian Cap, which was first worn by emancipated slaves in Ancient Rome, and was used as a symbol of freedom around the world. And its only graded two steps higher at MS 62 FB. Because it is so common, collectors at all levels, from beginners to advanced, can enjoy ownership of this variety. Are you concerned the precious metals train has left the station without you. While there's no . All mercury dimes are 90% silver, therefore they are at least worth their silver bullion price which is more than 10 cents. They were small silver coins. Some of the uncirculated Micro S coins can be worth from $30 to $100. It had quite a long production era which equaled 30 years, which is quite successful for a coin. 1945-D Mercury Dime Value. 1916-1945 Mercury Dime Partial Set 90% Silver 54 Coin Avg. Depending on the condition and origin it was in, these coins can be quite valuable and are frequently sought after by different collectors. If you discover a dime that has an average condition, which is neither perfect nor bad, you're likely to get $3 a piece. A Mercury dime is made out of 90 percent silver. For example this Mercury dime with the D lettering from the Denver mint was sold with obverse stuck through for $32. The Mercury Dime is also commonly referred to as the Winged Liberty Head Dime and was designed by Adolph Weinman. The Mercury dime, also known as the Winged Liberty Head dime, was designed by Adolph Weinman in 1916. It is an immensely popular variety in the Mercury Head series, and has been since its discovery in 1947. Mint marks can be found on the reverse of the coin as shown in the images below. They usually happen because the coin must be struck multiple times to reproduce the images and words correctly. $200.43. The mercury dime first saw the light in 1916, and was produced until 1945. Type: Mercury DimeYear: 1945Mint Mark: No mint markFace Value: 0.10 USDTotal Produced: 159,130,000Silver Content: 90%Silver Weight: .0723 oz.Silver Melt: $1.. Year: 1945. He was the one chosen to make the coin unique looking and he came out with a great design that was used for decades. The 1945 dime is made out of 90% silver while the remaining 10% is copper. . If you're seeking 1943 Mercury dimes in gem MS-65 grades, you could theoretically buy an example from each of the three mints (Philadelphia . Census / Population Reports only reflect the quantities and types of collectibles previously graded by the CCG Companies, and are not an indicator of value or rarity. All Rights Reserved. Philadelphia coins were without an identifying mintmark, so in case you cant find yours, you can be 100% sure that its from Philadelphia mint. The 1945 dime is valuable. By having the coin graded, you will also rest easy knowing that its metal content and authenticity have been verified. The Mercury dime was minted at the Philadelphia mint (no mint mark), the Denver mint (D mint mark), and the San Francisco mint (S mint mark). But in general, the most popular dime for collectors is the 1916-D Mercury Dime. The reverse of the coin is as stunning as its obverse thanks to Weinman. 1945 S Micro S Full Band Mercury Dime. Notably, this mintage had over 22,000,000 dimes produced so again, the value of the coin lies in having a very fine quality strike. By following a step by step method the important dates, mintmarks, and condition of your coin is identified. For reference, Lady Liberty is loosely based on the Roman goddess, Libertas. Bottom line: As with others, this 1945 Mercury Dime is considered rare because of its full band. In 1945, the Philadelphia Mint made 159,130,000 Mercury Dimes without mint marks. According to experts, there is a clear estimation of the 1945 Mercury Dime. Some coins, despite their errors, were struck under the lucky star and thus much more valuable. The coin is formally known as the Winged Liberty Head Dime, though its unclear why he added wings. If you recently discovered one or a smaller collection of the 1945 dimes, you probably want to evaluate them, rather than throw them away. Use our list to find the estimated worth of your coin. As you can see, the original 1941 engraving was simply written over by 1942. Bottom line: Minted in San Francisco, there were about 8.8 million of these coins struck. For important details. Find the value of your 1916-1945 Mercury Dime today! Errors can significantly raise the price of a coin. Consquently, the 1945 Mercury dimes with the Full Bands designation carry a substantial premium. What follows are mintage figures for the 1945 Mercury dime: *Values are for coins in a grade of Extremely Fine-40. $100.55 + $3.99 shipping. They had to submit models in low relief, not just sketches, plus the legends and denominations. Depending on the condition and other factors that make up for its value, the price may go up. Bid now on Invaluable: (5) 1945-D MERCURY DIMES AU/BU from Vintage Auctions Online on February 2, 0123 11:00 AM EST. The Mercury dime is a ten-cent coin struck by the United States Mint from late 1916 to 1945. The 1945 S dime is the only one known to have the Micro S mintmark appear on the reverse side of the coin. Just in 1945, the Philadelphia mint struck nearly 160 million Mercury dimes. US. While the 1916-D variant of the Mercury dime tends to be the most valuable, there are still others that could be worth up to an incredible $364,250. With the interest in Mercury head dime high, collections are assembled by date and often include coins of the different mints that produced dimes in 1945. Alongside the design, youll find all the necessary information about the coin such as the lettering In God we trust, and other manufacturing information. Mercury dimes vary from their melt value to a few thousand dollars, depending on their condition and their strike. $96,000 RARE DIME - HOW TO TELL IF YOU HAVE THIS 1945 MERCURY DIME WORTH MONEY. Rob Paulsen Coin 1945 Mercury Dime Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Marks). Additionally the hair running along her fore head under her cap is now quite flat, the curls hard to see. All Rights Reserved. Theyre made using a three-piece mold, and if it falls off too soon, the missing section makes that part of the coin broader and thinner. . . No dimes were issued during the depths of the Great Depression (1932-33) since there was less need . Wooden Nickels Value: How Much Is A Wooden Nickel Worth? Its older age is likely what earns it such a high value. With a full band, a 1916-D Mercury Dime has sold for nearly $200,000. Circulated examples trade for silver bullion value and Uncirculated ones catalog for $7. For the series, the grading designation "Full Bands" is used to designate sharply struck coins which display full separation between the horizontal bands . I'm sharing this collecting experience with others through educational videos on YouTube. Adolph Weinman won with his Mercury Dime design. Actual exact prices for coins will fluctuate based on different factors. Calculate 90% silver value : ( 20.67 .0321507466 2.5 .90) = $1.4952508474. There are a number of other mintmarked dimes in the Mercury . Bottom line: At auction, its estimated that this 1924-S San Francisco-minted Mercury dime could go for as much as $8,000. The actual value can be more or less than this depending on factors including eye . Prices for coins vary based on a number of factors including eye appeal, variety, availability and a special label or designation. He then invited 10 top artists to compete. The Roosevelt dime (the successor to the Mercury dime) features a torch on its reverse, with bands at the top and bottom. But the 1945-D has a lot of different RPMs, both vertical and horizontal. Calculate 10% copper . Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. In MS 68 FB, this coin is worth over $25,000 with the normal-sized mint mark. . Click here to Learn How to use Coin Price Charts, Click here to see the Melt Value of every US Coin, 1945-D Higher Grade Extra Fine/XF45++ Mercury US Silver Dime, 1945 D Mercury Dime 90% Silver About Uncirculated Nice Coin For Your Set, 1945-D MERCURY DIME (AKA A WINGED LIBERTY DIME) 90% SILVER ~ LOT C105, 1945-D MERCURY DIME (WORLD WAR II ERA) COMB SHIP ~ LOT D189, 1945-D MERCURY DIME ~ 90% SILVER ~ COMB SHIP ~ LOT T42, 1945-D Gem Brilliant Uncirculated MS65 Mercury US Silver Dime, 1945 D Mercury Dime in circulated condition. Mercury Dime Values. 2750 7953 3819 414. In honor of the fallen president, the highly familiar Roosevelt dime debuted the following year. Price Guide. This is where it got its nickname of the "Mercury" dime. Liberty Head V Nickel Value Guides (1883-1913), 1946 Silver Dime Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Marks). This is usually the value used by coin dealers when selling these coins at melt value. An olive branch coils around the fasces. Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 2/27/2023: Gold $1807 | Silver $20.63. You will also want to look at your Mercury Dime to see where it was minted. Coin Values Discovery finds 1945 dime value and all old US coin values. If you are talking about the Mercury Dime from 1945 or any other year, one of the first things you will hear a collector ask about is the condition the coin is in. Values listed for the entire Mercury head dime series including more on the 1945 dime value. The designs from 1796 to 1837 showed Liberty on the obverse and an eagle on the reverse. You can see that some of the coins with errors were sold for much more than the convenient auctions say they were. Mercury dimes are very popular ten-cent pieces produced by the United States Mint from 1916 to 1945. A nice quality and affordable coin and one that would fit well into a Mercury dime collection. Mercury Dime (1916-1945) Auction Prices Population CoinFacts Photograde Set Registry. These are 25 of the most valuable dimes, and they are worth a combined $8.6 million. Bottom line: There were many 1938-S Mercury Dimes struck, but this dime had a unique presentation. Its important to note that some of the coins are found in an exceptionally good state and may have a collector evaluate them for $80 or anywhere around that value. As a coin wears there are distinct visual differences from one "grade" to the next. Also called winged liberty head dime by some collectors. Do you have a rare 1945 silver Mercury dime worth a lot of money. 40,245,000 Mercury dimes AU/BU from Vintage Auctions online on February 2, 0123 AM. Are for the obverse, Weinman drew Liberty wearing a cap with two. Mint was sold with obverse stuck through for $ 32 from 1879 to 1917 to advanced can. Option that is in the Mercury dime its obverse thanks to Weinman and Values of Mercury Winged! Reverse side of the `` Mercury '' dime that was used for decades, NGC has certified a similar of... 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1945 mercury dime value