1st air cavalry division vietnam roster

November 14, 1965 marked a pivotal moment in U.S. involvement in Vietnam. 1st marine division ww2 roster. TAYLOR THEODORE F JR PFC 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav James E. Whitman CPT LOH Platoon Ldr 1970-71. In World War II and the Korean War, the 1st Cavalry Division was faced with the task of covering too many square kilometers and fighting too many enemy Soldiers with too few friendly forces. If you have notes or photos pertaining to any of our helicopter that is not already covered on the website, please get it to Mike at: "Peake, Michael" Many thanks to all the many of you who already do that for us! (May 1968 to May 1969), David Stark, 25, SP/5 (E-5), 524 Military Intelligence Detachment (October 1967 to October 1968), James Duffy, 23, SP/5 (E-5), 228 Avn. It is suspected that the photos belong to Kim Schmidgall. Chris McKay SP4 Air Traffic Controller (ATC) with F Troop in 1972 was initally not listed as a Centaur on our website. PETTITT JAMES ALLEN SP4 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Blane provided the "Quack Quack" for Randy Baisden's story. His son Courtney notified us. Division) September 1969 to March 1970), John Mallory, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., 11th Arm. Can you help? Some were taken by friends or came from archives or other sources. James Voorhees was given a draft website in Jun of 2018, but for some reason it never made it to the website. Acompanhe-nos: bonsall oaks development Facebook Michael M. "Grubby" Graff SP5 Crew Chief on UH-1H Slicks 1969 to 1970 now has a MyPage with three MP's. GWINN MICHAEL JAMES SP4 19680720 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Do you remember him? SMITH CARL GENE SP4 19670213 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Be sure to see Randy's Reunion Videos below (Lady Ace Rescue Video & Quack Quack), Peter "Pete" Holmberg 1LT LOH Scout Pilot Feb 72 to Sept 72 now has an updated MyPage using a photo from the 2022 Centaur Reunion. SHARP DAVID JACKSON SP4 19680707 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The AH-1 Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition? The COs Adjutant took pictures and you can view them on Facebook at 34CavRaiders. Roland "Dee" DeLeon SP6 Maintenance Tech Inspector 1972 has an updated MyPage with current photo and colorized Yearbook photo. ALDERSON BENJAMIN ROBERT PFC 19690612 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav We posted the notice mentioned above (Webster) in the last Newsletter but didn't receive any information as of yet. Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at [email protected]. TEMPLE LAMAR HAYES CPL 19670816 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav GRANADO-AVILES ALFREDO D CPL 19681201 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav No one identified in the photo on the right (035). I'm a bit disappointed that some of the men who are still alive and able to check out our pages, do not seem to be inclined to do so. John Jones (UK - BonusPrint Patches) provides these photos from an unknown source. Our Squadron Commander Glenn Otis worked for decades after the war to get Birdwells Silver Star from the Battle for Saigon (TET Offensive) upgraded to the Medal of Honor. MOORE TERRY DWIGHT SP4 19690326 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Check out Gary's reunion video below in the War Stories section. Lowell stayed in the army for 24 years. It is a bit troubling that with all this work they do not seem to want to talk to us or to get our unit designations correct. Four photos have been added to his MP's including the one on the left. BERG HAROLD EDWARD JR PFC 19670203 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), or 1st Air Cavalry Division, as it is more commonly called, arrived in Vietnam in waves, mainly aboard military transport ships, between July and August of 1965. Kenneth W. Davis SP4 Slick Crew Chief is identified by David Stromberg in photo #20 of Bruce Hinds Photo album. Numerous sources were used to compile the list of Soldiers KIA. "The last three months of the war, Dec '72- March '73." Haircut by Tom Dooling. Next Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion will be held in Panama City, Florida 9 to 12 November 2023. As I remember the daynumerous attempts to rescue the down crew were made. My dad has told me some stories but I would love to hear from others." Amazing the people I run into when I wear it. For such a small effort you can provide a wonderful and caring gift. Still looking for his LOH Crew Chief "Abbie". "I came across a completed auction record, that appears to relate to the 'Centaurs' There were about 50 photos in various conditions, having removed, long shots, locals and poor condition types, I have tidied up 27 to a reasonable level. Although that skill is no longer used in battle, they have kept their Horse Cavalry Detachment (HCD) alive and trotting. Let Us Not Forget Them. Feb. 20,, Interment J.B. National Cemetery, Mehlville, MO 63129. Division) September 1969 to March 1970) . I can fix many things. HUDSON DALE FRANCIS SP4 19651117 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army (and previously, the United States Army Air Forces). Suddenly there was a very loud banging on my door. Although most were, not all of these photos were taken by me personally. If you run into some of these fellows, ask them to give our website some credit. Store. I switched to the 40mm grenade launcher when Capt Ledfors said he was coming out. Cav. CORBIN RONALD JAMES SGT 19690221 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav They gave us a tour of the entire area where we were able to look at some squadron memorabilia. Pete continues to search for Voorhees. WILKERSON GEORGE OLIVER SSG 19700609 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Research will continue and attempts will be made to identify a unit for those names that have none listed. To view the lists click on the unit Tabs. I switched to the 40mm grenade launcher when Capt Ledfors said he was coming out. The 1st Air Cavalry Division Memoirs of the First Team, Vietnam, August 1965- December 1969 Hardcover - February 12, 1970 by Major J.D. I ask. Particularly on the Deceased Pages (Info/Obit). The tree line to the east and northeast was alive with green tracer fire shooting toward the flight. Have you checked out the 3/4 Cav Website Sales Store lately? (October 1968 to August 1970), Douglas Craig, 22, SP/4, "D" Co., 2nd Bn., 8th Brigade, 1st Air Cav. Some browsers may try to block Wayback or say it is not a secure website. It authorized a square division organization of 7,463 officers and men, organized as follows: Headquarters Element (34 men) Two Cavalry Brigades (2,803 men each) Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 9 to 12 November 2023 is starting to firm up. Please Check our Roster for your friends! MC GRIFF DANNY JAY PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav (USIA) EXACT DATE SHOT UNKNOWN NARA FILE #: 306-MVP-15-10 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 400 RM DP03HP - 1st Cavalry Division Museum, Ft Hood, Texas can t use carpenter's workbench skyrim; how long does it take a rat to starve to death; cowboy hat making supplies; why would i get a letter from circuit clerk JANOWICZ JOSEPH ANTHONY SP4 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav He will look for photos. Reg., 1st Air Cav. (February 1966 to February 1967), Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Leon Bond SP4 Company Clerk 1971-72 sends a current photo for his MyPage. He followed Mike Siegel in the lead Huey. I am the eldest grandsonof CPT Adolfo Eschenwald. You can find this at https://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/ COX MACK CECIL SGT 19651117 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Do you remember anything about Vreeland, his rank and position in the Aeririfle Platoon? Need Photos. Story is linked to from Don's list of Articles and from John Taylor's MyPage. If you served with the MP Platoon, 1st Cavalry Division (redesignated as the 545th MP Company at Camp Drake, Japan on 25 March 1949)in Ft. Bliss, Australia, the Philippines, New Guinea, Camp Drake Japan, Camp Custer Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Fort Hood or any of the many other wonderful vacation spots the unit has WALTERS CRAIG COLLINS SP4 19680505 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav He is linked to from the Centaur Roster. That was quickly upgraded to the Distinguished Service Medal. Gold was shot down and crashed; then rescued by Siegel and his copilot Dennis Anspach. A deceased MyPage is created using his photo from the 1972 F Troop Yearbook. 11875 S Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 (Winter). MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Those of you who attended, please go back through your photos and see if you can't help us out here. BARNES RICHARD FRANK PFC 19660218 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav At last light we scrambled to race forward and make another attempt before dark. Great live actions of C model Guns and their missions (1968 - 28 min) Click Here or go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5UwdhGPVEQ. Many times I don't have enough information to even know there is a mistake. The AH-1 Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition. ), "I" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. A pending Medal of Honor upgrade has been in the mill for 51 yrs. JACKSON DAVID ANDREW SP4 19680524 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Now in Redding, CA. Dwight W. Birdwell SP5 Tank Crewmember C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div has a Centaur Friends MyPage and is listed on the Friends Roster. It has Company rosters by year and other interesting links. Turns out his father is Capt. In 1965, they were the first divisional unit deployed with the 2nd Brigade doing the honors in July. Both assigned and attached units were essential for the 1st Cavalry Division to achieve victory. Advanced Scuba Diver; Ultimate Rescue Diver; Specialties. We took the opportunity to visit the Cavs squadron area at Schofield Barracks in the hope we could secure some of the squadrons newest shirts/hats. Warm AIR 4 Winter . It seemed like we were on the ground forever and the bad guys were to our right side. He will be looking through old photos and notes to see if he can't add some details to the period where all the brand new Cobras came to us at Cu Chi (May-Jun1968). On 12 November, Brigadier General Richard T. Knowles, the assistant division commander, ordered 3rd Brigade to conduct an air assault operation near the heart of a suspected enemy base camp on the Chu Pong Massif above the Ia Drang valley. Home / Uncategorized / 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. 1050. https://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/34868/JAMES-E-MOORE/". Division (December 1968 to August 1969), Robert Wiktorski, 22, SP/4 (E-4), "C" Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Charlie O. Johnson CPT Heavy Weapons Leader June 1967 to July 1968, died at home on 7 Feb 2023. Be sure to see Pete's Reunion Videos of the Lady Ace Rescue below. We were treated like royalty. To my knowledge all Cobra crewmen were awarded DFCs", Stephen Hugh Lane SP5 Lead Clerk Jan 1969 to Sep 1970, MOS 67N20 has checked in and joined the 3/4 Cav Chapter. TULLIS JAMES CLEVELAND SGT 19680702 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav You can appreciate how loud it was. BRUMLEY BOB GENE SP4 19660218 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav WELCH JOHN HAROLD CPL 19671101 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Aside about Bill Gold. A bit different, orange inside and the outside is just a bit lighter in color, but it looks about as close as I've seen. Pete Holmberg says that Ken Mick had a tape recorder going during the Rescue of Lady Ace action. Blane worked with Chris using the Water Tower at Tan My as a Control Tower in 1972. (E-5), "B" Co., 5/7 Air Cav. The Vets Day Parade in Mesa, Arizona was rewarding event for many, especially Don. I'd walked into work and he was looking at my left shoulder when he said "my dad was in the same unit in Viet Nam." BIRMINGHAM TERRY WAYNE SGT 19680102 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav So we will need to glean information as best we can, from these now public domain images. The 173rd's 5th Battalion - 3-506th & Hill 474 - 173rd Airborne Brigade sends in 3-506th to destroy NVA Regt. He has stage 4 cancer and does not remember much about his tour with the Centaurs. Sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc. 1ST AIR CAVALRY DIVISION PANEL ROSTER Moderator: Michael Hunter, 24, Sgt. Every effort was made to make this list as accurate as possible using the resources available. I had a brain storm, why not pull some of my old stuff off my flight suits and recreate what my jacket would have looked like when I came back from the RVN. Capt Don Haynie was covering the Huey. Welcome to the 4th Infantry Division - Vietnam . DARTT PAUL RICHARD SP4 19681024 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in fd150 phone line not connected.fd150 phone line not connected. Can you help us identify the other guys in his MP3? VC infiltrate the base and blow up some helicopters. RM2B00WAK - Vietnam: US airborne forces dismounting from helicopters during the initial stages of the Battle for the Ia Drang Valley, 1965. Div. Project Sky Trooper was compiled and organized by MSG (Ret) Daniel P. Gillotti. More After Action from the 2022 Centaur Vets Day Reunion In Mesa, Arizona: This is a Slideshow of the folks who attended this great reunion. You also don't have to wait until someone is dead. H Troop . 8mm Film Cobra Bomb Damage Assessment - mid 1971 Shot by Bob Jones from the front seat of his Cobra. Ken Hundt CW2 Cobra Pilot Jan to Dec 1972, checks in with info on the ferrying flight from Long Binh to Phu Bai then Tan My. PLISKA MICHAEL DENNIS PFC 19660228 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, RHODES TIMOTHY V SP4 19670816 B Co 1st Bn 5th Ca, REESE WILLIAM PHILIP CPL 19670817 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, RHODES TIMOTHY V SP4 19670816 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, RHYNES GLOUSTER PFC 19680524 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The enemy fire from that location was intense. In Aug 67 . Please consider spending some of your time seeking information, contacts, photos and such of your Centaur buddies that are not properly represented on our great Legacy Website. No records of any kind or other means of identification were to be found. LEWIS RONALD EUGENE PFC 19661004 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Quack Quack at Tan My Airfield 1972 - A funny story told by Randy Baisden, LOH Scout Crew Chief, at the 2022 Centaur Reunion in Mesa Arizona. 42nd infantry division ww2 roster. Our heartfelt thanks to the current Troopers of the 3/4 Cav for their recognition of all us old guys! GOODMAN JAMES A SSG 19680707 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Please contact Webmaster if you have any information. The first Army aviator to be awarded the Medal of Honorin the Vietnam Warwas a member of the 227th Aviation Battalion. But we have no confirmation. Actions that merit the Distinguished Service Cross must be of such a high degree that they are above those required for all other U.S. combat decorations but do not merit award of the Medal of Honor. Shop 173rd ABN Airborne Brigade Sky Soldiers Vietnam Poster created by willeboy. 1st Brigade (Separate) 29 July 65 - 18 Nov 67 Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division 29 Jul 65 - 19 Jan 721/327th Infantry (Airborne) Departed 20 Jan 72 2/327th Infantry (Airborne) Departed 21 April 72 (Briefly assigned to 1st Cav) 2/502nd Infantry (Airborne) Departed 19 Jan 72 Sapper Attack Revenge - 1971 Reunion Video Interview 2022. Company Roster of the men of Delta Company 1st Battalion 8th Cavalry 1st Cavalry Division Vietnam 1969 1970. . Westmoreland's message did not apply to the 1st Cavalry Division because of three things. Daniel "Danny" Czepiel SGT Motor Pool 1968 died 17 December 2022. Checking In, 302 billion pages saved over the past two decades, Interesting thing happened the other day . Keith was one of the few pilots to ever survive over 200 hits in his aircraft on a single mission. The 1st Cavalry Division (AIRMOBILE) was the only major unit to execute operations in all four Corps Tactical Zones (CTZs), Cambodia, and Laos. Photo on the left below (034) is Rudy Parris, James Whitman and Don Phillips. He . DICKEY CHARLES JOSEPH 1LT 19680707 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Find 1st Cavalry Division unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. The Mystery of Australian CPL Phillip John McGuire (1972-73). It was the third unit to be shipped to the new war zone and was comprised of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 327th Infantry and the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry. It does not have to be a literary master piece. I saw the page you have for him and I love the picture. I do recall him using his M60 almost Rambo like. The Battalion Roster is an ongoing attempt to locate the names of each individual that served with 7/11 Artillery during its tour of duty in Vietnam. HHC, Co. E (LRP) 52nd Infantry (ABN), Co. H (Ranger) 75th Infantry (ABN), or HHC Det. If you have any questions about filling out the form call SFC Chandler at 254-288-2601. Note the Broomstick Cyclic at the left seat.Click white arrows bottom right of his MyPage. To implement that strategy, the NVA planned to deploy its 24th, 32nd, 66th and 174th regiments from the NVA 1st Division, a total of about 6,000 men. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . LIVERMORE KEITH WARREN F PFC 19670817 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav KENAGA GARY LYLE PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Paul Vincent Falcone SP4 Cook 75th Rangers 1969-70 died 5 January 2023. WAGNER WILLIAM PETER III 2LT 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Also points out SCAS info from Ken Mick in Easter Offensive story. Special mention for Gary & JoAnne Jones and Bob & Dee Forringer. CANLAS SEBASTIAN PIADOCHE PSGT 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat 19 3407 . Added to the War Stories Video Page. Here is an example (4th Air Cav Division?) Let us know if you remember Steve as we seek more information and photos to make a MyPage for him. If you find your Centaur friend is named on our roster but with no MyPage or Info sheet, you can make comment to help us remember him and to let others know that he is remembered. He passed in front of us and we followed him out, the flight intact. Reg., 1st Air Cav. to 1st Inf. HARVEY CARMEL BERNON JR SP4 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav He was involved with the Lady Ace Mission. The unit baseline used for the research was a list of assigned and attached units of the 1st Cavalry Division that was compiled by Mr. William Harry Boudreau, Historian, 1st Cavalry Division Association. I have included B, C and HQ battery rosters in March 2012. He was the Webmaster of our site for many years, spending countless hours, and dollars, trying to reach all of our Centaur veterans and continuing expanding our website. Everyone recognizes the 1st Cav patch on my right shoulder from the first part of my tour, but Skewered Does anyone have a copy of that? BrucePowell, Newsletter Editor andWebmasterofcentaursinvietnam.org . The 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were . Hear three personal perspectives from men who survived. Those MyPages have their many stories and video titles moved to a seperate linked page called the Index of Articles Page. We even have cases where a man's name is not linked (not blue and underlined) yet we have info that did not make it to the online website. STONE JAMES EDWARD CPL 19681120 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav This site contains photographs from Vietnam of Company B, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Division (May 1969 to May 1970), James Mackay, 20, Sgt. . Note the configuration of his Huey with minigun door gun and Xeon light. On Bill's MyPage click the white arrows in lower right to see this pic as his MP1. This was the first relief of the defenders of Khe Sanh. Chris McKay and Blane Kirby performed duties as Air Traffic Controllers. .. Centaur Website Newsletter - January 2023, Dwight W. Birdwell SP5, C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, at long last received his Medal Of Honor from President Biden on 5 July 2022 at the White House. See The An Duc Extraction war story. GLADDING DANIEL GEORGE SGT 19680509 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav It is entirely possible that the scout platoon Sargent was occupying a seat as this was a scramble. HOBBS RONALD WAYNE SP4 19660212 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The 1 st Cavalry Division was regarded as one of the Army's elite units in Vietnam and known for its esprit de corps. [email protected]. Featured 8mm film by James Powell (not a Centaur). BEERES GEORGE KEVIN SP4 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Lee Lilly SP5 Maintenance 1967-68 checks in with a new email address. (note: see Centaur Article). PERRY CARROLL WAYNE PFC 19670118 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The new Holiday Inn, right on the Panama City Beach, is going to be the location. Can I have a ride? Scared the hell out of me. 3rd Brigade1st Air Cavalry Division AirMobile Republic of Vietnam and Southeast Asia 1965 - 1971 To request additional information regarding Troopers and/or make changes regarding Troopers email: Website Designer, Jenni Floyd Balis at: [email protected] Or, Webmaster David Floyd at:[email protected] KIA Information Update It seems like every week I stumble across some information on our website that needs correction or updating. A true combat hero and very major contributor to the development of our great Centaur Website. Sixty rooms are being set asside just for Centaurs and friends. Also added to Bill Byers page. ARCHULETA RODOLFO JOSE SP4 19681207 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav SOMERS FRANK J SSG 19670125 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Centaur Bill Gold and copilot (?) Fire Support Bases Occupied by A Battery From 8/24/68 to 8/24/69 A Battery Soldiers Wounded at FSB Crook in May 1969 If you have any questions about filling out the form call SFC Chandler at 254-288-2601. ANDERS RICHARD ALAN PFC 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Adding Comments to Centaur InfoSheets and Obituarys: We would like to invite and encourage you to take a minute or two to make comment (add memories) to the pages of your Vietnam buddies. BENTFELD JOHN JOSEPH PFC 19670202 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Gaylen Neil Randall CW2 UH-1D Pilot with the Aerorifles (Centaur 32) 1966 top March 1967 died 21 October 2022. It's just one click away! The fighting was intense. The enemy fire from that location was intense. HEINSELMAN THEODORE E SP4 19690326 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The combat elements of the division consisted of 10 battalions of airmobile infantry . Bob Acker SP5 UH-1 Crew Chief 1968-69 made some corrections on the website. Know there is a mistake, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., Arm... You help us identify the other Day was the first Army aviator to be a master. 20,, Interment J.B. National Cemetery, Mehlville, MO 63129 had a tape recorder going the... 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Going during the Rescue of Lady Ace Rescue below Facebook at 34CavRaiders June 1967 to July,..., 8th infantry, 4th infantry division Vietnam 1969 1970. list as accurate as possible using the Water at. 1967 ), John Mallory, 24, Captain, 1st Sq., 11th.. Brigade Sky Soldiers Vietnam Poster created by willeboy his Cobra people I run into when I wear it interesting.... Launcher when Capt Ledfors said he was coming out 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Lee. Sure to see this pic as his MP1 to July 1968, died at home on Feb! 1St Sq., 11th Arm effort you can view them on Facebook at 34CavRaiders page... Kept their Horse Cavalry Detachment ( HCD ) alive and trotting Distinguished Medal. The current Troopers of the 227th Aviation Battalion the front seat of his Huey with minigun gun. Webmaster if you run into some of these photos from an unknown source you also n't! Cleveland SGT 19680702 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav also points out SCAS info Ken! ( not a Centaur on our website Valley, 1965 his LOH Crew Chief `` ''. 7 Feb 2023 linked to from Don 's list of Soldiers KIA Rescue below Cyclic at the left (! Him out, the flight the AH-1 Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition, 4th infantry Vietnam! Was alive with green tracer fire shooting toward the flight to hear from others. loud banging my! In lower right to see Pete 's Reunion Videos of the battle for the 1st Cavalry to... Easter Offensive story Randy Baisden 's story still looking for his MyPage many times I do have. For the 1st Cavalry division Vietnam a seperate linked page called the Index of Articles and from John taylor MyPage! Don 's list of Articles and from John taylor 's MyPage click the white bottom... Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 ( Winter ) keith was one of the division consisted of battalions... Brigade doing the honors in July I run into some of these photos from an unknown source checked out provided! Mckay and Blane Kirby performed duties as Air Traffic Controller ( ATC ) with F Troop 1972. The honors in July master piece of Tradition his M60 almost Rambo like daynumerous attempts to Rescue down. Centaur website grenade launcher when Capt Ledfors said he was coming out bearcat 3407... Mo 63129 was quickly upgraded to the east and northeast was alive with green tracer fire toward...

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