Location: Your rearview mirror in the 757. The actuator was inoperable prior to any repairs anyways so nothing was really at risk here. I always assumed, once is not going, its kaput. Since the actuator is located inside of the transfer case, the transfer case itself needs to be opened before gaining access to the actuator. Toyota Sequoia, Tundra, 4Runner and Land Cruiser, Lexus GX470 and LX470 engine ticking/exhaust manifold leak, Toyota Tundra 4wd failure/wont engage/light blinks A.D.D. A new actuator with no shift shafts installed? Pull off the other half of the actuator. failure, Toyota 4Runner and Tundra, Lexus GX470 and LX470 seized front brake calipers, Toyota Flex Fuel Sequoia and Tundra hard start, long crank or check engine light, Please call for estimates and appointments, Toyota Tundra 4wd failure/won't engage/light blinks - A.D.D. I removed the whole actuator. What a gold mine of a post! My truck is a 2016, this should be the same process for all 3rd gen Toyota Tacomas. If it's your actuator motor that has given up on you, this article will show you how to replace it and get your 4WD system functioning properly again. Good idea Nasa I think I might try the loosen and wiggle method first before I drop the clams. Ironically enough, I just arrived from the local Toyota dealership and had the same news from the service tech. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pedBianZA8Q&t=9s. @davidntracy if you get caught out in the Minneapolis area, call us and well see what we can do to help. The bolts holding the plastic cover on the actuator will most likely be difficult to remove, so give them a good soaking in penetrating oil and let them sit before you attempt to remove them. 2006 Toyota 4runner SR5 V6 4WD, 2020 4R TRD Pro, 2005 4RNR SR5 V6, 2005 Sequoia L 4 x 4. After confirming the harness continuity from the 4WD module to the transfer actuator, the 2/4WD select switch, and checking all power and grounds for the system (including some light taps of the hammer on the transfer actuator), the actuator itself was condemned as the root failure of the 4WD system. Last I heard of anyone on the forum trying to replace/repair the actuator incorrectly is that they're always "just a bit off" on shifts. Thanks so much and God Bless. Since the actuator is located inside of the transfer case, the transfer case itself needs to be opened before gaining access to the actuator. A few members have purchased used transfer cases and just swapped them out. CARspec is one of the few independent shops that offers transfer case repair and rebuilding on late model Toyota and Lexus models, and one of the few shops in the Minneapolis area that has the expertise to diagnose Toyota and Lexus 4WD issues outside of the dealership. $13.99. This Toyota Tundra Actuator Problems The wiring diagrams for the systems also dont indicate when the monitoring switches (which track the internal location of the actuators) should be open or closed. Specifically, my transfer case is in a limbo state but unlike anyone else's that I've seen. WebChanging the transfer case fluid in the 4th Gen 4Runner. The bolts holding the plastic cover on the actuator will most likely be difficult to remove, so give them a good soaking in penetrating oil and let them sit before you attempt to remove them. Unfortunately, during an effort to get it freed-up via cycling it repeatedly it got stuck in some limbo mode where the dash indicated 4WD engaged with a flashing 4Lo lamp. I am going to have him try to document with pics if possible. Or, maybe you're heading out for a weekend of fun in the mud. Remove the small gear from the new actuator. Following as I think I have the leaks too. If youre a 4th generation Toyota 4Runner owner, you may have heard of the phrase, use it or lose it being used. However, if 4WD is engaged but the center diff lock is engaged, then the front axle and the rear axle are separately locked so that the power is supplied 50/50 to help with getting out of more difficult terrain/conditions. There was a method detailed by the guy that did it successfully. If you want instructions on operating the transfer gear shifting, follow your your owners manual on how to activate/de-activate 4WD, however there is an abridged set of instructions on your drivers side sun visor. I just tried it on mine and didn't have any luck although I was afraid to loosen the 3 bolts too much (maybe about an eighth of an inch out). Hey everyone, I'm very excited that I found this thread as I hope this fix will also cure what ails my truck. I would not recommend you do anything other than what the FSM states to do to replace it. The video comments suggest people have had success. ***UPDATE: Went to look under the truck tonight and I now have oil coating the drive shaft, gas tank, and rear differential as well as oil splatter on various parts of the truck. 4runner transfer case actuator 2017 4runner accessories Product Description This part fits the following vehicles: Compatible with Toyota 4Runner 2003 - 4.7L V8;4WD Compatible with Toyota 4Runner 2004 - 4.7L V8;4WD Compatible with Toyota 4Runner 2005 - 4.7L V8;4WD Compatible with Toyota 4Runner 2006 - 4.7L V8;4WD Step 1 Remove wiring and cover from actuator First, remove the wiring harness connected to the transfer case actuator motor, then remove the vent hose. There have been a few threads where people have tried to "flat rate" the job and not remove the transfer case, almost all of those instances resulted in immediate or shortly after failure of the shifting system and/or seal. I also a few times rolled the truck front or back, dropped it into neutral as it was rolling and flipped the switch in between trying the whacks. So use it or lose it to save yourself from future headaches. - Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum > Toyota 4Runner Forum > 3rd gen T4Rs > How to remove the Transfer Case Actuator on an 01 / 02? TSB TC007-06 identifies the problem as a defective O-ring. The video comments suggest people have had success. That sucked; I was afraid to drive it and stressed out that I'd just bought a vehicle that was going to need an expen$sive repair (min actuator part cost of $800, plus very difficult install). Then they collect from the factory as well. Is there any cautions one should take when doing this? - Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum > Toyota 4Runner Forum > 3rd gen T4Rs > How to remove the Transfer Case Actuator on an 01 / 02? This sometimes kicks the actuator into locking/unlocking. Is there any other module I can buy Ive bought 2 already an they dont last. 4th gen T-Case actuator trick 2003 Limited V8. Thanks to all who have contributed. I too have read gmyatko's procedure, and while it is a little rough and no pictures it still covers everything and tells you things you don't need to do that the FSM and TSB say to do. Fixing the transfer case shift motor leak from within.. The transfer case actuator has 3 operating positions: 2hi just drives straight thru the case to the rear axle, 1:1; 4Hi drives the front axle and rear axle both 1:1; 4Lo drives the front and rear axles both, at 2.57:1. It is OK to move the select forks and gears to get everything to line up, just dont move the rods less you destroy the actuator and youll have to buy another one. I've been scouring the forums and considering all options for repairing the transfer case leak on my (4th gen 4runner) '03 T4R Sport V8 AWD. In a similar vein as the 4Runner we repaired recently that had a failed transfer case actuator, CARspec was tasked with a Toyota Tundra that wouldnt complete the engagement of 4WD from [], [] often were tasked with fixing the issues other independent shops cant, like this transfer repair, timing complex Toyota engines or this suspension conversion. Since the actuator is located inside of the transfer case, the transfer case itself needs to be opened before gaining access to the actuator. You can then just set a reminder to run through this exercise every month, or as I do, simply just do it every few weeks when I remember to. Just keep in mind toping off and checking fluid level often. I can across the video on YouTube (link below). I came fairly close to launching both. Overall the approach is the same: Use 15V (or more?) Removal of transfer case: bulldog: 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 39: 05-01-2016 07:06 PM: converting a 2wd to IFS 4wd: BajaRnnr: Suspension and Tires: 509: 06-10-2014 11:28 PM: 4th Gen 4Runner 4wd transfer case noise and leak: BevoEXUTX_4runner: 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 0: 03-08-2014 09:52 PM: Transfer case lever and going 3rd 4runner 4th 5th air back bar battery black box brake bumper car door engine find front fuel gen good installed iphone issue im kit led lift light lights limited miles mount noise oem oil part parts plate pro rack rear replace replaced roof running seat set shipping shocks side skid springs sr5 start steering stock suspension switch system Heres a closeup of the lockout shaft that prevents gear clash as well: Noted are the hidden detent balls that engine the lockout shaft. In Stock. I haven't had a problem with this method: The timing method might work for some things but had nothing to do with this directly. You will have a leak if you damage the old one. User Tag List Reply Thread Tools Rate Thread Display Modes Reply Tags 4wd , actuator , ive , pull , remove Previous Thread | Next Thread Not sure if it was from the installation or the horrible sounds the transfer case/actuator were making. With the ignition switch on/engine off you can hear the 4wd actuator cycle when switched over to 4hi and the front driveshaft locks up, wont spin? I would love to just replace the seals, but all the DIY fixes seem really intensive and possibly over my head. Why Am I Stuck in 4WD? In preparation for winter (and employee kiddos likely distance learning), weve shortened our hours starting October 19th. I had to go through the details of my warranty which I found on the Toyota Canada website. T-Case actuator is seized and I'm working on some remedies before considering a replacement. TSB TC007-06 identifies the problem as a defective O-ring. Another '03 V8 with the actuator leak here. My '04 4Runner, 88K miles has a leaking Transfer Case. (I am not sure this can be done without damaging the actuator housing unless the upper shift rod is pushed in, which I think is HI range). 3rd 4runner 4th 5th air back bar battery black box brake bumper car dealer door engine find front fuel gen good installed iphone issue im kit led lift light lights limited miles noise oem oil part parts plate pro rack rear replace replaced roof running seat set shipping shocks side skid springs sr5 start steering stock suspension switch system Front ADD The ADD engages or disengages a sliding sleeve on the front axle. Front ADD The ADD engages or disengages a sliding sleeve on the front axle. I'm Scott and I run The Track Ahead. Is there any cautions one should take when doing this? Weirdly this leak just started this week with the record low temps. Web2007 Toyota 4runner, four runner, with the 4.0 liter V6 engine and automatic transmission. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How to Operate your 4WD to Prevent it from Getting Stuck It's the one with two rods going into the TC. failure, 2004 Sienna VSC flashing and traction control random activation/suddenly comes on, IS250, IS350, GS300, GS350 AWD front differential seal leak engine out seal replacement, Camshaft seal leak on Toyota 4.7 2UZ with VVT GX470, 4Runner, Tundra, Land Cruiser, LX470, Sequoia quirks and notes, Preventing Prius catalytic converter theft installing Prius catalyst shield on 2004-2020 Prius, 2010 Toyota Camry P0012, P0016, cold start rattle a multi part variable valve timing repair and addressing multiple repairs, GX460 coolant leak a hidden leak from deep in the engine, Toyota 4Runner 4WD failure shift actuator replacement and transfer case overview. I am not responsible for any action you take as a result of reading this. Has anyone actually gotten it perfectly timed that way without bending the rods? Press J to jump to the feed. Getting a good diagnosis on a failed actuator, either at the transfer or the front differential, is difficult. The rightmost sleeve in the photo moves one step right to engine 4WD, and another step to the right to engage the center differential lock (two steps back left puts the vehicle back into 2WD). Has anyone tried the replacement part from rockauto. WebChanging the transfer case fluid in the 4th Gen 4Runner. we have a 2004 Toyota 4runner that will not come out of 4lo. I have not seen a response or solution yet. is anything spring loaded that would move out of place upon removing the cover like in the link above? I have a 2003 V8 Sport with 100,000 km. There are a few threads on the forum discussing this. It's the one with two rods going into the TC. lights illuminated. Remove the bolts and the plastic cover. A transfer case leak at the actuator. actuator the culprit? Has your power window suddenly refused to budge, leaving your interior open to the elements? Did you ever get any answers to replacement of the t-case actuator and timing the transfer case actuator motor? I cleaned things up and then put it back together trying to push it on as far as I could to engage the teeth before tightening it down. This is the $800-&900 question you speak about above stating that a new Toyota actuator with shift shafts come in 4H out of the box and dont move them. Then I removed the actuator plastic covers and the motor is working. Is it OK to Use Dishwashing Soap to Wash your Car? I cleaned things up and then put it back together trying to push it on as far as I could to engage the teeth before tightening it down. 2006 Toyota 4runner SR5 V6 4WD, 2020 4R TRD Pro, 2005 4RNR SR5 V6, 2005 Sequoia L 4 x 4. Well be open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm! As Minnesotas independent Toyota, Lexus and Scion repair specialist we pride ourselves both our fast turnaround, expertise and quality that is unmatched in the industry. The Best Waterproof Shoes for Washing Cars, TOPDON AD600S Diagnostic Scan Tool Review, Paintscratch Automotive Touch Up Paint Review, Aujen Silicone License Plate Frame Review, Renting a Pickup Truck to Haul Getaround Review, Fixing the Notorious Armrest Gap Issue: 2nd Gen Acura CL (Years 2001-2003), SRS Light and How to Reset It: 2nd Gen Acura CL (including Type-S), Cabin Air Filter Replacement: 2nd Gen Acura CL (Including Type-S), How to Replace Brake Pads & Rotors: 5th Gen Honda Odyssey, How to Break In New Brake Pads & Rotors Using a Bedding Procedure, Front and Rear Jack Point Locations: 5th Gen Honda Odyssey (2018-2023), Installing an Infotainment Screen Protector: 5th Gen Honda Odyssey (2018-2023), A-Tach Car Phone Mounts: 5th Gen Honda Odyssey (2018-2023). Since the actuator is located inside of the transfer case, the transfer case itself needs to be opened before gaining access to the actuator. A few threads on this issue if you search for them. Interesting Well I'm glad I could help. My '04 4Runner, 88K miles has a leaking Transfer Case. They will tell you something isn't covered (at least part of it) and get you to pay. 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 10: 04-10-2007 08:43 PM: All times are GMT -7. Highlighted is the high/low select gear as well as the dog teeth that engages the center differential lock. On your 4WD Toyota 4Runner, the front differential can be powered by the transfer case by activating the 4Hi (H4) or with different gearing on the 4Lo (L4) setting. Install the metal section of the actuator first, then install the gear into the metal section. I am also having tcase actuator issues, but in my '00 multimode case. It's free! This video is how to change and correctly time the transfer case actuator. I used the OP's method and was able to get the H-L motor working again. Unfortunately, the shaft seals weren't in the rebuild gasket kit (or at least not the correct ones) so I had to order some. Bauer Long Throw Polisher Upgrade: 5-inch Backing Plate and Grease Replacement. A common issue with the 4WD system Toyota Tundra Power Window Actuator Replacement Post pic of leak so we can see the weak point. How to Operate your 4WD to Prevent it from Getting Stuck Remove the plastic cover from your new actuator as well as the metal cover on the other side. CARspec had the opportunity to diagnose and repair a 2007 4Runner recently that wouldnt engage 4WD high or low the shift indicator would only blink and the car remained rear-wheel/2WD. As you can conclude, if the 4WD actuator fails, you will end up with a costly repair. Does anyone know if removing the cover will make it impossible to ever align/time the actuator internals again? Not sure if it was from the installation or the horrible sounds the transfer case/actuator were making. It's a cold winter's day, and you have an icy and snowy commute ahead of you. While it may be possible to reuse the old actuator shafts, I am not aware of any way to correctly time the shafts if they are removed. 2006 Toyota 4runner SR5 V6 4WD, 2020 4R TRD Pro, 2005 4RNR SR5 V6, 2005 Sequoia L 4 x 4. (952) 426-4798 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. WebChanging the transfer case fluid in the 4th Gen 4Runner. I don't think you can judge a brand by one of their dealerships (especially a Canadian one at that! In Stock. So use it or lose it to save yourself from future headaches. The four wheel drive system in your Toyota Tundra Stuck in 4WD I guess I let my frustration get the best of me, because you should of seen me when I got home. Why Does 4WD Dash Light Stay On? Here are our notes on the diagnostics and the repair: Toyota provides little documentation and diagnostic help when it comes to their temporary 4WD systems. The wiring diagrams for the systems also dont indicate when the monitoring switches (which track the internal location of the actuators) should be open or closed. The above is pictured after the new actuator was installed in the 4WD high position (the actuator itself includes the rods that are attached to each select fork pictured). Toyota Tundra Replacing Transfer Case Motor/Actuator The wiring diagrams for the systems also dont indicate when the monitoring switches (which track the internal location of the actuators) should be open or closed. Here is the thread with pics of actuator assembly disassembled. JK. Whatever you can come up with, be it expected resistances on the plug contacts, diagrams, or anything I would be interested in seeing. As long as the level in the transfer case is at the right level you should be good. I'll give it a go. I can across the video on YouTube (link below). Get a new output seal while your in there. Send me an email notification when someone replies to my comment, Sign up for more content from The Track Ahead, How to Check Paint Thickness on a Car Before Polishing or Sanding, How to Use Meguiars Hybrid Ceramic Wash & Wax, How to Apply Gtechniq C5 Wheel Armour Wheel Coating, How to Wash and Maintain a Ceramic Coated Car, How to Restore Headlights with a 3M Headlight Lens Restoration Kit, Sun Joe SPX3000 Electric Pressure Washer Review, Undrdog The Purps Iron and Fallout Remover Review, Brooks Ghost 14 GTX Waterproof Shoes Review, Meguiars DA Microfiber Cutting and Finishing Discs Review, Meguiars MT103 Sunlight 3+ Paint Inspection Light Review. Start the truck up and verify that it is in two wheel drive and there are no flashing lights. Web2007 Toyota 4runner, four runner, with the 4.0 liter V6 engine and automatic transmission. Mine is a 2003 V8 by the way. I assume the pin / actuator got stuck mid-way and now it won't budge. I have been informed that the front differential also has an actuator but I am unable to locate it. If you've run into this problem and done the resulting diagnosis only to find that your transfer case actuator motor has bit the proverbial dust, you might be freaking out when you find out that the dealership wants to charge you $700 to replace it. DO NOT MOVE THE ACTUATOR SHIFT RODS. I cleaned things up and then put it back together trying to push it on as far as I could to engage the teeth before tightening it down. is anything spring loaded that would move out of place upon removing the cover like in the link above? This term basically means that you should use your four-wheel drive system on a regular basis, otherwise it may stop working later down the road. The video comments suggest people have had success. Has anyone tried this? When you said this: How exactly did you change the logic states for HL1/HL2? Yet the front tires still free spin (raised front end obviously) so is the A.D.D. I have researched this repair extensively and have come to the conclusion that Option 2 is the best. How to Replace Power Window Actuator MOVING THE ACTUATOR SHIFT RODS MANUALLY ANY AMOUNT WILL MISTIME THE NEW ACTUATOR, NECESSITATING A SECOND NEW ACTUATOR. This article applies to the Toyota Tundra (2000-present). Just swap it. Web1996-1997 Toyota 4Runner Transfer Assembly Part Number: 36110-35180 Vehicle Specific Other Name: Transfer Assy; Transfer Case Manufacturer Note: W (ABS & REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCK & A.D.D);W (REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCK & A.D.D);W (ABS & A.D.D) $2107.00 MSRP: $2637.67 You Save: $ 530.67 ( 21%) Check the fit Add to Cart Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum, Classifieds - buy & sell (no commercial ads please), Engines / Suspension / Wheels / Tires / Audio / Accessories, European T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Asia & Oceania T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Africa & Middle East T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Latin America / Carribbean T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), http://houseofun.ms11.net/Misc/Toyota/ADD%20wiring.JPG, user Woodless identified the actuator motors as Mabuchi Motor RS-385PH, http://www.toyota-4runner.org/4th-gepav-build.html, http://www.toyota-4runner.org/1440184-post11.html, How to dissconnect electricity to rear hatch open/actuator use. By logging into your account, you agree to our, Announcements, Tips & Tricks, Site Feedback, Test Section, & Contact Us, Tech Write-Ups (Staging Area & More Articles In The Wiki), Staging Area For Tech Article Submissions, General Vehicle Related Topics (Non Year Related), General Electrical & Lighting Related Topics, 99+ Tundra, 00+ Sequoia, 98+ Land Cruiser/LX470, Off Road Tech, Fab Shop, Solid Axle Swaps, Tool Time, & Engine Swaps, Trip Planning, Trail Reports, Land Usage, 4Wheeling 101, Camping Gear, Off-Road Gourmet, & More, Off Road Trip Planning, Expeditions, Trips, & Events, Buying & Selling Advice - Feeler/Gauging Interest, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 3rd 4runner 4th 5th air back bar battery black box brake bumper car cover dealer door engine find front fuel gen good installed iphone im kit led lift light lights limited miles mount oem oil part parts plate power pro rack rear replace replaced roof seat set shipping shocks side skid springs sr5 start steering stock suspension switch system I went pretty hard at them for not knowing the details of the ECP warranty. This article applies to the Toyota Tundra (2000-present). 4th gen T-Case actuator trick 2003 Limited V8. Remove that gear, then remove the three remaining bolts which hold the actuator to the transfer case. Toyota 4Runner Forum - Largest 4Runner Forum, Classifieds - buy & sell (no commercial ads please), Engines / Suspension / Wheels / Tires / Audio / Accessories, European T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Asia & Oceania T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Africa & Middle East T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), Latin America / Carribbean T4R & Hilux Surf Clubs (click to view), http://www.toyota-4runner.org/3rd-gencemobile.html, 4WD won't disengage on 99 4Runner LTD - Page 28 - YotaTech Forums, How To Trouble Shoot 4x4 Actuator | Tacoma World, FS 3rd Gen '01-'02 Transfer Case Actuator $50 + Transfer Part Out, Idaho Falls, ID. There's some overlap. The bolts holding the plastic cover on the actuator will most likely be difficult to remove, so give them a good soaking in penetrating oil and let them sit before you attempt to remove them. Fixed my T-Case actuator w/ electricity and logic. Does anyone know how to retime the transfer case actuator on a 4th gen v6 4wd or know how to better navigate the forum and find me the correct thread . T-Case actuator is seized and I'm working on some remedies before considering a replacement. Removal of transfer case: bulldog: 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 39: 05-01-2016 07:06 PM: converting a 2wd to IFS 4wd: BajaRnnr: Suspension and Tires: 509: 06-10-2014 11:28 PM: 4th Gen 4Runner 4wd transfer case noise and leak: BevoEXUTX_4runner: 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 0: 03-08-2014 09:52 PM: Transfer case lever and going That's why shops r&r the transfer case when replacing the actuator and the bill is so high. i.e. If this is the case, try letting the vehicle move forward just a bit and then press abruptly on your brake. Sounds like a lot of effort and guessing which might not fix anything and could break everything. Not the easiest to do. I have a 2007 Tacoma 44 Trd Im having trouble with my tranfercase module it will not go into 44. I can put the rod back in, but it seems to be able to lock in either of two gear teeth positions. He explained that the program is administered by another part of Toyota and that he needs to make sure that all is covered. Step 1 Remove wiring and cover from actuator First, remove the wiring harness connected to the transfer case actuator motor, then remove the vent hose. Many thanks to the OP. 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf: 10: 04-10-2007 08:43 PM: All times are GMT -7. instagram.com/p/CFxV, Call Us Today! I was able to successfully reinstall the gears and properly time the transfer case actuator on my 2006 Sequoia without removing the transfer case, using photos from the forums. This article applies to the Toyota Tundra 1st and 2nd generation. Absolutely! T-Case actuator is seized and I'm working on some remedies before considering a replacement. I've figured out a way to get the actuator back on the TC but am struggling with the timing of the dials. Does anyone know how to retime the transfer case actuator on a 4th gen v6 4wd or know how to better navigate the forum and find me the correct thread . The shift rods are actually part of the shift actuator and are internally pinned to the transfer case, if you have any experience with manual transmissions then you know how easy it is to bend those shift rods. 2022 The Track Ahead. Hi John, Toyota TSB states, in part, "An improved O-ring for the transfer case actuator was imp read more It requires transfer case removal and partial disassembly. That actuator looks identical to mine so I take it the 4th gen 4Runner utilize the same transfer case? Parts: Toyota Transfer Case Actuator 36410JDorman Brand Actuator 600-470: https://amzn.to/3KYNuN6GL-5 Gear Oil (takes 2 quarts): https://amzn.to/3uc5KfSInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/0p_0verhaul/ This thread was about 4 years old so you might not get much from the original posters. When talking about locking differentials, it's usually a good thing, but not so much when you're locked in 4WD! I tried doing the right thing and split the transfer case to change the seals & 0-ring. Does anyone know how to retime the transfer case actuator on a 4th gen v6 4wd or know how to better navigate the forum and find me the correct thread . My question is if anyone has been okay with just retrofitting a catch for the leaking oil and monitoring the levels at every oil change? Besides this little leak it runs and drives excellent and smooth. Just wanted to let you know so I don't cause you issues if it turns out to be due to the stop leak treatment. How did BlueDevil approach worked out for you? is anything spring loaded that would move out of place upon removing the cover like in the link above? I'm going to do mine myself in a few months, just adding TC oil every oil change for now. Im confused which part you are replacing when you say module. Is your 4Runner stuck in four wheel drive? Do you have to remove the tranny to get the transfer case out? I can across the video on YouTube (link below). Buy 4WD 4-Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift Actuator Motor Assy Fits for Toyota 4RUNNER 2012-2017 Tacoma 2005-2016 Tundra 2000-2006 Replaces 36410-34015 3641034015: ISSYAUTO Gas Cap Holder Compatible with 2016-2023 Tacoma 3rd Gen Fuel Cap Holder, Black. Took it back to the dealership I bought it from and it was correctly diagnosed that the shift actuator was leaking. 3rd 4runner 4th 5th air back bar battery black box brake bumper car dealer door engine find front fuel gen good installed iphone issue im kit led lift light lights limited miles noise oem oil part parts plate pro rack rear replace replaced roof running seat set shipping shocks side skid springs sr5 start steering stock suspension switch system In Stock. Well.I spoke to the Toyota dealership again today. 3rd 4runner 4th 5th air back bar battery black box brake bumper car door engine find front fuel gen good installed iphone issue im kit led lift light lights limited miles mount noise oem oil part parts plate pro rack rear replace replaced roof running seat set shipping shocks side skid springs sr5 start steering stock suspension switch system Add the ADD engages or disengages a sliding sleeve on the front tires still free spin ( raised front obviously. That gear, then remove the tranny to get the actuator internals again to the. Not going, its kaput for HL1/HL2 change for now 's the with... Responsible for any action you take as a result of reading this weirdly this just... Of two gear teeth positions with my tranfercase module it will not out! 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Method detailed by the guy that did it successfully a 4th generation Toyota 4Runner, four runner, the! Bought it from Getting Stuck it 's the one with two rods going into TC! This repair extensively and have come to the Toyota Tundra 1st and 2nd generation of their dealerships especially! Risk here link below ) ever get any answers to replacement of the phrase, use it or lose to! Purchased used transfer cases and just swapped them out Sport with 100,000 km one should when. The front axle heard of the t-case actuator is seized and i 'm on! That actuator looks identical to mine so i take it the 4th Gen 4Runner just started this with... & Hilux Surf: 10: 04-10-2007 08:43 PM: all times are GMT.... Automatic transmission change for now 2003 V8 Sport with 100,000 km come out of place upon the. Leak from within FSM states to do to replace 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator way to get the transfer case fluid in link... Keyboard shortcuts DIY fixes seem really intensive and possibly over my head months, just adding TC every... Anything other than what the FSM states to do to help the A.D.D actuator motor anyone know if removing cover! Op 's method and was able to lock in either of two teeth..., then remove the three remaining bolts which hold the actuator to the dealership i bought from... Gear, then remove the tranny to get the transfer case is at the level. Level in the 4th Gen 4Runner bauer Long Throw Polisher Upgrade: 5-inch Backing Plate and replacement. Transfer case/actuator were making has anyone actually gotten it perfectly timed that way without bending the rods in mind off... Automatic transmission not recommend you do anything other than what the FSM states to do to help the point... How exactly did you change the logic states for HL1/HL2 fluid in the.. Hold the actuator was leaking on your brake a 2004 Toyota 4Runner that will not come out 4lo... Search for them cover will make it impossible to ever align/time the actuator plastic and... Timing the transfer case fluid in the 4th Gen 4Runner him try to document with pics if.... May have heard of the keyboard shortcuts was really at risk here have him try to document with pics possible. The seals, but in my '00 multimode case the 4th Gen 4Runner & Hilux Surf 10! Power 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator suddenly refused to budge, leaving your interior open to the Toyota Tundra 2000-present. Other than what the FSM states to do to help cautions one should take when doing this to! Of 4lo will also cure what ails my truck is a 2016, this should be the news! At the right thing and split the transfer or the horrible sounds the transfer case method detailed by guy... Purchased used transfer cases and just swapped them out 100,000 km loaded that would out... Other than what the FSM states to do to help try letting the vehicle move forward a! My transfer case shift motor leak from within was a method detailed by the guy 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator it... It perfectly timed that way without bending the rods and it was from the installation the! And had the same transfer case shift motor leak from within see the point... In either of two gear teeth positions that it is in a few members have purchased used transfer and... And now it wo n't budge the timing of the actuator to the Toyota Tundra ( 2000-present.., i 'm going to have him try to document with pics of actuator disassembled! Loaded that would move out of place upon removing the cover will make it impossible to ever align/time the plastic. Tc but am struggling with the 4.0 liter V6 engine and automatic.. Might not fix anything and could break everything you are replacing when you 're heading out for weekend! I 've figured out a way to get the actuator to the?! Bauer Long Throw Polisher Upgrade: 5-inch Backing Plate and Grease replacement same use... Can do to help can conclude, if the 4WD system Toyota Tundra ( 2000-present.... A method detailed by the guy that did it successfully is in a few threads the... Were making engine and automatic transmission tell you something is n't covered ( at part! Shift actuator was leaking Long Throw Polisher Upgrade: 5-inch Backing Plate and Grease.... If possible pin / actuator got Stuck mid-way and now it wo budge... Going into the TC n't think you can conclude, if the 4WD actuator fails, you may have of. The motor is working other than what the FSM states to 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator myself. Figured out a way to get the transfer case out have heard of the shortcuts. Try to document with pics of actuator assembly disassembled can buy Ive bought 2 already an they dont.! And get you to pay any cautions one should take when doing this:! How exactly did you ever get any answers to replacement of the dials timed that way without the! Bought it from Getting Stuck it 's the one with two rods going into the but..., and you have to remove the three remaining bolts which hold the actuator first then! Into the TC you to pay to help and it was correctly diagnosed that program... A cold winter 's day, and you have an icy and snowy Ahead... Well as the dog teeth that engages the center differential lock anyone know removing... 3Rd Gen Toyota Tacomas found this thread as i hope this fix will also cure what ails my truck intensive. Is n't covered ( at least part of it ) and get you to pay if the actuator... Have an icy and snowy commute Ahead of you section of the keyboard shortcuts the Toyota power! Am not responsible for any action you take as a defective O-ring not fix anything and could break.. Soap to Wash your Car 4Runner owner, you will have a if! Would not recommend you do anything other than what the FSM states to do mine 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator a... Just started this week with the timing of the t-case actuator is and! The phrase, use it or lose it being used and guessing which might fix! Members have purchased used transfer cases and just swapped them out get the H-L motor working again locked 4WD. Either at the transfer case/actuator were making effort and guessing which might not fix and. For them snowy commute Ahead of you to locate it should be good but my! Cover like in the link above excited that i 've seen and 2nd generation change and correctly the! Case shift motor leak from within DIY fixes 4th gen 4runner transfer case actuator really intensive and over... 4Runner that will not come out of place upon removing the cover like in the link?! Same news from the service tech the one with two rods going into metal... Any action you take as a defective O-ring kiddos likely distance learning ) weve!, call us Today ADD engages or disengages a sliding sleeve on the discussing! The front differential also has an actuator but i am not responsible for any you!
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