a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

(b) Governmental authorities should not enter into a contract with a private entity for the operation of any correctional facility, secure or not, unless it can be demonstrated that the contract will result either in improved performance or in substantial cost savings, considering both routine and emergency costs, with no diminution in performance. (b) Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release. Assume all accounts have normal balances. (d) At a minimum, prisoners presenting a serious risk of suicide should be housed within sight of staff and observed by staff, face-to-face, at irregular intervals of no more than 15 minutes. (c) No disciplinary sanction should ever be administered by other prisoners, even under the direction of correctional authorities. Correctional authorities should safely accommodate prisoners who are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illness or infectious disease, or are otherwise medically vulnerable. (c) If a correctional agency contracts for provision of any services or programs, it should ensure that the contract requires the provider to comply with these Standards, including Standard 23-9.1 governing grievances. Such an officer should be called to the scene whenever force is used, to direct and observe but ordinarily not to participate in the physical application of force, and should not leave the scene until the incident has come to an end. Correctional authorities should not stigmatize prisoners who need protection. (b) Prisoners access to the judicial process should not be restricted by the nature of the action or the relief sought, the phase of litigation involved, or the likelihood of success of the action, except if like restrictions, including filing fees, are imposed on non-prisoners. Correctional authorities should facilitate prisoners reintegration into free society by implementing appropriate conditions of confinement and by sustained planning for such reintegration. Prisoners should continue to have unrestricted access to toilets, washbasins, and drinking water. (b) When determining whether a pleading or other court filing has stated a legally cognizable claim or complied with other requirements, courts should take into account the challenges faced by pro se prisoners. (f) Rules governing attorneys fees and their recovery should be the same for prisoners as for non-prisoners. (g) If practicable, staff should seek intervention and advice from a qualified mental health professional prior to a planned or predictable use of force against a prisoner who has a history of mental illness or who is exhibiting behaviors commonly associated with mental illness. The evaluation process should include mechanisms by which prisoners can provide both positive and negative comments about their care. This requirement includes: (i) to the extent practicable, the translation of official documents typically provided to prisoners into a language understood by each prisoner who receives them; (ii) staff who can interpret at all times in any language understood by a significant number of non-English-speaking prisoners; and. A written translation in a language the prisoner understands should be provided within a reasonable period of time to each literate prisoner who does not understand English. (d) The location and storage of firearms should be strictly regulated. (c) Any accommodation made to address the special needs or risks of a prisoner with a communicable disease should not unnecessarily reveal that prisoners health condition. (d) Correctional authorities should be permitted to reasonably restrict, but not eliminate, counsel visits, clergy visits, and written communication if a prisoner has engaged in misconduct directly related to such visits or communications. (c) Correctional authorities should not withhold food or water from any prisoner. The relationship between a prisoner and a person providing legal assistance under this subdivision should be governed by applicable ethical rules protecting the attorney-client relationship. (d) At intervals not to exceed [90 days], a full classification review involving a meeting of the prisoner and the specialized classification committee should occur to determine whether the prisoners progress toward compliance with the individual plan required by subdivision (b) of this Standard or other circumstances warrant a reduction of restrictions, increased programming, or a return to a lower level of custody. (c) The mental health of prisoners in long-term segregated housing should be monitored as follows: (i) Daily, correctional staff should maintain a log documenting prisoners behavior. Medical and mental health screening should: (i) use a properly validated screening protocol, including, if appropriate, special protocols for female prisoners, prisoners who have mental disabilities, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric; (ii) be performed either by a qualified health care professional or by specially trained correctional staff; and. Correctional policies regarding electronic communication by prisoners should consider public safety, institutional security, and prisoners interest in ready communication. Correctional authorities, including health care staff, should be alert to identify and document signs of sexual assault and should implement a protocol for providing victims with a thorough forensic medical examination performed by an appropriately trained qualified medical professional. (iv) Monthly, and more frequently if clinically indicated, a qualified mental health professional should see and treat each prisoner who is receiving mental health treatment. (a) Correctional agencies and facilities should provide housing options with conditions of confinement appropriate to meet the protection, programming, and treatment needs of special types of prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who have physical or mental disabilities or communicable diseases, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric. (b) Correctional authorities should protect all prisoners from any sexual contact with or sexual exploitation by staff, including volunteers and employees of other governmental or private organizations who work in the correctional facility. (b) Monitoring teams should possess expertise in a wide variety of disciplines relevant to correctional agencies. (k) If governmental authorities elect to furnish prisoners any services by contracting with private providers, those contracted services should comply with these Standards, and the correctional agency should monitor and ensure such compliance, and should be held accountable for doing so. (a) Correctional authorities should recognize and respect prisoners freedom of religion. 2022 American Bar Association, all rights reserved. Habeas Corpus. (f) Correctional officials should not use a lockdown to substitute for disciplinary sanctions or for reclassification of prisoners. (ii) be permitted only upon individualized reasonable suspicion that the prisoner is carrying contraband, unless the prisoner has recently had an opportunity to obtain contraband, as upon admission to the facility, upon return from outside the facility or a work assignment in which the prisoner has had access to materials that could present a security risk to the facility, after a contact visit, or when the prisoner has otherwise had contact with a member of the general public; provided that a strip search should not be permitted without individualized reasonable suspicion when the prisoner is an arrestee charged with a minor offense not involving drugs or violence and the proposed strip search is upon the prisoners admission to a correctional facility or before the prisoners placement in a housing unit. In deciding whether to assign such a prisoner to a facility for male or female prisoners and in making other housing and programming assignments, staff should consider on a case by case basis whether a placement would ensure the prisoners health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems. (b) A correctional facility should have equipment necessary for routine health care and emergencies, and an adequately supplied pharmacy. The agency should implement a system to monitor compliance with the contract, and to hold the contracted provider accountable for any deficiencies. No prisoner should be shackled during a work assignment except after an individualized determination that security requires otherwise. (f) Except as required by exigent circumstances, a digital or instrumental search of the anal or vaginal cavity of a prisoner should be conducted only pursuant to a court order. In addition, if long-term segregation is being considered either because the prisoner poses a credible continuing and serious threat to the security of others or to the prisoners own safety, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) timely, written, and effective notice that such a placement is being considered, the facts upon which consideration is based, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a specialized classification committee that includes a qualified mental health care professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, has a reasonable opportunity to present available witnesses and information; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine any witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (v) an interpreter, if necessary for the prisoner to understand or participate in the proceedings; (vi) if the classification committee determines that a prisoner is unable to prepare and present evidence and arguments effectively on his or her own behalf, counsel or some other appropriate advocate for the prisoner; (vii) an independent determination by the classification committee of the reliability and credibility of confidential informants if material allowing such determination is available to the correctional agency; (viii) a written statement setting forth the evidence relied on and the reasons for placement; and. (c) A correctional agency should be permitted to confine female prisoners in the same facility as male prisoners but should house female and male prisoners separately. Government-funded legal services organizations should be permitted to provide legal services to prisoners without limitation as to the subject matter or the nature of the relief sought. (c) Correctional authorities should implement policies and practices to enable a prisoners confidential contact and communication with counsel that incorporate the following provisions: (i) For letters or other documents sent or passed between counsel and a prisoner: A. correctional authorities should not read the letter or document, and should search only for physical contraband; and. Correctional authorities should employ strategies and devices to allow correctional staff of the opposite gender to a prisoner to supervise the prisoner without observing the prisoners private bodily areas. Involuntary testing or treatment should be permitted only if: (i) there is a significant risk of the spread of disease; (ii) no less intrusive alternative is available; and. (c) All prisoners placed in segregated housing should be provided with meaningful forms of mental, physical, and social stimulation. (b) Each classification decision should be in writing, and should set forth the considerations and factors that led to the decision; the written decision should be made available to the prisoner, and should be explained by an appropriate staff member if the prisoner is incapable of understanding it. (c) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to purchase or, if they are indigent, to receive without charge materials to support their communications with courts, attorneys, and public officials. (f) Except in an emergency, force should not be used unless authorized by a supervisory officer. Specialized equipment may be required in larger facilities and those serving prisoners with special medical needs. A correctional facility should be subject to the same enforcement penalties and procedures, including abatement procedures for noncompliance, as are applicable to other institutions. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. (c) Correctional officials should require all correctional staff arrested or charged with a misdemeanor or felony to report that fact promptly. (v) No prisoner should be allowed to participate in behavioral or biomedical research unless that prisoner has given voluntary and informed consent in writing in accordance with an approved protocol which requires that the prisoner be informed and express understanding of: A. the likely risks, including possible side effects, of any procedure or medication; B. the likelihood and degree of improvement, remission, control, or cure resulting from any procedure or medication; C. the uncertainty of the benefits and hazards of any procedure or medication and the reasonable alternatives; D. the fact that a decision to participate or to decline participation will not affect the conditions of the prisoners confinement; E. the ability to withdraw from the study at any time without adverse consequences unrelated to any physical or psychological results of such withdrawal; and. In order to implement appropriate classification, housing, and programming, correctional officials should: (a) implement an objective classification system that determines for each prisoner the proper level of security and control, assesses the prisoners needs, and assists in making appropriate housing, work, cellmate, and program assignments; (b) initially and periodically validate an objective classification instrument to ensure consistent and appropriate custody and other decisions for each correctional facilitys population, including prisoners assignments to multiple occupancy cells or dormitories; and. A correctional health care system should include an ongoing evaluation process to assess and improve the health care provided to prisoners and to enable health care staff to institute corrective care or other action as needed. (b) When practicable, correctional authorities should prevent prisoners from observing searches and shakedowns of other prisoners cells and property. (c) In no case should correctional authorities use force against a prisoner: (i) to enforce an institutional rule or an order unless the disciplinary process is inadequate to address an immediate security need; (ii) to gratuitously inflict pain or suffering, punish past or present conduct, deter future conduct, intimidate, or gain information; or. Correctional authorities should video and audio record every planned or anticipated use of force from the initiation of the action, and should begin recording any other use of force incident as soon as practicable after the incident starts. (c) When federal or state law authorizes a governmental or non-governmental agency or organization to conduct an investigation relating to a correctional facility, correctional officials should allow that agency or organization convenient and complete access to the facility and should cooperate fully in the investigation. Reasonable steps should be taken during movement to protect restrained prisoners from accidental injury. Correctional authorities should be permitted to summarize or redact information provided to the prisoner if it was obtained under a promise of confidentiality or if its disclosure could harm the prisoner or others or would not serve the best treatment interests of the prisoner. (j) Governmental authorities should provide sufficient resources to implement these Standards. (e) Correctional officials should be permitted to contract with private enterprises to establish industrial and service programs to employ prisoners within a correctional facility, and goods and services produced should be permitted to freely enter interstate commerce. Correctional authorities should be permitted to censor material if it could be censored in publications sent to prisoners through the mail. Placement and programming assignments for such a prisoner should be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experienced by the prisoner. If correctional officials elect to require use of a particular grievance form, correctional authorities should make forms and writing implements readily available and should allow a grievant to proceed without using the designated form if it was not readily available to that prisoner. (e) A prisoner should be informed if correctional authorities deny the prisoner permission to send or receive any publication or piece of correspondence and should be told the basis for the denial and afforded an opportunity to appeal the denial to an impartial correctional administrator. Prisoners should be informed of this procedure pursuant to Standard 23-4.1, including any applicable timeframes or other bases for rejecting a grievance on procedural grounds. Governmental authorities should ordinarily allow a prisoner who gives birth while in a correctional facility or who already has an infant at the time she is admitted to a correctional facility to keep the infant with her for a reasonable time, preferably on extended furlough or in an appropriate community facility or, if that is not practicable or reasonable, in a nursery at a correctional facility that is staffed by qualified persons. (b) When the initial screening pursuant to Standard 23-2.1 or any subsequent observation identifies a risk of suicide, the prisoner should be placed in a safe setting and promptly evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, who should determine the degree of risk, appropriate level of ongoing supervision, and appropriate course of mental health treatment. No prisoner should have access to any other prisoners health care records. (b) Correctional administrators and officials should implement recruitment and selection processes that will ensure that staff are professionally qualified, psychologically fit to work with prisoners, and certified or licensed as appropriate. To the extent practicable, funding, space, and institutional support should be provided for such efforts, and prisoners should be allowed to establish and operate independently-funded publications. Such prisoners should not be housed with prisoners who have been identified as potential aggressors. _______are laws that are created by local, state, and federal governments, the number of section 1983 lawsuits among both state and federal prisoners dropped dramatically following the passage of the _________________. (c) Instead of isolating prisoners at risk of suicide, correctional authorities should ordinarily place such prisoners in housing areas that are designed to be suicide resistant and that allow staff a full and unobstructed view of the prisoners inside. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. Salaries and benefits should be sufficient to attract and retain qualified staff. (a) Correctional authorities should afford prisoners a reasonable opportunity to maintain telephonic communication with people and organizations in the community, and a correctional facility should offer telephone services with an appropriate range of options at the lowest possible rate, taking into account security needs. For biomedical research that poses more than a minimal risk to its participants, prisoner participation should be allowed only if the research offers potential benefits to its participants, and only if it has been determined to be safe for them. (a) In conducting a search of a prisoners body, correctional authorities should strive to preserve the privacy and dignity of the prisoner. (e) Correctional authorities should not read, censor, alter, or destroy a prisoners legal materials. If a prisoner refuses health care examination, testing, or treatment, a qualified health care professional should discuss the matter with the prisoner and document in the prisoners health care record both the discussion and the refusal; the health care professional should attempt to obtain the prisoners signature attesting to the refusal. (e) If restraints are used for medical or mental health care purposes, the restrained prisoner should, if possible, be placed in a health care area of the correctional facility, and the decision to use, continue, and discontinue restraints should be made by a qualified health care professional, in accordance with applicable licensing regulations. Clinical decisions should be the sole province of the responsible health care professionals, and should not be countermanded by non-medical staff. Staff should explain and read the rules and the handbook to any prisoner unable to read them by reason of illiteracy or disability. a judicial order asking correctional officials to produce the prisoner and to give reasons to justify continued confinement is called a writ of _______________. (f) If long-term imprisonment is anticipated, a prisoner with an infant should be helped to develop necessary plans for alternative care for the infant following the period described in subdivision (e) of this Standard, in coordination with social service agencies. Correctional authorities should provide the plan or a summary of it to the prisoner, and explain it, so that the prisoner can understand such expectations. (f) Notwithstanding a finding pursuant to subdivision (d) of this Standard that involuntary treatment is appropriate, mental health care staff should continue attempting to elicit the prisoners consent to treatment. Prisoners should be allowed an adequate time to eat each meal. (e) Correctional officials should encourage and accommodate visits by judges and lawmakers and by members of faith-based groups, the business community, institutions of higher learning, and other groups interested in correctional issues. (d) Correctional authorities should respect the human rights and dignity of prisoners. If necessary, housing should be designed for use by prisoners with disabilities; such housing should be in the most integrated setting appropriate for such prisoners. In addition to implementing the mental health screening required in Standard 23-2.1 and mental health assessment required in Standard 23-2.5, this protocol should require that the signs and symptoms of mental illness or other cognitive impairments be documented and that a prisoner with such signs and symptoms be promptly referred to a qualified mental health professional for evaluation and treatment. (a) Judicial procedures should be available to facilitate timely resolution of disputes involving the legality, duration, or conditions of confinement. (c) The term correctional agency means an agency that operates correctional facilities for a jurisdiction or jurisdictions and sets system-wide policies or procedures, along with that agencys decision-makers. (d) Correctional authorities should be permitted to open and inspect an envelope, package, or container sent to or by a prisoner to determine if it contains contraband or other prohibited material, subject to the restrictions set forth in these Standards on inspection of mail to or from counsel. (e) Correctional authorities, including health care staff, should not reveal information about any incident of prisoner sexual abuse to any person, except to other staff or law enforcement personnel who need to know about the incident in order to make treatment, investigation, or other security or management decisions, or to appropriate external oversight officials or agencies. (e) For prisoners whose confinement extends more than [30 days], correctional authorities should allow contact visits between prisoners and their visitors, especially minor children, absent an individualized determination that a contact visit between a particular prisoner and a particular visitor poses a danger to a criminal investigation or trial, institutional security, or the safety of any person. Correctional authorities should take care to prevent injury to restrained prisoners, and should not restrain a prisoner in any manner that causes unnecessary physical pain or extreme discomfort, or that restricts the prisoners blood circulation or obstructs the prisoners breathing or airways. To go to a particular black letter Standard (without commentary), click on the relevant Standard in the Table of Contents, below. Health care personnel should document any injuries sustained. (iv) fire alarms and other forms of emergency notification that communicate effectively with prisoners with hearing or vision impairments. (g) Correctional administrators and officials should evaluate short and long-term outcomes of programs provided to prisoners and, where permitted by applicable law, should make the evaluations and any underlying aggregated data available upon request to researchers, investigators, and media representatives. (d) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to acquire personal law books and other legal research material and to prepare and retain legal documents. Correctional authorities carrying firearms should not be assigned to positions that are accessible to prisoners or in which they come into direct contact with prisoners, except during transport or supervision of prisoners outside the secure perimeter, or in emergency situations. (c) Correctional authorities should afford every prisoner an opportunity to obtain a foundation in basic literacy, numeracy, and vocational skills. (iii) include an initial assessment whether the prisoner has any condition that makes the use of chemical agents or electronic weaponry against that prisoner particularly risky, in order to facilitate compliance with Standard 23-5.8(d). (m) The term effective notice means notice in a language understood by the prisoner who receives the notice; if that prisoner is unable to read, effective notice requires correctional staff to read and explain the relevant information, using an interpreter if necessary. Work assignments, housing placements, and diets for each prisoner should be consistent with any health care treatment plan developed for that prisoner. For routine health care records unrestricted access to toilets, washbasins, vocational. Other help in legal matters are referred to as particularly vulnerable to heat-related or! 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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce