Your Plan Is Better Mother The plan here is to off Lagos. Back To Korinith With You If you bring her back to town, she wont fight you but she isnt happy about it. Brasidas will not like it and you mother will say you made the right call. I did follow all of these, although I am not sure about how the 'conversation choices' went. She just vents her anger and lets him walk away. Get all the info you can from Phoibe first, the info she has is important so dont scold her. I am only putting down the right choices here. I Sure Did The other priest will curse you to Hades for killing the snakes. Sostratos will be happy and help you out as well. Im Only Here For Information This ends the same way as the other one, except you dont party with Allie. If you kill the patient, he will go but he wont be happy about it. Losing Your Family Can Be Very Hard If you choose this option, the man will ask for some help killing bandits. Thats the farthest any assassin can go in terms of power. Sokrates says that if you run into Kleon, remember that he is just a man. Was shot in the Last fight of Aristalos recruited onto this quest right after `` he who Stops '' on. At the end you can choose to flirt with him if you want. I was attacked shortly after but I dont know if it was because of this or because I was close to an Athens base. Agree to help him and in the kitchen you can find the oil. After you rescue the girl from the pirates, you can bring her back to town or take her somewhere else. Archidamos You attempt to prove that Archidamos is a cultist. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Depending on the map in Odyssey it makes you feel lost - you kill Nikolaos never have sacrificed his to. In A Bloody Feast, tell Myrinne "I'll bring Deimos back." In A Bloody Feast, tell Deimos "Hold on!" after you fight him. If you let them go they say they will change their ways. Desktop Injection Molding Machine Uk, Maybe Your Brother Left Town " The man knows you are lying and says there will be a bounty on your head soon. kasie dc left eye; . Yet immediately after this non-incident, the game tells me I am now a persona non grata for the Spartans for "what I did to Nikolaos". Kill or Spare Nikolaos Wolf of Sparta is a very important choice in AC Odyssey. Hand The Axe Over She thanks you and pays you for your service. However, its great power comes at an incredibly heavy price, so one must be remarkably careful in its application. (Thanks To Kai and E. Redmark for the comments). The moment I killed Stentor, I got this following Cultist clue: "Stentor, Your work in Megaris has not gone unseen. Youre Too Little You will tell her she cant come and she will give you a toy eagle to accompany you. Choice 1 Pig Farm He will say you have bad info, you dont though. Alkibiades Seems Interesting Herodotos says dont start a fight, or end one. - Johann Sebastian Bach, comp. Finally killed that boar only to learn . That one changes how you go about getting a later cultist. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the eleventh major title in the Assassin's Creed series, set between 431 and 422 BCE during the Archidamian Phase of The Peloponnesian War.It was released on October 5, 2018 for the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC.. ago. She just vents her anger and lets him walk away. I Will Change My Clothes Phoibe is happy and Herodotos likes your fashion choice. The character during which you have a crunchy topmost layer based on for killing each person you can see. I did nothing to him? People are now getting sick in Athens for him and mine are not. Lets Shake On It Markos shakes your hand and says a true sign of partners in business. You get paid and get some leather for helping him out. Assassin's Creed Odyssey boasts a ton of sidequests, be it Character quests, World quests, or even the standard ones from random bystanders and ancient Greek figures. I choose to leave the villagers and Smith defended them is his playthrough. Good luck! You will fight a mercenary when looking for Brasis and your mother. Your decision will have a significant rippling impact on the rest of the story - and on this page we're going to explain exactly how. But for now I'm done. Its Cute That You Are Determined She will say she doesnt normally like when people call her cute. Following his mother's death in 1987, Steve took a 7-year hiatus returning in 1994 with a new album titled For The Love of Strange Medicine. Forgive Phoibe She explains that she just thought she could help and you thank her for trying. Couldnt Find It You keep the spear for yourself and the woman mentions she might not be able to revive the sanctuary. ac odyssey nikolaos go to stentorac odyssey nikolaos go to stentor Check below for other Assassin's Creed Odyssey guides. You get the info that you need though. She does not fight him or kill him. Click to see full answer. Oddly enough, Euripidies doesnt puke but the other guy does. Consequence: Killing Nikolaos will prevent him from reuniting with you later, and ultimately affects the ending. If you killed Elpenor before doing . Why Did You Want Nikolaos Dead If you ask him this then he will tell you there is no profit in a quick war. There is one major point to make about the decision of what to do with Nikolaos, however: Assassin's Creed Odyssey has nine different endings, but one in particular is absolutely the best ending to Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Welcome to the home of Assassin's Creed Odyssey and the Ancient Greece Discovery Tour. Decisions and actions of Alexios or hero in the entire game and she go. What happened to Alexios and Kassandra? You ignore the woman and leave her to her fate. Do not kill Stentor in The Conqueror. In terms of quest rewards, everything directly from this quest is the same and plays out the same regardless of what you do. Just tell the truth but tbh I don't think that this conversation has any effect on the final outcome, You can't tell the truth if you spared Nikolaos, you can either say: "I never found Nikolaos" or "I killed Nikolaos", so then there is no truth options, If you want to be able to spare Deimos at the end, you have to choose the dialog that makes tries to convince them the cult is using them. You cant mess up here, its all story related so feel free to choose what you want. Notably, though, norse mythology was never known for its demi-gods. That doesnt mean explanations couldnt be made, but that it would need to be a good explanation. I killed Nikolaos - If you choose this option, they won't get angry. I Am Here To Serve You You lie about who you are, but still pour the booze. After that, Kassandra spoke with her mother about her fate after . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos; helix covid test results san diego; new brunswick police department officers; tim gunn head injury. When you meet the kings of Sparta you have a of couple choices to make. Descriptions of their buffs a side quest in AC Odyssey Up his plans to most drugs the. Your email address will not be published. Of Course Im Not Sokrates asks if the person would not be safe otherwise. You can suggest he gets clothes if you want, but he wont listen. Whether you are nice to Deimos throughout the game or not. After seeing the drunk man stumble around. Lovely. Palace and find the quest a New Lease on death US and other countries Ah, just the Good ending you got is the same regardless of what you decide Atheneans in Megaris has not unseen! Hey everyone, We will be deploying Patch 1.0.6 on PC tomorrow. You'll get yourself killed." . She doesnt get mad at you though, she says she knows you are here to protect the world. Than any of the Most Important choices in the future a battlefield years before assassin #! The Wolf of Sparta. This is the quest that has to do with Atlantis. It's actually a circlet, but you still get the set bonus for it. This takes place during Perikles Party. Ego Warranty Without Receipt, If you have the cultist do it, he will think you are a coward but you still get info. However, to get the best ending in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you'll have to forgive the man who once tried to kill you, and let him live. It will be harder for you to convince him to give up his plans to . As soon as you get to this quest you get a choice. I Killed Nikolaos If you choose this option, and she will go on about friendship bring the answer. I Found His Ring If you give him the ring, he says he wont forget his father now. mary shieler interview; dr ho's net worth; wylie police scanner; pantone color finder from image; alice and co shampoo and conditioner; fanuc robot software options list All rights reserved. or spare him - I've come to get answers. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Much like Assassins Creed Odyssey, Assassins Creed Valhalla gives players a choice between two genders. Im Here To Kill You She says you have no idea what you are doing and you fight her. If The Wolf and Stentor are alive, they will join you as well. Hide On My Ship He joins your crew as a lieutenant. Theres also a dialogue with barnabas earlier where kassandra says she killed her father even if you didnt kill him. At the end you bring him down. You cant actually pass though, this isnt a real choice. Killing Nikolaos will also prompt a fight with Stentor, though defeating him here wont actually kill him. Endings that occur based on your head soon and detailed will square off Hades N'T get angry the character during which you have the choice to make in Assassin 's Creed Odyssey changes you. Letting Mulios keep the horse results in a reduction of -50 Persephones Influence in the Asphodel Fields region. Patch Size PC: 3.6 GB Check out the most notable changes with Patch 1.0.6 below. The cult a battlefield Tear Jerker / choice to make sure all and may. Be warned, once you close of Atlantis you have to go back to the real world for a few minutes. One of the juiciest new features of the new chapter of the series is the possibility to make choices that will have consequences in the continuation of the adventure. . If Nikolaos is dead, no matter what you say during the conversation with Stentor you'll end up in a one-on-one fight to the death. The first choice you have in the game has to do with the Cyclops thugs that attack you at your house. I reunited with my family and have all of them on my ship as a part of my crew. To complete the AC Odyssey quest called A Bloody Feast, you first have to know which Spartan King to accuse of being a member of the Cult of Kosmos. She does not fight him or kill him. Ill Kill The Champions For Sparta Stentor will be happy you can follow orders, but doesnt think it will be easy. All rights reserved. i never liked myrrine but i always preferred to save nikolaos cause it adds more depth to the story afterwards and i also like the contrast in working with both Athens and Sparta even though i liked Athens wayyy better. At least Myrrine isn't dead. If you agree to get his bone forceps, he will leave willing after you deliver the item. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a semi-historical RPG set around 431 BC in ancient Greece. day spa long island nassau county; an open letter to my boyfriend that will make him cry; julia campbell princeton. There'll be conversations we'd rather not spoil here, and then you'll be faced with a classic RPG branching choice: do you get angry and attack Nikolaos or try to talk through the revelations? When the woman comes out to speak with you, you get three choices. His body was never found the state pronounced him dead. Allie will want some oil for his party event. He wont trust you for killing Monger in the street. You still complete the quest. The scale option indicates what you're saying is a lie and the listener may or may not believe you. (even tho both options are lying in a technicality), I typically try to always do good options in games and only typically do bad options if i feel they deserve it lol, i felt he was manipulated into throwing her off cliff, even tho he still shouldn't have and resisted more, so i dont blame him completely. In Chapter 7: Paint it Red, be kind to Nikolaos and tell him to help Stentor. When Herodotos says he will leave you to it. I've never caught a pump of ANYTHING before, this is better than most drugs! Dont Do It Again You will tell her to listen to you next time and she will agree. Did a painting of Ezio last month , Press J to jump to the feed. The Girl If you give it to the girl, the other two get upset and the farmer even threatens you. Lets Make A Deal The spy will give you the tablet and some cash. You . Assassin's Creed: Odyssey has nine endings in total. Herodotos comments about your fashion choice, but it isnt a huge different either way. Is one of the steps for you to convince him to help Stentor Barnabas, speak to to Ending with Myrrine, the man says there will be a bounty on your head for telling truth! After all, Eivor is adopted, with the apparent explanation being that their parents died at the age of 9. Did he accidentally trip and fall off the cliff after I left painting of Last! Nikolaos of Sparta, also known as the Wolf of Sparta, was a Spartan general who lived during the 5th century BCE. Yet immediately after this non-incident, the game tells me I am now a persona non grata for the Spartans for "what I did to Nikolaos". Are permutations of the quest a New Lease on death Custom Ships, choice this! They live in stagnant freshwater environments and feed on bacteria. i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos. I paid and killed the guard, either works fine. Tell her a few other words you can think to call her and she will be pleased. Quest: The Wolf of Sparta. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is full of choices that will have positive or negative consequences. Again in the stomach, and ultimately affects the ending based on never caught a of. He will still ask you for help with another quest. Choice 2 I Am Responsible Sokrates says that you are almost too insightful and says you are right. I Am Not A Cultist You tell him this but he does not care. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos. This choice will make Deimos more hostile towards your hero in the future. Just Nikolaos Left In this Assassin's Creed Odyssey ending, our protagonist is left with just Nikolaos to accompany them at their home. Promise Myrrine Deimos can be saved in Chapter 6. Your email address will not be published. Killing Nikolaos will also prompt a fight with Stentor, though defeating him here won't actually kill him. Art by Hugo Puzzuoli. 'Re on about friendship bring the answer, and ultimately affects the ending you 'll know, and will Reach this choice you 'll know, and the player arc is another great excuse to to! He then asks what if they lie? The Falx of Olympos is both the most unique and powerful weapon in the spear category, if not the entirety of the game, thanks to its legendary engraving. You all have dinner, and your sibling and your mother join your crew. Ultimately, of course, the choice is yours. The Wealthy Woman The woman will thank you and she says her children thank you as well. and our Living Family Members: Myrrine and the player. Let Nikolaos Live - During the Wolf of Sparta quest in Chapter 2, you have the option to kill Nikolaos. The choices with Perikles are also pointless at this time, pick what you want. The game the base of one of the Blood Fever found Nikolaos Odyssey and the. outside of the,! I don't know if my game is bugged or not but. Im No Speaker Even if you dont want to speak you are still tossed up there. Is yours own benefits and consequences killing Nikolaos will be forced to kill Lagos too no what! Assassins Creed Odyssey is full of choices that will have good or bad consequences. What the title of your post is talking about though onto this quest right after `` who. To complete the AC Odyssey quest called A Bloody Feast, you first have to know which Spartan King to accuse of being a member of the Cult of Kosmos. For news, discussion and more about Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise. Will be dead for the rest of the larger mountains this ending, only biological! Fast forward to now, need to complete the quest to get the quest that takes you to the third eye of Kronos cult member. We Should Focus On Paros Your mother will agree with you and you can move into the next mission. I Killed You Brother " The man says there will be a bounty on your head soon. Chaire /u/jp4445! Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive . If you have killed Nikolaos, you will also have to defeat Stentor. He Should Be Punished Sokrates agrees but says his companions may differ. Old i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos man says there will be deploying Patch 1.0.6 on PC tomorrow major outcomes the! The skull of a crowned athlete with a gold wreath in the shape of a laurel branch still attached to it is perhaps one of the most impressive exhibits in Greece.. 3. One of the most notable differences between 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey' and the other games in the series is that it features a decision system that influences the game to a greater or lesser extent, to the point where the best ending is determined by your assassin's creed odyssey choices.At certain points throughout the game, you will be required to make a number of decisions. The sick girl stood up after this one as well! At the third slab you will get more choices, all of these lead to the same result. Ill Wait This option will open up more choices. If you kill Nikolaos, he'll be gone forever (duh), but there's a deeper impact: Stendor will ultimately take the side of Nikolaos, so you'll have to also kill Stendor in order to continue.. Assassins Creed Odysseys protagonist defies death, living to be 2400+ years old and meaning they are alive come AC Valhalla. arteta vs ole head to head stats / best doctor in dominican republic for bbl / i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos. However, to get the best ending in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you'll have to forgive the man who once tried to kill you, and let him live. Tell Me Or Else You beat them down and get the info off their corpses. He will be on the ship where you docked it. When you reach this choice you'll know, and if you haven't yet, stop reading - SPOILER WARNING. Where Is My Mother Both results end the same way, and she sends you away. The guy you rescue claims to be a god, you can agree or disagree. Diona has a twin and you need to pick which one is the cultist. Im With you She will be happy that you two can fight together. Blood Fever is a side quest in AC Odyssey. Sparta Has Changed You try to explain to your mother that Sparta has changed since you both were last there. She will appear when he is about to die and you can give her the kill or take it yourself. They are all the same minus the color so just pick the color you want. Kephallonia will be affected permanently by this, and will appear as a blighted hellscape for the rest of the game. This will result in some alone time with you and him. I killed Nikolaos, don't know what baby we're on about and wrecked that little bitch Stentor. Share your feedback and connect with other members of the Community! O I didn & # x27 ; dead body, will arrive 7: Paint Red Flute en i've never found nikolaos or i killed nikolaos. There are choices at the end of the quest. I was Spartan You say you were Spartan once. You still get her Circlet for the Demigod set and it counts as a Cultist defeated so the tree is done. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey gives players many options to choose from and each choice has its own benefits and consequences. Update to the above, I also have sick people in Athens now. Whether you've opted to play as Alexios or Kassandra doesn't have any bearing on your decisions. 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