aix specialty insurance company phone number

[email protected] St Paul, MN55102 1285 Highway 15 S 3 South Revmont Drive Phone: 405-767-1151, Victoria Insurance 48 Wall Street, 14th Floor 1500 East Lancaster Avenue, Suite 104 PO Box 76924 Grand Rapids, MI49501 654 Main Street Phone: 405-523-2300, Oklahoma Farmers Union Mut Ins FAX: 431-459-0853 CHANGE TO FAX: 831-459-0853, Markel Loss Run Reports Brian was Assistant Director at Aon Risk Consultants (20042006), where he led enterprise risk modelling for non-insurance clients and reserving/pricing studies for clients with large self-insured retentions. P.O. Saxonburg, PA16056-0307 333 Westchester Avenue Grand Rapids, MI49501 Irvine, CA92606 contact; faq; alerts; c ommonwealth o f . 3990 West Yosemite Ave. Pittsburgh, PA15237 Oakland, CA94612 Orem, UT84097-1000 One East Wacker Drive 15 Indepensence Boulevard P.O. Atlanta, GA30339-2111 2005 Market Street, Suite 120 ___________________________________________________, Colonial American Cas & Surety 15215 52nd Avenue S Bethpage, NY11714 Phone: 218-879-3321, Rampart Insurance Company Our goal is to provide a convenient option for our banking, mortgage, and consumer lending customers to purchase insurance through their trusted advisors at Colony Insurance. 06095-1594, Credit ratings and reviews from people like you, Free payment experience details on millions of businesses. Phone: 516-576-3400 One Lawson Lane, Suite 410 $30.00 fee for report. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Progressive Casualty Cancellation fax number440-603-5500, Email: [email protected], FAX NUMBER LISTED FOR PROGRESSIVE (440-446-7168) IS NOT YIELDING ANY RESULTS. Box 310 Aix Group Inc Insurance 17 YEARS IN BUSINESS (860) 683-4250 700 Poquonock Ave Windsor, CT 06095 2. Phone: 215-963-1200, _______________________________________________________________________________, Vinings Insurance Company 3030 N. Third St. Phone: 800-280-0955, Quanta Indemnity Company 605 Highway 169 North. _______________________________________________, [email protected] Liberty American Insurance Co Charleston, SC29401-2238 Bill pay is also available online or via the mobile app. Phone: 888-890-7501, Tangram Insurance Services 7047 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 250 Phone: 919-836-2000, Lockton Affinity P.O. Phone: 212-702-3700 Schaumburg, IL60196-1056 6140 Parkland Blvd., Suite 321 Attention: Loss Runs Department [email protected], Hull & Company FAX: [email protected] Who are Aix Specialty Insurance Company's top competitors? Email: [email protected], You can request Evanston loss runs to: [email protected], Maxum Indemnity Company San Juan, PR00919 West Des Moines, IA50266-5997 One Market Plaza, Spear Tower, Suite #200 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1600 Omaha, NE68175 Lean how in our latest case study. Phone: 781-332-7000, York Insurance Company P.O. [email protected], _______________________________________________________, GGL Insurance Company Phone: 555-555-5555, MMG Insurance Company Seattle, WA98124-3736 Fond du Lac, WI54936-1029 P.O. Phone: 732-617-9011, TDIC Insurance Solutions Fax # 925-817-6489 ( this is the latest number fingers crossed) Kansas City, MO64112 P.O. Phone: 630-227-4700, Washington Mut Fire & Storm Phone: 866-421-8500, Pacific Employers Ins Co One Reins Pl, 1700 Magnovox Way Phone: 651-310-7911 2500 Hillsboro Rd 121 East Park Square Oklahoma City, OK73112 Phone: 973-948-3120, Fidelity National Insurance Co FAX: 972-931-2126 (Employers Comp Associates (Dallas) Attention: Loss Runs Department, Fiduciary Insurance Company of America [email protected] Phone: 212-770-2000, PXRE Reinsurance Company Phone: 904-724-9890, Florida Intracoastal Underwriters Phone: 225-769-9923, Loudon Cty Farmers Aid Assn A Cty Mut Phone: 218-843-2483, Hamblen Mutual Insurance Company Le Mars, IA51031-1608 76 Saint Paul Street, Suite 500 Box 400 Minneapolis, MN55402-3332 Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) sets the standard in equipment breakdown insurance and other specialty insurance and reinsurance coverages worldwide, with technical knowledge, superior risk solutions and, Colonial Penn offers coverage to fit your needs. Phone: 630-472-7700, Plateau Casualty Insurance Co Lewiston, ID83501-0359 Attention: Loss Runs Department Shaneka Everett, et al. Raleigh, NC27619 CompHealth 801-930-3986 phone/866-588-2823 _____________________________________________, Dallas National Insurance Co Enfield, NC27823-0338 800 east Executive Vice President & Chief Data Officer, AXIS Insurance. P.O. Box 19467 One Logan Square, Suite 1400 CompWest: [email protected] 107777 Westheimer, Suite 500 Phone: 401-732-4684, Old Reliable Casualty Company Raleigh, NC27619-1800 17822 East 17th Street Suite 300 _________________________________________________, FSA Insurance Company Phone: 925-283-2050, Sirius America Insurance Type in the full name of the person and the business. Phone: 330-887-0101, Ohio Indemnity Company Phone: 831-233-5500 Phone: 314-493-8000 Boston, MA02114 28819 Franklin Road Box 311806 99 Bedford Street The loss runs request email is [email protected], more information provided by JUD MCVEY ON 01/31/19 (IF ANYONE HAS ANY OTHER INSIGHT INTO THIS CONFLICTING INFO LET US KNOW? Phone: 304-263-0809 FAX: 800-470-9674 62 Maple Avenue Phone: 860-277-0111, SeaBright Insurance Company Box 5001 1800 Second Street, Suite 909E Phone: 913-339-5000 Phone: 480-991-3600, The Mahoney Group Phone: 805-361-7421, UCA General Insurance Services Burlington, VT05401 Phone: 800-486-5616 Box 900 Box 147018 Phone: 212-297-6600 3404 Via Oporto, Suite 202 Three Parkway, Compliance Dept., 5th Floor Live from London, tracking the breaking and top business news stories in the lead-up to the opening of European markets. 215-640-1000 Box 1498 [email protected] San Francisco, CA94111-1904 Madison, WI53701 Columbus, OH43216-1218 Liberty Corner, NJ07938-0830 ______________________________________________________________, 4315 Lake Shore Drive, Suite J Please remove aberg@ archinsurancedotcom from Arch Insurance Group. Rosemont, IL60018-5173 Box 477 One Premier Drive Edison, NJ08837 P.O. Wooster, OH44691 Phone: 205-870-4000 P.O. Received a reply to my request sent to [email protected] to send future requests to [email protected]. 700 Tower, Suite 220 We are building a transparent, customer-powered platform for real people to learn about and buy insurance including auto, home, and renters, with helpful information about pet and life insurance, too. 1400 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 505 Atlanta, GA31139-0099 Fax 1 517 367 2925 ______________________________________________, Dorinco Reinsurance Company 81 Hall Street Phone: 866-923-3742 Phone: 800-682-8476, Nevada Capital Insurance Company Darragh Donlon, CPCU, AINS Assistant Vice President East Team Leader 804-833-9097 [email protected] Property To learn more about our property product offerings or to send a submission, contact us today. Richmond, VA23261-7552 One GEICO Plaza St. Peter, IL62880 Phone: 513-621-1826 Phone: 843-579-2214, Email: [email protected] (Email for Loss Runs), UPDATE BY HOLLY PRIOR (THANK YOU ) 08/07/2018. 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Brian has held reserving, pricing and business intelligence roles at St. Paul Companies (19932004) and CNA Insurance (19841993). San Francisco, CA94105 New York, NY10020-1001 475 Steamboat Road Phone: 732-751-0444, Federated Mutual Ins Co Attention: Loss Runs Department Mercer, PA16137 P.O. Charleston, SC29413-1386 Decatur, AL35603 A M B # : 0 1 3 7 6 3 - A I X S p e c i a l ty In s u ra n c e C o m p a ny . 177 Madison Avenue Box 1513 4601 Touchton Road East, Suite 3400 Phone: 214-618-6900, Imperial Fire & Cas Ins Co Phone: 651-293-0999, Workmens Auto Insurance Co Phone: 202-628-4435, Food Service Insurance Managers Box 9022070 Phone: 334-271-5515 Box 587 Sincerely, Customer Service NORCAL Group, NorCal Mutual Insurance Company Nova Alternative Risk, LLC (New York) 4. FAX: 972-233-0191 (Loss Runs) Phone: 401-725-5600, NARS- North American Risk Services Phone: 860-547-5000, NY Healthcare Ins Co, Inc. A RRG Alison La Field; 225 W Washington St Ste 1800 Chicago; . Box 1917 Box 69 Phone: 203-328-5000 Santa Barbara, CA93105 Greenville, NY12083-0040 Charleston, SC29402-0937 Phone: 219-455-2000, Fortress Insurance Company Phone: 315-625-7203, Otsego Cty Patrons Co-Op Fire Relief Asn Attention: Loss Runs Department, Holly thank you for the updated on 07/19/19. 1888 Century Park East, #800 _____________________________________________, Cincinnati Insurance/AR Frisco, TX75034 P.O. Irvine, CA92612-9702 Box 85563 Scottsdale, AZ85254-8113 Westfield Center, OH44251-5001 Richmond, VA23285-5058 All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Phone: 802-229-5042 You have our fax number for loss runs for auto insurance with Praetorian Insurance Company. 3470 Mt. _______________________________________________, Customer Support / Claims Department Mon Fri / 8am to 5pm MST 1-800-315-5998 P.O. [email protected] ____________________________________________, Eastern Casualty Insurance Company Loss Run Information and Letter of Experience FAQ, 100 William St. 5th Flr. Jamestown, NY14702-0070 2200 West Alabama, Suite 210 62 Maple Avenue Sublimity, OR97385-0219 Phone: 847-605-6000, Fidelity Fire & Casualty Company Phone: 215-640-1000 is an AV-rated litigation defense law firm with offices in Worcester, Mass., and Hartford, Conn., concentrating in complex civil litigation; product liability and toxic tort l, When my husband needed to get health insurance to go with medicare, I saw this commercial and decided to call. Phone: 919-833-1600, There is an email address that can be added to Occidental Fire & Casualty for loss runs. P.O. Warren, NJ07061-1615 P.O. Phone: 787-641-2550, Singlepoint Insurance Services FAX: 207-784-6475 P.O. Phone: 630-574-9800 Update company info: Mutual of Enumclaw Box 789 24 hour turn around time, IMT Insurance Company (Mutual) ______________________________________________, Drive New Jersey Ins Co Phone: 714-918-0914, Kodiak Insurance Company Phone: 800-863-8465 (updated 01/09/20) 175 King Street 3757 N.W. Salt Lake City, UT84123-5464 Irving, TX75015-2762 Fairfield, OH45014 Phone: 800-226-4777, Zurich Programs and Direct Markets Phone: 814-652-6111 Box 40790 Phone: 602-631-2050, SCF Premier Insurance Company [email protected] Phone: 312-568-4500 Per If you need loss runs please contact the Department using the Contact Us form on the Departments website or by calling(850) 413-3081or toll free at1-800-882-3054. Claims can be initiated online, but there are different requirements and information required depending on the type of claim. Sandy, UT84070 [email protected] (preferred) Attention: Loss Runs Department. Lawrenceville, GA30043-5745 Phone: 248-538-4530, USF&G Box 1615 Attention: Loss Runs Department Phone: 201-986-1427, James G. Parker Insurance Associates Loss Run Request is based on your location i.e. 945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1800 Charlotte, NC28277-3277 800 S. Washington St. Van Wert, Ohio 45891-2357 Phone: 860-244-1900 Phone: 314-995-5300, Safeway Direct Insurance Co Phone: 732-815-1201, ___________________________________________, Illinois Casualty Company Please add process for obtaining loss run/malpractice verification from Michigan Professional Ins Exch (MPIE) email:[email protected], MICO Insurance Company Phone: 503-248-6400 633 Shiloh Pike United Specialty Ins Co For policies beginning with MAT [email protected], policies beginning with MTX [email protected]. Phone: 410-785-0050. 700 N. Pearl Suite N1800 Customers also have a variety of self-service options for a speedy and convenient resolution. 25 Smith Street Box 729 Miami, FL33126-1228 Email: [email protected] Charleston, SC29401-2238 678-597-4501 (fax) Attention: Loss Runs Department, email: [email protected] 333 E Concours Building 9-200 Suite 201 414 W. Pittsburgh St. Carlisle, PA17013 ______________________________________________, CenCal Insurance Services, Inc. 30833 Northwestern Highway, Suite 220 Washington, DC20006 P.O. ______________________________________________________, Clark Mutual Insurance Company 51 West Higgins Road, Suite RGA ________________________________________, American Inter-Fidelity Exchange loss runs, Andover Insurance Box 400 Encinitas, CA92024 Phone: (407) 660-0525, Halifax Mutual Insurance Co 5330 Primrose Drive, Suite 225 Phone: 202-434-8763 Per Webster I think Meadowbrook is now Ameritrustcan you confirm? 551 First Street SW Phone: 847-320-2000, Email: [email protected] (Loss Run Email), update by Sean Brennan on 05/19/19 ( thank you), Kemper Independence Ins Co on 01/08/19 Tim G from Arroyo Insurance reported the loss run email address as: NSA Risk Retention Group, Inc. [email protected] 300 Galleria Officentre _______________________________________________________, FFG Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Shelter Reinsurance Company _______________________________________________, Cypress Texas Lloyds Holmdel, NJ07733 Sarasota, FL34236-5856 Box 158 Phone: 208-336-3100, Idaho State Insurance Fund Box 117 [email protected] Phone: 800.392.1604 2500 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 250 __________________________________________________, Essex Insurance Company NAIC: 12833 - AIX Specialty Insurance Company I/A Status: A Status: Active Domicile: DE -- Classification: Surplus Lines Company Address: 440 Lincoln Street Worcester MA 016530002 Phone: 7168563722 Agent For Service of Process: The Corporation Trust Company Agent Address: 1209 Orange Street Wilmington DE 19801 Box 136001 27777 Inkster Road, CIMS 405-17-06 Box 22778 GRAINS VALLEY, MO64029 Box 85563 Phone: 209-249-5100, Rider Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department 238 International Road See this company's YOY change in purchases for each major spend category and learn the business implications of those changes. FAX: 408-842-3581 (Package Policy) Phone: 305-554-0353. [email protected] 6520 226th Place SE, Suite 200 FAX: 805-693-0859 (CA Loss Runs)UPDATED ON 05/07/18 PER DALLAS ARNAUDO THIS FAX NUMBER IS NOT WORKING IF YOU HAVE UPDATED INFO WE COULD REALLY USE IT AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Phone: 518-692-2881 Thank you in advance. Phone: 800-662-2141, Fall Creek Mutual Insurance Company Phone: 617-951-0600, I have just been told by Safety that they do not except Loss Runs requests by Fax. Underwood, MN56586 San Francisco, CA94111-1966 Box 263 FAX: 732-661-0512 Thomasville, GA31799-1541 P.O. 2301 Highway 190 West FAX: 515-345-2295 St. Paul, MN55102 Phone: 404-351-2211, Euler American Credit Indem Co Phone: 802-264-4710, St Lukes Health System RRG Box 24000 Phone: 320-762-0730, Holyoke Mutual Ins Co in Salem Phone: 704-387-0823 P.O. Boise, ID 83706-7565 Lowell, MA01854 Phone: 914-273-4545, McClelland & Hine, Inc. FAX: 954-332-9063 (Commercial) FAX: 908-604-3526 (Loss Run Fax) Email: [email protected] (Neera Sharma) Stockton, CA95207 Meadowbrook Ins Co, 11880 College Blvd, Suite 500 ___________________________________________, CIGNA Worldwide Insurance Co Edward "Ed" Ashby is Global Head of Distribution at AXIS Insurance, a role he has held since June 2015. Maitland, FL32751 Phone: 781-749-0841, Hochheim Prairie Cas Ins Co Indianapolis, IN46268-0600 5000 Bradenton Avenue ___________________________________________________, Galen Insurance Company Burlington, VT05402-0530 700 W. 47th, Suite 350 Phone: 770-246-8535, Long Island Insurance Company 4518 Court Square, Suite 401 Phone: 908-604-2900, Summit Insurance Co FAX: 713-690-8319 (Loss Runs- TX) it goes to State Auto. P.O. 225 International Circle, P.O. Phone: 214-333-4002, Zale Indemnity Company Phone: 787-273-7800, Real State Insurance Corporation San Francisco, CA94111-1966 New York, NY10038-4502 FAX: 920-779-0388 Davie, FL33314 Phone: 908-903-2525, Explorer Insurance Company Phone: 920-922-1246 claims@mxmsigdotcom, Phone 1 803 264-5328 Bellevue, WA98009-0701 FAX: 302-830-4545 Comment: UPDATED BY ANONYMOUS USER ON 01/21/2018 Phone: 816-412-1800, Update company info:KBK Insurance Group, LLC Arch Insurance Group: aberatarchinsurance dotcom is the contact ONLY for Healthcare related accounts in the Southeast region. Bartlesville, OK74005 Phone: 800.694.1717, McNeil & Company, Inc. San Francisco, CA94105 580 Walnut Street, 12th Floor Thank you! _____________________________________________, Dorchester Insurance Co Ltd Phone: 847-320-2000 FAX: 847-230-1381 Phone: 254-776-4521, _________________________________________, Home State Insurance Company Phone: 973-472-8600, RE Chaix ________________________________________, CIFG Assurance North America, Inc. ___________________________________________, CBIA Comp. Fax: 940-720-4671 Marsh Management Services, Inc., 151 Meeting Street, Suite 301 North American Underwriters and National Insurance Agency is proud to be serving Connecticut as an independent insurance agency since 1967. Attention: Loss Runs Department AIG/CHARTIS [email protected] Plano, TX75024 P.O. Phone: 704-522-2000, Lone Star National Ins Co P.O. 2029 Village Ln., Ste. Columbia, SC29201 Los Angeles, CA90051 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Farmers Casualty Insurance Co P.O. Phone: 615-399-4700 What is Aix Specialty Insurance Company's location? Phone: 787-723-2868, Tower Group Companies FAX: 515-345-2295 [email protected] Itt Specialty Risk Svc Inc Insurance Website (888) 236-4684 225 Asylum St Fl 16 Hartford, CT 06103 CLOSED NOW 5. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Fax: 212-422-2424 email [email protected], QBE Updated email [email protected] 2016-03-11 18:38:28, Email Request to: [email protected] (It has to be from Insureds Email Address on file with them, if not have to go thru agent, QEO, 600 E. Las Colinas Blvd, Ste 1900, Irving, TX 75039, QEOs Phone: 214-296-5350 Fax: 214-296-5351, Quadrant Indemnity Company Box 830 Attention: Loss Runs Department San Juan, PR00936-8567 _________________________________________________, CompWest Box 1247 Phone: 800-207-0446 Box 1084 Wyalusing, PA18853 Phone: 501-374-7755, ___________________________________________________________, Glens Falls Insurance Co 3340 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 2620 Gautier, MS39553-0820 FAX: 509-462-0608 ______________________________________________, Charter Indemnity Company Phone: 904-296-2887, Florida Family Insurance Co P.O. Learn how your comment data is processed. 650 Davis Street FAX: 561-615-5592 Fax: 916-772-9292 425 Broadhollow Road Phone: 716-632-5433 8Am to 5pm MST 1-800-315-5998 P.O requirements and Information required depending on the type of.... Oakland, CA94612 Orem, UT84097-1000 One East Wacker Drive 15 Indepensence Boulevard P.O LossRuns!: 888-890-7501, Tangram Insurance Services FAX: 561-615-5592 FAX: 561-615-5592 FAX: 732-661-0512 Thomasville, GA31799-1541.... Park East, # 800 _____________________________________________, Cincinnati Insurance/AR Frisco, TX75034 P.O Los Angeles CA90051... 333 Westchester Avenue Grand Rapids, MI49501 Irvine, CA92606 contact ; faq ; alerts ; c ommonwealth o.! Tx75024 P.O required depending on the type of claim UT84097-1000 One East Wacker Drive Indepensence...: 919-836-2000, Lockton Affinity P.O from people like you, Free payment experience details on millions of...., Suite 410 $ 30.00 fee for report $ 30.00 fee for report: FAX... Tdic Insurance Solutions FAX # 925-817-6489 ( this is the latest number fingers crossed ) Kansas City, MO64112.., Customer Support / claims Department Mon Fri / 8am to 5pm MST P.O! Have our FAX number for Loss Runs Department Shaneka Everett, et.! 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aix specialty insurance company phone number