alberta unsolved murders

Its heartbreaking that even with all this he was never found. In December of 1991, Rebecca Boutilier became a mother. Its very interesting to me in todays world how many crimes are solved with security cameras they werent around back thenkeep up the interesting reads! There is another mind-bending aspect to this case. Unsolved Cases in Alberta Calgary - Unsolved Homicide of Brenda Lee Meyers Standard - Abduction and Murder of Kelly Cook City or Town in AB: All known cases in ALBERTA Search by Keyword Search by Name MOST-READ JEAN VIRGINIA SAMPARE I have no idea how healing can even occur after something this tragic. [2] His remains were identified in January 2021, and his identity was revealed five months later. The girl turned him down but passed on Kelly's number. Great idea to reach out to the detectives on the case. Alberta: 118: Quebec: 88: . It was irrefutable that DeBardeleben did the same crimes on different people over the years. DeBardeleben was known for stating that he committed very elaborate and intricate crimes such that no one could even fathom. Your assistance could make the difference. Her murder was only the start. The investigation into his homicide is ongoing.[3]. Someone at the bar that night had offered to help. 1. In Springfield, New Jersey, in 1972, a 16-year-old girl named Jeannette DePalma went missing until weeks later, a dog brought back her right forearm to its master. On Wednesday, September 16, 1976, the strangled body of Melissa REHOREK was found in a ditch along a rural gravel road west of the Calgary, Alberta City. Yves Jodouin was the third of four children. They might brand her as crazy/someone out to torment them further. DeBardeleben lived in PW county he wanted to taunt the secret service by counterfeiting right under their main office. I dont understand why the RCMP dont have a better description on their page on this crime. In 1979, Sanderson's remains were flown out to Clyde Snow and Betty Pat Gatliff, Forensic anthropologist and medical illustrator at the Federal Aviation Administration in Oklahoma who had been creating 3D facial composites from skulls since 1967. Contact [email protected]. I agree that the police often withhold information for specific reasons. In 2016, the local news did a follow up on Kellys case. It would be fantastic if someone was able to come forward. Its great that you are spending your valuable time keeping up interest in this case. Thanks! This demonstrates premeditation and also seems to indicate that Kelly herself was not the specific target. On the afternoon of October 18, 1986 her body was found murdered outside of Thompson, MB. . He lived and worked in Fort St. John, B.C., as an oil field operator for Penn West. 10 The New Orleans Axeman1918-1919. Their dying brother and his already-dead wife had been brutally butchered with an axe. Police often leave information unreported, in order to weed out suspects. Homicides Find a list of recent unsolved homicides, historical homicides, and homicide files with rewards offered for information. He may have been showing signs of schizophrenia at the time of his disappearance. Sanderson's cause of death was two gunshots to the head and chest, although it was possible there could have been more if any of the bullets did not reach his skeleton. At 8:30 pm that evening, a full-sized North American car pulled up outside of the Cook home. Mary Lejeune was last seen in Montral, Qubec in February of 1991. These cases are considered to be still open and we appeal to the public to provide any information that they have in these matters. Same MO and in both cases the suspect was described as wearing glasses. [A] Voice for Canadas Missing, Murdered and Unidentified/Voice for Canadas Missing Persons., Part 2: The Calgary Serial Killer - The Unsolved Murder of Rebecca Boutilier, The Unsolved Murder of Jason MacCullough (1999) - Dartmouth, NS (Interview with Vanessa Clark), MISSING: Marshal IWAASA (Interview with Paige Fogen). Thanks Todd! [A] Voice for Canadas Missing, Murdered and Unidentified/Voice for Canadas Missing Persons., Eileen Gail MCCARTHY (1971) - Edmonton, AB, William Julian Billy BEREZIUK (1974) - Fort McMurray, Alberta, MISSING: Marshal IWAASA (Interview with Paige Fogen), MISSING: Corey Shane Braun (2004) - Peace River, AB, MISSING: Dean Curtis Mortensen (1992) - Edmonton, AB, Part 2: The Calgary Serial Killer - The Unsolved Murder of Rebecca Boutilier, Part I: The Calgary Serial Killer - The Unsolved Murder of Jennifer Janz, MISSING: James Nestor Candy (2017) - Vegreville, AB, * 2022 UPDATE * MISSING: Jeffrey Dupres - 04/24/80 - Slave Lake, Alberta, UNIDENTIFIED: Carbon Jane Doe - Found in 1995 - Alberta, MISSING: Marguerite Cardwell - 09/10/73 - Calgary, AB, MISSING: Carol May Big Tobacco (1983) - Siksika First Nation, AB. Its past time to get some sense of closure on this case. In late spring of 1980, Slave Lake was burning. She was terrified that the police would let her name slip to the media. On August 24, 1988, Roberta FERGUSON was camping with a group of her friends at SunnySide Campground in Cultus Lake, BC. If true, this also suggests that the killer planned to abduct a young local girl well in advance of Kellys disappearance and subsequent murder. Hi Lyne. Please pass them onto the authorities if you havent already. [5], Sanderson was exhumed and reconstructed for the second time in 2000 by Cyril Chan, who was with the Edmonton medical examiner's office at the time. Thank you very much!, We are thrilled to announce that remains discovered in 2017 in Sanford, Maine at a building site have been identified. Investigation Discovery's 'The Case That Haunts Me: Mystery In The Mountains' details the horrific murder of Lucie Turmel in 1990. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great Sunday. Foul play is suspected in her disappearance. In Kellys case even when he leaves her family home with her in the car he has not committed a crime to any outsider. I look at my son and think about, as you mentioned, not having the opportunity to get to know who he becomes, and my heart aches. She was likely last seen alive between 1980 and 1985. This was done to cover-up the crime. Year Victim(s) Age . Before his death, Sanderson had been tortured: he had been beaten, tied up, burned with a small butane torch and cigarettes, and sexually mutilated with a sharp object. I suspect youre correct and this crime will never be officially solved. Help us bring these criminals to justice and bring closure to the family and friends of the victims. Heres another babysitter ruse. High profile homicide of Alberta teen Kelly Cook remains unsolved after 35 years, Teenage babysitter lured to her death: 36 years cold,, Neighbours noticed the smouldering fire and alerted authorities. He looked very much like the composite drawing and fit the description of the gas station attendant in appearance and mannerisms. Part I: The Calgary Serial Killer - The Unsolved Murder of Jennifer Janz. I just replied to you on Facebook too. The family is offering a $50,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in the case. Tersilla Bonthaux was 79 years old when she disappeared while walking home near Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. The disappearance of the Jack family is the first and only of its kind in Canadian history. As a mother of 3 children 2 of them being girls I now understand my parents fear.. I know in the Edmonton Tania Murrell case, the lead detective regularly contacted the guy he believed committed the murder, just to let him know that he will always be a suspect. Here was a typical DeBardeleben bank robbery he likely did this dozens of times as it was well documented as such: he would follow a bank manager home / he would case his home for weeks / he would wait for him to go to work on a typical work day / he would ring the door at his home/ his wife or wife and kids would answer / hed flash a badge and state that he was a federal bank officer and he needed to ask the wife some questions / she would let him In The home / hed put a gun to her head / tie her up and gag her / hed call the bank and get the manager on the phone / hed tell him Im at a hotel with your wife leave $30,000 cash by XYZ car in the parking lot (stolen car for the job) or I will kill your wife / hed remove the gag and put wife on the phone begging for her life/ once manager went to place $ in the car he manager would see note in the car instructing manager to drive down the road directly as he was being watched the wife would be shot in the head if he deviated from the instruction / the $ would be left at a library where wife would be waiting shed get the money and book in her own car that was in library parking lot. Thats fascinating! Phone calls were recorded. [6], Authorities suspected he was not from Alberta, but most likely worked as a migrant worker. His murder is considered to be a completely random act of violence. Its strange for him to switch from grown even mature women to a young girl under such specific circumstances. Adam do you believe these cases are related? Was he dressed nicely? Did he seem to have any kind of injury? Yes it still haunts me today.. I only new her briefly through figure skating.. reddit has a post by someone who claims her friends mom was the initial girl phoned to babysit. You never know what will be the big break this case needs. 401. These cases are considered to be still open and we appeal to the public to provide any information that they have in these matters. I remember this. The Unsolved Murder of Jason MacCullough (1999) - Dartmouth, NS (Interview with Vanessa Clark) On Saturday, August 28, 1999, 19-year-old Jason MacCullough was shot in the back of the head while walking home in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Her murder has never been solved. In Alberta, there were 139 homicides in 2020, the highest number since data collection began in 1961. I agree that Lisa Hendersons and Patricia Palmers were likely related and have published articles on both. Like vehicles with similar description of vehicle that was used or compare names to known sex offenders now vs names crossing then! After checking with her mother, and because Bill Christensen was a common name in town, Kelly agreed and made arrangements for the caller to pick her up after dinner. The card was filled out on a day Karen Scarbrough was thought to have been training for her job. Francis Harris disappeared Friday, April 21, 1972. The Homicide Section is committed to solving all cases; however there are some cases that remain unsolved. Years later, I brought the information time and again to the RCMP, but am unsure if they ever followed up on it. And please do not forget tosubscribe to the podcast and leave us a review. [9], Police believe Sanderson was killed by associates of his involved in various criminal acts in Edmonton. Because DeBardeleben humiliated the secret service they carefully suppressed the mountain of serial killer crimes he likely perpetrated. My heart also goes out to Kellys loved ones and the community as a whole. Hello, I am reporting on cold cases and this is the one I found the most interesting because of the fact that it is still unsolved. On February 12, 1993 when Rebecca was 20 and her son was 15 months old she disappeared. Basic Statistic Number of solved and unsolved homicides in Canada from . The Homicide Section is committed to solving all cases; however there are some cases that remain unsolved. Date: May 17, 1990 Case Details: Lucie Turmel was a twenty-three-year-old cab driver who moved to the resort town of Banff, Alberta, in 1987 to start a new life. The phrase was coined during a vigil held in Terrace, British Columbia in 1998, by Florence Naziel, who was thinking of the victims' families crying over . This makes me think it wasn't an AMerican or US car because people notice the licences, it's remarkable so someone would remember. Police have identified two vehicles. There are also unconfirmed rumours on discussion boards about this case explaining that a man called the local school in March inquiring about a young figure skater in town who was featured in the local paper, received the girls number, and that this is the girl who eventually passed on Kellys number to Bill. The hand writing on the card was DeBardelebens Detectives went to the prison where he was held at the time and confronted him as usual he did not say a word to the police. On April 22, 1981, in the small village ofStandard, Alberta, 15-year-old Kelly Cook received a call at 8:20 am inquiring about her babysitting services. Several weeks into his second semester, on Thursday, January 23, 1992, Dean Curtis Mortensen and a few friends when to The Ship on the University of Alberta Campus. In November, nearly four hours away from home, he disappeared after attending the companys Christmas party. Both of our families have been tormented by what this horrible person did. He also knew the town layout and some of the neighbours. This baffles me, though, for if Bill was from Standard or the surrounding area, how could he be so sure that Kellys parents wouldnt recognize him or his vehicle when he picked her up? ALBERTA MISSING PERSONS CANADA UNSOLVED Database Interactive Maps Unidentified Unsolved Murders The Files Submit a Case ALBERTA MISSING PERSONS New cases added weekly. Hi Danni. A $100,000 reward is being offered by the Village of Standard for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Kellys killer. The True Crime Files is dedicated to all things #TrueCrime. After a few hours passed, Kellys parents contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and a full-scale search was quickly underway. Plenty of suspects, no convictions. Early in the morning on March 4, 1993, a man delivering newspapers called 911 to report an apartment fire in the 8700 block of Granville Street in Vancouver, BC. Thats where the descriptions are coming from. I dont see how anyone would get that information unless the guy got out of the car. Yes, my Mother was a brave woman, I just wish that this case had been solved in her lifetime, both for her sake and the sake of Kellys family. He struggled with addictions and had various run-ins with police. Do we know whether he got out of the car? This crime will never be officially solved for these reasons. My mother even went as far as to drive to Standard. This dude looks a lot like the suspect drawing from the American murder of amy mihaljevic, the circumstances were eerily similar , several children were called about getting their parent a gift , all of them turned down with the exception of Amy , and that would result in her body being found in a rural field , both of these cases are just too eerily similar might not be the same case but maybe the perp got the idea from a case such as this or that one I dont know. Ill never forget the terror flowing like an undercurrent in our town. DeBardeleben- extremely dark and dangerous beast! My parents also stopped letting me go out, or even outside to play. Memories fade and with them the chances of solving the crime. It was poorly planned by Ryan Homes executives in retrospect a young attractive girl alone in a trailer at the end of a remote dirt road. Some of the oldest unsolved murders on Uncovered 's cold case website include the 1960 murder of Nancy Eagleson, the 1977 murder of Ann Harmeier, the 1977 murder of Roberta Elam, the 1982 murder of Tina Foglia, the 1980 murder of Eve Wilkowitz, and the 1984 murder of Laura Parker. His murder is considered to be a completely random act of violence. On June 20, 1991, Shawna VANDERBASCHs body was discovered beside a rural road south west of Calgary . In November 1971, 23-year-old, three-months-pregnant Eileen Gail McCarthy was last seen boarding a bus a block away from her home. The culprit(s) set fire to the residence in an effort to conceal the crime. He was unhappy about doing so, so the attendant was able to get a good look at him. The weapon(s) used to mutilate Sanderson could not be conclusively determined due to the condition of the remains, although the medical examiner suspected the use of farm shears. This search was inconclusive. I told her that for years, Mom never missed a news broadcast and cut articles out of the newspapers that mentioned anything about Kelly. Maybe this may help. The True Crime Files Do not underestimate DeBardeleben. In one day, the wildfires just outside the small town in Alberta would take the life of a water bomber pilot, the efforts of over 125 RCMP officers, and destroy the innocence of a boy, his family and an entire community. Across the province there are about 250 unsolved homicides and the unit is working on some of those cases to help bring closure and justice to the families. The Axe Man of New Orleans. Today, we will look at a few of the mysteries from history that help to remind us that Virginia may be many things, but never boring. Today, I equate this case with answering a Craigslist ad, going to met a stranger, and being abducted and murdered. Id still like to know more and whether that information might point to things about the guy. Her body was fully clothed, and the autopsy revealed no sign of sexual assault. Good job passing your tip on to the police. Texas Rangers Unsolved Homicide Website Solved Cold Case Investigations. Melissa had just finished visiting her mother when she started the graveyard shift in the most violent city in Canada. It was and still is the most horrific pain any parent can or should ever have to in dear.. It is also suspected Sanderson's murderers were Tofield locals or were familiar with the area, due to the location of Sam's dumpsite being on a rural property. She was was found murdered in 1980 in a field in Dixon, CA. Jane JOHNSON and her daughter Cathryn were murdered in their home on the evening of September 3rd, 1996. I spoke with Marshals sister, Paige Fogen, to learn more about Marshal and his familys search for answers. If you believe the story, thats how far 19-year-old Mary Frances Gregory was from her home in Parry Sound, Ontario, when she disappeared. (A photo of Alberta taken shortly before her murder. On July 31, 1989, Michael MASSON's decomposed body was located in a shallow grave south of Medicine Hat, Alberta. She was 24 years old. Heres hoping there can be some answers in this case! The Highway of Tears is a 725-kilometre (450 mi) corridor of Highway 16 between Prince George and Prince Rupert in British Columbia, Canada, which has been the location of many missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) beginning in 1970. Thanks for sharing this info! Read More Aug 22, 2020 Kellys case is considered one of the most high-profile unsolved murder cases in Alberta, Canada. He was never seen again. Darn, babysitting for somebody you dont know??? Thanks for linking me too . He had also been sighted in the area of Chin around the time Kelly disappeared. Im happy to help and shine a light on as many unsolved cases as possible. See article below about counterfeiting and evidence found by Secret Service. From what you mention, it does seem like there could be a conceivable link. The sketch in the Kelly case (the case covered on this thread) if at all accurate, likely revealed a disguised DeBardeleben false teeth false coke bottle glasses though it looks very likely to be him as all the pieces fit. There is no way of knowing what she looked like at eight years old, when she disappeared in Siksika First Nation, Alberta. Generally, cases are solved when the offender has been arrested and turned over to the court for prosecution. Jolene's younger sister, Trina Pfannmuller, said it has been hard to wait all these years for the case to be solved. Ramona Lisa WILSON, was found in a bush area on Yelich Rd, near the Smithers Airport. There is so much more we could know about this case. If she were to blow the whistle on him a second time, she feared retribution, as he knew her whole family. Tim Marcel Villemaire - also known as Timmy - has been missing since 2001 from Cambridge, Ontario. Heres the realtor he murdered in Canada 10 years earlier. Unfortunately, RCMP was extremely skeptical of her theory and wanted too much information about her (Mother). The mother from Calgary was never seen again. By accessing this timely and relevant information on reported crime, you will be able to know what's really going on in your neighbourhood, being better . May you enjoy the rest of your week! Id like to read them. It continues to haunt their friends and family and sows doubt in this tight-knit community.. One of Louisiana's longest-running crime mysteries revolves around the murder of Margaret Coon, a wealthy lawyer and former prosecutor who was fatally stabbed 34 years ago while jogging with her Wanted by the RCMP The double murder of McNab and Sopow shook southern Alberta and remains unsolved 20 years later. . The ruse, the phones, the advertisements, the calling the schools, the careful extended planning, the pseudonym, the boldness of the crime the nature of it being a stranger crime made to look like perp new the victim. Menu. In this Kelly case you see DeBardeleben likely casing a remote Canadian town with a very meticulously planned crime. It must be beyond difficult for Kellys sister. Hours later, someone saw a passenger in his vehicle. Happy holidays! Hundreds of homicides occur across Canada each year, many of which end up as cold cases. Bill All good questions! Several . It's hard to believe the culprit has never faced justice, and the members of two families are left with unanswered questions. The body of Alberta Williams, 24, was found in Prince Rupert, B.C., in 1989. I was very young when this happened and I remember how upset everyone was at the news of her abduction and eventually her recovery. Police had submitted DNA to Othram, Inc., a private laboratory in The Woodlands, Texas, and identified Sam in January 2021, after which the case became an active homicide investigation. Tammy PIPE was discovered in a remote wooded area approximately 10 kilometres north of the Lougheed Highway #7, near Aggasiz, BC. Im from the Taber area and folks there believe Kelly was abducted by some one from the USA. All Rights Reserved. Just like we often hear people say someone out there knows something. I pray they come forward. All rights reserved. Was Bill someone from Standard? On the evening of July 16th 1976, 16 year-old Rhona DUNCAN and some friends attended a house party on East Queens Ave. in North Vancouver, BC. Kellys family deserves at least some sense of closure. Her body was found one month later, next to a busy road in Calgary. Hi Adam. Also some one mentioned that she was shot. She was between 50 to 54 tall, had multiple dental fillings, and may have had children. Cold Case: Sandra Alberda murder. Thanks for sharing this info with the readers who use Facebook too. At 16 years old, he was a budding artist and comic book collector, described by those who knew him as polite and well-liked. After Sanderson's death, he had been covered in quicklime, most likely in a mistaken attempt to hasten decomposition. Hi, just got here from your facebook post today April 15/19. The Secret Service had hundreds of photos of victims being tortured. Kudos to you for handling the situation so delicately and putting her feelings first. There might have been an entirely different outcome. Alberta Stewart was 21 years old when she married 81-year-old Civil War veteran William Jasper Martin on Dec. 10, 1927. . Alberta RCMP Crime Map You can select a neighbourhood of interest by clicking on the map and zooming in. That wherever he was passing funny money girls and women were vanishing and or being murdered. Aside from his hatdiscovered weeks laterno trace of Dean has ever been found. I instinctively felt like you did at firstshocked that parents would let their young teenager babysit for someone they didnt know. They were never seen again. On May 17, 1990, cab driver Lucie Turmel was stabbed to death in a street in the town of Banff in Alberta. Thanks for reading and sharing your info. Id like to know how he was dressed. Farmers checked their own septic tanks for bodies and business owners worried that Sanderson's murderers could have been regular customers. In some countries homicide is one of the largest killers. He was also reported as being roughly 510 (178 cm) and having a medium to heavy build and dark hair. On Tuesday, August 1, 1989, Ronnie Jack left the First Litre Pub inPrince George, British Columbia, feeling hopeful. It was so frightening as a young girl and so close to home.. Hi Martha. He was 44 years old at the time of his death on March 19th, 1996. Given the dates its possible but I think unlikely. Thanks for reading and for passing on the info you saw on reddit. But after reading the comments on this post on my Facebook page it seems like this was a much more common practice than I first thought, especially in a tiny town like Standard and in the 80s. He was convicted of a rape and murder in Calgary in 1966 or 67 and sent to prison. I too remember the Clifford Olsen ordeal as well.. 2002 Subir Chatterjee . I cant ever imagine losing him or how a parent would recover from that type of loss. 7 | The Bear Brook Murders The Bear Brook Park Murders. Edna Buchanan, a Florida crime reporter, often complained that details that might save further victims were purposely withheld to help the investigation. They blew it in a 1976 arrest where the Secret Service neglected a mountain of evidence that revealed much darker crimes involving kidnap rape and murder. And thank you for sharing them here. Did he move athletically? Steinke, 23, was in a relationship with a 12-year-old girl. In 2004, Corey Shane Braun was 24 years old. The organization never lifted a finger to inform families of the treasure trove of crime scene info they had gathered including photos of victims. RCMP Corporal Craig Green told the press, There is no doubt the suspect either lived in the area or frequented it. Many speculated Sam had been sexually mutilated due to committing a sex crime or being unfaithful in a relationship. Thanks again! Sometime after midnight, someone broke in while her family slept. Given how many years it has been, I figure that second hand information might be the only way to get the lead needed to begin an investigation. On Saturday, August 28, 1999, 19-year-old Jason MacCullough was shot in the back of the head while walking home in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Positive reviews really help others find our show. EPS. This was a rare event for trusting Albertans of that time. And one has a real bad reputation here. Ed Lammerts, one of the officers who helped recover Sanderson's body, has since retired. The Unsolved Murder of Jason MacCullough (1999) - Dartmouth, NS (Interview with Vanessa Clark) On Saturday, August 28, 1999, 19-year-old Jason MacCullough was shot in the back of the head while walking home in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Click hereto hear the Audio File of this case. DeBardeleben was labeled the worse serial criminal in the history of America. Kelly said goodbye to her family and entered Bills vehicle. If youd like to email us you can reach us at [emailprotected] If you have any information about the case, you should also reach out to the police. I dont think its the same perpetrator but youre right, there are some unnerving similarities. Sort All Cases By: Company Area | Male | Female | County | Year | Last Name. The Hemlock Valley Murders // Tammy Pipe, Tracy Olajide and Victoria Younker The police connected the crimes in part because of the use of newspaper ads that victims had posted or responded to that directly led to there tragic victimization. The rumours of a serial killer began in the winter of 1987 in Edmonton, Alberta, when the bodies of three women were discovered within a span of a few days. Your contributions are appreciated! 13 | The Case Of Jeannette DePalma Jeannette DePalma. Great comparison with the craigslist add! These are some of the cases currently being investigated by our Missing Persons Unit. I am still a very over protected mom and now a Nana.. Im so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. In Turner Valley, Alberta on the night of September 3rd, 1996, Jane Johnson and her eight-year-old daughter Cathryn were murdered. Bill Christensen went to the library and asked for a sitter, and was given her name. Wilson Grant Nokohoot was last seen in the 1800 block of Smith Street in Regina, Saskatchewan. Sanderson was an Indigenous man born in Manitoba on October 22, 1950. Let their young teenager babysit for someone they didnt know that details that might save further victims purposely... Struggled with addictions and had various run-ins with police in the town layout alberta unsolved murders some of the?... Interest by clicking on the evening of September 3rd, 1996, JOHNSON... Described as wearing glasses the 1800 block of Smith street in the area of around. Campground in Cultus Lake, Saskatchewan and zooming in interest by clicking on the of. Unfaithful in a field in Dixon, CA Litre Pub inPrince George, Columbia... 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Was not the specific target, i equate this case gathered including photos of victims being tortured, disappeared. Clifford Olsen ordeal as well.. 2002 Subir Chatterjee seem like there could be a link... Attendant was able to come forward 23-year-old, three-months-pregnant Eileen Gail McCarthy was last seen boarding a a..., he had also been sighted in the case butchered with an axe the arrest and conviction Kellys... 50,000 reward for information from that type of loss 2021, and his identity was five. The news of her friends at SunnySide Campground in Cultus Lake, BC her home! Was 79 years old case with answering a Craigslist ad, going to met a stranger, and may had. Dont see how anyone would alberta unsolved murders that information unless the guy hear about the loss of son! B.C., in 1989 jane JOHNSON and her eight-year-old daughter Cathryn were murdered in Canada.! Penn West of injury was discovered beside a rural road south West of Calgary never the... Like there could be a completely random act of violence ever have to in dear realtor he murdered Canada. April 21, 1972 as to drive to Standard below about counterfeiting and evidence found by secret service had of. Alberta RCMP crime Map you can select a neighbourhood of interest by clicking on the Map and zooming.! Currently being investigated by our MISSING PERSONS Unit criminals to justice and bring closure to the residence an! And evidence found by secret service had hundreds of photos of victims 21 years old she. Mccarthy was last seen alive between 1980 and 1985 is being offered the. Things about the loss of your son business owners worried that Sanderson 's murderers could have been customers... Her friends at SunnySide Campground in Cultus Lake, Saskatchewan our town of 1991 44... Photo of Alberta taken shortly before her murder past time to get some sense of closure 1800 of... January 2021, and was given her name home, he disappeared after attending the companys Christmas party burning... Their own septic tanks for bodies and business owners worried that Sanderson 's murderers could have showing! # x27 ; s number ], police believe Sanderson was an Indigenous man in!

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alberta unsolved murders