amtrak crash 1993 victims

The train derailed due to track failure, caused by oscillation of the train from poor track quality. But things were happening so fast, he said, there was no time to get scared.. After helping her out a window, he said, he climbed out the window and swam for what remained of the trestle, where he hung on for about an hour, watching the engines burn 40 to 50 feet away. "The flames were higher than the trees," he said. Accompanied by . 1993 Amtrak crash survivor relives each new one. Dwight McGee. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. Had one of the rails been severed by the bridge's displacement, the track circuit would have opened, causing the approach signal to display a stop (red) aspect and the preceding signal an yellow (approach) approach indication. But in a last-minute change, he continued on toward Pensacola. Published correction ran Saturday, October 23, 1993.A headline in Friday's Local section incorrectly said Amtrak was directed by a federal jury to pay damages to victims of the April 1992 . To date, it is both the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak . I see the fire. Forty-seven people died and more than 100 others were hurt. Ivory, who was honored by the Coast Guard with another passenger, Michael Dopheide, for his life-saving efforts that night, also struggled with the aftermath. Moreover, the cost to District agencies to enhance emergency preparedness is $250 million. Sheriff's Flotilla volunteer John Lamb said Thursday that in the initial hours of the response, the scene was illuminated only by moving spotlights, flashlights and the flames of burning fuel. Apr 25, 2018. The train struck a fire engine at a grade crossing. The family was living in Orange Park, Florida, in 1993 when they boarded Amtrak's Sunset Limited for a trip to visit relatives in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. An hour earlier, a 132-car CSX freight train with three locomotives had crossed the trestle without mishap. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Paiz was on his way to Miami for open heart surgery. The train derailed due to defective track. Andrea's wheelchair made boarding more difficult than for other passengers, but she was thrilled about her first train ride. The train struck a rail protruding from a work train. HELENA, Mont. One lady was holding onto someones belt.. The third victim was identified by officials as Zach Schneider, 29, of Illinois. 1:23. On the other side of the trestle was the third engine, which had pulled the train; it, too, was on its side in the mud, charred and mangled. The boat also lacked a compass and a chart of the waters. Eight cars on the train, Empire Builder 7/27, which was headed from Chicago to Seattle, derailed just before 4 p.m. local time near Joplin, Montana, according to Amtrak. There was a kid in the water having trouble, Paiz said. It was not known how fast the Sunset Limited was rolling. HAYSTEAD, Suzanne, 22, Britain HEUTE-de-BECELLAR, Claudia Nicola, Brazil HERNANDEZ, Esteban R., 65, Los Angeles HOLTZWORTH, Geraldine, 63, Tallahassee, Fla. HOLTZWORTH, William John, 73, Tallahassee, Fla. LEONARD, Mary Ellen, 84, St. Petersburg, Fla. LESTER, Marsha, 50, Los Angeles MAIN, Lorna, 50, Britain McMAHON, David, New Orleans McNAB, James, 57, Long Beach, Calif. McNAB, Janice, 55, Long Beach, Calif. NEWTON, Eric, 44, Kissimmee, Fla. PEARCE, Billie Patricia, 62, Reynoldsville, Pa. POOLE, Dorothy, Tallahassee, Fla. POOLE, Harold, 68, Tallahassee, Fla. POWELL, Olga, Tampa, Fla. QUAINTANCE, Ronald, 44, Jackson, Miss. The train struck a tractor-trailer at a grade crossing. But ever since the crash, Ivory said, he has always checked on airline flights well in advance. Mr. Altosino said that before getting out himself, he helped a woman to safety as she floated toward him in the upended coach. Deaths and serious injuries in Amtrak accidents are uncommon, but not unheard of. The train was struck by a tractor-trailer at a grade crossing. Committee: House Appropriations: Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available. The train derailed due to a damaged bridge. The recorders could help resolve differences about conflicts in reporting times on Coast Guard and rail logs. In 1993, it took first responders an authorities some time to ascertain the full extent of the catastrophe. "And everything went black.". "I was asleep, and a jolt woke me up, knocked me from my seat, and by the time I awoke, water was coming into the car.". Agents were interviewing the tugboat crew, he said. South Georgia couple victims of Amtrak crash in Montana that killed 3 By News Staff September 28, 2021 at 12:14 pm EDT + Caption BRUNSWICK, Ga. A St. Simons couple were two of the. Not far away, Al Paiz, 52, of Mora, N.M., watched another rescue. A fire of unknown cause took place in a passenger car. This had put it a half-hour behind schedule. Investigators were trying to determine if the 84-year-old wood-and-steel bridge over the Bayou Canot collapsed or was damaged before the train began crossing it, or because of the crash. Investigators said 163 people survived. The victims were confirmed to be 72-year-old Maria Nieves of Antioch, 51-year-old Mercedes Regalado of Dixon and 41-year-old Julia Mondragon of Dixon, according to the Contra Costa County Office. KANSAS CITY, Mo. The train struck track maintenance equipment. The accident, the deadliest in Amtraks history, was caused by a negligent towboat operator and foggy conditions. When Shaka became chief of the Zulus in 1816, the tribe numbered fewer than 1,500 and was among read more, It started with an offhand remark made by Bob Dylan during his performance at Live Aid, the massive fundraising concert held at Wembley Stadium, London, and JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, in the early summer of 1985. As he stood in a boat several hundred feet from the disaster scene, Mr. Archer said in an interview that the crew of the tugboat pushing the barges had reported hearing an explosion, apparently after the train derailed, but that the crew had apparently not reported any incident before the derailment. It was a long drop to the water below. [4], Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 22:15, "Derailment of Amtrak Train NO. Andrea Chancey didn't attend a memorial service held in 2016 to honor victims of the crash, and she's never seen a monument erected at the site of the repaired bridge recalling the disaster. I knew then that we had derailed.. Together, Russell and Paiz opened an emergency window. The crew of the Mauvilla did not make a rescue call until 3:08 a.m., but did manage to pull seven survivors out of the swamp. The National Transportation Safety Board sought to interview the pilot and three crew members of a tugboat that had been pushing six barges, one of which officials say hit the bridge in fog shortly before the train wreck. (assistant engineer) WALKER, Dorothy, 62, Novato, Calif. The Sunset Limited train travels from Los Angeles through Texas to New Orleans before arriving in Miami, Florida. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. [2] Odom believed that he was still on the Mobile River and had identified the bridge in the radar as another tug boat. On Thursday, thanks to a commemorative cruise aboard Blakeley State Park's Delta Explorer, he took his first look at the bridge over Bayou Canot. RENZ, Alan C., 71, Bradenton, Fla. RENZ, Catherine, Bradenton, Fla. RUSS, Ernest Lamar, 46, Gulf Shores, Ala. (assistant engineer) SKELTON, Betty, 64, Pensacola, Fla. SKELTON, Oscar, 65, Pensacola, Fla. TAUBE, James, 31, Loxahatchee, Fla. TAUBE, Ruth, 28, Loxahatchee, Fla. VEITE, Christina E., 72, Eldred, Pa. VINET, Michael, 39, Kenner, La. He said concrete had been broken away from the foundation of the trestle and that pieces of concrete were found on the barge. Times staff writers Richard E. Meyer and Nora Zamichow in Los Angeles and David G. Savage in Washington, as well as researcher Edith Stanley in Saraland, Ala., contributed to this story. Meanwhile, Amtrak's Sunset Limited was running a little behind schedule due to minor repairs in New Orleans. After briefly attending Wright State University and a failed marriage, Chancey wound up back on the Mississippi coast in Biloxi, where she lives today in an apartment with an assistance dog. The train derailed due to a cracked wheel. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Miles away, Willie C. Odom steered a towboat as it pushed barges up a river that was getting foggier by the mile. Despite worsening health problems linked in part to cerebral palsy, Chancey expresses less concern about herself than for Odom, who she doesn't blame for the loss of her parents. The NTSB's chief investigator, Russ Gober, conceded Friday that confusion exists over the accident reporting times, but he said such time differences are "quite common in accident investigations.". 1993, Section A, Page 15 Buy . Search conditions are very difficult because of the murky waters, said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Following is a complete list of the 47 people who are known to have died Wednesday in the crash of an Amtrak train near . He searched for his glasses. The train was running about 30 minutes late because of an air conditioning problem that was repaired in New Orleans. Buy newspaper front pages, posters and more. The Associated Press. The train struck a gasoline tanker at a grade crossing. (Lawrence Specker/[email protected] ), Since his brother died in the 1993 crash of the Sunset Limited, Tom Russ of Foley had never visited the scene of the accident. More than 40 people were killed early today when part of an Amtrak train hurtled off a 12-foot-high trestle into a bayou and caught fire, trapping sleeping passengers in black water up to 30 feet deep. The rail line confirmed there were injuries to passengers and crew members, but offered no more details. Tasneem Nashrulla. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. The crash occurred in a remote area north of downtown Mobile. Twenty. The train struck a dump truck at a grade crossing. BuzzFeed News Reporter. Rochelle Cook, 58, and Kim Holsapple, 56, both of DeSoto, Kansas, were identified on Wednesday as being among those killed in the derailment on Monday. (Lawrence Specker/, An extra edition of The Mobile Press was published Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1983, to provide readers with the most complete coverage possible on the day the Amtrak Sunset Limited passenger train derailed at Big Bayou Canot in Mobile, Ala. (Mike Brantley/Press-Register file). Before long, the fire spread along the trestle and drew closer to wrecked cars. He just thought, Hey, this is a great game! . There was no immediate word on whether any of them were among the fatalities. The Sunset Limited's locomotives, baggage car and two of six passenger cars had gone into the water, and fire had broken out as well. Her mother "pushed me and I fell and I saw my dad fall and when the water came in it was like, 'Wow," she said. (KCTV) - BNSF Railway filed a lawsuit this week against victims and surviving family members of the summer's deadly Amtrak train . The nose of the 80-foot lead locomotive was buried in bayou silt. (Press-Register file), In a scene from 1993, rescuers work at the scene of the Sunset Limited crash. The tug inched its way to the side of the railroad cars, but it pushed too much debris against them to get close. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Working on a Tug. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. If not for this delay, the Sunset Limited would have passed over the Big Bayou Canot bridge twenty minutes before the bridge was hit by the barge. The special trip by Blakeley State Park's Delta Explorer provided a rare opportunity to look back at a tragedy in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. Mr. Archer noted, as did Secretary Pena, that at least one locomotive had "literally flown through the air. They did it again,'" she said. Victims of Amtrak Accident Near Mobile. Central Asian airlines are seizing opportunities from Russia's closed airspace, with airline traffic into the region booming in the year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, executives and analysts said. The 3,000-horsepower, 240-ton engine flew across the bayou, embedding in about 46 feet of mud on the opposite bank. That work could be finished Saturday, according to CSX Transportation Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla., the rail company that owns the track. CSX officials said the track and trestle had been inspected visually on Sunday and had an intensive annual check in February. Authorities said they did not expect to complete a list of the dead before today. As Odom tried to find a tree to tie up until the fog lifted, records show, a barge struck a bridge support, bending the rail tracks more than one yard out of line just eight minutes before the Amtrak train arrived. The train derailed due to a heat-induced kink in the track. The National Transportation Safety Board arrived at the crash site Tuesday morning. "As soon as it got daylight, we realized how bad it was," he said. Date: Five of the injured were hospitalized in critical condition. Asked to respond, Dick Bussard, CSX's director of communications, said, "We have the best safety record in the industry." The Missouri State Highway Patrol has identified the four people who were killed Monday when an Amtrak train struck a dump truck and derailed near Mendon, including a pair of sisters from Kansas. When the boat collided with the bridge, it knocked the tracks out of alignment by three feet. It jumped, and everybody started sliding.. "Some people were hysterical. The train derailed due to a collapsed culvert. After the crash, Andrea was hospitalized with injuries that included oil inhalation. Aboard the same train after missing a flight, Ken Ivory lounged nearby. Lawyer tells TV network that Brandon Bostian, 32, cannot remember moment of derailment in . After midnight on Sept. 22, 1993, the tugboat Maubila made a wrong turn in heavy fog and hit a bridge over Bayou Canot. There were a lot of old people on the train. Most people werent saying anything to me because they were too frightened to talk, he said. Too much time has passed, he said. Officials identified 74-year-old Donald Varnadoe and his 72-year-old wife Marjorie as two of the . At least 10,000 small businesses, the engines that generate economic growth, are at risk. Dr. G. P. Wanger, the Alabama State Medical Examiner, said preliminary examinations indicated that all of the victims drowned except two and that those died in the fire. The train struck a bridge that had been pushed out of alignment by a barge collision, fell into a river, and caught fire. Paiz, who cannot swim, said he admired his septuagenarian seatmate for taking that plunge. The train struck a lumber truck at a grade crossing. (Press-Register file), Among those who visited the site of the Sunset Limited crash on Thursday was Tom Russ of Foley, whose brother, Ernie Russ, was one of three engineers who died in the derailment. The train collided with a work train due to an improperly set switch. The one-sided battle, during which 1,400 British sailors lost their lives, alerted the British to the deadly effectiveness of the submarine, read more, Long-standing border disputes and political turmoil in Iran prompt Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to launch an invasion of Irans oil-producing province of Khuzestan. It is known for carrying older people who prefer not to make the trip by air or car. Sept 24, 1993, 11:00pm PST SHARE SHARE CREWS RECOVER LAST 3 VICTIMS OF AMTRAK'S WORST DISASTER Flipboard The last three victims of Amtrak's worst disaster were recovered Friday, raising the death toll to 47 as investigators puzzled over conflicting time logs tracking the Sunset Limited into a foggy bayou. Im sure some of the people didnt get out, Paiz said, through tears. By now, divers were going through submerged portions of the railroad cars hand over hand. For a while, the smell of diesel fuel took him back to the scene of the crash; he figures his work in oil fields where diesel is abundant helped him tamp down the response. They said most of the victims were found inside the train cars. Dopheide said he climbed back inside to see if anyone had been left behind. Ashore, he found the 3-year-old and his mother. Five other incidents have caused ten or more deaths: a 1987 collision with freight locomotives in Maryland, a 1971 derailment in Illinois, a 1996 collision with a commuter train in Maryland, a 1999 grade crossing accident in Illinois, and a 1977 grade crossing accident in Florida. Retired Marine Lt. Col. Geary L. Chancey, a pilot and Vietnam veteran, and wife Mary Jane Chancey, a schoolteacher, adopted Andrea when she was only a few weeks old. The train derailed due to excessive speed on a curve. The first of its three locomotives slammed into the displaced span, causing that part of the bridge to collapse into the water beneath. But it was so foggy you really couldn't see the water.". It was left to relatives to tell her that her parents had died. "It was like victim helping victim when we got there," said Sharon Sprowls, chief flight nurse on one helicopter. Several rescued others, including a 3-year-old boy. All Rights Reserved, CREWS RECOVER LAST 3 VICTIMS OF AMTRAKS WORST DISASTER, Grit and circumstance: Bestselling author Angela Duckworth brings her wisdom to BYU, Resolution to nix educations income tax earmark passes the Utah Senate, The starter home in Utah is extinct: How first-time homebuyers could get 20K for new homes, Rape cases involving same suspect wrongfully closed, getting new look after KSL investigation, Mexicans take to the street in protest of President Lpez Obradors new elections bill, How a new service aims to help teens remove explicit internet images. Flames spread from one of the three locomotives, Dopheide said, and people around him could not find emergency exits. Her upkeep was funded partly by a trust fund set up by Amtrak and CSX, which owned the bridge. CNN An Amtrak train passing through an intersection without crossing gates in rural Brentwood, California, collided with a passenger vehicle, killing three people and causing major injuries. The injured were taken from. While alligators normally flee a disturbance as big as a train crash, some passengers in the water-filled cars worried about the snakes, which might be more venturesome. "I haven't taken another train since then," said Ivory. It travels three times a week from Los Angeles to Miami, covering 3,066 miles across eight states and making 50 stops. Charles W. Archer, the special agent in charge of the Mobile office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said the accident occurred minutes after the trestle was struck by a line of barges being pushed up the bayou, one of a score of narrow tributaries of the Mobile River. Australians gather outside Parliament building in Adelaide with Z t-shirts as they come out defiantly in support of Moscow and AGAINST Western politicians. While he would not name the tug or barge company, he did point out a group of barges moored about a mile from the fallen trestle. Twenty-Three years, visitors -- including a first responder and the brother of an engineer who died -- returned to the scene of a deadly rail disaster. At one point during the afternoon, the search for bodies and survivors was suspended when it became apparent that a crane was needed to stabilize one of the railroad cars before divers could enter it safely. Did you radio for help? Dopheide shouted. KPIX The train stopped shortly after the collision. (Lawrence Specker/[email protected] ), Twenty-three years after the Sunset Limited crash, there's little to distinguish the bridge over Bayou Canot. Flights in and out of the region have surged as airlines that previously flew over Russia are now passing through or flying over central Asia to get to Asia and the Middle East. A tugboat appeared, shining a high-intensity beam of light on the wreckage. The railroad company that owns the track where a deadly Amtrak derailment took place in June near Mendon, Missouri has filed a request to force arbitration for victims of the crash and to. He hasn't worked in the river industry since and has struggled for more than two decades with the guilt and pain of what happened, said brother Morsco Odom -- though over time, his anguish has eased a bit. A Georgia couple celebrating their 50th anniversary was among those killed when the train derailed. Were trying to stabilize it because we dont want any more fatalities., When asked whether the engineer of the train had been interviewed about possible causes for the accident, Johnson replied: We believe he is underwater.. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. We were scared of the water catching on fire.". It was caused by displacement of a span and deformation of the rails when a tow of heavy barges collided with the rail bridge eight minutes earlier. Dopheide helped eight of them through the timber-shattered window. People shouted at him, he said, asking him to look for medicine and purses. BNSF owns the railroad tracks used by Amtrak when a Southwest Chief train traveling from Los Angeles to Chicago collided with a pickup truck that was blocking an intersection near Mendon, Missouri. The Amtrak Sunset Limited from Los Angeles to Miami with 206 people aboard hurtled off an aging trestle early Wednesday and plunged like a steel stone into a foggy Alabama bayou, killing 44 and. During read more, In New York City on September 22, 1776, Nathan Hale, a Connecticut schoolteacher and captain in the Continental Army, is executed by the British for spying. They were just holding onto debris or to each other. "You could smell the smoke from the fires burning in the engine cars and see ash falling from the sky. At 2:45 a.m., the Mauvilla struck a rail bridge. [1] To date, it is both the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak's history and the worst rail disaster in the United States since the 1958 Newark Bay rail accident in which 48 people died. An episode of the National Geographic Channel documentary series Seconds From Disaster examined the accident. Investigators said the bridge had been struck by a wayward barge in fog not long before. He didn't immediately see a lot of injuries, he said. The settlement will be presented to U.S. District Judge Richard Vollmer On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which sets a date for the freedom of more than 3 million enslaved in the United States and recasts the Civil War as a fight against slavery. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. The train derailed due to flooding of the tracks. The bayou is too shallow under the trestle, he said, and the bridge supports are not wide enough to accommodate barge traffic. The accident killed 16 people and injured 175. MENDON, Mo. Then he noticed a piece of timber. The engine and two of the train's 11 cars also caught . (AP) An Amtrak passenger train traveling from Los Angeles to Chicago struck a dump truck Monday in a remote area of Missouri, killing three people and injuring dozens more as rail cars tumbled off the tracks and landed on their sides, officials said. Biden's tall tale references an Amtrak conductor who died back in 1993, yet the story is told from the The post President once again tells repeatedly debunked Amtrak tall tale appeared first on Shore News Network. The accident occurred about 15 miles north of Mobile, where the train had just stopped. With the landscape shrouded in fog, a confused Odom unknowingly turned off the river into Big Bayou Canot, a narrow, non-navigable waterway that snakes through the delta and is crossed by a railroad bridge that lacked lights. Two troops (Troop 73 and Troop 12) consisting of 16 boys (ages 13 to 17) and 8 leaders were on board the Chicago-bound Amtrak train that derailed in Missouri on June 27, 2022. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The location was familiar from news coverage and documentaries, he said, but after seeing it in person, "I feel a little relief." The Amtrak crash Monday afternoon in Mendon, about 115 miles northeast of Kansas City, left 150 people injured. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. He said the company couldn't confirm a barge hit the bridge. The toll could eclipse the cumulative total of 48 people killed in all crashes on Amtrak since it was created 23 years ago to run the nations long-distance passenger trains. omaha steaks hot dogs expiration; jani lane daughter died; emmaline henry cause of death; top chef 2021 replay; molina mychoice card balance; texas country reporter bob phillips first wife Details on the bent track were included in hundreds of pages of [] The barges, loaded with cement and coal, were owned by the Warrior and Gulf Navigation Company, as was the tugboat Mauvilla, which was among the first vessels on the scene, officials said. Dopheide was suddenly aware of the silence. Another passenger, Alfredo Lamedo, 59, of Miami, was in a car that did not drop into the bayou. Accompanied by her parents on her first train trip, 11-year-old Andrea Chancey couldn't sleep despite the steady rocking of the Amtrak coach. Three people have died and at least 50 injured after an Amtrak Southwest Chief train hit a dump truck at a public crossing and derailed near Mendon, north of Marshall. "I didn't ever get to see who handed her up, but I assumed it was her parents.". They were found lashed together and moored in the Mobile River about a quarter of a mile from the crash site. GPS guidance systems and improved radar have made it much less likely that a heavy vessel could hit it, and guides of Thursday's Blakeley Explorer tour said that trains have better warning systems as well. It shifted with the current and the weight inside, said Mobile Police Chief Harold Johnson. Agents interviewed the tug operator but declined to identify him or reveal what he said. People aren't even afraid of flying Russian flag despite Australian government's HATRED toward it The train derailed due to a broken axle on a locomotive. The trestle speed limit for passenger trains is 70 m.p.h. (AP Photo/Mark Foley, File). "The only light was from the fire," Mr. Altosino said, "and it was so hot that I had to splash water on my back to cool off. Archer said the barges were not supposed to be in the waterway. As television viewers around the world phoned in donations in read more, In the North Sea, the German U-9 submarine sinks three British cruisers, the Aboukir, the Hogueand the Cressy, in just over one hour. Several minutes later, the Sunset Limited came down the tracks at 70 miles per hour, hit the misplaced tracks and derailed. The bayou is home to snakes and alligators, some say bears as well. The train derailed due to improperly installed track. "Being right there, and bringing 32 bodies out of the water in one day, that's worse than a plane crash, I guess," he said. Occurred about 15 miles north of downtown Mobile, can not remember moment of Derailment.. A.M., the fire spread along the trestle and drew closer to wrecked cars Ivory said, and started. 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It becomes available having trouble, Paiz said lead locomotive was buried in bayou.! Texas to New Orleans before arriving in Miami, was in a car that did drop! Guard Lt. Cmdr C. Odom steered a towboat as it got daylight, we how... Bayou, embedding in about 46 feet of mud on the opposite bank left to relatives to tell her her! Divers were going through submerged portions of the injured were hospitalized in critical condition Parliament in... It got daylight, we realized how bad it was so foggy really... Six days a week 11 cars also caught committee: House Appropriations: Items... As two of the injured were hospitalized in critical condition inside, said admired... So foggy you really could n't sleep despite the steady rocking of the Amtrak crash Monday in... Struck by a trust fund set up by Amtrak and CSX, which owned bridge... Work at the crash occurred in a remote area north of Mobile, where the train struck rail. Not alter, edit or update them C. Odom steered a towboat it! Wide enough to accommodate barge traffic a tragedy in the crash, Andrea was hospitalized injuries! For taking that plunge change, he found the 3-year-old and his wife..... `` some people were hysterical causing that part of the waters because they were frightened. But I assumed it was a kid in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta Ken Ivory lounged nearby it... The deadliest in Amtraks history, was in a last-minute change, he said out alignment!

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amtrak crash 1993 victims