angry gamer copypasta

I see these people saying "I put well over 100 hours in this game, it's great!" that's nothing, most of us can easily put 300+ hours in all our games. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Adam. Not only do I be top o the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and Ill damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o the world, ye dog. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you head over to the r/NavySealCopyPasta subredddit you can see various examples. On November 16th, Newgrounds[5] user JoePorter134 uploaded a dramatic reading of the copypasta. Thank you for being understanding. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch. 14. Don't believe me? to view the image gallery, The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. He claims to have his enemys IP address being traced now so she better get ready for the storm. You can see a screengrab of the post from Twitter below- basically, the Richi Phelps account used the infamous copypasta, translated into Mexican gangster slang, and it went even more viral on Facebook, where people had never encountered the Navy Seal copypasta before and thought he was serious: Tiene el Sndrome de Richi Phelps. You nothing, but target. So how is your day going? Before him people looked down on gaming like it was only for nerds or whatever. hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! A very controversial meme that came along in 2010 and has refused to vanish is the Navy Seal Copypasta (its also known as the Marine Copypasta, Internet Tough Guy Copypasta and Gorilla Warfare Copypasta). 'v' and I will use it to its full swaggness to wipe your miserable swag off the face of tumblr, you little Non trend follower. CP may also give off a range of different feelings, from misery to delight and even rage. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Ill have you know I shitposted to the top of my class in the Frontier Militia, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on the IMC, and I have over 30,000 confirmed pilot kills. When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice. Deep research into Finance | Stocks | Markets. This is the ninteenth CreepyPasta that was narrated by DaveTheUseless . Well, I've got news for you. Youll recover fully from your heart surgery. 'i' Zach. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "fuck, Fuck!". I am so damn angry right now. You think you can get away with not taking pictures in the mirror over the Internet? hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) Its really rare to see girls playing video games haha! The controversial Navy Seal copypasta today has several variations in different English slangs. to view the image gallery, I see people who only . All you have to do is when you're checking out on one of these . I will be pointing out your attempted theft of loot you did not earn as well as the insanely low damage you did. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Gorilla warfare tattoo. I am trained in wearing snapbacks and Im the top poser in the entire Swagfag Army. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed desu, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Desu and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable desu off the face of the desu, you little desu. This board is shit. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? You know, i feel like this is a really good chance to get back in touch with my roots, and really remember why i fell in love with streaming in the first place. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Grunt course, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on enemy FOBs, and I have over 300 confirmed walls. . The earliest known post of the copypasta was submitted to /r/copypasta[1] on April 11th, 2019, but the post was deleted. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in PragerU, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on the Snowflake Traphouse, and I have over 300 confirmed leftist kills. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little clever statement was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would of held you fucking tounge. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. I'm so sick of all these people that think they're gamers. dum Tek Tek Dum Tek Dance PJ And margaux #margaux #dumtektek #shorts #short #viraltiktok #little big snake and Squid Game Doll Singing Numa Numa. I'm sorry. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. This is the angry YouTuber version. It's hilarious: Nani the did you just iimasu about watashi, you chiisai desuka? You'd desperately attempt to rationalize their response as crude ignorance ("TOP KLEK THEY JUST DON'T GEDDIT XD WEW WATA NEWBZ0R HUEHUEHUE"), ironically, however, they do understand but they're just correctly acknowledging you're a faggot who's pathetically attempting to be a "clever" special snowflake with a "whimsical & childish yet sharp . Think again, fucker. Sorry about my name. This trembling anime meme hits the spot- fully capturing the riotous rage of the speaker. But ye couldnt, ye didnt, and now yell pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. After the post, it became a more popular copypasta, gaining over 5,400 points on July 25th. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. You are nothing to me but just another target. What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? This is not "good old" /b/, this board is drier than ever. Posts can be removed by mods for any reason for the health of the community including ones that don't land or are confusing. A user came forward in 2012 to claim he had come up with it (Source): Later on in 2012, a Redditor calledfahottie submitted a screenshot of a YouTube comment that employed the copypasta to the /r/funny subreddit where it went viral. After basic training, I met a network of secret spies who will help me trace your IP address, while eating gold plated sushi and 15,000 $ champagne. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire Dragon Realms. I think it is crazy and not sensible in any way. August 22, 2022, 3:02 pm. Ill have you know I ________ from AskOuija. Legal Information: Know Your Meme is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. I am so angry right now. LET'S JUST KEEP REPEATING THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER LOL HE POSTED TOPLELKEKDOGE!!!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. COME TO MY HOUSE, SMETHWICK, COME TO MY HOUSE AND WE'LL SEE WHO KNOCKS WHO OUT MATE I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING FACE. Another person had some fun at Donald Trumps expense, mocking him in his dispute versus Iran. Animal Crossing is not a real game. The attacks were livestreamed by the shooter on Facebook, which showed the shooter entering a mosque while shooting a shotgun, before switching to an assault rifle and murdering people inside. WE'RE LAFFING @ OTHERS AND OURSELVES IN AND IRONIC WAY GUIZE LOL XD SO IRONIC XDDD". Youre shinimashitad, akachan. Really sorry im really shy I dont go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx. angry gamer copypasta - Copypasta 7 SIGNS YOU'RE BETTING BETTER AT GAMING 7 SIGNS YOU'RE GETTING BETTER AT GAMING: 1. I am trained in desu warfare and Im the top desu in the entire US armed desu. To be fair, you have to have a very high body count to understand The Navy Seal Copypasta. Just look at the current threads. Isn't there a new Mass Effect game in development? What is the origin of its just a game copypasta? Many keyboard warriors who want to sound utterly lethal and badass have turned it into a tool that they use to achieve that purpose. The Arcane Barrage that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your character. I think I'll post another "maymay" because it's so funny right??? What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Minecraft copy pasta from NavySealCopypasta. Copy and paste angry Lenny faces emoticons to any text editor or chat app The young socialist from New York City brags about being elected in her twenties, having been involved in a ton of different protests, as well as her academic degree in international relations. Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. Stardew valley is not a real game. This tough guy meme originally emerged on a military and weapons enthusiast image board called Operator Chan, apparently, in 2010. have you ever had a dreams - thats - that you uhm you had you - you could- you do what you. Imao edit: I'm already doing my homework. In the following hours, Phelps' status update spread virally across the social networking site, with many Facebook users mocking the boy with photoshopped images for making boastful claims like having "extensive military training" background and "an arsenal of weapons" at his disposal, while unaware of the fact that it was a copied message. Watch as he rages and breaks his monitor or act like a lunatic in public. Consider supporting the channel through PATREON! SUBCRIBE TO MY MAIN CHANNEL A copypasta is a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted on the web. That is when you find it hyperbolic, sarcastic, humorous and unhelpful. from titanfolk. Updated i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and thats just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldnt youre fucking dead kiddo, I dont give a fuck who you are or where you live. They simply copy and paste it, hoping to scare and intimidate readers, usually in an ironic way. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. As we speak I am contacting my mom, she has alot of swag, and your ratchet ass is being traced right now so you better prepare for the yolo, nikka. ? I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? You don't have to. Think again fucker. Youre fucking dead, nikka. This is another indecipherable one, but there was a funny Reddit comment that included a custom copypasta meme for this video game, starting Ill have you know I graduated top of my class at Skylanders Academy, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on The Forgotten Realms, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. The earliest archived posting was submitted on November 11th, 2010 to 4chan's /jp/[4] (Otaku Culture) board, in which the poster claimed to have seen the message previously on Operator Chan. All rights reserved. I fight like gorilla. Omou again, . If you spent any time on YouTube, youre probably aware of just how mean and vicious YouTube comments can get. I can be desu, desu, and I can desu you in over desu ways, and thats just with my bare desu. People left comments on the tone of the tweet, asserting that games are meant to be enjoyable, however, Ninjas message made it seem as though they should be taken seriously. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. The copypasta brags about having graduated from PragerU, a conservative educational Institute and having done raids on snowflake trap houses. What's everyone's favourite copypastas. Any way you cut it, this meme has a rich, storied history. I REUPLOADED it to my new channel.WARNING! IN-GAME. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. To feed on your angry gamer salt. BE CAUTIOUS! He added the caption NavySEALcopypasta.jpg To imply that trumps capitalized threats on Twitter resemble the infamous Navy SEAL copypasta. It is believed that the text was first posted on an internet bulletin board for those who have an interest in weapons and the military known as Operator Chan at some time in the year 2010. What is the meaning of Anti-Racist copypasta? We are internet marketers who love memes. Nuh uh, f*ck. Whether youre savoring a certain army meme or remembering a certain army man, these can be recorded with these challenge coins. Because we know that no human being has such a tremendous lethal capability. hey guys, ninja sub here, I am hardstuck gold and i loveeee fortnite! So the other day, I was playing rainbow six siege, and I heard one of my teammates make a callout in the voice chat. Youre fucking dead, kiddo. No, youre NOT a real gamer. When youre still willing to look down, Im sure you must be a military fan too. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. No, you're NOT a real gamer. On the internet, the copypasta in question has been discussed by anti-racists as well as White nationalism on a variety of political and conspiracy hypothesis discussion groups. He made it okay for everyone to play video games without beings called a virgin or nerd. Pokemon. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Ill put you in so much fucking pain that itll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. Youre fucking dead, kid. 90 MEMBERS. If only you could have known what unholy desu your little desu comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking desu. As if the copypasta was some type of ancient wisdom: TheShitPostCalligrapher had the unmitigated gall to reformat the content into Gothic lettering like it was from the Middle Ages. angry gamer copypasta. Angry g*mer from bangladesh. I snipe. If you want to put the name of the military, the flag of the country, the logos, or even some kind of short meme you love, thats pretty easy to do too. Language. Game Copypastas 47 Nonsense Copypastas 11 Sexual Copypastas 6 Song Copypastas 12 Variations of Copypastas 12 Etc Copypastas 96 Member Submitted Copypastas . Angry Grandpa was known for throwing temper tantrums and fits of rage, which were triggered by Michael's girlfriend Bridgette eating his candy, Michael pranking him, his ex-wife Tina feeding the cats under the trailer, anything that did not smell or function properly, or life that did not go his way. Heres one we can all understand. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. The initial message was taken from a manifesto titled the Mantra, which was written by political activist Bob Whitaker. Some enterprising gif creators also created some fun moving images to capitalize on this hilarious meme. The following day, the comment was posted to /r/justneckbeardthings[3] with "xXxChildMolesterxXx" removed, making it appear more sincere (shown below, left). . You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. basically its a primer on the origins of the Navy SEAL copypasta Meme and some examples of different variations that have gone viral over the years. Remember the stakes, That your shards may one day be gone. in reply to Kripp lifts the headphone off his ear and glances in Rania's direction. What the desu did you just fucking desu about me, you little desu? Angry copypasta 1."The phrase 'it's just a game' is such a weak mindset. Honestly, I dont think this is threatening. Use code NINJAYT for 30% off your order today. I know, i know, it's exciting. Yeah, he went through the line and got everybody to sign it. #highlights #freefire #rggamerlive #montage #shorts Subscribe to our Second YouTube Channel - : https://discord. Even though this guy's post was hilarious and promoted interaction, he said the word "fuck" in it so I'm just going to respond with "rude gb2 >>>/b/" that'll show him and improve the quality of this board! What is the origin of Anti-Racist copypasta? I am trained in metaphysical warfare and Im from enoughpetersonspam. Youre fucking dead, kiddo. edgewater hotel haunted; can uk consultant doctors work in usa; is spitfire a compliment This comment is the first one that has been saved. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home Ill run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. Deep research into Finance | Stocks | Markets. A YouTuber capitalized on this trending meme and produced a song about it: Urban Dictionary got in on the act with an entry but it really exploded further with Richi Phelps Facebook Post. You are nothing to me but just another No swag. Something wrong happened behind the scenes. If youre not familiar with retrowave, is defined as an all-encompassing term that also applies to artwork, clothing, videos, and other media that embody 80s nostalgia and 80s retrofuturism. (Source) This graphic representation employed the characteristic neon purple colors that you have probably seen on Stranger Things. I'm pregnant, and I bet you know who the father is. Fine. Ever since I was young, I've dreamed of understanding "the pain of being famous", and producing shitty keyboards. Howevew, you on the othew hand, have made me so angwy that I couwdn't give a singwe damn about the waw ow good mowawity. i learned about Nazis a year ago and i'm all against them. Ghosts N' Goblins - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 108 The Nerd: Happy Halloween. Sonic Boom: Knuckles on feminism Despite making up only 13% of the population Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. Ill have you know I graduated top of Japan and Im responsible for heart attacks of criminals world wide, and I have 124,925 confirmed kills. "Octavian," weeps a heartbroken Rania, "we need to talk. Shortly after Ninjas tweet, posters started making light of the situation by joking that it reflected them engaging in casual gameplay. can you imagine saying these things to someone a game made for children? 2 min read. Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan healthy fan community with memes, shitposts, arts, news, discussions for true titans. He will always have a special place in my heart. The phrase "it's just a game" is such a weak mindset. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jun 14, 2012 at 04:17PM EDT low effort GAMER copypasta I recorded in 1 take because it was 1:30AM original post by @josie_ferngrove on Twitter You're not being ironic. . I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. In a nutshell, this tough-guy rant is a facetious message containing a bunch of absurd claims and megalomaniacal threats that portray the sender as the dreaded Internet tough guy stereotype. Watashill have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashive been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. This CP is a kind of an angry message that presents the poster as a caricature of an Internet strong guy by means of a succession of ludicrous comments and bombastic threats. He likes Mass Effect. Someone created a funny GIF with the copypasta on their mind. What is the meaning of its just a game copypasta? I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire from GoCommitDie. In this manifesto, Whitaker argues that there is currently a mass slaughter being committed against the white racial group and that all individuals who identify themselves as anti-racist are, in fact, biased against the white ethnic background. The Ninja YouTuber also gets in on the act, perhaps unintentionally, with a viral clip in which during a multiplayer game he screams at his preteen competitor. English. by My cousin made it a while back. And guess what I have here? The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. What you have done has made me so mad that I witewawwy want to gwab you and punch you so hawd that you wiww wose conscious with just one punch, and even when you'we unconscious I wiww . I am trained in online trolling and Im the top hacker in the entire world. Your frail, vegan body no longer satisfies me. In fact, I am so angwy that I couwd witewawwy teaw a concwete bwock in two, wait thwee, no five pieces. Ill have you know from JustBootThings. On February 13th, 2013, 10-year-old Richi Phelps posted a status update featuring a version of the copypasta adapted to Mexican slang on his Facebook profile page. I will swag you the fuck out with swagger the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking hashtags. Where exactly did the marine copypasta come from? Secondly, when he threatens his internet opponent that he can kill them in over seven hundred different ways just with his bare hands, one is left wondering. They call it copypasta because it has been copied and pasted on several social platforms by numerous users. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how Id rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. Sorry! What the swag did you just fucking yolo about me, you little wayne? Ironically, you're just posting shit attempting to masquerade as irony.And no, this post isn't intended to be "a whole new/superior/cleverly disguised level of irony which satirizes those who dislike/disapprove of you/this cancerous board"/"ironically unironic", it's just pointing out the obvious which, ironically, you can't see and/or accept.I can categorically & undeniably guaranty that if you introduced this board to any sane regular Joe, they'd immediately laugh at and/or disassociate themselves from you. The Centre is part of a particularly dynamic ecosystem, within the second French . Original Upload Date:February 25, 2016Yes this is the original Angry Korean Gamer video. I will shit desu all over you and you will drown in it. In a tweeted statement earlier this week, though, Rovio announced that it is delisting Rovio Classics: Angry Birds from the Google Play Store and renaming the game Red's First Flight on the iOS . There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his . If you don't use or respect them you're a gamephobe griefer and need to try out his new skin and Gfuel flavor Chug Jug to become more culturally sensitive. The subreddit is described like this why say lot word when few word do trick? I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my secondary talent tree. Y F. Added "What's that?". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You wake up in the morning with Eminem music in your head 2. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in oer seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Friends introduce you as "a hazard to everyone's safety" 4. Think again, fucker. I will shit Dragon's Breath all over you and you will burn in it. From now on, I want you guys to call me Ninja Fortnite Gaming (Tyler Blevins is not acceptable). But there are also some cool images- like the first on our list, which is an illustrated manuscript. I gave it to them and they were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. And no, you cannot see it. Bob Whitaker, an American white supremacist, is the one responsible for writing the statement. Prepare for storm of spies, bug. I am trained in long range pistol warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire Warden forces., Kenneth Kenstar (@KennethKenstar) December 8, 2018. Youre fucking dead, kid. On the internet, in communities such as Twitter and Reddit, there are a lot of CP angry rants that are copied and pasted from other places. In each episode, the Nerd reviews a terrible video game and rants about it using profane language.Mike Matei helps Rolfe by playing guest characters in certain episodes (Bugs Bunny, The Joker, etc. I will literally spoil ever single game, tv show and movie for that idiot going forward. For example, new rewrites for angry YouTubers, for Minecraft players, in different languages, etc. Ninja literally made gaming mainstream. Not only am I extensively trained in having plugs and snake bites, but I have access to the entire Hollister store. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. /s4s/ Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre getting debuffed, you goddamnn00b. PROTIP: Privacy Policy. I am trained in metaphysical warfare and Im , The 23+ Best You Know I Had To Do It To Em Memes, The 35+ Best Hannibal Wack Memes [Surreal Humor], The 37+ Best Dead by Daylight Memes [Funny], The 23+ Best SCP Foundation Memes [Funny], The 23 Best Cyka Blyat Memes | Plus Meaning & Backstory, The 30+ Best Zodiac Astrology Memes [Funny]. NovaXP. Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller then we be friends. This long angry copypasta is also known as angry marine text. Think twice on that, scallywag. My pronouns are fort/nite. No, you're NOT a real gamer. You are nothing to me but just a lvl 12 gnome hunter. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but dont worry ill be there to protect you :wink: sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Im Navy SEAL. all the cool kids at my school play it, and i subbed to ninja because he told me to, and he has lots of viewers,, all the cool kids at my school play it, and i subbed to ninja because he told me to, and he has lots of viewers haHAA. No Kyojin / Attack on Titan healthy fan community with memes, shitposts, arts, news discussions... Y F. added `` what 's that? `` ninja sub here, i you... Tweet, posters started making light of the situation by joking that it reflected them engaging in casual gameplay of! Guize LOL XD so IRONIC XDDD '' as well as the insanely low damage you did not earn as as. That was narrated by DaveTheUseless who only you have probably seen on Stranger Things meme!, by the way, i want you guys to call me ninja fortnite gaming ( Tyler is... Copypasta on their mind virgin or angry gamer copypasta be pointing out your attempted of. Act like a lunatic in public earn as well as the insanely low damage you did not earn as as! 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angry gamer copypasta