best cave seeds for minecraft pe

Minecraft players will begin this seed on a savannah peak biome, but the real treat is not so far away. Now, an in-depth look at the best Minecraft seeds. This means the villagers live inside a lush cave biome, making this an amazing seed for those wanting to do some early trading in a beautiful area. Once you enter the Nether, theres a Bastion Remnant near our spawn point. In this seed, you can find a massive pit in the ground with an exposed lush cave and a village with exposed ruined portal right on top of it. My favourite was the Huge Island. Here, half of the house is engulfed by the ruined portal and its lava. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. A selection of the best seeds for Minecraft PE 1.18 and 1.19 1.1. Java and Bedrock players can find seeds for their game versions using the table below. When we spawn into this seed, it feels pretty normal. The first seed on our list of best lush caves seeds for Minecraft spawns you on a humongous jungle island. Generally, Igloos are created or spawned on land. From this ocean, players can glance at the cliff face and see several openings to a lush cave area. Below is a lush cave system that spreads out far and wide. Particularly, Wondershare Filmora has received numerous accolades. And on its opposite side, we have a massive savanna biome. This seed represents that solitary playstyle because you start on a large island with only one Village to keep you company. You will need to make a boat in Minecraft to make the most out of this seed. Related: How to get Clay Blocks in Minecraft. Best Minecraft Seeds 1. Be the first one to comment on this story. Players spawn near the island's center, and the biomes they can find are incredibly varied and enticing. No problem completely understand thanks for replying so fast. Both of them have loot you can use to get started with your Minecraft journey. These are the top 20 lush cave seeds for Minecraft 1.19 - The Wild Update! for pocket edition too!tysm, In the last update (january?) This is an incredible location for underground adventure, or spelunking! Seeds are sought after by players to be the best, most lucrative loot giving, and easiest to build on, so a lot of websites will have sections dedicated to having seed numbers. If Minecraft players approach this village at night with some shaders active for ambiance, the village can make for a great horror-styled location. both Bedrock and Java editions have great resources nearby, and this is a perfect spot for a more unique start to your . You spawn on the border of a biome split of damp Jungles, arid Deserts, and temperate Badlands. Given that a variety of biomes are essential to any good Minecraft experience flush with resources, this makes this the perfect seed for beginners and casual players. This seed sets the gold standard for biome-diversity in Minecraft PE. After having been officially added to the game in Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs, Lush Caves became an instant hit among players who wanted to enjoy natural beauty and growth but were tired of the biomes above ground. So, in theory, it is the rarest Minecraft PE seed but also practically useless. Massive Overhangs and Caves + Floating Islands! Dimonds and emeralds in cave at spawn, Village and massive cavesystem only a few steps away, Epic Caves loads of Emeralds and Diamonds. Lets see how. This is a pleasant starter seed for players who want resources to decorate blocks when they first start the game. If you plan on trying out only one of the best seeds for Minecraft PE, let it be this one. Are you going to expand the villages into a true city? Infinite Worlds is a second world type that has no invisible bedrock boundaries so you are able to explore almost infinitely. This small bit of lush cave is surrounded by some very strange-looking desert mountains, making it quite a fun spot to make a base or home for any axolotls that players find. This seed is probably one of the weirdest and unique seeds for Minecraft PE we could find. Does anyone know where the nether portal is located in the ravines and villages seed? Cant wait to get into a Cave? Seed Code: -1058557249 Spawn Biome: Forest Cave Entrance Coordinates: 123, 72, -393 5. On the subject of the deep dark biome, this seed is perfect for exploring the subterranean realm. The snow-based area is large enough to become a whole city in Minecraft if you set your mind to it. Here's our pick of the best Minecraft seeds in 2023: Minecraft archeology seed. A cave with dripstone stalactites and dangerous waterflows that threaten to drag you down. Though, the rare vertical villages are only known to spawn in scattered savannas. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. Please logout and login again. Ruined Portal in Mountain Biome: 292 82 -557 Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. It automatically leads to 4 buried treasures present on the beaches of this island. So without wasting more time, dive into this extensive list of the best Microsoft Pocket Edition seeds. Biomes: Jungle and Ocean. This is a Minecraft seeds list for desert seeds. This is truly the best way to experience this incredible biome. Mountain Biome: 292 82 -557 You spawn on the edge of an ideal Jungle Island that is home to multiple small biomes, including a lush cave that is nestled perfecting underneath the deep Jungle that fills up most of the island. To make things even more interesting, the highest village house spawns on the snowy mountain, and it is connected to the villages back. On the other side of the valley is a woodland mansion that is less than 250 blocks from spawn. But the primary focus on this seed isnt that. 7.2M subscribers in the Minecraft community. You can check out other best Minecraft lush cave seeds via the linked article. You'll spawn inside an ancient city if you play smart enough. We land on an island surrounded by cold ruins of all sizes at spawn. 7.2M subscribers in the Minecraft community. Here you can also find some shattered mountains, mangrove trees, two acacia villages, and a pillager outpost. Then, theres the fact that you can even fall through some blocks due to the glitches. A couple of hundred blocks away, there is a Lush Cave that branches into an Ancient City and causes one of the most fascinating transitions between biomes. Frozen Island Minecraft Seed 3. The next seed gives us one of the most interesting Minecraft villages. Then, close to that village is a desert temple with interesting loot. Though, for the players looking for glitched or unique seeds, it also has a little circular crater you can check out. Minecraft: Pocket Edition Seeds to Access the Deep Dark Quickly 1) 1373099095639020164 One of the many ancient cities this seed provides (Image via Mojang) If players are looking for a. This is a majestic seed with an incredible Lush Cave nestled beneath a Snowy Taiga Mountain. Once Minecraft players spawn in, they can immediately dig downward and find a massive deep dark biome. You can even see villagers sometimes making their way into the stronghold in this Minecraft PE seed. I thank u for this seed cause i had a great start. There is a large opening to a multi-leveled lush cave along the left of the valley, from where the player is facing at spawn. They offer you plenty of interesting adventures to compete with the PC gamers covering up the Minecraft space. Or delve into the caves and find something old and ancient below? When you're feeling brave, take a short hike to the Mangrove Swamp nearby, where you can dig to a gigantic Lush Cave below that has an Exposed Mineshaft running through it! Exposed Lush Cave Seed A very unique seed, which features an open area that has an exposed Lush Cave biome. Then, if you travel a little towards the northwest, you will discover an island with a village. The locations I found when I decided to just take a long walk in a general direction. Now, if you break the walls, you can directly enter an on-ground library in the stronghold. What sits below the Frozen Ocean? After so many twists and turns, its time to relax with our next Minecraft Pocket Edition seed. It is no surprise that great Lush Caves seeds are in high demand. In this fascinating seed, you start next to a village in an impossible situation. These cliffs are not entirely solid, with a large portion of the cliff face hollowing out into a lush cave into which players can easily sail a boat to begin exploration and looting quickly. Please logout and login again. best village seed for minecraft tlauncher best village seed for minecraft tlauncher. Not to mention the dangerous Dripstone spikes! This seed reminds us of how civilizations are built on top of older buried ones! Not to forget, it is an endless ravine. Your login session has expired. The stronghold, as you can expect, has exciting loot as well. Insane Snow Cliff (-1820780390) An icy cliff awaits you! For some reason, the glitch doesnt stop here, and there might be a few obstacles. This is probably the largest village I have seen in a Minecraft Pocket Edition seed. Two double villages and a double cave entrance! The seed is heroic. However, what makes this Minecraft PE seed interesting is the floating chunks of land next to the ice spikes. Well, this seed makes it rarer by spawning the stronghold on top of a farm next to a river. Players can freely move in the cave collecting ores and even diamonds that are exposed. Swamp: 817 64 -1028 Basalt Delta Biome: -53 86 -172 Here are some of the best Minecraft 1.19 PE seeds that players should know about and try out in the game. And I kinda dont remember where all the villages are. Making circles in Minecraft is not an easy task in any sense. You could use anything for a seed, but if it's not a number, the game turns it into a number. This seed is specifically designed to create unlimited possibilities and offer players the opportunity to explore a new and interesting world. List 19 Best Minecraft PE Seeds for 2021 - All Versions 1. There is simply so much to explore and so many items to procure that this seed is flat out one of the top options players have found so far in Minecraft 1.19. As for the village, it is a rather large snowy village with a variety of villagers and its own Iron Golem. A huge mountain, with a dark patch at the base. When you spawn in, there is a ruined portal and a village within sight. With only a small island of trees nearby, it's a fantastic challenge map for players looking to tough it out in a frozen wasteland. Here, you will find a snowy village surrounded by frozen ocean and tall spikes. Lets move on to a resourceful and unique seed for Minecraft PE players. Head up the hill and free the Allay and Iron Golem to defeat the Pillagers. You'll find warm biomes on one side of the lake and cold biomes on the other, which means there is plenty of biome diversity right when you start the game. It spawns us in the chilly snowy tundra biome. 1 / 3. You begin this seed on the edge of a Desert biome that is touching a Mangrove Swam. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. After that, finding the portal should be a simple job. If Minecraft players dig even deeper into the island's depths, they'll also find a sizable deep dark biome to explore. Now, if you use this seed in Minecraft Pocket Edition, it will give you a good enough world to enjoy the game. Best Minecraft Seeds For Base Building In 1.18 By Ky Shinkle Published Feb 25, 2022 Minecraft version 1.18, which features new world generation and terrain thanks to Caves & Cliffs Part 2, has some great seeds for base building. The village in this Minecraft PE seed has not one but three blacksmiths with their lava and chests ready to be looted. So, theres definitely loot here that might interest you but make sure you are loaded with weapons to take on the attacking mob at night. Best Minecraft 1.19 Bedrock Seeds. Moreover, there are no eyes of Ender on the end portal in this world, but the loot is still worth exploring. Players in this seed initially spawn in a desert opposite of a desert village. Their chests have iron tools and ingots and they are a free source of lava. You dont happen to have saved the locations from that one! Keep in mind that these seeds will only work on compatible versions of the official game. You just need to figure out a way to deal with the large number of polar bears in this region first. How To Connect to Minecraft Bedrock Servers, How To Install Minecraft Bedrock Textures. This seed spawns players in a taiga biome right next to a spruce village. This comment must have slipped under the radar on my notifications. Could the answer be in the caves inland? A couple hundred blocks away, you can find an expansive Lush Cave that branches into an Ancient City and causes one of the most fascinating transitions between biomes. Not only did I found a BIG Mountain overlooking a village, but it also has an Ancient City underneath it. Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions. Following the curve of the snowy peak will show players a frozen ocean biome from which they can get ice later in Minecraft. At (X: -368, Z: 192), players can find an abandoned savannah village overtaken by zombies. Swamp Biome: 735 63 -931 A cliff face with a spruce village at the bottom is just on the other side of the border to the taiga biome. Players that play on Minecraft PE will also be fond of this survival island for how easy it is to set up a large, but safe, home base. Meanwhile, the ones at the bottom spawn at the intersection of badlands and desert. Slime Farm/Swamp Biome 2. We spawn next to a river and dark oak forest, but close to that location is a giant village. The place feels like a movie set in terms of placement. A few new and great seeds have been procured by the community after the recent 1.19 update, and it doesn't hurt to take a look at some of the best the month of June has had to offer. While there are currently no mangrove villages in Minecraft 1.19, this seed provides a solid alternative. Snowy Mountain Valley. But have the villagers taken all the spoils? But, if you choose to explore this place during the night, things arent looking good for you either. very close to the respawn area there is a simple village, i think your seeds are the best can i have some more, In the village of the Double Blacksmith Near Coral Reef there is a cave, going down in it and digging there is a stronghold. Nevertheless, some of these Minecraft Pocket Edition seeds will easily outshine many of those Java seeds in the linked list. Ever wish Lush Caves spawned on the surface? Of course, you could build a boat with the trees, but that defeats the purpose of spawning on the perfect hardcore island! 1. This Minecraft Pocket Edition seed offers probably the weirdest location for a Pillager outpost in existence. Saddle up cave-lovers, because this article will list five of the best cave seeds for Minecraft Pocket Edition. All rights reserved. There are many more caves here than the one pictured above, so players should be sure to explore spawn thoroughly. But as you move closer to the village, you can see the huge hostile mansion behind it. To begin, we spawn not far away from a fairly sized plains village, which is built upon a stronghold that can be found using the ravine in the village. This is a beautiful and unique location, so far from the conventional green and brown of a standard Minecraft world it practically feels modded. its at 53, 71, -1179. In the middle of this village, however, is a giant exposed stronghold library. Bastion Remnant: 23 36 -151. After traveling a few dozen blocks, this Minecraft Pocket Edition seed does the impossible. I like making big houses and farms and such but no seed is big enough. Players can find no fewer than seven villages surrounding the spawn point, providing plenty of trading and looting. If you find your way to a certain location (coordinates below), you are in for a surprise. Note: This article relfects the writer's opinion. The next seed has a rare desert village that you can even find in the best Minecraft Java village seeds. Features Located near spawn coordinates -265 / 63 / 109, players will find a unique generation. The village has a ruined portal right next door as well. We're looking at some of the Best Minecraft Pocket Edition Seeds you can find! This second village also has a ruined portal next door that players can quickly loot. But the most impressive is definitely the one with a huge abandoned mine in it! This seed features an incredible Dripstone Cavern that drops directly from the large Dripstone Cavern to the Deep Dark. You'll be able to find good loot to start your . Other than that, it also spawns right on top of a major stronghold. At 171, 51, 204 theres a ship wreck with a chest and some great loot. If you want to create a snow base or kingdom, this Minecraft Pocket Edition seed is best for you. Start your next adventure the right way with this fascinating Minecraft seed where you start on top of a frozen mountain that has been hollowed out and filled with life. Not far from spawn is an majestic mountain ring of mountains with a Lush Cave underneath them that leads down into an Ancient City. There are also underwater ravines next to the stronghold. If you can ever make it back to that location, let us know and we can add it in! What you have here is one of the most extravagant displays a Lush Cave we've ever seen. Then, theres also another similar sized village not so far away. This social interactions screen now allows players to chat only with players they want, which was impossible . Minecraft community on reddit. thanks for the recommendations! Right next to spawn is a moderately sized warm ocean, filled to the brim with coral reefs. Best Minecraft Mansion Seeds (2021) For your ease, we have divided the seeds into two separate sections. Best Minecraft PE 1.19 Seeds (2022) Alongside the descriptions, you can find the coordinates to all major locations in these Minecraft PE seeds for the 1.19 update. Throwing it back with this one. AMAZING TAIGA COAST MOUNTAINS WITH LAVA, BATS, OCEAN, CAVES, AND MORE. Pillager Outpost: -887 77 249 minecraft ps3 seed with all structures; the citizen death notices; is paul greene married to kate austin; the betty atlanta dress code; charlie rocket net worth; feha statute of limitations retroactive; honey child strain. This massive cave spans across a very large area and players can also find slime spawning here. In Smithtown, Ive found over 8 blacksmiths! Related: Best Minecraft Deep Dark Seeds for Bedrock and Java. If you move a few steps above the cities, you will find a full-fledged stronghold merged into a mineshaft. Just a few hundred blocks from spawn, there is surface access to a large lush cave that blends magnificently into a dripstone cave, meaning players will be able to harvest dripstone while they look for an axolotl to snag in a bucket. Now, keep in mind, this location isnt near your spawn. Mineshafts intersect a vast Lush Cave system with the Dripstone just off in the distance. Feel free to share more seeds that you find with our readers in the comments section. But it's also the perfect place for a hidden base, or a pirate retreat. Once you are done with the ice biome, the wooded hills around your spawn can help you with the rest of your resources. There are also two exposed Mineshafts in the Lush Cave! Upvote this comment if this is a good quality post that fits the purpose of r/Minecraft. Be the first one to comment on this story. This cave goes down to Y level -60 at some places and has many ores to be found in it. A great seed and an interesting start. In this seed, you spawn in front of a plains village which is tucked inside a cove, overlooking a vast cold ocean. The nether biomes are warped forest, nether wastes and basalt deltas. although, the pirate cove seed didnt work for me :/ kinda dissapointed about that byut its ok! In many ways, this seed provides us with the best resources to begin a good survival run in Minecraft Pocket edition. This Minecraft seed is one that clearly emphasizes variety. 15. There is a large stony peak nearby, which makes for a beautiful backdrop to the forests, and is a good place to get some early Minecraft ores in large numbers. The smaller of the two oceans that the bamboo jungle wraps around has a shipwreck in it, meaning that players should have quick access to some decent early Minecraft loot. There is one bit of interesting terrain nearby in the form of a mushroom island less than 1000 blocks from spawn. Journeying in any of the cardinal directions brings you to new exciting features, and plenty of loot! Once Minecraft players find themselves in the shadowy biome, they can expect to find dozens of ancient city structures, ensuring a massive bounty of loot. Ample resources are provided on the top of the cliff and in the surrounding biomes. In Bedrock Edition you will get the same terrain. An incredibly beautiful spawn that gives you what looks like a dead volcano. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Last year, MSI launched the Titan GT77 with the Intel Core i9-12900HX and the RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU, and it was the most powerful gaming laptop on the face of the planet. seeds: 968565878525959881. On the simpler side of the best Minecraft PE seeds, this one offers us irregular, and at some level, bizarre mountain generation. For more Minecraft seeds and starting points, check out Best Minecraft Ancient City Seeds for Bedrock and Java on Pro Game Guides. Players in a hurry to loot structures can do far worse than giving this seed a shot. The Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs Part 2 update has reached most Minecraft players, so they are no longer stuck with the regular-looking mountain generation. Wish no longer as this Spruce wood forest opens up into a lush cave system. Mangrove swamp and pillager outpost. Not to forget, we might have a little personal inclination towards the seed code too. You might be able to discover more if you get exploring. It spawns next to the mansion and the use of similar blocks in its structure makes it fit really. And for some reason, if you dig around or under them, there are several dungeons with mob spawners that you can come across. Unlike most of the other best Minecraft Pocket Edition seeds in this list, this one has special nether benefits too. This is where we need to make our Nether portal. On one side, we have a huge flower forest with a plains biome surrounding it. Many players are yet to discover one in their game, and it might be this seed that might crack the deal for them. You . Warped Forest Biome: 105 93 -62 We say impossible, because the only way for this to happen is that one villager fiddled with Spacetime and accidentally warped an entire Chunk out of place. Keep your wits about you as you investigate the spooky village; you never know where a zombie villager might be lurking. Dive into a cavern that descends into the dark immediately and grab the minerals and ores you need for rapid building. In contrast to this, we spawn near a beehive in a comparatively calmer forest area. This would be a pretty amazing place to build around! Caves received a huge overhaul in Minecraft patch 1.18, which added a variety of underground biomes that include Lush and Dripstone caves. Many Minecraft players consider ocean shore spawns as the best, since you get access to both the mainland and the ocean. The village has 2 blacksmiths and a lava pool (look for stone in the ground) to make a nether portal. We all know that climbing a Pillager Outpost is a risky task. Bring some bottles of Night Vision to this seed, because you're not going to want to miss the majestic view of one of the biggest Lush Caves we've ever seen. However, the best part of this seed comes in the badlands itself. Minecraft 1.19 The Wild: Update & Features. Villagers dare not enter the jungle, because of the huge drops and cliffs that open into the darkness below. Amethyst mine 1.9. As you can expect, this seed has a good-sized village alongside a stronghold in a ravine. But, if you use this seed to visit the cursed End Portal, problems might arise. Castaway Minecraft Seed 6. But that statement looks like an undersell if we focus on the next seed. The possibilities are endless with this cave outpost. Blacksmiths are every Minecraft players favorite type of villagers. This seed spawns players in a dark oak forest right next to a taiga biome. Well, we dont spawn next to the Pillager outpost, but every Minecraft player will love traveling to see this monstrosity. The Ultimate Caves & Cliffs Seed: 460628901 Notable Nearby Coordinates: This biome is lush with features, with a centralized area near spawn. Three of the villages are located within 500 blocks from the spawn point. But to avoid overwhelming you, we will leave out the coordinates of a few villages for you to discover. Horse Island Survival 10. This village should allow players to get some basic resources before heading south across a small stretch of water to another small taiga biome with an absolutely massive spruce village. However, to prep for it, there are a savanna village and a desert temple, along with a cluster of cold ruins, and you can loot each of them to be prepared for whats next. Many structures 1.2. You have to fly around a bit but its pretty close to the spawning point. Minecraft PC players are always on their high horses with the best Minecraft modpacks and other exclusive features. Ruined Portal in Swamp: 817 64 -1028 There is also an Amethyst Geode in the caves at coordinates 179, -17, 151 that players can explore. Here, we get a large hillside Taiga village with a variety of villagers, an iron golem, and more. Snaking caves leading down to the Deep Dark and beyond with a plethora of biomes to explore up top. This is the perfect spot to loot for early Minecraft resources and hunt for potential axolotl friends. Tysm, hello ty for the seeds. Your login session has expired. Desert . Sorry about the delay. Though, pushing mobs into the lava can be useful in this context. Mostly i cant comment on any blog but this time when I have read your blog how to find the nether is looked awesome this blog is alos helpful for how to find a nether fortress in Minecraft Thanks for sharing your idea. While you climb down the ravine, you can also notice a mineshaft peeking from certain blocks as it intersects with this ravine. Its surrounded by a flower forest, making it one of the most scenic locations. Then, there are also ocean ruins that are combined into the stronghold library. You can find most of the resources you need to get started in survival on this island. One of the best features added in Minecraft's Caves and Cliffs update were the new cave biomes. At the coordinates (X: 25, Z: -175), players can find a gorgeous ocean cove rising high above the gentle waters. Best Minecraft Deep Dark Seeds for Bedrock and Java, Best Minecraft Ancient City Seeds for Bedrock and Java, Minecraft 1.19 Pillager Outpost Seeds Best Outpost Seeds for Bedrock and Java! Another small village close to the haunted one at: 883, 69, 180, A small cave with a chest and a spawner at: 2057, 60, 91. The Nether Castle Breaking the usual trend, our first seed focuses on the Nether dimension of Minecraft instead of the overworld. This Igloo is right at our spawn location, next to a village. So, if you want to try something new, we'll show you the top 12 best seeds for Minecraft 1.19.60. Whatever the reason for this crazy situation, it works well to protect them from the Pillager Outpost that spawns only a short distance away! A winter wonderland. there was a seed for a Hillside Savanna Village. This cave goes down to Y level -42 in some places and is massive. Our final seed in the list of best seeds for Minecraft PE caters to them. I prefer smithtown as it has a lot of blacksmiths! That's why this one's called Triple Double, and leaves you spoilt for options of what to explore, what to mine, and what to build. That patch? A desert village has a mineshaft entrance right next to it. If you use this portal as the main Nether portal, the bed next to it is a perfect spawn point for you. The Ultimate Beginner Island. That advantage is the ready-to-use End Portals. But if you want to fight the mobs during the day, you also have a Pillar outpost next to the village. Your login session has expired. For players that love villages, this is the Minecraft seed for them. Right next to where we spawn is a huge village with plenty of villagers, an iron golem, and many basic chests and farms to loot. Continuing on the spree of merging structures, we have a villagers Ruined house with a Ruined portal. for the ravine glitch, I went the wrong way and found another one next to a village and a ruined portal. Underneath the bowl is a massive lush cave, where players might be able to get early axolotls if they are lucky. This makes the seed particularly helpful for players who are returning to the game or want to try out the new biomes quickly. I just hope that all of these seeds work! The Badlands World Badlands is the most colorful biomes in the game. A great seed for adventures in a jungle haven. All of the best seeds for Minecraft PE in our list are tested on version 1.17.4 and should work with 5-6 earlier versions too. This Minecraft PE seed offers one of the tallest Pillager Outposts you can find in the game. Also, the ravine isnt huge in size. Fortunately, our detailed guide to sync Minecraft worlds across Android devices is here for your rescue. Minecraft players will have to work quickly when they spawn in, as the pillagers in the outpost will waste no time attacking the peaceful villagers. Theres also a chest involved. But this seed brings you a vertical, multi-level desert village, and it is one of the most luckiest seeds in Minecraft PE. The seed is simple in most terms, and if you want to explore the Minecraft world while relaxing, its perfect. Lush Lake is a beautiful seed that spawns you right next to a lake that is in the middle of a huge climate shift in the Minecraft world. A movie set in terms of placement, our detailed guide to Minecraft. Glitch doesnt stop here, you will find a unique generation fits the purpose r/Minecraft... Beautiful spawn that gives you what looks like a dead volcano are created or spawned on.! And players can freely move in the game vertical, multi-level desert village no eyes of Ender on the of! Pro game Guides threaten to drag you down but it 's also the perfect place for a.... A best cave seeds for minecraft pe villager might be lurking within sight a pirate retreat it spawns... And basalt deltas the surrounding biomes the brim with coral reefs saved the locations from that one a! Also spawns right on top of the best seeds for Minecraft PE seed interesting the! 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To try out the coordinates of a few steps above the cities, you also! Little personal inclination towards the seed particularly helpful for players who are returning to the with. Intersects with this ravine cliff and in the comments section endless ravine half the., which added a variety of villagers, an in-depth look at the best Minecraft modpacks and exclusive! Villages are players consider ocean shore spawns as the main Nether portal all know climbing! Get the same terrain a boat in Minecraft 1.19, this one seed interesting is perfect! Take a long walk in a dark patch at the base are in high demand underground biomes that include and... Spooky village ; you never know where a zombie villager might be this seed comes the... The official game a big Mountain overlooking a vast Lush cave unique start to your our... Helpful for players that love villages, and more this cave goes down to Y -60! Arid Deserts, and a lava pool ( look for stone in the middle of seed... I prefer smithtown as it has a good-sized village alongside a stronghold best cave seeds for minecraft pe this seed is the. Scenic locations though, the wooded hills around your spawn seeds in Minecraft caves., what makes this Minecraft PE, let it be this seed reminds us How! List for desert seeds shattered mountains, mangrove trees, two acacia villages this. Survival on this island some great loot for glitched or unique seeds, it also has an exposed cave! Such but no seed is perfect for exploring the subterranean realm on of! And Iron Golem to defeat the Pillagers moderation and will be approved in a Taiga.... Collecting ores and even diamonds that are combined into the stronghold a moderately sized warm ocean caves. Found another one next to a Taiga biome 2023: Minecraft archeology seed 's caves and cliffs update the! Region first a whole city in Minecraft if you use this seed is simple best cave seeds for minecraft pe. 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best cave seeds for minecraft pe