cruise ship captain announcement script

2023 Cable News Network. All hands man your battle stations. Not yet! Room-service script [ Amaleaks. The main thing is that cruise ship captains work long, tiring hours. I look forward to the day where, honestly, being the first female anything isnt a thing anymore., McCue says that, at first, having the spotlight on her both as a captain and as the first female captain was overwhelming.. Pipe: All Hands. 3. (On long flights with inflight entertainment: Also, we will be showing you our video presentation.) The plan was shed work three months on board, and then three months off. Announcer: Flight Deck Procedure. How Can We Afford to Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers When We Can Barely Afford to Bail Out the Entire Airline Industry, Citigroup, Bank of America, An exhilarating, funny, frightening, mind-warping, heart-squeezing tale. Theres no way I can think of a light for everything I might want you to do. When instructed to do so, open the plastic pouch and remove the vest. offers a lot more than just inflight passenger announcements. In addition to evasive maneuvers, I might scream orders over the cabin P.A. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Dont worry, though, those commie sons of bitches wont take me alive. McSweeneys is an independent nonprofit publishing company based in San Francisco. "Honors" brings all men to attention on deck. Word Passed: Cut all engines. You came to NACD because we shared your vision and goals for your child. Ship's Bell: Tolls At Intervals. If I or one of the other members of your flight crew walks the length of the plane without pants, please remain calm and seated. The DP uses GPS and a computer that synchronizes the propellers and thrusters to keep us exactly where the crew wants to stay without having to put an anchor on the ocean bed. Im a Capricorn and your co-pilot is a Sag. B4 - Passenger care. Bugle: Assembly. Starboard side. minutes. 10 FLIGHT DECK PROCEDURE NP11336RA Reprinted from the Journal of The NACD Foundation (formerly The National Academy for Child Development), The National Association for Child Development, International Headquarters Word Passed: Man all torpedo defense stations. This call is given to send a rescue squad to assist at the site of an accidentafloat or ashoreaway from the home ship. They likely have several tasks to keep in mind at once, meaning that a developed ability to multitask whilst remaining on course is crucial. Pipe: Sweepers. There werent stripes, there werent positions, it was in the end 80 people that just knew each other as family. aft, and ??? Word Passed: Start engines. Another thing, flight attendants, please dont stress the articles and prepositions when you deliver the in-flight instructions. Oh, and we do apologize for dinner, as you discovered, they not only removed all our meals, but replaced them with vitamin pills. To clear up the questions on everybodys mind: All the female flight attendants have husbands, though the brunette married for money and really needs to get some. Code Blue usually means a medical emergency. Please fasten your seat belts and remain in your seats, we seem to be experiencing a little turbulence.. Cruise ship captain welcomes passangers aboard,Loose job the next day 2,156 views Feb 12, 2014 I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( .more. SOUND: PLANE APPROACHES. L-66653, June 19, 1986, ABM 11 FAMB1 Q1 W4 Mod5 - Lecture notes 2, Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (1D Day), Law on Obligations and Contracts (LAW 101), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), Bachelor of Arts in Filipinology (FILI 10231), Bachelor of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies (ABLCS), Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management (113), Business Administration Major in Financial Management (BA-FM1), Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction (DRRR 01), Entrepreneurship In Tourism And Hospitality (THC1109), Financial Accounting And Reporting (AC108), Teacher Reflections after a 5 Day Virtual Inset, General-Physics-1-Module-2-Quarter-1-Week-2 202011 11 144735, 207508700 Philippine Red Cross Learn First Aid pdf, SC-FIL-Pagtuturo-ng-Filipino-sa-Elementarya-I- Modyul-1( Final) PDF, Suggested Answers 2015 2017 Remedial Law Bar Questions, Contribution and relevance of the First Voyage around the world in understanding the grand narrative of Philippine history, 408328623 What Did You Learn From Understanding the Self, Module 3- Anthropological Perspective OF THE SELF, Timeline of Science and Technology in the Philippines, The KKK and The Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto, ANG KAHULUGAN NG ISANG BIONOTE AT MGA KATANGIAN NITO, Entrep 12 Q1 M2 Recognize A Potential Market, Primary and Secondary Sources of Philippine History, business taxation solution manual tabag and garcia 2020 2021, CESC Module 1 - Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship, Differences and Similarities of ROTC, LTS, CWTS, English-for-academic-and-professional-purposes-quarter-2-module-2 compress, 1. cblm-participate-in-workplace-communication, Activity 1 Solving the Earths Puzzle ELS Module 12. Clear all mess decks. Eject! Join Comparably for free to anonymously compare compensation and culture data. The rest of the group hadn't even noticed. 18 PAY CALL NP11338RB It is estimated that Captain Kate McCue's salary is as much as $200,000, though she makes additional income from her social media work. ZipRecruiter reports that the annual pay for 2022 for cruise ship captains is $54,229 per year. Pipe: Word To Be Passed. Really, you have no idea. If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you. And assuming I decide to go there. Hello, this is your captain speaking. )), The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon), Calculus (Gilbert Strang; Edwin Prine Herman), The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (William Appleman Williams). There was the 'the ship has been cleared and we can go ashore' morning announcement on port days, the Captain's noon announcement on sea day /late afternoon on port day and CD would read the Explorer and unless there were crew drill announcements, that is mostly all we had on all those ships. Usually before the door is closed, or while it is closed, this announcement is made. Captain Kate McCue has helmed Celebrity Edge since 2019. Pipe: Word To Be Passed. Yeah, I had read you were sailing Veendam. Assembly is sometimes sounded after the Man Overboard call so the missing man may he identified. Stream Cruise Ship Announcement Chime by Mikeys Cruise Blog on desktop and mobile. A must read. Starboard side. A true story from the Australian Aviation magazine: After a particularly lousy landing by the co-pilot of an Australian commercial airline, that co-pilot heard the Captain announce Ladies and Gentlemen, XXX airlines wishes to apologise for that rough landing provided today by our first officer. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. "Honors" is used when military honors are in order. appreciated. You will enjoy my review, I think it might be a bit helpful for you. Hello, this is your copilot. This emergency order, calling all hands to action, includes either the word, "Provide," or the phrase, "Do not provide." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Bugle: Gig. The drill ordered here is typical of any drill that may be ordered. Some good news: the flight attendants tell me that they should have at least one of the lavatories back up and operating soon. Frame 45. Both the male flight attendants are gay. McCues second stint on board Edge commenced in December 2019. All hands man your battle stations. Word Passed: Fire on the hangar deck. "Colors" is sounded on the bugle at 0800 and at sunset. Word Passed: Fire on the hangar deck. So, to keep my skills sharp, I sometimes pretend theres flak exploding all around the plane. SOUND: PLANE LANDING AND HITTING BARRIER. You could just leave the radio on to the announcement station, and there was no sound unless/until an announcement came on. CC Help Jenn These salaries can vary for several reasons, such as a captain's work experience, their certifications, licensure, employer and other accreditations. Not everything, just everything that works. It is given once every two hours, or once every four hours, depending on the condition which has been set up. Depending on the cruise, there can be some interesting information presented over the PA - Glacier Bay and Panama come to mind. Frame 48. She stayed up to speed with cruise industry updates, but says she had to limit her general news consumption to stay sane in the face of so much uncertainty. Other principal emergency and routine calls are presented separately in this album. The other half of the ship is off limits to everyone save the Chief Engineer. (If you haven't read my review I urge you to do so!). My concern was to be able to go back and look at my memories that Ive made since I became a captain.. 1 On The Double. Bugle: Away All Boats. Air Defense is not an "all hands" drill and a shorter pipe call, "Word To Be Passed," establishes this fact at the very beginning. Word Passed: Fall in at your pay station. No offense. Cruise ship captains were on the front line as the pandemic affected the world's cruise fleet in 2020. After it reached a cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. You chose us because of our track record, our unique history of success, our incomparable experience, our eclectic philosophy, and most of all, the tens of thousands of our children all over the world who are demonstrating that you can expect more, get more, and who are redefining potential. They work 10 weeks in a row, then have 10 weeks off. Some of these are only audible in certain places - like on the bow. DATELINE OF SUBMISSION : MARCH 23 2021, Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta, and Christian Aris M. Valix), Theories of Personality (Gregory J. Feist), Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (Warren L. McCabe; Julian C. Smith; Peter Harriott), Science Explorer Physical Science (Michael J. Padilla; Ioannis Miaculis; Martha Cyr), Intermediate Accounting (Conrado Valix, Jose Peralta, Christian Aris Valix), Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. Provide. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. This summer she started experimenting with TikTok, which she says is just for fun although shes already gone viral in a clip responding to a sexist comment and YouTube, where she answers more in-depth questions about life at sea. Word Passed: Start engines. Word Passed: Stand by to start engines. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Every evening, whether the Celebrity Edge cruise ship is crisscrossing the Caribbean or meandering around the Mediterranean, Captain Kate McCue writes night . The Officer of the Watch will make necessary P/A announcements on mornings when the ship's emergency generators are being tested. That was a pinnacle moment in my career, to be able to be on a ship that was manned by what we called the Oceans 27, says McCue. The smoking lamp is out throughout the ship. The one I hate the most is the disembarking messages very early in the morning on the day you leave the ship.:(. PLEASE HAVE YOUR TRAVEL DOCUMENTS IN HAND FOR IMMIGRATION INSPECTION. Most of these extra lights I designed myself. Bugle: Torpedo Defense 6. Bugle: Drill Call. Announcer: Pauses between commands in this recording are not necessarily the same as those in actual procedure. Delta, Delta, Delta is the code for a possible bio-hazard among some cruise lines. Follow us on YouTube approximately (a number) "Approximately" means "about". You may not smoke in the lavatories and federal law prohibits tampering with the smoke detector. And he said: Everything was perfect. Helping kids & adults around the world achieve their innate potential. This will indicate that we haveparked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. Secure front quarters. Now sit back and relax OH, MY GOD!, Silence followed and after a few minutes, the captain came back on the intercom and said, Ladies and Gentlemen I am so sorry if I scared you earlier; but, while I was talking, the flight attendant brought me a cup of coffee and spilled the hot coffee in my lap.You should see the front of my pants! A passenger in Economy said, Thats nothing. SOUND: ENGINES REV UP, THEN COME TO STOP. McCue had to take the mandatory psychological evaluation, which ensures staff are up for the job. While there's no explicit salary data for a cruise ship captain, the average annual salary for a captain is $92,125 per year. Pipe: Word To Be Passed. You should thank me, honestly. Port side, forward. Word Passed: Clear all mess decks. Word Passed: Stand by to start engines. They must be very experienced in analyzing speed, weather conditions and other factors that affect a ship's navigation, while controlling a staff of officers. Bogey at 2 Oclock Hes hot on our tail! 14 BOAT SCHEDULE NP I I337RB Starboard side. I said: Dont worry, Ill be home in two weeks, no problem. Fast forward to seven months later, when I finally signed off earlier this month.. You might not have noticed the Rockies or the snow since the entire area was covered in clouds, but we would all agree that she is a very nice lady and was quite well intentioned. Pilot/Captain Announcements Speech to passengers 1. Tampa, Florida. Travel delays or quarantines due to COVID-19 may result in . We strongly suggest you read it before take-off. Bugle: Tattoo. Students also viewed Domingo vs carlitos - Case Digest Natural Resources Reviewer Presentations Midterms Reviewer on Natural Resources Law Pipe: Word To Be Passed. Slip it over your head. 4 FIRE NP11335RA Passenger Line said. ROUTINE LANDING. It began with the captain's announcement: The luxury cruise ship would not be stopping in Madagascar, a country troubled by a deadly outbreak of plague. Those arent federal crimes. She is one of the youngest cruise ship captains but also among the most highly paid. After touchdown, and as the aircraft is turning off the active runway and taxiing to the gate, the flight attendant will do one last announcement. Going back to the gate iv. deck, Second Section. Word Passed: Man all torpedo defense stations. Each door is equipped with an inflatable slide which may also be detached and used as a life raft. Her ultimate dream? When the door is closed and the aircraft is about to pushback, the Captain or the Chief flight attendant will make an announcement intended to the flight attendants. Youll probably never again hear this The captain has turned off the no smoking sign. L-25532, Feb. 28, 1969, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Burroughs Limited and Court of Tax Appeals, G.R. The PA Announcements Study Guide contains a series of practice announcements. 2 AIR DEFENSE NP11334RB A Warner Bros. Ladies and gentlemen, this is/my name is X and Im your chief flight attendant. February 7, 2022 By K. Oanh Ha (Bloomberg) Two Crystal Cruises ships operating under a Genting Hong Kong unit have been seized in the Bahamas after a fuel supplier sought their arrest for $4.6. Crash. the stowage and use of personal safety equipment such as lifejackets, thermal protective aids and lifebuoys the procedures . Though Ive turned off the seat-belt light, please note the no smoking light will remain on throughout the flight, in compliance with FAA regulations. We dont bring in a dozen folks and ask each to look at a piece of your child and establish their personal goals and incorporate their personal small bag of tricks. Did you encounter any technical issues? McCues reliever, supposed to arrive from Greece, never came. (word is repeated.) CNN . Then there is chaos -- people getting off the ship when they want to (not their assigned time) and then getting into arguments because their luggage is not off the ship yet. I look back on that 10-month contract as the most satisfying contract of my career, says McCue. should make an announcement as soon as possible to alleviate their fear. Southampton, England (April 13, 2021) - Cunard Captain, Christopher Wells, is retiring after a stellar 20 year career with Cunard, part of 30 years spent working across Carnival Corporation cruise lines. Although, to be precise, you dont fly straight up when that happens. B4/1.2 - Briefing on safety regulations, preventive measures and communications. No. By I know HAL is much better than other cruise lines but it is still too much. I mean, he is uhon a potty break. Inflight passenger announcements. A nearby boat appeared to be in distress, and the captain was. U.S. Average $93,328. WHOA!. This will temporarily stop all elevators from moving. Pipe: Pipe Down. This is your captain with an important announcement. WE ARE NOW CALLING ALL GUEST PARTICIPATING ON OUR EASY WALK OFF PROGRAM TO DISEMBARK THE VESSEL BY USING THE GANGWAY LOCATED ON DECK 7 FORWARD AND MIDSHIP. Section One. Attention please! This one time, I hit an air pocket and sent, like, 12 passengers flying straight up to the ceiling. :D. I remember it being on the TV channel 41 on my last cruise, but of course it would be different on each ship. I am glad that the practice has apparently been discontinued. If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat. On behalf of your cockpit and cabin crews, please, sit back and enjoy your trip. 19842023 NACD International | The National Association for Child Development. 13 DRILL CALL NP11337RB The three calls in this sequence are Pipe: Away Boats. We all found out the flights from Europe were canceled, she recalls. The purpose of the announcement was presumably to help people enjoy the event more but I think the great majority of HAL passengers were knowledgeable enough about the subject of afternoon tea and its variations. Working as a cruise ship captain, no two days are the same even pre-Covid but McCue says one thing most days have in common is a wakeup call courtesy of Bug. Cruise ship captains will often be responsible for speaking to guests over the tannoy and explaining things about sailing such as the cruise route, weather, and speed. Piloting isnt an easy job, but trying to do it without all the information or with others nudging the plane in another directions can make it impossible. The ship's bell tolls at five appropriate intervals while the bugle sound. Covid-19 brought the cruise industry to a standstill virus-hit ships were quarantined and passengers were denied disembarkation. Please communicate with your coaches and with your very experienced pilots/evaluators and let us help you coordinate all of the pieces and help you reach your goals. Mark. Pipe: Away Boats. When "Tattoo" is sounded at 2100, all hands are expected to turn in and keep silence about the decks. #5. She said. The only message I need to hear is on port days when we dock/anchor -- that the ship is cleared and what deck we will be getting off. Long term, her goal is to take a ship out of the yard in a new build. Notice that the word passed gigs the approximate location of the man overboard. Were sorry but we lost a bit more time coming back from out west. .1 A small fire has broken out in . But three a day was more than we've remembered on HAL or Princess (our second most-sailed line). $18,053 $476,518. If you want to know how to become a cruise ship captain, there are some key steps to take. Not fun! Section One. As Celebrity Edge spent months in limbo, McCue also documented life on board via her Instagram account. NP11334RB Announcements about things happening on the ship that are in the daily sheet are not necessary. And, after landing: Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL Bugle: Air Defense. In a few moments, the flight attendants will be passing around the cabin to offer you hot or cold drinks, as well as breakfast/dinner/supper/a light meal/a snack. As absurd as this little vignette sounds, this scenario rather replicates the trip many of you are on. We should touch down in Dallas at 5:23 local time, depending on this headwind. Becoming a ships godmother. Maybe also, if there is a change to the published time or vanue of an event. ), This is your Captain speaking, these damn planes are a lot different than the ships Im used to so please give me some leeway if this flight doesnt go to well., It would be a good idea right now if everyone would close their shades and watch the in-flight movie., Weve now reached our cruising altitude of 20,000 feet and Damn!Aww, I cant figure out how to turn this thing off and dont worry, that gauge is always on E., Stewardess would you please bring four parachutes to the front cabin.From the stewardess after placing a drink order: Okay, this man wants a soda and we need three martinis for the cockpit., Hey, why dont you tell that new stewardess she can come sit on my lap and fly the plane.. 7 COLLISION NP11335RB A couple little facts here. Ricardo J. Romulo, Benjamin M. de Leon,July 30, 1979, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Sutter and Court of Tax Appeals, G.R. The seat belt sign will turn on and, in case of moderate to severe turbulence ahead, the flight crew will make a brief announcement. forward, ??? Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the. She later moved to Celebrity Equinox and has helmed Celebrity Edge since September 2019. All three are capable of piercing body armor at a distance of up to 27 feet and can put a hole in human bone and flesh the size of the Grand Canyon, which by the way is coming up on the left-hand side of the plane, so just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the flight, Announcements You Dont Want to Hear on an Airplane, On an ocean crossing flight: This is your Captain speaking, I just wanted to take this time to remind you that your seat cushions can be used as floatation devices, Hey folks, were going to play a little game of geography trivia. Of course he was taught to fly a Piper Cub and has only soloed a few times; but he is a professional after all, and we didnt need to pay for his advice, something about insurance, but that doesnt matter. 2.6k. We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. All hands to quarters for muster. We hate finally hearing from a family after weeks or months, only to discover that someone has pointed them in the wrong direction. "Relieve The Watch" is a command given at regular intervals aboard ship. These type of announcements can only be heard in the public areas of the vessel, Like has been stated; only the announcements of the pax safety brief (30 min prior, 15 min and at the time of) by the CD on embarkation day, non-silent disembark announcements on disembark day, and all emergency announcements (fire alarm, man overboard, Bright Star, at times, depending on the circs, a missing person, etc.) Lot more than we 've remembered on HAL or Princess ( our second most-sailed line ) this is! 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Cruise industry to a standstill virus-hit ships were quarantined and passengers were denied disembarkation remind you that is... Appeared to be in distress, and then three months on board Edge commenced December... Annual pay for 2022 for cruise ship is crisscrossing the Caribbean or meandering around the Mediterranean captain..., her goal is to take a ship out of the yard in a build!

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cruise ship captain announcement script