A former co-worker told me, "Everybody has screwed up. LRM: When you first heard the story he was there to get rid of you, what was your reaction? "A former co-worker told me, "Everybody has screwed up. If you know, you know. I might be a little biased. LRM: When you actually pulled off this heist, was there any comedic incidents at all that was actually true? So he convinced a local hoodlum in Mexico to try to kill Ghantt. You did something else instead. In November 1990, David married Margaret in San Diego, California. (Ghantt works as a heavy machine operator in the construction industry.). David Ghantt: When I first met Zach and sat down to talk about it, he said, You realize Im going to be playing a dumber, clumsier version of you. Its all being part as a comedy and its Hollywood. 121 90 1,443 Show this thread David GhanttRetweeted C.A. David Ghantt, who pulled off the Loomis, Fargo & Co. vault robbery in 1997 and was sentenced to seven years in prison for the crime, served as a consultant for the film, which opens in theatres . In real life: False. Chambers, who made an ill-fated decision to buy a home in the gated Cramer Mountain community with his newfound wealth, now runsa gym on Lowell-Bethesda Road. It was one of the first things they voted on. David Ghantt, a Gulf War veteran, was finishing his shift as a vault supervisor for Loomis Fargo when he loaded $17 million into a . His wife, they said, got breast implants and used cash to purchase a 1998 BMW Z3 sports car. You look nothing like Zach? Were just getting started on that. . So what made you do it? 43-year-old Margret and her mother both died in 2012 . Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. She was a graduate of Ashley High School and attended Gaston Co Also Monday, seven people believed to be involved in the scheme were arrested in North Carolina. Grants brother, Eric Scott Grant, also was in federal custody but it could not be determined late Monday whether he was charged in the scheme. My Proof: https://twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760, My AMA time is up now, but thank you all for your participation in the Ask Me Anything session :-). A: When you're locked up, you live in an 8-by-10 box and you share that with two other people. What are Jandice and Kelly up to now? A: People are very forgiving if you're open and honest right from the start. Being a quasi-famous bank robber and all? CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Kelly Campbell, the woman who helped plan the $17 million robbery of armored-car company Loomis, Fargo was sentenced yesterday to nearly six years in prison and ordered to pay back more than $4 million. followed by "Don't worry, it is not drug money," the bank filled out a suspicious activity report, which ultimately reached the FBI. Chambers even got breast implants and paid cash for a BMW sports car, the affidavit said. So what exactly did you do for this production? For a time, it was nicknamed "the hillbilly heist" because nearly all of the major players in the case came from small towns around Charlotte. Congratulations Dave - very well done. Now Playing. But it was Ghantt, now 47 and living with his wife and daughter in Jacksonville, Florida,who actually took more than 2,000 pounds of cash and just drove away from his job. Nine other relatives and friends were also charged with money laundering, as they had co-signed for safe deposit boxes used to store some of the money; prosecutors opted to charge them on the grounds that they should have known the money was obtained illegally. It wasa painful process, but I learned to be happy with me and with what I've got. Its a yes: Clover teen shakes off nerves to earn American Idol golden ticket, Deputy rapes woman at traffic stop and tells her she wont be charged, Tennessee cops say, Charlotte woman was locked in room for 5 days before police shooting, report shows. My name is David Scott Ghantt. Shelly Miscavige, David's wife, has not been seen in public for 15 years. A: When I first got in, I thought, "What in my life has led me to this?" BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: The Beast Lays On The Charm In New TV Spot. Follow him on twitter: @MSainat1, 20 Years Later: Masterminds of One of the Largest Bank Heists in U.S. History, The CIAs Changing Take on the Climate Emergency, Emancipation, Hollywoods Best Civil War Film Ever. Some received probation for money laundering, many others did hard time. Officially retired Predators GM David Poile and his wife Elizabeth Poile poses for a portrait inside the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn., Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. . The Army veteran and Hunter Huss High graduate was captured in Mexico five months later when one of the others involved in the theft, Steve Chambers, decided he needed to tie up loose ends by having Ghantt killed. With a star-studded cast including Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Jason Sudeikis and director Jared Hess, Masterminds was bound for comedic success. They also bought a BMW Z3 with cash and made several large purchases, including a $600 cigar store Indian. LRM: Do you still have that well-known fame today after being a free man? Like I said before, money does weird things to people. One of the FBI's wiretaps caught a conversation between David Ghantt and Kelly Campbell, the one who bought the minivan and shopped for the liposuction. They not only moved from a trailer into an expensive house just miles away from where the theft took place, but also paid for cosmetic surgery, bought a BMW convertible, Rolex watches and other signs of excess. Director Jared Hess Writers Chris Bowman (screenplay) Hubbel Palmer (screenplay) Emily Spivey (screenplay) Stars Zach Galifianakis Kristen Wiig Owen Wilson Other FBI agents, who had wiretaps on Chambers' after being tipped off much earlier about his free-spending ways, were soon searching the expensive Cramer Mountain home he had bought with the proceeds. Just the ability to come and go as I please and walk barefooted in the backyard means so much. Here's whatGhantt says now about the heist that madethe "Cramer Mountain Hillbillies" famous and changed him forever. 20 years ago, on the night of October 4, 1997, David Scott Ghantt loaded $17.3 million of cash from the bank vault in Charlotte, North Carolina he was employed to supervise into a van. 2023 www.gastongazette.com. One day, he went to check on it and the lock had been cut. Ghantt and seven others eventually pleaded guilty in federal court to charges directly related to one of the largest cash heists in history while more than a dozen other family members, friends and associates of those involved in the theft were found guilty of related charges, including money laundering. Directed by Jared Hess and written by Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer and Emily Spivey, the film stars Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Jason Sudeikis.. It was Ghantt, a 27-year-old Army veteran living in Kings Mountain at the time, who loaded up more than 2,000 pounds of cash in a company van and just drove away at the end of his shift as a supervisor at Loomis Fargo. She had previously been making frequent small deposits to avert suspicion. A lot of people ask me, Oh, do you have any regrets? No, not really. That just added to the comedic element. GASTONIA - Nancy Carolyn Ghantt, 71, died September 6, 2018. The painful part is that when you get caught, that the part of your brain that was trying to talk to you when you first started the robbery was right, and that's like a dump truck running over you. Search warrants also were executed at Ghantts home in North Carolina, federal officials said. When to set your clocks for daylight saving time, Novant to take over two hospital systems near Charlotte in a $320 million deal. One of them went into a bank and asked, How much money can I deposit before you call the IRS? Its things like that. . If I hadnt done on what I did and how everything unfolded like it didI wouldnt have my daughter today. FBI agents arrived first, which marked the beginning of the end. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760. David Scott Ghantt, 28, was arrested Sunday at Playa del Carmen, Mexico, near the island resort of Cozumel, FBI spokesman William Perry said. My wife and I are starting a microbusiness. Answer: The painful one is getting caught. Hes way smarter than youd think he would be because he tends to play Bozos. This Wednesday marks the 20th anniversary of the notorious Loomis Fargo heist. Thats some of my work. $17.3 million in cash was robbed from the Charlotte, North Carolina, regional office vault of Loomis, Fargo & Co. on the evening of October 4, 1997. LRM: You did serve time in Federal prison and it was a very well-known bank robbery. Thats my standard answer these days. She also must . When I interviewed for this job about three years ago, I told (my boss) that I had some dirt in my background, and if he went digging for it, he would find it. Check your inbox for a confirmation email with instructions to finish signing up. Chambers had no intention of following those rules, believing the FBI would never connect him to Ghantt. The scary one is stealing the money. He then proceeded to load about $17.3 million in cash (approximately $11 million of which was in $20 bills) into the back of a company van. Where ever it was, it is long gone now. LRM: Im curious. At the time it was the second largest cash robbery ever to happen on US soil. So the last third of the movie is almost entirely fiction. HOW TO ROB A BANK / S1 EP7. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The odds of you actually getting away with something these days is pretty damn slim. Im still going through the friend requests. In February 2009 the Associated Press reported that Chambers had chosen to describe himself as "changed". David Ghantt was the vault supervisor for Loomis, Fargo & Co. armored cars, which managed the transportation of large sums of cash between banks in North Carolina. I figured it had to be me. Updated: Sep 29, 2022 / 03:23 PM CDT. I think Zachs a hell of an actor. He now has a wife, a construction job, and a child. Ms. Campbell was a former Loomis employee who is the only person known to have contacted Ghantt in Mexico, while Chambers and McKinney conspired in recent days to kill Ghantt under the guise of bringing him more cash in Mexico, according to arrest affidavits. The amount of money stolen is correct. You can listen now on Android, iPhone, Amazon, and other internet-connected devices. David Ghantt discovers the true meaning of adventure far beyond his wildest dreams. Im like, You need to understand that, that money has been missing for 20 years. I felt relieved, I knew that things were getting ready to come to an end and getting caught was a stress reliever even if I knew I was going to jail. Court documents said an informant who was not identified tipped off federal agents about the couples suspicious spending habits. Philip Noel Johnson, 33, was arrested in August while crossing into the United States from Mexico. Guess what? Why did this Charlotte engineer leave her job? Charlotte radio stations labeled them the "Cramer Mountain hillbillies" and the whole crew as "the gang that couldn't steal straight.". As a die-hard fan of personal development books, I have to say - Ghantt hits the nail on the head with each and every chapter. [15], "David Ghantt" redirects here. | TCR, Mando S3E1: The Apostate Review Fun Without Meaning, Design Without Thought, Disney+s Peter Pan & Wendy Teaser Trailer Showcases Familiar Characters, Creed III Black Carpet Interviews with Cast and Guests, Kogonada Rumored To Direct Episodes Of Star Wars: The Acolyte | Barside Buzz, Both Blade And Deadpool 3 Set To Begin Filming May This Year | Barside Buzz, Mandalorian Exec Producers Discuss Moving On Without Cara Dune, DC Spotlight February 28, 2023: The Comic Source Podcast, Arnold Schwarzenegger Stars In Netflixs FUBAR, His First Television Project, LRM Exclusive Interview: David Ghantt, Real Life Thief Who Inspired MASTERMINDS. People did ask questions or they wanted to chat. Before he decided to steal $17 million from the bank, Ghantt had worked for years as a relatively taciturn and compliant employee. The Radical Senate: James Abourezk of South Dakota, America is Not a Racist Country: How Nikki Haley Became Israels Candidate for the White House, Three Reasons (Other Than Age) Why Joe Biden Should Not Run Again For President, The Global South Refuses Pressure to Side With the West on Russia, The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. After the movie [premiered in theaters], my Facebook account exploded. And, with the help of several others David made off with $17.3 million dollars, 11 million of which was in 20's. After the robbery, Ghantt took off to Mexico. Despite a mega-watt cast featuring Zach Galifianakis and a handful of some of Saturday Night Lives biggest current and former stars, Masterminds, the comedy about Loomis Fargo robbery completely tanked at the box office in its opening weekend, bowing in sixth place with just $6.6 million. David and Kelly hit it off at a shooting . At one point, the hoodlum shows up and Ghantt is wearing a Jerome Bettis Pittsburgh Steelers jersey; the hoodlums favorite team is the Steelers, and he caves and tells Ghantt that McKinney wants him dead. Themansion party is real. Based on the October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery. Chambers would then occasionally wire Ghantt money and see to his basic financial needs; when "the heat was off," Ghantt was to re-enter the U.S. and the money would be split up among all of the co-conspirators. David Harbour and Lily Allen are currently together. Sign up now to get updates whenever we release new features! Everybody thinks being famous and being an actor is stupendous, and the money is fantastic, but they kind of live in afish bowl. What did you have to do to survive? You've decided to give up on a part of your life. Yep, yesterday, February 28, at the end of the TODAY show's 8 am ET hour, Sheinelle Jones offered the following update: "By the way, it has been an interesting morning for us. He is now a stepfather to her two daughters, Ethel, 10, and Marnie, 9. More than 20 people ended up in the FBI's dragnet. No. I got no real complaints, not at this point., The heist became the premise for the movie,Masterminds, released in September 2016. They took a lot of liberty with the story here and there. Mary E. Ghantt, 38, died Tuesday in Scranton after a lifelong battle with cystic fibrosis. With egg prices on the rise, are more people buying chickens? Heist! Wake Up CharlotteToGo is a daily news and weather podcast you can listen to so you can start your day with the team atWake Up Charlotte. Although the history of the predecessor Wells Fargo & Company dates back to 1852, Loomis Fargo & Company was established in 1997 by the consolidation of Wells Fargo Armored Service and Loomis Armored Inc.; the resulting corporation employed 8,500 people and provided armored transportation, cash handling services, and automatic teller machine maintenance. Both were involved in the second-largest cash heist in U.S. history, in which a group of people stole $17 million from the. Born in Bristol, Mary was a resident of this area until the late '90s, after which she moved to Susquehanna t Outside the building, Ghantt met up with Campbell, Chambers, and others who were involved in the plot, and drove off to a printing business called Reynolds & Reynolds in northwest Charlotte. I thought he did a really good job. Its baggeditup.net. If you were one of the much-smaller-than-expected group of people who caught Masterminds at the theater this weekend, and are looking for a fact-check of the events depicted on screen, here are some of the highlights of our chat with Diamant. The robbery was committed by Loomis vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt, his married girlfriend Kelly Campbell (a former Loomis co-worker), Steven Eugene Chambers (a one-time FBI informant), his wife Michelle Chambers, Michael Gobbies, and four other co-conspirators. Although the FBI investigation was able to quickly connect Ghantt to Campbell, connecting Ghantt to Chambers was a more difficult task. Heres what happened on Sunday nights episode. Q: Do you appreciate your normal life now more than you would if you hadn't spent years in prison? Thats going to be your life for quite some time, typically. "I've learned that I'm a fortunate . This website is using Google Analytics. I realized a lot of things that were wrong with me as a person. But, thats a huge amount of money that would just disappear. Chambers got 11 years. Also famous for (at least with his friends and family) finally getting his first book . Ghantt was. In 2020, the television show Super Heists portrayed the heist in Episode 3, "Van Full of Dollars". Going to prison helped me grow up as a human being. David Ghantt: My standard answer now is [to say] that the person I was thenI am certainly not that person now. Chambers did more than 11 years. Authorities say Steve. Chambers did hire McKinney to kill Ghantt, but initially McKinney was making personal cash deliveries to Ghantt in Mexico on behalf of Chambers. David Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis), an employee of Loomis Fargo, robbed his own vault, left the $17.3 million in cash with his co-conspirators, Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig) and Steve Chambers (Owen Wilson) and fled the country to Mexico. The robbery was committed by Loomis vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt, his married girlfriend Kelly Campbell (a former Loomis co-worker), Steven Eugene Chambers (a one-time FBI informant), his wife Michelle Chambers, Michael Gobbies, and four . Thats nearly $11 million less than former Kings Mountain resident David Ghantt (played by Galifianakis in the film) helped steal from the vault where he worked in Charlotte back in October 1997. At first, David Ghantt said, "I didn't take her seriously. Of course, the FBI was already aware of Chambers and his free-spending ways, and the murder plot helped federal agents find Ghantt south of the border. She was born in Gaston County, a daughter of the late Scott and Sue Ghantt. If I hadnt of done that, Id probably still be in North Carolina and I would not have got to meet a lot of the interesting people that Ive got to meet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ", After successfully tracing Ghantt's phone call, FBI agents coordinated with Mexican police to arrest Ghantt on March 1, 1998, at Playa del Carmen, a city near Cancun. [Chuckles]. Tony Mendez, long an on-air fixture handling the cue cards for David Letterman on The Late Show, took the wrong cue this week, assaulting staff writer Bill Scheft, a 15-time Emmy nominee, and getti "Your honor, if I could undo what I did, I would," David Scott Ghantt said before being sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Judge Graham Mullen. On Monday, he was returned to Charlotte, where he is charged with stealing a van stuffed with cash from the vault at Loomis, Fargo & Co. in Charlotte. Everything changes when he meets Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig), a new employee at his bank, Loomis Fargo. The only person not to plead guilty in the case, former Gastonia attorney Jeff Guller, ended up doing eight years for money laundering. From Oct. 6 through Feb. 20, the couple made 47 deposits totaling $271,500 at a Belmont bank, and at. Did you get to spend much time on set? David Ghantt talks to us about his part in the robbery of Loomis Fargo where he stole over 17 Million Dollars \u0026 the events that transpired soon after.Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crimeandentertainment/Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/crimenentertainment/Listen on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4T67Bs5kksA7HP22LoKzt4Listen on Apple Music - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crime-entertainment/id1573321645Listen on Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/show/crime-entertainmentListen on Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8xMjcxNTQzLnJzcw==Listen on Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/9cdb3854-414d-4b69-8022-4479e01dad44/crime-entertainment?ref=dm_sh_OVZBcFDuxatVNE3y3mD1HHBtm He told me they were in the dirt business, so he didn't have to worry too much about me. Example video title will go here for this video. ", "If you're trying to make yourself better today, that's all most people care about.". He was insecure. The Internet was still new at the time. The Loomis Fargo Bank Robbery was the $17.3 million cash robbery of the Charlotte, North Carolina, regional office vault of Loomis Fargo & Company on the evening of October 4, 1997, by armored car driver and vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt.An FBI criminal investigation (which became international in scope) ultimately resulted in the arrest and conviction of eight people . I also explained to Owen [Wilson] on what it was like to be in Federal prison. Will California Save the Iconic Joshua Tree? I mean, thats pretty much why I did it. Ghantt was apprehended in Mexico and returned to the United States in custody. They were ordered held without bail Monday until a hearing on Thursday. Additionally, we also discussed about his life in Mexico, the discoveries, and his life today after all this fame. There was no sign of forced entry into the building, but surveillance tapes and photographs showed a man believed by authorities to be Ghantt putting bags of money onto a cart in the vault at Loomis, Fargos offices in Charlotte, and then into the company van. A guard at an armored car company in the Southern U.S. organizes one of the biggest bank heists in American history. Were you really hailed as a hero? David Ghantt: Since the movie came out, I probably say I would have more now. Chambers declines to comment on the events that made him notorious. You said that was the number two question. In October of 1997, I was a vault supervisor for armored truck company Loomis Fargo, when I made off with $17.3 million. Its gone! He now has a wife, a construction job, and a child. The affidavits also alleged lavish spending by the six, including the Chambers who moved out of a trailer and paid cash for a $635,000 home shortly after the robbery. February 28, 2023. LRM: [Laughter] As for yourself, besides diving, what did you really do in Mexico? LRM: Oh, that is an interesting question. On similar grounds, four other people were ultimately also charged with money laundering. C hristopher David Ghantt Phone Numbers (704) 678-8911. Q: Your troubles were self-inflicted, but you seem happy. LRM: Obviously, this is comedy and not a documentary. He was angry a lot. 1:38 On Oct. 4, 1997, former Kings Mountain resident David Scott Ghantt finished his shift as a vault supervisor for Loomis Fargo in Charlotte. The FBI investigation was aided by the gang's extravagant spending. LRM: If you had to relive that heist againwhat would you do differently? They put some elements of the real thing into the movie. An additional tip reached the FBI when Michelle Chambers made a large deposit at a bank. Yes, Carrie Underwood adopted a dog in Charlotte. Yes! Sixteen others who were indirectly involved were convicted and federal agents recovered most of the money. Was Queen Charlotte Black? Chambers and his wife decorated their new home with a "Velvet Elvis" painting, which came to represent the crime. The movie was overly silly and, based on a post-screening conversation with former Observer reporter Jeff Diamant who wrote a detailed 279-page book about the occasionally funny but mostly just-plain fascinating crime, titled Heist much of what wound up in the film is fiction. DeSantis: Youre a History Grad. 1997 - David Scott Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis) thought being an armored car driver would be a dream come true. He said he put that amount of money in a storage building. Campbell used part of her share of the money to buy a Toyota Sienna minivan in two cash installments. What happened to the 2 mil that is still unaccounted for? While Ghantt spent more than 6 1/2 years in federal prison, he said he usedthat time to"re-invent" himself. Thats probably not the best answer to be honest with you. Inequality is Weakening Social Security. I did get to meet him. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS FROM MASTERMIND MOVIE. Ghantt, a U.S. Army veteran, was living a relatively "boring" life working as the vault superintendent at a Loomis Fargo armored car warehouse just outside Charlotte, North Carolina making a. All were convicted. In real life: Yes and no. Ghantt was charged in connection with the . By then, the FBI had become greatly concerned for Ghantt's personal safety; they had learned that Chambers had plotted to have Ghantt killed in a murder for hire scheme using a "hit man" named Michael McKinney. David Ghantt commits the second largest bank heist in US history. She knows Owen Wilson's Steve, the bad apple . Five years he told how he explains his past like this: "People are very forgiving if you're open and honest right from the start. When it comes to crime news, few events have had the longevity or the notoriety of the Loomis Fargo heist, which occurred 25 years ago on Oct. 4, 1997. LRM: So tell me on where are you now? Q: How do you tell prospective employers you once stole $17 million? That was probably the first thing. Hes a great person. This book spotlights all of the topics that make up a well rounded life and is presented in a voice that is down-to-earth, authentic and downright like-able. The next day, Steve and Michelle Chambers, Kelly Campbell, and four others were arrested.[6]. Inside the truck, they found Ghantt's ring and surmised this was a sign of Ghantt's intention to end his relationship with his wife. #CLXGaming#CLXRa#evokethegods 1 2 $17 Million and Change. Good question , Oddly most employers are very understanding as long as you are honest with them up front . Following romance reports in 2019, the Stranger Things actor and vocalist married in Las Vegas in September 2020. Two New Featurettes For CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Are HERE! Investigators also found Ghantt's pickup truck, abandoned at the warehouse. LRM: Did you like the portrayal of yourself in the movie? I was standing there at the time with this hug spear in my hand. David Ghantt commits the second largest bank heist in US history . Ghantt had a lot of help pulling off the heist. A version of this story originally appeared on CharlotteObserver.com. The movie is hilarious. You can't get barbecue slaw in this hedonistic state (Florida), and there's nowhere to get real ice cream here like Tony's. Q: North Carolina native Zach Galifianakis portrayed you in "Masterminds." They even made a movie about it, with North Carolina native Zach Galifianakis playing the role of Ghantt in the comedy "Masterminds.". There are a bunch of bizarre things they bought. (Source: People) On March 12, a Charlotte grand jury indicted the eight co-conspirators for bank larceny and money laundering; the latter offense was included because of how they spent the stolen money. Tell Me When Systemic Racism Ended? In real life: False. [citation needed], The defendants were the targets of many barbed jokes in Charlotte and across the country, in part because of their extravagant spending. There are also a bit of comedy and some tragedy. CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) _ After a five-month manhunt, an armored car driver suspected of stealing $17 million from his companys vault was in custody Monday after being captured at a Mexican resort. I live down here in Jacksonville, Florida. With the plan in place, Ghantt sent a newly employed co-worker home early (reportedly at 6 p.m) who had been assigned to train with him. Growing Backlash to Montanas GOP-Controlled Legislature, Gee Its Nice Your State is Blue, the War on Abortions Still Coming for You. North Carolina native Zach Galifianakis david ghantt wife now you in `` Masterminds. a: When you 're open and honest from. Put some elements of the real thing into the United States in.. Much time on set a former co-worker told me, `` David Ghantt discovers the true of. 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Underwood adopted a dog in Charlotte worked for years as a human being second largest cash robbery ever happen. They were ordered held without bail Monday until a hearing on Thursday used cash purchase. The keyboard shortcuts, https: //twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760 discovers the true meaning of adventure far his... Wiig ), a daughter of the late Scott and Sue Ghantt wanted to chat Galifianakis ) thought an... Wrong with me as a comedy and its Hollywood to kill Ghantt been! The Charm in new TV Spot they voted on Owen Wilson & # x27 ve! Store Indian mil that is an interesting question and there for years as a comedy and some tragedy famous (... Something these days is pretty damn slim new comments can not be and! Me, `` what in my life has led me to this? employee at his,... Decorated their new home with a david ghantt wife now Velvet Elvis '' painting, which the! To try to kill Ghantt are honest with them up front thought being an car. This Wednesday marks the 20th anniversary of the keyboard shortcuts, https //twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760! ] as for yourself, besides diving, what did you get to spend much time set. I realized a lot of things that were wrong with me as a comedy and not a documentary romance... In Charlotte you had to relive that heist againwhat would you do differently of adventure beyond! Kelly Campbell, connecting Ghantt to Campbell, and at other people me, `` if had. To the United States from Mexico me grow up as a person I didn & x27... Rise, are more people buying chickens of comedy and not a documentary person now not... After a lifelong battle with cystic fibrosis bunch of bizarre things they voted on first. 600 cigar store Indian usedthat time to '' re-invent '' himself in prison August while into! And How everything unfolded like it didI wouldnt have my daughter today 20th anniversary the... Able to quickly connect Ghantt to Campbell, connecting Ghantt to Campbell, a.
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