Sr. Mary Esther is survived by several cousins and members of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Noticing in the early 1980s that medical personnel and clergy were afraid to enter hospital rooms of those dying of AIDS, she said, I felt I was being called to minister to those dying with AIDS (Tampa Bay Times). She ministered as a teacher in New Haven, CT, Columbus and Steubenville, OH, and Pittsburgh, PA. She was aware that many of the students in her class came from low-income families, and Sr. Michaeleen made it her personal business to see that each child had what they needed to succeed. Brenda was born on April 27, 1972, in Lebanon . She was 91 years of age. May she rest in peace. She was a peace-filled spirit of joy. Sr. Vincent was preceded in death by her parents and siblings and survived by several nieces and nephews. May she rest in peace. Professed in 1951, she taught in the following schools: Sacred Heart, Washington, DC; Sacred Heart, Faribault, MN; St. Clement, Sheboygan, WI; Bethlehem Academy, Faribault, MN, where she was also principal. Sr. Loretta ministered in adult faith formation and with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Sacred Heart Parish, Washington, DC; St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Milwaukee; St. Martin de Porres Parish, Columbia, SC; and Parish Co-op of South Chicago, Chicago. The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on December 23. Sr. Mary Louis was the director of Dominican Education Center at Sinsinawa, WI, and pastoral associate at Holy Family Ministry Center, Apalachicola, FL, before earning her doctorate from Loyola University Chicago School of Law. To donate in Sr. Vincent de Pauls memory, please click here. Feb 27, 2023. Sr. Marya served as pastoral associate at St. Martin de Porres Parish, Peoria, IL; religious education teacher at Immaculate Conception School, Kieler, WI; support staff at the Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, WI; and in family care in Peoria, IL. She was 94 years of age. Sr. Vincent de Paul was born Mary Magdalen in 1911. Sister June Quinlan, OP (Sister James Richard) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on February 8, 2020 at St. Catherine of Siena Convent, Caldwell, New Jersey. Basil Visitation Parish, Chicago. She was very involved in establishing a covenant relationship between the Metropolitan Chicago Synod and the Archdiocese of Chicago and was recognized with the James Fitzgerald Award from CADEIO(Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers) in 2009. Vernon, NY. Sr. Mary Ann has been described as determined, persistent, honest, and indomitable. She served at Edgewood College as academic dean, academic vice president, and provost and for the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation as Prioress. It was important to her to do meaningful work, and that was work she was able to do. Sr. Denise was preceded in death by her parents, brother, and two sisters. Professed in 1952, she taught in the following schools: St. Albert, Minneapolis; Nativity BVM, Menominee, IL; St. Matthew, Milwaukee; St. Raphael, Madison, WI, where she was also principal; and Visitation, Chicago. Sister Frances Schier, OP (formerly Sister Leo Marie) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died November 25, 2015 in Caldwell, NJ at the St. Catherine of Siena Convent. Sr. Michaeleen entered the Congregation in 1948, made first profession in 1950, and took her final vows in 1953. She later served her Community by ministering as Eastern Regional Coordinator and, later, as Coordinator of Rosary Manor. Sister Helen Doychak, OP (Sister John Helene) died on June 5, 2019 at Calvary Hospital, Bronx, New York. Sister Miriam Joseph Schaub OP of the Dominican Sisters, Sparkill, New York, died on February 26, 2023 in Siena Hall, Dominican Convent, Sparkill. Click here to send a memorial online. She was director of religious education at Holy Trinity Parish, Bloomington, IL, and pastoral minister at South Side Catholic Church, Peoria, IL; Visitation Parish, Chicago; and St. Sister Marya Dugard, OP, died Oct. 2, 2022. Click here to send a memorial online. As the century turned in 1999, so did Sr. Vincent, retiring from active ministry to volunteer in the Recycling Center at St. Catharines Dominican Earth Center. Per her request, Sister has been cremated. Sr. Loretta was curious, often seeking to understand the mystery of God and listening to others as they searched for meaning. She began teaching in 1933 in Indiana, and in her more than five decades as an educator and administrator moved to Kentucky, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, and West Virginia. Sister LaDonna (Albertino) Jeno, OP, died Jan. 28, 2022. Sr. Michaeleen was preceded in death by her parents, Orville and Laura Paul Henderson, her brothers, John, Robert, and Joseph, and her sisters, Betty Plants, Dorothy Dudas, Mary Caroline Johnson, and Dolores Mahon. She made final profession in 1946 and celebrated her 75th Jubilee in 2021. She worked for four years before hearing Gods call and entered the Congregation in 1953. Sister Eleanor Piat, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope died at The Wartburg, Mount Vernon, New York on April 1, 2020 at the age of 98. She loved the Cleveland Guardians, Browns, and Cavaliers. Joan was persistent in her search for God and open to this inner Transformation.. She was 87. Through this organization and Sr. Maries tenacity, multiple services were connected and streamlined. (OSV News photo/CNS file, James Ramos, Texas Catholic Herald) WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- The Dominicans are inviting Catholics nationwide to participate in a nine-month novena that will culminate with a day-long rosary pilgrimage this . To donate in Sr. Denises memory, please click here. She was 87 years of age. She was 84 years of age. Memorial gifts in Sr. Michaeleen Hendersons memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 or Memorial gifts in Sr. Mary Esther Owens memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 or May she rest in peace. Click here to send a memorial online. She was 102 years old. She was 83 years of age. Sister Catherine (Anne Mary) Cox, OP, died May 15, 2022. She entered the Congregation in 1942, left the congregation in 1968, and returned in 1982. Orin graduated from Arkansaw High School in 1955, and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Sr. Marie would ask, What are you doing to make a difference with the poor? May she rest in peace. Sister Barbara (Walthier) Bell, OP, died Jan 17, 2022. She was 88 years of age. Marys uniqueness was best expressed in her kindness, wit, and respect for othersin her deep sense of fun enjoyment in playing piano and singing Irish songs, and yes, in the joy of dance in stepping out onto the dance floor whenever an occasion appropriately presented itself.. In our life together as Sisters, we embrace a radical living of the gospel through prayer, contemplation, and action. Sister Ann Victor Mazza, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died October 26, 2021 at St Catherine of Siena Convent in Caldwell, New Jersey. She was a warm, friendly, and kind woman. Sister Margaret Flynn, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on February 13, 2020 at the Wartburg in Mount Vernon, NY. Other ministries included being a religious education coordinator in the city of Freeport, IL, and at SS. Sr. Joan was interred at the St. Catharine Motherhouse Cemetery. She was 86 years of age. Basil, Chicago; Visitation, Kewanee, IL; and St. Mark, Peoria, IL, where she was also an aide. Doris "Dorie" Fern Moran. She taught in the following schools: Visitation, Chicago; St. Thomas Aquinas, Kenosha, WI; Holy Angels, Omaha, NE; St. Augustine, South St. Paul, MN; Epiphany, Chicago; Blessed Sacrament, Sioux City, IA; and St. Giles, Oak Park, IL. The daughter of the late John M. and Jessie (Downs) Heery, she was born July 22, 1936 in Woodbury, New Jersey. A longtime principal, educator, and friend, Dominican Sister of Hope Mary Aquin McDonald is remembered lovingly by the Dominican Sisters of Hope and her New Jersey and New York communities. Sr. Jean loved science and was a superb teacher. Sister Arturo Cranston, OP, died April 10, 2022. She was parish codirector at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Houston, MS, and volunteered teaching Spanish at the Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, WI, and as an interpreter for Jo Daviess County, IL. May she rest in peace. May she rest in peace. Luke Hospital. Sister Kathleen Sullivan, OP, formerly known as Sister James Francis, of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died April 3, 2014 at the Wartburg, Mt. This year, 2022, marks Sister Patricia Catlett's 70th anniversary in the order of the Dominican Sisters of Hope. She was 96 years old. Sr. Vincent was preceded in death by her parents and siblings and survived by several nieces and nephews. Sr. Vincent held a Bachelor of Arts degree in Math and Spanish from Nazareth College. Sr. Eldena served as support staff at St. Dominic Villa, Dubuque, IA, and the Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, where she later served as sacristan. Sr. Arturo dedicated herself to building up the physical camp and developing young women who were confident and compassionate. She was 94 years of age. To donate in Sr. Michaeleens memory, please click here. Sister Noreen Conheeney, OP, Dominican Sisters of Hope, died July 27, 2015 at St Catherine of Siena Healthcare Facility in Caldwell, New Jersey. Sister Mary Agnes Shannon, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on December 14, 2021 in Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, Massachusetts. She was 90 years of age. Christine M. (Lynch) Mackin of Sandwich, 56, died on Sunday, February 26, following a battle with cancer. Her deep knowledge and empathy made her suited for many ministries, but education was a favorite. Memorial gifts in Sr. Denise Mackos memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 or Sr. Marie purposefully lived simply and supported those whose means were limited. Sister Delphine Croft, OP (Sister Marie Michael) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died Jan 21, 2022 in Hackensack Meridian Nursing and Rehabilitation Center at Manor by the Sea in Ocean Grove, NJ. Orin was born August 24, 1937, in Plum City, WI, to Herbert and Melvina (Doughty) Keys. Sisters The Vowed Life. Her nieces Mary Knueppel, Mary Agnes Mosbach and Eileen Watrus.The family wishes ti thank the staff of Brandywine for excellent care they provided to our Aunt. Sister Anne Francis McNally, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope died April 17, 2019 in St Catherine of Siena Convent, Caldwell, New Jersey. She served at the Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, WI, as an accountant and in central banking in the General Finance Office before ministering as the pastoral administrator at Sacred Heart Parish, Ronan, MT, and St. Joseph Mission, Charlo, MT. She was engaged in parish work at St. Marys Parish in New Monmouth NJ (1990-2002), and she also taught in the parish school from 1990-98. Sister Ann Cecilia Regan, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died July 22, 2017 at Brandywine Senior Living Facility in Wall, New Jersey. She moved to the Sansbury Care Center in 2001, where she continued her recycling ministry for some time. She worked as a computer programmer for Tru-Fit in Medina for several years before helping the Akron Motherhouse and the Congregation with their computer installations. Vernon, NY. Burial of the cremains will take place immediately following the mass in the Dominican Sisters of Hope Cemetery on the grounds of Mount Saint Mary College. She was 97 years of age. In 2014, Sister McGuire moved to Sansbury Care Center where she began a ministry of prayer and presence. Click here to send a memorial online. Memorial gifts in Sr. Joan Monica McGuires memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 or Sister Denise ministered at Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School and at Our Lady of the Elms High School for more than two decades. She was 86 years of age. Sister Margaret James Curtin, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on Dec 1, 2021, in Brandywine Senior Living at Wall, NJ. She began teaching in 1933 in Indiana, and in her more than five decades as an educator and administrator moved to Kentucky, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, and West Virginia. However Sister was survived by several other nieces and nephews . Please know that your gifts are never taken for granted. She was 81 years old. Not content with teaching and serving her congregation, Sr. Denise also taught the metric system at the Summit County Society of the Blind and volunteered at Xavier Society for the Blind as a transcriber of Braille. Sister Margaret James Curtin, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on Dec 1, 2021, in Brandywine Senior Living at Wall, NJ. Sister Margaret James entered the novitiate of the Dominican Sisters of Newburgh on September 7, 1947, made her First Profession June 25, 1949, and Final Profession August 22, 1952. Professed in 1949, she taught in the following schools and organizations: Blessed Sacrament, Sioux City, IA; St. Mary, Champaign, IL; St. Raphael, Madison, WI; St. Lawrence, Faribault, MN; Holy Family, Whitefish Bay, WI; Visitation, Chicago; St. Cajetan, Chicago; St. Gerard House, St. Augustine, FL; and Catholic Charities, St. Augustine, FL. Below, find the most recent obituaries for our sisters and associates who have gone home to their God. She also served as a Governing Board Member. She was 87 years of age. Sister Jean Merrell, OP (formerly Sister Mary Judith) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope died January 3, 2018 at the Woodbury Mews in Woodbury, New Jersey. Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville > About Us > Obituaries In Loving Remembrance We remember with love our dear Sisters who died during this past year. Doris "Dorie" Fern Moran, 89, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Monday, February 27, 2023, at The Laurels of Mt. Click here to send a memorial online. Sister Frances worked in the Archdiocese of New York and in the Rockville Centre Diocese in nursing, pastoral care and social work. Sister Barbara was known as a superb teacher, a capable and patient leader, and a well-respected colleague. Are you curious about the life of religious sisters? She was very present to those around her and grounded in who she was. She was 90 years of age. Sr. Joann also taught at Edgewood College, Madison, WI, where she was also the freshman coordinator; FranCenter, Inc., Darien, IL; Maria Shelter, Chicago; Malcolm X College, Chicago, where she was also grant administrator; and Connections Adult Learning Center, Chicago. She brought her gentle and affable ways to her teaching and administration positions while demonstrating a high level of competence. Sister Margaret James was an elementary school teacher at St. Joseph School in Bayonne NJ (1949-59), Sacred Heart School in Newburgh, NY (1959-63), St. Peter School in Rosendale NY (1963-64), St. Elizabeth School in Elizabeth City NC (1964-67), St. Lawrence School in Lindenwold NJ (1967-73), and St Cecilia School in Iselin NJ (1973-90). Sister Anne Marie (Innocentia) Friedrich, OP, died Jan. 6, 2022. Born in New York City on November 24, 1920, Elizabeth was the daughter of Frank and Jane O'Connor Schaub. She continued her education in science by earning a Master of Science in Chemistry with a minor in Physics from Notre Dame. May she rest in peace. The funeral liturgy was conducted at the Columbus Motherhouse on December 30, 2022. Professed in 1951, she taught in the following schools: Our Lady of Refuge, Bronx, NY; St. Michael, Galena, IL; Holy Name, Kansas City, MO; and St. Barnabas, Chicago. Feb 28, 2023. She volunteered at the Motherhouse and St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, WI. She was 75 years of age. Site by, Dominican Sisters in Committed Collaboration Stand in Solidarity with Call for Reform of Policing Practices. Sr. LaDonna was outgoing, kind, and generous. She entered the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor in 1952 at 18 years . In Memoriam - Dominican Sisters of Caldwell - Caldwell, NJ In Memoriam Life is not ended but changed. Sr. Bernadette ministered in health care as an x-ray technician at Mt. May she rest in peace. Sr. Denise entered a ministry of prayer and presence at the Regina Health Center in 2019. W. Joanne Nichols passed away unexpectedly at Delta Health Hospital surrounded by her family on February 20, 2023. The Adrian Dominican Sisters who made up the faculty there inspired her to religious life, and she entered the Congregation in 1944 right after graduation. She was very involved in establishing a covenant relationship between the Metropolitan Chicago Synod and the Archdiocese of Chicago and was recognized with the James Fitzgerald Award from CADEIO(Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers) in 2009. Click here to send a memorial online. To donate in Sr. Denises memory, please click here. To view wake and funeral services of recently deceased Sisters, go to click on the On Demand tab to find the service you wish to view. Dominican Sister of Peace Vincent de Paul Hutton, OP. Click here to send a memorial online. Click here to send a memorial online. What Jesus was advocating was profound inner Transformation. She ministered at the Saint George Hospital in Cincinnati, and at Mohun Health Care Center for more than two decades. To download a printable copy of this memorial,click here. Dominican Sister of Peace Michaeleen Henderson. To donate in Sr. Mary Esthers memory, please click here. She made first profession in 1955, took her final vows in 1958, and celebrated her 65th Jubilee in 2020. Sister Agnes Boyle, OP (Sister Mary Charles) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died November 10, 2019 in St. Catherine of Siena Convent, Caldwell, NJ. Sr. Joan was interred at the St. Catharine Motherhouse Cemetery. She earned her doctorate in east Asian studieswhich included a year of living in Taipei, Taiwanlearned Chinese, and returned to Edgewood College to teach history for 22 years. Sister Mary Rita Sweeney, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, Ossining, New York, died on November 20, 2022 at The Wartburg, Mount Vernon, New York. Sr. Rosemary was a gentle person who responded to the needs of others by asking, What will we do about this? May she rest in peace. She saw Christ in every young face and served each child with love. She was a pastoral minister at Sacred Heart Parish, El Reno, OK; St. Joseph Parish, Union City, OK; St. John Parish, Yukon, OK; and Blessed Sacrament Parish, Madison, WI, before becoming a Reiki practitioner in the Madison, WI, area. Faith, Hope, and Charity, Winnetka, IL; St. Anne, Wausau, WI; St. Thomas Aquinas, Kenosha, WI; St. Michael, Galena, IL; and St Vincent Ferrer, River Forest, IL, where she continued as volunteer reading tutor after her retirement. Sr. Kathleen gave wholeheartedly to the children and adults with whom she ministered. Sister Mary Louis Louie Russley, OP, died Sept. 16, 2022. Friends and benefactors have made it possible for us to work on building Gods Kingdom here on earth through our active ministries. Sister Marie Jeanne Beauregard, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died Monday, May 18, 2020 in Fall River, MA. She was strict and had high expectations but was respected as well. Sr. Joan began her long ministry as an educator, teaching in Illinois and Nebraska. Sr. Mary Jane advised people to squeeze some joy out of every day, live with a grateful heart, and always trust in a loving God (The Link). Basil, Chicago, and Corpus Christi, New York, before going to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, as a missionary. She supported parishes by developing programs that helped people grow in their faith. A true itinerant, Sister Denise also loved to travel and visited not only many areas of the United States but also London, France, Switzerland, and Quebec. Sr. Vincent de Paul was born Mary Magdalen in 1911. Sister Julie Maria Pintal, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, Ossining, New York, died June 13, 2017. Click here to send a memorial online. She was 100 years of age. She was just five days from her 89th birthday. Following her service in Congregational leadership, Sr. Joan interned with the World Without War Council. Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope | 1555 34th Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601 | Phone: 510-533-5768. One of her male students of physics noted that she was the best teacher he ever had. The funeral was on Friday, December 23, at Sansbury Care Center Chapel. Click here to send a memorial online. At 10:15 am there will be a prayer service followed by the Mass at 11:00 am. May she rest in peace. Sr. Barbara was a steady, gentle, faith-filled presence who lived her life with grace, hospitality, and integrity. Memorial gifts in Sr. Michaeleen Hendersons memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219 or She studied Physics and Radiobiology as well, and put that study to good use in her long ministry of education. She celebrated her Irish heritage. If you are having trouble finding the obituary of one of our Sisters, please email [email protected] for assistance. May she rest in peace. Professed in 1944, she taught in the following schools: Our Lady of Refuge, Bronx, NY; Immaculate Conception, Waukegan, IL; St. Mary, Elkton, SD; SS. When she was no longer able to go to the hospital on a regular basis, she continued to set up the monthly masses and functioned as a Eucharistic minister for as long as she was able. She returned to the Motherhouse to work with children in the preschool program and then used her computer skills as support staff at the Motherhouse in the Office of Development with the Honors and Memorials program; at Regina High School, Minneapolis, in the business office; and at St. Jude Convent, Montgomery, AL, as bookkeeper. Peter and Paul, Tulsa, OK; St. Thomas, Chickasaw, AL; St. Thomas, Milwaukee; and St. Barnabas, Chicago. Sister Victoria "Vicki" Lauria, OP, died Nov. 17, 2022. She was a founding member of the Atlanta Archdiocesan AIDS Task Force and served as coordinator at Sacred Heart Southern Missions, Walls, MS, and in St. Petersburg, FL, with Catholic Charities and as a volunteer in the area. The daughter of the late James and Mary Haggerty Curtin, she was born July 14, 1928 in Jersey City, New Jersey. Please know that your gifts are never taken for granted. Professed in 1952, she taught at Epiphany, Chicago; Immaculate Conception, Waukegan, IL; and St. Augustine, South St. Paul, MN, and was an aide at Consolidated Catholic Schools, Faribault, MN. Sister Eileen McCabe, OP (Sister Joseph Therese) of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, died on January 23, 2017 at Meadowview in The Wartburg in Mt. A true Dominican in her love of study, Sr. Mary Esther also worked toward a degree in Applied Theology from Berkeley and took courses in Formation, Community Development, and Spiritual Direction at various institutes. Professed in 1954, she taught in the following schools: St. James, Kenosha, WI; St. Luke, River Forest, IL; St. Peter, Anaconda, MT; Little Flower, Billings, MT; St. Barnabas, Chicago; Dominican High School, Omaha, NE; St. Bernard, Peoria, IL; Immaculate Conception, Fairbanks, AK; Unity Catholic High School, Chicago; St. Jude , Montgomery, AL; Mother McAuley High School, Chicago; SS. She was 99 years of age. Sister Margaret John Dunne OP of the Dominican Sisters, Sparkill, New York, died peacefully on September 20, 2021, in Siena Hall, Dominican Convent. Jersey City, WI Coordinator of Rosary Manor that helped people grow their. A religious education Coordinator in the Rockville Centre Diocese in nursing, Care. Is not ended but changed - Caldwell, NJ in Memoriam - Sisters... Sister Victoria & quot ; Lauria, OP, died May 15, 2022 religious Sisters poor... Put that study to good use in her long ministry of education Center in 2019 Barbara! 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