douglas county colorado sheriff candidates

Its the whole reason were here. I will be transparent with the commissioners and provide an annual staffing analysis to justify any future requests. I know what best practices are, like physical school characteristics and a close relationship with our school district and with the private and charter schools. A good leader must know their audience, or in this case, Douglas County culture. Darren has excelled as a leader in every division that he has worked in his DCSO career. I will make sure assignments and promotions are fair and without political influences. I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. The next sheriff should be selected based on experience and qualifications, not party affiliation. Making sure staff has the resources and benefits to keep them mentally and physically healthy is a priority in our work where emotional and physical stress takes a toll. The overwhelming majority of the commissioned and civilian staff of DCSO trust me to lead the organization into the future. The job of the sheriff is to enforce the law. Darren For over 40 years I've invested in Douglas County with a large cattle operation and other businesses. How will you address the threat of mass public shootings in the community? Making sure staff has the resources and benefits to keep them mentally and physically healthy is a priority in our work where emotional and physical stress takes a toll. Thomas: See my response to the previous question. Im a Colorado native. First pay and benefits must be comparable to other local agencies to attract the best staff. Explore feasibility of creating a 72-hour mental health hold facility where the inmate hospital is now. Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas is a third Republican candidate for sheriff. Council seemed to think that proposals , For the second time in as many weeks, Brighton police said there is no credible evidence to indicate a threat to an area school. DCSO has Community Response Teams where we pair a mental health clinician with a patrol deputy. I served over 40 years with the Castle Rock Police Department. These produce the highest quality of tasty olives. We can achieve this goal by utilizing the vast experience from our diverse employee base. Counties, I can tell you how If elected I would partner with other conservative sheriffs to take stands against anti-police legislation, government overreach, increasing control of law-abiding citizens and infringement of our guaranteed Constitutional rights. The olive groves of the Nikolarakis family are found throughout the region of Kalamafka. As sheriff, it is my legal duty to effect service of process of court documents. The citizens of Douglas County consistently rank DCSO as the best provider of public services in the county with an overall performance rate exceeding 95%. I also would offer that those with prior law enforcement experience, prior military, academy graduates at or near the top of their class, or who have a college degree may start directly in the patrol division. The flood of illegal drugs coming across our border is also something of which the sheriff has no control or role in addressing. Your Law Enforcement Leader of Choice: Third Generation Coloradan, Seasoned Law Enforcement Leader, Community Leader, and dedicated Family Man #Phibbs4Sheriff Contact Feel free to contact us with any questions. Design features could be incorporated within schools to mitigate the consequences of shootings. While on duty as a K-9 officer, he became involved in a fatal shooting. WebDouglas County Republicans Newly Elected Officers Steve Peck Chair Matt Emerson 1st Vice Chair Ed Hairfield 2nd Vice Chair Kim Baer Secretary Megahnn Silverthorn Treasurer State Central Committee Kim Ransom Dave Gill Aleta You Amy Byczkowski Anne Gill Stephen Allen Bill Jack Andy Jones Pam Hampton John Fielding Art Goldberger Kluth: The rise in crime is due to lessening of penalties for violations, policies that fail to hold criminals accountable, lack of secure borders keeping drugs and drug cartels out of our nation, an attitude of condoning those that are using drugs and committing crimes to obtain them, lack of robust abstinence and deterrence education and legalization of prior criminal conduct. Legislative changes and media have negatively impacted the recruiting and retention of peace officers. I will have two specialized teams or units: One team focuses on homelessness, sex trafficking and the elderly. I believe that mentorship of new leaders, sharing wisdom and successes and developing others to take your place creates motivated and professional employees that aspire to go above the call of duty. At 21 years old I was blessed to have been hired by DCSO. 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. Mike has served on boards, including the Peace Officer Standards & Training Board and the North Central Region for Homeland Defense. My philosophy will never allow me to bend on our beautiful Constitution. Respected, Trusted, Dedicated, Leader, are just a few words I would use to describe him.". Red Flag also violates our First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments. Every position of rank and responsibility will be merit-based. His life has been about service. I do not believe any county resources should be used in confiscating the private property of our citizens without proper observation of their rights. document.write(['horizonoliveoil',''].join('@'))/*]]>*/ , [emailprotected] 0030-28410-26084, 0030-6972236082. He is my choice on the ballot and should be yours as well. For over 40 years I've invested in Douglas County with a large cattle operation and other businesses. ", District Attorney 18th Judicial District & Candidate for Attorney General, "As our state is awash in a historic crime tsunami, Douglas County--my family's county--needs an experienced, determined, fearless fighter for justice. The discussion came during a town hall meeting Feb. , Fort Lupton City Council talked trash during its Feb. 28 town hall meeting. I have brought that same philosophy to just about every leadership position I have ever held, and I believe my unmatched record speaks for itself. Darren Weekly has proven this is what you will get with him as your next Sheriff. DCSO does incredible work investigating threats within our schools. Health Department. What made you interested in running for sheriff? With respect to the patrol division our staff needs to have more unobligated time to do more proactive patrolling and traffic enforcement. It starts with strong leadership within law enforcement. ", Darren Weekly is a strong law enforcement leader who understands the value of relationships. ", "Leaders should never underestimate the importance of being willing and able to do any job under their command. While line level staff and mid-level management have excelled in keeping Douglas County the lowest crime rate in the front range, the past few years of extremely political leadership, recent hiring of ex-sheriffs who dont live in the county having no connection to it and politicized personnel decisions by upper management has left the office with a lack of leadership and placement of citizens and employees second. "I can only assume that you listened to my remarks in their entirety," she said. ", I believe with all my heart that Darren Weekly is the best choice for Douglas County Sheriff. My nine years of experience chairing the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Legislative Committee has given me the skills to work collaboratively with the legislature to remedy the unintended negative consequences of recent legislative police reform efforts. Public safety and officer safety are first. I want someone who truly has my husbands back and will do everything to protect him and our community while keeping the morale high for all who rightfully enforce the law. Also 5 years as Executive Director of the County Sheriff's of Colorado. I have known him to be a conscientious and capable law enforcement professional and leader. On another episode of the podcast, Oltmann spoke directly of Democratic Gov. THAT seemingly minor gesture, where he could have offered token suggestions as opposed to actively helping me out of a jam, told me back then everything I needed to know about the kind of man Darren Weekly is, and that IMHO, we'd be lucky to have such a man as our sheriff today. It takes action, leadership and partnerships. I will increase access to very valuable resources our military veterans of all generations and most importantly our deputies who patrol our streets daily and know the problems and can identify effective solutions. With that, I want to endorse Darren Weekly to be Sheriff of Douglas County because he is going to protect all of you to the best of his ability!! Cultivation takes place at multiple levels due to the sloping terrain. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Exceptional and fair leadership is imperative, opportunities for growth and promotion and satisfied and healthy employees serve the citizens with professionalism. As a former patrol and detention division captain, I thoroughly understand the workload our staff endures. I was out of town on business at the time. Email Over the years, various positions have been pulled from patrol, as well as the detention division, and reallocated to other assignments. But instead of dissing, council was exploring options for trash removal services. The Douglas County Sheriffs Office, which houses the 911 dispatch center, needs a replacement generator. Internal protection is paramount. I vehemently oppose Red Flag, this unconstitutional law. Darren has my full support in his race to be the next Sheriff of Douglas County. On a personal level, Darren is kind, principled and self-disciplined; a natural leader. I would use this law only in situations with "extreme risks" and if no other viable options are available to help individuals in crisis. As sheriff, it is my legal duty to effect service of process of court documents. Through the years, Darren has always been true to himself, and strong in his beliefs. As a Commissioner I observed Darren in multiple roles regarding numerous issues. What changes do you think need to be implemented in the sheriff's office to improve operations and/or make the community safer? provide proper leadership and that is Darren Weekly. I have a good understanding of what makes a community become safer and thrive. We request you whitelist our site. Another candidate had no information available at all. Fort Lupton: Economic development begins with swapping ideas, Garbage gets attention of Fort Lupton council, Another swatting incident, another false alarm in Brighton, Nominate a teenager for the Outstanding Youth Awards, Brighton, Commerce City police departments seek sex-assault suspect, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. Darren Weekly will be a unifying sheriff who supports the Second Amendment, deeply understands the public safety issues impacting our community, such as homelessness, human trafficking, and school security, and he has specific solutions to address those issues now with impact. The law enforcement community is close-knit, and it is well-known which agencies have the best leadership and work environments. WebTBD Canvass Board, 9 a.m. 12 p.m., Douglas County Elections Office, 125 Stephanie Place, Castle Rock November 29 Deadline for County to complete canvass and submit Lastly, he is a respected law enforcement officer throughout Douglas County and Colorado. "Upon my retirement, there is only one candidate that can successfully fulfill the job of Douglas County Sheriff and that person is Captain Darren Weekly. I will ensure that DCSO becomes one of those agencies where people will want to come and work. Thomas: I have an unmatched legacy of effective leadership in law enforcement and elected public service. Web2022 Douglas County General Election unofficial results. Continued education of students and staff, employing cutting edge technology and working together with schools will make sure our most vulnerable citizens and staff are protected. Wayne Hudson, Greg Gonzalez, Aaron Hanson, and George Merithew. Im also a FEMA certified Type III incident commander for the Douglas County Incident Management Team and have real life experience handling major incidents in Douglas County. He is compassionate about his family, concerned about community, and courageous beyond belief. FEC United founder Joe Oltmann, a prominent figure in Douglas County and statewide Republican politics, has called for the mass hanging of political opponents he accuses of treason. Office has to offer. Debate held about Park Hill Golf Course's future, Controversial term keeps finding its way onto autopsy reports of people who die under police officers, Snow showers tonight, sunshine, warming trend heading into the weekend, 7 photos of the terrific March 1 Colorado sunrise, Church distances itself from violent comment made at FEC United event, Testimony indicates Colorado GOP chair led fringe conspiracy group allied with militia, Douglas County Commissioners to head to San Luis Valley for water export meetings. We must also increase our community outreach programs. The Town of Elizabeth has held two meetings with residents to discuss the possibility of building a local community and senior activity center. She served as coroner from 2011 to 2015 and has served as county commissioner since 2017. Law enforcement should be involved in planning and development of our communities for improved safety. that is Darren Weekly., "As a neighboring County, it is vital to have a Sheriff we can continue to have a positive relationship with. I know Darren as a great conservative dedicated to the Douglas County community and its values. I am confident that Darren Weekly is the right leader to meet the new challenges of a law enforcement agency responsible for the safety of a county as diverse as DougCo with a growing population which has its own unique demands. He is ready to be Douglas Countys next sheriff. I have known Darren since we were both in High School and have worked side by side with him as a law enforcement officer. It offers competitive salaries and benefits compared with other agencies in our area. What is the biggest challenge the sheriff's office is currently facing and how will you address it? Republican candidates for Douglas County sheriff answer Q&As | Republican candidates for Douglas County sheriff answer Q&As Candidates will face off in June 28 primary Posted Friday, June 10, 2022 4:18 pm Elliott Wenzler [email protected] I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. Patrol deputies tell me that coverage on shifts is minimal, and there can be long waits for community members needing services. County needs to be someone with experience and someone that the law enforcement and community trust. I would like to expand the unit. I have served and protected our community for over 28 years. This Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil is officially certified as organic by the Bio Hellas Institute. I will bring a new day of pride, professionalism and integrity to DCSO it will become a place where people are enthusiastic to work and where dedicated law enforcement personnel throughout the state will want to join. Darren Lora Thomas is a Colorado native and 30-year resident of Douglas County. How can the sheriff's office improve the relationship between law enforcement and thosewho feel they can't trust police? DCSO has always been a great place to work. As commissioner, I have worked to improve the compensation of DCSO personnel, including pay increases, tier realignment and increased retirement benefits. WebCandidates | Douglas County Dems Election 2022 Candidates Protecting our personal rights, our community, our safety, and our democracy Many Great Results for Dems in Millions and millions of dollars are being wasted every year on pet capital projects. A 26-year veteran of the Colorado State Patrol, she was the first woman captain and major in CSP. On Feb. 18, more than 50 people were present for the , The Commerce City and Brighton police departments sexual assault task force is trying to find 47-year-old Jason Mickel Brigham. On Feb. 18, more than 50 people were present for the , The Commerce City and Brighton police departments sexual assault task force is trying to find 47-year-old Jason Mickel Brigham. Kluth: The fentanyl and other drug crises must be approached by collaborative efforts with local, state and national law enforcement partners. Resources and plenty of them are key to fighting this dangerous problem. She said in an interview that some COVID-19 precautions I am proud to endorse Darren and encourage you to vote for himJune 28th., "Being a Sheriff takes more than talking tough. My sheriffs office will definitely take all drug crimes extremely seriously, including efforts to educate the public especially young people about the deadly risks of abusing all illegal drugs. Nobody knows DCSO like me, and I appreciate the work the amazing staff do there every day. We must stop legalizing drugs and philosophically condoning them. The North Central Region All Hazards Region (NCR) manages the State Homeland Security Grant Program and organizes large-scale training exercises. Kluth has said Spurlock demoted and fired her because she disagreed with him politically. ", "Ive worked as a Reserve Deputy at Douglas County Sheriffs Office for nearly 29 years. Anderson: Crime has several prevention levels: (Editors note: The Sheriffs Office disputes this claim, stating there is a higher number of responders and multiple teams that respond to calls). Additional training could be provided to our school communities to improve response to active harmers. As sheriff, I will continue to work at maintaining excellent compensation while bringing a new day of pride, professionalism and integrity to the working environment. important it is to have a sheriff with Out of the clear blue, later that day Darren who was the Captain of Patrol at the time called me. Im running because I am passionate about the future of the organization, the future of public safety and the quality of life in Douglas County. About community, and strong in his beliefs staff endures first woman captain major. I observed Darren in multiple roles regarding numerous issues our diverse employee base threats within our schools best staff capable. We can achieve this goal by utilizing the vast experience from our employee! Four different Sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it well-known. Citizens with professionalism be merit-based served over 40 years i 've invested in Douglas County a. 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douglas county colorado sheriff candidates