Evbagharu said he also wants the party to be more aggressive in lobbying elected officials including Democrats on policy and issues, a role that traditionally has been left to activists and advocacy groups instead of the formal party apparatus. Any person interested in being considered for Party Chair at the March 19, 2023, CEC meeting must submit the following information either by email addressed to [email protected] or by mail actually received, or in person delivery, to the Harris County Democratic Party Headquarters, 4619 Lyons Ave., Houston, Texas 77020. Schechter won a majority of the votes with 190 counted. III(E)(5)(a), we hereby designate Rose Salas, Democratic chair of Harris County Election Precinct 575, to serve as Temporary Chair to call the meeting to order and to preside until the permanent Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party is elected by the Committee. . He attended the University of Houston and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in political science in 2018. 20162023Harris County Democratic Party, 4619 Lyons Ave A provocative look into the lack of racial and gender diversity in broadcast radio ownership, plus how discrimination and the isolation of certain minority groups still exist, Tags Carol Moore Cutting commercial radio Cutting Edge Broadcasting Eddie Robinson FCC i see u News 88.7 FM Nikki Swarn podcasts racism THE DROP. Last edited on 18 November 2022, at 22:26, Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, "Congratulations to newly elected Chairman of Harris Democrats, Odus Evbagharu! Harris County Democrats Choose Party Chair, State of Housing Report shows much progress is needed. Every action you take makes a big difference. She grew up in Boston and studied nonfiction writing and history at Dartmouth College. 3103, 83rd Leg., R.S. He joined the Hearst Austin bureau in 2021 after nearly three years as a City Hall reporter for the Chronicle and a prior stint covering Bexar County for the Express-News. For one, they will have mobilize enthusiasm without former president Donald Trump in office, and Democrats lineup of statewide candidates remains uncertain. He will fulfill the unexpired term of Lillie Schechter, who stepped down June 16 after four years of service. "The claim that there was, like, thousands and thousands of people who were disenfranchised, there's no . Schechter earned 190 votes, edging out runner up Eartha Jean Johnson's 118 votes and avoiding a runoff. ", Odus Evbagharu Jennifer Halvorson We cant do this alone - help support Black media in Houston. (Sections 172.024 . You have to actually play the game. Resources like these are made possible by the generosity of our community of donors, foundations, and corporate partners. The 30-year-old. Political Advertising paid for by the Harris County Democratic Party, Odus Evbagharu,Chair. It's great that Harris County's always at the forefront, but we need Montgomery County, we need to at least cut margins there, Evbagharu said. [2], On June 27, 2021, Evbagharu was elected Chairman of the Democratic Party in Harris County, Texas the third largest county in the U.S.[3] He is the youngest and the first Black chair of the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP). "I, Jennifer Halverson, Secretary of the Harris County Democratic Party, having been informed that Odus Evbagharu, Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party, intends to resign his position as Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party, effective at 11:59 p.m. on February 28, 2023, and I, Odus Evbagharu, Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party, have called, and do hereby notify all Democratic Party Precinct Chairs of each election precinct within Harris County, Texas, of a meeting of the Harris County Democratic Party County Executive Committee to be held on Sunday, March 19, 2023, commencing at 4:00 p.m., to be conducted virtually, via Zoom, as authorized by Arts. Evbagharu serves on the board of directors for the Texas Freedom Network,[8] on the steering committee for Planned Parenthood Young Leaders, and was formerly a board member of the New Leaders Council. As the son of a single teenage mom, Jaime Harrison was raised by his grandparents in Orangeburg, South Carolina. If youre the party thats trying to gain power, all your emphasis is on getting those folks elected, Cross said. Unlike Republican politicians, Democrats believe in your right to a free and open internet. - Task force calls for 'significant increase' in Texas teacher pay to address shortages, - Fired Uvalde ISD police chief Pete Arredondo wins dispute over less-than-honorable discharge, - Gov. Still, county Democrats hold on power is far from ironclad as the 2022 elections approach, Cross said. View all News, or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Our party is continuing a trend of electing young progressives to lead in Houston and Harris County. Previously, she covered business news at the Times Union in Albany, N.Y., with internships at The Wall Street Journal and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Precinct chairs seeking other information about the meeting may also contact [email protected] or by phone at 713-802-0085. County Chair Sheila Gilbert PO Box 563 , Jacksonville, AL 36265 Meeting Time & Place 3rd Thursday at Headquarters 6:30 pm 812 Noble Street Website Email (256) 403-1449 Chambers County County Chair Johnnie M. Sutton AL Meeting Time & Place Contact for meeting schedule. The Harris County Democratic Party is dedicated to the ideal that everyone deserves an equal shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of where they come from. The candidates are listed in the order they applied. 63 Likes, 1 Comments - Harris County Democratic Party (@harriscodemocrats) on Instagram: "HCDP Chair Odus Evbagharu today announced his intent to leave the position on Feb. 28, 2023." Trickle down anything has never worked and never will work. Evbagharu, who is currently serving as a Texas House of Representatives Chief of Staff, was sworn in by Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa. The purpose of the Steering Committee meeting is to adopt rules and agenda for the March 19, 2023, meeting of the Harris County Democratic Party County Executive Committee, to elect a new county chair to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of County Chair Odus Evbagharu and to consider such other business as may come before the Steering Committee. Report: Houston is the No. [5] Background [ edit] Harris County Democrats tap new chair in tight race, Lillie Schechter is sworn in as Harris County's Democratic Party chair after a vote by precinct leaders, Sunday, March 5, 2017. 1,142 Donors 108,574 Doors Knocked 541,424 Phone Calls 679,200 Texts Sent All the latest: View all News, or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Washington, DC 20003. XIII of the Harris County Democratic Party Rules and Bylaws, for the purposes of The Kinder Institute for Urban Research recently released its second State of Housing in Harris County and Houston report. The Office of the Secretary of State does not . He will serve the remainder of retiring chair Gerry Birnberg's term. A Harris County Democratic Party precinct chair has resigned after sending an email to party members in which he condemned two party chair candidates over their Nigerian descent. Silvia Mintz* He was sworn in by Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa. Covering 1,778 square miles, Harris County is larger than Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New York City and . Evbagharu attributed the Democrats underperformance in part to their reluctance to campaign in person during the coronavirus pandemic. Abbott's school voucher pitch. He also serves as chief of staff for state Rep. Jon Rosenthal, D-Houston, a role he said he would continue through the end of the year. (2) approving various Resolutions incident to the election of a new Party Chair, and Now it's our job to build on top of it.. We need to end the vicious cycle of Republican cuts to education at the state level that result in higher property taxes and underperforming schools at the local level. As our newly elected party chair, Odus has what it takes to make sure the party continues to grow and be the best Democratic party we can be in the Deep Blue Heart of TexasI wish him much success during his term, Schechter said. See much more about the facts and realities of the challenges of home ownership in the region. Harris County Republican Party Chair Cindy Siegel said both parties had been asked by Elections Administrator Isabel Longoria to keep further discussions on polling locations confidential. Harris County Democratic Party Chair Odus Evbagharu also disputed the GOP's assertions. We've recently sent you an authentication link. It leaves our schools - urban, rural and suburban - underfunded, threatening the livelihoods of the next generation. Abbott attacks diversity hiring, Biden launches all-out defense of the programs, Final Four March Madness Music Festival 2023 lineup released, McCombs service draws luminaries, regular folks to pay respects, 2023 Houston rodeo parade: Route, map and more for season kickoff, Watch a Clydesdale collapse during mishap at Texas rodeo, 2023 Houston rodeo: Parking map, where to park and more. Precinct chairs will receive the information ahead of the meeting by email and it will be available to the public on the Partys website. Remember when the US sterilized Black people? In 2020, Jaime ran for the U.S. Senate from South . You can see the generational wealth numbers of about 180 thousand dollars of assets for White families and about 20 thousand dollars for Black families so those differences are driven by the home ownership opportunities that were created about 100 years ago. It was a massive swing from the 2014 midterms, when it was Republicans who swept the countywide slate, but also one that leaned heavily on deep-pocketed political donors and grass-roots activity by groups such as the Texas Organizing Project, amid lackluster fundraising from the party itself. The results are not encouraging. So we should be focused on the priorities that will be directly impacting Texans lives now and not worry about appeasing a former president who caused an insurrection on January sixth. The Precinct Chair is a publicly elected party official, elected by the Democratic voters in a precinct each primary (March of even-numbered years) to a two-year term. supporting Evbagharu and Harris County Democratic Party executive director Delilah Agho-Otoghile. Houston, Texas 77020 Notice of Meeting of Harris County Democratic Party County Executive Committee, Aplicacin para Cita de Presidente de Recinto, View the 2022 Harris County General Election Results. In 2013, Jaime was elected the first African American chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party, a position he held until 2017, when he was appointed by DNC Chair Tom Perez as an Associate Chair of the DNC. Notauthorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Every county in Texas is divided into voting precincts. Lillie did a good job of building a great foundation. 142 talking about this. *Candidates who are sustaining members are listed with an asterisk after their name. Candidates can be voted on only if nominated by a precinct chair at the March 19 meeting. Jaime also served as an aide to legendary South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn. Notauthorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Aplicacin para Cita de Presidente de Recinto, View the 2022 Harris County General Election Results. Paid for by the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (202) 863-8000. Anyone who puts their name on the ballot is a serious threat. Journalist, meteorologist, community leader and volunteer. This evenings vote used a ranked-choice system and was administered in accordance with the Texas Democratic Party (TDP) rules and monitored by HCDP, TDP and candidates campaign representatives. These privileged few can avoid paying their fair share while middle class families shoulder more and more of the tax burden. Learn More{{/message}}. Join our Team HCDP as a Precinct Chair, volunteer to call voters, knock doors, become a fellow, or join our leadership academy. Official Facebook Page of the Harris County Democratic Party. He said he also hopes to attract a state or national Democratic Party convention to Harris County, a goal that could become easier if more of the Houston region becomes bluer. Welcome!! He is the youngest and first African American to be elected as Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party but Odus Evbagharu is not allowing either one of those groundbreaking accomplishments to get in the way of what he hopes to accomplish. Precinct chairs without access to technology may participate in this meeting by appearing and being present at the Harris County Democratic Party headquarters located at 4619 Lyons Ave, Houston, Texas 77020. It was the star power of Beto that really helped turn out the vote. _________, The following individuals have applied for Harris County Democratic Party Chair. Enter the code you received via email to sign in, or sign in using a password. When Odus Evbagharu, a 28-year-old legislative staffer and campaign organizer, took the reins of the Harris County Democratic Party Sunday evening, he inherited a party that stands on some of its firmest footing in years, despite several defeats in 2020 that disappointed local Democrats. Abbott attacks diversity hiring, Biden launches all-out defense of the programs. Julian Gill is a reporter for the Houston Chronicle. The Harris CountyRepublican Party. Jaime and his wife Marie live in Columbia, South Carolina, where they raise their two young sons. 713-802-0085. Evbagharu, who is currently serving as a Texas House of Representatives Chief of Staff, was sworn in by Texas Democratic [] Rene Cross, senior director of the Hobby School of Public Affairs at the University of Houston, said she was not aware of the Harris County Democratic Party ever making a concerted effort to share resources with other local parties. Show chairs of: Both Parties Democratic Party only Republican Party only. Party nominee for a particular office, you must file an application (PDF) for a place on the ballot with the county or state party chair, as appropriate (see chart). Precinct Chairs are an integral part of the Collin County Democratic Party (CCDP) leadership structure and the face of the CCDP on a neighborhood level. Democrats also gained control of Harris County Commissioners Court under Schechter. Democrats believe in fighting for a healthcare system that will reduce your out-of-pocket costs significantly and cover all Americans, regardless of income. Evbagharu moved to America with his family when he was five years old and Houston when he was 10. The ACA stopped the inhumane practice of lifetime caps on care and insurance companies denying coverage or charging higher premiums for preexisting conditions like diabetes or even pregnancy. Please, check your inbox! Let's turn Texas blue y'all! A precinct chair is the lowest level of elected office. Follow the link below for more information about running and details regarding the March 19 CEC meeting. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. We believe in fighting against laws that encourage and legalize the racial profiling of immigrants and people of color, and we believe in a justice system where everyone is treated equally under the law, regardless of race or income. Photographed at the Harris County. We will fight any and all attempts by Republicans to take us back to the injustice of the pre-ACA healthcare system. Both are well-known statewide and have racked up . Evbagharu worked for the Harris County Democratic Party between 2017 and 2018, first as a Communications Fellow, then as Communications Director and Candidate Coordinator. Its rattlesnake season in Texas. On HoustonChronicle.com: Harris County Dem precinct chair resigns over email condemning members for Nigerian descent, We have a robust thing going down here, Evbagharu said Monday. We cannot do it alone. Nominations to be the Chair must be made by precinct chairs during the meeting. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Houston, Texas 77020 In addition to . A meeting of the Steering Committee will take place via Zoom on February 28 at 6:30 PM. Copyright 2023 Click2Houston.com is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Defender Juneteenth Faith Leaders Breakfast, Jamarr Brown and Odus Evbagharu, new leaders in Texas Democratic Party politics, Harris County Democratic Chair, John Berhman, resigns after racist email against Nigerian candidates, Harris Co. DA Kim Ogg launches 2022 election investigation. We have to make it a habit to engage our electeds in D.C., in Austin, here in Houston at county Commissioners Court, City Hall and school boards, Evbagharu said. Odus Evbagharu, 28, the new Harris County Democratic Party chair is the party's first Black chair and the youngest person to hold the position. And the last time the party took a more aggressive on policy came under Sue Schechter, Lillie Schechters mother, who chaired the party in the late 1990s and early 2000s. We think that the bathroom you decide to use and the person you choose to marry should be up to you, not the government. This information is provided by the Republican and Democratic Parties of Texas. Its rattlesnake season in Texas. Follow the link below for more information about running and details regarding the March 19 CEC meeting. In Houston, Evbagharu grew up in the suburbs of Cypress and attended school in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District. As Democrats, we believe that it shouldnt matter whether youre a mechanic, a cashier or a CEO - your child deserves access to a top quality public education. Republicans are certainly going to go after Preisident Biden and VP Harris, so Odus is going to have to combat that continually, Cross said. Six candidates ran for the position, the most to pursue the county party office in 15 years. We've got to do better with our messaging, and our data's got to be better as a party. State of Housing: Affordability, Economic Segregation & Flooding inhibiting progress. Our current school finance system is broken. Before his election as chair, he served as the partys communications director and helped lead the partys coordinated campaign on local races in 2018. 713-802-0085. Donate $25. Until now, Democrats were not in much of a position to do that, Cross said. Houston pitmaster goes viral after hilarious TV interview, Report: Houston ranked No. Theres a big target sitting in the White House now, which we havent had in four years. The Harris County Democratic Party on Sunday elected Odus Evbagharu as its new chair, according to a news release. Houston Public Media is supported with your gifts to the Houston Public Media Foundation and is licensed to the University of Houston. Join our Team HCDP as a Precinct Chair, volunteer to call voters, knock doors, become a fellow, or join our leadership academy. Six candidates ran on Sunday. [1] Evbagharu also serves as Chief of Staff for Texas State Representative Jon Rosenthal. Get highlights, trending news, and behind-the-scenes insights from Houston Public Media delivered to your inbox each week. He has also reported on local politics for both papers. [4] Evbagharu replaced Lillie Schechter, who served as HCDP Chair between 2017 and 2021.[5]. Those include races for county judge and Precinct 2 commissioner, seats held by Democratic incumbents Lina Hidalgo and Adrian Garcia, respectively. Precinct chairs packed into the IBEW Local 716 building in Shady Acres on Sunday afternoon, cheering loudly after candidates' pledges to bring in new donors and support marginalized groups. Evbagharu (Eh-va-GHA-ro), 28, who currently serves as a Texas House of Representatives chief of staff, is the youngest person and the first African American to hold the position, the party said in the release. Entdecke 1971 Pressefoto Bill Williams, demokratischer Vorsitzender von Harris County, hlt Papiere. Visit the Action Center for all the ways to get involved. In 2018, Evbagharu served as the Communications Director and Candidate Coordinator for the party. When we do that, we all win, he said. Donate $10. He was sworn in by Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa. We REPRESENT, ENGAGE, AMPLIFY and DELIVER news and information to the Black audience in the Greater Houston area. Precinct Chairs are an integral part of the political process and I look forward to working with those who supported me and earning the trust of those who didnt, Evbagharu said. He has one sister and one brother. Khambrel Marshall, Meteorologist, "Newsmakers" Host. Harris County Young Democrats president James Burnett released a statement. (1) electing a Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party and of the Harris County Democratic Party County Executive Committee to succeed Odus Evbagharu in those positions, Harris and Tarrant Counties. We are an independent political blog and simply offer candid, mainstream perspective to help the Democratic Party improve and be successful. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. He was the campaign manager for Eliz Markowitz in her 2019-2020 special election race for Texas House District 28. in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Thats why Democrats across the country, including in Harris County, have led the fight to decriminalize marijuana. Houston, Texas 77020 We have to do a better job of getting in there and fighting., More from Jasper Scherer: Houston OKs $8.2B capital improvement plan with initial focus on airport, water system expansions. The Texas Election Code requires 50% of precinct chairs to be present at the meeting to elect a new chair, so persons seeking the nomination should do everything possible to encourage all precinct chairs to participate in the meeting. Dont miss out! Harris County Democratic officials slammed Mealer on Friday for announcing a challenge to the results of Nov.8, 2022, after being defeated by incumbent Democrat Judge Lina Hidalgo. Odus Evbagharu (top) was elected Sunday as the first African-American to serve as Harris County Democratic Party Chair, according to a news release. Although the ACA has insured nearly 20 million more people since the law went into effect, its not enough. Florida Democrats fight to reclaim political relevance. Lillie Schechter is sworn in as Harris County's Democratic Party chair after a vote by precinct leaders, Sunday, March 5, 2017. CNN . Changes are coming, but the goal is the same well be working hard to elect Democrats to impact communities and fight for Texans.". An Economy that Works for Everyone Our tax system is rigged in favor of big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent. Harris County Democratic Chair, John Berhman, resigns after racist email against Nigerian candidates by Houston Public Media June 9, 2021 A precinct chair with the Harris County Democratic Party has resigned after sending an email criticizing local party members of Nigerian descent and questioning their loyalty to the United States. Time: 6:00 pm Location: Comal County Democratic Headquarters 1592 W. San Antonio Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130 The Public is invited to attend. Click on a candidate's name to view their application: If no candidate receives a majority vote, a runoff election will be held immediately between the two nominees receiving the largest number of votes in the first round of voting. If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. Abbott gets behind plan to cut Texas sales taxes, As the Texas Legislature gains steam with hundreds of bills, here are answers to 5 reader questions, As Gov. Harris County Democrats Choose Party Chair (KPRC-Pixabay) He is the youngest and first African American to be elected as Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party but Odus. We adhere to the affirmation of the Declaration of Independence that life is an unalienable right. Evbagharu became a U.S. citizen in 2005. He is the youngest person and the first African American to hold the position of HCDP Chair. I think what went awry was, we didn't block walk, Evbagharu said. Precinct Chairs are an integral part of the political process and I look forward to working with those who supported me and earning the trust of those who didnt, Evbagharu said in the release. What a state takeover of HISD could mean for parents, students, Houston ISD to face TEA state takeover, Turner says, In Fertitta's members-only club, where photos, media are banned, Study: Low-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack, stroke risk, 750-home agrihood with farm, car-free zones breaks ground, HCC chancellor to leave role at end of contract, Popular breakfast taco spot in Houston announces a comeback, Ted Cruz shouts at AG Garland over Supreme Court protesters, Harris County Dem precinct chair resigns over email condemning members for Nigerian descent, Houston OKs $8.2B capital improvement plan with initial focus on airport, water system expansions, Task force calls for 'significant increase' in Texas teacher pay to address shortages, Fired Uvalde ISD police chief Pete Arredondo wins dispute over less-than-honorable discharge, Gov. Luis Guajardo is the Urban Policy Research Manager and says there are many issues holding back progress including inequalities caused by generations of economic segregation. Odus Evbagharu has led the party since 2021. Lindsay Ellis covers higher education at the Houston Chronicle, where she has worked since August 2016. Our office is openMonday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 AM - 4 PM. In 2020, Jaime ran for the U.S. Senate from South Carolina, building a national grassroots movement and setting a fundraising record for the most raised by a Senate candidate. Sign up for the HouWeAre newsletter here. The next Harris County Democratic party chair election will be held 20 days after the summer 2022 Democratic primary runoff. A precinct chair with the Harris County Democratic Party has resigned after sending an email last week criticizing local party members of Nigerian descent and questioning their loyalty. I'm not afraid to say that out loud polling accuracy, targeting, who we talk to and not just making assumptions.. Evbagharu said even with Democrats recent electoral wins and favorable demographic trends, he considers Republicans a viable threat in 2022 countywide contests. Sign in with a password below, or sign in using your email. The vote on Sunday used a ranked-choice system and was administered in accordance with the Texas Democratic Party rules and monitored by the local party, state party officials and thecandidates campaign representatives. Schechter said Sunday that the party must immediately begin recruiting and training candidates to run in 2018. He says his initial focus will be on what he calls the DMV. Chair, HCDP Secretary, HCDP. If we don't take them as such, we're going to lose., - Task force calls for 'significant increase' in Texas teacher pay to address shortages, - Fired Uvalde ISD police chief Pete Arredondo wins dispute over less-than-honorable discharge, - Gov. In 2013, Jaime was elected the first African American chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party, a position he held until 2017, when he was appointed by DNC Chair Tom Perez as an Associate Chair of the DNC. Only currentPrecinct Chairs may nominateand elect a Chair of the Harris County Democratic Party at the March 19, 2023 CECmeeting. The HCDP Steering Committee will meetto set proceduresfor the conduct of the election (such as length and order of nominating speeches and speeches in support of candidates). Evbagharu will serve as party chair through Summer 2022. Below the Waterlines: Houston After Hurricane Harvey, Houston Chronicle among publications to drop Dilbert over creators comments on race, GOP claims of Election Day mismanagement, fraud dont explain Democrats 2022 sweep of Harris County, Amy Spitalnick on the Charlottesville Trial and What Can Be Done to Prevent the Spread of Hate Moving Forward, I SEE U, Episode 30: Terrestrial Radio Racism [Encore], Santa Fe High School shooter remains mentally incompetent to stand trial, further dragging on 5-year-old case, Houston remains one of the most affordable big cities in the U.S., even if it no longer feels like it, As Texas STAAR test goes fully online, teachers feel defeated, Texas Education Agency projects confidence, Santa Fe shooting survivor Trey Louis tugs at judges heartstrings on American Idol, Bun B announces part of RodeoHouston Southern Takeover lineup, After secret negotiations, Houston City Council will vote on a new contract with the police union. 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