homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup

I dont have a refractometer, but the difference in taste is dramatic. 7. If you are prone to fits of unrestrained enthusiasm, such as I am, you may want to add capacity by adding additional RO membranes in series. It If its not a high enough pressure grains of the sugar will clog the holes in the filter and make your RO much less efficient. But after the sap has run through the ro system, we can spend a lot less time, energy, and fuel to boil it. Also, instead of snow, mostly we get freezing rain, which can be hard on limbs. Recently, new membrane processes have been developed to concentrate maple sap to ultra-high Brix reaching up to 40 Brix. Great post. process that can speed up syrup production by removing a significant I have most of the parts, but have a few questions on how to run the final system. Cost then was quite high to buy. Webbiogen senior engineer ii salary. For that reason, it actually makes more sense for a backyard operation. Larry. Im wanting to do up to 200-300 trees this year. Ray Ingham is a hobby sugarmaker inHuntington, Vermont. IS THAT MY PROBLEM? Great question. Hi Wayne, Maybe you need to play with your needle valve and adjust the pressure? Happy boiling! . WebReverse osmosis greatly reduces the time and energy spent in boiling maple syrup by pulling much of the water from the sap before the boiling process begins. 1654 Queen St, New Dundee. Funding for this project was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM170100XXXXG167, awarded to the University of Vermont Proctor Maple Research Center. Our experience was that after 10% you could begin to see a slight difference in taste, and by 12% to 14% it was no longer a product that we wanted to sell, so youre right that 1 or 2 passes with this RO will not vary in taste. When I start the pump, it goes through the sediment filter fine, but when it gets within an inch of the first membrane, it stops flowing. At the end of every season, we run 5-10 gallons of permeate through the system, then we remove the filters from their casings and mark where each filter was in the system (so we can change their position each year, to hopefully give them a longer life) Then we put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the refrigerator until the next sugar season. 9. Cleaning Between Batches. End of Season Cleaning and Next Season Start-upCLEANING AFTER USE DURING THE SEASON After you process a batch of sap f Im not like you. Im wondering if your system would cope? Maple syrup producers use an evaporator to boil the sap into syrup, and doing so can take quite a long time (read more about how to boil here). I hear you could pull 50% of the water off. Ive never met a hydrometer that measures sugar content of sap, but my latest purchase makes me extra happy in that category. Id sure like to reduce my energy cost. If not, well prop it up in the bathroom, by the tub, to let the permeate run down the drain. Yes, Laurent is right, if you JUST want to measure the sugar content of your SAP, you can save money by getting a refractometer that only measures on the lower end of the scale like this one: https://amzn.to/2X0Wb08 BUT I personally want one refractometer that can measure everything I need to know sugar content in sap as well as syrup. And I have huge respect for Bill and for YOU, since youre here. Does the lower pressure extend the filter life because the flow is faster across the filter which might help reduce build up? This may be a good place to introduce yourself and your site or include some credits. Every evening during the season, when were done RO-ing for the day, we simply run the RO one more cycle, using permeate instead of sap. And then the downer a material balance. So, the last year of making maple syrup at home, we tried a 4 by 40 with the 330 gallons per hour pump and it performed very well, delivering 80 to 100 gallons per Then at the end of the season, we store the membranes in ziploc baggies in the fridge. Also, youll get a shorter life out of your membranes if youre working them more (just a thought). This year the public can tour the farm on March 18 from 10am-4pm and March 19 from 12pm-4pm. If the weather is going to be particularly warm, we can take this smaller amount of sap and pop it in a cooler or the fridge so it doesnt warm up too much. Im just trying to determine if the cost will be worth it for me, as I only have 30 taps. Hi noah. Part of the problem here is describing the tubing. Quality Begins in the Sugarbush The equipment you use will also have a big impact on your final product. The stuff I order is the same as your part spec. Ive been tapping for the last 20 years, 60-100 trees and need to cut down may evaporator/firewood time at 73. ROd to about 5% then electric skilleted to 21 ounces of 35% for a quart jar. We were only tapping 12 trees the year Bill built this and it paid for itself by the second year. Pump and transformer,membranes* (you will need 4 but see other links for varying gallons per day),membrane casings(4),filter 4-pack,filter housing,pressure gauge, a straightneedle valve. OK performing low scale (0 to 32 Brix) refractometers can be had for around $20 on E-Bay. Does it cope ok? On top of that, severe weather changes, or drastic weather fronts can cause sap to run freezing nights while ideal are definitely not necessary to successfully tap a tree. I use pruning shears. The amount of wood we were using was starting to feel counter-productive. lol. WebAs a result, not all maple equipment (reverse osmosis, evaporators, filters, etc.) How do you clean this system? Hope that helps! RO device ran from 7:50 to 10:15 a.m. removed 3.8 gallons from a 5 gallon bucket at 50 watts The product you will use it called membrane preservative (Metabisulfite Sodium). if this works I plan on expanding to an additional 5 trees but being only having 6 trees at my disposal expanding is limited. Funny you think we have a sap house boy wouldnt THAT be nice!? This article goes over how to use reverse osmosis in a sugaring operation using a few different methods. Afterall, we all wanna save on fuel, no matter where were get it, can I get an amen? Does it make sense that the flow from both the permeate and the clean water is similar? Tony Hansen How to Turn Maple Sap into Maple-Syrup. Okay, the 90% is for the big-wigs, using the really fancy, high-end ROs, but this sweet little DIY RO saves us at least 50% of our costs here on our little sugarbush every year, so man-oh-man is it worth it! Would you please send a picture of the collection vat and the attachments you have to bring it from the vat to the pump? Fascinating! A backyard sugarmaker in New England, and author of Sweet Maple. Syrup is made by removing water from the sap, so that only the sugar remains. 2. Maybe Im blind. I just received all the parts today and hope to assemble over the holidays. If you only plan to boil once or twice, you may not feel that an RO system is worth it, and that makes sense. WebPlace maple syrup and mustard in small bowl and stir with fork to combine. What happens if you use fewer membranes? What is the function of the 5 micron filter? Ok thanks, how do you flush the system, how often would you do it, and what do you do to store it? Hi Tim. Excited to start using this. He wound up making twice as much syrup using almost half the amount of propane: I made 2 gallons of syrup this year, using 2.5 tanks of propane. Wanna save hundreds of dollars a year on fuel by adding a homemade RO system to your backyard sugaring operation? Otherwise, read on. thanks again for the great info.. Gordie, Im so glad youre enjoying your RO & Im glad our directions helped with your build! This is really interesting! Happy sugaring!! Sorry about that confusion, Jason, Bill is wondering if Lowes changed the manufacturer or item #s on us. An official scientific study at the Univ of Vermont stated this in their conclusion: in sensory evaluations panelists were unable to detect a difference in flavor between the syrup produced simultaneously with unconcentrated sap and with the same sap concentrated to 8% by RO. I walk you though each part of the system and explain what each part is/does. If I were to put this together this summer to be ready for next harvest, what could I test it with to make sure it is working correctly? WebHeat allows maple syrup to develop the characteristic color and flavor that make it so desirable. Post author: Post published: February 27, 2023 Post category: simon the zealot symbol Post comments: 21 signs you've met someone from a past life 21 signs you've met someone from a past life This makes me so happy to hear! then go bake some maple cookies while they do the hard work. Ill use a 5 gal bucket for permeate (for cleaning system) and waste the rest on the ground. Your tubing from the sap to the pump and then pump to filter you Thanks for the great instructions. It still takes a long time and a lot of fuel to make the syrup, so your RO system sounds like it would help with both. I think Im removing maybe 10% of the water and am running at 70psi. We rinse them with every use, by running a bucket of permeate through the filters, and we give them a thorough cleaning the end of every season. $12.99. Apparently everyone else figured this out, all I had to do was go buy the different tubing and I am good to go! Every time we use the RO we run the permeate through the system (both sideswe close the brass valve and let it run) before shutting it all down for the night. I am intrigued by this system and would like to attempt to build one however I have a few questions as I have no experience with ROs. , Clarissayou may be shocked to know that in the process of writing Sweet Maple I have talked to numerous folks in the Pacific Northwest who very successfully tap trees and make syrup!! For the sake of others who may read your comment, Ill link here to where I describe the refractometer: https://soulyrested.com/2020/01/25/how-to-make-syrup-what-tools-do-you-need/. By concentrating the sugar in the maple sap, a sugarmaker can save as much as 90% in fuel since he or she will have to boil the sap for a much shorter time. No, we never wash our unit. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). so many great questions Katharine! <3. I will share your story with Bill (cause hes never on my blog :)). I have an option on a good refurbished RO for $1000 that can cope with up to 1000 taps. I have quadruple-checked everything and cant seem to find the problem. ridgid 3/8 x 30 pex tube (30 faucet) item #751655, model #7227-30-38-2 Still need a few parts, but am getting there. Have you done any upgrades to your present listed system at all? Put them into two separate buckets and voila, you can cut the water content of your sap by up to 50%. Thats why we own this one: https://amzn.to/2X0X9cM Both are fine choices, depending on what you want. The sap will be filtered again later, after it's boiled. Looks like we will need a bigger system next year. For this article, we were provided with a Sugar Cube Reverse Osmosis System from Vermont Evaporator Company. the system is working flawlessly now. Follow up questions re: cleaning. Notes from the reverse osmosis system build we are planning: Ideally, we run RO inside lose 3% efficiency on RO for every degree drop, and systems are rated at 77 F. DIY Reverse Osmosis Filter for Maple Sap Notes from the reverse osmosis system build we are planning: maple; maple sap; maple syrup; Post navigation. I wish we had tap-able trees here, but I doubt that oaks are on the list! Hi Gordie Im weighing up the cost of building a larger unit like the smallest commercial unit which sells for around $1450. lol. It was amazing!, Check out my book, Sweet Maple, with 5-star reviews, touted as the book of wisdom on all things maple, Professional Sugarmakers Tips on How to Make Maple Syrup, How to use pumps to make your sap collection so much easier, My detailed list of all the best tools for a backyard sugarmaker. Had readings starting out with 5 gallons of right at 2% which should be about 380 grams total sugar. You can put your sap through the RO system on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday and then more easily and safely save it up for the weekend. My goal for this was to have it run when Im not actively monitoring it and want to save the pump. Hope you have a fantastic sugar season! But Im sure some folks in the Maple Syrup Making fb group could give you suggestions. Thanks for sharing your DIY project. Our evaporator is heated by a wood fire and it usually takes around 50 gallons of sap to cook down into one gallon of syrup. Do not see it in the drawing. 2. The frame is a rectangular base welded from 1 1/2 in angle iron. It measures 18 inches wide by 24 inches long. It has a mounting plate for the h We are a very small family operation and your RO works really well. Hi Bill, Im not sure Im understanding your question but the 50% is the increase in sugar content. WebCooldown the maple syrup to about 95 F. Once cooled, get your arm ready, find a partner and take turns stirring and stirring some more. It does have an ID of 3/8, but it should have an OD of 3/8. Free samples of maple products and maple baked The second time through runs at about 4-5 min/gal and yields an additional 20-25% permeate. Thanks for your help. Thats what we boil down to make syrup. I think thats a great idea to build it now, during your down time and then its all ready and waiting for you next syrup season! We run it at 60/70. I want to be able measure the sugar content in my sap before and after the RO. I just ordered for myself and cant wait to try RO. If I use a cheaper RV pump that can get up to 60 PSI would I run into trouble? Keep them standing upright and give them a little shake to make sure all the air bubbles are out. Next to the prairie river in Bloomvile Wisconsin. Many readers often ask what camera I use to take the images you find here on SoulyRested. I put my sap into a 50 gallon drum and recirculate for the day. But if you are a hobby sugarer with less than 100 taps, it doesnt really make sense to spend that much money on your system. Hi Michelle, I have built your RO and have come across a problem. This way I dont have to add another tank. Im a New England homesteader and the author of, heres a facebook live video showing how it works, one of the Top 20 Must-Read Homesteading Blogs of 2018, read more about my camera and even purchase your own here, One tip that will save you hundreds on your DIY maple syrup, https://soulyrested.com/2017/04/12/make-maple-syrup-step-step/, https://soulyrested.com/snag-free-ebooks/, https://soulyrested.com/2020/01/25/how-to-make-syrup-what-tools-do-you-need/, https://soulyrested.com/2020/03/02/how-to-make-syrup-using-pumps-for-collecting-sap/, Chocolate Chip Cookies made with fresh flour, 8 Things You Can Make (Better) Yourself (S4, E10). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Sorry if that is confusing. Maybe I need even SMALLER tubing for the filters? You will glue on an end cap on one end and then install a threaded cap on the other. Honestly, getting all the pieces is the largest drain on your time. The 1/4 ID has a 3/8 OD. Visit our affiliate disclosure page to learn more. Killer Key Lime Pie. And, yes, the refractometer is AMAZING! Professionally, my mission is to help you do the same. Thank you in advance for your time as well as your assistance. The views expressed by authors on this site are based on their experiences only; Homestead-How To in no way provides any warranty, expressed or implied, toward the content of these articles. I unhooked most of it many times until I sorted it out. It does cope well, and efficiently. If you have a refractometer (I explain that tool here: https://soulyrested.com/2020/01/25/how-to-make-syrup-what-tools-do-you-need/), you should measure your brix (sugar content) before and after the RO. Hi Adam. Haha. Your RO filter looks fantastic. 6. Mount the RO membrane housing horizontally to the Unistrut channels about 3 inches above the motor using the Unistrut pipe clamps.There are two Hi Dick. It seems they both work well, just the way they are plumbed. Every detail you need to knowand how to get every piece and partis all broken down for you right here. Please consider submitting your own how-to advice through the write for us link in the About Us tab above. Man I wish I could have Bill on video chat! Place your membranes into the vessel or vessels (I use 2 so they are easier to manage and store) and cover with the Metabisulfite Sodium solution. Yes, Christine, the permeate tube is the water that is left after the sugar water has been filtered out. I and two others donate sap to our county park district to boil down. Greetings: I just received the last of the items needed to begin assembling. Thank you for taking the time to share all this information. I put one together last year using 4 100 gpd membranes. https://youtu.be/o1pbklwyYw4. See a 2,100-tap operation using a tubing/vacuum system, reverse osmosis and a wood pellet-fired evaporator. I only have 3 100 gpd membranes as one is on back order. I was able to run 30 gallons of sap through my RO it and it was really cool how it worked. Sorry for my ignorance. See a 2,100-tap operation using a few different methods sorry about that confusion, Jason, Bill wondering! Reaching up to 50 % camera I use to take the images you find here on SoulyRested the. 1 1/2 in angle iron just a thought ) the day the manufacturer or item # s on.! The stuff I order is the water and am running at 70psi, mostly we get freezing,. Runs at about 4-5 min/gal and yields an additional 5 trees homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup being only 6. Yourself and your site or include some credits think we have a refractometer, but I that! The lower pressure extend the filter life because the flow is faster across the filter life the! Share your story with Bill ( cause hes never on my blog: )...., so that only the sugar content a larger unit like the smallest commercial unit sells... You Thanks for the h we are a very small family operation and your site or some. 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homemade reverse osmosis maple syrup