i hate teaching elementary school

I hope some of your former teachers stumble upon this comment and recognize your name! What you say is so, so accurate. There are a lot of changes in teaching from third to fourth grade. Life is too short to stay in a career that isnt the right fit. I know that I made the right decision prioritizing my mental health and taking a new role, but before I could get there, I had to realize that it was okay to be a little selfish and put my needs above anyone elses. After retiring, I discarded almost everything from my teaching days. They arehuman beings, and there are thirty-five of them per class period, and they are influenced by FAR more than yesterdaysvocabulary lesson. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply your comment means so much to me. Congratulations on your marriage! Nearly every supply call I get is for the most difficult grade level, subject and ability level (what a shocker.) Its after midnight the night before my first BTS Academy Day for this year. I didn't leave the profession in my first five years. Whatever I end up doing for life, I want it to be with children. Some days I get one period off. and last updated 4:19 AM, Mar 01, 2023. I know how hard it feels to transition out of teaching. I have been teaching for 32 years and have about 3-4 more years until I retire. 2023 DAPHNE WILLIAMS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Associate Principal walked up to me in the hall one day, and said Robert, you wouldnt believe what my son Scott says about you when he comes home. Now not enough retirement money. What a ride! I cant be part of something where I constantly feel Im betraying myself and children (Im currently teaching eighth grade English at an NY private school). For me, it wasnt about unruly students. . Negativity. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. One day he came home, and couldnt believe that you understood and explained how the atomic and hydrogen bombs worked, and the physics teacher COULDNT. Great guy, hard-assed. You can too! Would I be a teacher if I had to start teaching now? Allow me to introduce the top 10 parent types that every teacher secretly hates: 1. Clearly your perspective as a committed parent and (seemingly) very experienced teacher is an important one. Luckily my AP defended me and reassured her that I'm a good teacher. Your eloquence and honesty brought me to tears. I know it sounds a bit grand to call it your career right now, but you do have the write stuff for making a go of it!! I literally loved going to work every day up until about 8 years ago when things in my school district became all about buzz words (I cant stand to hear the word robust anymore), data driven education, Danielsons Framework for Teaching, restorative practices and micro managing everything you do in the classroom. And I love someone who can interject a little levity into a conversation, so lets talk hair. Well, hello, Life Twin! Elsewhere, in an entirely different part of the country, a ninth-grade teacher-friend of mine was askedto abandon anyeducationalmath gamesand make more of an effort to spoon-feed, please.English teachers look onhelplessly as more and more works of fiction areplucked from the curriculum and replaced by fact-driven nonfiction. I dont want to be stuck in a world of logistics and organisation. And Im telling you that you need to teach in the manner Ive described, and those test scores need to come up.. Keep on keepin on, Scott. I am constantly being interrupted with poor behavior choices by students and/or having to interrupt myself to try and get students to pay attention. If You Teach Elementary School, You Need Our Massive Writing Template Bundle When in reality they hate their jobs, they hate their lives, and they hate their students. Im a slow reader and took the time. I was paying her student loans for her and half of her mortgage payment on the townhouse that I made the down payment and closing costs for her. So instead of spending your prep hour or your Sunday night creating abrilliant lesson plan or grading the ten dozenessays you just collected, you mustspend that time figuring out how to meet arbitrary goals and initiatives that will become irrelevant andobsolete by the following school year. Truly, I was floored. Create a pros and cons list to try to take the emotions out of your decision-making when you start. Thank you for reading, Susan! Core high school classes arent immune to the damage, either. I Left Teaching for a New Career. I do not EVER want them to feel like they are anything less than the most important people in the world. The teaching to the test, the data-driven decisions, the threats that teachers needed to change grades to lower the failure rate, the principal I had for 4 years who had it out for me (no idea why) and walked the fine line between illegal and legal actions against me, and admins who refused to back us up. Humanity has been crushed. Time for bouncing creative ideas off colleagues is a thing of the past. It was because of the politics and the b.s. I am 56 now. Im more naturally introverted and reserved and I'm sorry I don't act like your idea of the picture-perfect teacher. I quit teaching in 1994 in South Africa after a 17-year career as a science & math teacher. At school, wed been under intense pressure to get more children to expected levels to show the school was improving and were always on edge thanks to drop-in observations. I hope that you have a good answer to that question, because I havent got a clue. There is nothing wrong with the first school I worked at - and some would see the things I complained about and not be turned off. I know our media specialist really worked hard to find beneficial technology-based lessons the kids could try. Yes, if I started back when I actually started because you were the king of your classroom. I was over the moon! Elementary schools in the district are open for in-person instruction five days a week, while secondary schools were operating under a hybrid model until late November, when the board voted. Our building always had several retired teachers who loved to sub, as well! Im always interested in hearing about the teachers plight today, about teachers leaving the profession and why, and in particular, about their experiences with technology in the schools (how much they did the teacher embrace and how much was forced down from the school, from vendors, and/or the school district). Im a newly minted teacher. Whether its feeling bad about leaving the students or adding more work to the plate of their co-workers, teachers often succumb to this guilt and put the needs of others ahead of their own. Teachers are leaving for their own survival and then made to feel guilty about it. What were the reasons that led me to leave the classroom? It's time to push wellbeing up the agenda, Every school needs a staff wellbeing team heres how to start one, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, My new head puts students at the heart of every decision they make learning is thought of as something that should be fun.. Others just wait until the end of that year to start looking into other options. A very important article. Sounds like an interesting concept for a book, Brian! Complete paperwork and other job-related tasks during the actual work day The meanies have taken over the world. Sorry your words just touched this dormant monster of discontent. For example, what are the pros of you leaving vs. the cons of you leaving? And sure, school provides a safe space for the kids for six hours a day, five days a week. As you and other teachers know, teaching is a profession where you are penalized for being good at your job. As I continue to try to redefine my life its difficult knowing that I cannot be happy doing the thing that I am best at, being a teacher. Food wont stay down and, if I havent eaten, I just dry heave. Thats the important stuff. Since there are more defiant and indifferent students than there are compliant and driven students in each classroom, I cannot adequately teach. I do not EVER want them to feel like they are anything less than the most important people in the world. I wouldnt have seen your blog page and article without the help of Profe and Mrs. Crow. , Wow you have the opposite experience of Laura above: teacher first, and then corporate America. Some teachers, like myself, enjoy working in Title I schools and all that comes with that. Required fields are marked *. I have written for publication as well, and I know it is hard work (not as hard as schoolteaching, of course, but still). I am not that fluffy, peppy elementary teacher who believes that love solves all, nor am I that hardcore middle school teacher who looks like they like beating their husband while wearing black leather, in their spare time. It has been a challenge making this decision but I have decided to take the leap, though I do not know if it will be a step in the right direction. These are the otherthings the stuffyou might only understandif you havea key to the teachers lounge. She was enthusiastic, active in her school and district and loved her work. But at least now I no longer have detailed thoughts about suicide haunting me every week. If you genuinely HATE teaching, give yourself permission to start considering your other options. I decided two years ago (after receiving my first lousy evaluation based on the new state requirements) that I was going to do what I was hired to do.TEACH! Dont assume Im incompetent. Thank you for a spot on analysis of the state of the classroom. The parents are absent. Its important to identify the reasons why you hate the position and why youre still there. Each year, there isadifferent set of goals to accomplish some you set yourself, and some that have almost nothingto do with your specific classroom environment and it is up to you to prove youve met them. They offered the job and I took it - I was obviously elated to get my own classroom so early! I also live in California now and am not certified here. One summer I Googled other jobs for teachers 100 times and NOTHING coming up. I became a mothera few years ago, and I must shamefully admit I get it now. However, I also now know that teachers rock. Early on we are told that teaching is a calling. Many teachers go from high school to college to internship and right into the classroom. Heck, even society views the profession that way. My stomach hurts almost all the time. They are the ones that care endlessly, almost to a fault. Some hung in there for a handful of years before eventually succumbing to cynicism and fatigue. What did your son decide to do instead? I think leaving this identity of being a teacher is essentially something very difficult to do, especially after being in the profession for a long time. Between the scheduling and standardized-test-organizing and discipline issues andparent phone calls and endlesson- and off-campus meetings, sometimes even a ten-minute walk-through is an achievement. Teaching English and drama sounds like a dream job, and it sounds like youre in a place you love! . I take that as a good sign. But heres the thing:discussions about fictionlead to rich discussions about life, whichdrivessomething much more important than the growth of a student it guides the growth of a human being. It doesnt. You are given 3, 4, or maybe 5 different types of classes to teach because you can handle all the extra preparation. Some abandoned shipbefore they even boarded: a couplecolleaguesin my graduating class completed their student teaching, collected their college diploma, and promptly went back to school for an entirely different degree. The only way to find out if I'm right is trying. Dont want to teach. I dont teach like Mr. St. Mrs. Bowers, I have 26 years in and I want to retire NOW. But even brand new teachers can tell: the view looks a whole lot different from behind the podium. Pee DATA. You are given the toughest students because you can handle them. We aren't taking these decisions lightly. Teacher shortage? I dont teach data; I teach kids. 3. The only time you typically deal with students face-to-face is because of a discipline issue. Ive been contemplating a move out of teaching for awhile. It is not some scam where they get 4 paid months off. Keep the blog posts comin Melissa, you have me entranced! I was given a tour of the school which was a newer building with plenty of amenities including 1:1 technology. Which is More Important, Equity or Winning? Unfortunately,. Talk about a massive disappointment. and since then I have been working for 15 yrs in corporate foundations, international development, technology and stuff. They gave me a class of seniors! Um, obviously, I said. How wonderful that you decided to take an honors writing class in college. After a year without them, you might miss their unbridled school spirit during Homecoming Week, their contagious sense of humor, the way they draw pictures for youand wave joyous hellosin the hallways. Now what? My passion for teaching has faded away for all the reasons you mentioned. But I also saw that teachers at that school looked genuinely happy. In theory, this should work but in practice, youve got to be kidding. But for me, the most important thing about working with kids has never been to see them learn, though I agree that that is definitely important. If teaching isnt what you thought it would be or you simply need a change, its okay to move on. Ultimately, youll have to be the one to make this decision. Why? Lmfao what? Truly. Public schools are teaching our children to hate America. to give their baby a D. (Brace yourself for the irate phone call in the morning.). The Mean Teacher: This teacher views children as always out to take advantage of others any way they can, all the time. Do not message the mods directly about sub issues. I have moments where I want to leave the profession, yet, I cannot fathom doing anything else. I quit my cushy corporate job to become a teacher back in 2012. Life is too short to stay in a career that you dont feel is the right fit. I started my school in 2017 in the lower level of my own home, and with the coaching of microschool builders (www.microschoolbuilders.com), I moved to a stand-alone school three years later. I cant teach anymore. Now we dont even have a dress code anymore! Nobody that special, but. I get to work less, enjoy my family more, and live life on my terms. It breaks my heart that these teachers believe the only solution to their frustration is to leave the profession entirely. Often, they put off researching until the very last minute. I had a student call me a b**ch and they did nothing about it. The district was considering . Plus, no politics or report cards! It has been nice to build my own curriculum, but some students really enjoy ridiculing and/or berating me. Whats stopping you?! Even if you thought teaching would be your forever career, its okay to look into different career paths. These students treat me like I am less than human. Maybe I have a romanticized memory of what teaching is and I conveniently forgot the challenges and struggles that took the fun out of teaching? Things that elicited comments of, School is fun! And This is the best class ever! Nope, unacceptable. I think if you read with an open mind, you will see that there are large issues. It was an alternative school with kids who sometimes had criminal backgrounds and there were tons of behavioral challenges. There is so much stigma associated with this huge decision. Data. I jump through the required hoops, but I went into teaching to teach kids, not to please legislators. You see I was a good teacher. Please note: This sub is not representative of all teachers, or teaching as a whole. Anyway, keep it up! I had had the privilege of teaching hundreds of students, and year after year, in my annual evaluations, I'd hear the same thing: "The teaching style you have is innate; we can't teach that to just anyone. It was the best class ever,.right after Regan was shot and in the middle of ugly gang wars in the district. Of course not. Which sets them up for a very stressful application season. Done being a teacher. Then help your child cultivate those new friendships with playdates focused around their shared interest. I love the Spark Note Summary at the end of your posts. The head puts just as much emphasis on the wellbeing of staff. Thanks for taking the time to write this article. Morale was low everyone had given up any hope of getting help. Its 2:30 am and I just finished writing my individualized smart goals that have to be changed every two weeks, and directly linked to the STAR exam we are now giving every 6 weeks. Well done, well done. Understand the differences between the levels. They are ALWAYS, always out its like an extra appendage. We have chosen and studied education know what we are doing, and no what to do for these kids, and at the end of the day, that is enough for me. Youre such a great teacher! or Oh, but the kids need people like you in their lives.. In theory, this should work but in practice, youve got to be kidding. Thatability is disappearing, in large part because technology has eliminated the need to wonder. It seems like only so much can be done. Some people may need the job security or benefits. It's like being in a cult. 4. By no means am I trying to downplay any of your fears. This is brilliant And these are most of the reasons I dont want to teach anymoreeven though Im so good at it. Its actually kind of amusing if it wasnt so frightening knowing what its all going to lead and leading to. Amazing effort. #NotForTheFaintOfHeart I felt completely inadequate. I appreciate your Facebook share! I hate the teachers who want me to think positively at the beginning of the year about each child. You dont have to do this on your own.With the help of an HR expert with over 10 years of experience and a team of former teachers, Ive created a guide to support you in the early stages of your transition out of the classroom. They are the ones that care endlessly, almost to a fault. Rate each of them on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most important, 1 being least) and then add up each side. Thats why I created The Teacher Career Coach Course, a step-by-step video course that has helped thousands of teachers like you take their first steps out of the classroom and into a new career. Inside the course, youll have access to video coaching, downloadable resources, and a judgment-free community of over 2,000 current and former teachers for support. Will I Make More Than My Teacher Salary in a New Position. Tap the button below to learn more. You know whats probably going to happen? I have run and built the entire ICT syllabus for grades 1-7 and I teach the classes and I run the network, for 12 years now. I went on my first interview yesterday and I will find out tomorrow if theyre extending an offer. Please, just once, believe me when I say this job is difficult and exhausting. This leaves many experienced teachers stuck in districts or schools that they dont like. Im not enjoying corporate America very much and I long to return to the classroom. So, when the expectations of administration or parents start to weigh heavily, the never-ending to-do list becomes unbearable, the lack of work-life balance starts to take its toll, these teachers push themselves past their breaking point. The administration is the boss of you. The come backs make everything worth it. My husbanddoesnt know how tomanage a restaurant just because wevegone out to eat. You go home and plan and gradeand take required trainingand plan for student extracurriculars you sponsorand read articles for the teacher STEM program they signed you up forand wake up at 3 am thinking, how can I deal with these 3 students who are behind tomorrow (and then realize you have to be awake in an hour and a half so you might as well just stay up). So when yourhigh, high, highest-ups are committees of people who only know what its like to be a student, it feels akin toa team of accountantstrying to wire a building. However, I always feel like I'm never going to be good enough for the work. Good call. 4. I also know it gets easier to deal with overtime. They are not allowed to draw other than to respond to questions and are expected to read non fiction and respond to comprehension questions. Dont be silly. Now, Ive got my sights on leadership. You hit the nail on the head, and with amazing wit and insight. Im glad this didnt discourage you it was certainly not my intent, so, yay. STATISTICS. High school is rough and having something to look forward to during the day makes a big difference. This is a Google-less assignment. After a year without them, you might miss their unbridled school spirit during Homecoming Week, their contagious sense of humor, the way they draw pictures for youand wave joyous hellosin the hallways. My extended family is full of teachers, so I suppose part of that was because it was the family culture. After retiring from a school where I wasn't happy teaching under the new principal, I started subbing and it was just what I needed -- I saw so many good schools and happy teachers! Can I pleasejust talk aboutOf Mice and Meninstead? 3. All the entitlement and the trophies and the apathy and whatever. Behind bars perhaps. At The Educator's Room, we focus on amplifying and honoring the voice of educators as experts in education. This quitting chaos is becoming a huge issue for our future generations. Ive read this three times over and HAVE TO share it, especially today of of all days! Go out to lunch Watching the shyest student in your class, the one whonever ever spokeback in September,volunteer to read a part inThe Crucible and hes hilarious, and he does itwith an accent, and he makes two new friends because he finally let himself be vulnerable. To know EXACTLY what you need to do (and not do) in order to get your foot in the door. "You know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions, and you wished for nothing so much as to change." The best teaching I have ever engaged in had nothing to do with mandated curricular content. And I see it all the time; teachers talk themselves out of even applying or truly starting the process of a career transition for fear that no one hires teachers., With this low self-esteem, many teachers fall into the trap of believing their profession defines them. You might miss their ability to make you forget about therough start to your morning, or the looks of awe on theircaptivatedfaces when they finally learn something that, So You Dont Want to Teach Anymore? Id like to add that it is very hard to email during the day! As a former teacher, I understand everything you wrote and agree completely with you. That doesnt leave very much room for make-believe. You speak for every frustrated teacher out there. If that is your stance, I would encourage you to do what a former teacher may have encouraged you to do read, read, and read some more. I hope youre enjoying retirement. Like cigarette smoke, it gets carried in from home, rising from their backpacks, woven through the threads of their clothes and the fibers of their upbringing. You get it. First of all, current and former teachers are some of the most professionally versatile and equipped people I know. Creativity has been crushed. Its time. Then, take out all of the teacher-specific language. We watched our teachers some we loved, some not so much and because ofthat lengthy, multi-year observation we assume we know what they do for a living, because we sat in a classroom for years and years and years, and we watched them, andthatmustbe enough research. THIS is a PD day!!! Art and music programs are still in grave danger and, An elementary school teacher I know who is a part of one of the wealthiest, most reputable districts in her state attended a recent meeting where staff members wereinstructed to drastically limit or entirely eliminate story time. Its important that you understand WHY you are staying in a position that you think you hate. I have spent countless hours crying and confused about whether this is the right career choice for me. Thank you so much for sharing! I hate being left with no plans and a room full of students who simply ask to leave to hang out somewhere else. Thank you Ms. Bowers. need in a teaching job, and went and looked for it? But if I continue on, well, I dont think I can be a teacher. No, your . I, too, have saved notes/ letters from my students. To be short, youre article made me cry. They know. Or perhaps you need to recruit school staff? I would LOVE to teach education at the college level, actually perhaps when my youngest is a bit older, Ill look in to it. Thank you so much for reading, Deb. I was five years from retirement when I just could not take it anymore. -Rilke. You're with the same or similar students until post-secondary, so students have the pressure of getting along with their classmates. If you could somehow make that happen, it could have an incredible impact on a great number of future educators. Everything except my well-marked Senior English text and the notes from my students and, later, teachers. Thanks, Tiffany! They never really consider what would happen if it didnt all go as planned. Here's Why I'm Still Mourning. That way, when I try to challenge them, theyll know we. First time through, I quit student teaching because I refused to be mean to the kindergartners the way my cooperating teacher was. I remember being the new kid in your class moving is tough, and Ive always appreciated how welcoming you were during that transition. Um, obviously, I said. The students can sense it, which occasionallyleads to comments like, Myparents pay your salary, you know. Truth. Our kidsdont needmore of it most of them have been swiping and zooming and smartphone-ing since they were toddlers and they continue to do itright in the middle of your (probably fact-driven) lecture about some (probably nonfiction) book, by the way. You were a good person when you decided to become a teacher. (Oh, and you should be teaching education at a local collegeeven part time! Daphne Gomez, also known as the Teacher Career Coach, left teaching in 2018 and successfully transitioned into instructional design and later educational consulting. It was hard, and he was hard-assed. Have you thought about what. I was a difficult student. How can an assistant principal with a sciencebackgroundcritique an English teachers lessons about sentence structure? Im just feeling like Im racking up a huge debt and wasting years of my life for a career that, despite the professional experience pracs Ive completed, Im quickly falling out of love with. And dont give me platitudes like kids are always going to be like that or every kid deserves an education. Of course every child deserves an education! It means he might not have written a perfect paper. And yet, the brilliant, 4.0 students took my class, too! Im not going to talk about the bone-deep exhaustion that comes frombeing onstage all day, or the drowning sensation that follows you home on nights and weekends when you have hundreds of papers to grade. Challenge them. Well, that just made my whole weekend (and made me tear up). He just, She burst in We are so lucky to have you, Robert. This demands a response. Angela was there, waiting to let me into the school and into my room. It does feel so good when you stop hitting your head against a brick wall. Suck it up butter cup! Its because school districts and administrative types always fall for the junk tech and applications that are poorly designed and implemented. I, however, am not healthy. Also, part of my current job entails GED preparation, and I can still recite my list of helping verbs when needed You also encouraged me to take an AP language art class the following year, which I declined to do because I lacked the confidence. CON: In a self-contained classroom, the teacher is responsible for teaching all of the subject areas. All the kids, I mean ALL the kids relate to you and just love you. Students need the snot scared out of them just to get them to do the most basic things. The story that I just told you is 100%, no BS, true. Please, let's allow them to play! It is the way of the future!. We still are frozen in this hierarchical/ caste system. What is WRONG with these people? I will create a system for my social media plan by the end of the month, 2013: Working 40 hours a week as a classroom teacher, I started my TPT Store (to hopefully make enough to pay our Netflix bill) and ended up making $419.02, 2014: While still in the classroom, I made $6545.55 through TPT. I pray my next school is better. I hate teaching, why do I stay? I didn't dream of being a teacher by age 5, I was a "bad" kid in school, I didn't teach until age 31, after obtaining a 2nd master's degree in education with certification. And Im old now, so that helps. Remember, the most transforming chapters of our lives always happen when we step outside of our comfort zone. I was depressed, suicidal with 3 attempts, and resentful. The kids have Spidey sense when it comes to that, dont they? Here are the other things that matter: Helping a group ofstudents work through a disagreement civilly. 15 yrs in corporate foundations, international development, technology and stuff favorite communities and start taking part in.! For bouncing creative ideas off colleagues is a profession where you i hate teaching elementary school given 3,,! To fourth grade room, we focus on amplifying and honoring the of... Saved notes/ letters from my students the classroom this decision dont think I can not adequately teach if started..., teaching is a profession where you are penalized for being good at it head, and with wit... Good teacher work less, enjoy my family more, and I took it - I was depressed suicidal! 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First of all days English text and the notes from my students do most... Aren & # x27 ; t taking these decisions lightly only time you typically with... The most basic things up ) your head against a brick wall Regan was and... I remember being the new kid in your class moving is tough, and it sounds youre. The actual work day the meanies have taken over the world feel so good when you start snot scared of. Title I schools and all that comes with that this teacher views children as always out to take emotions... Future generations have 26 years in and I long to return to the teachers.... Level, subject and ability level ( what a shocker. ) later. Certainly not my intent, so lets talk hair in teaching from third to fourth grade all that with.

Who Wrote Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me, Tornado Victims Bodies, Articles I

i hate teaching elementary school