idfpr license reinstatement

A. Newsletter. While this may be the case, please note that the requirement has not yet been lifted, and we are continuing to strongly recommend for social workers to first work on acquiring the 15 virtual CEUs allowed for renewal under existing rulesthis way, you are not behind if IDFPR does not write emergency rules or waive the requirement. Facing a Medicaid / Medicare audit? Franchise Tax Additionally, you must provide documentation showing you completed 120 CPE hours in the past three years. 2023 Rule Changes for the Administration of the Illinois Professional Engineering Practice Act. View in Google Maps Mailing Address. Carefully read the instructions about when you may apply. Illinois RNs and LPNs are licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation. Cities & Towns Are social workers considered frontline healthcare professions and thus eligible for the fee waiver (renewal or initial application)? April 3, 2020 Additional steps are required if the period of lapse or inactive status is 3 years or greater. See our updated announcement on the SECL application portal. . WebNurses came under the jurisdiction of the Department upon its creation in 1917. Effective January 1, 2022, with the signing of Public Act 102-0004. We no longer accept paper applications. RNs are required to complete 30 contact hours. The Goldberg Law Group has over 40 years of experience helping doctors, nurses and licensed medical professionals navigate complicated legal issues. We provide strategic legal counsel for IDFPR issues & IDFPR defense. would like to apply for full reinstatement? Click here to keep up to date and check out IDFPR's press releases. As of this printing, the department has not yet released rules for this training requirement. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) issued regulations the following day which allow for a similar pathway of reentry for certain nurses, respiratory care therapists, and physician assistants with recently inactive licensure. To receive notifications of new NASW-IL trainings both in-person, live virtual, and recorded, sign up here. This kickoff begins 12 months of research that will result in a report to the General Assembly and Governor. Please note this worksheet is NOT an IDFPR-required document but rather a roadmap to help you fulfill all CE requirements. Recursos Para Trabajadores de la Salud (Spanish COVID-19 webpage), January 31, 2023 | Press Release | Gov. current active renewal fee of $3 5 plus the reinstatement fee of $45 for a total of $80. Transcripts are also acceptable. Goldberg Law Group, led by managing partner, Michael K. Goldberg, provides dynamic, strategic and meticulous representation to Illinois and Arizona clients. If you qualify for a fee waiver, please do not send a payment. The new implicit bias section shall provide tools to adjust automatic patterns of thinking and ultimately eliminate discriminatory behaviors. For the new 2021 licensure renewal cycle starting on December 1, 2021, and ending November 30, 2023, Illinois LSWs and LCSWs will have 3 additional/amended requirements for licensure renewal as required by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR). Thinking about dealing with the IDFPR alone? Board Information. If (and when) such rules are written by the department, this article will be updated accordingly. Preliminary numbers show statewide adult use cannabis sales in January totaled $127,938,019.85. MMXXIII, Professional License Services for Military Personnel, Continuing Education and Audit Information, Criminal History Record Check Authorization form, hold a Delaware RN or LPN license that is in, previously held a Delaware RN or LPN license that has, you are moving to Delaware or to a state that is, If you already have a DELPROS user account, enter your email address and password on the. Some of our past work includes helping with thefollowing types of IDFPR cases: We work with doctors, nurses and licensed medical professionals, not patients. A health care professional may count this one hour for completion of this course toward meeting the minimum credit hours required for continuing education. Initial licensure includes endorsement. with IDFPR defense, professional licensing, disciplinary matters, medical staff issues, Medicare / Medicaid audits, misconduct accusations & more. Section 1175.100 Fees. Privacy Policy, IDFPR Waives License Renewal Fees and Initial Application Fees for Frontline Healthcare Workers, An FAQ was released by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) which provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions around the fee waiver. After I login to my online account, how do I proceed in renewing my license? Per the Variances, physician assistants are eligible if their licenses have been inactive or expired for less than three years. HLQ Reimbursement and expenses paid includes the application fee, license verification and background check fees. At least 3 of the 30 hours must include content related to cultural competence in the practice of social work (Effective December 1, 2013). CHICAGO Secretary Bryan A. Schneider of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is pleased to announce that paperless licensing and renewals have now been implemented for the professions licensed and regulated by the Divisions of . Free Consultation - Call (847) 390-8500 - The Davis Law Group, P.C. PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM: REQUEST FOR REINSTATEMENT IL486-2441 12/22 LPNs are required to complete 24 contact hours. Fee waivers will be granted for social workers July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Including Professional license defense attorneys today at 630-472-9700 to schedule a idfpr reinstatement form consultation fee. It will require a letter addressed and mailed to IDFPR along with supporting materials. What fees are associated with getting and maintaining my IDFPR license and DEA Registration? The IDFPR lawyers at Goldberg Law Group have over 40 years of experience with professional licensing and regulatory enforcement and we do not charge for initial consultations. You only have six (6) months to submit your application once you begin. Initial application and endorsement application fee waivers will begin on July 1, 2023 and run through June 30, 2024. The IDFPR and the Medical Licensing Board review reinstatement applications based on the length of time the license has been non-renewed or inactive, as well as the activities in which the licensee has participated during that period. If you feel that you need to send a payment and wish to use a money order, please contact the Department at 1 (888) 473-4858 for clarification and further directions. a) Application for Restoration 1) A person applying for restoration of a license as a cosmetologist that has expired or been on inactive status for less than 5 years shall submit an application on forms provided by the Division and: A) Pay the required fee set forth in Section 1175.100; A sexual harassment prevention training will be required for licensure renewal. Search Services. The fee for a reinstatement application will not be waived. Find us at: Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation 555 West Monroe Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60661 AND 320 W. Washington, 3rd Floor Delaware Marketplace A pre-renewal period is the 24 months preceding October 31 in the year of the renewal. Privacy Policy, Download the NASW-IL CE Worksheet for 2021-2023 LSW/LCSW Licensure Renewal & FAQ, IDFPR Licensure Renewal Requirements for 20212023, With a new licensure cycle also comes new and updated licensure requirements. We only represent doctors and medical professionals and our, When your medical license is on the line, you need a law firm that has experience with representing doctors and medical professionals before the, Doctors, physicians and medical professionals turn to Goldberg Law Group for timely legal counsel and proactive advocacy when facing all types of legal healthcare challenges. User Guides & Resources. What happens if I send a money order made out to IDFPR and I am unable to receive a refund? A Permanent Employee Registration Card (PERC) from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation - Division of Professional Regulation is required to work as an unarmed employee of a licensed Private Detective, Private Alarm Contractor, Private Security Force or Locksmith Agency in Illinois. Talk to the. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training: Did you take a sexual harassment prevention training through your Illinois employer which fulfills. All nurses who miss the August 31st renewal deadline will need to file for a license reinstatement if they wish to continue practicing in the state of Illinois. Recursos Para Trabajadores de la Salud (Spanish COVID-19 webpage), 2023 Rule Changes for the Administration of the Illinois Professional Engineering Practice Act, Engineer Intern Information and Application, Application for Engineer Intern enrollment - Applicants with a U.S. SSN or TIN, Application for Engineer Intern enrollment - Applicants without a U.S. SSN or TIN, Professional Engineer - Candidate Exam Guide, Professional Engineer Information and Application, Application for PE License - Applicants with a U.S. SSN or TIN, Application for PE License - Applicants without a U.S. SSN or TIN, Professional Design Firm Information and Application, Add/Remove a profession from your Design Firm, Professional Design Firm Reinstatement Request, Request Certification of License and/or exams, Request to change license status to INACTIVE, Manual for Code Enforcement Officials and Design Professionals, Change Your Address / Request License Reprint, Professional Engineer Criminal Conviction FAQs, Application to classify records as confidential. Gross Receipts Tax The above requirements are in addition to pre-existing LSW/LCSW licensure renewal requirements: A minimum of 30 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of social work or clinical social work of which: At least 3 of the 30 hours must include content related to the ethical practice of social work, and. Dealing with a disciplinary action? Delaware State Code In order to reinstate, you must complete 20 continuing education (CE) hours containing subject matter listed within the PTCE content outline, including:* 2 hours specifically in the subject of pharmacy law; 1 hour specifically in the subject of patient safety UPDATED 02/03/23: Rules have been filed with JCAR to permanently remove the in-person CE requirement. Licenses are renewed on a three-year cycle set by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the licensing body for CPAs in Illinois. Click here to keep up to date and check out IDFPR's press releases. The dentistry license applicant will need to submit proof of 48 hours of continuing education within three years of the application to restore the license. If you do not submit a completion certificate or transcript, you will receive no credit for the course/program. Upload the Certificates of Completion for the courses/programs that you list in the CE Tracker. NASW members can submit their question through the NASW Illinois community in MyNASW for fastest response. Engineer Intern Information and Application. Q. hb```b``.c`g``oab@ !;Z4 For those who do not currently have an Online Account, you may register and create one by visiting the link here: State Agencies These two legislative initiatives would better protect Illinois residents from financial fraud and abuse. Tuesday. A. IDFPR emails all licensees when their professions license renewal window opens. Delaware Courts Think again. A. Licensees who do not renew their licenses before their expiration dates will be charged the renewal fee and a late fee in accordance with their professions existing Administrative Rules. To view, To help social workers better keep track of their CEs for 20212023 LSW/LCSW licensure renewal, the NASW-Illinois Chapter has created this CE Worksheet & FAQ. Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. UPDATED 02/03/23: Rules have been filed with JCAR to permanently remove the in-person CE requirement. Pritzker Announces End of State COVID-19 Disaster Proclamation, January 5, 2021 | IDFPR Releases Educational One Pager on COVID-19 Relief Concerning Evictions, Mortgages, and Student Loans, June 23, 2020 | IDFPR Announces PPP Loan Forgiveness Webinars, June 5, 2020 | State of Illinois Announces Permanent Rules for Conditional Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary Licenses Tiebreaking Process, May 5, 2020 | IDES Instructs 1099 Workers to Apply for Regular Unemployment Benefits Before PUA Program Goes Live, May 1, 2020 | IDFPR, Banks and Advocacy Groups Work Together to Provide Help in Cashing Stimulus Checks During the COVID-19 Pandemic, April 29, 2020 | Pritzker Administration Announces Suspension of May 1, 2020 Deadline for Next Round of Conditional Adult Use Dispensing Organization Licenses, April 21, 2020 | Governor Pritzker Announces Expansion of Payment Relief for Student Loan Borrowers, April 14, 2020 | Governor Pritzker Announces Protections and Guidance for Illinois Residents Receiving Federal Stimulus Checks, April 8, 2020 | Pritzker Administration to Allow Remote Notarization During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 30, 2020 | IDFPR Announces Help for Consumers Struggling to Make Payments on their Debts Due to the COVID-19 Crisis and Guidance for its Regulated Financial Sectors, March 24, 2020 | IDFPR Statement on Security Staff as Essential Operations, March 23, 2020 | IDFPR Announces Several Actions to Increase the Health Care Professional Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 18, 2020 | IDFPR Announces Measures to Assist Licensees and Education Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 17, 2020 | IDFPR Announces COVID-19 Guidance for Cannabis Dispensaries, Illinois Department of Insurance issued FAQS about Health Insurance Coverage for Over-the-Counter At-Home Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tests, February 10, 2023 | List of Temporary Practice Permits Granted, February 10, 2023 | International Medical Graduates. No fees are required if your license or application is part of the fee waiver. This is a Google search of IDFPR, at the bottom of the search results page there will be numbers for the pages of results. Copyright 2023 Ropes & Gray LLP. These two legislative initiatives would better protect Illinois residents from financial fraud and abuse. We have collated below some of their FAQ into the questions most pertinent to social workers. Tax Center renew nursing license illinois renew nursing license illinois (No Ratings Yet) . On the ATTACHMENTS page of your application, you may be instructed to: In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit: For information on applying for a temporary permit, see RN/LPN Temporary Permit. 25 Feb/23. All forms are printable and downloadable. To add yourself to a waitlist to receive notification when we announce one of the specialty CEU training courses required for 20212023 licensure, click here. To help social workers better keep track of their CEs for 20212023 LSW/LCSW licensure renewal, the NASW-Illinois Chapter has created this CE Worksheet & FAQ. Renewal Fees will not be waived after the renewal deadline. Quick Guides Initial Application Checklists Accounting Firm New Application Checklist One-hour (minimum) of a training on implicit bias awareness. Our firm works with clients facing all types of healthcare disciplinary matters, Some of our past work includes helping with thefollowing types of, We work with doctors, nurses and licensed medical professionals, not patients. Health Care. NEW! A. No. Fur Tanner or Dyer License A. Public Meetings State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background checks (CBC). Weather & Travel, Contact Us If you dont have a drivers license or official identification from the Division of Motor Vehicles, you may submit a voter registration card, federal tax return, military form 2058 or a Form W-2 showing your home state of residence. While the previous 20192021 licensure cycle deadline was extended to February 28, 2022, if you have obtained all continuing education requirements for licensure, you may now begin taking courses to apply to the 20212023 licensure cycle. If you do not submit your application within six months of starting it, you will be required to restart the entire online application again. Online License Renewal Click here to renew your license! For more details, contact: Jill Loeser Manager, Government Relations | 312.517.7671 is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Professional License Defense and Professional License Suspension cases. 99 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<42496AE5DD13244CA80561D7D6DF5125>]/Index[19 139]/Info 18 0 R/Length 174/Prev 182452/Root 20 0 R/Size 158/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Professional Design Firm Information and Application. Q. The reinstatement application fee is $89. Scope of Practice 312.814.2715 . What if I do not have an online account? Apply for reinstatement of your RN or LPN license when you want to practice in Delaware and you either: If you are currently licensed in another Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC) state, you may submit a reinstatement application only if one of the following applies to you: Before submitting the application in DELPROS online portal, you must: Section 6.6 of the Rules and Regulations explains these requirements. If an individual is becoming licensed in Illinois for the first time, either through endorsement or by examination, it would be considered an initial application (which would be waived between July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024). Our experienced IDFPR attorneys work closely with clients to craft customized strategies that are focused on helping our clients achieve their goals through effective legal representation. Go to the NASW-IL Licensure page to read more. IDFPR will process the application received as usual. The state (or other jurisdiction) on the identification you provide is considered your home state of residence. Do not begin orientation or employment until you are assigned a temporary permit number. Effective January 1, 2023, with the signing of Public Act 102-0399. Contact us today to discuss your situation and we will explain your options for effective legal representation. General Assembly Will my fees be waived if I have been temporarily reinstated under COVID-19 and. All information and forms are located on your professions webpages. NOTE: As a result of delays at the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the previous 2019 licensure cycle (beginning December 1, 2019) had its deadline extended to the new February 28, 2022, deadline date. State Employees To add yourself to a waitlist to receive notification when we announce one of the specialty CEU training courses required for 20212023 licensure, To receive notifications of new NASW-IL trainings both in-person, live virtual, and recorded, sign up, NASW members can submit their question through the. Social workers are included, as well as nurses (Registered Nurses, APRNs, APRN Controlled Substance, Full Practice APNs, Full Practice APN Controlled Substance), Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Physicians and Surgeons, and Physician Assistants. As with the previous 20192021 licensure cycle, the department did not write emergency rules to waive the in-person CEU requirements until nearly a year into the pandemic. Please allow 2-4 business days for your license to post in our systems and your license status to update. IDFPR/Nursing Unit 320 W. Washington St., 3rd Floor Springfield, IL 62786. No timed element is required of the employee-provided sexual harassment prevention training, but there are still content requirements for this scenario as per Section 1130.400(c) of the Administrative Code. NASW-Illinois Chapter Events:, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (recorded):, Interrupting Bias: A Mandated Reporter's Responsibility to Act (recorded; fulfills Mandated Reporter Training with Implicit Bias Section requirement):, Social Work with Persons Living with Dementia and their Families: Challenges and Opportunities (recorded; fulfills training requirement on Alzheimers disease and other dementias): This training may be provided by the Department of Human Rights or any continuing education provider (such as NASW-IL's recorded Sexual Harassment Prevention Training) authorized to provide continuing education for any profession as well as other approved providers as listed in Section 1130.400(b) of the Administrative Code as long as the content complies with Section 2-109 of IHRA. Click HERE for Important Information for Licensees struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues No matter how serious the legal challenges youre facing are, you can rely on our dental lawyers to bring passion, dedication and relentless attention to detail to every case that we handle. For a more in-depth look at requirements and the renewal process, click here. You can pay the $45 renewal fee with a . Wednesday. Our, Thinking about dealing with the IDFPR alone? Use Fill to complete blank online STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL & PROFESSIONAL REGULATION pdf forms for free. First, make sure it's a renewal year and you've complied with the continuing education requirements. Withholding Tax NEW! Second, visit and click on the "License Renewals" button. . Please use the link below that leads to renewal tips for accessing the Online Renewal System ( The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) hopes to open the license renewal process by the end of next week (February 25 th). Q. We only represent doctors and medical professionals and our Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation lawyers have a successful track record of achieving favorable outcomes for all types of legal healthcare matters. This training must be at least one hour in length and fulfill content-related requirements as listed in the Act. %%EOF As this renewal window is within Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023 June 30, 2024), renewal fees will be waived. Q. Professions Regulated by IDFPR Print a Copy of My License Licensing Assistance for Military Members Check if Individual or Entity is Licensed File a Complaint Disciplinary or Enforcement Actions Submit CRA Comments IDFPR Office of Innovation Adult Use Cannabis Program Medical Cannabis The Reinstatement request may take up to 8 business weeks to be processed from the date of receipt. Business First Steps, Phone Directory Why is IDFPR waiving license renewal fees and initial application fees for frontline healthcare workers? This process comes with additional fees, and also requires nurses to submit proof of completed continuing . All applications are submitted our online system DELPROS. Executive Order 2022-06 | Requires masks for all residents, staff and visitors at long-term care facilities, congregate facilities, and in healthcare settings, regardless of vaccination status as well as on public transportation. Help Center The NASW-Illinois Chapter Interrupting Bias: A Mandated Reporter's Responsibility to Act course does not have an hour of education devoted to the topic of implicit and therefore, does not fulfill both requirements for a mandated reporter training with implicit bias section AND one-hour minimum on a training on implicit bias. Preliminary numbers show statewide adult use cannabis sales in January totaled $127,938,019.85. Whether you need help resolving IDFPR matters or you just need some guidance on professional license reinstatement issues that often impact doctors and medical professionals, having experienced lawyers on your side can make a real difference in achieving a favorable outcome in a timely manner. 2022 National Association of Social Workers, Illinois Chapter. A. IDFPR emails all licensees when their professions license renewal window opens. Michele L. Bromberg, MSN, RN, Nursing Coordinator. One-hour (minimum) of a training on the diagnosis, treatment, and care of individuals with Alzheimers disease and other dementias. Yes. To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account: DELPROS allows you to save your incomplete application and return to it later to finish the process. Social Worker licenses usually expire on November 30 every two years. All rights reserved. Forms requiring a supervisor signature, seal, or notary may have to be. An individual license and a license for all firms are required. A. funeral director license lookup Noend Tatical Documentao para posse e porte de arma de fogo. During Governor Pritzkers budget address in February, the Governor announced plans to waive licensing fees for nearly 525,000 frontline healthcare workers. Please note this worksheet is. A mandated reporter training with (NEW!) *UPDATED 02/03/23: Rules have been filed with JCAR to permanently remove the in-person CE requirement. If NO: If you are self-employed (i.e., employee of one) or live in another state but are looking to maintain your license in Illinois and as such, you are unable to obtain a sexual harassment prevention training through an Illinois employer, you will need to take a sexual harassment prevention training course spanning at least one hour in length. Free Consultation - Call (847) 390-8500 - The Davis Law Group, P.C. Recursos Para Trabajadores de la Salud (Spanish COVID-19 webpage), Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary Principal Officers, Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary Agents-in-Charge, Wholesale Drug Distributor, Controlled Substance, Wholesale Drug Third Party Logistics Provider, Wholesale Drug Third Party Logistics Provider Controlled Substance. Our firm works with clients facing all types of healthcare disciplinary matters, IDFPR license issues and medical staff issues. Read more about it here. State Regulations You can still read the original FAQ. Social Media, Built by the Government Information Center www.idfpr. Please make sure your email address is up to date with us by logging in here: A. You can still read the original FAQ here. For individuals requesting out of state license verification, there is a $25 processing fee. Apply for reinstatement of your RN or LPN license when you want to practice in Delaware and you either: hold a Delaware RN or LPN license that is in inactivestatus OR previously held a Delaware RN or LPN license that has expiredand the late renewal period has ended. >>Check out NASW-IL recorded training, Interrupting Bias: A Mandated Reporter's Responsibility to Act. A. is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Professional License Defense and Professional License Suspension cases. On March 19, 2020, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-09 (the Executive Order), which aims to expand access to health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current renewal cycle ends Sept. 30, 2024. requirements as stated by Section 2-109 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA)? If you feel that you need to send a payment and wish to use a money order, please contact the Department at 1 (888) 473-4858 for clarification and further directions. A copy of your drivers license or official identification card from the Division of Motor Vehicles. Q. Due to this three-month overlap into the 2021 cycle, licensees must make sure the classes they attend between December 1, 2021, through February 28, 2022, are clearly identified as applying for either the 2019 or 2021 licensure cycles. 401(k)/403(b) Plan Litigation Risk Management, Analytics & Behavioral Science Consulting (R&G Insights Lab), Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), E-Discovery, Discovery Strategies & Data Analytics, Executive Compensation & Employee Benefits, Government Enforcement / White Collar Criminal Defense, Life Sciences Licensing, Collaborations & Joint Ventures, The U.S. Government Accountability Office Recommends Actions to Improve Federal Oversight of Institutional Review Boards for Human Research. A. In order to apply for a license or submit a service request, you must first have a DELPROS user account. DNR. If you qualify for a fee waiver, please do not send a payment. Contact Us Today. >>Check out NASW-IL recorded training, Social Work with Persons Living with Dementia and Their Families: Challenges and Opportunities. NASW members can submit their question through the NASW Illinois community in MyNASW for fastest response. Preliminary numbers show statewide adult use cannabis sales in January totaled $127,938,019.85. Permanent Employee Registration Card (PERC) (State of Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation) >> One of the biggest benefits of NASW membership is consultation access to staff about questions like these relating to the social work profession. Chicago,Illinois60606. Examples of third-party forms are transcripts from schools, employment verifications from a supervisor, or license verifications from another state. Process, click here http: // and click on the SECL application.. Agencies These two legislative initiatives would better protect Illinois residents from financial fraud and abuse begin. 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Collated below some of their FAQ into the questions most pertinent to workers! Recorded training, Interrupting bias: a, P.C the Goldberg Law Group, P.C,. For completion of this course toward meeting the minimum credit hours required for continuing.! Eligible for the course/program 's press releases worksheet is not an IDFPR-required document rather... Mandated Reporter 's Responsibility to Act and care of individuals with Alzheimers disease and dementias. All information and forms are located on your professions webpages all types of disciplinary. Situation and we will explain your options for effective legal representation the courses/programs that you list in CE.

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