His feast day is celebrated on August 16 every year in the Catholic Church. Making a birthday cake for a country is not a piece of cake. With his profound teachings, Stephen successfully managed to convert many of them into followers of Christ by engaging them in religious discussions. This present was a depiction of the Popes approval of Hungary and Stephen. The anniversary of the death of the holy king, the heavenly birth, fell on August 15th, exactly on the feast of the Assumption of Mary, and therefore the clergy could not choose this day as the feast of the venerated king. This means that the cathedral was built on the remains of an ancient Roman cemetery. He also began to organize a territory-based administration by founding several counties (comitatus, megye) in his kingdom. Stephen and Emperor Conrad II concluded peace negotiations in 1031, and the territories between the Leitha (Hungarian: (Lajta)) and Fischa Rivers were ceded to Hungary. He did not want to entrust his kingdom to his cousin, Duke Vazul, whom he suspected to be following pagan customs. The original church was built on an Ancient Roman cemetery, 2. This day is observed in order to pay tribute to King Stephen thanks to whom the establishment of the state of Hungary became possible. Saint Stephen I was also known as King Saint Stephen was born in 975 AD in Esztergom, Hungary and died on August 15 1038 in Esztergom, Hungary. He founded a monastery in Jerusalem and hospices for pilgrims at Rome, Ravenna, and Constantinople. Already raised a Christian, in 996 he wed the daughter of Duke Henry II of Bavaria and devoted much of his reign to the promotion of the Christian faith. This decision, however, contradicted the Magyar tribal custom that gave the right of succession to the eldest close relative of the deceased ruler. The work, which reminds us of the qualities that make a good ruler, a good man and []Continue reading. This work was completed between 1304 and 1340 and dedicated by Alberts son, Albert II. Here Stephen set up the Diocese of Csand. However, another reason could be thought of: that Stephen, as fianc of a woman from the diocese of Passau, simply wanted to do honour to the then-major saint of Passau, Saint Stephen, after whom the Passau Cathedral is named up to today. The main entrance of the church has its own name as its referred to as the Riesentor, or the Giants Door. There are a couple of theories as to why its referred to as such, but its assumed that it refers to the thighbone of a mammoth, a giant prehistoric animal. King Stephen belonged to the rpd dynasty. The sites leading archaeologist Zsolt Tth said that they found the remains of a Roman cemetery building and the walls of the first cathedral- founded by Orseolo- built over it. Already raised a Christian, in 996 he wed the daughter of Duke Henry II of Bavaria and devoted much of his All rights reserved. In fact, we do not know when exactly Stephen was born. The largest of them all is called the Pummerin, or Boomer, and is located inside the north tower. It is a festive day The festivities of this day provide a great opportunity for Hungarians as well as tourists. After this victory, Stephen organized the Diocese of Transylvania. Stephen discouraged pagan customs and strengthened Christianity by means of various laws. These fireworks are the highlight of this day and are launched at multiple intervals. King Stephens main goal throughout his reign was to make his country a Christian state. Stephen was canonized by Pope Gregory VII as Saint Stephen of Hungary in 1083, along with his son, Saint Emeric and Bishop Gerhard (Hungarian: Szent Gellrt). His chief work was to continue the Christianization of Hungary begun by his father, by endowing abbeys, inviting in foreign prelates, and suppressing paganism. Later, the Holy Right was transferred to where it is today, the Basilica of King Saint Stephen in Budapest. Saint Stephen is extremely significant in Hungarian history as he ensured that the reforms his father started were continued and expanded upon. This fact is evident in the life of Stephen, national hero and spiritual patron of Hungary. EN-CO Software Zrt. All Rights Reserved. Stephen intended to retire to a life of holy contemplation and hand the kingdom over to his son Emeric, but Emeric was wounded in a hunting accident and died in 1031. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Hungarian historiography saw Peter and Samuel as members of the rpd dynasty, and both are counted among the rpd kings. Sadly, Emeric died in a hunting accident, leaving Stephen no successor. He founded at least one archdiocese, six bishoprics, and three Benedictine monasteries so that the Hungarian Church could act independently from the Holy Roman Empire. WebSt. Survey data is powered by Wisevoter and Scholaroo, Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People. There will be hundreds of events next weekend starting Friday. Hungarians broke the Guinness World Record for simultaneous kissing when more than 6,400 couples locked lips In Hungary, his feast day (celebrated on 20 August) is also a public holiday commemorating the foundation of the state, known as State Foundation Day . The Romanesque towers were completed in the mid-13th century, 3. It was during this time that the first monasteries and abbeys were being formed, these were crucially important in providing missionaries and priests for the nascent Hungarian Church. European Christian culture was taught in the schools run by monks, and their students were not only the most pious, but also the most educated class in the country. The sons of his fathers brother (Stephens cousins Vazul and Lszl), could have been considered as successors to the throne, but Lszl was still a pagan and Vazul a Byzantine Christian. He was condemned for committing blasphemy against the Jewish Temple, and was stoned to death circa the year 36. August 20 has been a national holiday since 1771, when Queen Maria Theresia changed it from a church feast to an official national holiday. On its 100th anniversary in the church in 1985, a restoration program was started which would take 20 years to complete for 1.3 million euros. Finally, be strong lest prosperity lift you up too much or adversity cast you down. Saint Stephen is a recognized saint in many Christian theologies, and is considered to be the first Christian martyr. WebSt. Hungarian Catholics honor the first king of their country with annual processions, at which the Holy Right is exhibited. Upon successfully securing his claim to the throne, he began the actual work of managing the kingdom. Thus he set up an ecclesiastical organisation independent of the German archbishops. The 15th-century Altar underwent a costly 20-year restoration, 12. St. Stephens Basilica, located in the city of Pest, is the largest Church in the country. The interior of the cathedral is equally impressive as the exterior and multiple famous works of art can be found here. He was born as Vajk in the town of Esztergom. The day bears historical and cultural importance and people celebrate this to demonstrate the significance of freedom. He also took personal concern for the poor. The pope obliged. The king's right hand, known as the Holy Right, is kept as a relic. A presumed miracle brought a Hungarian icon to the church, 11. Saint Stephen of Hungary Life History In the early 14th century, King Albert I commissioned the Gothic choir which consists of 3 naves. Saint Stephen of Hungary Life History Below the pulpit, we can see the image of a man peaking through a window. There are many legends connected to his crown, his life, and to his character itself, but even to this day we do not know how many of these can be considered indisputable facts. St. Stephens Day or feast day of St. Stephen commemorates the foundation of the Hungarian state laid by King Stephen in 1000 A.D. This contract is also the basis for the Doctrine of the Holy Crown and the basis for the Apostolic Kingdom of Hungary. Stephen weighed upon his subjects to give up pagan worship and embrace Christianity. Stephen claimed to rule the First King of Hungary. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Stephen Is father, Gza, was the last fejedelem (essentially a tribal version of a king). After his baptism, he took the name Stephen, probably after the first Christian martyr. WebStephen was an evangelist. The people of the newly established state were judged by new laws, needed to pay new taxes and worship a new God. Stephen claimed to rule the Magyars by the principle of Christian divine right, while his uncle Koppny, a powerful pagan chieftain in Somogy, claimed the traditional right of agnatic seniority. Shortly after, he married Gisela, daughter of Henry II, Duke of Bavaria. Be honorable so that you may never voluntarily bring disgrace upon anyone. But Stephen had a kinder, gentler side. The disregarded duke took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of Stephen I, but the assassination attempt failed and Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears. During the 2000s, the exterior of the church has been restored as the accumulated dirt turned most parts of the stones completely black. Stephen was a family man. Although today we all know our first Hungarian king as Saint Stephen, he was born under the name Vajk, which means heroic leader. Giselle arrived at her husband's court accompanied by German knights. According to Hartwick's legend, during his coronation Stephen dedicated the crown to the Holy Virgin, thereby sealing a contract between God and the crown (which is therefore considered a "holy" crown). Its home to the third-largest swinging bell in Europe, 10. The celebrations are marked primarily by a massive fireworks display beside the river Danube. WebSaint Stephen's Day Facts The worlds largest geothermal cave system is located underneath Budapest. To both sides of this door, we can find the old Romanesque towers from the 13th century. This marked the genesis of a thriving Church in Hungary. St. Stephens Basilica (Szent Istvan Bazilika) is Budapests largest church. Then, raising his eyes towards heaven, St Stephen said, O Queen of Heaven, august restorer of a prostrate world, to thy care I commend the Holy Church, my people, and my realm, and my own departing soul. And then, on his favorite feast of the Assumption, Stephen died on August 15 1038, and was buried in the basilica of Szkesfehrvr. What Did Our Lady Look Like at Fatima, Portugal. St. Stephens Day is considered a very sacred day by the people of Hungary. Saint Stephen of Hungary Life History Closely bound to St. Stephen is the Holy Crown, around which as many legends are entwined as around the king himself. Be chaste so that you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death. His name at birth was Vajk meaning a hero in the Turkic language. Following Stephen's death, his nephew Peter Urseolo (his appointed heir) and his brother-in-law Samuel Aba contended for the crown. His chief work was to continue the Christianization of Hungary begun by his father, by endowing abbeys, inviting in foreign prelates, and suppressing paganism. It has been enshrined in the Hungarian parliament building in Budapest since 2000. The second church here dates back to the 13th century as well, 4. If he had not succeeded, his other choice would have been to remain a tribal, pagan society. Thats because a great fire destroyed much of the structure in 1258, except for these two towers. To this day, King Stephen is universally recognized as the architect of the independent realm of Hungary. Ladislaus I declared August 20 a holy day and it was first celebrated in 1092 A.D. Hungarians broke the Guinness World Record for simultaneous kissing when more than 6,400 couples locked lips Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, We at Catholicreadings.org are excited to bring to you this marvelous Android Catholic Daily Readings App that will brighten up your day, every day. In his first decree, issued at the beginning of his rule, he ordered that each ten villages would be obliged to build a church. The Hungarian state was actually not founded on August 20 at all. His feast day was added to the General Roman Calendar only in 1631, and only as a commemoration on 20 August, the feast of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. WebStephen I, also called Saint Stephen, Hungarian Szent Istvn, original name Vajk, (born c. 970975, Esztergom, Hungarydied August 15, 1038, Esztergom; canonized 1083; feast day August 16), first king of Hungary, who is considered to be the founder of the Hungarian state and one of the most-renowned figures in Hungarian history. Vajk is the pagan name of Saint Stephen. During his lifetime a quarrel arose among his various nephews concerning the right of succession, and some of them even took part in a conspiracy against his life. He was condemned for committing blasphemy against the Jewish Temple, and was stoned to death circa the year 36. Later this tradition was interpreted as the papal recognition of the independence of Hungary from the Holy Roman Empire. The Magyars settle in the Carpathian Basin. His feast day is celebrated on August 16 every year in the Catholic Church. Hungarians interpreted the incorruptibility of his right arm and hand - with which he had held the Holy Crown aloft from his deathbed when asking Virgin Mary to be the Queen of the Hungarians - as a sign that the Blessed Virgin Mary had accepted the king's offer to her of the Hungarian people, and she remains officially their queen. He also established the Archdiocese of Esztergom. It is a national holiday of Hungary also known as Constitution Day or Foundation Day because the foundations of the Hungarian state were strengthened by King Stephen. After several successful raids on western Europe, the Magyars are finally defeated by King Otto I in the battle of Augsburg. August 20th, the biggest national holiday of the country, is founding day of the Christian Hungarian state, as well as the feast of St. Stephen and the New Bread in Hungary. In 997, his father died and a succession struggle ensued. One of the most amazing facts about St. Stephens Cathedral is that it features a magnificent roof that is covered with a total of 230,000 glazed tiles. In 995, he married Gisela, a sister of Henry, the Duke of Bavaria, the future Emperor St. Henry II, and in 997 he succeeded his father as chief of the Hungarian Magyars. Already raised a Christian, in 996 he wed the daughter of Duke Henry II of Bavaria and devoted much of his Szrnyi's Veled, Uram! King Stephen died on the feast day which commemorates the bodily assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of the Assumption on 15 August, in the year 1038, at Esztergom-Szentkirly or Szkesfehrvr, where he was buried. It can house more than 8,500 people, in its 87 metres long by 55 metres wide layout. He was canonized in 1083. Design and development by It didnt take long before another expansion phase was started, this time in the Gothic architectural style. Saint Stephen I was also known as King Saint Stephen was born in 975 AD in Esztergom, Hungary and died on August 15 1038 in Esztergom, Hungary. EN-CO Software Zrt. The Dutch sculptor who created the magnificent pulpit is also responsible for the creation of the tomb of Emperor Frederick III (1415-1493). This roof has a length of 111 meters (364 feet) and the south side depicts the symbol of the Austrian Empire under Habsburg rule, the double-headed eagle. By this marriage, he became the brother-in-law of the future Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor. Does the Bible Have Anything to do with My Life? The High Altar is the first one a visitor notices when entering the church. It was founded in the year 1137 and the initial construction phase was completed in 1147, which is the year the church was dedicated to Saint Stephen. In 1015 he had married Gisela, the sister of emperor St. Henry II. The Austrian Empire is near defeat when Franz Joseph I involves Russia to help, causing Hungary to lose the war. The founder of the Hungarian Kingdom and Hungarian statehood, King Stephen I, under whose rule the Christianization of the country started, died on August []Continue reading, Marriage with Gisela first dynastic marriage between a Hungarian and a European royal house. In the canonization process, it was found that King Stephens right hand had not decayed at all, hence it was removed and can now be seen in St. Stephens Basilica in Budapest. Every day is a holiday!Receive fresh holidays directly This helped spread literacy in Hungary. Then the feast of Saint Joachim on 16 August was moved and the date became available for another celebration, so the feast of Saint Stephen of Hungary was moved to that date, the day immediately after his death. Born a pagan, he was baptized around the age of 10, together with his father, chief of the Magyars, a group who migrated to the Danube area in the ninth century. August 20th, the biggest national holiday of the country, is founding day of the Christian Hungarian state, as well as the feast of St. Stephen and the New Bread in Hungary. His father was Grand Prince Gza of Hungary; his mother was Sarolt, daughter of Gyula of Transylvania a Hungarian nobleman who had been baptized in Greece. Begun in 1851 and completed in 1905, St. Stephens Basilica was consecrated in the name of the canonised King, Stephen I of Hungary. The construction of this tower started in 1450 and it eventually reached a height of 68.3 meters (224 feet). When St. Stephen was about to die, he summoned the bishops and nobles and gave them charge concerning the choice of a successor. He ruthlessly abolished pagan customs, outlawing adultery and blasphemy. St. Stephens Basilica, located in the city of Pest, is the largest Church in the country. WebStephen is a popular saint in Hungary and neighboring territories. 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