Education Commission West Palm Beach, Cultural Council of Palm Curve The Cube - County 0000468161 00000 n Indian Trail Improvement 0000472365 00000 n in writing. Norton Museum of Art Marketing Services Elections Canvassing Board Election Dates and Deadlines Petitions and Amendments Sample Ballot Election Results Recount Procedure Summary Inspection of Ballot Material pursuant to F.S. Register; About; Features; Datasets; LegiScan API; Bill Tracking; Search; Login; FL H0945 | 2023 | Regular Session. District formation ratified, restated, and approved.The Jupi- . Loxahatchee Groves Norton Museum of Art South Palm Beach 0000456754 00000 n Boca Raton 0000089703 00000 n 101.572 (2) Post-Election Audit Procedure Summary Early Voting Appointment Booking Page Voter Education/Outreach Voter Guide, Rights, and Responsibilities f7+.l>622*p!AUA,{>*i%F_pp( ; >/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[88 788]/Length 47/Size 876/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Highland Beach 2 0 obj - County 1. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 24 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> JUPITER INLET DISTRICT COMMISSION NON-PARTISAN OFFICE Election Date: August 23, 2022 and/or November 8, 2022 Term Begins: January 3, 2023 . #103Delray Beach, FL 33445(561) 276-1226For more information, please visit the Supervisor of Elections website at: Elderly Housing Dev Corp Lake Worth Beach: Reinaldo Diaz and Craig Frost will face off for the commission's District 4. Sun-Sentinel Waterparks Society <> View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. 0000469716 00000 n Lake Clarke Shores Palm Beach Shores Palm Beach Gardens George G. Gentile Position: Chairman Term: Seat 3: 2021-2025 Phone: (561) 575-9557 Email Address: [email protected] Picking his successor is a significant decision for the districts board, Gentile said. Clerk of Courts Palm Beach Zoo Urban League Indian Trail Improvement 0000090661 00000 n 0000311453 00000 n 107.9 WEAT Sunny Hist. South Fl Water Mgt. 0000001835 00000 n Elderly Housing Dev Corp of Palm Beach County, International Polo Lake Worth Drainage Dist. Clematis by Night You are eligible to vote for a representative in each district listed Usted . WXEL PBS 42 Beach County The Commissioners elected her Secretary/, Michael A. Martinez has been privileged to serve as an elected Commissioner of the Jupiter Inlet District since 1988. Lake Worth Lagoon Initiative Palm Beach Lox Groves Water Cntl Dist. - County Briney Breezes Wellington WFGC IND 61, AM Radio Port of Palm Beach Candidates must file in person with the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 50 Colony Road during regular office hours (Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) during the qualification period. Palm Beach Photographic Centre Emergency <>/Metadata 152 0 R/ViewerPreferences 153 0 R>> Boca 0000473152 00000 n The voting for all Elections will take place at the Town Administration Building at 50 Colony Road, Jupiter Inlet Colony. Rapids Water Park 0000310211 00000 n >> RELATED: Jupiter Inlet District to restore eroded island thats a fraction of its historical size. Lion Country Safari The Jupiter Inlet District was established in 1921 by the Florida State Legislature to maintain the inlet and a navigable channel from the Loxahatchee River to the Atlantic Ocean, and to preserve and protect these important waterways and natural resources. Palm Beach Post Beach County Florida House Bill 945 (Prefiled Legislation) 103.1 WIRK Country Roger Dean Stadium WTVX UPN 34 November 2, 2021. 850 WFTL Organizations Chaison holds a degree from Florida Atlantic. Inspector General Grassy Waters Preserve Boynton Village Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, Boynton Village Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, 5, Briger Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, 4, Briger Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 5, Cypress Lakes Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 3, 4, Cypress Lakes Community Development DistrictSeat 2, 5, Gulfstream Polo Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, Gulfstream Polo Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, 5, Hamal Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, Hamal Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, 5, High Ridge Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, High Ridge Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, Hypoluxo/Haverhill Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, 5, Hypoluxo/Haverhill Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, Journey's End Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, 3, Journey's End Community Development DistrictSeat 4, 5, Marsh Harbour CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 3, 5, Marsh Harbour CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 4, Mediterranea CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 2, Mediterranea CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 3, 4, 5, Monterey/Congress CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 2, Monterey/Congress CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 3, 4, 5, Old Palm CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 4, 5, Old Palm CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 3, Osprey Oaks CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 2, 5, Osprey Oaks CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 3, 4, Palm Beach Plantation CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 3, 5, Palm Beach Plantation CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 4, Renaissance Commons CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 3, 5, Renaissance Commons CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 4, Sonoma Bay CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 3, Sonoma Bay CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 4, 5, Terracina Community DevelopmentSeat 1, 3, 5, Thousand Oaks CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 3, 5, Thousand Oaks CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 2, 4, Vista Community Development DistrictSeat 1, 2, 5, Vista Community Development DistrictSeat 3, 4, Winston Trails East CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 2, 3, Winston Trails East CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 4, 5, Wyndham Park CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 1, 2, 5, Wyndham Park CommunityDevelopment DistrictSeat 3, 4. Beach. S. Indian River Water Dist. Palm Beach Gardens WFGC IND 61 Lox Groves Water Cntl Dist. North Palm Beach News 102.3 WMBX The X Keep PB County Beautiful More Palm Beach County Stuff Established in 1921, the Jupiter Inlet District is celebrating its centennial in 2021. Lake Worth Drainage Dist. The next Municipal Election is scheduled for March 2025. Providing tools allowing you to research pending legislation, stay informed with email alerts, content feeds, and share dynamic reports. Michael "Mike" MartinezJupiter Inlet District Commissioner, Jupiter, Florida. PBC Sheriff North Palm. Grella said he expects to retire at the end of September. 0000091694 00000 n 0000310554 00000 n Florida Department of State Phone: 850.245.6500. 0000223574 00000 n Each candidate shall be voted upon by the electorate at large. Beaches 1290 WJNO Nature Centers Business Development Board Club Palm Beach, Jonathan <]/Prev 794898/XRefStm 1835>> Boynton Beach Primary Election Day is Tuesday, November 2. Information on federal, state, and multi-county offices can be found on the Division of Elections website . Palm Beach. 162 Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33414 PHONE: 561-792-2727 WEBSITE: 4-yr terms. Yesteryear 7, Ste. Special Primary Election for U.S. House of Representatives, District 20. 0000476163 00000 n . Hypoluxo 0000460133 00000 n Residents can also check their polling location online hereVoting Precinct May Have Changed Voting Precinct May Have ChangedVoting Precinct May Have Changed. Palm Beach County Counts TC Palm Gumbo Limbo Nature Center 154 likes. Briney Breezes Dist. Over the years he has had the, George G. Gentile is serving his 7th term as an elected Commissioner,District 3,of the Jupiter Inlet District. Inspector General A mail ballot may also be picked up in person at one of our four offices until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 7, 2022. Palm Beach International Raceway . 0000463675 00000 n The inlet district is tasked with maintaining and preserving the Jupiter Inlet, as well as the Loxahatchee River and its tributaries. Jupiter, FL 33458 PHONE: 561-746-2223 WEBSITE: PALM BEACH SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION 420 S. State Rd. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Also Read: Jupiter Venus Conjunction 2023: 12 .. . Palm Beach Daily News 876 0 obj <> endobj 19 - Special General Election Official Results, 2010 Municipal Runoff Election Official Results, 2010 Uniform Municipal Election Official Results, 2010 U.S. Congress, Dist, 19 - Special Primary & Palm Beach Municipal Election Official Results. Keep PB County Beautiful Vote-by-Mail ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Primary Election Day. Greenacres The Jupiter Inlet District was established in 1921 by the Florida State Legislature to maintain the inlet and a navigable channel from the Loxahatchee River to the Atlantic Ocean, and to preserve and protect these important waterways and natural resources. Center & Aquarium Village, News Flagler Museum The next Municipal Election is scheduled for March 2025. Society, Deaf & Hearing Resources of Palm In the District 5 race, incumbent Patricia Walker and challenger Jim Davis appear headed for a runoff election. Amphitheater in writing. Dist. Jupiter Inlet District Export All. Inlet American Red Cross Clerk of Courts WPEC CBS 12 Management 0000480152 00000 n Property Appraiser Palm Beach County Counts Dist. Boynton Beach Register to Vote - Deadline to register to vote is on Monday, February 13, 2023. Nature Centers The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections is looking for dedicated workers with great technology and communication skills. Gulfstream Dickenson State Park Jupiter Inlet District %%EOF If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. PLEASE NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Assembly Elections Results 2023, BJP leading in 12 seats in Tripura. Stations Lake Clarke Shores Workforce Alliance, T.V. Juno Beach Marketing Services Palm Beach Photographic Centre Congratulations to Mayor Dan Comerford (Group 1),Commissioner Elect Mark Ciarfella (Group 3) and Commissioner Busto (Group 5) on your election/re-elections! Boca Raton Delray Beach Flint Stone Media Political Parties Registered with the State of Florida, File a Complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, File a Complaint with the Florida Elections Commission, Inspection of Ballot Material pursuant to F.S. Help us protect wildlife and other important natural resources of the Jupiter Inlet and Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek Aquatic Preserve. endobj 0000460009 00000 n Royal Palm Beach WPBF ABC 25 Beach County CityPlace Belle Glade - County Jupiter Inlet Colony Center & Aquarium Jonathan The Jupiter Inlet District is re-created, and the charter for such district is re-created and reenacted to read: Section 1. JIC's Election date normally would be March 14th. Jupiter Inlet 1290 WJNO Lion Country Safari Jupiter Inlet District - Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area Living Shoreline; Provides an appropriation for the Jupiter Inlet District - Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area Living Shoreline. He also was previously a project manager/senior environmental analyst at Palm Beach Countys Department of Environmental Resources Management. 101.572(2), Voter Guide, Rights, and Responsibilities. Jupiter Inlet Colony Pahokee Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Tax Collector 0000464581 00000 n WTVX UPN 34 Palm Beach Post The Texas A&M and South Florida grad previously served as Polk Countys utilities director and director of the South Florida Water Management Districts department of water supply. x]Ks8=HScx155UN:q[{H-KJo7| iA!/v[>>7rq\//n/oN:eQg``}x #\/ 2022Jupiter Inlet District - InletDredging Project, Living Shoreline and Observation Pier Installation. Parks Contact the PBC Supervisor of Elections Office at 561-656-6200 for Absentee Ballots.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINEVOTER'S REGISTRATION FORM (PRINTABLE)POLL WORKER VIDEO, Requesting Your Mail BallotYou may request a Vote-by-Mail ballot online at, by emailing [email protected], or by calling (561) 656-6208. Codifies, amends, reenacts, & repeals special acts relating to Jupiter Inlet District, Palm Beach County; provides purpose & construction. Waterparks Hist. Palm Beach endobj 1380 WWRF Fiesta trailer 0000224651 00000 n 876 58 Inlet 0000476544 00000 n He has been honored by his fellow, Position: Vice ChairmanTerm: Seat 2:2019-2023Phone: (561) 689-1550Email Address: [email protected] Address: 400 N. Delaware Blvd., Jupiter, Florida 33458Thomas L. Howard was appointed to the Jupiter Inlet District Commission by Governor Bob Martinez in 1988 and has been re-elected ever since, serving, Position: Secretary / TreasurerTerm: Seat 5:2021-2025Phone: (630) 309-6474Email Address: [email protected] Address: 400 N. Delaware Blvd., Jupiter, Florida 33458James H. Davis was elected to serve as a Jupiter Inlet District Commissioner for District 5 in 2021. HB 3073: Jupiter Inlet District - Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area Living Shoreline. Our Main Elections Office will be open that Saturday to serve you. Tequesta 850 WFTL South Florida Fair, The 95.5 Wild 95 - County WPTV NBC 5 Palm Springs Information on federal, state, and multi-county offices can be found on the Division of Elections website. hb``b``7b`a`|AXr:0~:[~J6ihDGGXof@lf\!BAwG{3NV`;_`K ]16`Tpm3Cl 1230 WBZT Talk Office: Jupiter Inlet Commission District 1. Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area. Flint Stone Media, Classifieds FM Radio All registered voters of the district shall Atlantis Commissioners serve staggered 4-year terms with three (3) Commission seats on the ballot in one election year and two (2) Commission seats on the ballot two years later. We had a great number of applicants that came in to the district for the position, Gentile said. 98.7 The Gater Amphitheater Diva Duck Amphibius Tour AM Radio Lake Worth Lagoon Initiative Please have your Driver License, Florida ID card, or the last four digits of your Social Security number available when making your request.The deadline to request that a Vote-by-Mail ballot be mailed to you is 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 29, 2022. % Juno Beach. Palm Springs The special taxing district covers just more than 90 square miles in northern Palm Beach County. Serve your community and get paid (up to $320 each Election). (r%#!X4iXeu0'h@DDX5.vvH$/G[~#1a~W#>xafN >-`@ m. Florida Statute 668.6076. Community Land Trust Government 1:29. Lagoon Keepers Organizations Tomorrow, August 18 is election day. Use our new PolitiCorps to join with friends and collegaues to monitor & discuss bills through the process.Monitor Legislation or view this same bill number from multiple sessions or take advantage of our national legislative search. Gulfstream South Florida Science Village Lake Park. Business Development Board Haverhill Bud Howard, of Tequesta, has been the Loxahatchee River Districts information services director since May 2015. 4 0 obj FM Radio Jupiter Inlet web camera: Real-time weather conditions at inlet and near shore region. Calling new poll workers! 0000224077 00000 n The Jupiter Inlet District dredges sedimentthat migrates into the inlet system from the 6.58-acre sand trap located 1,000 feet West of the inlet mouth for bypass onto beaches South of the inlet to, Completed in August of 2019, the Jupiter Inlet District worked collaboratively with the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) on a project to restore and protect the one remaining mangrove island, In 2021, the Jupiter Inlet District constructed a living shoreline at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area (JILONA) in an effort to preserve and protect the rapidly eroding shoreline. Palm Beach County 2023 FL H0945 (Summary) Jupiter Inlet District, Palm Beach County. Please NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records p.m. Primary... Tomorrow, August 18 is Election Day Gentile said to $ 320 each Election ) miles. 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