And as you described, mulabundha is sort of this energetic muscular lock down in the perineum, and the teacher is coming around feeling that to make sure its in quote-unquote engaged. This is all the language that surrounds the sexuality of yoga that I believe begins to soften a person up into not really going, Wait a minute! Karen has been found in 27 cities including Encino, Tarzana, La Jolla, San Diego, Corvallis. What did you actually learn? Please dont feel bad thinking that you could have or should have done something differently. Sup Infrastructure Administrator. Its great that these things are finally brought out in the open and that the myth of the infallible, adorable guru is pierced. Resides in Huntington, MA. What the public is less aware of is that its fairly easy for your run of the mill yoga teacher to manipulate a whole class of people intellectually and then psychologically by claiming that they know more about yoga philosophy than they actually do. This is a great apple! I hope that people are able to begin to look at the communities that they live in a little bit more critically, to look at the kind of leadership that they have a little bit more critically and start modelling that critical thinking. Theres a lot of aspirations involved there. He can teach Manouso Manos Yoga tomorrow and open up shop wherever, maybe in Bali or something. Based on facts, either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. Court records for this case are available from Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Thank you, Karen Rain, and Gregor Maehle. . Learn how your comment data is processed. And all of that really is in the sort of public, very jousty sphere of blog work and social media. And I think I really have the work of Alexandra Stein to thank for that because she uses this basic so just a caveat here, when we talk about the psychology of person whos victimized by a cult, its not to say that, you know, there was something inside them that made them more vulnerable. I feel like if Im going to a place that still venerates put a Jois-type figure that in some ways my, my showing up is complicit with this network of complicity. Theyre following a series of postures that theyve been given in a successive stage-like manner. Lets be a collective of equals in which any form of teaching is not handed down in vertical relationships and where gurus can do as they please. Where did she disappear to?" She got so far away from the Ashtanga scene in the yoga world in general, she changed her name and it's like nobody wanted to ask a little bit further? Susan Habermann (nee Filipovich) Susan "Susie" Habermann born October 7, 1949, found peace on May 7th, 2021 at the age of 71. . Karen Haberman 1958 Karen Haberman, born Circa 1958. Now here I am talking about providing a safe space where you can heal but I have to actually thank you for providing a safe space to me where I can come out. And the cover-up is still going on. Add to Favorites My Stitcher's Heart Cross Stitch Pattern by Hands on Design . So she starts to build numbers out of what she personally experienced and what she personally witnessed. Its not Iyengar Yoga photographs that get the most clicks on Instagram. And then on the logistic or the sort of material front, there is a group thats in formation and I think its called the Amayu collective. And so I think its unfortunate that I already had a name coming into this particular work, that I carried the baggage of past work with me. Now thats new. Im getting drowned out, I think, I dont know if you can hear, Im getting drowned out by leafblowers, lawnmowers, unfortunately. Find the latest phone number, email address, home address and more ThatsThem for free. So I mean, okay. Did you get into this in your book about the, like Mark Singletons work looking at the origin of modern postural yoga of which Joiss system comes as part of? Love scar [ Flower Rain] EP.3 #Jerry Yan, Karen Mok. I thought the inclusion of attachment theory there was, was pretty helpful, for just for shifting the blame on the victim and, or the blame on the leader, Yeah. Meanwhile, their colleagues are not supposed to be looking. I would say that they probably have to do a better job of making sure that theyre professionally consulting with survivors like Karen Rain and Anneke Lucas and Jubilee Cooke. How much of that have men done to women through the ages. Sat: The Sanskrit Term for "The Real Deal" chad. 80421 Camino Santa Elise, Indio, CA 92203, lived here in 2016 $1,760: C. 80621 Avenida San Fernando, Indio, CA 92203, lived here in 2015 Theyre coordinating with a few other second generation of Ashtanga teachers. To my knowledge the title was actually conferred to him by a Western senior teacher. And then on the other side of it, its like anybody who asks, why did Karen Rain keep going back to get assaulted by Pattabhi Jois every, every year doesnt know anything about trauma, doesnt know anything about domestic violence, doesnt know anything about a trauma bond, doesnt know anything about being gaslighted. The fellowship was funded by the FSMP . The collective physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds have been a toxic opposite to what should have always been shared as a beautiful system of self-care. I finally, because I could passively listen, got caught up with the history and circumstances of the assaults with this interview. Get started U.S. Yearbooks Name Index, 1890-1979. The old shala held 12 mats and my spot was front row, left corner in the 4:30am time slot. Great questions. And Greg Nardi from Orlando or Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. And she comes up with a conservative estimate of 300 or, sorry, 30,000 individual sexual assaults over whats likely a 30 year period. Like what were the conditions under which they learned? I had two similar smaller occurrences when the girls in question simply smiled at me, shook their heads and walked on. I've been thinking a LOT about Karen Rain / Haberman's Remski interview, that I watched recently.It's obvious she had chronic back pain and pulled away from Ashtanga and that's what created the space which allowed her to come to terms with the sexual assault. There were so many instances where she would spend 15 minutes explaining something in class and then turn around and say "oh no I messed that up" and start all over. Well, I came to it reluctantly. Heres to continued improvement. The residency of Karen is at 775 Barnes Lake Drv, NYA, MN 55397-9276. Tel: +44 (0) 24 7652 2290Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL Location and contact information. Each of the three Sanskrit words, sat, chit, and ananda, all speak of different aspects of . In both cults that I was a recruited into, they presented themselves as, other than what they actually were. No, theres no part of Ashtanga Yoga that said to Karen Rain, Hey, this is a cult in which youll be sexually assaulted every day! Theres people who are at certain points in their career where they can say, well, Im not going to work with so and so anymore, and they can make that public and that will be very, very effective. And theyre not following a led series of instructions from the teacher. Transcript is below. And the weirdest part is that he wasnt the source of them. Your email address will not be published. I mean, anybody who thinks that somehow Ive gotten rich on this just doesnt know anything about what writing a book means or what it means to sell it or anything about it. But part of the story that started building up around him was that this is what he was doing was that he wasnt digitally raping that woman, he was helping her find her mulabandha, which is a term for an internal muscular, but also esoteric, sensation that is tied to the rise of Kundalini or esoteric energy. Theyre supposed to be concentrating on their own stuff. I would agree. My knees were getting better at the time and I could again do most of my practise. So Pattabhi Jois is the innovator of a system that he named as Ashtanga Yoga, but its unclear when that name came into usage because it seems that he was calling his classes that he gave to the businessmen of Mysore up until the end of the Sixties, just Yoga. Yeah. Like I bring up the metaphor in the book that if you broke a persons leg and there they were on the ground, you wouldnt blame them for not running away from you as you came in to damage them further. But it becomes a very powerful selling and marketing point. Every day, Karen Rain and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium. And then we have this sort of like contemporary bastardized version of the term thats used to pretend that the people who are the people who are using it have something, you know, magical or special when thats really deceptive. 2005-2020. Matthew Remski writes and presents on yoga and ayurveda in the shadows of capitalism and climate change. So, you know, those are individual choices for sure. And that by his, usually its his touch, or their gaze or they can strike you with a peacock feather that theres a literal sort of a transmission of spiritual realization into the students body. By that point, I'm talking to Karen Rain for two years. The whole story was hidden in plain sight. I had started interviewing people from all communities and methods. More than ever one person defines exactly what is correct practice. You know, I know you hold that intention in the book of, of offering some sort of roadmap forward with better practices. Your email address will not be published. The interviews, to be included in a forthcoming article and book, describe Jois' daily sexual assaults, and the culture of silencing that enabled them . And teachers like you and Monica Gauci and others are much more deserving of the label Ashtanga (8 limbed) Yoga teachers. The book that started to emerge out of that research project was originally called Shadow Pose, and the project name was What Are We Actually Doing in Asana? Lets not give psychological advice or talk about peoples medications. Theres also 16 women who said He assaulted me, and this is how he did it. One is enough. I found them very valuable and will continue to read all. Prior to that, I was a Hausdorff Postdoc at the Hausdorff Center for MathematicsLink opens in a new window at the University of Bonn and a member of Prof Karl-Theodor SturmLink opens in a new windows group on Stochastic and Geometric Analysis at the Institute for Applied MathematicsLink opens in a new window. And you know, she laid out this five point, this is how my participation in this organization is complicit with this abuse history and here are the five things that Im going to do now in my classes to make sure that I dont carry any of those impacts on. There has been a couple of other statements like that, but hers is a real standout. Its mostly a kind of clever elaboration or . People asked for like a decade. I totally agree with you, Karen, that sexual abuse is not about sex. And you know, even if hes abusing you, maybe hes helping you get over ego. You dont know, I dont know whats going on in Pattabhi Joiss head. We all focussed on our drishti (focal point) and practised as if the devil was breathing down our necks, literally. The Debates in Post-Development and Degrowth Journal, published by Tvergastein, is an academic journal dealing with debates and works focused on advancing postdevelopment & degrowth thought. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My office hours for Term 2 in 2022/23 are Thursday and Fridays between 14:30 and 15:30. No, no. I refer to it here and there throughout the book because you cant really avoid it. Look up Karen Rain's phone number, home address, email address, and other personal information. And I just want to thank you for that. View Details. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis LionsLink opens in a new window at Sorbonne Universit with Prof Ugo BoscainLink opens in a new window and a member of the Inria ParisLink opens in a new window team CAGELink opens in a new window. Select a record to see additional public records data. (Karen Haberman) 50s Huntington, MA Monitor. But when you asked me that question, I think of an amazing accountability statement made by Sarai Harvey Monk who is authorized by Sharath Jois sometime in the 2010s, something like that. Without him, theres no adjustment protocol. I just think people should be open to correcting it. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Come On, Rain!, Karen Hesse, 9780590331258 at the best online prices at eBay! This journal arises as an outcome of the Centre for There is also, as you mentioned, a scope of practice for the yoga humanities that I think would be a good idea. It is a ritual of domination. Umbrellas & Rain Accessories Wallets & Money Clips All Accessories . View Karen Haberman's business profile as Director at Northern Plains Public Library. Does it raise my profile? This is kind of an odd sort of endorsement to you, but, right at this point Id say youre the main reason I go onto Facebook. It was inspiring. I think its really kind of awful serendipity really because it was reportable. Again, this is very personal for me. 35 records for Karen Haberman. And the only person who really is the reality principle is the leader, is Mr Jois, is Mr Iyengar, is, Manouso Manos. I think we have to then wonder what it means for his senior students and how they present asana or yoga practice to the world now. And thats a felt, phenomenological experience. All of that intentionality, all of that speculation on peoples internal states, what it usually does is it overshadows the fact that a crime has been committed and we can obviously set up ways of preventing it from happening again. Karen Haberman +95 +94 +93 +91 . I think thats a really sound principle. Right. You are yourself a survivor of two cults, and I know that part of this work in this book has been a bit of a healing journey for you. After years of healing my knees came good and I have a well-going daily Ashtanga practice 20 years on. In Herman Melville 's novel " The Confidence-Man ," from 1857, the title character is a shapeshifter who remakes himself in the image of others' desires. And it was probably widely known within the upper echelons of the Ashtanga world, even into, even as early as 2012 but of course, we now know it was far earlier than that. Also, those who are still touching the feet of that emperor without clothes should think whether they are not continuing that trajectory of power transfer that leads to unhealthy relationships and abuse. Free shipping for many products! No, thats not what they said. Whats more obvious here is that this guys sexually assaulting women. I will address you, Karen, now directly and will get Matthew to forward you my response. For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. So you know, I appreciate your confession. You know, but you dont have to do that work because the survivors have done it for you. Current address 81693 Camino El Triunfo, Indio, CA 92203 $1,760: B. Thanks so much for coming on. I want to thank you for coming out with your story. So people are capable of all kinds of BS when it comes to the interpretability of the magical person. And I would say that anybody in the Ashtanga world who calls me an opportunist should really ask themselves the question, If you knew about this, where was your book? And its that intimate contact of the adjustment or assist where this is the moment of abuse. But how did you come to a focus on the Ashtanga yoga situation in particular and what was going on in that that you felt needed to be highlighted? The only information I unearthed was that she'd become "disillusioned". But what we have is something that pretends to have a stronger linkage to the medieval history of Hatha Yoga than it actually does. As I go through the dna-ll episode of Chandi Das's r Ka Krtana , there are many songs in which Krishna describes Radha's beauty, and a regular feature of that includes descriptions of her breasts. It happens to mediocrely educated people. But the whole notion that the teachers should always have their hands or should have their hands on a student at all times that comes from his particular pedagogy. Karen, you have brilliantly explored the issue of complicity in your interview, so I need not embark here on the issue. She gives lots of papers and doesn't explain what she expects in them and grads very harsh And in the Ashtanga world, you couldnt say around the breakfast table at Mysore: He sexually assaulted me. Right. I have not explored that link but after all that has happened I think we need to make modern Ashtanga Yoga a guru free zone. So just to say that this is a style where unlike a typical led class: if someone were to go to a regular yoga studio or a gym and the teacher would sort of take them through a sequence, talking them through, maybe adjusting at times but in the Mysore system, students show up quite early in the morning. You know: you have to make a distinction between people that you love because you love them and people who are triggering to your students. Lived In Amherst MA, Mill Valley CA. I think Matthews book has gone beyond the final draft state but he may still record further cases if you are interested. Karen Rain (Haberman). That might happen privately in therapy later, but what happens is, and I can hear it in that quote, is that the notion of victim is turned into a kind of psychological state instead of a label for somebody against whom a crime has been committed. That crossed my desk a little while ago and I did very much appreciate that. You know, its so common within the modern yoga world, and this is why I think Singletons book was so riveting and so outrageous to many people. I thought that that part in the book was great. And not with cover-up. I was totally shocked. This is true. Thats a hard one, right? But I remember at some point I performed a twist, while KP Jois adjusted the girl next to me in drop backs. Required fields are marked *. Thats like a bad apple and a whole bunch of people saying, No, this is great. So one of these tools that I offer in the sixth part is: are you really clear as a yoga teacher about what the limits of your humanities knowledge is? What psychiatrists came up with in the 1950s where they self imposed theyre starting to break it with Trump now but a lot of professional clinicians, have this self-imposed rule that theyre not going to diagnose people that theyre not in clinical practice with. My main point is that is that you dont have to do that work because its already been done for you in, in Rain and Cookes essay. And so from this one gym which was set up by the Maharaja Wodiyar in 1934, we have two of the pillars of the modern yoga evangelical movement. Karen #MeToo ( . It happens to people who arent educated at all. (Page 2) Some of these posts were turned down by paying yoga and Buddhism publications for being too critical or controversial. And then there are a psychological processes that can take over that make recruitment easier, dependency, easier, dread of leading, easier but what she says is that the main thing that the cult does is it rewires your way of relating to people, to everyone, really towards the end of the attachment spectrum, known as disorganized, where youre actually in a constant state of love and fear of approaching, but withdrawing, of going to a person for love who on some level is also hurting you, but you feel dependent upon. , got caught up with the history and circumstances of the adjustment or assist this! Critical or controversial public, very jousty sphere of blog work and social.... Led series of postures that theyve been given in a successive stage-like manner caught up with the history and of! Cant really avoid it own stuff book has gone beyond the final state! 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