katherine laan smith obituary

The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. Another resident told police he had no shower facilities and was told he'd be taken to Fern Glen to shower once a week. She had an impeccable sense of humor. Katherine R Smith of Bloomingdale, Passaic County, New Jersey was born on November 20, 1917. You can contact Joe by email at [email protected] or via Twitter . To date, no one has been charged in relation to the disappearances, but the four Muskoka missing had one thing in common: their landlords, David, Walter, and Paul Laan. The documents show in detail investigators theories' about the 77-year-old's disappearance, which police believe took place between mid-October and mid-November 1998. In 1996, his father fell ill and was moved to hospital in Huntsville. Grand Rapids Press Obituaries - Mon, 24 Oct 2022 . View Katherine C. Smith's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more. She was an avid adaptive skier and hand-cyclist. Your sweet mother was truly a Godly woman with a huge heart. One of those people who died while being cared for by the Laanswas 76-year old John Jefferson (Jeff) Hurley. She competed in the Pittsburgh Marathon three times as a hand cyclist, having been instructed by instructed by Three Rivers Adaptive Sports. Most impressively, she had that exact same personality and character after the accident and through her therapy. Despite considerable media attention in the case, Manishen is the first person to speak publicly on behalf of the Laans and their uncle, none of whom responded to repeated interview requests. Newly obtained police documents reveal additional details and shed further light on what police believe may have happened to four elderly people who mysteriously vanished two decades ago from a secluded area of Ontario's cottage country north of Toronto. You can read the feature Cottage Country Murder here. She was a member of the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers quadriplegic rugby team since 2008, competing in tournaments throughout the country. Funeral Services will be 2:00PM Sunday, December 5, 2021 at Piney Grove Chapel Baptist Church, Angier. Arrangements entrusted to Life Transitions Burial and Cremation Service Inc. To plant a tree in memory of Katherine SMITH, please visit Tribute Store . Family linked to disappearance of seniors fights release of police documents. When search suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. But Hurley was the only surviving family member of his father's family. Obituary. The four missing seniors all lived with the Laans prior to their disappearance. A private celebration of life will follow at a later date. Muskoka mystery: Family linked to disappearance of seniors fights release of police documents, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. According to court documents obtained byThe Fifth Estate, Kathrine Laan received a nine-month conditional sentence in connection with some of those thefts. A Loved One Has Passed Away Customer Service Plan Ahead . Asked about the disappearances of Joan Lawrence, John Semple, John Crofts, and Ralph Grant, she replied, Fake news, sir, and climbed into the drivers seat of a dark blue Volvo. Roger van Boeyen, PhD. Joan Lawrence, John Crofts, Ralph Grant and John Semple vanished from retirement homes owned by a local family under what police say are suspicious circumstances. Police recently confirmed all 16 residents who died had their money stolen before and after their deaths. Hurley said reflecting back now, he thinks the only reason his father lived as long as he did is because, unlike in many other cases, his father had family to watch out for him. Katie was a member of the USA Boccia Paralympic national team, competing and training in destinations including Canada, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. Roger van der Laan. View Katherine C. Smith's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more. David Neal officiating. I was part of a seven-month joint investigation with the CBCs The Fifth Estate that drew on unsealed Ontario Provincial Police files. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. In his affidavit, Matthews points to other cases in which advancements in technology and suspects who let their guard down have led to convictions, suggesting that he hopes the same will be true with this case. Anyone who knew her will tell you she had a clever, quiet sense of humor and expressed care and concern for others in need. Claiming mistreatment and financial abuse, Lawrence approached a law firm to help her gather evidence against her landlords to bring to the OPP. She did not view needing a wheelchair to give her mobility as a disadvantage because it gave her so many opportunities, Badger said. They also confirm, for the first time, that police believed at least one of the missing seniors was killed and that a member of the Laan family was responsible. Joan Lawrence, the so-called "Cat Lady," lived a hermitic life, spending her pension on cat food and an eight-by-ten-foot, $600-a-month shed. (Matthews declined to be interviewed.). 269 Belmont Street Waymart, PA KATHERINE SMITH OBITUARY April 29, 1988 - November 14, 2022 It is with a heavy heart and unmeasurable sadness that we announce the death of our 34-year-old. Smith, J. Frazer (Joseph Frazer), 1897-1957 Publication details: New York : Dover, 1993 Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1) Call number: 728.8 SMI . That property, about 13 kilometres southwest of Huntsville,was owned by three members of theLaanfamily. Katherine was born on May 1, 1935 in Kennewick WA to Percy and Vivian (Marberg) Sellick and grew up in Everett, WA. November 14, 2022 I personally never met anyone who did not like Katie, Badger said. "[Kathrine] was a con artist," Hurley said after realizing the letter and the date they began stealing his money were almost identical. Smith was a member of the USA Boccia Paralympic national team. Lawrence told the friend that Allen later admitted to her that he had forged her signature and cashed the cheque. Katherine C. Smith. "[Kathrine] would go to Toronto and find people who had no connection to any other people, really, and she would entice them and say, you know, I have a nice retirement home up north and it's a beautiful place," says former friend Alice Peddie, who knew Kathrine Laan when she was involved in the care homes. He said at the time he assumed his father owed rent payments to the care home. In a legal filing published on September 20, Jeffrey Manishen, of the Hamilton-based firm Ross & McBride, says his clients could face vigilante justice because of stories released by the two media organizations. 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. In November 1998, the OPP began investigating the disappearance of Joan Lawrence, a seventy-seven-year-old Huntsville resident known as the Cat Lady, who lived on a farm property owned by the Laans. For over four years she worked for the PEAL Center in Pittsburgh, PA, where she designed and coordinated curriculum and events for transitioning youth with special needs throughout Pennsylvania. His younger brother Walter Laan's criminal record began at the age of 18 and continued over 24 years with convictions for property offences, breaking and entering, fraud and impersonating a police officer. According to the documents, adetectiveon the case also interviewed a pastor whom theLaansasked to go to Fern Glen to act as a witness as documents were signed by residents. She traveled the world playing bocce, Zablotney said. Before arriving on the Island, she worked in Toronto as an investigative journalist with CBC's The Fifth Estate, where she received two Canadian Screen Awards, a Michener Award and a National Radio Television Digital News Association Award. She was born Aug. 30, 1985, in Latrobe, the daughter of Patricia O'Brien Smith and the late. Lawrence also began to indicate she was in danger. Donate to The Walrus today. She was a homemaker and member of South Point Baptist Church formerly Harvest Baptist Church. She loved the many cats with whom she lived through her life and will be missed dearly by her cat Scruffy. (34 years old). By the age of 25, their sister, Kathrine Laan, had spent time in jail for drug possession, theft and extortion. She was born December 30, 1986 in Enid, Oklahoma, the daughter of Todd and Terry (Washtak) Smith. I Believe in the Evil EyeAnd You Should Too. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. Interment will be at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Siblings Kathrine, Walter, Paul and David Laan had purchased residential homes in the area and operated them as what they described as "Christian retirement homes," with names like Cedar Pines and Fernglen Manor. "I felt angry, I felt upset," said Sherry Churchill . Western Pennsylvania's trusted news source. The Fifth Estate has learned that Kathrine Laan died in July. None of the leads were proven true, and in the almost twenty years since their disappearance, the missing seniors have never resurfaced. TV Q&A: Is a Pittsburgher writing for CBSs East New York? When journalists from The Fifth Estate approached David in a Toronto parking lot this past summer, he declined to answer questions and drove away. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. She was instructed by Three Rivers Adaptive Sports and completed the Pittsburgh Marathon three times in hand-cycling. Watch "Muskoka murders: Closing in on the killers" on The Fifth Estate on CBC-TV Sunday at 9 p.m. "I can say as a result of the press conference [this past July], we received a significant number of tips which allowed us to move this case forward. Smith was such a happy person, said Barb Zablotney of Windber, a 2018 Ms. She was too good for all of us, and we are beyond blessed to have her friendship. She was predeceased by : her parents, Robert Brown and Elva Brown; her sons, Robert and Charles Curtis; and her sister Barbara Howard. Her spirit was infectious, and it was hard not to be jealous of the way she approached life. You can read the feature Cottage Country Murder here. Katie also participated in adaptive horseback riding, administered through Nickers N Neighs and the Stoneybrook Foundation, where she also became a board member. Lawrence, left, Ralph (Dougie) Grant, John Crofts and John Semple are four seniors who disappeared while living in residences owned. Connersville native, Katherine L. Smith, 68, died Sunday, August 21, 2022 surrounded by her loving family. She can be reached at [email protected]. Fact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation. She spent six months recovering from her injury at the Institute of Research and Rehabilitation at UPMC Southside in Pittsburgh. Get this The News page for free from Friday, June 26, 1925 TRICTS HIGH LIGHTS OF HISTORY by J. CARROLL MANSF1ELI Founding of Georgia. The Walrus uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by her son, Benny Joel Smith; and brothers, Ronald and Larry Fields. Her sister, Jane Benedict, and, her nephew, Michael Benedict. Sister. "When [my father] did call me, I always got the feeling that there was someone on staff in the room with him," Hurley told The Fifth Estate. Court documents obtained by The Fifth Estate show that Hurley's father was one of 12 people police say the Laans were stealing money from after they died and in Hurley's case, cashing his pension cheques for four years after he died. Would you like to offer Katherine Smiths loved ones a condolence message? A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. His son, Michael Hurley, wasn't aware his father's money was being stolen until a 2017 investigation by The Fifth Estate revealed that Kathrine, Walter, Paul and David Laan had been involved in fraud in connection with residents at the homes they operated. it's to make a difference. Online Finite Mathematics Tutors. Walter and Paul pled guilty, and Kathrine was also convicted, though for reasons that have never been disclosed to the public, the charges against David and Karen were dropped. Ms. Katherine Clare Smith, 36, died Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022, at UPMC Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh. Another resident said he was taken into town once in a while, but after a short time "he felt that it was useless to go intotown because he didn't even have money for a cup of coffee.". When an isolated 77-year-old vanished from Huntsville in 1998, the Ontario Provincial Police couldn't locate any next of kin. For those four who disappeared and had no one to look out for them, Matthews is hopeful that justice will be served and they can finally be laid to rest. Plant a tree Memorial Trees H Hope the tree helps some love Shannon, Bre & Tabby February 21, 2023 At the time of publication, I knew that Kathrine had a criminal record for possession, extortion, theft, and fraud. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Martin Funeral Home Phone: (205) 755-3550 1300 4th Ave . In addition to new facts, the documents paint a more detailed portrait of previously known individuals. Quite apart from the potential of vigilante justice, Manishen continues, the enhanced public scrutiny of highly dramatized commentary in all forms of media, including the nations public broadcaster, have the potential for reaction at an international level. Stories about his clients could also affect their jobs and give rise to psychological and emotional distress which may continue indefinitely.. The wide-ranging response also flags the cynical tone of Fifth Estate host Bob McKeown, the use of highly sensationalized re-enactment footage of an underwater search conducted by the Ontario Provincial Police, the observations of interview subjects with no immediate knowledge of the police investigation, and the depiction of missing persons flyers seen floating in the water. The Laans lawyer, Jeffrey Manishen, at that time argued that releasing the documents would "seriously impact" the "privacy and reputational interests of the Laans.". Many of the people who lived at Laan homes were homeless, mentally ill or had no family left. David Laan, who is now sixty, is believed to work at George Brown College in Toronto. Donate to The Walrus today. Fact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation. Service map data OpenStreetMap contributors, Friends and family will be received on Sunday, March 6, from 1-4 p.m. at the Snyder-Green Funeral Home; 402 E. Church St.; Ligonier, PA 15658; (724) 238-2611. We are sad to announce that on February 18, 2023 we had to say goodbye to Katherine J. Smith of Huber Heights, Ohio. . Obituary. None of the Laans, or their uncle, Ron Allen, reported their residents as missing. When Lawrence realized she hadn't received the cheque, she had a friend who worked at a local law office look into it. But we didn't do any digging beyond that.". In addition to her mother, she is survived by her brother, Patrick M. Smith. Smith, who was crowned Ms. Lessons from Fort Jefferson continue to have impact. Smith enrolled at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, where she graduated cum laude in 2012 with a bachelors degree in psychology and with elementary and special education certificates. In an affidavit filed in June, the OPP investigator currently assigned to the case, Rob Matthews, repeatedly describes it being active and ongoing. Paul was given a restitution order to pay back more than $20,000, and Walter more than $10,000. In mid-December 1998, police found the bodies of six of Lawrence's cats with bullets in them during a search of the property where Lawrence was last seen. Online Geometry Tutors There are no events at this time. The affidavits, calledinformation to obtain search warrant documents (ITOs), are written by police officers or detectives and are presented before a judge in an effort to obtain a search warrant. Smith pursued her love of sports by skiing and playing rugby, curling and bocce, Zablotney said. Born April 11, 1931, in Anderson, she was the daughter of the late Bennie and Helen Buzzele Fields. Katherine Anne (Arnold) Smith came into the world on Nov. 18, 1937, in Danvers, Mass., and grew up in Cuba, N.Y. She left the world peacefully, surrounded by her loving husband and children on . The portions of the search warrants that remain under seal will be challenged by The Walrus/CBC in a hearing later this month. Manishens filing is in response to an application first made by The Walrus and CBC News, which hosts The Fifth Estate, to get at the warrants, which the Crown attorneys office is also opposing. Funeral arrangement under the care ofJenkins Funeral Home. In the case of Ralph Grant, John Crofts, and John Semple, whose ages ranged from sixty-nine to ninety, no suspects have officially been named, though in 2001 Walter told the Toronto Sun that police were trying to put a murder charge on us.. Most of the information contained in the files, however, remained blacked out. She was a graduate of Everett High School, earned an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree at Everett Junior College, and received a Bachelor of . In Lawrences case, David and Ron Allen were listed as first-degree murder suspects. "I didn't get suspicious, only in so far as we couldn't pay the bill to the funeral home. Paul Laan has not responded to a request for comment. 'Just a matter of time': Police pursue 'significant' number of new tips in Muskoka mystery of missing seniors | CBC News Loaded. Early in 2017,The Fifth Estateand The Walrus magazine began the process in Ontario Court of Justice to obtain police documents related to the case. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. No charges have ever been laid in the disappearance of any of the four seniors. She was sentenced to nine months in custody. With thanks,Jennifer HollettExecutive Director, Updated 13:47, Nov. 27, 2019|Published 5:00, Oct. 13, 2017. She will deeply be missed. The Problem With Wokeness as a Political Strategy. It's just a matter of time. The documents, which total more than400 pages, describe the police investigation to date, includingwhat was found in searches police carried out on the property where Lawrence was last known to have lived. No one was ever charged, but police always suspected that the Laan family, which owned and operated a number of unregulated retirement homes in the area, was involved. Katie lived for music and dancing and attended hundreds of concerts all over the country. According to the unredacted documents, her landlords lied about her whereabouts. There was never an opportunity missed on a good one liner. Katherine Jennifer Smith April 29, 1988 - November 14, 2022 It is with a heavy heart and unmeasurable sadness that we announce the death of our 34-year-old daughter Katie. "I had significant concerns regarding the care of these individuals," he said. Published on October 4, 2022 Plant a Living Memorial In Memory of Katherine Please select what you would like included for printing: Copy the text below and then paste that into your favorite email application. The forms, he said, were to give theLaanspermission to change residents' bank accounts and to have theirchequesdeposited directly. . As Cathy directed, cremation has taken place. In late 1998, a resident of one of the homes where Lawrence was living reported to his social worker that he thought she was missing. Smith was a board member of the local chapter of United Spinal Association and the Stoneybrook Foundation, which operates a therapeutic riding center in Acme. What Matthews saw in the early days of investigating the homes had him worried for the well-being of the residents who lived there. She departed this life on February 5, 2023, at the age of 67, while resting at home. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. Katherine Diane Smith May 11, 1958 - July 11, 2022 Share Obituary: Obituary & Events Tribute Wall 4 Share a memory Plant a tree Obituary Please share a memory of Katherine to include in a keepsake book for family and friends. (82 years old). Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Friday, January 27 at Sullivan-King Mortuary with Rev. Hurley lived at Cedar Pines, one of the homes run by the Laans, for a few years until his death in 1996. . The documents reveal new details from a police source who lived on the same property as Lawrence who told officers he saw a backhoe being operated after dark around the time she disappeared. Zablotney said that she and Smith were both told they were limited in what they could do, so they found a new way to do things in their life. The Fifth Estate spent months tracking down Kathrine Laan, in the end finding multiple names she'd used over the past several years and around a dozen addresses and phone numbers for her across the United States and Canada. I wish I could talk about what I saw in those homes but when this case finally is resolved, I feel those [victims'] families will have justice.". "Many people, in historic investigations, don't come forward in the beginning because they're scared, and as time goes on, often times, they believe that the police must have the information. The Laans reportedly said it was against their religion to eat meat, so meals consisted of hard-boiled eggs and Kraft Dinner three times a day. National President. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. Manishens objections will also be heard then. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. Katherine "Kappy" L. Smith December 30, 1922 - February 21, 2023 Share this obituary Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook Entries | Send Sympathy Card Print Obituary Michael J Lear of Guymon February 22, 2023 Smith family, I am deeply sorry for your loss. She touched many and was able to sincerely connect and communicate with people of all ages, from different walks of life and situations. Box 38235, Pittsburgh PA 15216 or www.traspa.org, and the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers, www.pittsburghsteelwheelers.com. Katie has forever impacted our lives in the best way possible and there are no words for the mark she has left on all of us.. Obituary. Its thought that Lawrence moved to Huntsville from Barrie, Ontario, in 1963. Before arriving on the Island, she worked in Toronto as an investigative journalist with CBC's The Fifth Estate, where she received two Canadian Screen Awards, a Michener Award and a National Radio Television Digital News Association Award. One of the first residents who spoke to police said he only had rice and pasta to eat and was paying $700 per month tolive at FernGlen. "I believe [Joan] Lawrence's death occurred to prevent her from reporting frauds, thefts, mistreatment and neglect she was enduring at the hands of [her landlords] David Laan and Ron Allen," OPP Det.-Const. The information contained in the documents has not been tested in court. Along with Lawrence, three more residents, aged sixty-nine to ninety, are believed to have gone missing between 1998 and 1999. Detectives had to take him to hospital, where he was admitted because of his poor health. Of thepages the organizations received, almost two-thirds were redacted. The Walrus sparks conversations about Canada and its place in the world through our award-winning independent journalism, fact checking, events, podcasts, and content solutions. July 14, 1937 - February 17, 2023. Visitation will conclude with a. memorial service to celebrate Katies life, with Pastor David Clement of Trinity Lutheran Church of Latrobe officiating. She was a one of those one-in-a-million people. Around 1994, David, Walter, Paul, and their sister Kathrinewho is not one of Manishen's clientsopened a series of retirement homes in Emsdale and Huntsville. (Lisa Mayor/CBC) Police believed an elderly woman who disappeared in Ontario's cottage country two decades ago was killed to "prevent her from reporting frauds, thefts, mistreatment and neglect. Katie had the ability to see you, even when no one else did, and the uncanny talent to relate to every single person she met without hesitation. Upgrade now. She is survived by : her children, Kathy Curtis of Vandalia, Suzanne Phillips (Kenneth) of Huber Heights and Christopher Smith of Dayton; her grandchildren, Nicole Taylor (Erik), Collin Phillips (Bridget), Lindsay Smith of Edwards, AFB and Kristopher Phillips; and her great grandchildren, Zachary, Natalie, Jaiden and Camden. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. A tree in memory of Katherine Smith, please visit tribute Store this month has. Or www.traspa.org, and Walter more than $ 20,000, and, her nephew, Michael Benedict leads were true. Homeless, mentally ill or had no family left Estate, Kathrine Laan a. The care home infectious, and it was hard not to be jealous of the leads were true. Cats with whom she lived through her therapy a more detailed portrait of previously individuals! Worried for the well-being of the way she approached life could n't pay the to! Funeral home phone: ( 205 ) 755-3550 1300 4th Ave work at George Brown College Toronto! 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katherine laan smith obituary