lost treasure in arizona

Some counties require detectorists to have a permit, while others do not allow metal detecting. Still following the map from 1893, you can see various establishments in the area we assume to be Coronado National Forest. are supposedly hidden near Wickenburg. In 1891 there was a massive flood that swept the Phoenix area. Its a park close to the heart of Phoenix, making it a convenient location for treasure hunters in the area. Disclosure: Detecting School is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. function HPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; As the tale goes, the treasure is hidden behind two rocks at the point of the Winchester Mountains northeast of Wilcox. She was traveling across the desert. Although some versions of the tale tell of U.S. Army veterans or Apache Tribe members locating the mine, most credit Jacob Waltz with the discovery. The day before the thieves stole $125,000 worth of gold coins from a stagecoach near Gila Bend close to Flagstaff, Arizona. In the Four Peaks area of the She is also highly interested in other treasure hunting activities like magnet fishing and gold prospecting/panning. Its why beach hunters have a high level of success. The Indians then rode up into the Bradshaw Mountains with the gold. In the years after the massacre, the legend around the Lost Dutchman Mine grew, attracting treasure-seekers who hoped to find the cache (perhaps worth about $200 million according to one estimate). Read all about this ACT here -> Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So, theres a lot of untapped land in Saguaro National Park. Most of the coins were recovered (about 7,000 coins) but the remaining 1,000 could not be found up until now. The story of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine began in 1748 when a man named Don Miguel Peralta, who was a Mexican cattle baron, was given a land grant for the rights of the Superstition Mountains. //-->. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. var loca = "https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#12/33.2303/-112.2542"; The Arizona treasure hunter found a Spanish treasure from a Spanish, Apache massacre site in the rugged mountain in Arizona. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; A few gold prospectors were able to pull out $30,000 in gold nuggets in 1964. Two men made off with a strongbox of gold coins worth $72,000 that were being transported from Prescott to Fort Mohave. The bandits tried to ride away and started shooting at the posse. In an effort to dynamite the safe, there was an explosion that blew 8 sacks of Mexican silver coins, with 1,000 coins in each sack (making it 8,000 coins in total). In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the precision of the Great Pyramid was found by G.E. He then killed the Indian scout and put his body over the buried gold. Check out my article on getting permission on private land Get Permission to Metal Detect on Private Property (Cool Tips included). var slideshowspeed=3000 The tool that I actually recommend is using a Metal Detector. Arizona is steeped in history, legends, folklore, and lost treasure. Without further ado, here are some of the most popular tales of lost treasures in Arizona . Lastly is Hualapai Peak, a decently-sized mountain rage that was once a candidate as a National Monument. There are tons of treasures to still be found but with a little luck and a strong desire you might be able to find some of them. As the name suggests the Opata Indians were made to work in the mine. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. After attacking a wagon train a couple of miles northeast of the stage station at Mountain Springs, the Apache tribe supposedly buried a cache of gold dust and silver coins in a Dutch oven. The Peralta family mined the area for over a century. They came to a log cabin that was near the spring which had five horsed tied to poles in a corral. [Comprehensive Guide], How to Ground Balance Your Metal Detector? The two men took off leaving the treasure behind. The last spot in Tucson would be the Coronado National Forest. Many times he escaped from law enforcement and prison. The most beautiful lakes in Arizona are great places to visit at any time of year. Perhaps the most famous lost treasure tale from Arizona is that of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine. He gambled some of the booty in a poker game. Two bars of silver bullion, valued at $2,000, were stolen. It is said that several tons of Spanish gold and silver bullion are buried in a cave on the Arizona side of the Colorado River, approximately fifteen to 20 miles south of Ehrenberg. //-->. Hopefully, you can find a location nearest to you and get treasure hunting. Some stories suggest that the Indians dug up the gold and reburied it somewhere nearby. Arizona Treasure lead Thread starter coolgenius91; Start date Jul 3, 2007; C. coolgenius91 Greenie. First on our list is Estrella Mountain Regional Park. You can reach her at [email protected]. Numerous artifacts were found, including copper implements as . Private. He went to Canyon Station where a man by the name of Andy Goodwill was living. They then went out and cut a hole in the ice of Rogers Lake and dumped the kegs into the lake. Tucson (the city) is the oldest city in Arizona. One day an old man showed up in Phoenix with the original Don Joaquin treasure map. The Red Jack Almer gang was a notorious stagecoach robbing gang during the 1880s. To this day, people trek from all over to find the lost mine hidden somewhere in the Superstition Mountains. function JPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; Get ready to go and head out: Thank you! Looking For a Top Rated Metal Detector That Wont Cost You Thousands of Dollars but works like a $2000 machine? Growing up in Arizona, I think at some point we all heard about the famed Lost Dutchmans Goldmine. Jacob was saved by two brothers during the flood. Wells Fargo had enough so they hired two lawmen by the names of George Scarborough and Jeff Milton to get together and go after Bronco Bill and his gang. Our most recommended books are here if youre in Arizona and are looking for books to start treasure hunting. From the time Europeans first arrived in what is now Arizona, the region's lore has been full of tales of lost gold mines and forgotten treasures, of "Apache gold and Yaqui silver," in folklorist J. Frank Dobie's words. Also See: Cochise, Arizona Train Robbery Lost Soldier Mine - In the early 1870s soldiers from Fort Tucson ran into a waterhole filled with gold nuggets while tracking a band of renegade Apache. Around 1870 a man named Jacob Waltz received info from one of the Peralta Family members of where the mine was located. He is said to have robbed three stagecoaches which ended up making him $69,000 richer. The miner died shortly after and was buried close to the spot that he collapsed. He tried to escape in Atlanta but he was caught and put in the hole for twenty months. Fleeing pursuit with a heavy strongbox of gold coins proved impossible. var loca = "https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#13/33.8786/-112.3655"; Bend. The Native American tribe of Yavapai settled in the area around Black Canyon City, but in the 1870s, Anglo-Europeans settled in the city. Joe confessed to the robberies and was taken along with Redfield to the Florance Jail. He was never able to relocate the The famous outlaw Black Jack Ketchum is said to have supposedly buried a large treasure in a cave in Wild Cat Canyon. On January 5, 1892, two highwaymen held up the Globe-Florence stage. In 2015 the Tucson Mountain District designated 24,818 acres of land in Saguaro National Park as wilderness. The other outlaw named Henry Tice then shot and killed the other gambler. During this time, they would go into the mountains and always come out with loads of gold! They ran out of packs so they cut up their tent to make more packs for the gold ore. Great Books Due to the enormous amount of robberies in the 1800s, Herman would put the profits of his trading post in cans and jars and bury them around the fences on his property. We will list the spots closest to some of the main cities and move on to other off-the-grid sites for organization purposes. There he worked as a wrangler until his death in 1921 when he fell off of a windmill that he was repairing. The trading post lasted for 30 years, from 1869 to 1899. In 1864 another member of the Peralta family, Enrico, has decided to visit the mine back. Enrico took 400 men with him into the Superstition Mountains. In 1966 Mexican silver coins were found in a bucket there. ), 18 Metal Detecting Tools! . The posse fired back killing each of the bandits. Authorities were able to recover one of the silver bars; the other bar is still at large. Many people have died, and small fortunes have been lost in searching for the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine. Now old and tired he shot himself in a small hotel room that he was staying at. with gold, but was chased off by Indians. function KPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; var loca = "https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#13/33.6354/-111.3882"; The gold is said to have never been recovered. Know of good Lost Treasure Near the Tumacacori Spanish Mission south of Tucson near Nogales, Arizona lies the rumored Lost Opata Mine. However, chances of finding it dont really seem that promising simply because the mission is now part of the Tumacacori National Historic Park. Don and his men headed up the Zig-Zag trail which is where the mine was located and headed to Butterfly Peak. //-->, The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part 1, The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part See more. Check it out today its available on Amazon! This book will inform you on the research aspect of treasure hunting, how to use old maps from the 1800s, and what to do with this information. Is his stolen booty still buried somewhere near the Ghost town of Gillett? The payroll was being transported from Prescott Arizona to Fort Mohave on the east bank of the Colorado River. Somewhere in the Prescot, Arizona area near the Red Jack Almer Gangs Hideout. slideshowlinks("http://www.therockerbox.com") . From a National Monument in 1919 to a National Park, the Grand Canyon has been a box containing much history. The Cerro Colorado Mine, which sits a little less than 20 miles from the Arizona-Mexico border, produced mostly silver but also small amounts of gold, lead, and copper. if (whichimage. Walters was sent to prison for life but ended up being released in 1917. So the miners quickly concealed their mine and took all the packs of gold roe and headed to Fort Whipple where they would be safe. //-->, We affilate with several partners to bring you. Henry went to prison and when he got out he left Gillett and his treasure behind. This one is near Sunrise Ski Resort where you can go sledding at Railroad Grade Trail. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; Pryor to that time, the one-time good girl had gone through a string of bad men outlaws Cole Younger, Jim Reed, Sam Starr, and Jim July, all of whom Belle Starr aided in horse-thieving and robbery. Tucson Mountain Park sits close to the heart of Tucson, making it convenient for local treasure hunters. Stories for this County? Dons gold mine has never been located. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. A ledge of rich gold How to Identify Your Metal Detecting Finds Properly? The Minelab Equinox 800 IS THE BEST. They thought if she married the Chief a savior child would be born. In 1895 a Southern Pacific Railroad express car was robbed in the Dos Cabezas Mountains five miles southwest of Wilcox in Arizona. A lifelong criminal, Gardner was a well-known train robber from the early twentieth century and finally got caught in 1920. A wagon train of Spanish priests going from Mexico to California was filled with all the religious refinements needed to establish a new mission. //-->, CACHE! Today, Papago Park offers scenic views, the red rock buttes, zoos, and other recreational activities for the public and treasure hunters. The Grand Canyon has a lot of history. link. How to Choose the Right Metal Detector? Now, Hualapai Mountain Park protects Hualapai Peak and its natural fauna and flora. Jacob by all accounts was a gold prospector. Bronco Bills next robbery at the Grants Station didnt go so well. When he got out he had gone insane. On Feb. 3, 1889, says History, the notorious "Bandit Queen" was murdered by an unknown assailant in Oklahoma. Cal Madden's Lost Mine is located Instead, the Aztecs took to hiding their treasures everywhere, including in a cave near the, In 1910, a man named Long Tom Watson stumbled across an abandoned cabin where he found a number of papers, including directions to hidden gold. function slideit(){ In the 1800s, Arizona was once in the region referred to as the wild wild west. The family was one of the few who kept mining the area for over 100 years. As they expanded their conquest into what is now Mexico and Arizona, missions were founded and the indigenous peoples were used mine those minerals. function DPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; Tucson Mountain Park was a mix of county-owned and county leased federal lands. . A man named Don Joaquin led an informal mining operation in the area in the 1840s, hoping to find gold in the mountains. You can experience hiking, driving, trails, and many more amenities. In the 1880s a blacksmith by the name of Henry Seymour lived in a mining and milling town called Gillette. Tucson, Arizona. whichlink=whichimage The golf club may be the answer youre looking for, but you may need to call beforehand to grasp their metal detecting rules and regulations. //-->. They robbed the Florance Globe stagecoach that had a Wells Fargo strongbox of gold on it. The rest of his loot is still out there waiting to be discovered in the deserts of Arizona! Between 600 and 1450 AD, a civilization of indigenous people settled between the Gila River and the Salt River. Whe . whichimage=0 Between the Wild West days and Coronados expeditions, combined with stories of outlaw loot, there are so many tales of lost treasures that you will be busy searching throughout the state with your metal detector. Left Gillett and his treasure behind stories suggest that the Indians then rode up into the Superstition Mountains that simply! 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lost treasure in arizona