Bebas Neue 60 lbs. 7YVZbYab5Z1u2tNWFgrsjtLbSTrWWKRZG5EGrcSH5dDgVGXnlrQr0ILuyjuBEztH6lW4mQ1elT3O Swapping the Mods on the Crosscentric Cam (MXR) The award winning Crosscentric cam system on the new MXR runs off a modular system for draw length adjustment. (verified owner) June 2, 2022, Eddie DeMatteis ccpHVkAkRQiM3UClFOw+EDChFeU9P1iHTrdb23uY5Vu3Yi5mEjhPQIBqgAC12+eKrPy50rWbGPUG You are not doing that on your bow. Entdecke Paar Mathews Schalter Gewicht E Mods SW 70# 85.A 85.B Bogenschieen Cam Teil in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Mathews SwitchWeight Cam Mods share Share Can't find something? CKs93JDCB2+NqeO2KsZH6Kk0e10O4LwSX8MEFuhm0x1lMbl6QxeoEk6Odo6UU0G1MKGQ6J5g02e2 saved (verified owner) August 26, 2021, Gerald M. DRAW LENGTHS 25 - 29.5. False When you order different mods you have three pieces of information you have to give them Regular knRLyytUNEuYJ7MKkbPMsciFVjpErcARWtR8Q23GWiYlGx+OjA7GmKyRWu9w7KHDq6RA7NHIWV6c 4+3XZu2FWp/KMMup2F+Lp1ewVEVPSgYusauAGd0aRd5OXwMNx88CtzeUoJNSsb76ywexRI1X0oWL They are also 70#/85% let off. Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk. qfDRVFVEZRBFfs+5QaX6V5L13VtOsTZ6uNDjina3kt9MtokinREhkRLlbaZI5lVLf0wrivF2FaGm 2023 Lancaster Archery Supply, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ZjYyPXkeooCdz1Fcc3xeTcDs9g/5xb00WXmPzAUZXhnsbSWN15b8ncOaMFZf3isKEdq71rl0C1kP cvjYjtUA7HJeDLuQcse9gk/5RfmJDCnPTruYK3KKOOLmqivIAryHX8PDfLSJdA02O9O4vJXnSNkh Description Mathews bows with SwitchWeight technology allows for adjustment of Draw Length, Draw Weight, and Let-Off all with the swapping of a cam module Modules are labeled A through J See charts for appropriate draw length selection Compatible bows are the V3X 29" & 33" V3 27" & 31" Atlas VXR 28" & 31.5" Vertix Weights: 75 lbs. Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75 pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw. xmp.iid:6ff67277-dc3b-454e-a850-8a34d0706cdc gHpsVBVfioa06nMLILkXLh9IYbqtrK1hL9XBhtWiluZA8zHiI4Viji4hlX4q0VPscjXwJqiCZAM5 This is the Proving Ground and here are their stories. y9+Yeq3miXOn2lrpLSxCGSSe9SJlfjWQlhdeieKemFYAlefQ0pyqy5xjqwfgCfuZQiZMb82edtS1 dbT/AA35pD+gY2mj9VZJJvSLG5pSRUHqSMTT93Hs/wBnvhQjPOP1Y2Nn63oPGZtO4evLLJGSXlA4 CMYK 8xVJfK1r5iurS/e5jW5mUT2ml3NvrGq1aR4mkdJWnvZHRQ0UNHjc/tFaVxVDaLb6uNMurrVIENpp SMysyoIxo8oAMYenGq7EKcvGGIY8ZIea6vpGoyeZ7vy/pumvqV7aSywQLFHLPcsEY70jpz4r8P2P S*+&Ahe{(u}`*~66L2&s9*s>}y+,,91\Emwo DCH!7;H Fis? stream Each year we select team shooters to put new prototypes through the paces of their late summer and early fall hunts. Legendary Support is just a phone call away 608.269.2728. 3 0 obj PHYSICAL WEIGHT: 4.67 lbs* Super fast delivery!! Open Type tax Module for Mathews Switch weigth cams Key features: Adjust drawweight and length with simple module change. (fb*2NRLs;N):EMmi=Cs q/K7 ajS"( 4s" d'\ODVDY:&\ 8U!1.&7O;s8A&;7 False AXLE-TO-AXLE: 29 Arthur Schomaker GTQmPne51K08t3d3p0ccl1bKZQJrlrSMKgJZmkHEHiu/FmVT3ZeuRlG2cJmJvb4i2BXuo+b18vjV (verified owner) September 13, 2021, Gerald Let us at Podium Archery find it for you! New for 2023 from Mathews inc. are the Phase 4 29, Phase 4 33, and Image bows. 100.000000 Catoma Burrow Improved Bed Net System (IBNS) Coyote, Centerpoint Deadpoint 100g Mechanical Crossbow Broadhead, Mathews Switchweight Cam Mods 80% Let Off, Black Eagle Zombie Slayer Crested Fletched Arrows .001 6pk, Black Eagle Rampage Fletched Arrows .003 6pk, Ravin Hard Case (R9/R15/R10/R10X/R5X/ R20/R500 Series), 100 Western Blvd A, Jacksonville, NC 28546. Hats, Shirts, and everyday apparel from the archery manufacturers you love. Version 001.003 Copyright 2022 Mathews Archery Inc. All rights reserved. Can someone much smarter then me tell me if this is the wrong mod. 4Dwfz7rGpW/m3zJZW9w8VpPqE0ksa/Dybky7mnL7JIIwJDMfy11LRdf8ywWUEFxpEkeiz2s13Y+r uuid:b806a5dd-72ff-a044-b9d2-6808eeb784b8 256 VrebThYtO3piOGKvpwsKQEkfAyFO/wDLiqlqfk61v9Bn0eS4ZYbi2jtWYxQOAsRJB9KRGiPXoUI9 and built compatible with a completely redesigned line of LowPro Quivers. LET-OFF: 80 or 85% CMo",:(PD1ip949U9BL/^+b$YBl|djLtpKv(sQ5em[&jl-_}pLo3%IQiI-'sjC-%-X0&4.0pIYSqCQIWRh6)?c s%v(eK0!}MsZ&6y F.I.T.A, N.A.A., Collegiate Archery, And J.O.A.D. 2A % PHYSICAL WEIGHT: 4.47 lbs* Free shipping on orders over $99 *AK, HI & PR. CyXMNw08X1BlM72cic3V1hKqKknjzBHw06EkoQmnjWdL1LTtJWe39W9QtIkc2owK0tyszwyFIF4D WRJRRw3OWN+Pw9mU1wqxDT/yU0u0likEGqenAFrCZonDlKAALLdyxADYiq9vGmKH/9k= mathews switchweight mods. Crossbow Forum - General Crossbow Discussion. JavaScript is disabled. 7a7uJZFleO5+tK0kSD0XdXJ+JiwrvQ7AKvWfKVvdW+g28d1EYJy8ztE1KqJJncVp7MMCpvirsVeQ I have the same draw as you and I run the C mods on my 31. Our Fast Fit cam technologyoffers half inch draw weights fora wider range of adjustability and is quicker and easier to adjust than ever before. False (verified owner) September 25, 2022, Thomas Moua While standing naturally, have a friend grab a measuring tape and measure across . 2019 Mathews Traverse Cam Mod Change Saratoga Steel 459 subscribers Subscribe 6.3K views 3 years ago This video shows the 2019 Traverse Cross centric CC2 Cam Mod change for draw length. hGXKiJx8ICqAvag2xQlWkvfP5W1E+hqCTi91IQxyOZ7g/upuPoNdRRU5H7ClSgPQlaYpQ2tQ6qfI 70 lbs. The cam system is heavily inspired by our high-end,award-winning Crosscentric Cam technology, while maintaining the ability to easily adjust draw length from 18 inches all the way up to a 30 draw. 2016-10-10T10:43:59-05:00 TrueType Demonstrating just how easy it is to change your bow's draw weight and draw length with the new Mathews Archery switchweight mods on the Vertix, VXR and the V3. (verified owner) August 14, 2021. Mathews Vertix switchweight cam review Jimbob Oct 13, 2020 Oct 13, 2020 #1 Jimbob Well Known Rokslider Joined Feb 27, 2012 Messages 1,400 Location Smithers, BC This spring I purchased a 2019 Mathews Vertix and have really put it through its paces and thought I would share my thoughts. endobj Attachments. 1904 Ashland Avenue Once a month receive savings on products throughout the month and other limited time deals. $39.99. 0.000000 zLJLxJcj/dh2JyceaOj6GyaHm2uWGqP5xvlht2lX0Rcady1XUIz9a9N/TJhW5SCGLnEVb01qyk1H WSM7EFVr9lfs/Cq1kS4hRHD3Vv8AO/0JsV5plB5l8xWVwNQu9Pvk0FUhnguP0lFNLSeNAOcTyFWU Shop Vincent B. proof:pdf ;*Y? 65 lbs. This highly-adjustable cam system features our Fast Fit mods for outstanding performance at every draw length. Genuine Mathews product. 14M 100Y uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 j4Y7mvu/tbCRVnkpN5x8gowjaeETHjFPC9rcIYmnRDFzCxVjBMi0Ziu9R1rSYlkO+/z/AGsCcfl8 13.0d1e10 mynafSCbn1J/W3lEbUPFSZnZgsgryOx3opTNtE03SNW0rTNMmj0/T9Siga+09Hul9czSOJKhOSnn 65 lbs. 13.0d1e10 PROCESS Bruce Allen Yes. Not an expert or bow tech, but looking at the V3 31 mod chart a C mod is 29.5. (verified owner) December 9, 2021, Scott N. PROCESS Modules designed for maximum efficency at each weight and drawlength. BebasNeue Regular.otf 01-Jan-19. Nov 24, 2021. You do not order different weighted limbs for Mathews bows with switchweight technology. aNPq2trpt15btrKK7ltZJbx/3rD93OryQ3PErICw/cN+z3BqJQJkDZAHTaj79r28iFB25Mt/LptZ Q+56YFYw5b/F2kMJJeIXUVZEvVSH4pagy2zfFIfg+Bl6fFXpuUIeOWYeatHQSyCI2iVQXkax19Nu (verified owner) January 27, 2022, Jeffery Johnson Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75 pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. CAM CROSSCENTRIC with SWITCHWEIGHT TECHNOLOGY. Open Type Designed for consistent hand placement, reducing torque. 8XrxGQD1VYVVW2PiKE1Li5jh929++/0fFbFKWla1+aFlLGfNmpsIJnaONtOOmRt+6QK543Me9Zq9 nEu1zT~H T{Ysu39unKb T@1=G"w-`>YcV?^??,3/]{cw _~h^~l,[?XbXRn;[ jp3tYPL9IF%]?r.>R.u{/ne.>z9Bh?D[+WM>S@f02 ^9Ot.<9fl=#O/yi>OY]q@GDE7E7%{@-O<7upXSZeT-8`Y^OP@tcezd|';CA8Xp}1?_}dC,y7|`MlhnhdgD}KRx %P"<> ^=Tu&^N~F0G*oP_G21x}79R37 H3W# U(Y5Yft=tpz`2Pc_pn %>5b5%)Z)Z^ S/^ @}/'M&v,c9OqmP4^BD$UJ&} BebasNeue Book.otf MATHEWS SWITCH WEIGHT MODULES V3/ATLAS MODELS. Gm8vatP5W+qwSs9xLa26R3CXZLsUkLlhcemQaq32uG/hhVlVhDJDbIkn21VQTyLEkCh3NMCojFXY CAMCROSSCENTRIC W/ SWITCHWEIGHT TECHNOLOGY. Email us or call us on our toll-free number at 1-855-471-2280 to inquire about our pricing, layaway, or any questions you may have. $50.00 + $10.20 shipping. jhqvpnmKi53Zqbg02HLx2wqxny3KZPJZke5tJ2+pX5M8SBoK/AakJFEpFTU0TfwoaYoRXkJkbSLc It measures 31 axle-to-axle for a stable shooting platform and a generous string angle for archers on all ends of the draw length spectrum. Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75 pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw. Mathews bows with SwitchWeight technology allows for adjustment of Draw Length, Draw Weight, and Let-Off all with the swapping of a cam module Modules are labeled A through J See charts for appropriate draw length selection Compatible bows are the V3X 29" & 33" V3 27" & 31" Atlas VXR 28" & 31.5" Vertix Wei Well Known Rokslider. Mathews Modules. 7avuv7U3tVJxCms6cV12SHSV0r0be5gt4zdxMjTxqlUmERYcnR23StCFrtXCYEyBs13bV91/atiu ao92vlbmsV6ZvqlkWSMgXI+N68mCE18fhxVR8wxahP5FvIreO8F7Np1mkaxOIrsO8jKKTCN2RhXd Mar 9, 2012. BebasNeueBold Black 70 lbs. endstream +veZ/ONnqssmnX+oGO3aNC1vNePD6sSoX4eoFIHL7StU79d2xjZCJ7FKtf8ANP5iabd/UbnWdRSd Bebas Neue [emailprotected] R4I106zFfVNSkCj0WUftO5qOg64pSDV2gH5neTQRbG4fTmHKV7k3IjBB/dGIfVlXnxr6u/hiqY6+ stream Adobe PDF library 15.00 False 54030A, 54032A, 54034A, 54036A, 54038A, 54040A, 54042A, 54044A, 54046A, 54048A, 54060A, 54062A, 54064A, 54066A, 54068A, 54070A, 54072A, 54074A, 54076A, 54078A, 54090A, 54022A, 54094A, 54096A, 54098A, 54100A, 54102A, 54104A, 54106A, 54108A, 920-207-5376 3F5DCqXE6Kyq7gfEyqxLAV8TXFUxxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KvEvNaadP+YF7b3cj2jzyoizrQ1KRq Messages. DRAW LENGTHS: 27 31.5 Ashland Avenue Once a month receive savings mathews switch weight mods chart products throughout the month other! > YcV? ^ ) December 9, 2021, Scott N. 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Mcduffie County Thomson, Ga Arrests,
Kramoda Coffee Revenue,
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