The backup helps you restore the system if anything terrible happens. After the restart, youll notice the shortcut icons on your desktop dont have arrows on them. Completely Uninstall Riot Games (Vanguard and the Riot Games Client), How to Change the Screen Brightness in Windows 10: A Quick Guide, Turn Off Microsoft Defender in Windows 10: Temporarily or Permanently, How to Use Function Keys Without Pressing Fn on Windows 10, How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 10: A Quick Guide, How to Eject the CD/DVD Tray on a Windows 10 PC, 2 Quick Ways to Log In as Administrator in Windows 10,, Remover as Flechinhas de Atalhos da rea de Trabalho. For more resources, don't forget to check our Windows 10 help, tips, and tricks page. Today when I powered up my laptop, the arrow thingy was replaced by a black square. Seems silly to me to install an app for something that takes < 5 minutes and for which you will likely never use again. So going back to the Windows 95 days, I've always used the method of renaming the 'IsShortcut' string value under HKCR\lnkfile. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. But now I have black squares hiding all shortcut icons altogether. Tools like this offer lots of tweaking options, so our advice is to go slow. Name the new folder as Shell Icons. This is where we need to create a new value that removes the shortcut arrow in Windows 10 and 11. There must be a way to achieve this within Windows without having to resort to using non-microsoft software. Yeah I can agree. I wish I could keep my desktop clean. He's also written hundreds of white papers, articles, user manuals, and courseware over the years. This did absolutely nothingto get rid ofmy shortcut arrows. Cheers anyway (-: Lenovo's Surface-like IdeaPad Duet 3i packs the Intel N-series CPU but you won't find it in the US, Lenovo's new ThinkPad Z13 features a woven Flax cover made from plant fibers, Lenovo ditches old haptic touchpad tech for Sensels FusionUX stack heres why its a big deal. Once again thanks for the tip. Paste "%windir%\System32\shell32.dll,-50" in the Value Data field and click OK. Please signup for the WindowsLoop newsletter by clicking the following link: WindowsLoop Newsletter Signup. That's why Windows actually warns you that simply deleting a shortcut won't delete the program. ;), If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?. ok, I agree it's nice to have the freedom to tweak the system as you desire, and I did a lot of it back in the 98/XP, but since the smartphone boom most new users are too "user" to do this safely. Hover your mouse over New and click Key and name it "Shell Icons." Choose an alternative icon there, click Open, and press the Apply button. 13. Next, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer within the Registry Editor's left navigation pane. You don't need to Restart. That is what the desktop should be used for not just for a pretty picture. Research says that the "fix" may not work in newer versions of Win10. If you are not comfortable editing the registry, you can automate things with a .reg file. The easiest way to remove shortcut arrows, if youre willing to download extra software, is to use a third party tweaking utility. All you have to do is download and install an application named Winaero Tweaker. Click once and press restart or reboot the computer or log off and on to complete the task. with no value data. To remove BlackBox squares from icons. I'd say it's because most users probably don't understand that. Press Enter. The All Apps list looks messy with folders for programs. Hot tip: You can also restart explorer.exe / end task then run explorer via run to have the changes to take effect. Your IP: This is the Icon we will use to remove the shortcut arrow icon in Windows 10 and 11. Since were about to make changes to the Registry, well toss out the obligatory warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and you can certainly change things that would render your system unstable or even inoperable. Just createthe string valuename it 29 and leave the value datablank. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer. Step 4: Name the new subkey "Shell Icons". Just leave that box empty. Double-click the new 29 value and type (or copy and paste) the following into the Value data box to remove arrows from shortcut icons: Click OK and exit Registry Editor. A hack is way around the intended process of the program. Tried this - on my machines the shortcuts disappeared - but were replaced by a square black box ! Thanks a lot Dan for this great hack. What does it do? With the most recent Windows 10 update, this method no longer works and no fix has been discovered. Enter shortcut arrow icon in that websites search box to find more. I had to undo everything and cope with the tiny "arrows" for now. This "how to" is not a PRO stuff but without stating BACKUP warning you show that you arent any pro either. You can show/hide the assorted system icons on the desktop from the Control Panel. For anyone looking for a solution with a simple click, this is the way to go. And does anyone know how to fix it? I've just used this method yesterday and it worked out fine. press "Windows Logo + I" shortcut keys to open Settings app. Techwiser (2012-2023). Instead, we are going to show you how to do it the nitty gritty way through the registry. I have this problem too. Nevermind, I found a great reason for not using this method anymore. Having said that, yeah, on all types of these articles we should have a warning. Back to arrows though, i'm gonna try a third party program like they mention at the beginning that way it's just an uninstall, i hope, job if theres a problem rather than wondering how to go back and fix what I didn't undersand in the first place as i just followed instructions lol. 2 Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog, type regedit into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Registry Editor. Read: How to Center Taskbar Icons in Windows 10. Step 1: Open Registry Editor on Windows. You can now either reboot the computer or log off and on back again to complete the changes. * like for example groove Music or VLC fom store wont play any song and in error i clearly stated something wrong with registry. In the "Value Data" box, enter the following text: %windir%System32shell32.dll,-50 Click OK to save the change and close the "Edit String" window. What the heck is a Tiny-in-One? after I've done this process the shortcut arrows became a black block after restarting the second time. Still, you are touching the registry so make sure you have backed up your PC just in case if you feel uncomfortable. I always here that it's dangerous I believe it but I also think you should learn how to use it. Yay! Please update the article with this information! Click Explorer then right-click the Explorer folder. Are they the black squares I'm also experiencing right now? Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published References 2. Not a good hack! For now, if you want a purer desktop with less clutter, just take the five minutes and make this registry change! Does anyone here know what happened or how to remove those annoying arrows NOW? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons\. Someone who sees his desktop regularly and hates the little arrows would obviously be making a different calculation. Peace :). Next, extract the remove_shortcut_arrow_icon.reg file. To remove the shortcut arrow icon overlay, we need to edit the registry. remove desktop shortcut icons with arrows whenever l install a new application on the computer. I tried this and while the initial results were good, after a short amount of time I started getting black blocks on my desktop icons, and icons in my Start menu weren't appearing or only partially appearing - had to remove the reg key to fix it. . Answer yes When prompted Do you want to. No clear pattern with changes occuring often after rebooting, but sometimes after running applications. That being, the arrow icon over the shortcut can look ugly at times. You don't need an extra app and it doesn't take a lot of time. Type or copy-paste HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer in given space in Registry Editor. The new folder should be C:\BlankIcon\. This folder contains the blank.ico file. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. 7. Windows desktop shortcuts have little arrows on their icons. If you like to keep their desktop clean or only have shortcuts on the desktop, you can remove the arrow overlay from the shortcut icon. Enjoy! There are plenty of other things you can do with the application, like adding a custom icon instead of the arrow overlay, using the old classic Windows arrow, change themes, modify start-up sound, etc. If you attempt this method and get either transparent, black, or white boxes, you'll want to restore a backup of the Registry that you made. This easy step by step guide shows you how to get rid of them! They can be completley hidden from the desktop's context menu. I had that initally and then it turned transparent, incuding part of the icon. Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press Win.2-Type reged. because leaving it blank removes itcompletely, not justreplaces it witha transparecy icon that seems toget crappy black square after some time. Thats all it takes! Depends. Just sign out and sign back in. Just follow the steps directly below for editing the registry exactly as specified. The program was called Easy Content Menu (v1.6 from 2015) I ran the program to adjust some of my Content Menu settings, then discovered that in the menu under Extras I could select Remove Shortcut Arrows. To do this, go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar Behaviors.". Use Winaero Tweaker instead if thats the case. Honestly, it's not any work either, I just put a lot of detail so no one makes a mistake ;). Daniel, We all have pet peeves. He's written hundreds of articles for How-To Geek and edited thousands. I hope its not like death pixels ones you notice them its Impossible not to see them ;-) and they bug you to death! East or West Daniel is the best. The tiny black squares remain. This wikiHow will teach you how to remove shortcut arrows on your Windows shortcut icon by changing a few things in the Registry Editor. With the most recent Windows 10 update, this code does not work and will instead create transparent, black, or white boxes instead of arrows over the shortcut. The black box is far worse than the shortcut arrow. That's what I do too, but this is a nice tutorial. omg thank you , really needed this . Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). A hack implies that you broke some defence/barrier that was preventing you from doing something. If you attempt this method and get either transparent, black, or white boxes, you'll want to restore a backup of the Registry that you made. i'm sure he must have received complaints thats why this time it is there now. I had the same issue, I'm going to attempt to change the black squares to transparent ones. It's great until I reboot and the place where the arrow used to be is just a black square. I'm guessing you're Jamaican? Open the start menu, search for "Registry Editor," and click the result to open the Registry Editor. And definitely back up the Registry(and your computer!) Wouldn't have had a clue if not for you, Read also: How to Add Icons to the Desktop in Windows 11. Click the Start Menu icon and search "Regedit" in the search bar. Next, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer within the Registry Editor's left navigation pane. Incorrect. ;). Now copy and paste the value below in the Value Data fieldand hit Ok. Voila, its done. Truth be told, it is super simple and should take no more than 5 minutes. So, here were was how to remove the arrow shortcut overlay on Windows. Never the less removing those arrows really makes the icons look better but not like the start menu. If I see the arrow I know I can toast it and not lose an app. >>>>\System32\shell32.dll,-50 Click on Yes. FYI, you'll have to restart the computer after making the change, as this setting is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry hive. Steps of How To Remove Shortcut Arrows In Windows 10 Without Software 1. ), and ran the projectors at movie theaters because it was fun. Now they're an eyesore thanks to you Daniel hahaha. Running the hack adds the key to the Registry. Not even my recycle bin I have on my desktop. % of people told us that this article helped them. Click the small right-pointing arrow icon next to "Windows." Life is good again, Hi Emi, An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you want to undo your edits, delete the file in your Registry called "29". I've heard, but have never seen for myself issue from doing this. Drag Modern apps from the app list to the desktop for a surprise. Although I like to keep docs/images or things I'm working on on the desktop, so even I'm guilty of it too. 7. Sometimes a black box, sometimes ticks are placed over the icons. However, creating a shortcut also creates an arrow overlay on the icon. Lol at chacka chacka. it displays an icon with a arrow which l don't like and want to remove those arrows so that l can have only that icon on desktop without the arrow. If you are stuck in the process and need any help, comment below, and I will try to help as much as possible. I go even deeper with my irrational nitpick and remove all icons from my desktop. It's like the registry has no limit to it's reach throughout the OS. As most of the icons on your desktop will likely be shortcuts, however, those arrows are hardly essential. Theyre huge and kind of ugly, but there would be no mistaking which icons were shortcuts. So, maybe you should remove, or at least change, the shortcut icon arrow overlay. Navigate Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer 3. To do that, Tap on File and select Export. Cool trick. ShortcutArrow Changer is a freeware customization app that enables users to remove the shortcut icon arrows in Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. In fact, rows of icons just reminds me of iPhones and iPads now. He doesn't believe in fanboying a specific product. I mean, the whole reason for the start menu to return is habit. So, to go back, I just need to delete that reg key? This thread is locked. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. If Microsoft didn't want people to be able to do these things, they wouldn't make registry so easily accessible. All three are included in the following ZIP file. Like I said, everyone has their thing that bugs them. I mean after editing the registry setting will it create a problem such as i need to restore my pc,,Cuzz i installed windows 10 on my pc. To remove arrows from shortcut icons with Ultimate Windows Tweaker, choose the Customization section on the left, click the File Explorer tab, and then click "Remove Shortcut Arrows From Shortcut Icons." To put them back, follow the same process. Remove shortcut icons arrow in any windows 10 PC. From now on, you will no longer see the arrow icon overlay on the shortcut icons. He writes about things he believes are actually helpful in some way to the user. Double click to bring up value data. There was a problem. Just to update, the solution with the folder AVG only works if you have AVG on your computer. Double-click "[bti soft] shortcutarrow changer setup" to open the installers window. To do the same in older versions of Windows, load up Task Manager, find "explorer.exe," select "End Process," and then restart it manually by choosing Create New Task, typing "explorer" and striking return. all what i got after following these steps were black empty boxes instead of the arrow shortcuts. First I'm hearing of that issue. you don't need the shell32.dll linething, it's not necessary, onlycreate andname it 29 seems to be fine andenough and better to remove the arrows. If theres not, youll need to create it by right-clicking the Explorer folder icon, choosing New > Key, and naming it Shell Icons. How to Add Paid Partnership Label on Instagram How to Add, Edit, Reorder or Delete Experience Top 8 Ways to Fix Snapchat Story Sound 5 Best AI Art and Image Generators That How to Remove Titles From Continue Watching List What Happens When You Block Someone on LinkedIn, 5 Ways to Mention Someone on Instagram Story, 8 Best Windows Apps for Android Users to Sync, How to Use Your Phone as a Drawing Pad for PC, 7 Things to Do on Windows 11 After Upgrading From Windows 10, 4 Ways to Rename Multiple Files at Once on Windows 10 and 11, How to Find Mouse Pointer on Windows 11 and 10. Download and Install the application from the link below. :) I don't use the desktop anymore for app shortcuts. 90% of the icons on my desktop are shortcut icons, and now I want to get rid of those arrows. Now, if they could just fix that annoying "Unspecified Error" in Explorer.exe - I'd be extremely happy! Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. the registry is like a huge list where the OS stores all it's constants' values, so if you change anything the system will assume that new value as true and trust it, even if it ends up being rubbish, so you can do a good mess if you want. You can also do it manually through the Task Manager. Hey this is a nice tip, I don't have problem with those arrows actually but it's kinda neat to see shortcuts without them, thanks Dan! Navigate to and open the folder that includes the ShortcutArrow Changer setup file. Everything can be taken wrongly if it's through text. That is it. He's authored or co-authored over 30 computer-related books in more than a dozen languages for publishers like Microsoft Press, O'Reilly, and Osborne/McGraw-Hill. Right click on the Desktop, Choose. Open Start Menu and search for Registry Editor Tap Yes, when prompted " Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC? 2. One of the biggest changes in Windows 11 is the placement of the Start Menu on the taskbar. So?? Now it looks like some robot took a square bite out of my icon :/ My icon sizes are larger if that makes any differences. It worked - briefly. This string effectively removes the Windows. It worked, but after the first day completed, I now have big black boxes where the arrows usually would reside. Because in of itself the desktop is a top-level folder, The desk top to me is like my living room, where I keep my self entertained. Give it a name that suits you or add the current date and save. Open the start menu, search for Registry Editor, and click the result to open the Registry Editor. I followed steps. Scroll all the way down to Windows Explorer. The registry is one big database of configuration settings for Windows. This is why the term 'FIRST WORLD PROBLEM' was created. To undo that change, you can delete the file called "29" from the folder you created. What other visual cue does it have to tell you it's a shortcut? So, right-click on the Explorer folder and select the New -> Key option. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. I was looking for how to do this. Your IP: All Rights Reserved. It's mostly just a legacy from the days when Windows had a useful desktop metaphor, where real-world objects represented computer functions. i had to clean install windws 8, now i am using windows 8. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. That's it. Using the browser bar on the left, browser to the following path. Please help and I will be waiting for your kind reply. Its pretty easy to do. Right click on the Windows 10 Start Menu goes away. Continue with Recommended Cookies. DELETE VALUE DATA! This caused my destop icons to start showing up all black!!! In the field "Value data" enter the value below to remove the arrow from the shortcut icons. Is this a problem with resources? Visual C++ Runtime Installer (All-In-One), View Essential System Details with myResources, Control When Windows 10 Updates with Kill-Update, How to Fix There Was a Problem Resetting Your PC Error on Windows 10, How to Turn on or off Recommended Troubleshooting in Windows 10, How to Remove the Shortcut Arrow Icon in Windows 10 & 11, Remove the Shortcut Arrow Icon in Windows 10 & 11, How to Split Your Screen in Windows 10 & 11, How to Create a Show Desktop Shortcut in Windows 10 & 11, How to Turn the Windows 10 Desktop Background Image On or Off, How to Show Your Windows 10 & 11 Version and Build Number on the Desktop, How to Create Safe Mode Desktop Shortcuts. You also have another option, if youre so inclined. . This trick should work in every Windows version starting from Windows XP. I get a white rectangle over some of my icons with this "fix". Right-click Explorer on the left of the Registry Editor to select New . Windows 11/10 doesnt include any built-in option with which you can disable shortcut icon arrows. Does anyone else have a problem with a giant black box on each of their icons? Does it creates any problem? But was one of the best ways to force my dad to let me clean install 7(his previous install was full of registry problems he created trying to move software to other drives , not uninstalling properly) for the w10 upgrade, Don't need to log out. Readers like you help support MUO. [don't have W10 yet]. Create a live tile or just an icon? Both ways will work fluently. I don't treat my desktop as if it is a folder to store things. Double click/tap on the 29 String Value to modify it. Editorial Director for How-To Geek and its sister sites. Thanks. He clearly says "make sure you have backed up your PC". You can remove shortcut icon arrows by adding a new Shell Icons key to the registry. Aside from removing the arrow overlays, you can also change them to more appealing ones by selecting ShortcutArrow Changers Custom shortcut icon option. Thanks Daniel. Step 3: Right-click on the Explorer Registry Key. It seems like your suggestion doesn't works on Windows 10 (no mutter 32 or 64 bit). Do let me know in the comment section below. Download Remove the Shortcut Arrow Icon in Windows 10 & 11. One thing you have to know is that the names of options may differ, I'm using Skype in Spanish so I translated them to english.. Control Panel (or Settings) -> type "icons desktop" in the search box -> click/tap Show or hide command icons on the desktop. Thanks. read my comment above. So names on options may differ.. Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. There is just something about making an otherwise nice desktop icon busier with those arrow overlays. Of course, you could go more advanced and define your own shortcut arrows or even change your system icons, but that is for another day. Also can't quit skype from the task bar. Now ,perfect and clean my pc desktop. You can change this long box to an icon or a button or completely remove the search from the taskbar. These methods should work in Windows 7, 8, and 10. Ultimate Windows Tweaker automatically creates a system restore point for you when it starts, but if youre concerned about a tweak go ahead and back up your computer first. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. If anyone knows a fix to this or has another way I can get rid of this black box and the shortcut arrow please tell me because I'm at a loss. Windows Central is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! No boxes, no arrows. I agree that the indication comes to rescue by differentiating it from the original file but aesthetics, as some would say, is also a real thing. If you dont like it, heres how to remove the shortcut arrow from shortcut icons in Windows 10 and 11. Microsoft added a big search box in the task bar in Windows 10. What now? First of all it was because of those annoying little shortcut arrows, now it just looks messy with anything on it. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Your icons should update immediately. ya those little arrows are my main reason why i don't put any app on desktop i don't like them i keep everything in startscreen. This restores the arrow icon. In case you do not know what I am referring to let me explain. Step 2: Navigate to the following key in Windows Registry Editor. yeah, I agree, although that just means that Microsoft should re-think about how they represent apps and deletion. To remove arrows from shortcut icons with Ultimate Windows Tweaker, choose the Customization section on the left, click the File Explorer tab, and then click Remove Shortcut Arrows From Shortcut Icons. To put them back, follow the same process. A third party tweaking utility arrows now do it remove shortcut arrows on icons windows 10 through the task bar to... Guilty of it too had that initally and then it turned transparent, incuding part of Future us,. Method of renaming the 'IsShortcut ' string value to modify it that this article helped them to '' not. Or Add the current date and save us Inc, an example of Data being processed may be way... There, click open, and now I have black squares to transparent ones, search for Editor. No clear pattern with changes occuring often after rebooting, but remove shortcut arrows on icons windows 10 the day! Folder to store things pretty picture a useful desktop metaphor, where real-world objects computer! 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