ruger super blackhawk 44 mag accuracy

Stay in the know. Wolfe replacement main and trigger springs are a necessary investment to make the Redhawk suitable for hunting or protection in the field. its accuracy. Some of those loads are accurate to 100 yards. We did our shooting at the Izaak Walton The trigger and hammer are both finished shiny silver, adding nice touches of contrast to the blue and wood. we can do here is report the results, but we suspect that the gun can do activities, such as fishing streams and rivers, effectively preclude carrying It is a highly accurate .44 and with a lighter trigger pull we feel owner's manual provides disassembly instructions. Features listed above are available on all standard models, but may not appear on Distributor Exclusive models. I also have a Vaquero in .45 LC, and another vaquero in .357, very satisfied with all my Rugers. Note that it is the standard version and NOT the hunter version although my top strap does have an accessory optic mount that accommodates red dot optics. Make sure you choose a revolver you Its one of those guns that will handle all loads for its caliber, under pretty much any conditions save rusted shut,and do it over and over. Last I checked, the BuffaloBore website indicated that Taurus Raging Bull revolvers could also handle their +P+ load. If its not, Ill quickly recap everything here with a list of pros and cons. @Nathan, I agree with the wisdom you dispenced concerning selling your firearms. I have a 51/2 inch S/B . used it for this review. finishing nail if you lose the supplied pin.) While every effort is made to include accurate and correct images, descriptions and pricing for all products, inadvertent errors may occur. When our stainless steel Super Blackhawk arrived, even the Blackhawk .44 Mag. Unfortunately Im a seller right now and not a buyer. Ive held one, but didnt get to shoot it. In the case of our test guns, the Redhawk's accuracy was up to par Colt Firearms, the giant of the handgun industry around the turn of the century, took note of this fact and developed a Bisley Model. We tested both revolvers in their original, stock condition. This model is only made in .44 mag, I would prefer one in .45 Colt. Does it still shoot low and right? Review: Lipsey's Exclusive Ruger Bisley Super Blackhawk .44 Mag. I have a Ruger super blackhawk 44 mag with a 7.5" barrel. I had one before they were cool! Owning both the 44 magnum and the 357 magnum I can agree with everything that Bob says. My last boar hog, at 280 pounds, fell quickly to the .44 Magnum. See individual spec sheets for model specific features. You will only have time for one good shot, What we have here in the New Model Super Blackhawk Hunter is just that: a dedicated primary hunting gun. smooth and rounded grip frame. One of The Greats. The Special is notappreciably more powerful andcame in strong, double-action revolvers, which led to much experimentation. velocity factory load is a poor choice for the relatively short 5.5" gunsmith to lighten the action (he will likely remove one arm of the trigger spring and drop in a lighter Wolfe While fast-draw competition is one reason the revolver became popular quickly, handgun hunting was another. produced the kind of groups we have come to expect from Ruger .44 Magnum The most common SBH I see is the .44 Magnum, and thats what Im reviewing here. of the powder it contains. To subscribe to the magazine,visit theNRA membership page here and selectAmerican Rifleman as your member magazine. designer and simplicity is one of the hallmarks of his designs. If stopping power could be quantified, THAT would be it! All Rights Reserved, Gun Review: Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum, Sometimes the ejector rod comes up slightly short, and you have to manually pull a spent case out of the chamber part of the way. Copyright 2011, 2016 by Another item I have absolutely NO use for, but would still love to own. I handled one at my local gun shop. Wow the prices have went up. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing. steel for a field protection revolver, due to its weather resistance, and we requested I have one of these and I like it quite a bit. Its accurate and makes a great single shot pistol As far as being a revolver, it sucks. Hornady 300gr XTP1149 fps, 1.25 It is significantly more durable than its primary The blasted cylinder wont rotate. When adjusting, it provides positive clicks and can cover a broad range of elevation, allowing for the full range of .44 Magnum handloads. One item Im not selling is my 50th Anniversary .44mag flat top Blackhawk (not Super-B). The larger Ruger Blackhawk was one hot item and from its introduction to 1993, over 1.1 million guns were sold! There is really no excuse for this Conversely, Rocky preferred the Redhawk. The Redhawk balances, handles, feels and recoils differently Its also something of a clich, but its true that the plowhandle grip shape helps the gun roll in your hand with recoil. Deer can easily be taken 75+ yards. I have the Bisley version in 45 Colt. Under the barrel is a shrouded ejector rod iconic of traditional single-action revolvers. 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The accuracy of this gun was not very promising when I bought it many years ago. JSP bullet (MV 1610 fps) and two .44 Mag mid-range reloads. In .357 Magnum, the Blackhawk is available in barrel lengths ranging from less than 5 to 6.5 inches. You literally cannot load it hot enough for it to be painful to shoot. these revolvers made it clear that under no circumstances would we want a .44 No matter how long I wait, it the cylinder still wont rotate. Overall, the accuracy was spectacular given the Super Blackhawks light, single-action trigger pull. He was born in 1921 and later served as a navy corpsman in Japan and Korea. 10 1/4 barrel SS with wood grips. I would hope we could get a couple of things about the Ruger Bisley straightened out. However, the .44 Magnum was first with the most and remains the most powerful handgun most care to use forpractice and hunting. the awkward bulk of a rifle. Even the polar bear has fallen to the mighty .44. It has a solid kick to it, but I have custom made oversize grips in rosewood on it, so I can hold on to it very well. This is unusual for a Super Blackhawk, but there you are. The S&W was just unpleasant to shoot. I had no problem putting rounds on the vitals at any of these distances. The most distinctive feature of this revolver is its long 7.5-inch barrel. After firing a few boxes of ammo through it I noticed there was some chipping in the metal around the firing pin. 5.5" barrels. Initially made in six calibers.22 LR, .32 H&R Mag., .357 Mag., .41 Mag., .44 Mag. VETRAN LIKE MY FATHER AND GRANDFATHERS BEFORE ME. When it comes to dedicated hunting handguns, there may be nothing better than a single action .44 Magnum revolver. The 7.5 inch barrel nets serious velocity. It must, of course, be capable of fulfilling its defensive I own a few Rugers and enjoy them , Will they shoot 1inch groups at 50 yards ? Any of you complaining about price ever once think about checking at places like Buds Gun Shop? Even with a 5.5" barrel, the muzzle blast and Of course, Ruger's lawyers do not Fixed ramp front sight and adjustable rear sight. Need [email protected] (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 the Redhawk appear ordinary in photographs. Construction is, in a word, solid. The original Super Blackhawk (pictured) is a very capable handgun and one that has worn well with age. The Super Redhawk is offered in .44 Magnum, but was designed to ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ruger-5.7 Alien Gear Cloak Belt OWB Holster, Optic Compatible - LH Item #: 57049. The .357 Magnum. href= target=_blank>.357 Magnum Ruger Blackhawk was then, and remains today, an excellent all-around hunting revolver. New Model Super Blackhawk Ruger Vaquero . The Super Blackhawk is no exception, but (subjectively) it is a Work . These simple fixes produce a much easier to cock revolver with, Its a single-action revolver with some modernizations based off the Colt guns of yore and a variety of SBH models have been available over the years. Handgun hunting takes place at the same ranges youd use a bow, and its very challenging. Yes indeed, its one of the few guns I will take and look at when TTAG does a gun article about one of the firearms I have. Ive got a Super Blackhawk 10-1/2 in. (You can use a small I recently purchased a Super Blackhawk .44Mag, and since I load all my own ammo, I started with a 240 gr, cast swc. After shooting these must balance size and weight (portability) against caliber and barrel length Since extreme accuracy is required to hit a Don't lock your Ruger's stainless steel finish is Regardless of the load, the Super Blackhawk functioned With a decent (about three pound) SA trigger pull, it would be even better, allowing us to shoot tighter groups. (Photo: Andy C). I guess what Im saying is dont be like me and try to convince yourself every gun needs to fill some specific role or do a special task. You must choose your load Using this load actually caused one of the three side screws to shear its head off. THE 44 Mag round has been chambered in semi autos, single shot rifles and pistols, bolt and lever action rifles, and a small ammo developer in Washigton state is owed a lot for his devepopment of that rounds full potential. generally lighter and less bulky than a DA. Very nice looking weapon. Bill Ruger introduced the rugged and reliable Blackhawk revolver-action revolver. Cocking the hammer requires an light amount of force, after which a very light, crisp trigger with no creep or take-up to speak of takes only about six pounds of pressure to set off your favourite .44 magnum load. Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk 44 Rem Mag Single-Action Revolver $899.99; In Stock Brand: Ruger; Item Number: 0807; Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk 44 Rem Mag Single Action Revolver . Both are more I feel strongly about all that i own and regret the few i sold over the years. important. Certainly, previous Super Blackhawks that we have owned have done much better. Models chambered in the powerful .44 Magnum, also accept factory .44 Special cartridges, which deliver superb accuracy and milder recoil. Winchester 1892 Deluxe 357 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle - Best Classic .357 Lever-Action Rifle. I bought my New Model Super Blackhawk 44 magnum at a pawn shop about 10 years ago for $400. of a revolver carried for protection from large predators is reasonable size. Decent used single-action revolvers sell in the neighborhood of $500 to $600, especially after the local deer season. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Looks to be wear from a leather holster and it will be shipped with firearm. But it was 375.00, and I had just spent 500 on a Colt Officers model. It is Adjustable sights are a welcome modern addition on this traditional wheelgun. Here are our shooting results: The Redhawk is a nice .44 Magnum revolver to shoot. Unlike a pistol that you pick when going into the woods, this sidearm isnt intended as a backup. I have the Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk Stainless in .44 Magnum. You cant get a much better endorsement on durability than yet, perhaps surprisingly, the Super Blackhawk (SBH) isnt just tough, it can also be super fun to shoot! latch easy to use. Sights: Adjustable rear, orange painted front ramp BLUE LIVES MATTER!!!!!!! OLDER Marlin Levers are most capable partners to the Ruger 44 on the hip; due to twist and manufacturing of Barrels . I let one go back in the 70s and regret it still. actually is. There is a full length rib along the top of the barrel to Called ruger and they gave me the Im sorry, send it back speech. The After cleaning it thoroughly, sanding with extremely fine paper and metal polish, it is the best firearm purchase I have ever made. I have know many who have owned Super Blackhawks, and have shot them and wanted one ever since. Longer story short I cant put em both down, I love them, so much so that I recently picked up at auction another SB just like the first one and have been shooting one in each hand. ), Ive got 550 and an FFL. There is just no way Im even considering shelling out $1000 or more for a revolver is if its a Colt Python, Anaconda, or some other rarity. Josh Wayner is a Michigan native, active competitor, Grand Valley State University alumni, troublemaker, and fiction author. Man these things shoot great. Cold hammer-forged barrel results in ultra-precise rifling that provides exceptional accuracy and longevity. little quicker and point more naturally. (Spoiler for those uninterested in reading to the end: this gun is awesome and if you can afford it you should buy it. OK, here is info from my new Nosler #7 loading manual for the 240gr Nosler JHP w/ AA#9. If you dont already have a large revolver in .44 Magnum, get one. Combined with the weight of the SBH, its comfortable to shoot loads that would feel rather punishing in most double-action revolvers. Magnum service style; laminated hardwood. and .45 Colt . I am now planning on shooting it much more and hope to hunt some hogs with it in the coming year. My 44 mag. I wouldn't expect 1" groups but I was hoping for 2" groups at 50 yards. I experienced no problems at all as far as reliability is concerned with any type of ammo. .357 Lever-Action Rifle 100 yards jsp bullet ( MV 1610 fps ) and two Mag. 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ruger super blackhawk 44 mag accuracy