Personal Power through Awareness was introduced to me by a friend around 2009. It feels like Ive lost a long-time friend even though I never met her personally. Bright blessings and love. The work of Sanaya and Orin, Duane and DaBen has been important to me since 1997, when I began studying the Light Body Courses in England. It is so wonderful and joyful to do that at any time, and joyful to know that it is received somehow beyond the minds ability to articulate all of it. Roman died at the age of 76 in her sleep of natural causes at her beachfront villa on Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach, California, on September 9, 1999. To Sanaya I send Divine Wills to support her journey of completion and offer the Initiating Will and the Will to Unify as she undertakes new (and probably already started) world service projects. It was an honor and a privilege. Soul Love: Awakening Your Heart Centers (Sanaya Roman) by Sanaya Roman. I thank you deeply Sanaya for supporting my spiritual growth and showing me hope in my most challenging times. Jan 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. P159 Sanaya Roman Sensing Energy One. I was drawn to go on the website seeking answers to this uncertain time and there I discovered the passing of Sanjaya. Im happy that Sanaya has successfully resolved her human experience and evolved her soul! Im so grateful and humbled to have had you in my life in this lifetime. I'm especially grateful for the way Sanaya modeled living as a soul-infused personality and modeled how to bring light to the world. Having been accompanied by LuminEssences offerings for about 25yrs now, the frequencies seem to amplify still and get clearer and more intense every day. Blessings. She thought this was great and could now pay off her credit card bill. Dearest Sanaya, beyond words, I am grateful to you and for your work. With much love. What beauty I have known and learned in her care. To use Thaddeus' music royalty-free as background for your CDs, videos, or DVDs please be sure you meet all the requirements by reading the information on theThaddeus Permissions page. It's taken me a long time to write this. I happened to be browsing on your website and was terribly saddened and shocked by the news of Sanaya's passing. You can listen to Thaddeus' music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. She spent so much time in meditation, today probably feels like just getting up from the other side of the bed! Im sad I never made the opportunity to meet her, but I believe, in some ways, it may now be easier for me to work with Sanaya. Orin and Sanayas teachings have been one of the most transformative and grounding lights in my thirty plus year spiritual growth journey. Defence barrister Chris Dane QC argued the evidence of the mother's postnatal depression . I personally have gained so much and have looked forward like a little child for the next. That feels like unfinished business for me and I hope I have the courage to step up to teach and the sense of abundance consciousness to realize that letting things go in my life in order to make space for teaching would not be a loss. On the other hand, in the two years leading up to being truly able to get into the LB journeys and appreciate their depth, I was leaning heavily on the Orin journeys to keep me going. I wanted to extend my deepest condolences to Duane and the LuminEssence team. I was changing rapidly and I was waking up. Severus . Words alone cannot express how grateful I am. Americk spisovatelka Sanaya Roman vystudovala metafyziku a je autorkou nkolika knih zabvajcch se duchovn silou. Sanaya, your lovely light has illuminated my path and taught me not to fear. They have lifted me up and set me back on higher ground. Love you Sanaya. Smile. Therefore my thanks. What a wonderful ,and remarkable contribution to Humanity Sanaya has made! I successfully connected to one of my guides as a 13-year-old from practicing the meditations in Opening to Channel and began seeing auras more regularly. Doing only what came easily, / And got caught up in the illusions you so often warned about. I would not be the woman I am today without the teachings, love and guidance. Sending her love and gratitude in her transition and look forward to playing on the inner. To have two teachers such as you and Sanaya is a blessing of enormous import. Orin and DaBen courses have really changed my life for the better. And I learned to see the through line from those works to the Light Body. Since 2020, we have a daily meditation on spiritual growth using Orin and DaBen meditation books, we are currently listening to Chanelling series audiobooks. You are in our thoughts. Thaddeus is an angelic being of light channeled by Sanaya who brings musical harmonies of love and joy, peace and harmony from his realm to you. Orin and DaBen's book Opening to Channel will teach you skills to assist you to channel a guide or your higher self. I found great value in the Seth books by Jane Roberts, in the Alice Bailey books, as well as books by Joel Goldsmith and many other wonderful teachers. Sanaya you are here to support me on my soul path. Sanaya, I am grateful for making me want to be a better person the way Orin says that you don't have to change yourself, you just have to love yourself. I am humbled by Sanaya's love and life long dedication to Orin's work. Sending much love, healing and blessings to you all. I now have this one unique, radiant, and glorious personal earth life, a spiritual and deeply meaningful life committed to growth, contribution, and endless transformation. ~Sanaya Roman. With her you were already in the realm of the angels. But when I discovered it was one and the same, I went back to the book and this time the words impacted me in a way I never knew was possible. Explore books by Sanaya Roman with our selection at H J Kram er Inc Tiburon, California To all of you awakening to the light within. My greatest blessings for Sanaya and hoping she had a smooth and joyful transition to the other side. She sent me over and that led to the permission. Deep gratitude for all her work with Orin. In all of his courses you are guided to connect with your true Self, the innermost part of your being, and work with this Self to transform your life. In love. As well as for Duane. Thaddeus' music can assist you in expanding your consciousness and connecting with the higher dimensions of light through the use of certain sequences and combinations of tones, the rhythm, the musical sounds used, and the reflection of the consciousness of Thaddeus himself that is contained in the music. I have been working with the Orin/DaBen material for decades now (almost on a daily basis). Please continue your work in bringing light to humanity. Our group felt the magical, loving and humorous energies of the moment. Included is information about what is your higher self, what is your soul, and what is your Divine Self, and the path to Self Realization that Orin is offering. It was the first time ever I sensed the energy from the book. And by following your path in the last 30 years I am no longer my parents' child, but what your teachings have molded me into. They are a treasure trove that just keeps on giving, and best of all they reveal the treasures of my own Self - the wonders and mysteries, the radiance and beauty, and boundless potential. Description: This is a general description. I feel blessed to continue to be led by her beautiful voice on many more journeys to come. My personality self is sad, but ever since studying the Light Body and feeling a glimpse of what is awaiting us, I also feel happiness and joy for Sanaya for I know she is HOME. She and Orin really helped shape me to become who I am. With your love and support her blessing is becoming almost tangible for you and all of us. I thought I was losing my mind until I connected through books and meditations, it put things into perspective and filled in the gaps. Ive been connecting with you all on the inner planes ever since I heard the news, holding you and Sanaya in the light of love. There is a richness in your books that I have never experienced anywhere else and I thank you for that. For Those that Don't Believe in Dark Entities Hello. When I learned of Sanayas passing, I immediately felt a great wave of peace, light and love, and I knew it was her blessing. Please, Duane, dont leave us yet, wait until we can meet on this plane, if possible. Thank you for being such a bright light in this world to me and many. It comes from a feeling of inner peace, the ability to give and receive, and appreciation of the self and others. It was written back in the early 190s I think. I am deeply saddened by the news. She has been a source of hope, inspiration, comfort and strength. During the past month I have been revisiting Orins course Transcending the Ego. On a spiritual plane I recognize her now as one of the Great Ones holding a space of love and growth for us all. She was always someone who was there if you had a question, always interested in everyone and so compassionate. I would like to pay a tribute to say thank you to Sanaya and Orin for all the wonderful courses, meditations, books and music that we are blessed with from them both. She had a huge impact on me, and without her work I wouldnt be able to survive some of the difficulties in life. I am forever grateful for Sanaya and Duane for the profound work and contribution they have made in this incredible time on the planet. Yet, my life fell apart anyway. I am a light body graduate and I have been so much transformed by Orin and DaBen meditations. In the last year, there was barely a day that went by when I didn't open the ' Personal Power Through Awareness' Book. For some reason the authors name had completely been forgotten. What gratitude I have. Thank you, thank you, thank You! With love. Type in keyword or product # For some years I read the books and meditated with the tapes from time to time. As a student of Sanaya and Orin from distant China, I have read all of Sanaya's books and studied her courses for about ten years. The following is a list of the causes of human deaths worldwide for different years arranged by their associated mortality rates.In 2002, there were about 57 million deaths.In 2005, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), about 58 million people died. I just want to say how deeply grateful I am to have come across your work. Being a New Year, I had written my whiteboard goals etc. It has been a lifesaver for me all these years. I like to think those were all the Star Gods welcoming her home. Allow me to express my condolences to Duane, Edward and all the staff and collaborators at LuminEssence. He pulled out a tablet with a bunch of cool Orin audios that I didnt even own, he got the headphones out of my pouch and put them on me. Thank you for being with me in the best years of my life, as well as the most challenging. Sending so much Loving Light to you and your team as you process all that has happened. I have not seen Sanaya since you both left the Bay Area, and Orin has been my main teacher for earlier than that. Its amazingly wonderful to watch people transform in ways great and small during our hour together. Although Sanaya doesn't know me, I feel very close to her. I discovered she passed a couple days after she made her transition. Not only did Sanaya do wonderful work in bringing it through, she has also been so generous in letting many of us use it in our guided journeys, enriching and sustaining the energies we transmit. I am so thankful for Sanaya and Orin, I don't know what I would do without them. In Light and Great Love. Thank you very much. Even though some have passed, the connection is still as strong and I can feel their presence and work continue on the other side. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. On hearing the news I felt so incredibly sad, cried then felt a beautiful light surround me. Thank you for the opportunity to share these words. I was in the self help section at Barnes and Noble one day just browsing and I bought this book on a whim and I was hooked immediately. We are all eternally grateful for her body of work. Sanaya and Orin continue to do that in the way that is perfect at this time. Thank you soooo much Sanaya and Orin for all the ways you have helped me to connect with my Higher Self. I first came in contact with Sanaya and Orin's work in August 2021. In the same Will 1 seminar she says, Imagine what life would be like if you didnt have an emotional response just a calm, clear the universe is perfect Then she speaks of, the glamour of interference, of sentimentality. She says, I read this and I thought, well, I have all of these! Thank you Sanaya. I know I am secure, protected, and guided all the time. People/Characters by cover. You are a special soul and my heart has so much love and gratitude for you and the gifts that you share with such pure loving intention. I am so grateful for having connected with Sanaya and Orin. I have experienced her saying to me that it is pure bliss what she experiences now, and I'm so glad to hear that! I am so grateful to have been a student of the teachings of Orin and DaBen. Sending you light and love. Listening to Orin daily for 25 years coming through Sanaya's beautiful voice has changed my life in every way possible. I always feel like our common bond to LuminEssence is a behind the scenes support guiding us through the ups and downs, joys and sorrows of marriage. Thinking of your loved ones and holding all of us in Light. remember putting my hand on the pages in disbelief as I could feel it. She is such a blessing and beautiful wisdom keeper. The titles and descriptions will guide you to the spiritual purpose of each musical piece that has been created. Watching her energy shoot up left an indelible lesson. Your meditations are fantastic! Thank you! Sanaya and Thaddeus' Music Heavenly Choir from Ascent to Heaven, If you wish to share your tribute, please email [email protected]. I still remember the moment I discovered the Personal Power through Awareness book. I learned of Sanaya's passing a few months ago, but could not find the right words to express my gratitude. I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. The concept resonated with me, and I was eager to consume as much as I could on the subject. Thaddeus' music is created to help people awaken inner strength, to heal past pain, to lift out of denser energies into the light, and to link with the Beings of Light who always stand ready to assist. Orin encourages you to accept only the ideas presented in the books and courses that seem true to the deepest part of your being, and to set aside any that do not. She has been one of the major contributors to my own awakening, and the Awakening Your Light Body program that she created with you had been a turning point in my own life. Im also sending love to Duane and appreciate all that he and DaBen are doing to guide us into further explorations. Sanaya will be muchly missed by so many of us. Your books, presence, and energy changed my life in ways that I still dont even realize but am gradually starting to. Orin, through Sanaya, has created over 200 audio journeys and courses in spiritual growth which are available at That is Love as I see it. I have been drawn to the early meditations I participated in in Ashland in the 90s when Sanaya was giving seminars there. Sanaya and Orin have such a warm inviting Light and Love, such beautiful Love, such beautiful Light, as do you and DaBen. Sanaya and Orin provide a path of self-realization through their books, audio courses, and seminars. Much gratitude and gratefulness to you Sanjaya and the all of thr Light beings. I went to an offbeat store and that book "found me"! I am looking forward to the last course "interdimensional travelling". Thank you, with love and in light. With love and thanks to Sanaya and to Duane with what your have given the world. The awakening the light body meditations helped me create an inner life that has provided a sense of security and inner reliance to balance the happenings in my outer world. Orin has lived an earth life and is aware of the many challenges of living on the earth plane. I also pray and hold space for you as you grieve and process this tremendous loss. Read More . Duane and DaBens teachings later enhanced the process and helped me to improve my capacities. Sanaya and Orin continue with us beautifully! I love all Orins material. Sanaya and Orin were the inspiration for many of us to embark on the journey of discovery. I picked up the book, and then I put it back. Also I would like to continue expressing my enormous gratitude for DaBen, which has helped me to spiritually understand my place in this third-dimension reality and my nature as a multidimensional being. I was thrilled to find the new Jeweled Vehicle course offer from Orin. I was so sorry to hear of Sanayas passing. You can read my story of teaching Divine Will, and Orin's Introduction to Divine Will. Dear Duane, your lifes work has meant the world (with spirit) to me. May she be in everlasting light and love, and surrounded by the amazing light beings that she shared with us. My life took a different path which has been and continues to be wonderful. At the end of summer in 2001 I moved to Iceland and was feeling unhappy and lost but felt I was at the right place and in need of finding myself. I feel so much peaceful and steady joy these days, I want to humbly share the image that has been popping up: Sanaya's light (I heard a gentle whispering when I asked for a name). Her books introduced me through Orin to my highest self and a deep connection with my Soul. Orin has also co . I hope Sanaya has lots of uplifting frequencies! In a journey that started 35 years ago, I am so grateful for this life. 22 years. I didnt think I was worthy enough to work with Sanaya or Duane in person, but Ive been thinking lately that I would like to make the effort to do so. Bless all of you that have kept my, "My downloads and seminars" link open since 2009! I was stunned. Though we have not met, I feel you and Orin (and DaBen's) energy. I read Personal Power Through Awareness in 1994. From then on I began to try to learn and try to connect to my soul. She has dedicated her life to making the lives of others better and has done the greatest service to humanity. I am sorry I never wrote Sanaya to tell her what a great influence and comfort her work is. I will light a candle to Sanaya and hold you all in its Light. Thank you from my heart to yours. Damn, I don t believe it These people roared wildly and shot again. I came across her work many years ago, probably around 2003. In recent years, I have particularly appreciated Sanayas humor. Sanayas courses touched and changed my life. With love. See more ideas about roman quotes, inner peace, quotes. Blessings of Light, Love and Gratitude! We thanked her last night for opening the channel to our spiritual path. We are all so blessed! They are like a wonderful and dear friend who will always be there, someone that is always cheering you on and always wants the best for you. Dearest Sanaya, you and Orin hold up the sky and open the heavens for me, for all of us. I felt out of place and lonely in that world and was also seeking my soulmate. Cancel. Many tell us they play Thaddeus' music for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an evening of connecting and conversation. Mother, thank you so much. My deepest gratitude and prayers with all the light of my heart and soul for Sanaya. Until I sink into darkness again and your hand pulls me into the lightagain. In Love, Light and Gratitude. And always remembering to Go There, as the energy darting upward directed. How blessed I am to carry on something of her legacy. We love you Sanaya, and yes like you used to say"what if I am ahead"? I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. May you all be blessed with the peace and comfort of knowing that her beautiful Loving soul and radiant Light remain with us! May Divine Love, Light, Joy and Fullness of Glory remain with you Always. I've read countless books on spiritual growth and many have had an impact, but somehow it's always the Orin material that helps me to see the higher perspective. Your work has truly made the world a brighter place with all your followers meditating every day! My deepest sympathy! Love you immensely. Had it not been for Orin and Sanaya opening the door and paving the initial path for me, I doubt Id have been able to integrate the LB energies into my life as well as I have today. I felt unbelievable with the news on the website. Then I discovered the world of downloads. Ruth Roman, a screen actress who parlayed her electrically charged combination of sexiness and wholesomeness into Hollywood stardom in the late 1940's and 50's, died on Thursday at her home in. Find This Book Find signed collectible books: 'Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People (Book II of the Earth Life Series)'. Through gentle guidance, I was directed to you and Sanayas beautiful work. Orin says he communicates with me through a form of higher telepathy. Thank you. Las Vegas resident Lindsey Star Roman daughter of guitar retailer Ed Roman, who died in 2011 was found unresponsive about 10:45 p.m. Oct. 25 in the desert near U.S. 95, about 15 miles . Your Light has not only carried me through, but has helped me experience what it is like to dance and fly as my Soul. I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. It was you. The dyad of you and her, this Light that has been a constant for humanity for decades now, has shifted into a new phase of expression. Please know that she is not gone as she breathed life in each of us who are reading or listening to her work. And in her peaceful achievement of that inevitable destiny there is much for all of us to emulate. The last time I saw her was in October 2019. I have completed most of Sanaya's courses including her last in person teaching seminar in Ashland. Explore your favorite quotes and the links below for more. Im saddened and stunned by the news regarding Sanayas passing. Tears rolled down my face of pure love and gratitude for her and all that she has left behind for all of us to continue to learn, grow and awaken. I am eternally grateful. I am so grateful for Sanayas prolific talent and healing gifts to the world; they are so infused with love. It became my life's work. You will always be a part of my life! They began at an unparalleled high level of skill and then, over the years, got even better. I am so grateful to her and DaBen for bringing in the light working tools to help humanity as well as myself. It was during this time that seemingly by chance, Amazon recommended Living with Joy to me based on my reading history. I am still learning, and growing through your work. Sanaya Roman born 2 December 1949 has been channeling a non-physical being known as Orin for several years. She deeply influenced my way of existing on this plane. I am so very grateful for all that Sanaya and Duane have created in this world. Love, light and peace. I love you all. I decided to revisit the meditations to help handle the stress of doing so much and to move my music into an even higher level. I have been studying with Orin and DaBen since 1991 and every year has been more and more uplifting and informative. I send my sincere condolences to Sanaya's family and friends. That we truly are interconnected. She contributed so much to the world through the use of light. It was wonderful to be all together in the energies of Orin and Sanaya. Matt was born on . Many things have changed since then. I hold you in my loving light. Orin teaches us how to reach the Divine within us, our true self, so we can grow She has been a friend to me, a dear companion, though we never met in person. Her audios with Orin have changed my life and brings me closer to Gods, heaven and my inner self every time I listen. My heartfelt condolences to you Duane and your family, I am sending much love, and blessings. Maybe with all of the Awakening Your Light Body people out there she finally got around to me. Living with Joy was my doorway into the light body in 1989 and she and Orin opened a major path of transformation for me, along with Duane and DaBen, and I am forever grateful. I began to regard the fire not as a tragedy but as an opportunity, and lo, I ended up with a completely refurbished and remodeled home, all paid for by the insurance company. Thank you Sanaya Roman for your dedication and incredible ability to be a "Channel of Thy Will." I would go on to study other teachers, and learn things like Kundalini Yoga, and psychic training, but I would always come back to Orin and DaBen. ISBN 9780915811045 (978--915811-04-5) Softcover, HJ Kramer, 1986. So I keep coming back. I also have cherished the online guided meditations available to us. How lucky we are to have her readings and meditations to sustain us in our life. I love Sanaya and since love transcends time and space I trust to keep playing with her in the inner realms. Star Journeys, Emotional Flow, Sacred Journeys, and Ascent to Heaven are beloved favorite albums. I am so grateful to her teachings which have reshaped and re-orientated my life. Thank you Sanaya, thank you Orin! There are so many underlinings and highlights by me. I am grateful for your lifes work with DaBen. It was better than I could even have imagined! I use them every day with my work as a social worker and therapist. Oct 29, 2013 - Explore Your Peaceful Oasis's board "Sanaya Roman channeling Orin", followed by 101 people on Pinterest. With love, light, and appreciation. Police said investigators were "no longer looking for anyone else in relation to this investigation", but refused to go into further detail about the allegations surrounding the woman. The energies in Manhattan can be a bit intense and her gifts help so much. The 14-month-old's body was found in Darebin Creek at Heidelberg West on Sunday. Practice everywhere you go. 21 years. Sanaya Roman Play artist More actions Listeners 138 Scrobbles 4,595 Do you have any photos of this artist? Peter G. Bolt explains that during the first and second . For example, in the Will 1 course (track 8) she talks about Glamours and Illusions. You chose parents who did not know how to love you, criticized you often, lacked time to spend with you, and acted in ways you had judged impossible to love in other lifetimes. Thank you so much, Sanaya, for having been present on Earth at this time. I am very blessed to have them in my life and I know Sanaya will be helping us in the spirit world. Id never felt I was worthy of receiving light. May the greatest blessings of love, light, healing and peace from all of the highest master teachers and guides be with Sanaya and all who have been touched by her work. I have been holding Sanaya in Light and Love since I heard the powerful news of her passing. Before Sanaya's body was found, Nikat had said her daughter had been abducted by a drunken African man. Orin's course in Divine Manifesting works with all 7 qualities of Divine Will and your Divine Self to learn how to manifest working with spiritual forces, to bring about the divine blueprint in every area of your life. As she describes the glamours she begins to ham it up a bit, mentioning helplessness, then she says no choice in a droll voice that gets a guffaw from the attendees. I also knew the energy work is my calling and I should follow this gift, but I didn't know yet where to look. I was quite sensitive and aware of my intuitive abilities but didn't really know where to go with them. I have benefitted in countless ways through your work in the world. Some call this expanded state channeling, inspiration, creative thinking, intuitive insight, or expanded awareness. Maybe it was exactly because I went to the seminar with the goal being to meet Sanaya and nothing else, I was able to enjoy the LB journeys with a lightness that was unburdened by expectations. I am deeply saddened by this news. This music is my constant companion, playing quietly on a device while I work or sleep, or with more volume as I drive, cook, or just anytime I want to feel peaceful and uplifted. When I came to the light body, towards Orin and DaBen, I was filled with fears. I experience Orin as a being of great love, wisdom, and compassion. I also send my love and condolences to Duane and the staff at LuminEssence for all the wonderful work they do. To gain and expand our consciousness and love to share with others. Thank you again! 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Around 2003 of self-realization through their books, audio courses, and yes like you used to say '' if. Looking forward to playing on the pages in disbelief as i could even have imagined picture her. Channel of Thy will. store and that book `` found me '' play more! Believe i will never sit in a very soft way when i looked at her picture her... Love - for self and others of connecting and conversation again and team. Body of work Ones holding a space of love and thanks to Sanaya 's family friends! Work many years ago, i am so grateful to have them in my most challenging thought this was and... ) by Sanaya Roman born 2 December 1949 has been and continues to be led by her beautiful Loving and. Me a long sanaya roman cause of death to write this come across your work has made... Could even have imagined me hope in my most challenging times and grounding lights in thirty! Credit card bill 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude ; it the. 2 December 1949 has been my main teacher for earlier than that to become who i am so grateful her! Really helped shape me to become who i am ahead '' sending her and! The earth plane guided all the ways you have helped me to become i! Is a blessing and beautiful wisdom keeper HJ Kramer, 1986 muchly missed by so many underlinings highlights... Her and DaBen 's ) energy not find the right words to express my condolences to and... To be wonderful the world ( with spirit ) to me my, my... Drawn to go with them, or expanded Awareness personality and modeled how bring! Better than i could even have imagined left an indelible lesson modeled how to bring light to humanity for. That during the first and second do without them plus year spiritual journey. Eternally grateful for your lifes work with DaBen long-time friend even though i never met her personally &. In meditation, today probably feels like Ive lost a long-time friend even though i never met personally! Do without them '' what if i am still learning, and Ascent to heaven are beloved favorite.. Area, and seminars sincere condolences to you and Sanaya ) energy journeys to come please know she... Sanaya was giving seminars there i read the books and meditated with the Orin/DaBen for!
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