Hence there is no connectivity or network issue. rc = -1, module /net/usr.delivery/SAPGUIForJava_750_REL/bas_753_REL/src/krn/snc/sncxxdl.c, line 462 Message server "/M/fmsdev1.sap.xxxx.net/S/10" for MS is not accessible. and add it you download basket to download it . Login to LEAP su npladm startsap - this starts the SAP instance check cmd ping from local machine to see if the SAP instance server is online? You willsee a list of SAP logon group and IVOBE group that you have created in SMLG transaction earlier. I have added the entries in the services file but still, I see the above error: Telnet from Java stack to ISU on port 33XX and 36XX works fine. How to edit personnel no. Sybase - SAP ASE - replication server: routing declaration. Qlik Connector for SAP - Tips and Tricks v1.6. 10) Finally download the PlatinManual_2-20012037.JAR file from your download basket to your local machine, 11) Once the download is complete , look for the file PlatinGUI740_2-20012037.zip in your Mac, 12) Extract the jar file by double clicking the downloaded file , PlatinGUI740_2-20012037.zip, 13) Open the extracted folder , and locate the GuiStartS.jar file, 14) Double click the GuiStartS.jar file and start installing the SAP GUI for JAVA on your machine, 15) Follow the steps shown , by clicking Next, 16) Once the installation is complete , you will find the SAP GUI for JAVA logon pad in your Launchpad, 17) Next step is to add an SAP system . Add sapms
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