As a self-proclaimed realist, federal opposition spokeswoman for Human Services Linda Burney, doesnt believe Australia Day will be changed from January 26. This is the ideological wrestling over which part of this continent's history is more important: the 65,000 years before 1788, or the 240 that have followed. All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? asks the John Cleese character in the classic filmLife of Brian. If you are among those who see changing the date of our national day as one way to help heal that bruise, here's a guide to common arguments against it and how to address them. Pros and Cons of Living in Australia vs. UK. The chair of Family Matters campaign, Sue-Anne Hunter says its indicative of a broken system that is not working for our kids. January 26 is not a day for celebration - that's why is campaigning to change the date of Australia Day, so we can celebrate the best country in the world, without leaving anyone behind. The dispossession of Australia's First Peoples began on this date in 1788 representing a day of mourning rather than celebration. Useful Byproducts 3. Thats basically saying that despite all the subjugation and the land theft, Aboriginal people and cultures have survived, she adds. While some claim it to be a day of mourning, for me and for many others Australia Day is an opportunity to celebrate living in this fantastic country. But the conservative Liberal National Coalition government has criticized any suggestion of a potential change of date, including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. But changing the date of Australia Day is something we can do now. It wasn't until 1994 less than 30 years ago that all states and territories declared it a holiday. Your digital subscription includes access to content from all our websites in your region. The latest poll from think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, found 69 per cent of Australians supported the January 26 holiday. As Australians deal with a record-breaking heatwave, environmental devastation and a sixth prime minister in just over a decade, the annual fierce debate over the countrys national day might be the thing that pushes many of them over the edge. Once upon a time you could reasonably expect a little peace, quiet and relaxation at a campground. It is likely that their institutions will weaken over time but that will take generations. It might just be a commercial Australian Lambs annual advertisement ahead of Australia Day on January 26 but its struck a nerve with a lot of Australians this year. Read the full article on The Conversation. Im not just going to not change it, Im going to ensure it doesnt get eroded Thats our historical day and we need to work together, to come together on that day to ensure that we can make it an important day for all Australians, Morrison said earlier this month. We've changed the date before - in fact, January 26 has only been a national public holiday since 1994 - and must do so again if we want to achieve a national day that unifies all Australians.. Benefits of Change Management. (Photo by Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images), British explorer James Cook in Melbourne was vandalized, 56% didnt care when the national day was held. In addition to the problem of violence there is poor health, community dysfunction, unemployment, child neglect, and poor school attendance. It feels like a moment to pause and acknowledge what we have. A small number of local councils have already tried moving the celebration which is also the date new citizens receive their Australian citizenship from January 26, out of respect for the wishes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. True. Australia, weve always believed in a fair go. Terrorists and the like, mainly gullible young men, feel free to behave badly with guns and bombs because they're sucked in by the teachings of the two major religions, Islam and Christianity. Please place rubbish bins at bus stops. A cultural debate intensified this week when prominent indigenous commentator Stan Grant dubbed the inscription "Discovered this territory 1770", on a Sydney statue of 18th century British explorer Capitan James Cook, a "damaging myth". Since Australia is an independent, democratic country, they assert that Australians should be able to vote who will symbolize them. The latest version of the British flag dates from 1801, that of Canada 1965, South Africa 1994, France 1848, Israel 1948, Japan 1854, Spain 1936 and USA 1960. While many Australians see it as a chance to celebrate the countrys lifestyle, culture and achievements, typically through barbeques and public events, the date is not a happy one for Australias Indigenous people. It is usual for national flags to change from time to time as a nation evolves. Australians have said to us - their delegates at his Convention - symbols are important and it is time that we had a symbol at the head of our system of government which is relevant to us - a Head of State who is one of us. Business and consumers would have more options too. This year, Sydneys Yabun Festival the Gadigal word that means music to a beat will mark its 20th anniversary, where it will celebrate the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. But does she really think for one minute that this would be the nation it is today had it not been for the arrival of the First Fleet and the subsequent development of this land as a great democracy in the British tradition? As you can see, there are a lot of pros and cons to the 4-day school week, but in terms of its long-term effect on academic outcomes, the jury is still out. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. By contrast, 74% of those over 75 said "disagree" or . Those opposed to Australia Day, mainly for the date on which is celebrated, do so because of the historical significance the British invasion and the destruction it brought. The national online poll canvassed the views of 1222 Australians between January 19 and January 22 on their views on changing the Australia Day date, its importance to improving the lives of Indigenous Australians and to what extent they think Indigenous Australians face racism in Australia today. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Topics: Daylight Saving Time, Timekeeping. Whereas all the other cities in Australia are extending and thriving on their night-time public transport services, you are economising. Lets celebrate together, allowing others the freedom to express what it means to them. Mamamia only refers to January 26 by its date, to acknowledge that it is not a day of celebration for all Australians. Statue becomes lightning rod for Australian nationalists. A poll commissioned by progressive think tank Australia Institute found 56% didnt care when the national day was held, while a separate poll from conservative group the Institute of Public Affairs resulted in 70% support for keeping Australia Day on January 26. Which way do the clocks go? Letters may be edited. Economy, education, and health are all at a high level. In recent years there has been a call by left-wing groups to move the date to a less controversial day. As the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the NSW parliament and the first Aboriginal woman to serve in the Australian House of Representatives, Ms Burney says she sees the importance of having a national day, however it needs to be one all people can truly celebrate. While money goes much further here than in larger Australian cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, it's by no means a cheap place to live. Email: [email protected]. Through his advocacy work, Mr Dawe wants to break the cycle of trauma which happens to Aboriginal children who are placed in out-of-home care. Increased momentum around changing the date of Australia Day reflects a growing sense that January 26 is symbolic of the Australia we used to be, not the Australia we hope to become. Register, Join the conversation, you are commenting as Logout. Why? Nurses and midwives in NSW have been warned against posting on subscription site OnlyFans by the industrys professional complaints body. Leave allowance is calculated simply by multiplying the number of days worked a week by 5.6. So, someone working a four-day week would be entitled to: 4 days x 5.6 weeks = 22.4 days. So lets grow up and treat Australia Day as a good time to reflect on how far weve come as a country and, for those in public life, how far weve yet to go. "When those 12 ships turned up in Sydney all those years ago, it wasn't a particularly flash day for the people on those vessels," he said. For lack of a bin they throw it on the ground. Lisa Wilkinsons defence in her defamation case states she is not a lawyer and understood Tens colleagues had fact-checked Brittany Higgins allegations. We know that truth and honesty is the first form of healing, he says, adding that this must be a joint operation between Indigenous, non-Indigenous Australians and broader society. The 'forgotten people': When death came to the Torres Strait. Pros of a 4-day workweek can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Many Australians Think the Day Should Be Changed Even though many Australians are apathetic about the date that Australia Day should be held ( 56% polled said they didn't care about it), other Australians, including Aboriginals want the date changed. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article, Former minister takes 'absolute responsibility' for Robodebt, admits defending scheme despite knowing it could be unlawful, 'Sickening, callous and brazen': Sydney man dies in hail of bullets in front of 12yo son, Evelyn worked three jobs when she was in her 20s to build up her super. 2023 Cable News Network. Almost 100 suburbs and each with a soul! When Australia shaped its foreign and economic policy, Europe and the US were taken as an example. Proponents of DST argue that longer evenings motivate people to get out of the house. The latest report from Reconciliation Australia shows that 90 per cent of Australians want to learn about past issues, and that 89 per cent support a formal truth-telling process. The date of Australia Day should be changed. Donkey votes. Two weeks before Australia Day 2019, Prime Minister Morrison announced potential measures which would ban councils from holding citizenship ceremonies on any day other than January 26. ", Or as one Torres Strait Islander elder said: "I don't need one day to celebrate, I am always celebrating my culture and customs, I celebrate being the First Australian every day.". Now in these more enlightened times, post Mabo and Bringing the Children Home, consideration should be given to the day on which we celebrate our nation, so that all Australians can wholeheartedly rejoice while doing so. All day long, the intrusive sound never stops. The Australian community has charged us with progressing the issue. So why do more than 70 countries in the world still use DST? #9Today The conscription debate. Australia Day is held on the same date Britains First Fleet sailed into Sydney Harbor in 1788, beginning the European colonization which led to the modern nation of Australia. Premium subscribers also enjoy interactive puzzles and access to the digital version of our print edition - Today's Paper. Why for example are there no rubbish bins at bus stops? Power Stations Require Lots of Reserves of Coal 3. January 26: Australia Day vs Survival Day. However, when a publication is about Islamophobia, aided and abetted by gratuitously salacious, revolting, sexually explicit attacks on Muslims, then the crime is shared equally, particularly by those opportunists in the grand parade for their own aggrandisement. Last time I went camping was at Wee Jasper. In this sense, the inability to acknowledge the divisive date of January 26 is proof of that disconnect between Indigenous and some non-Indigenous Australians. Comments made, both in Europe and Australia, regarding the importance of ensuring all Muslims in France are an equal part of French society and enjoy these freedoms are equally important. So for me its a difficult day and I dont want to celebrate it. Changing sleep patterns, even by one hour, goes against a person's natural circadian rhythms and has negative consequences for health. To argue that Australia Day should be on January 26 because of a richly embraced tradition is a hard sell, too. Mr Dawe also acknowledges the hope and optimism in his work and is encouraged by the swathes of non-Indigenous people who attend Invasion Day rallies across Australia. Cook is often credited as the first European to discover Australia. Voting in federal elections and referendums is compulsory for every Australian aged 18 and over. But when you look at how young people are responding, there's a clear generational divide. Discovery Company. Why was Daylight Savings Time created, who invented it, and what is the point of having a time change every year? People take part in an "Invasion Day" rally on Australia Day in Melbourne, August 26, 2018. It appeals to the party base and doesnt require any substantial counter policy. These are the actions of barbarians. The high living standard may be attributed to the low crime rate, high average wages, and excellent government systems. But whats indisputable is the historical origin of the date. However, I believe that in the year 2001, the Australian flag needs to be changed. How proposing an extra day off and more choice makes anyone a "holiday-hating curmudgeon" escapes me. If you just have a look its not Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people only, its also the majority are Australians. Less caffeine: Teens may be less likely to depend on caffeine to stay awake during the day. "When asked to choose which date Australia Day should be celebrated on, less than a quarter (23 per cent) chose the current date from a range of options," she said. The Pros of Longer School Days More Time for Instruction The number one reason for lengthening the school day is to provide teachers with more time for instruction. I hope you are ashamed to have been part of such a regressive and pointless gesture. Change Management Pros and Cons. We heard this from our Prime Minister just days ago: "Australia Day is about how far we've come," Scott Morrison said. Its very hard for Aboriginal people to celebrate a day that represents the beginning of the end, she says. More importantly, the reaction (in France, Europe and elsewhere) to the massacres in Paris have proved beyond doubt the resilience and determination of the majority of ordinary citizens not to allow terror to rule the world. That was not the . There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on student's math and reading scores. The Captain Cook statue in Catani Gardens in St Kilda is seen vandalised on January 25 in Melbourne, Australia. This is also reflective on this date, we cant feel the healing and the empowerment without non-Indigenous people, its a calling to learn about the history and what the date represents., To join the conversation, please Studies link the lack of sleep at the start of DST to, The early evening darkness after the end of the DST period is linked to, Studies have found that DST contributes to, The City of New York invested 1.5 million US dollars in a. One can only hope that the practical application of this will be demonstrated by the French government revoking the current law banning of headscarves and female Muslim dress in public places thereby returning to Muslim women the liberty and equality to choose how they dress in accordance with their beliefs and preferences. These problems will not be solved by changing the date of Australia Day or giving it a new name. It is a day for national unity, and it is too easy to come up with reasons for division. The UK is not on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) all year. This is the best country in the world no doubt, but I cant separate January 26 from the fact that my brothers are more likely to go to jail than they are to go to school, or that my little sisters and my mum are more likely to be beaten and raped than anyone elses sisters and mum, she said on morning TV. . For us, thats a real true sign of reconciliation.. Your story on on Page 5 of Monday's Canberra Times lauding all the little luxuries also unfortunately highlights everything that has gone wrong. Recent moves to promote changing the date of our national day are informed by the fact that many Australians - both Indigenous and non-Indigenous - feel they cannot celebrate on January 26, because that date marks the commencement of a long history of dispossession and trauma for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. January 26 marks the day the Union Jack was raised at Port Jackson on the land of the Eora clans, signifying the beginning of centuries of dispossession that permanently destroyed elements of Indigenous culture. January 26 is fast approaching. Aurukun. Too many people forget that a tent is not a wall. There is no excuse for the attack on Charlie Hedbo. A new social media site has enabled industry-first technology that makes content impossible for creeps to screenshot and screen record. A cornerstone of that is an acknowledgment of the trauma that began and has lingered since 1788. All Rights Reserved. Today many Australians celebrate Christmas for other reasons: family; end of another hard year; food and drink; and summer holidays. Then of course there are the rallying cries of those who say a celebration on the anniversary of British occupation is the equivalent to dancing on their ancestors' graves. There's a lot of polling done on attitudes towards Australia Day, and the results vary depending on whose views are being canvassed. (Through awareness and truth telling) about this day, believe we will all be able to find reconciliation here in Australia. The Australian flag debate is a periodic question over whether the Australian flag should be changed, particularly to remove the Union Jack from the canton, but also to possibly introduce a completely new design without the Southern Cross. Warning: This article contains images of Indigenous people who have died. It has always been thus. A debate exists in Australia over whether the country should adopt a republican form of government and abandon its current constitutional monarchy. Compulsory voting may prevent extremism. Immigration helps to create a global market. . So, the employee would work around 28 hours over four days and have a three-day weekend. They cannot to be excused or mitigated in any way on the grounds of religion, anyone's religion. Helps recruitment: Offering potential and existing employees a flexible working pattern will help attract and retain talented professionals. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. All the pros and cons of climate change now, you can decide! We tell our kids what happened to their ancestors, communities and families on this day and the impacts this has had and how this may have potentially impacted why they are in the out of home care system themselves, he says. We must not any longer shut our eyes to the consequences of our being on earth. This used to be the greatest country on Earth, but weve lost the plot.. Ensure you speak to a registered tax agent to ensure the planning is all legal. log in. It does not have to be one or the other we can reflect on the past, with particular attention given to the injustices endured by Aboriginal people since the invasion, and celebrate what a great country Australia is today. The high rates of violence in the Aboriginal population, particularly against women, are well documented and widely known yet there is comparatively little outrage. JANUARY 26 should continue to be kept as our national day but not because those First Fleet ships landed essential cultural cargo. If offended, there are a range of peaceful options, such as: a letter of complaint to the editor; never purchasing the publication again; a public demonstration in a nearby park; a boycott of companies advertising in the publication. And far from everyone wants to. Some advocates said it would help students retain knowledge. And as we confront our history, re-write our curriculums, maybe the side of history we chose to honour on our national day changes too. That's how most Australian's, celebrate the day, if they celebrate it at al Continue Reading Matt Jennings Former Youth Basketball Coach Updated 6 mo Promoted A similar poll from the ANU's Social Research Centre (SRC) in 2019 also found about 70 per cent of people supported the January 26 holiday. It's a reckoning other colonised countries are having, too. The generators, plenty of them, were started at 7am and turned off (if we were lucky) at 10 at night. Personally, if I want all mod cons I stay at home. Students attend school for 45 days, or about nine weeks, then take off for three weeks, or 15 school days. Far from playing into the hands of the terrorists by irresponsibly encouraging fear of Islam, the media and other commentators should follow Tony Abbott's example in this. In doing so, it ignores more than 60,000 years of pre-colonial history and 230 years of multicultural migration to Australia.. Readily Available Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels 1. Infrastructure spending shouldn't be just buses and trams, City cyclists should be able to feel safe on Canberra's roads, Dumping Dr Lowe will do nothing to fix the economic crisis, Barnaby is both out of touch and running out of time, PM's talk of sovereignty over submarines is hard to believe, Robert denies he wanted to 'double down' on robodebt, hits out at ex-secretary, 'Shock' at influencer's rape claim creates doubt about guilt, appeal told, Hazard reduction burns conducted across Canberra, The Canberra suburbs where home values have risen, despite the downturn, New agreement needed to avoid repeat 'unfortunate' Assembly breach, Shocking access oversight for fast-tracked EV charging network, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. Calma believes the movement to change the date Is gaining momentum, adding: We see the big marches and the protests, and participating in events around Australia. Pro: Longer Evenings Setting the clocks forward one hour in spring does not create more daylight, but it does change the time (on the clock) the Sun rises and sets. SHOULD THE AUSTRALIAN FLAG BE CHANGED? So, when we spring forward an hour in spring, we add one hour of natural daylight to our afternoon schedule. The most common application of year-round education uses the 45-15 plan. 3. A Warner Bros. 2. There are differing interpretations of what it means to celebrate on January 26. Crack down on all rorts The Prime Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Finance and Minister assisting the Prime Minister obviously have a lot to learn about fairness, a virtue that most Australians treasure. Australia Day Date Change. We could all make a list of the things that should be better: trust in politicians, economic competitiveness, standards in schools, safety on our streets (especially in Melbourne), congested roads and inefficient public transport, and yes the well-being of the First Australians, but is anything to be gained by this annual cycle of agonizing over the date of our national day? Our program is addressing the disproportionate rates of aboriginal kids being removed from their parents, families and culture.. Weve changed the date before in fact, January 26 has only been a national public holiday since 1994 and must do so again if we want to achieve a national day that unifies all Australians. And that is where the wandering should end. Though traditionally it had religious significance (and still does for some), for many people there is no religious meaning. A holiday GMT ) all year trauma that began and has lingered since 1788 still does some. 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