Robert Simmons III Ampliar bsqueda. : Painting, Swimming, Collecting Plants, Running, and Hiking. Must be in good academic standing: Must have completed 24 Rutgers New Brunswick credits upon receipt of application. Assistant Director Housing Operations, Jessica Camera Getting your belongings home has been made more convenient and affordable! They are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their assigned hall or community, including providing support services directly to students, supervising Resident Advisors (RAs), and overseeing all educational, social, and operational activities. We will begin forwarding your mail on the Date of Withdrawal date you list on the forwarding card. Providing support, responding to facility concerns promptly, and completing necessary paperwork are some of the ways an RA can be a good team member. Oversees Residence Life Coordinators and their student staffs, all programming initiatives, and Theme Learning Community development. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! -Psalm 105:4, Position: Residence Director Anderson Hall, Degrees earned: Bachelors of Science in Biology, What are your hobbies? Area Coordinator for Evans, Mesick & Simmons, Amanda Russell The majority of our residential communities are mixed gender areas. Sometimes the plan is that the resident will initiate a discussion with their roommate/suitemate(s) on their own and then return to the RA to share how the discussion went. The community you develop during college is many times the people living next door to you, and who you go to events with, so I believe being intentional in Residence Life can drastically impact a students college experience for the better. Office of Residence Life Residence Life Team Ali Simpson Assistant Director for Residence Life | Leadership 419.530.5214 [email protected] Kate Abu-Absi Assistant Director for Residence Life | Living Learning Communities and Assessment 419.530.4640 [email protected] Rebecca Lauber Clerical Specialist 419.530.8508 Students needing replacement keys should contact Residence Life at 617-521-1096 or [email protected]. Link directly to your student account log-in page to review your term bill. Residence Life Coordinator for Mines Park Apartmentspronouns: He/Him/[email protected](303) 273-39222001 Infinity CircleSupervises student staff and oversees programming. B.S. The RA serves as an unbiased third party that facilitates a respectful honest dialogue wherein all residents have the opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts without interruption and then work toward defining solutions that will resolve the concerns expressed. The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. Through the mediation process, residents develop conflict resolution and communication skills. Click the button below and get started on your application. All I know is if God is real and if His word is true, then everyone who turns from their sin and places their faith in the saving work that Jesus Christ did on the Cross will have a real, life-fulfilling purpose. The resume should include transferrable skills, leadership skills, involvement in college-based activities, and any other relevant experience. I love to write, listen to music, cook, dance and go on cool adventures with my friends! Calendar : I enjoyed it as both a resident and staff member from all the lifelong connections I was able to make. What is your favorite thing about working in Student Life/Higher Education/Residence life? Administrative Coordinator of Campus Living Officepronouns: She/Her/[email protected](303) 384-2576Campus Living OfficeOversees administrative processes for the Campus Living Office. Any student requiring a special housing accommodation of any type should send the request and documentation to Simmons University Accessibility Services. What advice would you give those attending HSU? 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401 Residence Life values parents and families as partners in supporting their student and their student's success at Simmons. M.Ed. There are full-service dining halls and cafes on both the residence and the academic campuses, and students can choose from several full-service meal plans, point meal plans, or a la carte cash options. This agreement allows all parties to communicate their needs, gain an understanding of mutual expectations for the living environment and identify opportunities for compromise. Graduate Admissions In many cases, students personal property that is brought to college is covered under their parents homeowners insurance policy. Simmons offers a variety of dining options and meal plans for students. To aid in that educational process, the entire Housing & Residence Life staff is dedicated to assisting you during your stay within our community. Life in the heart of Boston is energetic and bustling, but on the Simmons campus you'll find friendly faces, a welcoming atmosphere, and lots to do. University Housing is a combination of traditional corridor-style residence halls with community bathrooms and suite-style residence halls with in-suite bathrooms. My Masters degree, in Student Development and Higher Education Administration, is from the University of Iowa. I believe Residence Life is the best place for this because it enables you to be very hands on with the students. No other choice for university living will provide you with better opportunities to meet fellow students with common interests and goals than living in a residence hall. Note: Rutgers University is not responsible for and cannot be held liable for loss, theft, damage, or vandalism to any students personal property. What are your Hobbies? The application will reopen on Sunday, January 15, 2023 to allow more candidates to apply. Vernon, Iowa (next to Mines, the G.O.A.T.) Mines is such a unique campus, with a strong sense of community and care among its students and staff, and I love learning alongside such ambitious students! My name is Zach and I come from the Midwest, specifically Northwest Indiana (The Region/Chicagoland). Tyler Turner. The Simmons Off-Campus website is a great resource to find affordable apartment listings in the Boston area and the Simmons REEF Support Center provides housing access and off-campus living resources and support for students. [email protected] . Other times the resident requests that the RA is present for and helps with the conversation. Then the RA will work with the residents to summarize the concerns and begin the resolution process. We host a variety of visit opportunities throughout the year. Welcome to the Residence Campus A short walk from the main campus, Simmons's gated residence campus offers a private refuge in the heart of the city. How long will my mail be forwarded? When will the mailroom begin forwarding my mail? As a student at HSU, you have a chance to structure your goals, dreams, and daily habits around a life surrendered to the plan of the Father, which is immeasurably better than any plan we could conceive ourselves. Emergency requestssuch as fire, medical emergencies, water leaks, broken glass, and hazardous chemical or waste spills should be directed to Public Safety at all times by calling 617-521-1112. As a Residence Life staff member, RAs are expected to be an integral part of the staff team and to participate in the work that supports the development of inclusive and safe communities. Director of Residence Life, Amber Whitton Hi yall! Resident Assistantsform the face and the voice of Residence Life at Rutgers. A reference is required to support an applicants candidacy. Single traditional room or a single bedroom (housed in an apartment or suite to be shared with other student roommates). After this, it will be returned to sender. Click to expose navigation links on mobile, First-Year Residency Requirement and Housing Exemption, Community Standards & Residential Conduct Process. Athletics These qualifications are required to apply for the Resident Assistant position: Facilitating a positive community is an integral part to achieving the goals of Residence Life. We are committed to the emotional, physical and spiritual development of our students. Submit a Work Request Submit an Office Key Request We inspect all mailboxes before they are issued to students. Mines Magazine How long and what capacity? All candidates who are hired will be required to take Foundations of the Resident Assistant Experience (1.5 credit course) for the first seven weeks of the following fall semester. Graduate Student Government When a package is received, it is scanned into our system and an e-mail is sent to your Simmons e-mail account. To achieve the goals of Residence Life, RAs must approach all situations in an educational manner showing care and respect for all students. The Residence Campus Mailroom accepts packages for resident students from the US Postal Service and all major couriers. It is the applicants responsibility to follow up with their reference to make sure they have completed and submitted the online reference form by Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 12 p.m. EST. The Facilities Service Center processes work requests for Buildings & Grounds, which is responsible for building maintenance, housekeeping, furniture moves, landscaping, shipping and receiving, and snow removal. Our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Work Orders The Facilities Service Center processes work requests for Buildings & Grounds, which is responsible for building maintenance, housekeeping, furniture moves and bed bunking, landscaping, shipping and receiving, and snow removal. From our nine residence halls to our state-of-the-art athletic facilities to our variety of dining halls and cafes, you'll feel right at home. Pronouns: He/Him/His. Hello! Our staff is committed to the efficient and secure handling of your mail and packages. It brings me joy when I am able to pour into someone else. in Higher Education, University of ArkansasPost-graduate Studies Teacher Certification in English and Psychology, Hardin-Simmons UniversityB.A. Descartar. Cuando se ampla, se proporciona una lista de opciones de bsqueda para que los resultados coincidan con la seleccin actual. Set to begin June 1, her role will focus on efforts to fulfill the recommendations laid out in a 134-page report, released last year by a Presidential Committee on Harvard and the Legacy . Single rooms are limited and reserved for students who are eligible for housing accommodations, Free campus-wide Wifi and high-speed internet access is available in each room. Additional amenities include laundry facilities, student kitchens, lounges with TVs, pianos, study rooms, a quiet meditation room, and a computer lab. Choosing your college is a huge decision, and we want to help you make the right one. Neighbors Dr. Sarah Friswold-Atwood. Dont let fear hold you back from becoming the man or woman God wants you to be. Tell us what you need to know, and we'll answer all your questions. This NEVER gets old, which is why I truly love and stay in Residence Life. Serves on an on-call rotation for emergency response. SRAs do not enforce rules or policies specific to Conference guests and their organizations. Phone Number +1 336-841-9618. Training will begin on Thursday, August 17, 2023, and will continue until the buildings open. Join now Sign in . HSU prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of age (over 40), sex, pregnancy, race, color, national and ethnic origin, disability, genetic information or the refusal to submit to a genetic test, protected veteran status, and any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, Texas, or local law. Laundry is included in the cost of housing at Rutgers-Camden! A degree and a well-paying job will never bring us true satisfaction; only Christ can do that. I love getting to help students in their journey here at Mines as they discover their passions and learn about themselves inside and outside of the classroom. Information regarding new immunization and vaccination requirements for residence hall students. Contact Information and Hours of Operation, Residence Hall Communities & Virtual Tours, Report Accessibility Barrier / Provide Feedback Form, Must apply for and commit to residing fulltime in on-campus housing for the Summer 2023 session, Cannot maintain any other job or employment, on or off campus, during the duration of the SRA contract period without prior approval, Can be enrolled in classes but is not a requirement for the Summer 2023 Session, Must have a minimum of 2.75 semester and cumulative GPA, Understanding of community living and willingness to be a role model, Extensive knowledge of the Universitys grounds, campus resources, policies, and rules, Ability to provide quality customer service to Conference Guests who may be unfamiliar with campus, Ability to uphold residential and housing standards and policies, Maturity level necessary to represent the department and University as a front line staff member, Availability to serve in an on-call duty rotation for one week increments (3 weeks total for the contract period), Must have active personal cell phone for contact in case of emergency, Must be a current and returning student with at least 1 full semester of on campus experience (May 2023 graduates and Spring 2023 Transfers are not eligible at this time), No prior or outstanding judicial sanctions or criminal record, Familiarity with the use of Microsoft Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint, SRAs are expected to attend a 3 Day Training in May 2023 (Date TBD but will be after commencement). Whether it be about the role, completing the application, who to use as a reference, etc.- we are here to help you! Why did you apply to be in Residence Life? Room Costs and Meal Plans Res Life Central HSU RESNET Connection Guide Exception to Live Off Campus Form What should I do if I plan to move off campus? Students eligible to live on-campus may choose, or may be assigned by Residence Life, to room with other eligible students who were assigned a different sex at birth than you, or who are a different gender(s) than you. Show up to class, show up to activities that sound fun, show up for your friends and most importantly show up for yourself. Technologyissuesincluding, computer, printer, copier, phone, classroom/meeting room and media concerns should be directed to theTechnology Service Desk. The Office of Housing and Residence Life supports education beyond the classroom by providing students with inclusive, well-maintained, and secure living-learning environments. Bookstore Stipend for office hours at $15.00 per hour (option to pick up additional shifts at the Welcome Desk), $500 food stipend paid out at the beginning of the summer. What are your hobbies? Correctly addressing the envelope is the most important aspect of any mailing. Find electronic versions of our housing contracts, information regarding important deadlines, and costs for on-campus living. FSU 229. News Much of the work that Hall Directors, Residence Life Coordinators, and Campus Directors do is dependent on the strong work ethic of the RA. SRAs must submit a duty log by 9:00am the following morning. SRAs are expected to assist with all planned and unplanned fire drills and building evacuations if present. Residence Life & Education . Position Title: Summer Resident Assistant (SRA) Reports To: Assistant Director of Residence Life. Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. A successful mediation requires participants to be present, engage in perspective taking, listen to understand, and compromise. Helpful hints for making the most of living with a roommate and links to web resources. Students are also welcome to come to the Office of Residence Life to make an appointment with a member of professional staff. RAs will meet with each roommate/suitemate individually to discuss their personal experience in the space and any concerns they may have. University Department Student Life. Simmons University MSC # 54 Pilgrim Road Boston, MA 02215-4173. . Email [email protected]. Residence Life - Hardin-Simmons University Home Student Life Living on Campus Residence Life Residence Life Our staff is dedicated to the learning experience of our students by building a community cultivated in a Christ-centered and transformative living environment. Common work requests and corresponding SchoolDude Problem Type: Faculty or staff members needing replacement or new office keys should download the Key Request Form. Living with someone new, who has different habits or communication styles, can be challenging. All other packages will not be accepted by the Mailroom and are subject to the couriers policy for final destination. B.A. Feel free to stop by at the Maple lobby to say hi! Position: Residence Director of Behrens Hall. The advice I would give to those attending HSU is to enjoy every moment. The skills and passions developed within your time in residence life will translate to any field you may find yourself in later on in life, and I strongly believe that the Lord does a huge work within the hearts of the young men and women who commit to investing their time and energy into serving their peers in the role of RA. Learn how to get mail and packages shipped to you on campus! RAs are expected to be reasonably available and willing to work during emergencies and other unexpected events for which Residence Life support is needed. How do I claim my package? Timothy Robinson. Lets not forget that! The RA position can be time-consuming, but it is possible to manage it. Area Coordinator for Dix, North & South, 2023 Simmons University | 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 | 617-521-2000, Residence Campus Mailroom Forwarding Information, Certificates, Licensure & Special Programs, MSW with School Social Worker/ School Adjustment Counselor, Confidential Ethics Reporting (Ethicspoint), Jennifer Eckert Center for Leadership & Engagement, Religious Occurrences and Celebration Support, Housing Religious Observances Request Form, Ship your UPS packages from the Smith Hall Mailroom, Save an average of 10% from UPS Store rate, Boxes in a variety of sizes are available for purchase, You will receive a tracking number to monitor the progress of your delivery, Payment can be made by Fenway or Credit Card. Duty SRAs should check in with the AOC each day at the start of their duty week, Duty Rounds of the building (2-3 per night), Third on weekends or as needed, 1:00am-1:30am. Assistant Director of Residence Lifepronouns: He/Him/[email protected](303) 869-XXXXCampus Living OfficeOversees Residence Life Coordinators and their student staffs, all programming initiatives, and Theme Learning Community development. We are located on the second floor of the Health Center, across from North Hall. Serves on an on-call rotation for emergency response. The drop-in hours will all occur via Zoom. iService Request; Project Updates; . When Im not at work, you can find me doing all things Colorado (hiking, camping, skiing), and Im almost always accompanied by my dog, Bucket. Maintain the security of all building keys issued to the SRA and/or signed out by the SRA for the purpose of performing work-related tasks like lockouts or inventory. Marketing and Communications Coordinator Email: aarcher AT_TOWSON. Brooke Bernard Director of Residence Life. Feel free to come up and say hello! 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