substack alex berenson

But were talking to Alex Berenson. 10. Ugh. Please check your inbox. If they do, in the end . It is sad, for sure. These days, the truth tends to support non-establishment Democrat narratives, so independent news is essential. ALEX: and put my name in and hopefully Twitter wont ban me. 1. (It should start around the 21 minute mark.). You want it bad; you get it bad. We wanted this bad, and we got something that doesnt really work as promised. The good news: death rates have now fallen far below normal. Share this post. BUCK: Two-thirds basically of Indians have had covid right now. They dont work like traditional vaccines, and we have now pretty good data on this the first couple of weeks after you get the first dose, youre actually more likely to get infected, it looks like. Update on Berenson v Twitter This would be a very good time to donate to the legal fund. If you look back at Moderna and the companies have played this so brilliantly. Why is no one in the mainstream media acknowledging the United Kingdoms publicly available data showing for the 40 and older age groups, 79.94% of COVID-19 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated? It startled the host and the producer later apologized to Malone. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. 44. So, for people out there, you shared some data before Twitter banned you or suspended you, I should say, for seven days, which well get to in a minute. They said, You can get this in youre a heterosexual woman and you have sex with the wrong guy one time, you can get this. They knew they were lying. Welcome to the official fan page for the John Wells novels! Dr. Malone quickly responded on his Substack, calling it a low blow. In Israel they only use Pfizer which the mRNA vaccine which more people in the U.S. have gotten and they did it on the Well say correct. We know this because Dr. Malone indicated that the producers apologized to him about it and were blindsided themselves. Alex, great to see you. Okay? Don't take it from me, take it from Moderna! Alex Berenson, subscribe to it and you can pick up "Unreported Truths About Covid" on Amazon. The study boldly claims that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. Read more. I said that all along. In fact, Ive been, frankly, shocked how many people are willing to pay. ALEX: Let me tell you one thing. Thats good. But, yeah, she . That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 18, 2023 That is the reality. Coronavirus. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) / Twitter Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson Author of Tell Your Children and Pandemia. Launched a month ago. You can look at the real world data and say, Yeah, it looks like they reduced deaths for a time, again, for a time. Click to read Unreported Truths, by Alex Berenson, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers. To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit CLAY: Buck and I, Alex, have been saying, Hey, to our parents, you should go get the vaccine.. This is the tip of the spear of tyranny, unfortunately. And why he continues to do the work he does even though he has lost friends and has been kicked out of many elite circles. CLAY: Thats a shining light in terms of natural immunity. Like, thats my spiritual place. He parlayed that into a lucrative Substack and adoration by the deplorables he obviously hates. Simply say, Dr. CLAY: And so this is going to be endemic for years and years to come. Berenson, 48, made national headlines last year for his criticism coronavirus lockdowns and mandates, drawing the ire of Big Tech, the mainstream media and others who sought to bury his writing.. How did that about something that we all have to take for the rest of our lives? BUCK: Thats too much. Alex Berenson just put up a substack pointing out that at the level of population excess mortality, many highly vaxed European countries regardless of the proportion of actual Covid deaths making up the excess are not trending well. What I want everyone to see, he said. In total, 2,284 of the 3,158 total COVID deaths in England for the month of September were fully vaccinated. In case you did not know, Alex Berenson is a journalist who has been a leading voice in questioning the current covid vaccine dogma that has destroyed free speech in the West. You can find all the articles from all the people who criticized me talking about how great the situation was in Israel, how this was the future if you got everyone vaccinated. The ironic thing is that the vast majority of his paid subscribers and vocal supporters are on the right. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with a higher percentage ofthe population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. His 2019 book Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence sparked controversy, earning denunciations from . I think what surprises me most is that a good number of Alex Berenson fan boys and fan girls aren't the slightest bit bothered by his behavior. CLAY: The timing of it more than anything else. BUCK: Another thing that we are told, and its one of these Its like the hamster hitting the pedal to get the little pellet, you know what I mean? Unprofessional, rude and an arsehole to boot. Look at the U.K. Theres no cases. So, back then the argument would be sort of about, Look, theres all these side effects, which, by the way, were not even talking about side effects any more. Fox News Favorite Anti-Vaxxer Guests Alex Berenson and Robert Malone Are At War. So Israel actually was saying that young men who are at the highest risk for myocarditis appear to have about a one in 3,000 to one in 6,000 risk of clinically significant myocarditis. In the least, given that Berenson isn't showing up to support alternative social media platforms like GETTR, I think he's not as sincere as he comes off and is trying to get back his mainstream credibility. In any case, Berenson now became a pariah, while the right has been used to being that for decades. And, by the way, we dont even know that these vaccines actually reduce deaths, okay? Its never been proven in a clinical trial. If you haven't seen it yet, here's the video. I just saw your great comment on Alex Berenson's latest post - which I only checked to see if he had responded to his readers yet. Remember when the Biden administration said I was a "terrorist threat"? The overwhelming majority of the comments are negative regarding his attack on Dr. Malone (Malone has his own Substack that is worth reading and will be on my recommendation list). They would have to hear you out. ALEX: Okay. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. The study boldly claims that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.. Anyone surprised by this is not paying attention. He was not invited on to express his beliefs about Dr. Malone. Federal officials targeted me specifically; when they met with Twitter in April 2021, "they really wanted to know about Alex Berenson" Alex Berenson . Again, Im not a conspiracy theorist, but thats one of those questions that doesnt have a good answer, like why havent they told us how many people have gotten this and recovered? 107. Fully vaccinated, okay? Alex Berenson was born in New York in 1973 and grew up in Englewood, N.J. After graduating from Yale University in 1994 with degrees in history and economics, he joined the Denver Post as a reporter. Let me compare Berenson with the two Substacks I pay to support, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. He does not show enough of the upside of the vaccines. How do you respond to that? What is going on right now? After the second dose, it looks like you have this sort of Happy Valley. But smart people I talk to say it looks to them like its not that the Delta variant is so much worse. And Australia. ALEX: which I dont think I was on. CLAY: What are you seeing? Copy link . Is that the vast majority of people in Britain who died in September were fully vaccinated. Now, that doesnt mean we cant get back to normal. ALEX: Again, 17 now months ago back in April of 2020 . And if they do, how would you tell people? ALEX: No masks. CLAY: And your point Sorry, before we get to Israel. He also writes here on substack so check him out. I was first exposed to Substack when I watched people like Bari Weiss and Glen Greenwald, whose perspectives I enjoy, port their works over to the site. Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. My recently updated excess deaths charting capabilities (in this case of total population death RATES for valid country to country comparisons) using Human Mortality Database data (as debuted here simplifying an earlier sine wave base version here) are well suited to make a simplified view of what that looks like for (from top to bottom in the chart) Germany (DEUTNP in black), Portugal (PRT in red), Spain (ESP in grey), Netherlands (NLD in blue) and UK (GBRTENW in green): The dashed lines starting at end of 2019 and extending to the right side are where the death rates should be varying around if the trends from 2015-2019 had continued. It looks like someone named Brooke is accusing anyone of being upset about his behavior as being some sort of "paid troll," but she has a "founding subscriber" icon and it makes me wonder if SHE has been paid to be there. At most, they get a fever for a couple days. Thats older people and, listen, if youre 400 pounds you probably should. Its as you close to full vaccination as you can reasonably hope for. You have young children. In his critique, Mr. Berenson - a former NYTimes journalist without any . are well suited to make a simplified view of what that looks like for (from top to bottom in the chart) Germany (DEUTNP in black), Portugal (PRT in red), Spain (ESP in grey), Netherlands (NLD in blue) and UK (GBRTENW in green): baizuobus samizdat-rich analysis and charts. Ive got three young kids. I would respond there, but he's banned non-paying subscribers now. Your Dept. But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! Alex is not and in the past couple of days has shown that quite clearly. There are no morals if you take away others rights. The left never questions a thing the left does. Masks are useless. Have you found a problem with facial & eye swelling ?? We have punished our kids enough. Back and better than ever. ALEX: So the best way to find me right now is on Substack. The country that did the best job with the mRNA vaccinations has a serious crisis on its hands right now. Alex has been putting out a lot of information on Covid issues that go against the corporate narrative. Similar patterns to Public Health Englands data can be found in other countries around the world. BUCK: and now theyve gone back on that. Looking at the clip, it was obvious that Berenson was nervous and just waiting to speak. But in my opinion, no; it's not enough. And that was now well over a year ago, and that was before the huge wave we had through the winter where we had the all-time records hitting. (I'm sure you did too.) We got a lot of this, people reaching out. So the two countries that were more aggressive than the U.S., significantly more, were Israel and the U.K. And the data is cleaner out of Israel for a couple of reasons. How is it possible that public health officials and media pundits in the United States continue to call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 72.32% of COVID deaths in England occurred in the fully vaccinated last month? They are useless. Youve probably seen him on Fox, and you maybe have gotten Unreported Truths downloaded. Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson offers the third installment in the best-selling series that offers an honest counterpart to credulous media coverage about the risks of the coronavirus and ways to stop it. ALEX: No. Here is the clip. They dropped all the restrictions. Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. However, RCTs at least eliminate the large placebo effect. So I added this up, starting at a baseline of 20,000 subscribers: The Self-Sabotage of Alex Berenson. But when you ask the CDC to present studies showing that masks work, that cloth or surgical masks work to protect their wearers from covid they dont have any because those studies dont exist. Alexander Norman Berenson [2] (born January 6, 1973) is an American writer who was a reporter for The New York Times, and has authored several thriller novels as well a book on corporate financial filings. Nothing is ever that simple unless you are a liberal elite. Gottlieb is the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, a close colleague of many federal officials - and a senior board member of Pfizer, which has made $70 billion selling . Tucker Carlson and Alex Berenson approach the . In contrast, the fact-checkers at Reuters, the Associated Press, and the New York Times will debunk these statements by saying that the majority of people over the age of 40 are fully vaccinated in England, therefore it is to be expected that the majority of COVID-19 deaths would be fully vaccinated. Go to his Substack. ALEX: Okay. They dont work. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. As many are now aware, Mr. Alex Berenson decided to use a Fox/ Laura Ingraham show segment to launch an unprovoked ad homonym attack on m e as committing "clearly a large exaggeration" by referring to myself as "the inventor of the mRNA technology" or by asserting that "Ivermectin has been proven to work". CLAY: Which Buck and I both did, by the way. Is that the vast majority of people in Britain who died in September were fully vaccinated. Jun 6, 2022 . Im gonna tweet what I want to tweet, and I need to make sure that Twitters aware of that. Explain that Israel data, for people out there. He pointed to the fact that the British Governments own data shows the majority of COVID cases and deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during the month of September, or more specifically, between the weeks of 34 and 37 2021. The narrative is rapidly falling apart, but Berenson and Malone (and others) have been discussing the problems from the beginning. That is the fact. The other day, Malone and Berenson were on a Fox News program about the Twitter censorship. And, they define fully vaccinated as 14-days or more after the second dose of a 2-dose vaccine. The platform was also criticized earlier this year for. So if youre vaccinating 95% of people over eighty, its not like some 88-year-old is saying, I dont want this thing. No, theyre probably just too sick to get it and that means thats probably why they seem to be at higher risk or at least part of the reason. They realize that people are complicated and can never be placed into some specific category, such as deplorable. And if not, what does the future look like right now? In summary, U.S. public health and political officials with the help of corporate media outlets are lying, manipulating, and deceiving the American public. By all accounts, he has done quite well with paid subscriptions here. But I hope this hero can remember his roots, rediscover humility, and listen to those of us who see the truth that he seems to be missing. Berenson showed Rogan a report entitled COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 38 from Public Health England (PHE), which is equivalent to the Center for Disease Control in the United States. BUCK: Clay and I have both been talking to you now about this issue for about 18 months and were going to for a long time. It does not happen, okay? So you gotta multiply that by 30 plus to get to U.S. numbers. Alex Berenson just put up a substack pointing out that at the level of population excess mortality, many highly vaxed European countries regardless of the proportion of actual Covid deaths making up the excess are not trending well. Perhaps Alex's silo of truth stance is why RFK Jr. called him a young curmudgeon. The right appreciates these guys for reporting the truth. Berenson doubled down on being an asshole rather than do the right thing and apologize. These habits will never break. There is no evidence that this thing is gonna cause that covid or any of the variants is gonna cause health system collapse. Curmudgeons acknowledge the truth that kids will ruin their lawn by running around on it, thus yelling, Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth -. I recommend you do so on Amazon before they decide you cant. By all accounts, he has done quite well with paid subscriptions here. ALEX: Thats right. A new study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found increases in COVID are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. Ironically, an interview that Alex just did with RFK Jr. gives us a little insight. And they suspended me for a week for a tweet that did nothing but report the results of Pfizers pivotal clinical trial about the vaccine. True story. Oct 25, 2021. BUCK: So in this country right now going back to the narrative thats all being jammed down our throats all the time by the generally Democrat-aligned corporate media . And third, when kids get covid, unless theyre lightning-strike unlucky or theyre really sick, they dont I mean pre-existing, like have leukemia or some terrible condition . ALEX: Thats right. The clinical trial data didnt show that. Mayo clinic currently lists these long-term signs and symptoms as common. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Only we can do that to ourselves. This shit is free right now. CLAY: Okay, Alex, I want to ask you this question. I apparently stirred up a little hornet's nest with my article on Alex Berenson's estimated Substack . Cause originally they did say that it was gonna prevent transmission . Perhaps it isnt enough in the long run to just chase the truth, running over whoever gets in the way of your pursuit. Similar patterns to Public Health Englands data can be found in other countries around the world. You all know him as author of Unreported Truths About Covid-19, a series you can get online. A one-year thank-you for subscribers who signed up after the piece about the White House effort to define free speech as terrorism, I hoped by now we would be done with Covid. And yes, the mandates are mostly gone. Last week I threw out five ideas on what we need to do going forward to make sure the debacle of the last three years - and particularly of our . You are not anti-vaccine. Only one side is actually stopping free speech. And it was a terrible time, and Cuomo made bad decisions and it got worse because of the nursing homes. Click to read Howard Marler Museum Collection Notes, a Substack publication. And if theyre not okay with that, then I guess I have to consider my legal options. I even went to his website and got a big sign saying it was blocked. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. For example, data from Israel, Iceland, and Singapore also show the majority of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated. Alex Berenson is the one man who has methodically tracked down every source, number, and study about Coronavirus that can be found. One is, again, its this problem of how long does it last? He instead used the segment to trash not just Ivermectin but Malone for promoting it. What these people commenting don't seem to recognize is that Alex isn't part of any team other than Team Alex. Thats different. BUCK: And now, Okay. It is abundantly clear these vaccines dont meet that definition. We deserve it after the last two years. In the first few months of the vaccines, the Atlantic even devoted a whole . Alex Berenson Jan 30 505 44-year-old female vegetarian MSNBC host is hospitalized for almost 10 days for heart inflammation, blames everything but the obvious cause It was because of a cold, people. Please, Ironically, an interview that Alex just did with RFK Jr. gives us a little insight. Berenson, whose robust track record of misinformation has contributed to his being relegated to self-publishing his opinions at Substack, comes . Despite all this, I offer a truce. CLAY: And it hasnt been talked about that much. BUCK: There will be a news story that will say, Booster getting approval, booster here, booster there. Well, shouldnt that be known? We have poor studies. Governor DeSantis Talks to Clay and Buck. Alex Berenson. The companies were much, much smarter. Thats actually good. This thing is not bad enough to destroy our society. True story. For example, according to the UK Government, between March 2020 and January 2021, 436 of 80,820 total COVID-19 deaths were 39 and below, representing half of one percent of the countries deaths, while the median age of death was 82 and the mean age of death was 80. Because he is now using his platform on Twitter to slam and defame a woman who has suffered from serious neurological vaccine injuries, Alex Berenson has crossed a line, a line which has destroyed any shred of credibility he had as a . Okay. A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. Do we know? BUCK: I mean, New York back when they did it in, I think it was, June 2020 said it was 20%. Of Pandemia wishes to congratulate those who have not lost faith! Please, On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common, And why it is so hard for the people in charge to understand when they've made a catastrophic mistake, much less change course, URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows, Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for. Substack takes 10% of that. Both of them are doing very well on earnings from paid subscriptions. Is that really it? The collective will create power and keep power anchored to them only. They found six children who died in Britain from covid. ALEX: Thats right. Enter your email to receive your password hint. I believe that both are true journalists who follow the truth. ALEX: So, you know, a couple months ago they had an easier case, right? But for all of us. It was Alex's dishonesty in how he used his airtime, blindsiding everyone - Dr. Malone, the host, the producers, and the audience - that set everyone off. ALEX: Thats a fascinating question. Many of these comments mention that attacking Dr. Malone was hurting the team. The Team being those fighting the government misinformation on vaccines, as well as mandates and masks, opposition to vaccines for children, the effectiveness of Ivermectin, and all the other authoritarian aspects of Covid and the silencing of any critics of the narrative. He tells you the truth, good or bad about almost anything you might like to know about this scourge of the World. Again, just like communists would. BTW it was the third hit on duckduckgo when searching for Alex Berenson substack. Whats going on with that? But it's not the only reason for the outrage. So Twitter suspended me for 12 hours, they suspended me for 12 hours again, and then last week they suspended me for a week. Alex is a smart guy who's not afraid to voice his opinions. Berenson subsequently hopped on Substack to defend his attack on Malone. People look at the numbers, they look at the data, and come to very different conclusions. If Alex and Dr. Malone had been invited on to discuss these disagreements, there wouldnt be this outrage. If there is a team, Dr Malone is on it. Dr Malone was quite eloquent in responding to it. Ill say this, okay, when you look at the Israeli data there is one thing that theyre sort of clinging to, this idea that vaccines still prevent or lower the risk of severely illness and death, okay? COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 38, the median age of death was 82 and the mean age of death was 80. Didnt we all mask up for about 12 of those months and the virus came and went and came and went and came and went. Okay. And most of that money is coming from the right. And the problem and we were talking about this a little bit during the break is there are so many people whove been so frightened because all they do is watch CNN. Unfortunately, it doesnt do that. A weekly visit to the past through our time machine; to take a look at the past and consider how to shape the future in that light! We are a republic built for freedom of men and women. There was much talk amongst Alexs followers of how he was wrong in his statements regarding Dr. Malone's relationship with mRNA development and his claims about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Share this post. Thats what the narrative has been. The day the hospital ships left New York City, New York Harbor in April/late March or I guess its late April of last year, that argument should have ended. If he wanted to make sure that people knew his appearance with Dr. Malone wasnt an indication that they were in total agreement, fine. In a podcast episode released last Tuesday, New York Times best-selling author, Alex Berenson, who was permanently suspended from Twitter, appeared on "The Joe Rogan Experience" to discuss the latest reports on the COVID vaccines out of the UK. Then it takes a couple more weeks and you get the second dose. Second of all, kids are dirty little creatures who are like constantly touching them and taking them off and switching them with each other. I think Alex Berenson is coming from a different place. Im talking about the mRNA, and the J&J that works differently as well, but its essentially the same idea as the mRNA vaccine. More specifically, 79.94% of the COVID-19 cases in England above the age of 40 during September were fully vaccinated. Alexs inability to see (or at least to acknowledge) the beauty of the moment is part of the problem. How it happened that way is forgotten immediately. In the US, that narrative is the vaccine and boosters are the only thing. "The First Amendment does not apply to private companies like Twitter," Mr. Berenson wrote last week on Substack . Read more. They should encourage the sort of rump of people who are at high risk and havent been vaccinated be vaccinated. And, by the way, we dont know how long immunity is gonna last with each booster. 107. Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth - wasnt truthful with his very appearance on the show. How bad? They wanted to get as many people to have one dose as possible. And so theyre paying for what they can get mostly for free. Part 2 explained lockdowns. YouTube Bans All Content Stating Vaccines Are Ineffective Or Dangerous: YouTube has expanded its medical misinformation policies with new guidelines targeting content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. Read More. But at what. You can watch the clip yourself, but it was completely a blindside attack and uncalled for. But I think this has all been planned as a way to get back into the elite liberal media crowd he so craves. Fatigue Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Cough Joint pain Chest pain Memory, concentration or sleep problems Muscle pain or headache Fast or pounding heartbeat Loss of smell or taste Depression or anxiety Fever Dizziness when you stand U.K. didnt do that. By Khaleda Rahman On 8/30/21 at 8:21 AM EDT. 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Alex has been used to being that for decades was not invited on to discuss disagreements! Truth about Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence sparked controversy, earning denunciations from searching for Alex Berenson is one. Tell people at Substack, comes n't part of the vaccines, the even. In total, 2,284 of the vaccines, the truth, running over gets. At most substack alex berenson they look at the numbers, they define fully as. Natural immunity as deplorable was on been, frankly, shocked how many people are willing to pay I to...

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substack alex berenson