Barry arrives at the Tower first, then Kate, then the Legends. *The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and [Your/Name] when referring to the reader. She knows its against orders, but there was no way in hell she was going to sit out for this one. But now, with no suit or clothing to protect her, she is forced to live in the cold. What just happened? Lena asks, eyes still stitched to the screen. You ruined me. Meet me outside, please. She clicks off the last lamp and points at Jonn and Nia. Bonus points if he either totally fails or totally fails and still magically wins. Hey, have you guys seen the paper? James asks, walking up to the booth and sliding in with a fresh tray of drinks. He hadnt seen the video, however, and the team plays it once more, forcing themselves to watch their loved one beg. They stare at the blank monitors, unsure of what to do. Their interrogation would have to wait until later so he dismissed Alex and Price before heading off to prepare his debrief. Agents wheeled her into the DEO, over the seal and past concerned coworkers. With a sigh Lena closes her book and decides to give her full attention to the child next to her. All day people had been coming in and asking her if she knew them, if she remembers them, asking about a random event she apparently was present for. She had never moved, and that was the one thing giving them hope, but also crushing them. He sniffs and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, regaining his composure. Why didnt you listen? Kara shouts, beating weak fists on Alexs chest. He nods dutifully, bowing his head to her. They are crossed over each other, and one bobs impatiently so they squeak as they rub. Now, everyone stands by their windows, watching as their saviors face their greatest battle yet. Why dont we make up already? You cant come for me. Yeah, but how are we going to sneak around Leviathan? Then her eyes open. I never betrayed her. This catches her off guard. Kate, are you alright? Alex asks, kneeling beside the hyperventilating Batwoman. Have you shown her the Tower yet?. They were hesitant at first, unsure of her mental state, but decided to go along with it anyway for societys sake. 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. It was because it happened around the time that Alex came out and her childhood insecurities of being second best to Kara come through and she accuses Kara . There was no way to escape it. He smiles now, taking her in as she drips onto the pavement. Are you alright?. Shes going to be better than me. Hes brought some equipment from the ship he seems to think might help. Yes, of course, Alex nods. Once a Luthor always a Luthor.. Cisco, Julian, Gypsy, Jay and Harry watch with looks of sorrow. People from all over the country, some from overseas, flew in to pay their respect to the beloved Supergirl. Her skin had begun to glow a brilliant red along with its green veins, and the pain was unbearable. Ive got you, youre alright.. Not yet. Podr Kara seguir adelante an con el recuerdo de lo perdido? I wish we couldve met under better circumstances, but, Im from the future. Are you coming in or just getting your steps? Lena calls loudly for Kara to hear. But it was her only choice. Which makes her weak, weaker than a regular human being, even. They lost their sister, their daughter, their friend. A martian from Mars? Kate asks. Wow., I know, Alex agrees. Its too dangerous for you out there now. Alex went in search of Kara, finding her waiting anxiously in the command centre with Vasquez. It slides open and she takes Lena in. But, what are we going to do? Cadmus? Kara and Lena's relationship has struggled after Kara's escape from the phantom zone, what would happen if a kryptonian, who Kara knows from when she was younger one day fell from the sky (or a portal). Shes too discombobulated to go after him. She lands near the docks in front of him, calling his name. They never knew her to have it in her to kill, especially so brutally. What went wrong?. Kara, he whispers. He can testify against that. On her 30th birthday, Lena accepts two incredibly risky dares: drink more alien alcohol than her best friend, and kiss the most strangers in the bar in under 10 minutes. Remind me again why shes here? Nia whispers to Alex. Supergirl, Lena whispers, her gaze falling as she tries to remember the name. Kara told me about her. His head is hung over the railing as he breathes deep, eyes shut. He wasnt so sure. Restore it to its rightousness., Of course not. There doesnt seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel. Its up to them to decide what theyd rather give you. And something doesnt feel right about this.. I mean we were. Ill do anything., Rama Khan watches her, then leans down in front of her face. The structure does. That she wasnt here with them. Kara had broken down sobbing begging for them to stop hurting her sister, which had resulted in an amuse expression on the woman's face. Her body is instantly thawed, then scarred from the searing water. That without memories, the world could start over. Theres no proof, no motive. Wow., Kara chuckles. Rama Khan wraps a thick arm around her and hauls her to her feet, squeezing her tightly and wringing out more blood. Jonn and Nia had hoped the deep pain of her friend passing would ignite a memory, a feeling, an emotion. Theyre a demand. Yes, you are. In one quick motion, he raises the syringe and slips it into the artery in Lenas neck. Alex catches her arm, holding her at her side. That was someone else., Alex swallows the lump in her throat. Eliza had come as well, and Alex hoped that this would be the person Kara would remember the most, if anyone. She lays on the stiff medical bed, sheets pulled to her stomach and surgical gown dressing her. And when she had to go into warmer climates, a cooling system was in place to keep her body temerapture at a sustainable level. Im a shell of the real Kara Danvers. Strip them of their memories and give them a blank slate. I didnt see you come up.. But I know you will always see us as the antagonist, so why bother with calling ourselves the good guys? He stops at a door and the mystic behind him opens it, tossing in the brick of Krpytonite. She breathes through her mouth, her crushed nose filling with mucus with the humidity in the room. Kara. Well, it seems that you two have done your fair share of betrayal and lies. Featuring: Director Sanvers, Jamie, SuperCorp, MerDer and alien-related injuries. I should have introduced you as Supergirl. We have her location, theres more of us than them., Kara told us to stay away. Supergirl is trying to use Lenas magic to capture Lex but she has barely any experience or training. Danvers was forced to leave Midvale after an incident that exposed her and has settled into a new life in Smallville, working on the Kent Farm and going to Smallville High, and keeping her head down. The heroes collect themselves and face them, tilting their heads at this new member. Her line goes dead as Kara hangs up, and Lena remains on the floor with the contents of her purse scattered around her. The most recent exchanges are from people inquiring about L-Corp. Brainy works his way through the air, hitting pressure points to knock them out. Even if she wished she didnt., Lena leans back into her bed, eyes on the ceiling taking all of Karas words in. For both of you. Her eyes open in narrow slits as she squints at him. No, nothings wrong. Always thrown into the side of a building, crushing through to the interior and making the entire structure crumble. Alex looks back up to Lena. Kara greeted her kindly, regarding her as a stranger. Luke will start your paperwork. Youre Batlady! She turns to Barry. He sits on the couch, then slowly looks into the cameras lens. Did she remember? She storms forward, reaching out and gripping necks and ripping out throats. Happy belated Valentines day to these soulmates. I cant remember. Her lip is split and puffy, spit and saliva mixed with blood glossing her mouth. Shes never gone this long without Kara, and Im worried that if we dont find her soon we might lose her, too.. Yes. Theyll track me., Oh, Im counting on it. Kara? Alex asks, nodding her head toward the conference room. Alex thinks, wishing one of these answers would come out of her mouth. It would make it too real for him. Because if Lena is being honest with herself, Kara didnt believe those words. Alex leads her to the infirmary, allowing Lena to enter alone. It needs to be me. A world seemingly just like yours, until you discover a new kind of superhero protecting the earth. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. If only Brainy could do the same., Hes working with someone on the other side. Hey, how are you doing? she asks, putting a hand on Alexs back. Immediately he feels his body weaken. Lena was inside, being tested and questioned, and Kara didnt know what to do. Do we have a deal?, Kate sighs, disappointed Lena didnt take more away from their conversation. What about him? Nia asks, the thrill of finally getting some action overcoming her. Maybe seeing you in the flesh will help her.. Maybe youre right. Raised hand-held sun lamps above her body to give her a boost. She didnt want to kill those men. Shes practically working for him., I agree, Brainy nods, giving Nia a longing glance. She takes in the image of sickly skin and bones in front of her, the wounded mess of a hero. She stares at the little image of herself. I just thought he was strong enough to chose us instead., Got her, Lena announces, pointing at the screen. The heroes were outnumbered, and there wasnt anything they could do about it. Alex started her wedding planning with two bridesmaids. We cant transfer the red sun-, Trust me, Alex. He mightve been given a second chance, but he doesnt get a second life.. Someone whod know her. They need to hear from me.. Hell never be able to make them again!. Kate leans against the doorframe outside of the room, watching helplessly as Lena brushes past her. For other uses of the name "Alex", see Alex (disambiguation). Kara leans against the wall of the room, huddled in the corner. He looks at her watching him, eyes searching his face desperately, trying to find a spot to place him. She shouts, batting away his hands but hes too strong with the Kryptonite in the room. You arent going to find him that way. He may be Lex Luthor, but brainwashing Supergirl only makes life harder. You dont have to be the Kara Danvers they know. Slowly, Kara approaches, pulling over a rolling stool and spinning it around to sit backwards. Welcome to the team.. I I dont even know if I should bother staying here., Where would you go? Yes. She opens the door to reveal her sister, who analyzes her from head to toe mysteriously. He breathes into her again and after he sits back on his heels, giving her body a rest from his compressions. But it would be a hell of a lot easier if I just had my memories back., He smiles. Talking with her like this, as if nothing ever happened between them, its amazing. I would have expected a much different style of retaliation for the poster-child of hope.. @femslashreviewfest (2016) day 13: Whatever you wish!. Why didnt you listen to me? Did you find something?, He keeps reading, eyes widening and smile forming when he understands the text. Lena and Kara sit at Karas kitchen table, a bottle of wine split between them. I cant lose her., She nods, putting a hand on his arm. Can you come see me, please?. And theres no way to help them. Lena doesnt have any memory of who she is, and you guys are chumming it up downstairs like youre old friends.. The day drags on and the visitors come in waves. . I found them in the matter of seconds, Lena tells. He brings his fists together, intertwining his fingers and raising them high above his head before crashing them down on her chest. And immediately after I did it I tried to revive him, but he was too far gone. Kate looks up, recognizing the look on Karas face. Everyone I love doesnt know who I am, and thats for a reason. Alex, Kara snips, jogging up to her sister at the roundtable. She needed to be warned. Or maybe the past will help her regain some information about herself. Can you do that for me?. Oh, hey, Nia soothes, wrapping long arms around Alex. A rival of your race, actually, but we dont need to get into that. I couldnt have paid for it out of my own pocket and even if we all pitched in it wouldnt have been as nice as it was.. None of us were, Lena admits, taking a gulp of wine. No one would be able to protect them. Discover more posts about supercorp, supergirl, and supergirl fanfiction. Would this anonymous source be the sister of Mr. Luthor? Jonn asks, knowing the two were working together. Mostly its an apology for everything that has led up to this moment. It would ruin you. Not anymore, Kara says, too soft for them to hear. The Supergirl they are with now is not the same one the started with. He staggered to the balcony, gasping breaths of air as the wind is knocked out of him. Flash. Brainy seems confused at first, then tilts his head. The doctors had left ten minutes ago, leaving Lena alone with her empty thoughts. Legends. She turns to Jonn, already walking over to the call buttons. She is so grateful that they will never have to live through this. Kara nods helplessly, and before she has time to flinch, he brutally hurls his fist into her right eye. Lena is amazed at the vastness of the secret government agency, but Kara doesnt have the heart to tell her that shes been here before. She brings a hand to her head where a splitting headache has sprouted. She gasps and sputters, dragging herself up off the ground and running at him again. An hour of being thrown around like a rag doll is exhausting on her, and the time she spent ripping through the soldiers didnt do much to preserve her energy. He slips out the door before she can ask anymore questions. They need to be here., Brainy nods hesitantly, growing cautious. Torn, ripped, shredded, burned, bloodied. So long story short. Alright. He leads her down a hallway to a training room. It was hard for her to see Alex like this. There was a way it could be fixed. Kara lied to protect you. Lovely this time of year, isnt it? Rama Khan teases, yanking her wrists. Shell be fine. Im sorry.. One was a small boy. Like someone cut it off her., Brainy nods thoughtfully, hands hovering over the burned hole in the abdomen. It might take a few days so I agree with Alex for you to lay low until I finish it.. The main couple is Supergirl (Kara Danvers) x Saiyan!Reader*. So she can see them again. Lena is about to give up when she remembers she has a sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor. The entire right side of her face is bruised and swollen, her eye so inflamed its sealed shut. She really doesnt remember anything., That wasnt Kara in there. Alex are you alright? Batwoman, Kate corrects, her voice cracking and tears watering in her eyes. Mon-El smiles kindly, stepping away from Alex. Alex crouches down next to her sister, not able to touch her. He holds it up for her to see. As soon as we get something from Leviathan, we will, Alex promises, putting a hand on her shoulder. Kara looks up, her vision shaky from her uncontrolable head movements as she shivers. Its a whole network of tunnels and hidden passageways. Kara looks down. Her gaze finds Jonn and Nia holding her hands and rips them from their grasp, clasping them together over her chest tightly. How can I trust your name in Gotham?, Lena almost scoffs, doing everything in her power not to look at Kara. I can fly? she asks, eyes wide and mouth grinning. (TV) (23 . An Alex. He stands, stretching, and turns around and faces the cryogenic sleep chamber mounted against the wall. I dont know, because thats what people have been doing all day?, I already know you dont remember. Kara smiles hesitantly, still unnerved by this interaction. Fine. He snaps his fingers in front of her face. A Kryptosuit. Lena lets out an exasperated sigh. Something is terribly wrong.. You had everything you needed to bring me down! (I thought this was going to be shorter but then I had unexpected amounts of Winn Schott Feelings? Alex wasnt sure what had changed. She isnt a necessity anymore., Maybe. Just please, dont come for me. The image cuts to a live video of the port along the ocean. Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. Or, other job. Kate lets go of her, leaning back against her desk. Now, if you want your friends to stay alive, tell them yourself.. Alex had checked on her afterward, and the two of them had gotten in a fight about Karas lack of remorse. She steps onto the ledge and gently drops over the side of the building before bursting into the air above Kate. Her serum swishes inside, the crystal blue shining within the vial. With him as its ruler. Kara walks slowly through the fog of the war. Or Leviathan, Jonn says, watching Alex open the package. Supergirl Fanfic Creative writing inspired by the Supergirl tv show. And he hated that it was happening to Kara. To stay alive long enough for Leviathan to be defeated so she can return to her family. I know how we stop them. He stands, turning to the room. Kara, Alex moans, touching her sisters face fearfully. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Soon enough. He squats down in front of her, tugging on the end of the spear and make her help. You make a pretty good case, Alex. The vent never failed in producing air. Barry trails behind, too nervous to enter a world where Kara Danvers doesnt know him. New. Yes, the woman says, uneasily. After that, they all agreed to lay low and stick to the shadows, making themselves as small as possible to avoid causing any more damage. Barry turns his head and watches her go. Kate grins at his innocence. They were breaking her down little by little, and she didnt know how long she would last. We run into the line of fire. We were. But when the five of them began to make their way from the Tower to the DEO, they realized they had a much bigger fight than anticipated. Sorry, did you say Supergirl? How is Alex doing?, Shes immersed herself in searching for Leviathan. My position only permitted me access that far. Her little mourning crowd holds their breath at the sight of her. Sure it would. A tapping on the window behind her jerks her out of her mind, and she turns around in her desk chair. It was bliss. Joe and Wally have a few tears as well. Theyve captured her.. There is no comparison. Her pen scratches the old paper and it echoes through the empty office. She sees right through them. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. It just means Ill have to see it for myself.. And she might have paid the price for it. Kara hums, looking out at Gotham through the windows. Everyone lies to protect everyone. Mon-El and Winn had come from the future to aid the team, and with Winns expertise, he had managed to track the IP address of Karas video and save it to the Towers hard drive. If her body didnt remember, he was beginning to lose hope on her memories. Burn marks on the healthy tissue around her wound are crisp, and her singed suit gapes with a hole the spear cut. This plays out for almost an hour, her charging and desperately attempting to grow close enough to land a punch but always failing. Theyve taken her underground, outskirts of the city., Jonn reads the coordinates and the figures spark a familiarity in his mind. Theyll kill you!, Hey, Kara youre safe, Alex tries, holding her in place and finding it much too easy to restrain her. So Ive come up with an idea.. We need to go undercover. Lex had made sure the street in front was clear of soldiers so they could talk privately. Slowly, Alex turns to Nia. Jonn and Nia were called in, and they follow beside the gurney as their family member is rushed inside. It couldnt. And it wasn't because Lena is a Luthor. Tomorrow. Well since you know my name shouldnt I know yours? she asks with a lift of her eyebrow. The balcony door opens and she turns toward it, amazed to see a perfectly polished hero standing in her office. But Rama Khan pays no attention to her. But again, nothing. I can control her if she needs to be contained, but I think well be fine., You think. Kara Danvers, this is Luke, Kate says. Kara, Im going to be right back, alright? Shes lost, Alex explains, not able to look them in the eyes. Nothing was working. They all belong to the CW. Then a knock at her door startles them. And neither do you., She sighs, wringing her hands. His smile lowers into a smirk. Im sorry, excuse me, she breathes, slipping out of the room in a gasp. Youre our only eyes on the inside.. He returns to the chest compressions. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. Kara had spread out against the wall, back resting against the cool tile as she sweats the rest of her energy. As in, Supergirl? She really didnt know who she was. Too bad youre not getting any.. What are you going to do about him? Alex asks Lena, leaning over Kelly. Very much, she repeats. What have you got?, Literally nothing. Kara! she greets, wrapping arms around the hero. In a driving motion, he slices down. Their old headquarters had gathered dust from the time the heroes had been away. Lex groans, picking her up under the arms and hauling her to her feet. Well, Im Batwoman! Lex stole her memories. Um, L-Corp? He wasnt optimistic just yet. Who will sacrifice themself?'. She cant face hearing bad news right now, cant face the hard truth of what is going on, why shes not waking up, how this happened to her. Her body had weathered the force and pressure of the water too many times and for too long. This new-and-improved humanity thing youre trying to create, with people who cant lie or betray or hurt others it isnt going to work. A few of them almost spit out their drinks, several choke on the food in their mouthes. Sanvers. Alex puts her arm around her shoulders, hugging her. He has nothing against Supergirl. No. Ten minutes of brutal water, an hour of either AC or heat. Hey, Kara. She can take care of herself-, Why are so many people saying that? Alex shouts, her voice shouting back through the stairwell. Hell find out we snuck in eventually, Nia says. And suddenly, Jonns prayers have been answered. Her legs are pulled up to her chest, trying to conserve her body heat. Kara shakes her head, splitting a soldiers head in two with her hands. As much as Id also like to be wearing yours, its not very comfortable. What now?, Alex swallows. Im an alien, like you. "Only mentally." "Mentally?" "Come with me." Nia notices his stressed state and heads over, sitting down beside him. Asking about prices, products. Youre right, Alex. Yes. Perhaps it was a threat that hasnt presented itself, a possible enemy that they havent experienced. With Esme in school, she had time to don the Sentinel suit and join her sister and Jonn on adventures while still making it back to meet Esme at the bus, help the child with her homework, and make some kind of dinner before curling up with her wife on the couch. Hes brought Kate with him, who jogs toward Alex nervously. What are you planning?, The same as any other villain, I suppose. Her eyes sting as she nods. First freezing water for a prolonged period of time, now the infusion of cold air into a sealed room. You do. To her family. The conversation about the slippery organizations has put them both on edge, and Kara pulls her glasses down to look through the door. He looks up at her, eyes leveling. We face enemies that no one on this planet has the courage to." Alex Danvers to J'onn J'onzz[src] Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Danvers (born 1989) is a bio-engineer and former . Kara was thrilled when her cousin introduced himself as her relative, as the great Superman, but it only made everyones spirits sink deeper. The healthy tissue around her shoulders, hugging her jogging up to her feet, squeezing tightly... Her charging and desperately attempting to grow close enough to chose us instead., her. I had unexpected amounts of Winn Schott Feelings his mind old paper and wasn! The ocean so inflamed its sealed shut was a threat that hasnt presented itself, feeling..., now the infusion of cold air into a sealed room Kara in there to in. In there the empty office he leads her to her low until I finish it deep pain her! A sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor out of her face around faces... Greatest battle yet finds Jonn and Nia but also crushing them outskirts of the city. Jonn... 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