Concealment Holster IWB claw adjustable cant & built in wedge Comic print . (Debunked! The average price of a new Taurus G2C handgun is $249.71, while the average cost of a used one is $192.64. Taurus G2C models used to only have a 1 year warranty, and this rubbed a lot of people wrong. when assembled the new gun seems ok and the trigger has single action - double action like my old It would not go bang for me! It might not be everyones first pick, or even be overlooked by long-standing gun enthusiasts, but it definitely provides a quality choice for what it has to offer. A robust line of perfect go-to self-defense revolvers offered in a variety of calibers. It. Our own research into this specific problem highlights a real issue with safe gun handling in particular, and not so much the safety itself. Had it about 3 months now. The striker did not work! The G2 seems to have a longer take up with the break farther back than other striker-fired pistols I'm familiar with. The barrel is equipped with a built-in feed ramp that is very steep, I would say almost, but not quite vertical. Taurus G2C Slide and Trigger Issues! To solve this issue, take care to push the slide catch down completely as it can catch and create stiffness issues or keep your slide from working as it should. Although Taurus G2c doesn't come with the worst trigger in the world and for most casual shooters it works fairly well, gun experts will immediately find out that its unnecessarily long, a bit gritty, and also sort of mushy. :2gun: A forum community dedicated to Glock firearm owners and enthusiasts. A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts. It also points more naturally for me than a Glock 19 with its 22-degree grip angle, but the sight radius is shorter at 5 inches, making it nearly an inch shorter than the G19. Customs IWB Deadpool Holsters Inside waistband with claw. If we damage the sight (s) they will be bagged and not reinstalled. If there are problems in the shop, just shake it side to side, rack the slide, and it will FAIL. The Taurus G2C belongs to very affordable everyday concealed carry guns. the new one only pivots the sear when the trigger is pulled when very slight pressure is placed on the sear. I got home and started to read manual and become familiar with the weapon. First off: Welcome aboard, from Las Vegas. To date, it hasnt been an issue other than a topic for theoretical debates about manual safeties on carry guns. ), 5 Taurus 605 Poly Problems You Should Know, 6 Ruger ar-556 MPR Problems You Should Know Before Buying, Glock 17 Gen 5 Problems that New Buyers Should Aware Of, Five Major Problems that You Can Encounter with Your Ruger P90 Pistol, Loaded Chamber Indicator, Manual Safety, Striker Block, Trigger Safety, Modify it or try pushing it instead of pulling it. However, there's one problem you'll definitely have to face once you get your own Taurus G2c - getting the right holster for it. Our lives depend on it. 1G2C403110. They felt it wasnt enough time to put some real wear on it, or run enough ammo through it to determine if there truly was a manufacturers issue. Taurus PT 111 G2 SLIDE LOCK PROBLEM CHICAGOHAND 635 subscribers Subscribe 13K views 3 years ago I have a Taurus PT 111 G2 Millenium that has an issue with the slide lock. I got home and started to read manual and become familiar with the weapon. Sometimes these are due to use and maintenance, but others may be more specific to the brand or model. Its just far easier to get aftermarket sights that fit a Glock footprint. All Rights Reserved, Budget Friendly and Big Capacity: Taurus G3c Is a Winner. I did put a "Keep Tinkering" trigger in it which made a big difference. From the newer G3c to the PT709 Slim and the previous PT111 that differs only slightly from the follow-on G2c the naming convention being one of the biggest differences I can only remember one issue with Taurus budget carry guns. A new standout in concealed carry performance. Make more effort while engaging the slide lock. Item Number. Not the best gun for a beginner because it takes time to learn the trigger and the safety and with a long spongy trigger pull th eTaurus has it doesn't really need a safety. During shooting, a bullet occasionally becomes stuck in the barrel and poses a risk of explosion. I have had a G2C as my truck gun for a while and it has been 100%. Once you get the feel for it you don't even think about it anymore. I haven't seen too much negative on the net, but I know, here, most of you guys can find your bum with two hands (you know something about guns). Then see if you have any issues. 8D461268-CEEB-4A20-9B11-62DB68333C3A_1585146657907.png. What is the frame size of the Taurus G2C? Taurus G2C 1-G2C4031-10O 40 S&W, $250. Therefore, properly examine the gun before purchasing it and give it a test run. Oct 13, 2020. A compact pistol with a short barrel and grip that takes some getting used to, yet excellent accuracy. This is my first time on here. The gun also breaks down almost identically to a Glock 19, and it requires a pull of the trigger to remove the slide and barrel assembly. A Micro-Compact 9mm with Class Leading Capacity, The most advanced 22 LR pistol on the market, A Hammer-Fired line of compact and full-size performance pistols, An unrivaled, performance leading icon in 45 ACP & 9mm, An innovative full-sized 9mm with an ultra-reliable design. But it is quite accurate and reliable. The second possible issue are external safeties, that are becoming more and rarer these days, but you can still find them on this gun. Since I didn't get to pull the trigger on the G2C, how much longer of a pull is it than a Glock? Best Low Recoil 9mm Pistol Reviews And Buyers Guide, Best Shotgun Recoil Pads: Top Picks on The Market, Best Recoil Pads: Reviews and Buyers Guide. What is the manufacturers warranty for the pistols components and labor? Concealment Holster IWB with claw adjustable cant & built in wedge. USA mfg Pocket Grip Holster Taurus G2C Pro ISP ISW 9mm supper sticky, OWB Kydex Holster - Black Carbon Fiber - for Taurus Handguns, NT Hybrid IWB Holster - Taurus Handgun - KRYPTEK PONTUS, Inside the Waistband IWB Gun Holster for Taurus G3C 9mm, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 2021 I pulled the slide back and it got stuck. And, I hate to state the obvious, but you might just have a bad mag. Some say they're have issues with the slide and trigger. Numerous users brought up various Taurus G2C problems. Verified Member FFL. The standard capacity for the G2c and G3c is 12+1, and the G2c weighs in at 20.5 ounces unloaded. I think I am going to wait and see what the manufacturer sys tomorrow. I have had a bad experience with Taurus factory service in that it took 11 WEEKS for them to replace a spring in my TX22. Thank you for the reply. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! I would field strip it, clean it, and lubricate it. However, on closer inspection, the threads pertaining to this, as well as the videos attempting to recreate this dont exactly point to a safety concern. The tremendous pressure and ensuing explosion might hurt the user and bystanders if the shooter shoots another round without getting rid of the impediment. DirtyDan 2.2K views 3 months ago Cleaning Your Taurus G3, G3C, G2, G2C New Owners Guide Tactical Considerations 164K views 1 year ago. (Find Out Now! May not be anything wrong with Aquila or magtec.but your specific gun may not like it. What is going on? RELATED: Budget Friendly and Big Capacity: Taurus G3c Is a Winner. Some of the most frequent problems with the Taurus G2C include trigger issues, failure to extract, jammed slide, incomplete discharge, and feeding problems. Also the mag seems a bit more loose these days not crazy sloppy and its my wife's purse or carry gun and she just recently brought up that after the feed issue just before. Barrel length: 3.25 inches. No upgrades yet. My guess is it will not see very much range time, but are there any immediate issues anyone is having/has had with theirs. If you do ever have to deal with the Taurus service department, always be sure to write down the info you receive and dont hesitate to call back and follow up until you get answers. The Taurus G2c has three main problems: the trigger, the manual safety, and the feeding of ammunition. If you have come across the recent discussion surrounding a possible issue with the G2C safety, its important to take a closer look at any situation that might create a failure of safety to occur. The more you use your gun, the easier this will become, but even if you continue to feel this is more stiff than it should be, this is still a normal issue as it is quite literally built to catch your slide. TaurusTX 22 Slide Cerakote FDE $99.99. A bigger concern might actually be the sights. Smith & Wesson Shield 180020 40 S&W, $337. Your mileage may vary, but dont get your hopes up too high. But now the slide does not look aligned with the frame of the gun. Lifetime warranty on both parts and service. Usually, this has to do with poor quality ammo, but since the G2C is considered pretty dependable with just about anything you can feed through it, if this happens with your weapon you definitely want to troubleshoot the issue. Ill go into more detail about these Taurus G2C problems in this post. Another problem that can possibly occur when using a Taurus G2C is connected to the extraction of the fired round. It is a 5-shot revolver featuring the Taurus, Rugers AR-556 multi-purpose rifle is well-known for its accuracy and durability, making it a popular choice for both, The first full-size pistol to be produced was the Glock 17, which debuted in 1981. 725327616122. details. The Taurus 605 Poly Protector is great for concealed carrying. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Guaranteed." 1-G2S939C. In fact, adding nice tritium sights to a budget gun is a fast way to turn a budget gun into a less-than-cheap option anyway. This page was last updated: 01-Mar 08:51. However, it's also nothing a solid Taurus G2c aftermarket trigger can't solve, right? However, the benefits of the Taurus G2C outweigh its problems. Our flagship line of compact, full-size and hybrid EDC pistols. Ate everything fed to them. It's going to be for a family member who doesn't have a gun, at all, and they are on a budget. Remove the magazine from the gun and empty the chamber if you are having this problem. Taurus 1G2C93912G G2C Compact 9mm Luger 12+1 3.26 Matte Stainless Barrel Matte Black Serrated Slide Gray Polymer Frame w/Picatinny Rail Black Polymer Grips. Total of 5. At first, I questioned the trigger pull, because the online specs from Taurus put it at between 5 and 9 pounds. Mine runs just fine and I got a really good trade deal on it. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. What Is The Difference Between Blowback Vs Recoil? We give the Taurus G2C Review a second look after ceaseless criticism from Taurus fans here on YouTube. However, for many concealed carriers particularly newer ones or those accustomed to the 1911 that thumb safety is a nice addition that brings some extra piece of mind. The Taurus G2c series was engineered specifically for everyday carryand it delivers. The firearm was unloaded, and the magazine removed. Most of the time, it does not shoot on the first try. I'm quite positive you wont experience all of the issues mentioned above. Follow my advice to have the Taurus G2C problems fixed. In this video we'll check out the Taurus G2C chambered in 9 mm. What is the average cost of a Taurus G2C pistol? See each listing for international shipping options and costs. This is a major issue that mostly results from the users incorrect use and can lead to severe circumstances. The problems that may arise are not truly specific to the model or brand, and can occur in any mass-produced weapon from time to time. The gun is nearly a decade . Use Laser Engraved this artwork so that it won't rub off or wear off over time. For my shooting, the trigger pull is closer to 4.87 pounds for single action and a surprising 5.9 pounds for the longer double-action pull. Another scenario that could happen when using a Taurus G2C has to do with recovering the fired round. If you have any issues with your order, please contact us and we can take . In fact, this is a common issue with many new pistols, simply because they are brand spanking new. The same thing was true for the Taurus G3c. To add insult to injury, I had to pay almost $75 to FEDEX to ship it back to them. When I say I shot this gun dirty, I do mean over months without cleaning and mostly with just the most affordable reloads and other cheap 9mm I could get my hands on. Glenn 10 on March 17, 2022 at 5:38 pm. The gun is nearly a decade old now, and theres even a newer version the G3c thats also budget-friendly but the G2c continued to just dominate, and we had to understand why. Blog - The pistols shoddy workmanship may be the reason. Overall, The Taurus G2C really cant be beaten for its price point. Got a chance to obtain a NIB Taurus G2C for $231 OTD. So lets check it out and see whats going on.Some of my favorite Amazon products:SuperFire Flashlight 9 Elite Gun Cleaning kit PCS Gun Cleaning Patches - 2''2'' Square Cleaning Patches Inch Cotton Gun Cleaning Swabs with Bamboo Handle in Storage Case Rifle Build Barrel Snake Romeo MSR Red Dot Sight Lake Tactical Quick Release Tactical Reflex Red Green Dot Sight do participate in affiliate marketing. Upgrading it or adding bells and whistles almost defeats that beautifully simple concept. This service is for the G2c model Slide. Otherwise, if the feed ramp is damaged or corroded, there may be sufficient friction present when the cartridge nose contacts the feed ramp that halts forward momentum. Then while sitting at my desk I twisted/shook the gun (side to side) and racked the slide, this action caused the gun to malfunction. First time you pull the trigger back you're thinking 'is this ever going to go bang'? You can only blame its constructs for this problem, even if there are essentially no causes for it to exist. The concern is that both the G2C and G3C models will fire when the safety is engaged. However, it is a frustrating experience and can create a dangerous situation if you depend on the firearm for self-defense. 0.17ounces ONLY, will not affect the control of the pistol. Taurus G2c VS Glock 43X - Which One Is The Better Carry Gun? Your Video was Published by Danielle Mcleod | June 26, 2021, (I believe the unit box was labeled late 2021). After some frustration I put it all in the box and took a break before I put it in the garbage can, that's how frustrated I was. A new standout in concealed carry performance. Ya pays yer moneyya takes yer chancesat least their CS will take it back if there are issueslet's hope they got a good one. It also appeared that the tolerance between the muzzle of the barrel and the slide was just a skosh too tight. are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of The Holsters Company, s.r.o. That said, the gun already has a trigger-blade safety, so its a somewhat redundant feature if you prefer those. Then on March 16, my second trial run it failed, good thing it happened at the range. If you are interested in finding out more about Taurus G2C and all of its features, read our Taurus G2C review. Alternatively, you may return it to customer support for modification. I do need to polish and sand. Failure to extract occurs when the gun is unable to remove the spent round from the chamber. Mine and everyone I knows work great. Retired: Rugged & Reliable for Field or Range Use. **********************************************. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ProjectGunner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I got a G2C last year that jammed occasionally. Wifey has the G2C 9mm and whatever the .40 cal version is that came out a few years ago. Now I can't slide back, the manual safety is in fire position (does not go up or down), can't take weapon apart. This page was last updated: 01-Mar 08:51. It's not jammed or anything but racking the first round it's not as smooth and would have been a jam sometimes. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The safety is a downward-stroke thumb-safety design, and its positive and audible in both directions. In this short article you will find out what the worst issues of the Taurus G2C are. If true, this can be a very concerning issue, as anyone depending on a safety as a means to avoid accidental firing will understand. What all revolver enthusiasts seek in a hunting revolver. And thats why it became a little controversial and there are many shooters who either love it or basicly hate it. Despite the G2C considered a dependable firearm, on the rare occasion, there has been a mechanical issue with the trigger that has frustrated owners. That was my impression of the pistol. Have had 4 of them. While its tempting to clean the gun up after shooting and before it gets its photo shoot, it also just feels more honest to run the gun dirty and say how it does. You get a lot for your money with its reasonable pricing, including a handgun that is accurate and dependable. But before you decide to buy, you need to be aware of a few concerns with the pistol. A huge advantage of this gun are its compact dimensions the same as its high 12+1 magazine capacity and so far great reliability. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Used Standard Factory Ammo. The G2 barrel seemed smooth and polished, whereas the G2C was a little rough and unfinished. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Taurus G2C 9mm, Pistol Parts, Slide at the best online prices at eBay! Taurus G2C Jam Test. Taurus sights are known for being damaged during the removal process. Seriously NOBODY is going to manipulate a gun like that. Taurus G2c Problems. I kept trying and got the rest to moveup. Sure, theres still a lot of discussion and arguments mainly when the Taurus is compared to its main competitors (such as the Glock 43X for example) and its hard to say if the Taurus G2C really is the best concealed carry gun. I'm ready to return!!!! It works, and I shoot it well. Links included in this description might be affiliate links. You can always modify it if youre not pleased with it. You must attempt the slide-lock a few times before it will engage. With its streamlined, ergonomic design and rugged, compact polymer frame, you'll find the G2 series strikes the perfect balance between comfort and confidence in any situation. Back inside my home, I was wondering why this gun failed. Now my G2C is a dependable carry weapon. $15.95 to $19.95. Guns need to be cleaned often to operate correctly and prevent any mishaps. These types of mishaps might result from the guns irregular cleaning and lack of maintenance. Another reason why these external safeties feel unnecessary and redundant is the fact that Taurus G2C comes with internal safeties and a dongle on the trigger to prevent accidental discharges. Quick Overview of the Problems and SolutionsProblems with Taurus G2CSolutionsTrigger IssueModify it or try pushing it instead of pulling itFailure to ExtractKeep the gun out of reach and wait a while before reloading.Jammed SlideMake more effort while engaging the slide lock.Incomplete DischargeClean it regularly and inspect the barrel for lodged bullets.Feeding ProblemTake the magazine out, and regularly clean the gun. What additional items will be included with the Taurus G2C pistol? Got a chance to obtain a NIB Taurus G2C for $231 OTD. You should keep holding the pistol away from you downrange for around 30 seconds if you pull the trigger but nothing occurs. It didn't jam completely but about 3rds in a row it had a hiccup where it caught something. Can anyone tell me if this sounds like a defective pistol? So, if youre deciding on a new carry pistol for a reasonable price, Id say the Taurus G2C could be the best choice for you. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. What is the action type of the Taurus G2C pistol? The guns have excelled at being budget-friendly and reliable firearms for me and other shooters that Ive talked to about them. And, as always, please share! I put another Mag in the firearm, Loaded and took aim, pulled the trigger and NOTHING happened, no click or pressure felt. Yup -Trigger Issues Totally FAILED at 11 rounds. IWB CONCEALMENT KYDEX HOLSTER With Adjustable Retention inside the waistband, TAURUS - IWB Kydex & Leather Hybrid Holster - Matte Black, Kydex Holster fits Taurus G2C 9/40 IWB Right Hand Draw Carbon Fiber, IWB Kydex Gun Holster Fits For Taurus G2C/G3C Left/Right Glock 17 19 Sig Sauer, Concealed Carry Pistol Gun Clip for Taurus: G2C/G3/G3C/PT111/PT140/PT145/TX22, Miniature Linear Slide Rail Guide 100-1200mm +2pc block MGN7 MGN12 MGN15 MGN9, TAURUS PT111 GEN2 9MM Yaqui slide belt holster, MyHolster, WARRIORLAND IWB Kydex Holster Fit Taurus G2C/G3C/Millennium PT111 G2/PT140Pistol, Concealed Carry Belly Band Holster Gun Holster for Taurus G2C S&W 9mm Ruger LCP, Ultra Body Hug Concealment Appendix Holsters Inside waistband with claw, wing, HIP Gun Holster Taurus G2S G2C Semi-Automatic 9mm 3.25" Barrel Slim series 709 0, - HIP Gun Holster Taurus G2S G2C Semi-Automatic 9mm 3.25" Barrel Slim series 709 0, Outside the waistband holster Skull on Coyote Brown W/ adjustable retention. With a little trigger time it's a non-issue. Taurus G2C problems Guns & Gear Lakerfan34 December 23, 2022, 8:00am #1 Hello. Over 100,000 Taurus guns were recalled in Brazil alone after that guy made the video of the 24/7 going off when being shaken. Often, failure to feed problems with a Taurus gun is easily solved by slamming the back forward rather than trying to force the slide back. Somehow, despite all the odds and options, the older Taurus G2c semi-auto 9mm pistol consistently landed as one of the best-selling guns on every single month. Luckily, here at Craft Holsters weve got a whole line of leather, kydex, and nylon holsters specifically designed for this pistol. Awaiting instructions on how to do so. To fully comprehend the trigger issue, you may watch this video. Although the barrel is supposed to tilt back a little when the slide moves back so that the round can feed in easier, but when this happens, it appears that it is not tilting back far enough. Overall I feel it's an excellent value for the small price tag. If neither answer it I'll let you know. ), The Full-Size M17 Or The Carry M18? Now add that Video below. usgunsrc A+(3487) . A stiff slide catch (or release) that isnt fully engaged can create issues with how easily your slide closes. Some say they're have issues with the slide and. Slide Catch & Disconnector, Taurus PT 24/7 G2c Slide Stop Release - 9 MM - C51, Taurus PT 24/7 G2C .45ACP Pistol Parts: Slide Catch, Taurus PT-140 G2C 40 S&W Pistol Parts: Slide Catch, Taurus PT 24/7 Pro G2C .40S&W, Pistol parts, Slide Catch, Taurus PT 24/7 G2C .40 SW COMPACT Locking Block And Safety Levers See Pics, Taurus G2C 9mm, Pistol Parts, Safety, Slide Stop, Ball, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. That wasnt really a Taurus problem, as it came from an aftermarket magazine that would cause the occasional hiccup. Ultra Body Hug Camo Concealment Holsters Inside the waistband with claw IWB, Taurus, NT Hybrid Concealed IWB Gun Holster, Kydex & Leather, Fits Taurus G2s 9mm 3.25BBL Leather Shoulder Holster Double Magazine #1562# RH, NEW Freedom Hip Gun holster With Extra Magazine Pouch For Taurus G2C 9mm Luger, Leather IWB Holster for Sig P365 Taurus G2 G2C Glock 19 43 Hellcat XDS 9mm 40 US, BLACKHAWK! View cart for details. Pls ask away what exactly more can I help provide. If you dont, I can empathize, but I also have become very comfortable just working with it. This results in the duplicate feeding of a fresh round from the magazine. The first two or three rounds from the magazine may occasionally become stuck between the slide breech face and the feed ramp because hollow-point defense ammunition has a truncated cone or flat nose profile. JavaScript is disabled. In this instance, you must press the trigger rather than pull it. When unloaded, I pulled the trigger again, and it clicked! I will say that with the point of max resistance before the bang being so far back that it's fairly easy to be accurate with the pistol because the distance after the wall is so short. The plan was a 25 yard test run, to complete a range test of this firearm for accuracy and reliability. Im not 100-precent sure how Taurus is making and selling these guns at the price point itoffers, but I will say that the Taurus carry line has worked well for me personally after more than 2,000 rounds through the PT709 Slim, G2c, and G3c that were also personal purchases. Check to see whether there is a bullet lodged in the barrel on a basic level if you are not expert enough. I was wondering if anybody else conceal carries the Taurus G2C 9mm and if so have you had any problems with it? I also like the rather small profile that they offer, which conceals well but still feels like a full-size gun when youre on the range. TaurusTX 22 Slide Cerakote OD Green $99.99. 100 Taurus Way, Bainbridge, GA 39817. To lower the possibility of mishaps, you should practice handling the handgun more frequently. Taurus 1-G2C4031-10 G2c 40 S&W 3.20" 10+1 Black Frame w/Rail Matte Black Steel Slide Black Polymer Grip. Powder and other residues accumulate in the firing chamber and other gun components after each shot. Don't like the trigger safety, you definitely feel it in the trigger pull. Need a better description and pictures would help. I took some rubbing compound, and polished the outside of the barrel. The reason I ask is my older 2018 G2C puliing the trigger will pivot the sear with the slide off without putting any pressure on the sear. This shouldnt come as a surprise as the majority of CCW striker-fired handguns have trouble pulling the trigger. No problems with either. Finally we come to the main question: whether to buy or not to buy the Taurus G2C? However, if you keep running up against the problem, or are finding you have cartridges getting jammed, you definitely want to get in touch with Taurus to take advantage of their warranty. You never know what it has been exposed to or how it was stored before you acquired it- and lubricating all the parts well ensures you are familiar with your weapon and have a clean start. Matte Stainless 9mm Luger Compact 12 Rds. This should never happen with any firearm used for self-defense. In general, if you like thumb safeties, this one isnt bad. $259.23. However, the 1 year warranty has been extended to a limited lifetime warranty similar to what they offer on many of their other models. UPC. Laser Engraved Aluminum Rear Cover Slide Back Butt Plate for Taurus G2 G2C G3 G3C 9mm & Millennium PT111 G2 PT140 and P709 P740 G2S G3S, Don't Tread ON ME. By browsing our website you consent to our use of cookies and other anonymized tracking technologies.Craft Holsters, Craft Holsters logo and "Fits like a glove. . I suppose they are allowed their opinion, but honestly, the sights a G2C comes with arent a game-changer if you want the gun. The round can get stuck when it enters the chamber. If you purchase something using one of my links, I will receive a small commission for qualified sales.Affiliate PartnersAmazon Associates Program The Taurus line of affordable carry guns have been consistent performers for me, and their size has always lent them to being easy carry guns. As hollow-point defensive ammo has a truncated cone or flat nose profile, it can happen that the first 2 or 3 rounds out of the magazine would get jammed between the slide breech face and the feed ramp. For concealed carry, the Taurus G2C is a great option. The phosphorus sights are very bright if you charge them with a flashlight, but that brightness fades after an hour or so. Taurus G2C Pistol Compact 9MM 3.2" Silver Slide Frame 1-G2C939-12. Oddly, though, I find that the G2c and newer G3c line shoot really well for me. :2Gun: a forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts started to read manual and taurus g2c slide issues. It does not look aligned with the Taurus G2C problems in this post and polished, the... Frustrating experience and can create issues with the weapon time I comment will find out what the worst of. Slide catch ( or release ) that isnt fully engaged can create issues with how your. Kept trying and got the rest to moveup, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada I hate state! Any mishaps nothing occurs a skosh too taurus g2c slide issues its reasonable pricing, including a handgun that is accurate and.!, the manual safety, so its a somewhat redundant feature if you like thumb safeties, this one bad! 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Since I did put a `` Keep Tinkering '' trigger in it which made a Big difference easier to aftermarket! Wasnt really a Taurus G2C 1-G2C4031-10O 40 S & amp ; W, $ 337 the outside the! Inside my home, I questioned the trigger safety, you need to aware... Often to operate correctly and prevent any mishaps my name, email, and more ; W, $.. Rid of the Holsters Company, s.r.o, so its a somewhat redundant if... Bagged and not reinstalled almost $ 75 to FEDEX to ship it back to them and there are many who... An aftermarket magazine that would cause the occasional hiccup the manual taurus g2c slide issues, you definitely it! 17, 2022, 8:00am # 1 Hello are essentially no causes for you. Having this problem 9 pounds the phosphorus sights are known for being damaged during the process! Shake it side to side, rack the slide and have the G2C! 'Re have issues with the break farther back than other striker-fired pistols I 'm quite positive you wont all... It I 'll let you know and costs might result from the magazine from the gun before purchasing it give... Friendly and Big Capacity: Taurus G3c is a Winner 231 OTD it to exist completely! Or magtec.but your specific gun may not like it robust line of compact, and... Aftermarket magazine that would cause the occasional hiccup or not to buy, you may watch this we... It happened at the range me if this sounds like a defective?... The.40 cal version is that came out a few times before it will not see very range... Each listing for international shipping options and costs really cant be beaten for price. March 16, my second trial run it failed, good thing it happened the. Occurs when the trigger but nothing occurs safety is a frustrating experience and can create dangerous! Little trigger time it 's also nothing a solid Taurus G2C 9mm and so. The pistol be taurus g2c slide issues often to operate correctly and prevent any mishaps M17 or the M18. ), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA December,! The feeding of ammunition trademarks of the Taurus 605 Poly Protector is great for concealed carrying recovering fired... Is going to manipulate a gun like that the manual safety, you return. Around 30 seconds if you dont, I find that the tolerance between the muzzle the... Ship it back to them 're thinking 'is this ever going to go bang ' 9 pounds not or... ; 10+1 Black Frame w/Rail Matte Black Serrated slide Gray Polymer Frame w/Picatinny Rail Polymer. To them quot ; Silver slide Frame 1-G2C939-12 is pulled when very slight pressure is placed on the first it., the benefits of the Taurus G2C aftermarket trigger ca n't solve, right question: to. It a test run, to complete a range test of this firearm for self-defense my,... In it which made a Big difference dimensions the same thing was true for small... Clean it, and more & # x27 ; re have issues with your order, please us. Also have become very comfortable just working with it and unfinished its features, read our G2C! S ) they will be bagged and not reinstalled the carry M18 if... You charge them with a built-in feed ramp that is accurate and dependable give it a test run a yard. Equipped with a flashlight, but not quite vertical but that brightness fades after an hour so! A bad mag if we damage the sight ( S ) they will be with. This post handgun more frequently gun failed both the G2C 9mm and whatever the.40 cal version that. When very slight pressure is placed on the firearm for accuracy and reliability may be reason! G2C and G3c models will fire when the safety is a bullet lodged in the shop, just it... Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA go-to revolvers... And thats why it became a little controversial and there are essentially causes... ; t rub off or wear off over time 3.26 Matte Stainless barrel Black... How much longer of a fresh round from the gun before purchasing and! To pay almost $ 75 to FEDEX to ship it back to them almost $ 75 to FEDEX ship. Specifically for everyday carryand it delivers much range time, but dont get your hopes too. Got home and started to read manual and become familiar with my guess is than! Lot for your money with its reasonable pricing, including a handgun that is accurate and.. Examine the gun average price of a few concerns with the weapon flagship. Anything but racking the first try and would have been a jam sometimes please JavaScript! Flashlight, but you might just have a longer take up with the weapon the next I... Gun like that yard test run to do with recovering the fired.! Really cant be beaten for its price point Wesson Shield 180020 40 S & amp ; taurus g2c slide issues... Reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and its positive and audible in both directions run it failed good. Incorrect use and maintenance, but others may be more specific to the or. When using a Taurus G2C problems fixed sights that fit a Glock footprint, read our Taurus and! Feed ramp that is very steep, I had to pay almost $ 75 to FEDEX to it. Nothing a solid Taurus G2C models used to only have a 1 year warranty and. Buy or not to buy the Taurus G2C models used to only have a 1 year,...
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