This is a sweet book to read around Valentines Day. Best part? This book companion unit was created to ease your teaching during the hectic month of February. Creative Speech Therapy for Your Crazy Speech World. Share by Email, Im re-learning how to balance but I still lo, Scored this new picture book and I couldnt, Easy craft idea cut or tear some brown pieces a, Theres too many books for one little holiday in, This bear in the cave craft is one that I started, I still try really hard to not work on the weekend, This past week was the first week of therapy for t, My baby is turning 21 tomorrow!! Want a free comprehension check and the template for the umbrella craft? The Day It Rained Hearts Math Activity is the perfect supplement to the book The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. This pack includes 40 different clips:* Black line masters of all clips* Raining hearts* Hearts* Girl (many poses)* Mail* Mouse* Rabbit* Dog* Turtle* valentines* Cute! Please log into your dashboard to access your free resource. Each heart was different, but perfect for each of her friends. **Each month I hold sales and make new freebies to share. It never rained hearts again, but Cornelia Augusta still found ways to make valentines. Each heart is special in its own way, and Cornelia Augusta knows exactly who to send them to. She collects many different hearts to send valentines to her friends. This is such a great book for speech and language because of the repetition and rhyming, plus higher level thinking because the mouse is so dang witty! See preview for different craft and recording page options. Today we are sharing an easy marbled heart craft inspired by the story. Get 50% Off for a Limited Time Find more similar flip PDFs like The Day It Rained Hearts. There are activities for whole group and small groups! **Each month I hold sales and make new freebies to share. Understand the significance of Valentine's Day. When it suddenly starts to rain hearts in this miniature picture-book from 1983, young Cornelia Augusta realizes that Valentine's Day must be close, and, taking advantage of the downpour, gathers the little red objects to her. Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. All of my brand new products are listed at $1.00 for 1 day. Who would you give your he, The Day It Rained Hearts has a simple story and great illustrations to target many speech and language goals in your speech therapy sessions. I did enjoy seeing how the hearts turned into valentines that reflected their recipients so well, but the story felt strange and a little choppy. 2- Info it rained (. The story, The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond, invites us to think about friendship and sharing and using our creativity. Download thousands of printable minilessons, activities, and assessments for 250+ books at no additional cost, Download teacher tools, posters, games, and any time activities for whole group, small group, and centers, Access to resources for every grade level (K-6) and reading level, Access to Digital Classroom - including self-grading assessments, interactive comprehension activities, simple student links, management tools, and an intuitive dashboard. Great story with cute illustrations. Add small objects or foam hearts to cover the hearts up as you practice different skills. You could also use shredded paper or beads or whatever else you have lying around. Ages: 3+ Follow me on instagram for my latest updates @keepinupwiththekinders, The Day It Rained Hearts is one of the sweetest Valentine's Day books there is! It includes the following activities: Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. One day it decides to rain hearts and a little girl goes out to catch them. Alistair (2) asked for this one at bedtime a lot. The Day It Rained Hearts | TEACHER READ ALOUD - YouTube 0:00 / 3:59 The Day It Rained Hearts | TEACHER READ ALOUD Mama's Got Mac 2.87K subscribers Subscribe 264 68K views 3 years ago Join me. The perfect book to pair with Valentine's Day crafts. This unit covers these CCSS ELA stan, Love a sweet Valentine Story? Shes the author and illustrator of the Poinsettia books, The Day It Rained Hearts, The Halloween Play, and Tumble Bumble. Heres what youll get with your BookPagez Annual Pass: Take your pick from thousands of minilessons, activities, and assessments valued at $ or less. A Valentine's Day Book For Kids. The Day It Rained Hearts was published by Bahan Digital SJKC Mah Hua on 2021-07-05. It literally is raining hearts! It looks like you already have some resources from this collection in your cart. Knowing that it must be close to Valentines Day, she sets to work using the hearts she collected to make the perfect Valentine for each of her friends. Find quick answers to your questions and learn more about BookPagez, See group discounts, request a quote, and submit a purchase order. What would you do if it started raining hearts?2. There are three activities in the Seesaw:1. (Recording sheets are included with this ce, Targets: sequencing (3 part and 6 part), story re-tell (can also target syntax this way), WH questions, semantics. If you have bought any of my book companions before, the framework is similar in all of them. It's lovely and sweet. I did not relate to the end of the book and felt like it was disconnected from the rest of the story. Includes all craft templates and three different recording pages. Please see our Terms of Use. Pre-made digital activities. !. Heres what youll get with your BookPagez Annual Pass: Take your pick from thousands of minilessons, activities, and assessments valued at $ or less. Also included in:February Speech & Language Therapy Bundle, Also included in:Valentine's Day Book Companion Bundle for Speech Therapy, Also included in:Valentine's Day Books Reading and Writing BUNDLE Seesaw and Printable Activities, Also included in:Valentine's Day Adapted Book Companion Bundle, Also included in:Valentine's Day Book Study Bundle | Book Studies and Craftivities, Also included in:Valentine Read Aloud BUNDLE, Also included in:Sub Plans and Book Companion Activities ~ YEAR LONG BUNDLE, Also included in:Valentine's Day Language Bundle for Speech Therapy, Also included in:February Books Craft Bundle | Duck President | Groundhog Day | Day Rained Hearts, Also included in:Valentines Day Writing Craft and Book Activities Bundle. The book is not included. It might be a different reaction if a girl were to be my audience but then again, I'm not sure I would love for my kids to be obsessed with sending out valentines. One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. This book companion set is perfect for your early readers, ELL support, and students with special learning needs.This book companion set includes:interactive adapted bookpicture vocabulary boardword, The Day It Rained Hearts:A creative and sweet story, perfect for Valentine's Day. The craftivity makes a wonderful bulletin board display to showcase learning.This book study unit can be used as a whole class activity, during small group guided reading time, as individual student work, or as part of a book club. Share on Twitter This sweet boy of, This activity is one of my favorites to use in win. We won't send you spam. Students will retell the story by gluing pictures from the beginning, middle, and end.Answer sheet included.Color version included, This is a set of resources to go along with the book The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. **Each month I hold sales and make new freebies to share. Don't forget to Like and Subscribe to help out the channel!! **ContentSequencing Cards (16 cards): After reading t, The Day It Rained Hearts: Book Companion is perfect for Valentines Day themed language therapy or to use any time in the month of February! **Each month I hold sales and make new freebies to share. I think it would be great for younger students (maybe K-2). It's perfect for any speech therapy sessions! By clicking continue, your current session will end. She collects many different hearts to send valentines to her friends. 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. I like how the homemade gifts were made to feel important over trinkets from the store. **ContentSequencing Cards (16 cards): After reading t, This is a book study literacy unit for The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. If you have bought any of my book companions before, the framework is similar in all of them. Vocabulary games go so well with this story because of all the descriptive words! You are about to leave our Parents site. From the illustrator of If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie. The Day It Rained Hearts Activities and Book Companion, The Day It Rained Hearts: A Math Valentines Day Activity, The Day It Rained Hearts Seesaw and Printable Craft, Valentine's Day Books Reading and Writing BUNDLE Seesaw and Printable Activities, The Day It Rained Hearts Speech and Language Activities Boom Cards & Worksheets, Valentine's Day Book Companion Bundle for Speech Therapy, The Day it Rained Hearts - Book Buddy Speech & Language Therapy, February Speech & Language Therapy Bundle, The Day It Rained Hearts Math and Literacy Mini-Unit, The Day It Rained Hearts Literacy Activities, The Day It Rained Hearts Craft | Valentines Day Craft | Book Activities, February Books Craft Bundle | Duck President | Groundhog Day | Day Rained Hearts, The Day it Rained Hearts {Literature Study Printables}, The Day it Rained Hearts Valentine Adapted Book Companion, Valentine's Day Adapted Book Companion Bundle, The Day It Rained Hearts: Speech and Language Activities, Speech & Language Book Companion Bundle | Word Lists | Literacy Based, THE DAY IT RAINED HEARTS: Book Companion Activities, Valentine's Day Language Bundle for Speech Therapy, The Day It Rained Hearts | Book Study Activities and Craftivity, Valentine's Day Book Study Bundle | Book Studies and Craftivities, The Day it Rained Hearts Valentines Day Book Companion | Read Aloud Activities, Valentines Day Writing Craft and Book Activities Bundle, The Day it Rained Hearts: A Book Companion, Valentine's Day: Retell The Day It Rained Hearts Paper Bag Sack Kinder & First, "The Day it Rained Hearts" Speech Language Companion, The Day it Rained Hearts Literacy Activities. The following years, there are no more hearts falling from the sky she she decorates the trees in her neighborhood with a ton of her own hearts. It looks like you already have some resources from this collection in your cart. Rather than look at the sky and wonder how this could be happening, the girl just takes it as what it is and thoughtfully begins to gather the hearts to use as Valentines for all the little animals in and near her house. Seesaw: This is a preloaded Seesaw activity. A lovely read one-on-one or to a group of preschoolers maybe even followed by making Valentines of their own <3. sequencing cut and glue activity- with pictures and sentences . . All materials are no prep, whether you are using them in person or digitally! Follow me on instagram for my latest updates @keepinupwiththekinders, The Day It Rained Hearts is one of the sweetest Valentine's Day books there is! Get help and learn more about the design. The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond is a sweet story that can be used with your preschool and early elementary students to target many speech and language skills in learning activities! This activity goes perfectly with the book "The Day it Rained Hearts" by Felicia Bond This product has both option for counting and addition. This book companion includes activities for sequencing, story retell, matching, comprehension questions, basic concepts, word associations, creative writing, speech sounds, BINGO, and a sweet craft! 23 cards plus cover cardPage 7-8: Comprehension & General Knowledge Questions: a field of 3 (or more) answer choices is provided, This mini-unit is designed for use with the books Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett & The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. 2. will understand the importance of the gifts of love and friendship, the importance of sharing. It encourages them to be thoughtful about their valentines they make for each of their friends. Keeping framework familiar is good for emergent readers! All materials are no prep, whether you are using them in person or digitally! One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. I'm sharing some fun activities that you can use to work on story retelling, comprehension, phonological awareness, story grammar, and vocabulary stay tuned to the end for a fun freebie! Your order will ship on or around the release date. Grab those below! reynd. ) One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. Also included are writing prompt pages and covers for class books! This book companion is full of fun materials to supplement the book and teach your students! One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. The perfect story to read on Valentine's Day (and we did so this morning), The Day It Rained Hearts tells the sweet story of young Cornelia Augusta (great name) and her desire to make valentines for the special furry friends in her life. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, urn:lcp:dayitrainedheart00bond_1:lcpdf:060021df-d8dd-4af9-aead-1a01c8595e9d, urn:lcp:dayitrainedheart00bond_1:epub:91e14639-0a5a-48eb-8b61-ac8caa64cad5, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). This book companion unit was created to ease your teaching during the hectic month of February. -4 activity sheets that correspond to the books Privacy Policy Here, I'm Louise, a creative mum of three and early years teacher. 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. 'The Day it Rained Heart's' by Felicia Bond is a beautiful children's book about a little girl that collects hearts and creates personalised gifts from them. . . From the beloved illustrator of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. She took them home and began making valentines for her friends. Also appropriate for today specifically because it rained all day long. This craft is great for Valentine's Day or a rainy day in your classroom. This unit covers these CCSS ELA stan, Make teaching fun with these engaging, hands-on Valentine's Day activities for the book The Day It Rained Hearts! Love a sweet Valentine Story? sequencing cut and glue activity- with pictures and sentences When? Keeping framework familiar is good for emergent readers! Search for minilessons, activities, assessments, and classroom resources, Discover how you can enhance your literacy instruction with digital activities, Find instructional resources for your favorite picture and chapter books, Get a list of resources for the children's books you want to teach with, Learn how to use different resource types to deliver meaningful instruction, Learn how to add students, create assignments, and use all the features of Digital Classroom, Get tips on teaching with children's books and making the most of the BookPagez resources. The Day It Rained Hearts Book Author: Felicia Bond Grade Level: 2 Genre (s): Fantasy F&P Guided Reading Level: K DRA Level: 20 Reading Recovery Level: 18 Theme (s): Friendship, Valentine's Day collection Lesson Plans, Resources, and Assessments for The Day It Rained Hearts Resources in this Collection (10) GRADE 2 | GRL K Asking Questions I thought the illustrations were cute. The Day It Rained Hearts Math Activity is the perfect supplement to the book The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. Read this today at work to Kindergartners for outreach and it was very sweet. This activity goes perfectly with the book "The Day it Rained Hearts" by Felicia Bond This product has both option for counting and addition. Check Pages 1-28 of The Day It Rained Hearts in the flip PDF version. We don't want you to pay for them twice. You could also count the hearts for math problems, or use it as a prompt for students to inspire them to make their own Valentine's Day cards to give to their friends as Cornelia did. Felicia Bond ha ilustrado muchos libros para nios. Tons of comprehension activities included for you!Download the preview for details!What resources did I include in this product for you? Umbrella craftivity with two title options {The Day It Rained Hearts OR The Day It Rained _____________}- The possibilit, This resource can be used digital, printable, or both! Seesaw: This is a preloaded Seesaw activity. -3 art project ideas to. I guess I wanted to see more about the people Cornelia sent the Valentines to. Your students will enjoy creating their own cut and paste project while using their fine motor skills. Grab this one and you'll get all you need to model and provide practice retelling for your students! There is a read aloud of this book in the activity or you can remove it and read it yourself. From the illustrator of If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie. on December 14, 2012, There are no reviews yet. All of my brand new products are listed at $1.00 for 1 day. phrase. These Valentine's Day reading activities are quick and easy to setup. Please see our Terms of Use. Also, come check out other fun reads linked below!! The unit is packed with Common Core aligned activities for Kindergarten and First Grade. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Tags: Day it Rained Hearts The Day It Rained Hearts Catch Hearts hearts hearts on a string Create Cards stamp mail holey heart heart with cotton ball painting with hearts. Visual choices and options on all activities and the included communication board are perfect for pre-verbal and limitedly verbal students to fully participate. When I was 3 I LOVED this book it is my favorite picture book ever!!! The text is simplea little girl catches hearts and makes valentines for her friends. Teach key reading skills and strategies with the best books for kindergarten - fifth grade, Resources for 250+ books easily found in most school, classroom, and public libraries, Powerful filters make it easy to find the right resources for all your instructional goals, Flexible lesson plans and resources make teaching whole group and small group easier than ever, Hands-On Activity (great for partner work or centers), Comprehension Strategy Practice Pages, Reader's Notebook Prompts, and Graphic Organizers, A copy of the book is not included in this set of resources. She looked at all of her hearts and tried to decide which one best suited each of her friends that she would send them to. Also included are writing prompt pages and covers for class books! With mixed groups, I like to have speech therapy activities and games in order to address mixed groups. Very sweet book. Who doesn't love a book about hearts raining from the sky where a girl named Cornelia Augusta collected them and made Valentine's for her friends? This classic, as well as The Day it Rained Hearts, was written by the same author- Felicia Bond. Please try again. This is such a sweet book! I This series has become one of my favorites, the storylines are easy to follow and always have a great lesson. I enjoy the illustrations in this story. Unlikely to clarify Valentines Day for children. Copyright Messy Little Monster. Unearthing Joy and Culturally Responsive Collections. by Christa Pierce Hearts by Jan Carr Vivi en Nueva York durante muchos aos, y ahora vive en Austin, Texas, y Santa F, Nuevo Mxico. Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Join our newsletter to have ideas delivered to your inbox each week! From the illustrator of If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie. This book companion includes activities for sequencing, story retell, matching, comprehension questions, basic concepts, word associations, creative writing, speech sounds, BINGO, and a sweet craft! Reg: $ In addition to worksheets, this companion also includes Boom Cards that address comprehension, vocabulary, sequencing/retell, prepositions, speech sounds, and open-ended re, Your students will love reading The Day It Rained Hearts and youll love how engaging and rigorous this February read-aloud is! This is a story about the only day it rained hearts. The girl caught then as they came down and thought it must be close to Valentine's Day. Visual choices and options on all activities and the included communication board are perfect for pre-verbal and limitedly verbal students to fully participate. Caught then as they came down the day it rained hearts spanish thought it must be close Valentine. 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