there's something wrong with aunt diane update

She made twice his salary. "We just didn't get the answers we needed," said Bastardi, 55. [R21] sounds like he/she was right in the car! Diane Schuler was a 36-year-old woman from New York. Her husband: deny deny deny. All Critics. Take a look at She also had a lot of undigested alcohol in her stomach + had been smoking weed. Clearly, Diane had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders in that family. You are a PARENT and you drive when you are drunk and high? There was actually at least 2 cases in my town where a drunk driver killed themselves and innocent people by driving on the wrong side of the highway. I agree with most of your points except that I don't think the goal of the documentary filmmakers was to find a medical reason for what she did. Why does it seem the brother is covering up for Diane? R65 that's no way to describe Datalounge Danny! I read in one article that the kids were playing at the McDonalds playpen thing for an hour. Watchlist. But she packages it well in a film thats like a more meticulous and dignified version of one of those network television prime-time crime compendiums a 48 Hours Mystery with more heart and brain. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and The World Is Ending: Amazon Rainforest, dying? told her on the phone that his independent lab tests returned the same results as the original autopsy regarding Diane's blood alcohol levels. You will have trouble walking or standing and are at a greater risk of hurting yourself physically. Also: none of the kids were in car seats or had seat belts on and all of them were just crammed next to each other on the seats in the backseat. Interesting. I agree that it was likely a murder-suicide. They are as much victims as he and his wife are. Liz Garbus, an Oscar and Emmy nominee for The Farm: Angola, USA, takes a hard look at those questions in a new documentary, Theres Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. It will be shown on HBO on Monday, nearly two years to the day since Ms. Schuler drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway in Westchester County, N.Y., causing the crash that killed her and seven other people, including her daughter and three nieces. We have had 2 wrong way drivers on the expressway here kill other people in the last week. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If this is true, Dumb Danny From Long Guyland is a real asshole for suing the families of the little girls! There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. It makes me wonder at what point is that day she decided she was going to just kill all of them? Schuler's son, Bryan, who was 5 at the time, was the only survivor. Someone who deals by not dealing, if you know what I mean? I don't get it. If someone had said, "Diane, you're too drunk to drive," someone else would have had to drive a vanload of children. The articles and interview with investigators at a press conference said that Diane had the equivalent of 10 drinks in her system and that a giant empty bottle of Absolut Vodka was found on the floor of the drivers side as witnesses pulled Dianes body out of the burning vehicle. "I do hope, someday," Bastardi said, "maybe if they have a change of heart they'll reach out and we'll find out what really went on. All Audience. Now she's sick to her stomach and bombed out of her mind. There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane Reviews. How many people went with the 'she was drunk and it was an accident' narrative vs 'she knew what she was doing, the drink was help, not cause/murder-suicide' narrative? 2011. That is a big jump for someone who drinks too heavily but generally keeps good outward appearances. Senior Emma Song is a managing editor in her third year on Common Sense. -, Press J to jump to the feed. But so many who knew Schuler described her as the perfect wife and mother, and so the desperate hunt for answers began. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn That's always seemed obvious to me r79, she was clearly an undercover alchie. Some features on this site require registration. Schuler's surviving husband, Daniel, spent years denying Schuler was intoxicated at the time of the accident and insisted she was an upstanding wife and mother. Essentially, some people said they could buy that the weed + booze = her being so out of her mind disoriented the crash was an "accident" (in quotes there cuz obviously she could have abstained from both and voila, no accident at all). This was very close to the actual incident timewise, so much of what we know now hadn't come out yet. Grennan said there are still two cases pending in the state Court of Claims alleging that the design of the roadway was faulty. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. Or someone who left the dreadfully tacky long island years ago but still knows the goings-on at home? She struck me as someone who worked hard & played hardprobably had a personality disorder or something. The primary interviewees are Schuler's husband, Daniel, and sister-in-law, Jay, who are convinced that the toxicology report showing Schuler's high level of alcohol and THC intoxication was inaccurate, or that Schuler did not knowingly consume the intoxicants. Daniel cried but once during a press conference that drained onlookers emotions. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. I recently watched this documentary and found several threads here about Diane Schuler but I can't seem to find any updates as of 2013? Other excuses for her: she was having a stroke, she was having a seizure, she had diabetes, she had a tooth abscess, she had a cyst on her leg that may be induced a blood clot. Ms. Garbus offered to move forward the fitful investigation that Mr. Schuler and Jay Schuler have sponsored in their effort to vindicate Diane, or at least to explain her behavior. I'd assume she had a routine down in her regular life to control her drinking/addictions and this trip likely off set that. judging from the death photos, R86, no. Then Emma made her anguished cry. She also said something to her brother during that last phone call that was probably very telling about her motives. In the aftermath, Diane Schuler was portrayed as a reckless drunk and a mother who cracked. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. She was angry at her mother for leaving her family. Not one person who has a cousin who is married to someone who used to work with diane schuler? Done deal. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." Bastardi and several attorneys associated with the court cases declined to discuss the cases Wednesday. Chronic alcoholics can have crazy high levels compared to social drinkers. The documentary opens with several harried calls to 911, describing a . Michael Bastardi, 81, and his 49-year-old son Guy Bastardi were killed, along with family friend Daniel Longo, 74. For the last couple of months, she didnt appear to be a happy woman.. That does make the marriage was was in major trouble thing make sense. Some one will want a nice payday and will talk. From the movie, "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane," it did seem like Diane's husband & the sister-in-law were having an affair. My r11 that was an interesting take. Its interesting to note that Diane called the brother and SIL multiple times but never called the husband once after they left the campgrounds. Terms and Policies And then, for whatever reason, Diane decided to drop her phone and sped off to die. Copyright Fandango. Psychotic break? It's August - hot and humid. Those accents. Regardless, I think the evidence still suggests intent - her driving behavior while on the highway seemed to imply control of the vehicle. End of story. I do not get why she stayed with that asshole husband of hers. There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane (2011) From the movie's offset, we know that something terrible has happened. I don't live in the US so don't recall much media coverage of this case. I take it to sleep and I haven't done anything crazy. In subsequent calls, it was clear that something was terribly wrong. (If you are a man, you will have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.) In the state of New York, it is now a felony to drive intoxicated with a child in the car. I think R21 has it. Schuler had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19, more than twice the legal limit. She eventually crashed into an oncoming SUV, which ended up killing herself and seven others. the Terms and Policies, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. I do.). I don't think it's clear cut at all. God rest her soul. , a documentary on HBO, reveals previously unknown information about that day, and sheds light on the unknown side of Schuler. Grennan was the attorney in one of the Westchester County cases, representing Bryan Schuler, who was 5 at the time and the sole survivor, and the estate of Erin Schuler, 2, who was killed. The whole documentary just fascinates me. At least two of the calls were to her brother, Warren Hance, the father of three girls who lost their lives. She still drove while fucked up and killed lots of people. Audience Score 250+ Ratings. Since this aired I have read comments saying that it could have been that Diane blacked out after taking Ambien. "The terms of the settlement are confidential and the court records are sealed," attorney Kevin Grennan, of Garden City, said Wednesday. Either seems possible for a drunk person. Meanwhile, her brothers did make peace with the mom. If we accept the case that she is an alcoholic (I think the alcoholism is moot at this point), then you're trying to tell me that a seasoned alcoholic who has presumably been drinking heavily for years, gets this messed up after some vodka and weed? She definitely could have been. Was she really the reckless drunk, or the perfect suburban mother?This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. We've received your submission. The World is Ending: Donating without dignity, Senior skip day: rest day for students, disruptor for teachers, The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School, Your email address will not be published. Diane Schuler, from what is known about her, was a very angry, controlling, impulsive person. We are still being dodged by all the questions that we wanted answered.". To make matters worse, her son that survived is now taken care of by his dad/ Diane's husband, who is kinda abusive to the son. Yet Schuler offered himself up, grim-faced, to the press, insisting his wife had an occasional glass of wine and tossed the rest of the bottle away. Two things that I haven't seen answered anywhere in the media. Do I need to lecture you on how fucking stupid you are being? Online records show the four cases, all in state Supreme Court in Westchester County, were marked with a disposition date of Sept. 11, 2013. The decision to leave the phone on the side of the road after the kids alerted one of the relatives to there being something wrong, and then the 2 mile straight, unswerving drive down the wrong side of the highway. I do.). This story has been shared 100,023 times. | Jul 2, 2018. Diane told her brother she was having tunnel vision the very phrase Ive seen associated with heavy drinking. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane (HBO Docs) HBODocs 149K subscribers Subscribe 291 Share 420K views 11 years ago Subscribe to HBO Docs: "There's. Five years after a violent wrong-way collision on the Taconic State Parkway killed eight people including four young children a flurry of civil lawsuits stemming from the crash have been dropped or quietly settled, with the terms sealed by a state judge. The autopsy showed no.traces of Ambien in her system. There's something wrong with Aunt Diane that's one of the last things Schuler's 8-year-old niece, Emma Hance, worriedly told her father by cellphone as the minivan sped hither and then yon,. You'd think she had no anger at all. Why that weekend though, R58? Eight-year-old Emma Hance, Schulers eldest niece, called her father from the vehicle approximately a half hour prior to the fatal crash, saying: Daddy, there is something wrong with Aunt Diane.. This contrasts with the aftermath of her actions. HBO, Monday night at 9, Eastern and Pacific times; 8, Central time. On Sunday, July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler left the campgrounds in upstate New York where she was vacationing with her family and set off towards home on Long Island. All rights reserved. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Why not just drink enough to take the edge off & get home safely? I just don't understand how people can think someone goes from driving perfectly fine, using a cell phone totally fine, being "coherent" by all account witnesses, and having experience with heavy drinking, to "she drank herself to the point that she didn't realize she was driving the wrong-way for 2 miles without swerving.". The collision killed Schuler, her 2-year-old daughter and her three nieces Emma Hance, 8; Alyson Hance, 7; and Katie Hance, 5. It was strange that they featured her four high school friends and one person who seemed just a neighbor on the documentary but no real intimates or who knew her in her daily life. He hopes they will eventually be willing to sit down. Some viewers may complain that Theres Something Wrong With Aunt Diane is on the side of Mr. Schuler and his wifes other defenders, because Ms. Garbus spends more time with him and his sister-in-law, Jay Schuler, than with anyone else. May the innocents rest in peace. It's obviously sad for the kids and the guys she killed, but that incredibly tightly-wound, perfectionist women seemed like a time bomb. All in all, I find this case fascinating but so frustrating because we will never actually know for sure. "When you are on Ambien you could eat a whole meal and drink a bottle of booze and not even know it. I wouldn't be surprised if Danny and her got into some fight, he said something he regretted, and likely feels some responsibility for what happened, but is afraid of criminal/legal/financial repercussions. This mysterious and shattering tragedy draws the public in, feeling a need to find out what really happened to Aunt Diane. Sam Adams Time Out Chicago. Neither of those scenarios make much sense to me. I would side with you that it was murder/suicide. But when toxicology reports revealed Schuler was heavily intoxicated at the time of the crash, it seemed like an open and closed case of drunk driving. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane True Crime Obsessed True Crime On Sunday, July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler left the campgrounds in upstate New York where she was vacationing with her family and set off towards home on Long Island. As relatives, friends, co-workers and a forensic psychologist build a picture of Diane as a high-achieving, perfectionist mother and wife, Ms. Garbus intersperses the interviews with a reconstruction of the events of July 26, 2009. Yet she had no choice but to ride on, helplessly, to her death. Tap "Sign me up" below to receive our weekly newsletter July 25, 2011 This was the morning/early afternoon, in a car, with a bunch of small children. The layers of anger, guilt and what many would call blind faith that surround the case, however, have given it a tragic intensity, making the unanswerability of the questions seem profoundly painful. Or maybe one of them said something to her which set her off, because she saw that the pattern was repeating. About a week after her deadly crash, Shulerss toxicology report revealed she had a blood-alcohol content of .19%. The Long Island mother who drove bombed out of her mind with a minivan full of kids triggering a head-on collision that killed 8 routinely bellied up to the bar and griped about her failing marriage and stressful job, a drinking buddy told The Post. Someone suggested that she wasn't looking for pain meds in there but for alcohol. No, Emma, the oldest Hance child, called her MOTHER, and it was to her mother she said "there's something wrong with Aunt Diane." This was at 12:58PM. She was pissed and angry, and wanted to ease her tension by drinking and smoking pot. Her family trying to claim she didn't drink were probably clueless to what was really going on with her. All three passengers in the other vehicle were killed, as were Diane, her daughter and three nieces. That child knew she was in trouble. If thats true, Im guessing Aunt Diane stepped out to drink and smoke during at least some of that time? Bastardis daughters, Roseanne Guzzo and Margaret Nicotina, say they have forgiven Diane but find it harder to forgive Daniel and Jay, who seem to them to be in denial about Dianes accountability. If just one had made it wed maybe not be debating it at all. Poisoned Apple: What happened to Aunt Diane? She was just impaired enough that it probably felt like just a dream. [1] It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011.[2]. R39, I just saw the documentary. The "last hurrah " at McDonalds theory is just chilling if that was her intention.Jesus. Reportedly, she had her hands firmly on the steering wheel at "ten and two" while she stared straight ahead. She may or may not have been a major alcoholic, but her liver showed no signs of chronic alcoholism (which is odd for a woman since women don't metabolize booze as well as men). Emma took the phone to tell her dad that she had a great time camping upstate with the Schulers. I think R21 nailed it. ", Found a reddit discussion on this a poster thinks that Ambien may have had something to do with it. Its really bizarre and I admit I dont understand this case in that way. Those were the awful, last words of Emma Hance, who at 9 was the eldest of the five kids riding in the death car during the fiery, horrific crash in Westchester, a source close to the case told me. There are signs, EVERYONE IGNORED THESE SIGNS? A guy I went to college with got on the highway going the wrong way, drunk, supposedly after taking a nap at a rest area. Her marriage seemed a bit rocky, and I think she felt trapped by it, the friend said of Schulers relationship with her husband, Daniel, a Nassau County public-safety officer. Only slightly off topic, there was a great Law & Order episode based on this during its final season. I don't know how much you'd have to take to sleep drive or sleep eat. Interesting suggestion. By creating an account, you agree to the Diane Schuler, a 36-year-old Long Island mother of two, was at the wheel, drunk and high, headed south at 70 mph. Some features on this site require a subscription. No doubt she needed to take the edge off frequently and did it by drinking and smoking pot. Depression and mental health can cause a person to do insane things. Schuler, one of her children and three of her young nieces in the minivan were killed, as were three people in the northbound car she hit. The collision killed Schuler, her 2-year-old daughter and her three nieces Emma Hance, 8; Alyson Hance, 7; and Katie Hance, 5. 2011. Maybe she also doesn't know where her husband is and wants to get home to see if he's there. R21 does make sense. This case fascinates me in a gruesome way. No one who works with, used to work with, knows, used to know, went to school with or otherwise could dish some gossip on daniel schuler? Have the Hances had to give any testimony through the various lawsuits about what happened on that day? I don't get it. There was an interesting discussion on this sub, perhaps last year, where some people who were familiar with heavy marijuana use + high amounts of alcohol being quickly consumed = being super extremely fucked up. The McDonalds employees and the camp ground owner also swear that Diane wasnt drunk when they saw and interacted with them that morning. It had to be murder-suicide. Evidence is mounting that someone had to have known Diane was a danger. This case has also fascinated me for years. The hot air makes her feel worse. In There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane, award-winning director Liz Garbus (see below) explores the facts and speculation surrounding this tragic accident. When he found out she was driving a van with children he desperately tried calling both her and 911 but it was too late. That was when he mentioned the loss of his daughter. I'm going to go Google this case now because I want more info on the phone call with the brother. It has all of the hallmarks of intention in it. Maybe it was Ambien? But yeah. Not sarcastic: what's your IQ? He's currently serving a prison sentence if I remember right. Do you think we mischaracterized a critic's review. With her were five young children: her son, her daughter, and three nieces. There's something wrong with Ginny in billing. Many theories abound as to whether Schuler deliberately caused the crash that killed her family members. Diane, who was the subject of both the HBO documentary There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane, and a 2009 episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show, was behind the wheel of her brother's minivan when she crashed headfirst into another car in July 2009. Not 100% anyway. [1] It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011. God will deal with the rest. This was a mentally unstable woman who did a great job of hiding it, had problems in her marriage, had reached a tipping point, and wanted to keep "control" by making sure her children didn't grow up without her. This is apparently why she took the girls with her. The woman took her girls away. Were the smaller children strapped into car seats? I'm not saying that is the answer, or that I'm remembering 100% correctly, but after reading those first-hand accounts, I was convinced it could have played a role in her behavior. Well she got an OJ at McDonalds, presumably as a mixer for the vodka, and that is when she started drinking. The 2 kept insisting that if Diane had had alcohol problems, they would have know about it. This was curious, because the Schulers said they left upstate early, around 9:30 a.m. on July 26. She calls her brother. Medical examiners also foundtraces of THCin her system. City Dump: The Story of the 1951 CCNY Basketball Scandal, Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen, Dare to Dream: The Story of the U.S. Women's Soccer Team, Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi, By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, China's Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province, The Last Campaign of Governor Booth Gardner, Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God, 50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus, A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness, Thought Crimes: The Case of the Cannibal Cop, Mariela Castro's March: Cuba's LGBT Revolution, Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper, Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends), May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers, At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal, I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth V. Michelle Carter, The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley, After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union, A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 23:57. Meanwhile, his lawyer, Dominic Barbara, backed away from a report that he would seek another autopsy on Dianes body, now saying hed not decided what to do.. It messed her up. On that bright sunny Sunday 10 years ago, July 26, 2009, families were shattered. But I lean towards intentional act. Her hands are on the wheel in the 2:00 and 10:00 position. But it really was simple. I didn't much care for the documentary. The film profiles Diane Schuler, who caused the fatal car accident, through interviews with her family members and friends, and attempts to piece together Schuler's actions on the day of the accident, in order to determine why the accident took place. She's drinking this vodka quickly and in large gulps because she can't let the kids see this. I don't get the lingering loyalty to his POS sister. She is known as the main subject of the Taconic State Parkway crash back in 2009. Families always feed on the carcasses. Maintaining cookie cutters lives is not worth the price. The Bastardi and Longo families pushed for prosecutors to convene a grand jury, but it never happened. . --. Leaving the phone behind on the side of the road and then getting in the minivan with the kids for the final time looks pretty bad. If you believe this was accidental, there are two scenarios: 1) shes a raging alcoholic, in which case .19 doesnt get her to this state, or 2) she isnt an alcoholic, but decided on this day to get hammered and high with 7 kids in the car? Family members often are. [quote] Her husband, brother and sister-in-law all know she's impaired but figure it's something she always does so she'll manage. Jesus Christ! Its actually pretty common. Its a gripping and terrifying account, making use of video footage, cellphone conversations and testimony from investigators and a number of witnesses. I know from my mother's experience as the oldest daughter among five siblings that, even with two parents present, she was expected to help with the younger kids in a way that her older brother was not. I'm skeptical as a result of her BAC, the control of the car she seemed to be demonstrating while on the highway, her actions leading up the crash that morning (i.e., everyone who ran into her made it seem like she was sober), the time of day (i.e., broad daylight with tons of oncoming traffic), and the fact that she had 6 children in the car screaming in terror and pleading for her to stop. But was she the monster the public made her out to be? Kind of like a perfect storm. Also: the alleged drinking buddy in the article says that Dianes favorite drink was a screwdriver and that she had a super high tolerance foryou guessed! Thanks, R21. Things had likely been spiraling in the relationship for a while - unhappiness, feeling overburdened, etc. She drank to work up the courage to do it. Your email address will not be published. The missing Yuba boys always make me think this too. I have never before witnessed or heard of an alcoholic get so messed up that they lose control or cohesion to this extent. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! The amount of booze in her stomach was like 10 shots' worth, not counting what was already metabolized at the time of death. Like she decided she and those kids were going to die that day AND THEN started boozing heavily and smoking. She leaves her phone on the barrier on the side of the road. (Name will only be used to verify billing.). Or maybe not in secret; it wouldn't have been hard to hide her alcoholism from that clueless family. I wonder if he's found another woman stupid enough to marry him? it could have happened) but this is quite near to the psychological make-up of someone who might be prone to snapping like this. If you drink and smoke weed WHILE driving in the morning, you aren't just a heavy drinker or a functional alcoholic- you REALLY can't cope without substances if you take that big of a risk. See production, box office & company info, I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter, Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, Jane Velez-Mitchell: Episode dated 26 July 2011. She then got some orange juice so she mix more vodka into it and drink it without the kids seeing it. The death photos, R86, no video footage, cellphone conversations and testimony investigators... Subsequent calls, it was too late when she started drinking through the various lawsuits about what on! 'D think she had no choice but to ride on, helplessly, to brother. Hbo, reveals previously unknown information about that day she decided she and those were! Impulsive person Taconic state Parkway crash back in 2009 woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, herself... 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Big jump for someone who used to verify billing. ) but to ride on, helplessly, to stomach... A personality disorder or something the courage to do with it the McDonalds playpen thing for hour. What i mean that someone had to have known Diane was a 36-year-old from! Song is a big jump for someone who left the dreadfully tacky island... Saw that the kids were playing at the McDonalds playpen thing for hour!

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there's something wrong with aunt diane update