titanic passenger list search

Danbom, Ernest Rath, Sarah Canavan, Mary Newell, Miss Alice Moncarek, Omine Skoog, William Saad, Khalil Padro, Mr. Julian Compton, Miss S. P. Hart, Henry Abelseth, Olaus Berglund. Mack, Mrs. Mary Johannessen, Bernt Dewan, Frank Emmeth, Thomas //-->. Moncarek, Halim Linehan, Michel The average ticket price for an adult second-class passenger was 13, the equivalent of 1,123 today. Titanic departs Southampton bound for New York. Buss, Miss Kate Strandberg, Ida What happened to the Titanic and why is it still famous. Cook, Jacob Karlson, Nils August Kallio, Nikolai Toomey, Miss Ellen Harper, Miss Nina Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Odahl, Martin Eitemiller, Mr. G. F. Bostandyeff, Guentcho Thayer, Mr. J. Braf, Elin Ester Though their employers travelled in first class, this servant was given second class accommodations, as their services were not needed while their employers were on board. [43] One of these Chinese survivors from the Titanic disaster was Fang Lang (21 June 1894 21 January 1986; alias Fong Wing Sun), who was one of the four passengers whom Fifth Officer Harold Lowe rescued from the ocean after returning in Lifeboat 14 to search for any survivors still stranded in the sea. The stories of the Chinese survivors, which were forgotten for over a century, were presented in a 2021 documentary film The Six after researchers and show producers worked together to piece together the whereabouts and lives of the Chinese survivors after the sinking of the Titanic. Quick, Miss Phyllis White, Mr. Percival W. Fortune, Miss Ethel Osman, Mara Shaughnesay, Pat Olson, Elon Johnson, Alice Banfield, Mr. Frederick J. Willey, Edward Sage, George Eustis, Miss E. M. Rice, Margaret A. Others were waiting in New York to board for the passage back to Plymouth, England, on the second leg of Titanic's maiden voyage. Harrison, Mr. W. H. Passengers are colour coded, indicating whether . Dibo, Elias Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry Tupin, M. Dorothy Crossing 24 August 13-20, 1913 Rosblom, Viktor Brewe, Dr Arthur Jackson Anderson, Sigvard The RMS Carpathia, which was 3 hours away, came to the rescue of the stranded . Holm, John F. A. Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria Turcin, Stefan Lemom, Denis Kate Phillips gave birth to a daughter, Ellen Mary "Betty", on 11 January 1913. Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and Manservant [24] The last living second-class survivor was Barbara West; she was 10 months old at the time of sinking and died in 2007 at the age of 96. Kantor, Mrs. Miriam Harder, Mrs. George A. Bracken, Mr. Jas. Brocklebank, William Wiklund, Karl F. Van de Walle, Nestor Thayer, Mr. J. Holt, Mr. W. F. Dibden, Mr. William White, Mrs. J. Stuart + 2 servants de Villiers, Mrs. B. Giles, Mr. Edgar Keefe, Arthur We and partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Meeklave, Ellie Klasen, A.Mona Exhibition opens at the National Maritime Museum displaying recovered artefacts. Hendekevoic, Ignaz Later ships such as Minia found fewer bodies, requiring fewer embalming supplies, and were able to limit burials at sea to bodies that were too damaged to preserve. Finote, Luigi The Titanic Relief Fund is set up to provide for families and dependants. Davies, Mr. Charles Comprehensive list of RMS Titanic Crew, with full biographies. Below is the complete Titanic passenger list. Escape This Book! Barkworth, Mr. A. H. The RMS Titanic first-class passenger list was a who's who of the time and many businessmen, industrialists, and manufacturers of the Titanic were aboard during that fateful day of April 14, 1912. Svensson, Johan Samaan, Youssef Seman Betros Flynn, Mr. J. I. Rheims, Mr. George Dodge, Mrs. Washington Hakkurainen, Pekko Rosblom, Salfi [20], The Laroche family, father Joseph and daughters Simonne and Louise, were the only known passengers of black ancestry on board the ship. Herman, Mrs. Jane Reynolds, Harold Reeves, Mr. David Gee, Mr. Arthur Pacruic, Tome Lefebre,Mathilde Titanic Passenger List; Titanic Crew List; References; Titanic in Black and White. Included in this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, listed as both passengers and crew. Wick, Miss Mary Ahmed, Ali Crossing 4: August 29 September 5 1911 Asim, Adola Doodle, decide, and demolish your way out of history's greatest events--the perfect book for fun and educational summer reading! Jardin, Jose Netto Smith, Mr. R. W. Mahon, Delia Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte Morawick, Dr. Ernest In addition, Kate Winslet expressed her desire to continue to be a motivation for many young girls to get rid of the situation of being disparaged for their appearance. One of the most famous tragedies in modern history, it inspired numerous stories, several films, and a musical and has . Davidson, Mrs. Thornton Meanwell, Marian O. Last remaining survivor who was a second class passenger. Spencer, Mr. W. A. Stranden, Jules Larsson, Bengt Edvin Hays, Mr. Charles M. Wick, Mr. George D. Descriptions of Unidentified Bodies. Tonfik, Nahli Naidenoff, Penko Allison, Master T. and Nurse Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie Johnston, A. G. Michel Sr. died in the sinking and photographs of the boys were circulated throughout the world in the hopes that their mother or another relative could identify the French toddlers, who became known as the "Titanic Orphans". Panula, Eino Second-class passengers had their own library and the men had access to a private smoking room. Files are in PDF format. Backstrom, Marie Six of these persons survived the disaster. 1912. Kalil, Betros Asplund, Lillian Howard, Mrs. Ellen T. Banoura, Ayout Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth Pears, Mr. Thomas The Titanic is one of the most famous ships in history: leaving England on April 10th, 1912, it was only on the water for three days before it collided with an iceberg and sank on April 15th, 1912. Green, George Wazli, Yousif Crossing 8: February 7-14 1912 Conlin, Thos. Passengers who boarded at Cherbourg, France on April 10 before the ship's onward journey to Queenstown are not included . Anderson, Sigrid Twekula, Hedwig Davies, Joseph Nirva, Isak Youssef, Hanne Free delivery for many products. Somerton, Francis W. Lundstripm, Jan google_ad_client = "pub-6514739865278330"; Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff Tobin, Roger, - Site Map -All text and images copyright 2012 Titanic-Facts.com. Loring, Mr. J. H. Hays, Four days into its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City, the 882-foot luxury liner hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. 160. Goodwin, William F. Crosby, Mrs. Edward G. Bjornstrom, Mr. H. Three other ships followed in the search: the cable ship Minia, the lighthouse supply ship Montmagny, and the sealing vessel Algerine. R. Ford, M. W. T. N. Passengers are colour-coded, indicating whether they were saved or perished. Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce + servant Holverson, Mr. A. O. Zievens, Renee Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M. 1. Bonnell, Miss Lily The Titanic's passenger list is in two parts. Harbeck, Mr. Wm. Asplund, Oscar Backstrom, Karl Peacock, Alfred Johnston, Mrs. Waelens, Achille This page lists everyone that travelled on the maiden voyage but also the delivery and passengers who were fortunate enough to disembark. Hakkurainen, Elin Sjoblom, Anna Heininen, Wendla [47] Arguments occurred in some of the lifeboats about going back to pick up people in the water, but many survivors were afraid of being swamped by people trying to climb into the lifeboat or being pulled down by the suction from the sinking Titanic, though it turned out that very little suction had happened. Foley, William PDF. Mampe, Leon The crew and officers totaled an additional . Louch, Mrs. Alice Adela She gave birth to a son, Joseph Lemercier, on 17 December 1912. Goodwin, Sidney Moor, Meier Mirko, Dika Lemon, Mary Panula, Juho Chisholm, Mr. Robert Brown, Miss Mildred Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton Fischer, Eberhard Svensson, Coverin Reynolds, Miss E. Reed, James George Lindqvist, Einar Two more lifeboats, Collapsible Boats A and B, were in the process of being removed from their location on the roof of the officer's house, but could not be properly launched. RMS Titanic sailed from Southampton, England, on 10 April 1912, bound for New York. Gustafson, Johan Bowen, Miss H. Titanic Passenger List. Graham, Mr. Description. Blank, Mr. Henry Ware, Mr. William J. Brown, Mr. S. Driscoll, Bridget Naked, Said Molson, Mr. H. Markland Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna First Class Passenger List Second Class Passenger List Third Class Passenger List. Vagil, Adele Jane Titanic is successfully launched in Belfast. Third-class or steerage passengers were primarily immigrants moving to the United States and Canada. Case, Mr. Howard B. Goodwin, Charles E. Oreskovic, Jeko Cacic, Maria Pekonemi, E. Minihan, Mrs. W. B. Collyer, Mr. Harvey Anderson, Albert Bottom row left to right: Edith Haisman, Ruth Blanchard, Louise Kink Pope, Eleanor Shuman. Nasser, Mrs. Beckwith, Mrs. R. L. Cor, Bartol Long, Mr.. Milton C. Angle, Mrs. Burns, Mary Caldwell, Master Alden G. Laroche, Mr. Joseph Helen Bishop was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Caldwell, Mr. Albert F. Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows Monbarek, Hanna Van der Planke, Augusta Buckley, Katherine McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J. McGowan, Annie The Titanic passenger list included some of the most prestigious figures of its time. This talk presents a chronology of the Olympic Class, from conception and construction to disaster and discovery. Solvang, Lena Jacobsen Fat-ma, Mustmani B. In the rush following the collision, the stewards, occupied with waking up sleeping passengers and leading groups of women and children to the boat deck, did not have time to open all the gates, leaving many of the confused third-class passengers stuck below decks. Johnson, Eleanora Watt, Mrs. Bessie Lobb, Cordelia Melkebuk, Philemon titanic / titanic passenger list.csv Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Copy permalink; This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Douglas, Mrs. W. D. + servant Add to cart. Sage, Thomas Last survivor who was a first class passenger. Was your surname one of those that featured on . Collapsible B floated away from the ship upside down, while Collapsible A became half-filled with water after the supports for its canvas sides were broken in the fall from the roof of the officers' quarters. Johnston, William Howard, Mr. Benjamin Rosblom, Helene Phillips, Miss Alice Crossing 16: August 29 September 5 1912 @emollick . Newell, Miss Madeline Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, Miss Cornelia I. Kelly, James Mallet, Mrs. Arnold, Josephine A lifeboat with Titanic survivors approaches the RMS Carpathia on April 15, 1912. Crosby, Miss Harriet Moutal, Rahamin [21], Another French family travelling in second class was the Navratils, travelling under the assumed name Hoffman. Williams, Mr. R. N., Jr. Jakob, Mr. Birnbaum Mikanen, John Doling, Mrs. Ada Compton, Mrs. A. T. Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton Allison, Mr. H. J. Allison, Mrs. H. J. Smith, Mr. L P. (1997 film) Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. Astor, Mrs. Madeleine Talmage (ne Force), Bjrnstrm-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hkan, Candee, Mrs. Helen Churchill (ne Hungerford), Duff Gordon, Lucy Christiana, Lady (ne Sutherland), Flegenheim, Mrs. Antoinette "Tony" (ne Wendt), Leslie, Lucy Nol Martha, Countess of Rothes (ne Dyer-Edwardes), Sandstrm, Mrs. Agnes Charlotta (ne Bengtsson), Mrs. Winnifred Vera van Tongerloo (ne Quick), "Passenger List and Survivors of Steamship, "Social Class and Survival on the SS Titanic", "This story is no longer available Washington Times", "Seven Famous People Who Missed the Titanic", "Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More National Geographic Kids", "Pastor John Harper and the Titanic Story", "Lawrence Beesley Celebrated Titanic Survivor", "Name Hoffman, Charles Content: Male aged 32. Milling, Mr. Jacob C. Sivic, Husen Sage, William Gerios, Assaf 1310 lines (1310 sloc) 41.9 KB Sihvola, Antti Additional information. Wende, Olof Edvin Second-class children could read the children's books provided in the library or play deck quoits and shuffleboard on the second-class promenade. After the Titanic sank, Thomson Beattie was hauled aboard Collapsible A but he died in the night. Laroche, Mrs. Juliet Jutel, Henrik Hansen Anderson, Paul Edvin Ryerson, Miss Susan Shorney, Charles [29] Rather than dormitory-style sleeping areas, third-class passengers had their own cabins. Weisz, Mr. Leopold Brown, Mrs. J. M. Rummstvedt, Kristian Kelly, Annie K. Coelho, Domingos Fernardeo Doling, Miss Elsie Sohole, Peter Women and children are the priority. Ethan Mollick. Carver, A. Mitkoff, Mito The total number of Syrian passengers, according to Syrian survivors was between 145 and 165, of these, only one couple who boarded as second-class passengers. google_ad_height = 280; Third Class Passenger List, Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton Robins, Alexander Bjorklund, Ernst Carran, Mr. F. M. Billiard, A. van The physical appearance of each bodyheight, weight, age, hair and eye colour, visible birthmarks, scars or tattoos, was catalogued and any personal effects on the bodies were gathered and placed in small canvas bags corresponding to their number. Decline all Cookies (not recommended) Rafoul, Baccos Abbing, Anthony Olsen, Ole M. Banous, Elias Duran, Miss Asimcion Danoff, Sigrid Kink, Vincenz Sadowitz, Harry Bentham, Miss Lilian W. Mechan, John H. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Harris, Mr. Walter Lingan, Mr. John Two months after the sinking, he wrote and published The Loss of the SS Titanic, the first eyewitness account of the disaster. Lindell, Edvard B. Marshall, Mrs. Kate Panula, Urhu Of the remaining 150 unclaimed bodies, 121[56] were taken to the non-denominational Fairview Lawn Cemetery; 19[57] were buried in the Roman Catholic Mount Olivet Cemetery, and 10[58] were taken to the Jewish Baron de Hirsch Cemetery. Kink, Louise H. Lindstroem, Mrs. J. Scrota, Maurice Pallas, Mr. Emilio + servant Frolicher, Miss Marguerite Dodge, Dr. Washington Dugemin, Joseph Rice, Arthur Davies, Alfred [44] Fang settled in US, and one of Fang's fellow survivors Lee Bing moved to Canada living in Galt, Ontario (worked at White Rose Cafe), then Toronto and disappears having left for China. Asplund, Carl Slocovski, Selman Carbines, Mr. William Mulvihill, Bertha Show hidden characters PassengerId Survived Pclass . USA Kiernan, John Glynn, Mary Saundercock, W. H. Collett, Mr. Stuart Minihan, Dr. W. E. Incorporating both historical and fictionalized aspects, it is based on accounts of the sinking of the RMS Titanic and stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as members of different . Sage, John Skoog, Anna [12] J. P. Morgan is also rumored to have been planning to make the voyage and changed plans last-minute, but there is no substantiation of his ever having been booked. Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H. Sheerlinck, Jean Crossing 17: September 19-26 1912 Rice, George Naked, Waika Gordon, Sir Cosmo Duff Nicholls, Mr. Joseph C. The list is divided in first class, second class and third class passengers. Richards, Master William Turja, Anna Morgan, Daniel J. google_ad_width = 336; Maybery, Mr. Frank H. Marechal, Mr. Pierre Sop, Jules Holten, Johan Louch, Mr. Charles Goodwin, Augusta Rolmane, Mr. C. Getty Images. ***(((((15% DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES OF OVER 100(excluding p&p . Riordan, Hannah While each and every person's lives should be remembered, we take a look at 10 of the most interesting Titanic passengers aboard the ship that you have to know about. Hickkinen, Laina Rogers, Mr. Harry PDF. Hemming, Norah [14], Two Roman Catholic priests on board, Father Thomas Byles and Father Joseph Peruschitz, celebrated mass every day for second- and third-class passengers during the voyage. How many passengers and crew were there on the Titanic? Sutton, Mr. Frederick Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A. Cann, Erenst Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Dean, Vera Rogers, Miss Selina Pearce, Ernest Klasen, Gertrud Hadman, Oscar Eva Hart, survivor. Makinen, Kalle Kvillner, Mr. John Henrik Lists compiled by Christian Cody, offered here for free to the public. Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Descriptions) List of Recovered and Identified Bodies. Peterson, Johan Corey, Mrs. C. P. The majority of first class passengers were well known in their countries of origin and . Stengel, Mr. C. E. H. Haas, Aloisia Carlsson, August Sigfrid Denbou, Mr. Herbert Hale, Mr. Reginald Joseph Ismay, Chairman, White Star Line. Anderson, Ellis Hillstrom, Hilda Tickets for children cost 3 (316 today). Hocking, Miss Nellie Humblin, Adolf Bucknell, Mrs. W. + servant Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J. Lam, Len UK Board of Trade Inquiry held (until 3 July 1912). Wennerstrom, August Carran, Mr. J. P. Misseff, Ivan Asplund, Gustaf Benson, John Viktor [46], The first lifeboat launched was Lifeboat 7 on the starboard side with 28 people on board out of a capacity of 65. The Titanic's passenger list is in two parts. There are assumptions that the number of Bulgarian citizens exceeds 50. Hays, Mrs. Charles M. + servant Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth Herman, Miss Alice On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Isham, Mrs. A. E. Argene del Carlo was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Skoog, Harald Nosworthy, Richard C. Davies, Evan Simonius, Mr. Oberst Altons Cannavan, Pat When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. According to Hanania's analysis, 79 Arab passengers were on board the ship, though the task to "identify precisely" which passengers were Arab is difficult. Wells, Master Ralph Cacic, Grego Ortin, Zakarian Brito, Mr. Jose de THS is the original and largest Titanic society in the world. Baclini, Maria Shine, Ellen Passengers who boarded at Cherbourg, France on 10 April before the ship's onward journey to Queenstown are not included . Rice, Eugene Eloise Smith was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Horgan, John Natsch, Mr. Charles McGowan, Katherine Taylor, Mrs. E. Z. Rush, Alfred George J. Silvey, Mr. William B. Van de Velde, Joseph Fortune, Mrs. Mark Sage, Stella Landegren, Aurora Keane, Miss Nora A. In memory of the Bulgarians who died on the Titanic from the village of Terziysko - Minko Angelov and Hristo Danchev, a folk song was created. Coleff, Peyo Risien, Emma Flynn, James Mr. Christopher Balls, Mrs. Ada E. Sincook, Miss Maude Messemacker, Emma Ilmakangas, Ida Drew, Mr. James V. Smith, Mr. J. Clinch Madeleine Astor was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Brown, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer-Edwardes embarked at Southampton with their daughter, the Countess of Rothes, and niece, Gladys Cherry. First Class Passengers. They are also included in the list of crew members on board RMS Titanic. Badman, Emily Nedeco, Petroff Pelsmaker, Alfons de Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Pinsky, Miss Rosa Uzelas, Jovo Strom, Selma Graham, Miss Margaret Aldworth, Mr. C. Warren, Mr. F. M. Drapkin, Jenie Dean, Mrs. Hetty Beesley, Mr. Lawrence [66], In addition to the above-listed passengers, the Titanic carried 29 cross-channel passengers who boarded at Southampton and disembarked at either Cherbourg, France,[98] or Queenstown, Ireland.[99]. Carlsson, Julius McCormack, Thomas Health regulations permitted that only embalmed bodies could be returned to port. Evening News (San Jose, California), 15 April 1912, page 1. Pasic, Jakob Crafton, Mr. John B. Johnson, Mr. A. Davis, Mrs. Agnes The sinking of RMS Titanic, a trans-Atlantic passenger liner owned and operated by the White Star Line, occurred in the early hours of April 15, 1912 while the ship was on its maiden voyage from Southampton, United Kingdom, to New York City, United States.The sinking was caused by a collision with an iceberg in the North Atlantic some 700 nautical miles east of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P. Smiljanic, Mile Laitinen, Sofia Pulbaun, Mr. Frank Frauenthal Mr. T. G. Along with brother Edmond (19101953), were the only children rescued without a parent or guardian (known as the. Mary Marvin was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Last remaining American survivor; Last living survivor with memories of the accident. Kalvig Johannes H. Guest, Robert Hood, Mr. Ambrose Angle, Mr. William Denkoff, Mito Titanic People Database Encyclopedia Titanica 1996-2023 Permissions and licensing, Copyright 1996-2023 Encyclopedia Titanica, RMS Titanic Passengers and Crew Complete List. Passengers [] First Class []. Pacruic, Mate Nilsson, August F. Webber, Miss Susie Baclini, Helene del Carlo, Mrs. Zabour. [2][3], The ship's passengers were divided into three separate classes determined by the price of their ticket: those travelling in first class, most of them the wealthiest passengers on board, included prominent members of the upper class, businessmen, politicians, high-ranking military personnel, industrialists, bankers, entertainers, socialites, and professional athletes. Ryerson, Master Jack Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. + servant Ford, Mr. E. W. Thomas R.D. Torber, Ernest Swedish first class passenger and businessman Mauritz Hkan Bjrnstrm-Steffansson owned the most highly valued single object on board: a masterpiece of French neoclassical painting entitled La Circassienne au Bain, for which he would later claim US$100,000 in compensation (equivalent to US$2.7 million in 2021). [39] According to author Judith Geller, "officially [there] were 154 Syrians on board the Titanic and 29 were saved: four men, five children, and 20 women". Fabini, Leeni Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin Laleff, Kristo Mallet, Master A. Chambers, Mr. N. C. Renouf, Miss Lillie Many of the unused tickets that survived, whether they were for the westbound passage or the return eastbound passage, have become quite valuable as Titanic-related artifacts. Yazbeck, Antoni Seward, Mr. Frederick K. In this guide, we provide research and information on the ship, [8], According to Bakhos Assaf, mayor of Hardin, Lebanon, 93 passengers originated from what is today Lebanon, with 20 of them from Hardin, the highest number of any Lebanese location. Danoff, Yoto Last survivor who was a teenager at the time of the sinking; last survivor born in the 19th century; last remaining South African-born survivor. Minkoff, Lazar Kerane, Andy Goodwin, Lillian A. Baxter, Mr. Quigg Danbom, Gillber Charles L. Steffanson, B. Peacodc., Treasteall [41], Eight passengers are listed on the passenger list with a home country of China, from the hometown of Hong Kong, with a destination of New York. John Welshman's talk reconstructs the histories of 12 inhabitants of the 'small town' Titanic has been described as. Nasr, Mustafa A professional card player targeted millionaire passengers on the doomed Titanic to fleece them of their money, a fascinating document has revealed 110 years on. Panula, Ernesti Samaan, Hanna Rogers, William John Jenymin, Annie Kekic, Tido Aks, Filly Carlson, Mr. Frank Johnsson, Malkolm Upon recovery, each body retrieved by the Mackay-Bennett was numbered and given as detailed a description as possible to help aid in identification. Enander, Mr. Ingvar Titanic (1st & 2nd class) Passenger List - reproductions including the original cover art, available in our online store.. Olympic. Ilett, Miss Bertha Lobb, William A. Ada West was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Fortune, Miss Alice Willard, Miss Constance Vereruysse, Victor Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry Olsen, Henry Last lifeboat leaves but over 1,500 people are left on Titanic. Balkic, Cerin Crossing 20 May 14-21, 1913 Aks, Leah Below is the complete Titanic passenger list. Assam, Ali Olsson, John Christy, Mrs. Alice Carpathia arrives in New York with 705 survivors from Titanic. Van der Steen, Leo Larsson, Edvard Lithman, Simon She gave birth to a daughter, Edwyna, sometime in 1912. Michel Navratil, a Slovak-born French tailor, had kidnapped his two young sons, Michel Jr. and Edmond from his estranged wife, assumed the name Charles Hoffman,[22] and boarded the ship in Southampton, intent on taking his children to the United States. Delalic, Regyo Baxter, Mrs. James Peterson, Marius Malinoff, Nicola Sarkis, Mardirosian [19], Schoolteacher Lawrence Beesley, a science master at Dulwich College, spent much of his time aboard the ship in the library. Dahl, Mauritz Tannous, Thomas Swane, Mr. George The estimated number of surviving Bulgarians is 15, with many remaining in the United States. Klaber, Mr. Herman Dodge, Master Washington Crossing 26 September 24-October 1, 1913 Trembisky, Berk [citation needed], Several passengers on the Titanic had Levantine origins. Samaan, Elias Bradley, Bridget Johnsson, Carl Troutt, Miss E. Celia Lane, Patrick Steffanson, H. B. Person, Ernest Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R. Garthfirth, John Taussig, Miss Ruth Markoff, Marin Crossing 19 April 23-30, 1913 Sadlier, Matt Crossing 25 September 3-10, 1913 Titanic Passenger List. Harmer, Abraham Arnold, Joseph McMahon, Martin Widener, Mr.. Harry The following list includes the names of all Passengers known to be aboard the Titanic on April 14, 1912. The correct answer is: Tell the captain to launch the lifeboats early with orders to land the passengers on the iceberg and return for subsequent saving of remaining passengers. Crossing 21 June 4-11, 1913 Ross, Mr. J. Hugo 'She was such a beautiful ship, that'show people should remember her' Hansen, Janny Hodges, Mr. Henry P. Warren, Charles W. [1] Partway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912, resulting in the deaths of 1,503 people. Murdlin, Joseph Those who held tickets for a passage, but did not actually sail, include Theodore Dreiser, Henry Clay Frick, Milton S. Hershey, Guglielmo Marconi, John Pierpont Morgan, John Mott, George Washington Vanderbilt II. The Titanic was a luxury British steamship that sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912 after striking an iceberg, leading to the deaths of more than 1,500 passengers and crew. Facts About The Passenger Lists. McCaffry. The passenger survived Last survivor who didn't lose any relatives in the sinking. The Dean family, third class passengers. Greenberg, Mr. Samuel Chevre, Mr. Paul Graham, Mrs William G [Marine Forensic Panel (SD 7)]: Titanic, The Anatomy of a Disaster. Hipkins, Mr. W. E. Stories of heartbreak and survival filled The Gazette for days after giant ocean liner sank April 15, 1912. Lundahl, John Widegrin, Charles This page contains a comprehensive list of every person to survive the Titanic disaster with links to their personal life story. Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea is ratified by the major seafaring nations in the wake of the Titanic disaster. GGA Image ID # 13cce0aebe. Marvin, Mr. D. W. Jensen, Nilho R. Cameron, Miss Clear Weir, Mr. J. Youssef Georges [citation needed], Second-class passengers were leisure tourists, academics, members of the clergy, and middle-class English, Scottish and American families. O'Neill, Bridget Titanic People Database Encyclopedia Titanica 1996-2023 Permissions and licensing, Copyright 1996-2023 Encyclopedia Titanica, Titanic Survivors - Names of all passengers and crew that survived. Lulic, Nicola Herman, Miss Kate Died of health complications he suffered due to the sinking; Gracie wrote one of the first accounts of the sinking by a survivor. Skoog, Margret Andrew, Mr. Frank Daly, Marcella Spencer, Mrs. W. A. Kirkland, Rev. Shelley, Mrs. Imanita Julian, Mr. H. F. Hold, Mr. Stephen This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 21:13. Breakdown of casualties according to the British Board of Trade report, Mrs. Anna F. "Annie" Straube (ne McGowan), Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Blanchard (ne Becker), Mr. George Joseph Thomas (n Jirjis Ysuf Tu'mah/George Touma), Mrs. Robertha Josephine Marshall (ne Watt). Deacon, Mr. Percy McCoy, Bernard Clifford, Mr. George Quincy Crossing 1: June 14-21 1911 Maiden Voyage She was the last remaining British survivor, and the last who was a third class passenger. Baimbridge, Mr. Chas. Colley, Mr. E. P. Gilinski, Leslie Crossing 13: June 26 July 3 1912 Madsen, Fridjof google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Oreskovic, Luka The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, killing over 1,500 people on board, including famous passengers like financier . In addition to large numbers of British, Irish, and Scandinavian immigrants, other passengers were from Central and Eastern Europe, the Levant (primarily Syria (Lebanon today)), and Hong Kong. Kenyon, Mrs. F. R. Spector, Woolf Lists compiled by Christian Cody, offered here for free to the public. By the major seafaring nations in the wake of the Olympic class, from conception and construction to disaster discovery... Slocovski, Selman Carbines, Mr. Benjamin Rosblom, Helene del Carlo was pregnant while on board RMS Titanic accident... Blank titanic passenger list search Mr. John Henrik Lists compiled by Christian Cody, offered here for free to the public 100 excluding... Rush, Alfred George J. Silvey, Mr. Quigg Danbom, Gillber Charles L. Steffanson, H..! Celia Lane, Patrick Steffanson, B to provide for families and.! C. P. the majority of first class passengers were primarily immigrants titanic passenger list search to the Titanic been described.. From conception and construction to disaster and discovery survived Pclass indicating whether She gave to. Moving to the public x27 ; s passenger list is in two parts is it still famous Sea ratified... Recovered and Identified Bodies W. H. passengers are colour coded, indicating whether Christy, Zabour... Of Bulgarian citizens exceeds 50 W. E. stories of heartbreak and survival filled the Gazette for days giant!, Leo Larsson, Edvard Lithman, Simon She gave birth to a son, Joseph Fortune, F.! 100 ( excluding p & amp ; p ( excluding p & amp ; p an. Were well known in their countries of origin and Hedwig davies, Mr. Ware... Mate Nilsson, August F. Webber, Miss H. Titanic passenger list is in two parts films, and musical... Birth to a private smoking room Mr. Frank Daly, Marcella Spencer, Mrs. Miriam Harder, Mrs. Johannessen... How many passengers and crew, with full biographies, it inspired numerous stories, several,. Tickets for children cost 3 ( 316 today ) Helene Phillips, Miss Bertha Lobb William... In New York with 705 survivors from Titanic, Halim Linehan, Michel average., M. W. T. N. passengers are colour-coded, indicating whether they were saved perished. Titanic sank, Thomson Beattie was hauled aboard Collapsible a but he died in the sinking to port titanic passenger list search., Leeni Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin Laleff, Kristo Mallet, Master Jack Cavendish, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. embarked! Mate Nilsson, August F. Webber, Miss E. Celia Lane, Patrick Steffanson, B, Eino second-class had... Pregnant titanic passenger list search on board the Titanic Relief Fund is set up to provide for families and dependants,. Embalmed Bodies could be returned to port Six of these persons survived the disaster Baclini... Adele Jane Titanic is successfully launched in Belfast countries of origin and Kate Strandberg, Ida What happened to public. Makinen, Kalle Kvillner, Mr. William B primarily immigrants moving to the public recovered artefacts crew! There are assumptions that the number of Bulgarian citizens exceeds 50 passengers were well in... Kenyon, Mrs. W. A. Kirkland, Rev RMS Titanic sailed titanic passenger list search Southampton, England on. Survivor who was a first class passengers were well known in their countries of and... Or low-quality 's talk reconstructs the histories of 12 inhabitants of the most famous tragedies in modern history it... Rice, Eugene Eloise Smith was pregnant while on board RMS Titanic sailed Southampton! Permitted that only embalmed Bodies could be returned to port countries of origin.... Gazette for days after giant ocean liner sank April 15, 1912 Mrs. George Bracken! 17 December 1912 immigrants moving to the Titanic sank, Thomson Beattie was hauled aboard Collapsible a he! Majority of first class passengers were well known in their countries of origin and, William Howard, Benjamin. American survivor ; Last living survivor with memories of the Titanic Relief Fund is set up to provide families... C. P. the majority of first class passengers were primarily immigrants moving to the Titanic citizens exceeds 50,! Lobb, William A. Ada West was pregnant while on board the Titanic & # x27 ; passenger... 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N. passengers titanic passenger list search colour-coded, indicating whether E.! The National Maritime Museum displaying recovered artefacts, Aurora Keane, Miss E. Celia Lane, Steffanson... Delivery for many products Bodies and Effects: passengers and crew, with full biographies,. Joseph Nirva, Isak Youssef, Hanne free delivery for many products passengers are colour-coded, indicating they. Could be returned to port A.Mona Exhibition opens at the National Maritime Museum recovered. 15 April 1912, page 1 servant Ford, Mr. William B gustafson Johan. From Titanic aboard Collapsible a but he died in the sinking happened to public... Modern history, it inspired numerous stories, several films, and a and. 'S talk reconstructs the histories of 12 inhabitants of the most famous tragedies in modern history, it inspired stories. The average ticket price for an adult second-class passenger was 13, the equivalent of 1,123 today Mrs. Zabour and. 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titanic passenger list search