trinity primary school staff

A key focus of primary education at Trinity Anglican School is fostering a student's love for learning by developing the foundational skills to become confident and creative individuals. We are committed to Outreach, have pride in our Cultural activities and are an overtly Christian school. functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. Meet The Staff; Meet The . Lower KS2 Lead There were many obstacles to overcome but we believed that this was what God wanted and trusted that He would lead and guide us. Reception Teacher, Sririn Buppapirak As a school we have chosen these . As I come from an engineering background and Liz is a Social Worker, neither of us had experience in the education field. . Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. In 2015 we moved into our new building and the original building, which was . Mrs S Dimmock. Trinity Primary, Leahurst, Road, London, SE13 5HZ . Area student and faculty representatives convene to honor and further legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Phillips Receives Inaugural Excellence in Coaching Award, Trinity teachers take leadership roles in Virginia independent schools conference, Latin teacher will explore the legacy of Roman history in North Africa, Experienced coach and administrator will build on a foundation of excellence, By Laura Hamlin Weiler 00, Head of Community Engagement, A true lifelong learner, Trinity alum and ceramics teacher brings passion for creativity and globe-spanning experiences into the classroom, First Friday Speaker Series spotlights stories of Altruism. Latest news. Fraser Street. Mrs. Alison Whitaker - Head Teacher Senior Leadership Team Designated Safeguarding Lead Assessment Co-ordinator Curriculum Design English Subject Leader LAC Designated teacher Teaching Staff Parents can order online or browse through their store in person. Phonics Lead, Ashley Downes Secondary Phase. 0208 325 4551 E: [email protected]. Inclusion Assistant, Abigail Naumenko Trinity Primary School is a vibrant and exciting place to learn. Holy Trinity Primary School (Eltham North, VIC) is a very highly rated primary school in Eltham North, Banyule VIC. Welcome to Trinity Road Primary School What makes us special is our: dynamic, immersive engaging and practial learning that nurtures a love of learning that will last a life-time. There should be a thirst and enthusiasm for learning within a calm, purposeful atmosphere where everyone shows consideration, co-operation, commitment, courtesy and self - control. Mrs J McChrystal - School Business Manager. The current school building was opened in 1968. Follow us on Twitter or like our page on Facebook to keep up to date with what is going on at Trinity C.E. ACE and the Western Cape Education Department both required that we have a qualified and registered teacher as the Principal and God provided one at the eleventh hour. Year 2 Class Teacher Mrs N Dimmer - Office Manager. The number of full-time and part-time Trinity Primary School teaching staff members. email . Mrs Goddard - EYFS and Year 1 Cover Teacher. Acknowledged with Excellence Awards Acknowledgement of Country Watch Video "Our facilities allow so much more to occur beyond the classroom and help our students to create skills for life." Katrina Cole, Experiential Learning Teacher Discover More The children's acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits is the central focus for Trinity Primary . Meet our Staff. All Right Reserved Web by Tapiochre. DfE Code: 840/3524. Miss Olson - Family Welfare Officer. Contact Us! The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is 2022 / 2023 Bank Holidays. Holy Trinity CofE Primary School Beechwood Road London E8 3DY. Our vision : Go Above and Beyond in all that you do, Our values : Kindness, Respect, Perseverance and Creativity. In 2009 Liz and I were approached by parents in the Church who could not find an affordable English medium school for their children. Trinity has always ensured, through a programme of bursaries, scholarships and local primary school outreach, that access to outstanding educational experiences is available to children from all backgrounds. Home; Our School. Joanne Evans Head Teacher Caroline Newman Deputy Head Teacher & Lower Key Stage Two Phase Leader Holly McIntosh Parents Evening 29 Mar 2023. Our staff are dedicated and experienced professionals with a passion for inspiring effort and high achievement. types. We want to create a safe, stimulating and supportive atmosphere where children can love life, learning and play. Visit Us Vicarage Rd, Henley-on-Thames RG9 1HJ, UK. administration, staff and prefects body. History Lead, Juliet Uzor As a 21st century primary school, we have embraced the benefits of technology to make learning more dynamic. Year 4 (Wednesday to Friday) and History Lead. School Website Design by e4education $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); Once again, the search for larger premises began which is not only near impossible but expensive in Knysna. Primary School School Governors Duncan Carter Chair of Governors On behalf of the Governing Body, welcome to Trinity CE Primary School. Staff | Holy Trinity BurnleyCE Primary Staff Our staff team and areas of responsibility are listed below. Absence and Medication Procedures In School. Year 4 Teaching Assistant Our Staff - Trinity School Part of About Trinity -> Our Staff Our staff all very much contribute to creating the warm and purposeful atmosphere which makes Trinity such a happy place to learn and to work. Year 4 Class Teacher Trinity Church of England Primary School and Nursery You will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. Director of Christian Life and Chaplain, James Adeyinka Matomo cookies Log in Home Page. Bilston. The Trinity Catholic Primary School Meet The Staff | The Trinity Catholic Primary School Menu Log inHome Page Home About Us Meet The Staff Meet The Staff Senior Leadership Team Rebecca Flynn - Head Teacher Louise Edwards - Assistant Head & SENDCo Sinead Heraty - Assistant Head & Maths lead Helen Park - Phonics lead Learning & Progress Lead Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead, Acorns Class Teacher (Reception) - part time, Willow Class Teaching Assistant,Higher Level Teaching Assistant &Breakfast Club Supervisor, Ash Class Teaching Assistant, ELSA & Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Oak Teaching Assistant & After School Club Supervisor, Administrative Assistant &Lunchtime Supervisor, Copyright 2020 Trinity Primary School, Aldwincle. Private School In Randburg. Our website is updatedregularly. Year 1 Class Teacher Jeffrey Ambrose Chief Financial Officer Erin Armstrong Instrumental Music Director Michael Arney Science Teacher, Varsity Track and Field Assistant Coach Irina Ashcraft Upper School Art Teacher Lynne Bachrach Nicole Baker Assistant to Head of School Christopher Behrens Food Director Shannon Bergman Mathematics Teacher Cesario Berroa God never failed and his miracles have been seen over and over again in the lives of these students. used to prevent cross site request forgery. Sharing information and details of upcoming events, building partnerships and celebrating achievements in and around our school community. David Lucas We are a school that welcomes families from all faiths and none. The data from this cookie is anonymised. Children need to be in their school uniform, they must bring their PE kit with them if needed that day. Reception Higher Level Teaching Assistant We have seen many lives turned around and our one conviction was that we would never give up on a student as Jesus never gives up on us. Executive Headteacher Whole school strategic direction, Samantha Alder Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Titchfield Street,Vauxhall,Liverpool, L5 8UT, All website content copyright The Trinity Catholic Primary School. Letter from our founders, Liz and Chris Tait. Assistant Headteacher (Teaching, Learning and Curriculum) Mrs J Shaw. Mrs Mills - Finance Manager. Looking back it is amazing how God provides us with talents that can be used in the extension of his Kingdom. Midday Meal Supervisor, Dominque Thompson Contact details Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Havelock Road Handsworth Birmingham B20 3LP Head teacher: Mrs Paula Burns Telephone : 0121 464 9900 Email : [email protected] Website : Lady Katherine Leveson Church of England Primary School Email: [email protected]. We pray that they will always remember what they learnt about Jesus and his love for them as they experience the challenges of life. A cookie is used to store your cookie preferences for this website. School will start tomorrow 06/09/2022 at 8:45am. Mr David Lucas: Executive Headteacher: Mrs Rhona McLaughlin: . Note: KCMS had changed to the name the school now has, Trinity Primary. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide every child with memorable and rewarding experiences in a safe and secure environment. Trinity Catholic Primary is proud to be part of Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese's system of 80 Catholic primary and secondary schools operating across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains providing more than 43,500 students with a high-quality, low fee Catholic education. Year 2 Class Teacher Year 1 Class Teacher Primary School type Community school Gender of entry Mixed ID URN: 116686, DfE number: 884/2071 UKPRN: 10076944 Establishment status Open Admissions policy Not applicable Website. Liz and I attended training in Durban at ACE as I was the Administrator and Liz was to be the Principal. We pride ourselves on being a caring school community who see maintaining and building relationships as one of our highest priorities. The catholic school has 380 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14. Trinity Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Lavenham Way, Comb, Stowmarket, United Kingdom, IP14 2BZ, 01449 770462 | [email protected] <form action="" id="cse-search-box"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="018064204022535857943:s-enpwc3ibs"> Mrs U Akanda. Discover how to get to Trinity Primary School in Co Galway (Tuam ) Holy Trinity primary school staff list and contact information for teachers, administration and senior leadership team. Schools - Trinity Primary School | Scottish Borders Council Festive service changes There will be changes to some services over the festive period including phone lines, trade waste collections,. Our website is updated regularly. About Holy Trinity. Phonics Assistant, Adrian Beaumont . These are set Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. Trinity Primary School These are set Our village has had a Church School since the early 1840's. The site of the first school is Ashburn Street, with places for more than 160 children. Trinity Church of England Primary School is caring, inclusive and focused on 'excellence for all'. Calendars page(s): Holy . Primary Mental Health Champion, Isobel Apsey What a blessing this was as it stood vacant during the week, there was a large park for the children to play in and it was central. Each staff member has their own set of skills, attributes and qualifications . Primary School. Trinity All Saints CofE VA Primary School Trinity All Saints C of E VA Primary School Trinity All Saints C of E VA Primary School Growing Together Mrs Taylor: (Interim Headteacher): 'It is my pleasure and privilege to be the Interim Headteacher of this warm welcoming primary school. This is what makes it all worthwhile, watching God at work at KCMS. The whole Trinity family work well together to ensure we are a happy and vibrant school with a caring and supportive atmosphere. This is an exciting time for us as the school enters a new stage of growth and development. Trinityhouse is a traditional private school focused on the holistic development of the child. West Midlands. functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. [email protected] We are one-form entry, Church of England primary school set in extensive, beautiful grounds in an urban area of Waltham Cross. Mrs G Baker. It has students enrolled. As an all through-school we educate over 1000 pupils across Lewisham and Greenwich from the age of 4 to 16. Privacy Policy Trinity Church of England Primary School whole school aim is to create a happy, welcoming place where children and adults have respect for each other. If you would like to be kept up to date with changes to the website, please click the followtab that appears at boththe top and bottom of the page tosign upfor email alerts. $('#cookie_settings').on('click', function(event) { Trinity is an early childhood education and care provider that provides industry leading programs that assis children to grow, learn and thrive. The first obstacle was finding suitable premises and after exhausting all possibilities in the Township we were offered the use of the newly constructed Sunday School facility at the Knysna Vineyard Church free of charge. We have made mistakes, but we believe that if the leadership keep their eyes focused on Jesus, He will accomplish His mission at KCMS. Staff Team The Governing Board Contact Details Governor Secure Area Information Safeguarding Mental health and wellbeing Covid Recovery information Catch-up Premium Strategy Health and Safety Admissions Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) School Prospectus Nursery provision at Trinity - Treetots Policies Pupil Premium Ofsted Mr T Davies. Year 6 Teaching Assistant Available Position: Director of Athletics and Physical Education Department: Athletics Reports to: Head of School Full/Part-time: Full-time Date Posted: January 27, 2023 Start Date: July 1, 2023. It is non-denominational, co-educational and is part of a cluster of primary schools also including Wardie Primary School and Victoria Primary School. CONTACT US Trinity School, La Route de la Trinit, Trinity, JE3 5JP Tel: 01534 864085 | Email: [email protected] Working together as a school community - pupils, staff, parents, carers and partners - our aim is for everyone to feel valued, secure, happy and able to realise their full potential. Telephone: 01902 55977. $(document).ready(function() { In 2010 The Knysna Christian Mission School opened with 20 students and has steadily grown since then. Mrs L Harrison - Office Assistant. Welcome to Trinity CE Primary School on behalf of myself, our wonderful pupils, hard-working staff, committed Governors and supportive school community. been dismissed. 1608 Furnace Branch Road. Elizabeth Kelley will explore her Irish heritage this summer. After graduating, she spent time creating theatre with primary school children in Wales, Italy and Kenya. Staffing | Trinity Primary School Staffing The staff teams for 2022/3 are : Support for Learning: Alison Keillor, Carly Pattinson, Laura Nisbet, Kelly Tawake PE Specialist: Mandy Griffin Family Support Worker: Sandra Brown Administrator: Rebecca Boath Front Office: Katie Berry FM: Harry Lawrie Catering Head: Lynn Laurenson Head: Mrs Elisabeth Lee. We received our first Government cheque the month we moved which covered the rent. Report Staff Absence; Bespoke Visits; Staff Portal; Home; About Us. Our Primary Staff; Remote Learning Offer; PE and Sports Premium; . Nursery: 01902 558979 . Please click on the "Curriculum" tab and then the "Remote Curriculum" tab link for home learning. The Trinity Catholic Primary School. Liz has used her Counselling skills in helping the students, the teachers and the parents. Year 2 Teaching Assistant Contact Us. 16 Main Rd Year 5 and Geography Lead. Trinity Secondary, Taunton Road, Lee, London, SE12 8PD . Cookies. 2023 Trinity Lewisham School . Assistant Headteacher (Equity & Opportunity) Mrs T Dolan. The Trinity Catholic Academy School, Titchfield Street, L5 8UT. Higher Level Teaching Assistant across all Key Stages, James Brown Year 1 Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Charlie Delamare Drawing on our long history of working with primary schools in our locality we have launched a new Trinity Primary School Partners initiative. The School was registered with the WCED and all the other requirements were attended to with the Dept.of Health etc. All our staff work tirelessly to inspire, support and care for the students. by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some Knysna Vineyard made a substantial donation to the School and we where able to construct desks and purchase all the necessary equipment. Looking back over the last ten years we can see that without Gods help the task would never have been accomplished. Working together as a school community pupils, staff, parents, carers and partners our aim is for everyone to feel valued, secure, happy and able to realise their full potential. We remain on the board of trustees who have been our support for the last ten years. At the end of 2019 Liz and I retired from the School and have handed it over to younger and very capable people who with Gods help will take KCMS to greater levels of excellence. As with everything on Buckshaw Village we grew rapidly and we now serve 630 children and their families. Art Club Lead, Claire Fielder Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. The wellbeing and support of students is a key focus of educators and support staff at TAS. Search text GO. URN: 134657. A: School uniform items may be purchased from: Flynn O'Hara School Uniforms. School Staff Home Virtual Office School Staff Mrs. L. Curran- Spain Head Teacher Mrs. S. Terndrup Deputy Head Teacher Mrs. D. Bell Greenfinch Class Teacher & Senior Teacher (Year 2) Mrs C Richardson Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator Miss J Long Duckling Class Teacher (EYFS) Sinead Heraty - Assistant Head & Maths lead, Tina Thompson / Kerry Savage - EYFS leader, Vicki Shutt-Reading &Parental Engagement lead, Full-Time Teaching Staff Part-Time Teaching Staff, Rebecca Bedson Claire Wardle, Luke Daley Martin Kennedy, Teaching Assistants - Level 4 Teaching Assistants - Level 2, Linda Maher Kim Peet, Donna Jacobsen Lorraine Lowe, Angela Burdett Catherine Walker, Sue Georgeson LynseyBuckley, Bursar Safeguarding Officer, Carolyn Bedson Mary Spofforth, Premises Staff Supervisory Assistants Kitchen Staff, James Quigley (Site Manager) Pauline Moorcroft(Senior) Josie Cahill(Cook), Philip Allen Lynne Spearritt Cathy Morgan, Jodie Cassidy Teresa Taylor Cathy Kelly, Lynne Spearritt Carol Morris Florence Rowan, Carol Fisher Carol Fisher, Rose Brady Eileen Burke, Mary Kendrick Rose Brady. About The Trinity Preparatory School: Trinity Preparatory School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory school that develops ethical, resilient leaders who thrive in the pursuit of . Home; The Trinity Promise; About Us. Trinity Primary School is a Co Galway school in . Year 4 and Computing Lead. event.preventDefault(); Year 6 Class Teacher WV14 7PD . The MAT has seen numerous educational changes but one thing has remained constant. Year 6Class Teacher Mrs J Morgan Mrs J Webb. 64 talking about this. by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some Trinity Primary School 57 Davison Street Richmond Vic 3121 Tel: (03) 9428 7180 Fax: (03) 9427 8651 Email: [email protected] School Personnel Principal Mr Nigel Rodrigues [email protected] Deputy Principal Mrs Lindy Smith [email protected] Religious Education Leader Ms Antonella Tsakmakis Science Lead, Charlotte Gibbins . Miss Lam-Hang and Mrs Bowler - Phase 2 and Phase 3 Cover Teachers. Our academic programme is future focussed and aimed at empowering our pupils to fulfil invaluable roles in the future communities they choose to . Trinity Primary School, P.O Box 6391, Bukoto-Mukalazi Zone Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 757 779156|039 3249279| 020 0929156 [email protected]. Every pupil and parent shall be obedient to school authority i.e. In 2015 Trinity MAT was established. FlynnO'Hara School Uniforms ( Trinity School Code: MD039. How to find us 2023 Trinity Lewisham School . Learn More Parents Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this We believe that we have left KCMS in the hands of capable spirit filled Christians who have the welfare and the future of these precious souls as their first priority. What type of school is Trinity Primary School? Secondary Staff. Deputy Head, Pastoral (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr A J Corstorphine, MA, MBA, MPhil (Cambridge), Deputy Head, Head of Lower and Middle Schools and Head of Lower School Admissions, Mr S Powell, BSc, MEd (Durham, Cambridge), Mr D Beavan, PhD, MA, MSc (Woolongong, UCL, Birbeck, Cambridge (Trinity), German*, Spanish, Junior Languages Co-ordinator OJB, Physical Education, Head of High Performance and Head of Games GBM, Mrs K A Beresford-Miller, BA (Kings London), Mr P J Blanchard, BSc, MBA (Exeter, Warwick), Miss E Bodinier, MA, BA Hons (Angers, France, Padagogische Hochschule, Germany, Worcester), Religious Studies, Head of Lower School PD NXB, Mr M Brennan, MA, BA Hons (Oxford, Warwick, Cambridge), Religious Studies, Deputy Head of Lower School HCC, Art, Assistant Head of Mentoring, Head of Junior Year WAC, Mr D W G Currigan, BA, MA (Chelsea, Kingston), Mr R E Evans, Dip Perf (Royal College of Music), Biology, Head of Diving, Head of Third Year RXG, Mr T Heath, BSc, MSc (Sheffield, Bristol), Biology, Junior Science*, MDV Assistant TXH, Religious Studies, Head of Fifth Year SMH, Mr O J Hutchings, BA, MA (Ebor) MA (London), History, Politics & in Charge of Politics, Head of EPQ & SFP OJH, Mr I Kench, BSc, MSc (Loughborough, Oxford), Physical Education, Director of Sport IXK, Physical Education, Head of Rackets, Head of Second Year GWK, Mr S D King, BA (Manchester Metropolitan), Physical Education, Head of Performance Sport & Head of Aquatics SDK, Physical Education, Head of Girls Games AZL, Physics, ITT Lead, STEM Engagement Coordinator KJM, Mr O Marriott, MSc, BSc (Buckingham & Exeter), Miss C A Parkinson, BSc, MsC (Sussex, UCL), Classics, Assistant to Head of Sixth Form JAP, Mr C P Persinaru, DipRAM, LRAM (Royal Academy of Music), Mr J Pettitt, BMus (Trinity College of Music), English, MAT and Enrichment Coordinator HPP, English, Drama, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead RP, Mrs X L Phasey, MA (Schiller, International), Mr D K Price, BA (Wimbledon School of Art), Design Technology, Director of Admissions DKP, Mr S Reck BMus Performance (Hons) M Mus, DipLCM, Jazz Guitar,ALCM Jazz Guitar, Mrs L Regan, BMus, LRAM, (Royal Academy of Music), Physical Education, Economics & Business, Head of Rugby PXR, Mr J Robertson, BA (Hons) UCL Slade School, PGDip (Royal Academy Schools), Geography, Head of Sailing, Head of First Year JBS, Ms E M Suarez, BA (Juan Carlos 1, Rey de Espana), Mr D J Swinson, MA, FRCO, ARCM, LRAM (Royal Academy of Music), (Cambridge), Mr P G Tattersall, BMus Hons (Royal Northern College of Music), Mathematics, Professional Co-ordinating Mentor SZT, Miss S T Van Dal, BA, MA (Cambridge, UCL), Mr R van Graan, BA (Canterbury Christchurch), Mrs Q Wang, BA (Henan Institute of Finance), Economics & Business, Head of Lower Sixth GEW, German JW, Second in Charge of Duke of Edinburgh Award, Sports Coach and Sports Club Duty Manager, Community Sports Coach & Sports Club Duty Manager, Mrs K Antoniou PA to Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of Lower & Middle Schools & Admissions KXA, Miss N Blunt, BA Hons (Bournemouth) Communications Manager NJB, Mrs A Boe MSc Loughborough, Music Timetabler PAB, Mr M Bond Sports Graduate and Cover Teacher MTB, Mrs S Brown Senior Biology Technician SDB, Mrs C L Burrage Head of Community Action CLB, Ms F N Catling Alumni Engagement Manager FNC, Mr J T Court, FRSA, Director of Development JTC, Mrs R De Sousa Counsellor ([email protected]) RDS, Mr P Dexiades, BA Hons (Brighton) Technical Services Technician PVD, Mrs F Dietrich-England, Admin Support Manager FDE, Mrs S Eagling Information Management Assistant SXE, Mr K Elmallah, ICT Technician khaled.elmallah, Miss A Farmer, BSc (Kingston) Trainee Science Technician AXF, Miss R Fillon-Payoux, MChem (Greenwich) Trainee Science Technician RFP, Mrs R Freeman DLL, iPad & Computer Science Assistant RCF, Mr P S Friend BA, MA Technical Services Manager PSF, Mrs F Georgiou General Support Assistant (Office) FXG, Mrs D Harbour MFL Departmental Assistant DMH, Mrs L Harvey-Shipp Careers Administrator LHS, Mrs H Haycocks Senior Chemistry Technician HMA, Mr P Heester Project Manager/Deputy Head of IT Services, PGH, Mrs S F Highmore, MA (Cambridge) Head of Careers SFH, Mrs C L Jackson RGN Lead School Nurse CLJ, Mrs S E Jakes BSc, MSc (Loughborough) Examination Officer SEJ, Mrs J Johnson, MIBIOL Lead Science Technician JZJ, Miss L Johnson General Support Assistant LXJ, Mrs D L Jonesco Events Co-ordinator & Marketing Assistant DXJ, Dr E A Kilbey, School Psychologist D.Clin.Psy (Canterbury, Christchurch) EAK, Mrs J Lake Assistant Bursar (Job Share) JEL, Mrs A H Lenihan, BA, Marketing Manager AHL, Mrs D A Lewis Alumni Relations and Services Manager DZL, Mr J Martin Plumbing and Heating Engineer JTM, Miss P Mbanje Data Analyst Apprentice PZM, Mr P Mensah IT Technician, Infrastructure Analyst PPM, Mrs E Morris School Trips Co-ordinator EMM, Ms E Nixon, BA (Sheffield) Library Assistant LXN, Ms W B Obiesie Information Management Assistant WBO, Miss S Oppenieger, Foreign Languages Assistant SXO, Ms N Ortuno, Spanish Language Assistant NXO, Mr D Radu, BSc (City University) Junior Infrastructure Analyst DMR, Miss G E Rawlins Estates Department Secretary GER, Mrs M Reeves Senior Physics Technician MHR, Mr J Rowland Music Administrator & PA to Director of Music JXR, Mrs A Sadiq HR Assistant & PA to Director of Teaching and Learning, Mr D A Sammut Building Services Manager DAS, Mr L Sinclair, BSc (Oxford Brookes) PE Graduate Assistant & Cover Teacher LLS, Mrs L D Smith Head of Information Management LDS, Mrs R J Smith General Support Assistant RJS, Mrs N Steele, General Support Assistant NRS, Mr S Steele Assistant Bursar (Job Share) SJS, Mrs B J Steven, BA (Cape Town) English Assistant BJS, Mrs A Tse, BA (Oxford) Admissions and Events Assistant AXT, Mrs L Weeks-Greener Sixth Form Registrar LWG, Mrs J Wilson PA to the Senior Deputy Headmaster, Deputy Head Academic, Director of Co-Curricular Activities JXW. , support and care for the last 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The Killers Imploding The Mirage Tour Setlist, Articles T

trinity primary school staff