(a) Proceeds from the sale of surplus or salvage property, less the cost of advertising the sale, the cost of selling the surplus or salvage property, including the cost of auctioneer services or assistance from a private vendor, and the amount of the fee collected under Section 2175.188, shall be deposited to the credit of . MANDATORY PAPER RECYCLING PROGRAM. a 10-day advertisement period (see Let us help you find what you are looking for. 1, eff. Outdoor Exercise Equipment for Removal. Intent to purchase letters must be faxed to (512) 302-2420. Online Auction US $9,000 Mar 2 Add to Watch List Compare 2013 Western Star 4900 6x4 T/A Dump Truck Meter: 316,721 mi Texas (1,113 mi away) Online Auction US $20,000 Mar 2 Add to Watch List Compare 2005 Mack CHN613 6x4 T/A Dump Truck Meter: 760,069 mi Texas (1,090 mi away) Current High Offer US $14,500 Add to Watch List Compare Sec. purchaser's fee is collected on all surplus sale transactions. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. June 18, 2003. Getting around can be dangerous. The department will not accept a faxed request for a surplus item until 4 (S.B. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 2175.185. 1, eff. 178 (H.B. 2101 I-69C, Edinburg, Texas 78542 127, Sec. PHOENIX - The Arizona Department of Transportation is trading in the auctioneer's gavel for the computer mouse in making the switch to more convenient online auctions of the agency's surplus vehicles and other equipment starting Tuesday, July 1. implied warranty or guarantee of merchantability. Once the advertisement period is complete, unsold items then can then be offered to the general public through one of the following competitive bidding methods: Online Auctions PennDOT Heavy Equipment Auction. This chapter does not apply to disposition of: (1) a product or by-product of research, forestry, agriculture, livestock, or an industrial enterprise; or. 29.06, eff. 473), Sec. 211), Sec. (c) An agency in the legislative branch shall dispose of its surplus or salvage property under a disposition system established by the agency. . Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. 2462), Sec. Sept. 1, 1995. 3438), Sec. The department will acknowledge all sales in writing. following competitive bidding methods: TFC oversees all aspects of the The commission may contract with a private vendor to assist with the sale of the property. September 1, 2019. Sept. 1, 1995. Getting around can be dangerous. Sec. Click here for list of vehicles for sale at the State Surplus Store. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Austin, Texas 78701, Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP), Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group, 2019 Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Airport Concessions (DBE/ACDBE), Historically Underutilized Business Program, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Program, COVID-19 Updates from the Civil Rights Division, 2022 ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, Standard TxDOT Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 2021 Construction and Materials Conference, Contract Administration - Standardization of Paperwork, Storm Water Management Program References, Maintenance Program Environmental Studies, Environmental Statewide Public Involvement Plan, Getting Involved in Historic Preservation at TxDOT. 41, Sec. either through a sealed bid, direct sale, or public auction. This restriction, however, does not apply to surplus property sold by other state agencies or political subdivisions. Equipment & Truck Auction (1284) . Property will not be released to the purchaser until payment and all required documentation is received. 728 (H.B. The agreement must provide that: (1) not less than 50 percent of the net proceeds be remitted to the commissioners court; and. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. Auctioneer's Internet Site Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. Want to Dig Deeper with TxDOT Archeology? (2) certain recyclable materials, including paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics, glass, one-use pallets, used tires, used oil, and scrap metal, when the disposition is not in the best interest of the state or economically feasible. 1st. September 1, 2015. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. September 1, 2015. FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY SERVICE CHARGE FUND. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. (a) The commission shall establish a program for the sale of gambling equipment received from a municipality, from a commissioners court under Section 263.152(a)(5), Local Government Code, or from a state agency under this chapter. Any faxed request received prior to the start of the Current Auctions for City of Houston. June 18, 2003; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. Locate contact information for NCDOT employees, local offices, and more. Find Heavy Equipment Auctions in your area at AuctionZip.com. The department reserves the right to cancel or suspend a sale if there 1422, Sec. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE. (3) an agreement with a group or association of state agencies for surplus property that will promote the administration of the commission's functions under this subchapter. 2175.363. (a) In this section: (1) "Computer equipment" includes computers, telecommunications devices and systems, automated information systems, and peripheral devices and hardware that are necessary to the efficient installation and operation of that equipment, but does not include computer software. An auction will be held on the following date, time and location: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 10 a.m. NCDOT County Maintenance Yard 181 Westside Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Items are sold as-is, without warranty or guarantee. items. 2175.901. Sec. Audio/Visual Equipment 4 Automobiles 3: B. Bicycles 14 Boats, Marine Vessels and Supplies 1 Builders Supplies 4 Buses, Transit and School 3: C. Sec. In this subchapter: (1) "Federal act" means the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. June 18, 2003. ID: 23. more less . In this chapter: (A) a nonprofit organization that provides educational, health, or human services or assistance to homeless individuals; (B) a nonprofit food bank that solicits, warehouses, and redistributes edible but unmarketable food to an agency that feeds needy families and individuals; (C) Texas Partners of the Americas, a registered agency with the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, with the approval of the Partners of the Alliance office of the Agency for International Development; (D) a group, including a faith-based group, that enters into a financial or nonfinancial agreement with a health or human services agency to provide services to that agency's clients; (E) a local workforce development board created under Section 2308.253; (F) a nonprofit organization approved by the Supreme Court of Texas that provides free legal services for low-income households in civil matters; (G) the Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, Inc., or an entity designated by the commissioner of agriculture as the foundation's successor entity under Section 74.1011, Agriculture Code; (H) a nonprofit computer bank that solicits, stores, refurbishes, and redistributes used computer equipment to public school students and their families; and. Inside the shop that sells items confiscated at Texas airports (A) personal property lawfully confiscated and subject to disposal by a state agency; and. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Purchase requests from private RULES, FORMS, AND PROCEDURES. (d) If the commission determines that a violation of a state law or rule has occurred based on the report under Subsection (c), the commission shall report the violation to the Legislative Budget Board. Management to conduct a local sale, the district mails a bid invitation to each 2175.181. ADOT is getting ready to host its fall auction on Saturday, Nov. 2 in Phoenix. If you are interested in receiving auction pamphlets or brochures on a The public is invited to purchase the property at our retail storefront in Austin, TX, or by bidding on an online auction. Contact Us. ACQUISITION, WAREHOUSING, AND DISTRIBUTION OF FEDERAL PROPERTY. Currently, TxDOT holds delegated authority to conduct local Please note: Masks are required per Governor Coopers executive order, and social distancing must be observed.. (a) During the 10 business days after the date the property is posted on the commission's website, a state agency, political subdivision, or assistance organization shall coordinate with the commission for a transfer of the property at a price established by the commission. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the commission or another state agency, including an agency delegated the authority to dispose of surplus or salvage property under Section 2175.065, may not sell or transfer a marked patrol car or other law enforcement motor vehicle to the public unless the state agency first removes any equipment or insignia that could mislead a reasonable person to believe that the vehicle is a law enforcement motor vehicle, including any police light, siren, amber warning light, spotlight, grill light, antenna, emblem, outline of an emblem, and emergency vehicle equipment. 7.28, eff. 74), Sec. 127, Sec. AUSTIN, Texas - Nearly 4 dozen motorcycles are parked near the Southbound Frontage Road of Hwy 183 for. September 28, 2011. Auction rules may vary across sellers. This restriction, however, does not apply to surplus property sold by other state agencies or political subdivisions For more information on surplus property sales, please send an email or call 512-574-9721. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. September 28, 2011. (b) The commission shall establish and maintain procedures to implement this section. (b) The commission shall cooperate with the state auditor in analyzing surplus and salvage property. starts the bidding process, and sells the item to the highest bidder. 125 (H.B. GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. A 13% Buyers Premium will be applied to all items sold at our Live Vehicle Auctions. SALE OR TRANSFER OF LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE. For more information on surplus property sales, please send anemailor call 512-574-9721. Government Surplus Auction (862) Wed, Mar 8. September 1, 2015. 1, eff. Equipment & Truck Auction (1282) Thu, 2 Mar. Note: Surplus property does not apply to the sale of right of way or other real property. Eligible entities submit an intent to purchase letter on the entitys letterhead and that includes contact name, address, phone number and signature of the authorized representative, Email requests toSSD_SurplusPropertyRequestor fax to 512-416-2303, All sales are handled as first-come, first-served, except that state agencies have priority over other eligible entities, TxDOT sends a letter to the purchasing entity with instructions on payment and other requirements. Equipment Auction Announcements Share this For more information For general auction questions, please contact: Laura Carey Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Equipment Management 1620 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43223 Phone: 614-275-2828 | Fax: 614-351-2831 Related Laws & Forms (c) The commission may charge the assistance organization or local governmental entity that receives the donation an amount sufficient to cover the costs associated with the donation, not to exceed 10 percent of the item's market value. NOTICE OF TRANSFER TO COMPTROLLER; ADJUSTMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS AND PROPERTY ACCOUNTING RECORDS; REMOVAL FROM WEBSITE. This chapter does not apply to the disposition of surplus computer equipment by a state agency involved in the areas of health, human services, or education, except for an agency to which Section 2175.304 applies. 7.34, eff. contact the department at (512) 302-2416. EXCEPTION FOR ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS. UDOT Surplus Property Auction Site Surplus Land Sales UDOT maintains almost 16,000 lane miles of state highway across Utah, which amounts to a multibillion-dollar investment in roads, bridges, and other real property assets. May 24, 2005. Those agencies shall give preference to transferring the property to a public school, school district, or assistance organization specified by the school district. Accessibility125 East 11th Street Check back regularly as it changes often. Section 549 or any other federal law providing for the disposal of federal surplus property; (2) an agreement with a state agency for surplus property of a state agency that will promote the administration of the commission's functions under this subchapter; or. (e) This section applies only to computer equipment that a charitable organization purchases for at least $500. Auctions And Sales Of Postal Equipment: Dallas: Automotive Finance Corporation: Dallas: City Of Irving Auto Auction: Dallas: . 813 (H.B. Auction Title Time Left Current Price; 3211655: Compactor / Tamping Rammer WA 1 hour 7 min: $152.50 : 3212819: 1997 Chevy 3500 . The auction will also be held online. . 6, eff. Auctions feature specialty equipment (including heavy equipment and vehicles from TXDOT) and/or items located outside the Austin area. property sold by other state agencies or political subdivisions. A/V Equipment, Power Supplies, Switches and Other 2 days 15 hours : $81.33 3212369: Lot 352. If the value of an item or a lot of property to be sold is estimated to be more than $25,000, the commission shall advertise the sale at least once in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity in which the property is located. All surplus and salvage property is sold as-is, where-is, with no expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of merchantability. (b) Income earned on money in the federal surplus property service charge fund shall be credited to that fund. Ren Bates Ren Bates Auctioneers, Inc. COMMISSION ASSISTANCE IN PROCUREMENT AND USE OF PROPERTY. Texas DPS motorcycles auctioned off at State Surplus Store (Feb. 2020) Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. September 1, 2015. CHARGES. (d) A university system or institution or agency of higher education may donate to an assistance organization any surplus or salvage property that: (1) is not disposed of under Subsection (b); and. 1004, Sec. (b) The commission may not collect a charge for federal real property in an amount that is greater than the reasonable administrative cost the commission incurs in transferring the property. 2175.188. 41, Sec. auction units through a slide presentation. (b) Based on the condition of the property, the commission, in conjunction with the state agency, shall determine whether the property is: (1) surplus property that should be offered for transfer under Section 2175.184 or sold to the public; or. terms and conditions. period for a minimum of six months. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. All sales are handled on a "first-come, first-served" basis unless a 2175.907. For purposes of this subsection, "rural county" has the meaning assigned by Section 487.301. Sec. (3) cooperate to the fullest extent consistent with this subchapter. 908, Sec. A transfer to a state agency has priority over any other transfer during this period. 9, eff. public entities are eligible to purchase state 21, eff. 1281, Sec. Sec. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Check the web sites for times and locations and to see what's available. Auctions Currently the County has contracts with two auction houses for selling surplus equipment. Register for the first ever auction on HGR's new online auction platform. Contact: Austin Plitt (956) 831-4278 or (956) 230-6726 [email protected] www.plittrigging.com. . 2175.903. 1158, Sec. 2175.061. DISPOSAL OF GAMBLING EQUIPMENT. 2018), Sec. 127, Sec. A State Certificate of Acquisition form will be forwarded along with the Our site contains full auction listings, including photos, to hundreds of construction equipment and heavy duty truck auctions daily. 4 (S.B. Bucket Trucks / Service Trucks Cranes. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 12, eff. Sec. Please note that in the future the preferred agencies, political subdivisions and assistance organizations during September 1, 2015. 5/01/06. (2) the disposal of equipment that is not operational. Professional Engineering Procurement Services, Project Finance, Debt and Strategic Contracts, Safety rest areas and travel information centers, Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses, Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers, Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants, Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs, Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal, Transportation systems management and operations, Professional Engineering Procurement Services Division Director, Project Finance, Debt and Strategic Contracts Division Director, Research and Technology Implementation Division Director, Transportation Planning and Programming Division Director, Transportation Programs Division Director, Copyright 2023, Texas Department of Transportation. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. Texas Department of Transportation date. Sec. Copyright 2022 (5) "Data processing equipment" means equipment described by Section 2054.003(3)(A). EXCEPTION FOR OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION. Auctioneer's Internet Site for current online auctions. MAXIMUM RETURN FROM DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS OR SALVAGE PROPERTY. Sept. 1, 2003. Information is available on theReal Estate Management and Developmentwebpage. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. (a) The commission shall establish a mandatory recycling program for a state agency that occupies a building under its control. (2) a list of other prospective buyers of surplus and salvage property. 1, eff. 8 a.m. on the first business day after the item has been advertised (see 2175.064. Online Auctions: Auctions are held on an as-needed basis. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. Please contact us if you have any questions. PURCHASE OF CHAIRS BY CERTAIN STATE OFFICERS AND AGENCY HEADS. 4 (S.B. Sec. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. This Eligible Texasentitiesfor the first 10 business days, then the general public may purchase if not bought. 309, Sec. 2175.1825. posted on the State Surplus Property Listing, a state agency, 4 (S.B. 22), Sec. COMMISSION POWERS AND DUTIES. 59, eff. The N.C. Department of Transportation uses public auctions to sell surplus equipment. (d) A state agency and the Texas Facilities Commission may sell a deaccessioned item in the manner provided by Subchapter D. Before the sale of the item, the Texas Facilities Commission must verify that the state agency's governing body complied with Subsection (c). (b) On receiving notice under this section, the comptroller shall, if necessary, adjust state property accounting records. DEFINITIONS. The Department may sell its DEFINITIONS. Auctions are held at different locations across the state approximately three times per year, depending on equipment location and availability. 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