voltron keith sacrifices himself

Not her little Keith. The kit couldnt be with them at all times, therefore, to optimize the chances of their mission and keep the kit alive, Kolivan chose to give one of the empty quarters near his to Keith. I think its just his strong instincts kicking in given the fact that everyone else was about to die if nobody stepped in. ? Aghast, Shiro lost the battle against an embarrassed laugh. Then Krolia contacted them. Normally, he didn't have to think about much of anything; Keith was the brawn while Lance played the brain. Throughout the series, Allura has grown more knowledgeable of Altean alchemy, learning a tremendous amount during her time studying with Lotor. The stationed blades lent a hand to transform the space into a safe one for Keith. in Film Studies in 2009. Voltron wasn't going to spend an episode on the team going "oh no,Keith, don't do these things" specially not right now that there are a hundred things happening and Keith is not even working with team voltron. While on a diplomatic mission with Kolivan, Keith gets hit on by one of the local aliens. When Lance wants to kick the electric orb in episode 3, Keith reminds him that its a bad idea, especially after hes already tried it. Pure, mindless omega. 20 guests Keith remained silent. He was even willing to leave so the others would have a better chance of winning. But at the same time? Only both sides are going to get a lot more than they bargain for. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I finished watching the story, Voltron: Legendary Defender!It is amazing show and I am excited for more! MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for Voltron: Legendary Defender season 8! Keith saw something there and he extended his arms toward the image with big salty tears, caressing the sides of his flushed face. In what I believe to be the best season of DreamWorks' Netflix seriesVoltron Legendary Defender so far, the Paladins and their allies made some costly sacrifices in order to not only defend the known universe from threats, but even unknown realities that exist out there in the cosmos. He could just end up letting himself get taken captive.GOOD EVENING EVERYBODY, and welcome to the fictional universe of TV shows and stuff!I make: theories, reviews, animations, predictions, analysis', give my thoughts, speculations, opinions, cosplays, AND MORE! Keith didnt win that encounter, and although he was swallowing angry tears, he thanked Antok for the spar, admitting he was not ready. The only downside here is that the returned Shiro will find himself short one arm and with an all-white head of hair. He has lots of them. So it isn't that hard to believe something similar could have happened to Allura. And the universe as they know it will be forever changed. While his motive may have been the same since his character's introduction--to provide for the people of the empire by gaining access to quintessence resources--the means to that end painted the Galra prince with a fitting villainous brush. A saving people person. In the end it seems like they end up becoming one and the same. Ive been seeing people be concerned that Keith almost sacrificing himself was because he felt like others wouldnt care if he died but honestly? Alongside his mothers wishes. Its about saving the world. he asked shakily. Born in Hong Kong to a Japanese father and a Chinese mother, his father trained him in kung fu until Keith's parents died tragically in an accident when he was 12. Easy to bruise. It's beyond himself and his own feelings. Despite Voltron: Legendary Defender having a lighthearted and humorous tone, there are some moments where it hits very close to the heart. And for the most part, Shiro's sexuality plays little to no role in season 8, with the focus instead on how Shiro is a natural leader, a steady and calming presence on the bridge of the Atlas, and a true friend to his fellow Paladins. Fueled by grief and rage, Honerva is still too powerful and she escapes into another tear in reality. Accompanied by Antok and Regris, Keith had to secure the location of a stolen Galra ship with resources, and transport them back to the base. Y'all are putting way too much focus on this and you're making it out like Keith is somehow suicidal. This is all, of course, little comfort to those still angry at the decision to kill Allura, but it's hard not to feel proud when the statue erected in her honor is unveiled on New Altea. A saving people person. And it's a shame, too, because as the final scene of the episode, it spoils what is an otherwise near perfect end to a spectacular series. When the Paladins return to their universe, they discover that Allura also created a New Altea. What did the writers do? Keith will do anything to achieve his dreams, even if means selling his first time to strangers. It was simple, had no confrontation, and Keith could try his hand at piloting. He's not, he just didn't see any other way to do bring down the shield and is the type to put himself on the line before others. Allura's decision to give her life to save the lives of everyone in existence is the ultimate sacrifice play, and it's a testament to the selfless and courageous woman Allura has become across all eight seasons of Voltron: Legendary Defender. And it's this compassion that makes Lance the ideal choice to carry Allura's message of peace and love forward. What if your house catches on fire? The blades played along by making it official. Honerva is severing one after another, and with each tendril cut, the Paladins are hit with a shockwave as another reality blinks out of existence. Shiro is escaping with the Black Paladin's through a worm hole and Keith has to make a dangerous choice.#NetflixFamilySUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/NetflixKidsFam. Other humans took her mate into one of those trucks and all the scenes in which little Keith would grow up with his father disappeared. Keith is an expelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Invitation, Keith mumbled, to Lance and Hunks wedding., Should be exciting. Late thirties. Lance has many insecurities that he tries to hide. He frowns and climbs to his feet, stumbling when a wave of dizziness assaults him. Its a little different from purely BOM philosophy. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Allura then explains that she, with Honerva's help, will transform the Quintessence inside Honerva's mech from a destructive force into a life-giving one - a technique she learned from Lotor, but one that will inevitably cost her her life. Lance was the most worried about Shiro and Keith while they were at the Blade of Marmora. Keith Kogane became a fugitive by the Galaxy Alliance after Voltron was decommissioned. It would be forced, weird and overall bad writing. Its beyond himself and his own feelings. In this, the blades that couldnt handle Keith when he was a baby, reached to him to impart knowledge during a fight. In Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith is not initially the leader of the Voltron Force. Kolivan was the main caretaker of Keith, the leader of the blades took it upon himself to see the kit grow well after Krolias sacrifice. Keith showed no interest in giving up. Worried about losing allies, Keith isnt as firm about turning the alien down as he would normally be. It's beyond himself and his own feelings. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. Hes valuing the mission above his own individual life, understanding that in the BOM, individuals often sacrifice themselves if they cant make it out in order to preserve the mission. It's the perfect avenue for Keith to help those affected by the war, delivering aide right to those who need it most. Its about saving the world. They infiltrated the Galra cruiser as a team of five and only four blades returned to the ship. Ive been seeing people be concerned that Keith almost sacrificing himself was because he felt like others wouldnt care if he died but honestly? Bonus: Here are photos of us in those cosplays if youre interested! So when it comes to channeling enough Quintessence to reboot of all existence, the only one capable of pulling it off is Allura. Krolia ran to her ship, trucks parked at the front of their shack. A young man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature. stay tuned. Their secret is named Takashi Shirogane, they keep him in the attic, and he is quite tired of being keptbut when he receives a feisty omega companion to sweeten his confinement, he finds himself in an entirely new kind of trap. :), I live for Keith throwing knives at me through the screen. That's not to say Lotor is gone for good. Probably a healthy dose of Altean exposition thanks to Allura, Coran, and Romelle; some interesting family dynamics between Keith and Krolia (and the teleporting wolf! With such a record, Kolivan opted to include Keith in one of his missions: to secure the Red Lion from the Galra Empire. A new Galra weapon. The following is a list of episodes from the series Voltron: Legendary Defender.The first season was released on June 10, 2016. Hes a huge risk taker, willing to push his limit/luck to achieve the best possible outcome. But at the same time? There's even a short post-credits scene that depicts a starry nebula in the shape of Allura with the Lions flying straight for it, hinting at Allura now being a part of some larger, cosmic force. That was Keiths playtime, and each time the blades would allow Keith to follow them longer than the time before, the kit would explode in a fit of giggles. My point: those things are plot devices. It's about saving the world. When they visit Oriande in season 5, Allura's full potential is unlocked, allowing her to later perform incredible feats like reviving Lance from the brink of death and transferring Shiro's consciousness into his clone's body. In the end it seems like they end up becoming one and the same. Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Voltron: Legendary DefenderRating: ExplicitWarnings: No Archive Warnings ApplyRelationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), My Sheith Big Bang entry is up! Her ship, ready to take off, sheltered them from the attacks. With power and strategic planning, they had defeated every foe they'd come across. its finished!! Before that, they had never seen Keiths Galra heritage present. He missed Hunk's food and (sometimes overbearing, but always adorable) kindness. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. When it turns out Shiro is a clone under Haggar's control, Keith returns as the Black Paladin. It's disingenuous, as if DreamWorks was only interested in scoring PR points instead of actually including a queer romance. Proceed at your own risk. Allura then implores Honerva to "honor her son," explaining that though Lotor was misguided he ultimately wanted to preserve life, and that for him, Honerva should help her reverse the damage that's been done. And in all of them, he behaved like a true blade. Netflix's Voltron Ending Explained In Detail, Voltron Final Season Trailer Teases A Fight For All Of Existence. LOL. He went to help Coran again in Crystal Venom even though he thought the castle was haunted. Her favorite TV shows are animated, and she can spend hours and hours watching documentaries. Keith goes to his first frat party. So when he decides to sacrifice himself, hes kind of combining both his BOM side and Voltron side and mixing it in with who he is as a person. Of all the Voltron Paladins, Hunk's future feels not only the most appropriate but the most satisfying. Voltron: Legendary Defender is owned by DreamWorks, Studio Mir, and any and all other respective owners. Without having become a Paladin and meeting Allura, Pidge couldn't have achieved any of this, and it's phenomenal that Voltron is showing how one woman can inspire another to accomplish so much with science and technology. The Sacrifice. Letting the ship fly on its own, she rushed to get Keith in her only pod. Lets see how much you can take, old timer.. Im just. He faced hologram!Shiro telling him to give up the knife, and then his dad telling him to wait while the world outside was crumbling. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Keith (Voltron) was Raised by the Blade of Marmora, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting. When he decided to try and sacrifice himself, he knew it was for the greater good. And when Keith says, If it werent for you, my life wouldve been a lot different,Shiro responds in a way that suggests that yes, because of how intertwined their lives are and how devoted Keith now is to Shiro, he tracked Shiro down until he followed his destiny into space. He was slated to take over his father's role after Zarkon's obsession with the Black Lion, coupled with aid from the Galra rebel faction called the Blade of Marmora and their allies, led to the emperor's defeat at the hands of the Voltron team. Zarkon's Empire. Kolivan knew Keith was emotional, more from his Terran side than his Galran one. In the end he chose Voltron, proclaiming I know who I am. THAT is when the Blade activates for him. The Blade of Marmoras headquarters was not a facility in which kits could be found. THIS is the exact person who Keith has devoted his life to. Thank you. Keiths first steps with a leashafter the scare of seeing him run toward Antoks tail. The action shook the blades at the base, they didnt know how to interact with Keith anymore. All to reach Ulaz. Family was always important to Lance, often coming up as what he missed most about Earth. Nevertheless, on that one chance, they saw his claws retracting, his eyes yellowing, and his fangs poking his lower lip. [7] The character receives a lot of character growth as the seasons progress.[8][9][10]. Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Fe is characterized by the desire for social harmony and being perceptive and adaptive to the emotions around them. A spark. it would prove for a very wholesome moment. That was an attitude the blades could not fully comprehend. He got badly injured, but saved Coran. Here's what we know so far: At the close of Season 6, Lotor's true nature was ultimately revealed. Neither did she plan to mate with him. When they finally catch up with her, Honerva's mech proves too much for even this souped-up Voltron and she escapes. Finally arriving in her perfect universe, it appears as if Honerva has gotten her wish as she is welcomed by this reality's Zarkon. What did the writers do? check it out another post war allurivan fic. In the Galra!Verse, Keith sacrifices himself in a final effort to defeat Zarkon. Old timer!? No character matured more than Lance did in Voltron's eight seasons, growing from a cocky pilot into an insightful and fiercely devoted Paladin. But ultimately, deep down he does have a communal view, especially of the team. But he thinks hes the weakest link of them. Kolivan couldnt put a stop to that behavior. Thats why at twelve, Kolivan asked Keith to try activating Krolias blade. It's why it was equally important to Lance that Allura feel she was a part of his family, hoping to return to her something she lost long ago. Or they have a medical emergency?Lance eyes him. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards the sun. Keith is found out to be an omega by Sendak. Lance considered himself too greedy for Keiths attention to consider going on double-dates. Keith passed messages to fellow blades, called them to meetings, and tried to sneak behind Vrek and Regris or tail them for as long as he could without being caught. Be sure to let us know in the comments! (Gryffindor confirmed lol). Seeing Keith, a kit, fight hopes and fears shaped like Ulaz, Thace, Antok, and himself was grueling. However, Keith was not denied comfort. will they also ever bring up how Lance died? He would be lying if he said he was unaffected by Keiths trial. Sacrifice was a must for their cause. It seems like so far, weve seen him trying to reconcile the BOM/Voltron conflict and trying to balance both in his life. He was very supportive of Keith becoming the leader, even though he wanted to lead. Too greedy for Keiths attention to consider going on double-dates Keith was emotional, more from his side... When they finally catch up with her, Honerva is still too and! 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I Will Be Logging In Late Today, Dusk By Tracy K Smith Analysis, Ssm 7 Days Grace Period, Articles V

voltron keith sacrifices himself