clark county, nevada probate court phone number

Because the assets that have been transferred into the trust are legally owned by the trust (and not by the person who contributed those assets), the Grantor's estate will not have to go through probate because it will fall under a state's small estates limit, if their biggest assets are held in the trust and only a few, small assets are held in their individual names. Family Courts and Services Center 601 N. Pecos Las Vegas, NV 89155. A will doens't need a lot of magic words to be valid. For full print and download access, please subscribe at Personal propertymeans things that people own that are moveable, as in not fixed to the land. ***NOTE: Even if a matter is approved on the Approved List, any person can show up to the hearing and lodge and oral objection to the petition. Discover key insights by exploring This means that the Probate Commissioner will hear oral arguments on the matter at the Friday hearing. Personal Injury Hon. If there's no probate proceeding (because the estate is too small to require one), then the person named as executor still takes care of things, but doesn't have official authority from the court. | 10/23/2013, CASE REASSIGNED TO DEPARTMENT 26; COMMENT: REASSIGNED TO JUDGE GLORIA STURMAN, FINANCIAL INFO FOR FISCHI, LOUISE G : PAYMENT (WINDOW); RECEIPT # 2014-14290-FAM; JEFFREY BURR $3.00, Clark County Nevada Court | You will need them, for example, to record the deeds necessary to change title to real property, to claim life insurance, to file estate tax returns, and to claim pensions or any other benefit available as a result of that person's death. Phone: (702) 671-3116. Clark County Regional Justice Center | Thomas R. Grover, Esq. Truckee courthouse is currently targeting a 10am start time. LAS VEGAS JUSTICE COURT Clark County. Clark County Clerk 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660.5000 Collections Unit 564.397.6085 For inquiries regarding payment reviews, or to provide Address & financial information. Posted in Nevada Probate. A will also names an executor, also called a personal representative, who is the person who will settle the estate, and, if a probate is necessary, be appointed as the legal representative of the estate until it is distributed to the will's beneficiaries. Judge Lueck, Robert presiding. For a list of current rental assistance programs, click here. Public Records Policy. Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and Evolve Bank & Trust, Defendant(s), Irving Picard, Trustee, Plaintiff(s) vs. John Fujiwara, Defendant(s), In the matter of: Keith Russell, Deceased, Nancy Squillante, Plaintiff(s) vs. Bernie Evoniuk, Defendant(s), Bank of America, N.A., Plaintiff(s) vs. EMILIO WARDEH, Defendant(s), Rodrigo Ramirez Perez, Plaintiff(s) vs. Richard Ousley, Defendant(s), Howard Guyton, Plaintiff(s) vs. Alan Lucio, Defendant(s), Gladys Martinez, Appellant vs. John Bostick, Respondent, Cavalry SPV I, LLC, Plaintiff(s) vs. Keyohn Matsuda, Defendant(s), Discover Bank, Plaintiff(s) vs. Frederick Marquez, Defendant(s), Kelly Carn, Plaintiff(s) vs. in the jurisdiction of Clark County. This website was designed and is maintained by Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, Inc., a private, nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization that operates the Family Law Self-Help Center through a contract with Clark County, Nevada. For a list of current rental assistance programs, click here. UPDATED 3.2.23 - Countywide Courthouse Delayed Start: Administrative Records (Not Case Related). That is why it is crucial to hire an experienced probate lawyer for any case you have in the court. During the Grantor's lifetime, the assets held in the living trust, often their house, their investment accounts and their larger bank accounts, can be used for that person's benefit in exactly the same way that the person was able to use those assets before they were placed in the trust. After that, the executor is in charge of protecting the estate's assets, identifying and valuing them, paying the debts and expenses of the deceased person, and, in the end, distributing the assets as directed by the will. | 03/28/2017, CASE REASSIGNED TO DEPARTMENT 9; COMMENT: PURSUANT TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 22-10 - REASSIGNED FROM JUDGE BITA YEAGER TO JUDGE MARIA GALL, CASE REASSIGNED TO DEPARTMENT 1; COMMENT: JUDICIAL REASSIGNMENT TO JUDGE BITA YEAGER, Clark County Nevada Court | Phone: (702) 455-2590. On January 13, 2003 a case was filed Period. If a will or probate case has been filed with that name or number it will display in the search results. P-20-105105-E. What will happen to Jeffrey Epsteins fortune? There is also more information about Wills, Estates and Probate on the Self-Help Website of the California Courts. Richard Raymond, Protected Person(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: Clark County Eighth District Court | Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. You may also wish to consult with an attorney, especially when multiple heirs or varied types of assets are involved. Probate | 02/22/2016, JURY TRIAL; JUDICIAL OFFICER: KISHNER, JOANNA S.; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; CANCEL REASON: VACATED - PER ATTORNEY OR PRO PER; COMMENT: (SET DURING CD SWEEPS - 8 WEEKS), PRE TRIAL CONFERENCE; JUDICIAL OFFICER: KISHNER, JOANNA S.; HEARING TIME: 10:15 AM; CANCEL REASON: VACATED - PER ATTORNEY OR PRO PER; COMMENT: PRE TRIAL CONFERENCE / CALENDAR CALL, Clark County Nevada Court | 60 0 obj <>stream If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, ALL PENDING MOTIONS; VIEW DOCUMENT: MINUTES - ALL PENDING MOTIONS; JUDICIAL OFFICER: BARISICH, VERONICA M.; HEARING TIME: 9:30 AM; RESULT: MATTER HEARD; PARTIES PRESENT: PLAINTIFF; ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL: DEFENDANT; ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.: ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; PLAINTIFF: ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL; DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.; ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.: DEFENDANT; ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.: ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.; DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.; ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.: DEFENDANT; ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.: ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.; DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.; ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.: DEFENDANT; ATTORNEY: PETERS, NAUSHEEN K.: ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.; DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY: PETERS, NAUSHEEN K.; DEFENDANT: ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.; ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J.: PLAINTIFF; ATTORNEY: JONES, KIMBALL: DEFENDANT; ATTORNEY: HEPWORTH, JUSTIN S.: ATTORNEY: SCHUTTERT, JAY J. JOINDER; JUDICIAL OFFICER: BARISICH, VERONICA M.; HEARING TIME: 9:30 AM; RESULT: UNDER ADVISEMENT; COMMENT: DEFENDANT'S JOINDER TO DR. AHMED'S MOTION TO DISMISS, STATUS CHECK; JUDICIAL OFFICER: PETERSON, JESSICA K.; HEARING TIME: 10:00 AM; COMMENT: STATUS CHECK: RE EVICTIONS, NOTICE OF ENTRY OF STIPULATION AND ORDER; COMMENT: [52] NOTICE OF ENTRY OF STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING RE EVICTIONS, Clark County Nevada Court | in the jurisdiction of Clark County. frequently asked questions about Nevada probate. Pearl Schmidt, Adult Ward(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: This website was designed and is maintained by Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, Inc., a private, nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization that operates the Family Law Self-Help Center through a contract with Clark County, Nevada. UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. Attorney Thomas R. Grover, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 18, 2015 Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts, track cases, and download documents. All Nevada Court Rules Court Resources; Nevada Appellate Courts Clerk of Court . Clark County Eighth District Court | understand what he or she is doing (this is called legal capacity), name beneficiaries for his or her property, and. Phone: (702) 486-9300. | 08/08/2022. To obtain copies of birth certificates issued after 1908 contact either of the agencies listed below: Combined Health District 529 E. Home Rd. What's the Difference between Real and Personal Property? Phoenix Building330 South 3rd Street Las Vegas, NV 89101,,, On September 11, 2001 a case was filed Sources Judge Ritchie, T. Arthur, Jr. presiding. What States Recognize Common Law Marriages? UniCourt gives you access to Nevada Trial Court Records across the Clark County Court system, so you can search a range of different types of cases: Contract, Family, Labor, Other, Personal Injury, Probate, Property, Small Claim. Probate All content Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada 2023, Protection From Stalking, Aggravated Stalking, Or Harassment, Opposing, Modifying, Dissolving, Or Appealing A Protection Order, Responding To A Complaint If You've Been Sued, Responding To The Other Side's Requests For Information, Garnishing Wages Or Attaching Bank Accounts, Judicial Review Of Unemployment Decisions. Personal Injury On October 18, 2019 a case was filed endstream endobj startxref Hon. Talk with a lawyer licensed in Nevada to get legal advice on your situation. | 02/01/2023, Clark County Nevada Court | Nevada City courthouse is currently targeting a noon start time for normal afternoon calendars and emergency / urgent hearings. On June 1, 2021 a case was filed Please wait a moment while we load this page. | 12/24/2009, ADMINISTRATIVE REASSIGNMENT - JUDICIAL OFFICER CHANGE; COMMENT: PURSUANT TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 22-14 - REASSIGNED TO VACANT DC 7, CASE REASSIGNED TO DEPARTMENT 7; COMMENT: PURSUANT TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 22-09 - CASE REASSIGNED FROM JUDGE JERRY A. WIESE TO JUDGE LINDA MARIE BELL, NOTICE OF ENTRY; COMMENT: [19] NOTICE OF ENTRY OF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS, REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS; COMMENT: [18] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, CERTIFICATE OF MAILING; COMMENT: [13] CERTIFICATE OF MAILING, Clark County Nevada Court | Judge Jones, Steven E presiding. will be able to access it on trellis. Step 4 - Collect the Property Clark County Nevada Court | 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy.6th FloorLas Vegas, Nevada 89155. The department in superior court that handles probate matters often is called probate court. A limited-jurisdiction court of law, the 30 Judges at the 17 Municipal Courts also hear civil matters (for instance, when they apply to collecting unpaid utility bills). This makes perfect sense, since the companies holding these assets do not want to distribute them unless they are certain that the decedent has actually died. Jonathan C. Reed: (702) 343-0494 (Main Office) . The successor trustee is the person named in the trust document to take over the job of managing the trust after the person who established it, the grantor, dies or is unable to continue as trustee. A dead person's estate will not be handled in probate court if there is a surviving spouse and the estate consists entirely of community property, or the dead person's property is held in joint tenancy with another person. Clark County Eighth District Court | That way, it's easier to see if someone else has tried to change the will. 870-425-3475. Click here to read about the small estates procedure in nvate. If an estate does have to go through probate, though, filing the will is the first step in getting that process started. The Clark County Probate Court Approved List provides notations as to which matters are approved, and which are deficient and why they are deficient (usually some sort of notice requirement has not been fulfilled). Probate is the court procedure that transfers the legal ownership of people's property after they die. Quick Links:Contact or Visit the Self-Help Center, Efiling Site | Efiling Assistance | E-Filing Guide, Looking for something in particular? This website is intended to provide general information, forms, and resources for people who are representing themselves in a Clark County court without a lawyer. When you are reading a will, here's what you need to find out: If the value of a person's estate is above a certain limit, called a "small estates limit," their estate must go through a probate proceeding before assets can be distributed to the people who inherit the assets. Nevada Probate For example, if a person whose home, brokerage account, and savings account had been transferred into their living trust, dies, only those assets that they held in their own, individual name would count towards their state's small estates limit for probate. Pursuant to Executive Order 205, appropriate face coverings are strongly recommendedat the Nevada City and Truckee Courthouses. The phone number for the marriage recording is (937) 521-1845 (at the first prompt hit 2, at the second prompt hit 1), 24 hours a day. With UniCourt, you can lookup court cases online, find the latest court docket information, view case summaries, check case statuses, download court documents, opinions, and tentative rulings, and track lawsuits to get real-time alerts on new case updates. Judge Lueck, Robert presiding. Keep the probate court staff apprised of your efforts and actions to remedy any problems. 2Hd F#? But if Kate had never transferred that account into her trust, and it was owned in her name alone, it would be the executor's job to deal with that account, not the trustee's. Clark County Eighth District Court | Start Here. William A. Clark (1839-1925), former United States Senator from Montana, and builder of a railroad line through the area. Another party has filed some sort of opposing filing or briefing. At that point, the Probate Commissioner withholds the Order and resets the hearing for approximately two weeks out in order to allow the objecting party time to file a formal objection with the Court. What Rights do Creditors Have in Nevada?? Probate Court in Clark County, Nevada is held once per week, every Friday at the Regional Justice Center in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. | 02/01/2023. sign the will in front of witnesses, according to state law. #1 East Seventh, Suite 103. Step 3 - Fill Out the Form The affiant must fill out the affidavit in the presence of a notary public. You can always see your envelopes Clark County Eighth District Court | 870-424-5105. Talk with a lawyer licensed in Nevada to get legal advice on your situation. OTHER COURTS. Talk with a lawyer licensed in Nevada to get legal advice on your situation. The sections below will help you get familiar with courts, court forms, and the law and procedures that might apply to your case. get a free consultation. Website: Clark County District Court Family Division . The official web site for the Arkansas Supreme Court provides information about cases, oral arguments, opinions, orders, . Probate Court. Property Here's a link to your local probate court. Ultimately, distribute the assets held in trust to the trust's beneficiaries. We collect, organize, standardize, and normalize court data from state courts, and the federal court systems Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), and we make it all easily accessible and useful through our web app and Legal Data APIs. Probate is the court procedure that transfers the legal ownership of people's property after they die. Phone: (702) 455-2590. in the jurisdiction of Clark County. Pay the deceased person's remaining bills. If you want to find the will of soemone who has died, where should you look? If the person has young children, the will usually also nominatesguardians for them--someone who would raise the children if the parents couldn't. Click Here or Call (855) 324-7891 to Connect With a Probate Lawyer serving New York, State. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Who Manages Property Inherited by Children in Nevada, The Different Varieties of Life Insurance, How to Inherit Retirements Assets in Nevada, How to Inherit Payable on Death Bank Accounts and Brokerage Accounts. The law requires publication of a Notice of Petition to Administer Estate. By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, Louise Brooks, This website is intended to provide general information, forms, and resources for people who are representing themselves in a Clark County court without a lawyer. You can find the statutes on the state legislative website NRS: Titles and Chapters ( Instead, reading a will is like reading any legal document--take it slow, look up words that you do not know, and focus on what the document actually says, as opposed to what you wish it would say. What is Homestead and Exempt Property and What's a Family Allowance in Nevada? But the person making the will must: Some states allow a person to handwrite a will (this is called a holographic will), but it's better to type one out. The Applicants must provide proof of name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number. Personal Injury The probate judge supervises the assets and liabilities of people who die while they are residents of California or who leave property inside the state. The Bristol Probate and Family Court in Taunton serves all the cities and towns in Bristol County. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE CURRENT APPROVED LIST. It's entirely possible for someone to create a trust, ignore it for the next thirty years, and die with all of the major assets held in their own names, and not in the name of the trust. Clark County Nevada Court Records Search public court records from Clark County Nevada Court in Nevada online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. | 02/01/2023, Clark County Nevada Court | ( BpPL@ XJjL#HVHQFU2Fui@X-H? This includes payment of the dead person's debts and the distribution of property to beneficiaries. Adult Ward(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: | 10/14/2022, STATUS CONFERENCE; JUDICIAL OFFICER: JOHNSON, SUSAN; HEARING TIME: 8:30 AM, MOTION TO ASSOCIATE COUNSEL; JUDICIAL OFFICER: JOHNSON, SUSAN; HEARING TIME: 8:30 AM; CANCEL REASON: VACATED; COMMENT: MOTION TO ASSOCIATE EUGENE ROME, ESQ. Atticus is the simplest, easiest way to settle an estate. Adult Ward(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: If you do find the trust document, your next step is to read it. #1 East Seventh, Suite 103 Mountain Home. Judge Jones, Steven E presiding. Judge Williams, Timothy C. presiding. Need help with probate in Nevada? David Beasley, You can usually request court hearing records from the Clark County Nevada courts Records Visions by email to [email protected]. Notes in red are specific problems that need to be addressed in the respective estates. The probate court issues "Letters Testamentary" or "Letters of Administration" naming the executor or administrator. | 12/03/2013, NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE; COMMENT: [18] G-13-039579-M NNC JOAQUIN LYRIC HENNING, NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE; COMMENT: [17] NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE ROG, Clark County Nevada Court | Judge Ritchie, T. Arthur, Jr. presiding. more analytics for Ritchie, T. Arthur, Jr. On May 29, 2003 a case was filed Judge Jones, Steven E presiding. For eviction prevention tips, click here. A will is a legal document in which a person, the testator, states his or her wishes for the distribution of property at death. Personal Injury Personal Injury This website is brought to you by the Nevada Supreme Court. 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89155, Regional Transportation Commission (RTC Bus Routes), Town Advisory Boards and Citizens Advisory Councils, Clark County Detention Center / Inmate Accounts, House Arrest / Electronic Monitoring Program, Administer Estate Under Direction of Probate Court. Clark County Eighth District Court | To find the correct court, use the Nevada Court Locator. Clark County Eighth District Court | A county land records office is the place to research and request such deeds. hbbd``b`:$ *$ $ 6Q@H V AR ! The Mental Health Court also partners with local providers specializing in mental health and substance abuse counseling, case management, drug testing, and vocational and academic programs. Probate matters which meet the statutory requirements and are not opposed by Thursday at noon will be automatically approved. Filter by a specific county without spaces. You can also download court documents, and track a case to receive alerts on new updates for that case. Discover key insights by exploring But, at their death, the trust agreement will dictate what happens next, distributing the trust's property as directed by the document. Hon. Ideally, you want to find the original, signed will, not a copy. Clark County Eighth District Court | Upon appointment, the Public Administrator acts at the will of the Court and in compliance with Title 12 of Nevada Revised Statute (Wills and Estates of Deceased Persons). Superior Court Contacts Law Library: Judicial Circuit. . All content Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada 2023. If there's a probate, work with the estate's attorney to give the court the information it requires. Clark County District Court Family Division . The probate judge makes sure it is the decedent's last will, appoints the executor named in the will (or appoints an administrator), and supervises the executor's work. Identify and gather all of the trust's assets. Discover key insights by exploring Adult Ward(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: The information on this website is NOT a substitute for legal advice. On July 15, 2005 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Clark County. On June 14, 2021 a case was filed Clark County Eighth District Court | If a will does not exist, or the will does not name an executor, the court will appoint an administrator to manage and distribute the assets. What's the difference? This page will provide you with the following: Links to the Clark County probate court's website, the address, a map and a phone number to call to get more information. Fax: (775) 702-474-2434. These states recognize a legal relationship between two people who lived together as if they were married, and held themselves out to the world as if they were married, but never legally were married under that state's laws. To find the location of these courts, you can visit the Nevada Courts website District Courts ( After someone dies, the family needs to locate that person's estate planning documents. On October 27, 2003 a case was filed Mesquite, NV 89027 Phone: (702) 346-5291 Email: [email protected] Fax: (702) 346-6587 business Hours Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 5:00pm Friday - Sunday Closed View FAQs Resources Pay Online or Case Search Court Payment Information & Fees Victim's Bill of Rights Legal Resources VINELink City Code Victims of Crime Compensation Horton, Inc., Defendant(s), Ken Liu, Mei-Bing Chang, et al vs KB Home Inc, K And B Home Sales Of Nevada Inc, et al, BAC National LLC, Plaintiff(s) vs. Probate in the jurisdiction of Clark County. After Kate's death, the successor trustee would be able to continue managing that account after giving the company a copy of Kate's death certificate and a copy of the trust document. Clark County Eighth District Court | . condo Located at 5561 Orchard Lane Unit 130, Las Vegas, NV 89110 Listed at $205000 MLS 2469832 The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. For eviction prevention tips, click here. Helpful pamphlets that explain how to write a will and how to do estate planning usually are available free from our Self Help Center. Pahrump, NV 89060 . , Thomas R. Grover, Esq. Probate *** If you have an upcoming hearing in probate court, you should be checking the Clark County Probate Court Approved List to make sure there are no problems or hiccups with your matter. Website: Clark County Clerk's Office. Clark County Eighth District Court | For most estates, 5-10 copies is plenty. Clark County Eighth District Court | Discover key insights by exploring Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. So Jean, NV 89019 Henderson 243 Water Street Henderson, Nevada 89015 Las Vegas You will lose the information in your envelope, In the Matter of the Guardianship of: Lawrence Reese, Protected Person(s), In the Matter of the Guardianship of: Tenants filing Answers/Affidavits for eviction notices in Las Vegas can file online from by choosing ''SUMMARY EVICTION: Tenant's Answer.'' On September 30, 2020 a case was filed On March 2, 2001 a case was filed Once you find the proper office, you'll probably need the following information to request a certified copy of death certificate: Many states make a distinction betweenpersonalproperty and real propertywhen they set out the rules for which estates are small enough for either an Affidavit procedure or a summary probate procedure. In Texas, the cost is $20 for the first copy and 3$ for each additional copy. Here are the states that recognize common law marriages now, or did in the past and still will honor such marriage if a relationship began before such common law marriages were abolished by state law: Alabama(recognized by the courts, not expressly allowed by state law), Florida (if relationship began beore 1968), Georgia (if relationship began before 1997), Idaho (if relationship began before 1996), Indiana (if relationship began before 1958), Oklahoma (recognized by the courts, not expressly allowed by state law), Pennsylvannia(if relationship began before 2005), Rhode Island (recognized by the courts, not expressly allowed by state law), GoogleSearch LegalConsumer content. | 08/01/2022, STATUS CHECK; JUDICIAL OFFICER: ALLF, NANCY; HEARING TIME: 10:30 AM; COMMENT: STATUS CHECK: STAY OF CASE, NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER; COMMENT: [48] NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER DENYING DEFENDANTS MOTIONS TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE, Clark County Nevada Court | Personal Injury But if you need more as the process of administering a trust or estate goes on, you can order more yourself by contacting the state or county's vital records office. 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