gender neutral choir names

Guest blogger Joshua Palkki is Assistant Professor of Vocal/Chorus Music Education at the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music at California State University, Long Beach. Your graduation ceremony survival guide for a day to remember, Graduation Ideas: How to have a memorable day. A persons sex is determined at birth by their biological body parts, but their gender is a social construct that can be chosen and reflect what a person knows they are. 11. Bao - This Vietnamese name means treasure. There may, in fact, be transgender singers in your chorus, even though you dont know it. Consider logistics related to tour/travel/housing for GLBTQ students and all members of the ensemble. Fun Fact: Mount Tatum is part of the Alaska Range in Denali National Park, Alaska. Lily was in the Womens Choir last year because that is where she personally identied, but she was unable to sing the majority of repertoire throughout the year because of range limitations. Have you checked if a suitable website domain name is available? Sometimes, long baby names seem to be more appealing for a boy or a girl, but short names often do the trick when searching for unisex options. How to Become a Barrister: 6 Things You What to Expect from Your Winter Graduation. They can also include baby names traversing the traditional gender line, such . Haven 7. Fun Fact: In Welsh myths, Dylan ail Don was a sea-god. AERO AINSLEY ALEXIS AMARI ANGEL ARDEN ARI ARIEL ARMANI ARTEMIS ASHTON AUBREY AUGUST AVERY BECKETT BELLAMY BLAKE BRIAR CAMERON/KAMRYN CARTER/KARTER CHANDLER CHARLIE DAKOTA DALLAS DARCY DENVER DIOR DREW DYLAN EASTON ECHO EDEN ELLIOTT ELLIS EMERSON EMERY/EMORY EZRA FALLON FINLEY FRANKIE GENESIS document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Encore Tours They both have a rebellious "bad boy" persona as well as similar physical characteristics, such as dark hair and tattoos. If youre planning on keeping your performances small scale and local, then a conflict in names with another choir shouldnt be too problematic. Gender is not a binary (male/female) and not everyone prefers to be affiliated with a gender identity (as one participant in my dissertation study said, I think gender is dumb and I really dont see the need to have one). Fun Fact: Evan Hansen is the main character in the Broadway show Dear Evan Hansen.. Once you have a list of your top three or so its time to test it on the public. Its not common for a trans woman to be singing in the soprano range, except in really rare situations and unless they have an incredibly trained voice, says Ramseyer Miller. While theres a lot to think about, we recommend trying not to go for the overused, generic option of heading straight for the first automatic vocal name generator you find on Google. Name tags should be worn by all singers (cis and trans) and the artistic director, so that transgender people are not singled out. Les Arts Florissants French for The Arts Flourishing, this is an acclaimed and worldwide early music group. But depending on the method used, tightness of the binder, how long its worn, and the age and experience of the singer, binding can also negatively affect breathing and, therefore, singing. Including (origins), "meanings", and nicknames. There truly is no shortage of options for good gender-neutral baby names. Fun Fact: Shawn Michaels is also known as the Heartbreak Kid, and he is a legend in the world of professional wrestling. Audition materials are a key source of information about your chorus, so it is important that they include a trans-affirming statement (see No. When a singer identies female, has a solidly tenor vocal range, and wants to sing in the womens choir? Aspen - This American name means quaking tree. 11). Fun Fact: Marin Boulevard is a main road in Jersey City, New Jersey. At Encore, we believe that music travel not only p, Thanks @revfredsmall for sharing these beautiful p, There have been so many wonderful highlights to sh, 7 Tips to Make Your Choir Inclusive of Gender Diversity, 'Creating a Welcoming Space for Transgender and Non-Binary Singers', Download free Safe Space stickers here from GLSEN, Artists from Around the World to Support This Black History Month, Prelude 2023 Recap: Experience the Beauty and Culture of Budapest, 10 Fabulous Pieces for High-Level Youth Orchestras Part 1, 10 Inspirational Quotes About Music and Travel, Protection Plans Now With Enhanced Cancellation Coverage. The same applies to mens ensembles wanting to include transgender men. Make audition materials trans friendly. Meanings, origins, popularity, and variations for 100 gender-neutral names. There are a number of terms people use to identify their gender. Works Cited: Beemyn, G., & Rankin, S. R. (2011). Judge and Barrister wigs. Its crucial not to assume everyone will know the story or connotations of your choirs name straight off the bat. Simply put, if you dont know, ask! Beemyn, G., & Rankin, S. R. (2011). Amber has had a testosterone imbalance her entire life. Providing a third, more gender-neutral, option can also create room for transgender people. By Donna Murray, RN, BSN Invite all singers to audition for any solo that ts their vocal range. In rehearsal, I sometimes find myself saying gentlemen, Thomas admits. A gender-neutral name, or unisex name, is a given name that is not gender-specific. The androgynous names on this list were researched using websites like BabyCenter to find their origins and meanings. Avoid using gendered language in rehearsal and performance. Fun Fact: Lord & Taylor is a high-end department store that was founded in New York in 1826. Ariel - This Hebrew name means lion of God. Your email address will not be published. While that is an important aspect that is addressed by these recommendations, the musical training and experience conductors already have provide a strong foundation to do that work. Similar to changes in adolescent AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth) people during puberty, this is often accompanied by a period of instability and a reduced range before the voice settles. Fun Fact: Disney Pixars film Inside Out takes place inside the head of Riley Anderson. You may believe it will help to prevent gender stereotyping or sexism in your childs future. Fun Fact: Keegan is an English translation and modification of the Irish clan name MacAodhagain. Seattle Pro Musica, for example, uses name tags that include the persons first name and pronouns, says Thomas. Now I am nally seated in the tenor section. The roots of the name are of Arabic origin. Hopefully, these guidelines provide a more genuine and creative way for. Fun Fact: Cameron is the name of a crater on the moon. Cool Gender-Neutral Baby Names. Your name is often the first taste people get of your choirs purpose and personality. There are pros and cons of choosing arbitrary choir names, some examples of these types of choir names look odd and could be a name for anything out of context meaning people may not realise what your choir is about. Fun Fact: In medieval times, Noel was often given to a child born around Christmas. Choruses seek to foster an open, welcoming culture, but some practices can exclude and cause pain for transgender singers. I started singing in choir in 8th grade. Fun Fact: The River Shannon is Irelands longest river. This was my simple attempt at getting to know my students and learn about their struggles and triumphs. Instead of womens or mens choruses they are called soprano-alto or tenor-bass. Its cumbersome, says Thomas, but at least it addresses the issue, and maybe in a couple years, language will have evolved and well have shorter, easier names. In my own experience, I was really touched when a chorus dropped the word women from its name before asking me, a genderqueer person, to audition. This is likely due to the creative freedom and wanting a memorable or catchy name that will stick in the minds of your audience. Read on for our guide to how to choose choir names for your vocal group and some tips and tricks for picking choir names. singers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. In other words, make sure people who arent connected to your choir, such as audience members, can understand the context of your name and what it is your singing group does. Rene. @2020 - Evess. Looking for further reading on how to make your chorus culture more inclusive of transgender singers? All Right Reserved. [email protected] Lambert identifies as a gay and bi-curious male; Levine is a straight male, who is open about and supportive of his brother's gay identity. Seattle Pro Musica rebranded its small ensembles. Based on this conversation, a personalized voice part plan can be devised. From our director workshops and professional networking events to our scholarship programs for young musicians, we continue to give back to our musical communities year-round. As part of Encore Tours' effort tocontinue the conversationafter the2017 Chorus America Conference, we've asked Dr. Palkki to expand upon his contribution to the'Creating a Welcoming Space for Transgender and Non-Binary Singers'session. Jamie: My singing voice is very important to me, and just be-cause I am an alto (mezzo-soprano range) doesnt change the fact that it is my voice, and therefore is a boys voice. Tracy. While it can seem challenging to completely make up a new word, there are simple ways to form a fanciful choir name for your singing group. Stephanie Trump is Director of Choirs at Armstrong High School and Director of the Womens Chorale at University of Northwestern, St. Paul. You may believe theres no need to work on gender inclusion because there arent any transgender singers in your chorus, or maybe because youre not an LGBTQ+ ensemble. But it is a place to begin. After this stage, there are other practical considerations before you go ahead with the final decision. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Fun Fact: Robin is Batmans crime-fighting right-hand man in the world of DC Comics. And traditional choral practices that divide singers into gendered categoriesreferring to sopranos and altos as ladies and tenors and basses as men or requiring gender-specific clothingcan heighten these feelings of discomfort. Male and Female Clergy Shirts: How to Choose a Clerical Shirt, Nursery Graduation Outfit: How to Prepare Your Child For Graduation Day, 5 tips on How to Celebrate Graduation Day 2023. If our primary responsibility is the vocal development of our singers, how do we respond to these kinds of questions? Some may also choose to reclaim a middle name as a first name if it feels like more of a fit with their identity. Roughly 0.6 percent of the U.S. population is transgender. Fun Fact: Kendall Mountain is a ski destination in Colorado. Fun Fact: An Orca whale named Morgan lives at Loro Parque in Spain. 2) Haruka, pronounced HA-ROO-KA meaning "spring" or "fragrance". Some Examples of descriptive choir names are: Cambridge University Symphony Chorus Bristol A Cappella Jazz Choir Scotland Camden Voices As simple as descriptive names might be for your choir, there are a variety of different ways you can express your choir's message. The name, Sierra Nevada, means snow covered mountains. Learning more and more about the industry throughout his time working for the company, and so following much research, Dominic is able to offer help, guidance and provide information in specific areas of the Graduation and Legal sectors. When posting for singer auditions keep language about voice parts gender-neutral. Fun Fact: Peyton Place is the name of a novel, a film, and a soap opera. Arlo 3. The Transgender Singing Voice Conference was held at Earlham College in January 2017, and the Trans Voices Festival hosted by One Voice Mixed Chorus will take place April 13 and 14, 2018, in Minneapolis. Fun Fact: In ancient Egypt, Shai (Shay) was the God of Fate and Destiny. Fun Fact: Clarinets, saxophones, and some other instruments use a reed in the mouthpiece to make the musical sound. But thats often not the case for singers who are transgender. Fun Fact: John Wesley is one of the founders of the Methodist movement and the Methodist Church. I agonized over whether I could go through with it, but ultimately decided to order the dress. Attire is an important way in which all people, trans and cis, represent ourselves to the world, and forcing singers to wear clothes incongruent with their gender identity can be especially uncomfortable for transgender singers who already struggle to have their identities respected. Fun Fact: Lois Lane is a well-known comic book character and Supermans romantic partner. Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 She identies female, but vocally presents as a low tenor/baritone. Not everyone who looks like a man wants to be referred to as he, and not everyone who looks like a woman likes to be called she. Getting pronouns right is a crucial part of affirming someones gender identity. Top 10 baby names of 2020. Avery: A name of British origin meaning "ruler of elves." Baylor: A popular name for boys and girls meaning "one who delivers goods." Bellamy: A gender-neutral name of French origin that means "good friend." Billie: A German name meaning "high protector." Blair: A Scottish name meaning "field" or "meadow." Include a statement that the chorus is open and affirming to transgender people in organization documentation, and adopt a gender-neutral language statement. Its also important that you check to see if your chosen choir name is already taken. If youre struggling to think up a name, why not have a brainstorming session with a few members of your choir and see what you come up with? Fun Fact: Lady Justice is a statue seen at courthouses and other legal places. World Opera Day is held every year on October 25. Fun Fact: Sydney is the largest city in Australia and a top tourist destination. There is some crossover between unisex and gender-neutral names and nonbinary names, but names in the nonbinary group are used equally for babies of any sex and do not identify with either gender, such as Charlie and Lowen. A few that may be particularly helpful: All singers should feel safe in our choirsregardless of gender identity. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. For example, is there already a choir with the same name? Fun Fact: In the Bible, Jesse is the father of King David. Then Ill be like, Oops, tenors and basses, Im sorry. Even with the best intentions, missteps or oversights will occur. Consider the implications of gendered language in chorus names. For many singers he has known and interviewed, musicwas not aplace of refuge, it was not a safe space because of how gendered their choralexperience was.. Combining two existing words is a popular way to create fanciful choir names, you can see some examples of this clever wordplay below: There are a few options you can take with the non-descriptive route however, its not unusual to combine the two methods. Joshua received hisPh.Din music education (choral conducting cognate) from Michigan State University; his dissertation explored the experiences of three transgender students in high school choral programs. All singers should feel safe and welcome. Accept Read More. For instance, when I was in grad school, my chorus started asking the "women to wear dresses. Uniforms can be formal, such as a tuxedo, a dress, concert black, etc. Directors who have limited experience with transgender singers may feel unsure of their ability to support us. Fun Fact: Sasha Williams is a firefighter turned sniper on the TV series The Walking Dead. 7. Fun Fact: Alex is the name of the African lion who escapes from New Yorks Central Park Zoo in the animated film Madagascar. identies as gender-uid and is a low alto/high tenor in terms of range. You might not want to sound too trendy, or you might really want your choir name to roll off the tongue. When Im in choir, differences dont matter; gender, race, sexual orientation, trans. What may require more leaning and effort is creating a welcoming culture throughout your organization. In the audition setting ask new and returning singers their preferred pronoun or include this question on your audition form for each student to fill out. I still dont fully know what I dont know, but I sure am trying. However, a positive of these kinds of names is that they are often memorable and unique. Fun Fact: The USS Greer was a United States Navy destroyer warship. Whether you're part of a church choir, community choir, a capella group, boy band, girl group, or another type of singing group, see our list of more than 70 group names below or scroll below the list for tips on creating your own singing group name ideas! August 5. When referring to the entire ensemble, instead of men and women, try singers or folks. In performance settings, welcome the audience as honored guests or everyone instead of ladies and gentlemen.. Japanese Gender Neutral Baby Names About Fragrance If you are looking for a name with a beautiful meaning, here are some Japanese unisex names that mean 'fragrance'. Addison: Child of Adam Adrian: Of the sea, dark one, or from Hadria Aiden: Fiery one Alex: Defender or protector of humankind Andy: "strong and manly" Angel: Messenger of God . Assign voice parts and invite solo auditions based on voice, not gender expression. Below are some ways that choral conductor-teachers can be supportive and inclusive of transgender singers (this is far from an exhaustive listfor more advice, see Miller (2016) and Palkki (2017). Transgender people are not a monolithic groupit's hard to make simple recommendations that will serve all of them welland this list is by no means comprehensive. Arden: An English name meaning "valley of the eagle," but it also has origins in Hebrew as a word for the garden of Eden. Fun Fact: The Kennedy family is one of the most prominent political families in U.S. history. Patton 10. Real progress can be made if we open our minds and hearts to explore the reality of our students journey so that we may provide the tools and setting to enable all to successfully experience making music. Amber sang in the Varsity Womens Choir with Lily last year. You can draw on the power of metaphor and analogy to create positive associations about your choir in the minds of your audience. Advantages of these sorts of choir names include showing a sense of pride of place, especially if you are from a well-known city like Cambridge. Her article inspired me to consider how I can better serve my students. "Its a messy world, and gender is a messy thing, and were all going to make mistakes, says Ramseyer Miller. I sincerely hope that you will take some time to consider how to include all singers. Reconsider the names of your ensembles to match the identity of the ensemble. Fun Fact: Dakota is the name of a Native American tribe, a language, and two states in the US: North and South Dakota. Avery - This French name means elf king. They were a family who upheld the law in Medieval Ireland. Fun Fact: August is from the name Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. Solo auditions: Invite singers to audition for any solo that fits their voice range. I was always an alto. Fun Fact: Scout Finch is the narrator and young daughter of Atticus Finch in Harper Lees novel To Kill a Mockingbird. : I have always had a lower voice. At CSULB, he leads the University Choir, teaches courses in music education, interfaces with the College of Education, and mentors graduate students in music education. Here are just a few examples from my list - Unique: Pax, Ever, Lennox, Hartley, Kit 1) and use section names instead of gendered language (see No. If a singer says they dont feel welcome, safe, or included, instead of becoming defensive, try seeing it as an opportunity to learn. Another possibility is a dress code with rules about color and length, allowing singers to choose what to wear within those parameters. 3. In a past Choral Journal article, Jane Ramseyer Miller addresses the topic of Creating Choirs that Welcome Transgender SIngers. Parker. French for The Arts Flourishing, this is an acclaimed and worldwide early music group. Nonbinary people may also choose to identify as genderfluid, agender, genderqueer, or enby. Fun Fact: There are many towns with the name of Addison throughout the United States. The most important thing is that choral conductor-teachers take the time to consider these issues and that they beunafraid to have conversations about gender and how it plays out in the choral environment. I distinctly remember putting the dress on for the first time, and I felt sick tomy stomach. 2. No wonder then, that peoples nerves often set in when they start overthinking about choir name ideas. When a story is added to these types of choir names, they make sense. Some of Steeles singers refrain from doing anything that might draw attention to their chests, like taking in a large breath, she says, so we have physical and emotional components at play. While it is not appropriate to ask singers if they bind, just as we would not ask cis people what kind of undergarments they wear, it helps to be sensitive to the fact that some trans singers bind and may benefit from assistance with breath support and dealing with the binder, says Steele. As a lifelong singer, what are your thoughts or concerns about your voice throughout this process of change? Inclusivity in action: Transgender students in the choral classroom. For example, the names Dana, Ashley, and Leslie were once mainly used for boys but are now increasingly common for girls. Fun Fact: Cassidy is the name of a song by The Grateful Dead. 2). Fun Fact: London Bridge Is Falling Down is a traditional childrens song and game. This practice will also benefit the many cis women who sing tenor. Amari 2. This article is not intended to provide answers, but to merely spark and encourage more meaningful conversations. I have this fear, says Valverde, that if one of my trans students comes in for an audition theyre going to be pigeonholed because of their gender expression. For instance, a singer who is not perceived as feminine enough may be excluded from auditioning for a womens solo line, even though she could sing the part beautifully. Explaining how these changes create a safer and more welcoming environment for all singers and why that is important to your choir can be an effective strategy with those who raise concerns. Artistic directors already have the tools they need, says Steele. Assign voice parts and invite solo auditions based on voice, not gender expression. Jamie: Everyone in choir is very accepting of me, and Ive made a lot of good friends through choir. They are sometimes considered Americas version of a royal family. There is a sense of honesty in choral music that is important, says Timothy Shantz, chorus master of the Calgary Philharmonic Chorus in Calgary, Alberta. Fun Fact: Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of United States of America. I dont want any extra attention. 2. It can be a somewhat tedious process, but everybody gets really invested and it helps build group cohesion with every member feeling represented and respected. It was discovered in Montana in 2010. Thomas admits she was once one of those who would just go with the status quo but she found that one day it hits you upside the head. She remembers thinking to herself, If I was a new singer moving to Seattle and I wanted to audition for choirs, I wouldnt audition for my own choir because I dont want to wear a dress. With the help of a singer task force, the chorus has since created new, more gender-inclusive guidelines for attire along with other adjustments to welcome trans singers. In a large-scale study of nearly 3,500 transgender people, participants used 603 unique identifiers to describe their gender identity (Beemyn & Rankin, 2011). 2. Fun Fact: Blakes 7 was the name of a British sci-fi TV show that ran from 1978 to 1981. A common theme in the performing world is for the performing group (s) to appear uniform or consistent so as to demonstrate unity in the ensemble, whether it be a band, choir, orchestra, or some other musical group. You also may believe your chorus is already welcoming, but without realizing it or intending to cause harm, you may employ practices and language that exclude and hurt transgender singers. What are the positive elements of singing in choir for you? : Im afraid of losing my range and my voice becoming scratchy and hard to sing with and losing my vibrato/voice quality that Ive worked very hard for. Im proud of my singing voice, and the fact that it is higher than I want it to be doesnt change that I enjoy singing. Fun Fact: Charlie the Tuna is the well-known mascot for StarKist Tuna. Easton 6. If you are also on the lookout for a set of choir robes, check out our colourful range. Fun Fact: Jo March is one of the main characters in Louisa May Alcotts Little Women. Unique gender-neutral baby names Amari eternal/immortal Amory home strength/ruler Brooklyn one who lives near a brook/a borough in New York City Campbell from the beautiful field Clay to stick together Easton from the east town Eden place of pleasure Ember spark/burning low Grayson son of the steward Grey grey-haired/pleasant Fun Fact: Devon is also the name of a county in England. Jan. Those are names that have been used pretty evenly for both boys and girls. My voice also breaks a lot, and I have a lot of transitions between tenor/alto and alto/soprano spots in my voice. Fun Fact: Hunter Hearst Helmsley is the professional wrestler who goes by the name of Triple H. Fun Fact: Jayden Shiba is the Red Ranger and the 18th leader of the Samurai Power Rangers. She stays in touch, but was not able to contribute responses to the following questions. They might be at the other end of the country. Fun Fact: Frankie Stein is the name of Frankensteins daughter in the doll collection and animated show Monster High. Social Security Administration: Popular Baby Names, 150 Unisex & Gender-Neutral Names for Your Baby. Lily was encouraged to sing in the Mens Choir for vocal range, but did not identify with that ensemble. For example: The Sixteen This group were originally an unnamed choir of sixteen good friends who decided to name themselves after the number of members, this UK choir is now one of the best in the world. Fun Fact: Yo, Adrian! is an iconic movie quote from the 1976 movie Rocky. As a genderqueer person, someone who is not either a man or a woman, I myself have experienced gender dysphoriabecause of my involvement in choral singing. It is a name that can be used regardless of the sex assigned at birth to the child and does not serve as a gender marker. As professionals, we work to meet the needs of each of our singers by identifying inclusive language and changing the habits that can alienate singers. Resource List for Welcoming Transgender Singers. Have a go at phrasing your choir in as many ways as possible and circle the ones you like. As mentioned before, these decisions are based on your choir and vocal groups own goals and objectives. Required fields are marked *. If you're looking for a baby name that's not commonly used, look through these 13 unique gender neutral names below. 11. What do we call our choirs? Another route for naming your choir can come from choosing non-descriptive choir names. Fun Fact: If you add an apostrophe between the J and a and you get Jaime which is French for I like or I love.. In contrast, the voices of AMABs who take estrogen do not typically get higher. It is a statement of who you are as a singing group and an indication of what people can expect from your performances. Check out the most popular unisex baby name ideas. Fun Fact: John Lennon is one of the co-founders of the English rock band The Beatles. Once you know the meaning of the word, this name makes perfect sense for a choir! Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Palkki, J. Im not sure how it came about, but two of them wear a tuxedo and bow tie. Nadine put together the choir after years of being told she could not sing, and the result is a musical experience quite unlike any other. *This piece was originally published in the Spring 2017 volume of the Interval. Are we truly aware of the needs of our students? Although focused on transgender singers, the following steps can help your chorus become more gender-inclusive, so that it is safe and affirming for all singers, of all genders. Are you looking for a nonbinary name for either yourself or your child? Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. Post a rainbow sticker or other visible symbol of support as an LGBT ally in your classroom or studio. Read our, 100 Popular and Unique Gender-Neutral Baby Names For Your Baby, 100 Celtic Baby Names: Meanings & Origins, 38 Baby Names That Start With the Letter "O". A few that may be particularly helpful: all singers should feel safe in our choirsregardless of gender.! Fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research or your child your choirs purpose and personality of friends. Based on your choir can come from choosing non-descriptive choir names, they make.! Is Irelands longest River may be particularly helpful: all singers for either yourself or your child October 25 experience. Also on the moon pain for transgender people for singers who are transgender go through with,. When referring to the entire ensemble, instead of men and women try! 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Comic book character and Supermans romantic partner breaks a lot of transitions between tenor/alto alto/soprano. And effort is creating a welcoming culture throughout your organization on for the first Roman Emperor is creating a culture! U.S. history, option can also create room for transgender singers may unsure. Batmans crime-fighting right-hand man in the doll collection and animated show Monster High such as low... Tatum is part of affirming someones gender identity the word, this is iconic... ; gender, race, sexual orientation, trans: Lord & Taylor is a high-end store... John Lennon is one of the Alaska range in Denali National Park, MN 55443 She identies female, ultimately. 55443 She gender neutral choir names female, but vocally presents as a low alto/high tenor in terms of use and Policy. Scientist and Fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research a suitable website domain is! 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gender neutral choir names