2020-2021 Audition Piece: Deep River. Other News and Announcements. 2017-Present: Regent University - Assistant Professor of Music, 2009-Present: Virginia Beach Chorale - Artistic Director & Conductor, 2000-Present: Heritage United Methodist Church - Director of Music Ministries, 2004-2019: Visual & Performing Arts Academy @ Salem High School - Vocal Strand Chair, 1989-2007: Salem High School - Director of Choral Music Education, 1987-1993: Courthouse Community United Methodist Church - Choir Director/Pianist, 1986-1989: Princess Anne Junior High School - Choral Director, 1983-1985: Greater Tidewater Chapter of Sweet Adelines International - Director, 1982-1986: Commodore Chorus, Norfolk, VA chapter of SPEBSQSA (BHS) - Director, 1975-1986: Holland Elementary School - Music Specialist, 2019 by Don Krudop Last updated - February 16, 2023, Don Krudop is Artistic Director and Conductor of the. AUDITION AND COURSE SELECTION INFORMATION "AUDITIONS" will be held on February 22, 23, and 24 after school. All-Virginia Middle School Honor Choir Parent and Singer FAQs . The men of Deep Run really made their voices heard at auditions for the 2018 Virginia All-State Chorus. When: Thursday, February 7th, 2019 - Check in: 4:45pm. 100% preshrunk cotton. Auditions for District Choir are held at Centreville High School on November 10th at either 8:30-9:30 AM - A Block or 12:00-1:00 PM - B Block. The All-District Honor Choir is an opportunity for singers from District 12 to rehearse challenging music, and work with a renowned choral conductor at an advanced level. Opus Events will be used again to host the online auditions and the structure will be very similar to the auditions from the last two years. Provided by Prince William County Schools (PWCS) T he Virginia Music Educat ors Association (VMEA) selected 49 Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) high school students for the 2021 All-Virginia Chorus, Band, and Orchestra. Members of Virginia ACDA work to bring the principles of ACDA to our own singers.We connect annually at Voices United, our state's conference held in conjunction with our colleagues from Maryland, Delaware, and DC in early August at George Mason University.. Pulaski County High School saw 17 choir students ranging from freshmen to seniors participating in the Virginia Choir Director's Association Senior All-District Chorus last weekend in Abingdon. Block 3 - Chamber Choir. Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, any student in grades 9-12 who auditioned for and was selected for District Chorus may also audition for All-Virginia Chorus. Pictured, front row from left, are choir members Lia Neilson, Kayla Hall, London Volpe, Kendall . Start Now. If your student(s) have not auditioned by 8 pm, they (and you) need to stay to finish the auditions. Sizes S-3XL. The student must participate in the District Chorus event to be allowed to participate in the All-Virginia Chorus if selected. The All-State Concert Schedule is as follows: All-State Vocal Jazz & Jazz Ensemble, Friday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m. (Pocono Mt. Tardiness may negatively impact audition eligibility. (In past years, the All-VA auditions were limited to juniors and seniors; now they are open to all four grade levels.) West HS) All-State Chorus and Wind Ensemble, Saturday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. (Kalahari Convention Center) All-State Concert Band and Orchestra, Saturday, April 22 at 3:30 p.m. (Kalahari Convention Center) Concert . Congratulations on your acceptance to All-District Chorus! Forgot Username or Password. Welcome to the homepage of the Virginia Choral Directors' Association District 15. Auditions for this chorus take place on Thursday evening at the February District Chorus event. Students will sing the selected song first, then sight-sing second. Separate middle school and high school events are held for band, orchestra, and chorus. 38 Fifth St. NE February 2022 - Adjudicator - VCDA District 2 All-Virginia Chorus auditions Keller was the number one Bass 2 in the district. Tardiness may negatively impact audition eligibility. Events. Honors Chorus All-District Chorus All-District Chorus Assessment All-State Chorus . Senior Regional Orchestra Event - EC Glass Hs . Please use this website to find important information. The All-Virginia Audition solo (same as for November District Chorus auditions) is at the link below. . ALL-VIRGINIA CHORUS. A chapter may field a chorus to compete in Mid-Atlantic District contests. Searchable Lists Are Now Online. This is an extremely rich, valuable culminating experience for those seniors who are chosen as delegates. Block 2 - Treble Choir. These students auditioned in November and were chosen as members of this prestigious choir. Each year the All District Chorus performances are powerful and memorable. Audition Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022 (at the District Event). Soprano and Tenors will sight-read in the keys of Eb, F, or G major. website builder. Current Choral Director at Granby High School. In addition, he has served as Guest Chorus Master for Symphonicity (the symphony orchestra of Virginia Beach) and was Guest Conductor for the Norfolk, VA Choristers Guild. District 7 Orchestra is open to string players grade 9-12 and Wind/Brass/Percussion players in grades 10-12. The audition solo is the same solo that is used for District Chorus auditions in the fall. Gloucester, Va. 23061 All-Virginia Audition Results: The daughter of Mike and Debbie . They will perform this song and a sight-singing exercise in a blind audition setting for a pair of judges. Proudly created with Wix.com, "I Attempt from Love's Sickness" Audio Examples. Honor Ensembles. Meeting Minutes The Pulaski County High School Choral Department saw a large number of students successfully audition for the Virginia Choral Directors Association District 7 All-District Chorus. Don has been honored to be the Guest Conductor for: All-District Choruses in Virginia's Districts I, II, VI, VII, XIII, XIV, and XV, All-City & All-County Choruses throughout Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and New Jersey. PLEASE be sure students show up on time auditions start EARLY before the rehearsals start so you dont have to stay late. District Honors Chorus members participate in a few mandatory after-school rehearsals to learn the music. the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts (Virginia Beach, VA), the Ferguson Center for the Arts (Newport News, VA), and, have performed as the MainStage chorus for the Virginia Arts Festival's acclaimed "International Tattoo.". I am so happy that musicians of this caliber will be representing PCHS at District Chorus.. The mission of ACDA is to inspire excellence and nurture lifelong involvement in choral music for everyone through education, performance, composition and advocacy. Page Middle School chorus students attended the District Chorus event at Warhill High School Feb. 10 and 11. Events. All Arlington schools are assigned to District 12. . Dates: Friday, February 10 and Saturday, February 11, 2023. More info will come from Jacob in the fall. Parkside Middle School; 8602 Mathis Ave., Manassas, VA 20110; Phone 703-361-3106; Fax 703-257-4878 Sight-reading IS REQUIRED at this audition. Though similar to . PO Box 391 The audition for this highly select ensemble is extremely rigorous, and takes place every year at Longwood University. SCHOOLS By MELINDA WILLIAMS Student will be given 30 seconds to look at it. All District Chorus: Middle School - Students will rehearse and perform at Marshall High School, February 8-9, 2019. At Regent, he conducts the touring ensemble. He is a VMEA/VCDA-certified adjudicator (through 2027) and serves as a festival clinician for Festivals of Music and Music in the Parks choral festivals and as in-house Choral Coach for Complete Custom Itinerary Service (CCIS Travel); He has been a panel adjudicator for District Choral Assessments and has judged VMEA Senior Honors, All-Virginia, & All-District Chorus auditions. Jewell, Knappa school boards join chorus of criticism. The student will hear the tonic chord and 5 note scale. Symphonic Chorus; Vocal Arts Ensemble; Annandale Campus Youth Choruses; Members Area; Auditions . . The Choir performs at the VMEA Annual Conference in mid-November. Fax: 804-693-7844 Audition Window - Monday October 24, 2022 - Thursday November 3, 2022. Children's Chorus. Please note that all singers wishing to audition for All-Virginia Chorus may only miss one rehearsal segment, with prior permission from the All-District Committee. 2021 All Virginia Music Concert Link. I would like to encourage . of Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia, While at Shenandoah, he studied conducting with, , Grammy award winner & Conductor Emeritus of the. Audition Cost - $8.50. News and Information for Gloucester and Mathews, Virginia, Thursday, March 02, 2023 Vol. from the All-District Committee. This policy provides equal access to courses and programs, counseling services, physical education and athletics, vocational education, instructional materials and extra-curricular activities. AUDITION DEADLINE: thru Opus Events - See Website, Treble Choir (TC) is for 6th and 7th grade sopranos and altos, Mixed Choir (MC) is for 8th sopranos and altos and 6th -8th grade tenors and basses, Philip Keirstead, Marsteller Middle School, All-VA Chorus HS & ACDA Honor Choir MS. . RISING 9TH GRADERS- Please select CONCERT CHOIR on your CRF card. The Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) selected 49 Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) high school students for the 2021 All-Virginia Chorus, Band, and Orchestra. EVENT FEE: TBD (in the past this fee has been around $200.00). Students who qualify and wish to pursue this opportunity must prepare an audition song in advance. We are excited to return to in-person music making this year, and look forward to meeting you and your student. At Regent, he conducts the touring ensembleVox Coelestis, and teachesConductingand Hymnology. Toured as a soloist in 2019 to sing in 5 cities in Italy. Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal Attention students - The sheet music and accompaniment files for District Chorus have been added to the District Chorus Auditions page. If you have any questions, ask your middle school director. Jan. 7, 2023. Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in Music Education, degrees from the Shenandoah Conservatory of Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia, and the, Master of Education (ME) in Administration. This web page is beingtranslatedthrough "machine translation" using Google Translate. The following students have been selected for the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association (VBODA) District 12 Honors Band and Virginia Choral Directors Association (VCDA) District 12 Honors Choir. Altos and Basses will sight-read in the keys of A, Bb, or D major. Report abuse . (an 80-voice community choir based in the resort city). EVENTS con't. M arch 2022 - Conductor - the Vox Coelestis ensemble is the featured ensemble at the 2022 Virginia Beach "State of the City" address . District Chorus Audition. The dates of the one-day All State festivities are as follows: Saturday, May 14, 2022 - Junior Chorus, Senior Chorus. Any students who are representatives of their schools at District Chorus (those accepted to represent their school even though their audition score was not high enough to be placed in a choir) are not eligible for All-Virginia. Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association events: Regional Orchestra Marching Band Assessment All-District Band . VMEA has divided the state into sixteen districts. If you do not have an account with us, please, Copyright 2023 Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal, Deadline Sunday for 2023 Governors Fellows Program. Jan. 14 (snow date) District Band Auditions - Freeman HS. Date: November 8th, 2022 Location: Harrisonburg High School Times: A block of time will be given for each school - perhaps even back to back to reduce time per school. It shows their resilience as they continue to move forward. All Virginia Jazz Ensemble and Senior Honor Choir. VMEA Honors Choir All 12th grade students enrolled in their school choral programs are eligible to audition with the recommendation of their school choral director. VCDA District 13 . Students are taken in first-come-first-serve order. District Event Agreement with Covid Guidance. The mission of FCS remains steadfast: to serve the community by . Auditions - Adult Choruses (Ages 19+) Auditions - Youth Choruses (Ages 5-19) . Chandra Harmon Retired Choir Director at Carroll County High School Austinville, Virginia, United States 192 connections Current Chairman of District II's Choral Assessments. The 2022 Senior Honor Choir Auditions will be held at the 2022 VMEA Conference in Richmond. The Virginia Choral Directors Association is broken down into 16 Districts with high school and college groups from throughout the Commonwealth involved. Digital Citizenship: Shared Responsibility, Google Workspace for Education in the Classroom, Google Workspace Information for Students and Parents, Differences Between Parent and Student Accounts: Schoology, Parent and Guardian Communication Tools: Schoology, Welcome FCPS Parents and Guardians to Schoology, Student Information System (SIS) for FCPS, SIS Parent Account - Weekly Progress Report Emails, Student Information System (SIS) - ParentVUE Mobile App, Student Information System (SIS) - StudentVUE Mobile App, Student Information System (SIS) StudentVUE, Student Information System - SIS Parent Account Overview, Annual Audit Plan, Audit Reports, and External Reviews, External Reviews - Audits From Outside FCPS, Anna-Lisa Annan, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Anna Broderdorf, Longfellow Middle School, Charlotte Davidson, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Richard Eicholtz, Washington Irving Middle School, Jonas Ethington, Luther Jackson Middle School, Haasini Govindu, Rachel Carson Middle School, Sambhav Jain, Rachel Carson Middle School, Jaclynn Johnson, South County Middle School, Shravya Kamasamudram, Rachel Carson Middle School, Kiana Kamran, Washington Irving Middle School, Yuko Keener, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Shirom Kumar, Rachel Carson Middle School, Zoey Lee, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Bethany Lindorf, Rachel Carson Middle School, Charlotte Maddox, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Sydney Mersinger, South County Middle School, Genesis Montano, South County Middle School, Gretchen Peresta, South County Middle School, Anabelle Perez Caban, Frost Middle School, Hadiya Pirzada, South County Middle School, Adrian Pudasaini, Rachel Carson Middle School, Tommy Ritchey, Luther Jackson Middle School, Madison Rogers, Rachel Carson Middle School, Rounawk Sinha, Rachel Carson Middle School, Joshua Sisung, Rachel Carson Middle School, Madison Truitt, South County Middle School, Anya Varghese, Rachel Carson Middle School. AUDITION DATES: February 9, 2023 (snow date is February 17, 2022) EVENT DATES: April 27 - 29, 2023 Richmond, VA (do not audition if you have conflicts) WHERE: Audition is held at Briar Woods High School. Early October 2022 . LXXXVI, no. The students performed with other outstanding young vocalists from across the commonwealth on April 23. Repertoire: "I Attempt from Love's Sickness", Click/Tap the Icons Below to Download Sheets. VCDA District 13 . View Map. Historic Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, VA). Please contact the VMEA Senior Honors Choir Chairs with any questions. The VCDA All-District Choir event is being hosted at Washington-Liberty High School Feb. 10-12. More information about the 2022 All-Virginia Chorus is available online. During the auditions, students were required to sing an art song entitled, Whither Must I Wander by Ralph Vaughn Williams and perform a sight-reading exercise. All- Virginia Chorus. Audition Date: February 9, 2023. All Virginia Chorus is an audition-based enrichment opportunity extended to students that participate in District Chorus. Three APS high school students were accepted into the All-Virginia Jazz Ensemble. Centreville High School is in District XI. Solo-Ensemble Music List. We are so proud of our musicians! Winter Concert Series Music in Our Schools Month Concert Series Secondary School Honors Music Concert Jazz . The All-Virginia Choruses performed at JR Tucker High School in Henrico on Saturday, April 23. All-Virginia Choir. Overview; Handy Links; LCHS Fight Song; Volunteer Sign-Up; . The Chorale has commissioned and presented world premiere performances of new choral works, the most recent of which are: In addition to his work with the Chorale, Don is also Director of Music Ministries at, , both in Virginia Beach. The state capital is Richmond. All-District Chorus; Rosenfeld, William - Fine Arts. Click/Tap to download sight reading examples from previous years. The 2022 Senior Honor Choir Auditions will be held at the 2022 VMEA Conference in Richmond. March 2022 - Adjudicator - Cox HS, First Colonial HS, Great Neck MS, Lynnhaven MS Pre-Assessment Concert . Students from throughout Virginia went through a rigorous audition process to compete for spots in this honor choir. Tardiness may negatively impact audition eligibility. This Chorus performs in April. Let us know your new address. Who: Students in grades 9-12, who participate in All-District Chorus, are eligible to audition for All-Virginia Chorus. "Selection for an All-Virginia ensemble represents the highest honor that the Virginia Music Educat ors Association can give to a student and is an extraordinarily . [email protected], By PATRICK FORD examples and the "intro" track for sight-reading at the auditions are also available are at this link. Where: Falls Church HS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Though similar tothe audition for All-DistrictChorus, this audition is more rigorous, because this state-wide ensemble is very select and competitive. The VBODA All-District Band event is being hosted at Herndon High School Feb. 3-5. . White House, Lincoln Memorial, National Cathedral, and National Presbyterian Church (Washington, DC), All-City & All-County Choruses throughout Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and New Jersey, In addition, he has served as Guest Chorus Master for. The registration deadline is . The sight-singing example will be turned face down on music stand. Any student enrolled in chorus is eligible to audition. Thank you to Jennifer Rouse for being the most wonderful guest speaker for our 6th and 7th grade students for our Day of Service Thank you for your service to our community and compassion for schools! All rights reserved. All-Virginia District Assessment Calendar Meeting Minutes Contact All-District Chorus Auditions. Seamless rib at neck; Taped shoulder-to-shoulder. All Virginia Chorus is an audition-based enrichment opportunity extended to students that participate in District Chorus. All students who are selected to, and fully participate in, High School District Chorus are eligible for All-Virginia auditions. 2023-2024 Audition Piece: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind 9 NEW SERIES. Login. He also completed post-graduate studies at Westminster Choir College, George Washington University, Old Dominion University, and was a participant in Eric Whitacre's, He is a Past President of the Virginia Choral Directors Association (VCDA), has served as a member of the Shenandoah University Alumni Board of Directors, was a Repertoire and Standards Chair for the Virginia chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), served as a member of the National Advisory Board for. The vocal range for the sight-reading is from "Ti" (below) to "La" (above) the starting tonic pitch. Double-needle stitching throughout. Block 1 - Planning. about sectional rehearsals and the event itself. WHO: Singers who are accepted into and attend ALL of All-District Chorus. Corner Bakery Cafe has closed its last remaining Arlington location, in the Courthouse neighborhood. The auditions typically take place the first afternoon of District Chorus, and the All-State event takes place in late April (Thursday - Saturday). Auditions for All-State are held during the District Honors Chorus event. All-State Middle School Orchestra. The Virginia Choral Directors Association is broken down into 16 Districts with high school and college groups from throughout the Commonwealth involved. Students are required to sing aprepared solosongand to sight-read asegment of music for the audition. District chorus. : Thursday, February 10, 2022 (at the District Event), selected for District Chorus may also audition for All-Virginia Chorus. Sight-reading IS REQUIRED at this audition. This is the second time that Keller has been selected for this honor. Keys: E flat for Soprano and Tenor; C for Alto and Bass, Note valueswhole, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, Director must be an ACDA member for students to participate, https://www.vaacda.org/middle-school-allva-2023-1. degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach. District Concert Assessment. WHO: Singers who are accepted into and attend ALL of All-District Chorus, AUDITION DATES: February 9, 2023(snow date is February 17, 2022), EVENT DATES: April 27 29, 2023Richmond, VA (do not audition if you have conflicts), WHERE: Audition is held at Briar Woods High School, AUDITION DETAILS: Whither Must I Wander and one sight-reading exercise. P.O. The event takes place in early February at a local high school and consists of two days of rehearsal anda culminatingperformance, both with the guest conductor. FCPS students selected for the groups in 2022 are: Band. WWII Veteran Raymond H. Riggs turns 100 years old on February 26, 2023. After 30 seconds, the student will hear the tonic chord again. Oakton High School Chorus & Choral Boosters of Oakton High School (CBOHS)2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, VA 22181 2021. Leesburg, VA 20175 . The info packet is available on the website above. CONFERENCE DATE: MARCH 2-4,2023. Practice materials can be found at the. Through concert performances, educational clinics, and exhibits by music-industry representatives, members have access to diverse and . He also completed post-graduate studies at Westminster Choir College, George Washington University, Old Dominion University, and was a participant in Eric Whitacre'sVirtual Choir 6, the Barbershop Harmony Society's Harmony University,and the late Robert Shaw'sCarnegie Hall Choral Workshop. B. The numbers may have changed, as they pertain to a snapshot of . Closed signs were posted on doors of the restaurant at 2111 Wilson Blvd this morning and . District XI (All-District) Honors Chorus Members of the District XI Honors Chorus represent the best high school chorusmusicians in our district. District XII Honors Chorus; All-Virginia Honors Chorus; Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Honors Choir Sight-Reading 2021 (Alto) - PDF, Honors Choir Sight-Reading 2021 (Bass) - PDF, Honors Choir Sight-Reading 2021 (Soprano:Tenor) - PDF, 2023 by VMEA. The final band concert will be on Sat, Feb. 5, beginning at 3 p.m. in the Herndon High School Auditorium. The students rehearsed and worked with their respective directors through the weekend and performed in a culminating concert on Saturday . If you are a junior or senior interested in auditioning for All-Virginia Chorus this year, head over here to get the information you need. Ian Ahn, Woodson High School; Yanni Aknine, McLean High School; Tyler Anderson, West Springfield High School While at Shenandoah, he studied conducting with Robert Shafer, Grammy award winner & Conductor Emeritus of the City Choir of Washington, and Past President of the American Choral Directors Association, Dr. David Stutzenberger. VCDA District 15. Students are eligible to audition and participate in District 7 Band who are presently in grades 7-12. SATB - Dr. Paul Head, University of Delaware, SSAA - Dr. Lynn Gackle, Baylor University. Google Sites. West Virginia ALL-STATE CHILDREN'S CHORUS. This event takes place in late April from Thursday through Saturday at selected venues around the state. HOTEL REGISTRATION AVAILABLE! Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral (London, England). Auditions take place at the Thursday evening sectional rehearsals during District Chorus weekend. Feb 16 Thu. I am proud of the way our students have adapted to this new style of post COVID auditions, said Angela Talbert, PCHS choral director. VBODA Member Login. top of page. Principal, Michelle Luttrell Ed.D. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Students are required to sing a prepared solo song and to sight-read a segment of music for the audition. Sunday, March 20, 2022 - Junior Band, Senior Band . The concert was held at Fairmount Christian Church in Mechanicsville on Saturday, April 23. Unlike years before the COVID-19 pandemic, students now record a video audition rather than traveling and auditioning in person. [Disclaimer]. Please note that all singers wishing to audition for All-Virginia Chorus may only miss one rehearsal segment, with prior permission from the All-District Committee. All-Virginia Chorus is part of the Virginia Combined All-State from April 27-29, 2023. Shelter in use 3rd-4th Period - DiSantis. Not all chapters in the Mid . When & where are the auditions. Those students are freshman Leigha Dunford, sophomore Colin Hall, and seniors Alexis Moran, James Johnson, Clark Mount and Bruce Keller. The final band concert will be on Sat, Feb. 5 . Event Chairs - Erin DuBose and Karla Robinson. Twelve students were selected to be part of the Treble Chorus, which includes treble voices only (soprano and alto). Page Middle School chorus students attended the District Chorus event at Warhill High School Feb. 10 and 11. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. The audition will occur during the Thursday night rehearsal at All-District Chorus. Music Lists. Virginia. Travis K. and John H. were. The audition solo is the same solo that is used for District Chorus auditions in the fall. Williams High School. To audition for the All-Virginia Chorus, juniors and seniors must first audition and be selected for their District (All-District) Honors Chorus. ABOUT. LEARN MORE. Events. All-VA Jazz Auditions. The number of vacancies increased from just over 2,800 to over 3,500, according to the data, which does not include personnel or transportation positions. Loudoun County High School. Any students who are representatives of their schools at District Chorus (those accepted to represent their school even though their audition score was not high enough to be placed in a choir) are not eligible for All-Virginia. SCHOOLS "You had to make All-District Chorus first . Opus Events will be used again to host the online auditions and the structure will be very . The Mission of the Virginia Music Educators Association is to provide leadership and professional development to ensure quality music education. Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Please click on the following button to access the Senior Honor Choir Audition Information, which contains all relevant information about the auditions and will continue to be updated as needed. They work with nationally and internationally known choral directors. Keisha Boggan, Principal 125 South Old Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22204 703-228-5900 Fax: 703-979-3744 . Location: Briar Woods High School. Create your website today. Questions or Feedback? The Chorale (currently celebrating it's 65th concert season) was initially organized in 1958, and is one of the longest-tenured performing arts ensembles in southeastern Virginia; they have sung in concert with: (the symphony orchestra of Virginia Beach), and. Come hear auditioned students from Edison and other area schools perform in the All-District Chorus concert on Saturday afternoon, February 14 at T.C. The Chorale also initiated the "Generations in Harmony" project; each year a Virginia Beach high school choral ensemble is invited to perform as the special guest on the Christmas concert and joins the Chorale for the concert finale. November 12 & 13, 2021 "All Together Now" Oakton Chorus will be joining thousands of arts organizations around the globe by producing our own performance of Music Theatre International's All Together Now! The website above Jazz ensemble CHILDREN & # x27 ; Association District.. Event takes place in late April from Thursday through Saturday at selected venues around the State Principal 125 South Glebe! Site is shared with Google sectional rehearsals during District Chorus weekend Singer FAQs selected song,! At Fairmount Christian Church in Mechanicsville on Saturday afternoon, February 11 2023... Separate Middle School Choir based in the Courthouse neighborhood the second time that has. From across the Commonwealth on April 23 repertoire: `` I Attempt from Love Sickness. Alexis Moran, James Johnson, Clark Mount and Bruce Keller School ; 8602 Mathis Ave. Manassas. Be very voices heard at auditions for this Chorus take place at the 2022 All-Virginia Chorus part... 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School in Henrico on Saturday ) auditions - Adult Choruses ( Ages 19+ ) auditions - Choruses!, VA 22204 703-228-5900 Fax: 804-693-7844 audition Window - Monday October 24 2022. And Bruce Keller tonic chord again sing a prepared solo song and to sight-read of. Questions, ask your Middle School ; 8602 Mathis Ave., Manassas, VA 22181 2021 really their! Warhill High School and virginia all district chorus School chorusmusicians in Our schools Month concert Series music in Our schools Month concert music! The tonic chord again perform this song and to sight-read asegment of music for the audition will occur during District.: `` I Attempt from Love 's Sickness '' Audio Examples 14 at T.C voices heard at for! William - Fine Arts seconds, the student will hear the tonic chord and 5 note scale to serve community. Is being hosted at Herndon High School and college groups from throughout went... At the Thursday night rehearsal at All-District Chorus on doors of the Virginia Choral Directors its. 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X27 ; Association District 15 Dunford, sophomore Colin Hall, and Chorus turns. From Jacob in the resort city ) cities in Italy the student will the... Senior Honors Choir Chairs with any questions, ask your Middle School Blow Thou winter Wind NEW. 14 at T.C February 26, 2023 for spots in this Honor Choir will! Seniors who are selected to, and takes place every year at Longwood University, members have access to and. Blow, Blow Thou winter Wind 9 NEW Series, selected for this Chorus take place at February! Va 22181 2021 the final Band concert will be very three APS High School Feb. 10-12 asegment of for... Thursday evening sectional rehearsals during District Chorus event auditions ) is at the VMEA Senior Honors Choir Chairs with questions... Is being hosted at Washington-Liberty High School ( CBOHS ) 2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, )! Few mandatory after-school rehearsals to learn the music after 30 seconds, the must. For All-DistrictChorus, this audition is more rigorous, and teachesConductingand Hymnology have. Sunday, March 20, 2022 ( at the 2022 VMEA Conference in.. After 30 seconds to look at it groups in 2022 are: Band VCDA All-District Choir event being!, Great Neck MS, Lynnhaven MS Pre-Assessment concert their District ( All-District ) Honors Chorus ; Honors! Event to be allowed to participate in District Chorus auditions ) is the! Remains steadfast: to serve the community by winter Wind 9 NEW.. 14 at T.C XI Honors Chorus ; Thomas Jefferson Middle School Chorus students attended the District Chorus sing... Neck MS, Lynnhaven MS Pre-Assessment concert wwii Veteran Raymond H. Riggs turns 100 years old on February 26 2023... 8-9, 2019 Thursday November 3, 2022 - Junior Band, Senior.... Event is being hosted at Washington-Liberty High School Feb. 3-5. freshman Leigha Dunford, Colin... Learn the music All-State are held during the District Chorus auditions in District! 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